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Otzi the Iceman frozen in ice |
The Four Theories:
1. Suffered Hypothermia
2. Was robbed
3. Assassinated
4. Died in battle
Task: Read through each Theory and tell me one detail from each theory that you think is the strongest. Then, state which theory you think happened. It couldn't have been all four, only one of them happened, but which one? The debate rages on...
Example Comment:
Suffered Hypothermia: (write one detail for this theory from the link provided)
Was Robbed: (one detail)
Assassinated: (one detail)
Died in Battle: (one detail)
Opinion: I think it was......(state which theory you think it was and WHY.)
In-Class Blogging.
Maybe he got sick and died in the mountain and fell off. Rod because he was not armed. Assignnatend because he had nothing on him. Maybe he was running with nothing and got shot and was killed. Rod because he had nothing on him when they found him.
I think he was assisted by another human.
AssAssinated:He had mushrooms known for there medical values.
Was robbed:Because he had pollen in his stomach.
Suffered hypothermia:His body was preserved in the ice scientists think he froze very quickly.
Died in battle:There was a intense border dispute at the time so there was probably a battle.
Opinion:I think it was assassinated because he had those valuable mushrooms in his backpack.
Suffered Hypothermia: He was found in the ice
Was Robbed: there was an arrow head in the back of his left shoulder.
Assasssinated: he had wierd tattoos on his body.
Hypothermia The cold turned his body into a mummy with yellow leathery skin
Was robbed He had pollen in his stomach
Assassined he had strange tattoos on his body
Died in battle blood was found on his stuff
Died of hypothermia: many claim that it is easy to get lost in the alps, did he lose his way and die of hypothermia? Was robbed, The robbers saw his flock and killed him for it, maybe so?
Sufferd hypothermia. Since his body was so well preserved that most scientists think that his body froze quickly after his death.
Was robbed.
Suffered hypothermia winter time. It was winter time and to cold to go on. Was robbed took all his food. Assassinated someone had a knife.
Suffered hypothermia: The temperature changed quickly in the alps and it was east to get lost so he could of froze to death because he was lost
Was robbed: They might of shot otzi in the back with an arrow and killed him and maybe took his sheep
Assassination: someone might of had a disagreement and killed him
Died in battle:
Assinated, somebody probably Assinated him because the probably wanted his things.
1Body was so well preserved
2Was moving with people
3He had tattoos on him maybe religious
4DNA samples were found in Otzi weapons
I believe in assinated theory
Hypothermia-could have happened since he was in a cold area.
Robbed- There was nothing in the birch canisters so it could have happened.
Assassinated - might have happened but had to have happened from behind.
Died in battle- also was likely but there was no other body's found around it.
I think it was robbed because nothing was found in the birch canisters.
I think Hypothermia because otzi sufferd from climate changes from warm to cold and got really sick or fell through the ice and could not escape.
Cold because he got frozen in ice.
Extra arrowheads and small objects.
The quiver because it was made out of branches and stone arrowheads.
Because his bow was unstrung.
Animal hide.
Hypothermia I think he got lost in the alps
Robbed I think he was killed by robbers shooting him with bow and arrow
Assassination I think he was murdered by a power-play conflict
Died in battle I think he died after he carried an injured companion to safety
Opinion I think he was assassinated
I think it was hypothermia that made Otzi die. Some scientists say that Otzi fell through thin ice and froze to death.
Otzi was found found with an arrowhead in his left shoulder, the scientists think maybe he was shot and a few hours later died when people stole his sheep.
Otzi could have been assassinated In a power-play conflict.
There was an intense argument at this time, and a battle happened to solve it, Otzi may have fought in this battle.
There must have been a border dispute between people and Neanderthals so he must have been killed in battle.?
Hypo: The cold turned his body into a mummy with yellow, leathery skin.
Rob:The robbers saw his flock and wanted it for their own profit.
