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Your Weekend Homework: Name our new Class Pet
Our new class pet |
Some might call it "childish" or "elementaryish" but I call it cool. We have a new class pet in social studies! Perhaps you have noticed him hanging out on the top of my smartboard lately. One of my students (Jay-Rad) found this little guy abandoned in a hallway in our school. Well, he has found a home in room #610. We are going to have lots of fun with our new class pet. We can play dress-up, read to him, play catch, see who can hold their mouth open the longest! It's going to be a blast! However, one problem: our class pet doesn't have a name. So our first project is to give this little guy a name. Post comments with suggestions for names for our class pet, then we will vote on the best ones. Think originally and be creative! Give our class pet a name that means something! Remember what I named my family dog? (Princess Artemis Willow Faina of House Klumperfell of the Westeros Realm).
Post a comment on this blog post with your name suggestions.
Have a good weekend!
Jay rad
Albert or scooby-doo
how about dragon breath? its EPIC
Mr. Amazing (cause he makes everybodys jaw drop includibg his own)
What about Roger? :) He looks like a Roger to me. Or Pompeii... that would be not only good for the class pet but it's being nice to those who died in Pompeii. :)
What about Zeus?
alfred or chester
Klumpasoris because Mr. Klumper gave him a home!!! :)
Rexy:) besause hes a dinousar
lil K
Fred Gilp
Mini Klumper Jr.
If it's a boy-
Mr.Lil Awesomeness sparky of Klumper's class cool star-boy
If it's a girl-
Miss Lil awesomeness sparky of Klumper's class cool star-girl
spikey opened mouth dinosaur from the abandened realm adopted by big K to become lil k
Si Robertson
(from Duck Dynasty)
Dax Unga Kuara Chen Khufu Zeus Arthur Ballari Of The Klumper Realm
(Or Dukckzab (DUka-Zab) for short)
Spaz Attack
boy Alvin
girl alissia
green bean
Oh! I have another name... lil Komodo Klumper.
Ajay or Asher
I think he should be named billybobjoebobharris
GUNTER and you have to roll the "r"
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