Monday, September 5, 2011

A Delicious Ancient Recipe

Ever have trouble remembering something? You know the name but can't quite put your finger on it? Perhaps its something you have even said before and its on the tip of your tongue, but just can't seem to recall it? Well, many people experience that problem. It's called "forgetfulness" and some people have it worse than others. But no matter what, we have all forgotten something at one point or another. Since this can become a problem, we need a solution-and I have one. It helps people remember things when it is tied to something they like. So, if we take something we are suppose to remember and tie it to something that is meaningful to us, we will be more likely to remember it. Since we are beginning the Ancient World this week, I want to help you remember the names of the ancient worlds we will be studying about. To help you remember, I took all the names of the ancient worlds and combined it with something I love. Hopefully, this helps you become more familiar with the names of these ancient places. Now, complete your task!

Task #1: Watch the Video.

Task #2: To help remember the names, connect the names of the Ancient world to the "item" from the Artery Clogger Hamburger. What ancient names goes with what food item?

Example: "Stone Age is the grill"


3 sarah g said...

stone age = grill, ancient eygep=hamberger,ancient China= white cheese,ancient india=egg, ancient greece = penut butter,ancient roum = bun, mideviel time =ranch

3 marshall e said...

Grill=stoneage Botom part of the bun=mesopotamia Hamber= Egypt. Chesse is China. Egg= India Penet buder is Greece. Top part of the bun is Rome.

3 Hailey s said...

Stone age = grill mesopatiamia = bottem bun burger = ancient egypt chese = ancient china egg = ancient india peanut butter = ancient greece top bun = ancient rome ranch bressing = medieval times

3 Dylan B said...

The grill is the stone age. Mesopotamia is the bun (bottom).Ancient egypt is the burger.Ancient china is the cheese.Ancient india is the egg.Ancient greece is the peanut butter.ancient rome is the top bun.Medevil times is the buttermilk.

3felicityk said...

Stone age= grill. mesopotamia = bottom bun. Egypt = hamburger. China= cheese. Greece= peanut butter. Rome = top bun. Mideval times = ranch

Anonymous said...

Grill- Stone age Bun- Mesopotamia Hambuger- Egypt Cheese- Ancient China Egg- ancient India Peanut butter- Greece Bun- Rome Ranch- Midevil times -3Hannahh

3 Alexis S said...

Stone Age = Grill, Mesotamia = Bottom Bun, Egyipt = Hamburger, China = Cheese, India = Egg, Greese = Peanut Butter, Rome = Top bun, Medivil times = Ranch

3seths said...

stone age/grill
greece/peanut butter
medival times/ranch

3Jonas K said...

Stone age=Grill
Mesopetamia=Bottom Bun
Ancient Egypt=Meat Patty
Ancient China=Cheese
Ancient India=Egg
Ancient Greece=Peanut Butter
Ancient Rome=Top Bun
Midieval Times=Ranch

3Jacob J said...

Task #2 Grill= Stone Age. Bottom bun= Mesopotamia. Burger = Ancient Egypt. Cheese= Ancient China. Egg= Ancient India. Peanut buter= Ancient Greece. Top bun= Ancient Rome. Ranch = Mideval Times.

3lacey e said...

Grill=Stone age
Bottom Bun=Mesopotaniea
Acient Egupt=Meat
Acient China=Cheese
Acient India=Fried Egg
Acient Greese=Penut Butter
Acient Rome=Top Bottom
Mid Evil Times=Ranch

3valoreeh said...

Stone Age = Grill
Bun = mesopotamia
Ham burger = Ancient Egypt
Cheese = Ancient China
egg = Ancient India
Peanut Buter = Acient greece
Other Bun = Acient Rome
Ranch = Medieval Times

cade3 said...

Task#2 Stone age grill. Mesopotanmia. Hamburger Ancient Egypt. Ancient China cheese. Ancient India egg. Ancient Greece peatnut butter. Ancient Rome bun. Medieval Times ranch.

3rebecca s said...

task #2 stone age:grill
mesoptaniea:bottom bun
ansient egupt:hamburger
ansient chiana:cheese
annsient indea:egg
ansient greece:penutt butter
ansient rome: top bun
middle east: ranch

3kainep said...

hey mr. klumper i am not very good at remembering things . with that said i dont realy remember what they were but i do know is that the very goor working eleritic start stone age is the grill but thats almost all i remember.

3paigem said...

grill=stone age

bottom bun=mesopotamia






ranch=mid evil time

3 tessaj said...

Grill= Stone age
bottom bread=Mesopotamia
burger=Ancient Egypt
cheese=Ancient China
egg=ancient india
peanut butter=ancient greece
top bread= ancient rome

4bradyd said...

Bottom bun:Stone age
India:Fried egg
Chinese: Peanut Butter
Top Bun:Rome
Ranch: Middle Age

4bradyd said...

Bottom bun:Stone age
India:Fried egg
Chinese: Peanut Butter
Top Bun:Rome
Ranch: Middle Age

4georgek said...

bottom bun is mesopotamia.the burger is egypt.the cheese is china.the egg isindia. the peanut butter is greece. the top bun is rome.the ranch is the midevil times.