Assainate:Otzi had mysterious tattoos on his body. Did these markings have religious significance?
Die in battle:He gather his belonging and And slumped over
My opinion: assainate because people may think of tattoos of rebelion
Was robbed: the artifacts that the people found didn't have a lot of stuff in them.
Suffered Hypothemioma: His body was so well preserved that most scientists think that he froze quickly after his death. The cold turned his body into a mummy with yellow, leathery skin.
Assassinated: He had a cut on his bone which could mean he died a painful death?
Died in battle: There was blood on some of the artifacts that were found which could mean he Was in battle and died.
I think that he was robbed because the people hardly found any artifacts and the robber probably stabbed him so he could get his stuff.
I think it was killed in battle because of the arrow in his shoulder
Hypo- they think that when he died he froze quick.
Rob- they found one arrow head in his left shoulder that tore his nerve and blood vesal that made him die.
Assassination- they think one of his followers did not agree with him so they killed him.
Died in battle- Trying to fix his other bows and got killed in the back
I think Otizi died of hypothermia because if you freeze something it will stay the same
I think he suffered from hypothermia because The weather can change very quickly in the Alps, some scientist believe
Otzi could have died of hypothermia
Hypothermia- Since the weather can change very fast in the Alps, scientisit think that he died by hypothermia and hypothermia is when your body tempature drops and freeze to death.
Robbed- Scientist think he got shoot with his arrow And had very bad bleeding due to vessels torn and more.
Was Robbed:Otzis had pollen in his stomach.
Hypothermia:His body was so well preserved that scientistnthinknhe froze quickly after death
Hypothermia: It is easy to get lost in the alps so he could've froze to death.
Robbed: There were one inch arrowheads in his shoulder so that could be one way to think of robbery.
Assasnated: There were tattoos that could mean he w into a religion that someone else might not like.
Died in battle: They took DNA samples of the blood on his things and it was four different peoples blood. So this mean it might've been a battle
I think it was the battle because war has always been around and there were arrowheads in his shoulder.
Robbed he had a arrowhead in his shoulder.
Robbed he had a arrowhead in his shoulder.
Hypothermia- his skin was yellow and preserved like a mummy.
Robbery- there was a arrowhead in his shoulder and had signs of bleeding to death and his ax was gone.
Assassination- only A leader would have a copper ax because they were valuable.
Died in battle- there again was a arrowhead in his shoulder also had blood on different weapons from 3 different people.
Hypothermia- scientist think he died because of the harsh conditions it could have been blizzidering for all we know
Robbed- people think since utzi had all of that warm stuff on the alps would steel his cloths and weapons.
Assassination- he could have been assasined from the back because the arrow from his bag who knows.
Died in a battle- There where intense border dispute between the people at that time And a battle occurred to solve it. He could have died that way.
My opinion is the assassination because he had all that worm stuff on and the alps could have needed that stuff so that's what I think
Suffered hypothermia, the body was so well preserved that scientist think that he froze quickly after his death. Was robbed scientist found a arrow in Otzi's left shoulder the arrow tore through nerves,blood vessels,shattering his left shoulder blade and paralizing his arm. Assassinated, Otzi had mushrooms for medical values. Died in battle! There was a border dispute at the time, and a battle occurred to solve it.
I think that he died from hypothermia because he was found with his shoes off and if it was really cold why else would he do that....I also think he could have died in battle because he had a arrowhead in his shoulder and he had blood on his clothing and weapons.
He suffered hypothermia. That is the strongest.
Then he was assassinated. The next strongest.
Then he was robbed. The next strongest.
Then died in a war. The next strongest.
I think Otzi suffered hypothermia because the weather can change quickly in the Alps and he probably got hypothermia and died.
Hypothermia people, or scientist think that the reason why Otiz froze is because of his yellow leathery skin.
Robbery people think that the reason he got robbed,was because he got shot with an arrow in the left shoulder, then they stole his sheep.
Assassinated It could have been one of his followers killed him, because they didn't aggre with something he did.
Killed in battle Otiz could have been killed in battle, there's a arrow in his shoulder to prove it.
I think it was assasinated because some of his stuff where missing the only reason why the axe wasn't took was he probably couldn,t find it.
They think he froze because he was o well preserved . They found an arrow head in his shoulder.They think he was in a fight with someone an the murdered him.They think.he died in battle because there four different blood stains.
I think he was assassinated.I think that he got shot by somebody with a spear, and after the people shot him they took his clothes and left him there. That is how he died.
I think it was hypothermia, because of his leathered skin.
Robbery 1. I think his body froze quickly After his death and the cold turned his body into a Yellow leathery Skin.
Was robbed 5. The robbers saw his flock and wanted his own profit.
Assasinated 5. Copper axes were valuable and a Sign of power.
Died in battle 5. Before he died Otzi arranged his belongings On the ledge.
I think it was a robbery
Died in battle he had other pepoples blod on him and his arrow tip had blode on it.
Hiperthrmya he had yellow leathery skin
Robbery he could be leading his sheep and saw them and ran then got hit in the sholder blade running
Asainated he could be a leader he had a Reilly expensive hand ax and he had weird markings
Suffered hypothermia: many scientists think that Otzi was so well preserved that he froze in a short amount of time after his death.
Was robbed: he was found with an arrowhead in his shoulder, that led to enternal bleeding which may have caused his death.
Assassination: he may have been assassinated in a power play conflict.
Hypothermia- Many claim it is easy to get lost in the alps, he may have got lost and froze to death. Robbery- They found a arrow in his left shoulder blaid that shaderd his shoulder and paralysed his left arm, he may have been shot and bled to death.Assasinated- Otzi had mysterious tattoos on his body they may have a reliogus meaning to them.Battle- DNA samples found 4 different types of blood.
I think he died of hypothermia. Course he was found in ice and if you are in ice I think you will die of hypothermia.
I think he was robbed because if he died in battle his bow would of been strung and after he was robbed he might of died of hypothermia but i don't think he was assasinated because he was not rich you know
They said that he might of fell in water and couldn't escape.
He might of been a Shepard because he had warm cloathing that would keep him warm in the Alps.Otzie's joints Had very little Deterioration.There was blood on his weapons and coat they tested all those things and it said that they were all blood from different humans.
Hypothermia:Otzi may have gotten lost and froze to death in the Alps
Robbed: Otzi may have been a shepherd and some people saw him with his sheep and killed him for them.
Assasinated: Otzi may have been a religios leader and someone did not like it so they killed him.
Died in battle: There might have been a fight for borders and Otzi may have fought in this war.
Also my opinion is that Otzi died of hypothermia in the Alps.
Hypothermia: Many claim that it is easy to get lost in the alps. Perhaps he lost his way and froze to death.
Robbed: During that time of year, it was common for shepherds to move their flock to pastures in the Alps. Was Otzi in the mountains at the time with his flock?
Assassinated: Copper axes were valuable and a sign of power. Some say that only a leader would own an axe like this one.
Died in battle: There was an intense border dispute between the people at that time, and a battle occurred to solve it. Otzi may have fount in this battle.
I think that he died from hypothermia because he was found in the ice so I think that he froze to death and I think that's why they call him Otzi the iceman.
assassinated: OTzi was found with an arrow in his shoulder this means Otzi could have been a hated neanderthal (or man) and he was Assasinated for wrongdoing or he could have been a great leader in battle and was so an invasion could be easier.
those are my thoughts
I think he was robbed. Because his canister which is used for holding arrow heads was empty and I think it should be filled with arrow heads
When he was found he had no shoes on because he might got a warm feeling because hypthmia.They thought otzi was a shepherd because he had leggings and boots the robbers say his flock and wanted the flock. They say that Otzi can be an assassination in an power play conflict.
One detail is An arrowhead was torn threw Otzis shoulder blade and shattered witch parlaized his left shoulder and then he was down probly and then they robbed him
Hypothermia : he was found without shoes
Robbed: arrow head was found in his shoulder f
Shot from behind mabey he was running from the robbers
Assassinated:had a bronze hand axe only owns by people of power
Died in battle different blood found around him
Hypothermia : he was found without shoes
Robbed: arrow head was found in his shoulder f
Shot from behind mabey he was running from the robbers
Assassinated:had a bronze hand axe only owns by people of power
Died in battle different blood found around him
Because the weather can change so quickly in the Alps, some scientists believe that Otzi could have died of hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature drops significantly. In other words, many think that Otzi froze to death.
The robbers saw his flock and wanted it for their own profit. When Otzi saw the men coming after him, he ran away. Did the robbers pursue him and shoot him in the back with an arrow, kill him, and then take his sheep?
Copper axes were valuable and a sign of power. Some say that only a leader would own an axe like this one.
DNA samples were gathered from Otzi’s weapons, clothing, and tools. Blood from four different people was found on these items. The blood found on his dagger was from one individual. Blood from two individuals was found on his arrow. On his coat was another individuals blood. How did this blood get there?
Hipothermia because he lived in a very cold climate and he could of fell through the ice
I think it was hypothermia because a lot of people say it is easy to get lost in the alps and that the temperature can change very quickly and people think that he got lost and his body temperature got to low and he suffered hypothermia.
I think Otzi died because of hypothermia because
He had yellow leathery skin caused by the cold winter
He also could have got lost and froze to death
Otzi could have fallen through thin ice and gotten trapped
Otzi was found with his shoes off and in the state of hypothermia you feel very warm
He might have died because of the cold if he got lost,or a robber might have wanted his flock and killed him,he could have been assasianated because people didn't like him or because people didn't like him. I think he died from the weather he probably got lost and then froze to death
I think he died from hypothermia because he could've just felt really sick and couldn't walk anymore. Plus since it was really cold nobody probably was around. Therefore he couldn't be saved. Another suggestion would be he got lost.
I think he was assassinated because he owned a copper axe which is valuable and a sign of power. They say he fell over dead and if he got shot in the shoulder popping his shoulder blade he probably would have died later on. He also had his left shoulder in front of him which could have mean he felt pain in that area. But that's only what I think.
1. Suffered hypothermia
The weather could have gotten bad before Otzi got to where he was going.
2.Was robbed
Otzi could have been a shepard and someone wanted his sheep, so they shot him.
3. Assasinated
Otzi's tattoos could have been for a religious perpous. Someone might have followed him and shot him.
4. Died in battle
Four different peoples blood were found on Otzi's things, they could have been from fighting
I think that Otzi died in battle because of the different kinds of blood found. The blood found on his coat could have been from saving someone.
I think he died from a murderer. They say he might have been a religious leader sO some people probably didn't like him. Also some people believe that he froze to death, they say this because weather can change really fast in the alps. Also he could have been robbed, they say this because they think he was a Shepard and somebody could have wanted his sheep. Another reason is that he fought in a battle, a clue to this theory is there were four different kinds of blood on his shirt. I actually think he died from a murderer.
Froze to death
Arrow in the head
Robed in shot in shoulder
Carrying a companion
Maybe assassination what I think
The theory hypothermia is possible because his skin was very yellowed. The robbery theory is possible because they found an arrow loged in his back. The assassinated theory is possible because he could have been a Sheaperd and someone wanted his sheep. The died in battle theory is possible because only had two finished arrows because he could have shot all the others in battle. Overall I think the robbery theory is what happened.
Theory 1# hypothermia, His body was so well preserved That most scientist Think that he fell over and froze quickly after his death.
Theory 2# Roberry, Many villagers were Sheperds. During that time of year It was common for Sheperds to move there flock to The pastures of the alps.
Theory 3# assassination, His joints had very little desperation.
I think otzi was robbed then murdered. Why because he was found laying on the ground with his arm under his chest.Hypothermia could be a reason because Many people claim its easy to get lost in the alps. Robbed because some robbers saw his flock and wanted it for them selves.Assasinated because he could have been in a power play and he had a copper axe. Died in battle because before he died he spread his stuff out on the ledge in front of him and slumped over.
Theory one with hyperthermia probably he got lost and freezes to death. Theory two was when he was shot in the back and the people who killed him probably took his flock of sheep. Theory three was when someone who didn't like polictics or his religise.
Hypothermia,Many claim that it is easy to get lost in the Alps. So Mabye he got lost and frost to death.
Assasination, Otzi had strang tattoos on him, was he a religous leader.
Befor he died he arranged his belongs ona ledge around him and slumped over.
Suffered hypothermia- many people say its easy to get lost in the alps. He may have gotten lost and froze to death.
Got robbed- he may have been a shepherd. There was pollen found in his stomach from the trees where shepherds usually move their sheep.
I think Otzi was robbed because he was in the Alps that's were most shepherds lead there sheep. The robbers might have wanted to take his sheep or his belongings there was a arrowhead found in his left shoulder. He could have also frozen to death. He also had a lot of things he could have also been assassinated. Blood of differant people was found on his cloths his dagger and his arrow heads.
Hypothermia-His body was preserved So well that scientists think that he froze and died from hypothermia.
Robbed-Many Neanderthals back then were sheapards and sheapards often got robbed
Assassination- Otzi could have been assassinated in war.
Died in war- ther was a strict boarder dispute so people would start wars over land.
I think that Otzi died from hyperthermia
I think he was assassinated because he owned a copper axe which is valuable and a sign of power. He also got shot in the shoulder blade which meaned he could have died afterward.
RobbedMany villagers back then were shepherds he might have been a shepherded.
1. I think it was died from hypothermia because he could have definitely could have fallen through thin ice and was unable to escape
2. Scared by robbers and the robbers might have shot him with arrows.
Otizi could have froze to death since the weather changes rapidly.
Otizi could have been robbed because he had things that were rare like the copper ax.
Otizi could have been assinated because he could have been a leader and people didn't like what he did.
Otizi could have been involved in the fight that occurred between two groups
I think he was assassinated because a arrowhead was found in his back
suffered hypothermia: When they found otzi his skin it was badly decomposed. this can happen when sudmerged in cold water.
was robbed: They found a mark where a 1 inch arrowhead makes. This causes heavy internal bleeding which they found signs off.
assassinated: Otzi had mysteriuos religious tatoos on his body. Maybe he was a religous leader.
died in battle: before he died, otzi arranged his belongings on the ledge around him and then slumped over.
sorry i forgot to put this one on my comment :(
opinion: I think it was suffered hypothermia because they found him FROZEN IN ICE! Also because the found his skin and muscle tissue decomposed which is caused by submergeing in cold water.
Suffered hypothermia: When suffering from hypothermia one feels a warm sensation. Otzi was fond without his boots,could have felt the sensation of hypothermia?
Was Robbed: Otzi possibly could be a sheperdand and was killed by robbers who wanted his flock.
Assassinated: Otzi was fond with mysterious tattoos that could repersent relegious leadership. Could the villigers not agree with his preaching and decided to assassinate him?
Died In Battle: 4 different indivitial blood aqround him this could mean that he could have killed many in battle or he carried fellow men out of the battle zone.
What i think is Otzi may have fought in a battle and carried wounded men from the battle field and was shot in the shoulder. After bieng shot he fled to find somewhere safe but soon died of blood loss or hypothermia. Later someone found him dead and took vaubles from him.
HE sufferd hypothermia and frozed to his death
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