4kaneT said...

bottem bun mesopotamia
buger Egypt
fried egg inda
cheese china
penet butter greese
top bun rome
ranch madeval times

4 Amanda R. said...

Stone Age-Grill Mesopotamia-Bun Egypt-Burger China-Cheese India-Fryed Egg Greece-Peanut Butter Rome-Bun

4mitchellg said...

1 stone age gril
2 mesopotamia bottom bun
3 ancent egypt hamburger
4 ancient china cheese
5 ancient india egg
6 ancient greese pennut butter
7 ancient rome top bun
8 midd evil times

4Rachael c said...

Stone Age:grill
Mesopotimoia:bottom bread of the cloger
Ancient Eygpt:meat of the cloger
China:chesse to clogger
India:omlet to the cloger
Greece:peanut butter
Rome:top bun
middle ages:ranch

4 Natalie W said...

Grill- Stone Age
Bun- Mesothemia
Hamburger- Ancient Egypt
Cheese- Ancient China
Egg- Ancient India
Peanut Butter- Ancient Greece
Bun- Ancient Rome
Buttermilk- Medival Times

4elizabeth said...

I remember the meat is from egypt, the cheese was china and the frist thing whase meopotamia,grease pb,I think the egg is india.

4elizabethd said...

The grill is Stone age
Bottom Bun -Mesatamia
Hamburger- Egypt
Cheese- China
Egg- India
peanut butter- Greece
Top Bun- ancient Rome
Ranch-medival times

4courtney k said...

Stone Age: grill
Mesopetamia: bottom bun
Ancient Egypt: burgur
Acient China: cheese
Ancient India: egg
Ancient Greece: peanut butter
Ancient Greece: top bun
Midevil Times: ranch

4jerrod w said...

1.the grill was the stoneage.
2.mesopotamia was the bottom bun.
3.ancient egypt was the hamburger.
4.cheese was ancient china.
5.acient india was the egg.
6.acient greece is the peanut butter.
7.acient rome is the top bun.
8.medeval time is the ranch.

6Tessa V said...

Stone Age- is the grill
Bottom Bun-Mesopotamia
Hamburger-Ancient Egypt
Cheese-Ancient China
Fried Egg-Ancient India
PeanutButter-Ancient Greece
Top Bun- Ancient Rome

6rees v said...

The grill is the stone age. the bottom bun is messobutamia. the burger is ancient egypt. the cheese is ancient china. the egg is ancient india. the pennute butter is ancient greece. the top bun is ancient rome.

6brooke t said...

the stone age is the grill. mesopatamia is the bottton part of the bun. The ancient egipt was the ham burger. The ancient china is the cheese. The ancient indea is the fried egg. The ancient greese is the peanut butter. and The ancient rome is the top part of the bun.

6kinsey l said...

stone age= grill
mesopotmia= bottom bun
egypt= hamburger
china= cheese
india= fried egg
greece= peanut butter
rome= top bun
medieval times= ranch

6devon l said...

stone age was the grill. The bottom bun was mesopotamia. the hamburger was egypt. the cheese was china. the egg was india. the peanut butter was greece. the ranch was the medievil times.

6Taylor R said...

Task #1
stone age- grill
bottom bun- Egypt
Cheese- China
creamy butter- Greece
top bun- Rome
Ranch- Medieval Times

6charliew said...

grill= stone age/ bun= mesopatamia/meat= egypt/cheese= ancient china/egg= ancient india/peanut butter=ancient greece/bun ancient rome/ranch= midevil times.

6ty b said...

The reipe is Egypt mespotamia rome china inda and ancint greece mt

6faith b said...

1. Stone age was the grill
2. Mesepotamia (I don't know how to spell that) was the bottom bun
3. Egypt was the meat
4. China is cheese
5. India was the egg

6masonR said...

1. The Stone Age is the grill
2. The Mesopotamia is the bun
3. Ancient Egypt is the burger
4. China is cheese
5. India is a fried egg
6. Greece is peanut butter
7. Rome is the top bun
8. Medieval Times is ranch

6emily r said...

Task #2: Stone Age- grill
Mesopotamia- bottom bun
Egypt- hamburger
China- cheese
India- egg
Greece- peanut butter
Rome- top bun
Medievel Times- ranch

alex m said...

The stone age was the grill. The .stone age started everything like the grill. 2. Mesopotamia is a bottem bun. It was a small part of the ancient world.3. ancient egypt was a big in the ancient world because it was a hamburger. 4. china was a smaller part of ancient world than mesopotamia.

3Brayden H said...

Stone age = grill mesopotamia = bottom bun Egypt = burger China = cheese India = egg Greece = peanut butter Rome = top bun Medieval times = ranch Dealeted scenes = HILLARIOUS

8Kaitlin A. said...

Ancient Rome is the peanut butter

8McClaneA. said...

Stone Age = grill
Mesopotamia = bottom bun
Eygyt = hamburger
Chiana = cheese
India = fried egg
Greece = peanut butter
Rome = top bun
Mideavil times = Ranch

8sadiesehr said...

stone age is the grill mesopotamia is the bun ancient egypt is the meat ancient china is the cheese ancient india is the egg ancient greece is the peanut butter ancien rome is the top bun midevil times is the ranch

8kiersten k said...

The grill is the stoneage!
The burger is egypt!
Chessa is china!
Egg india!
Peanut butter is grees!
Bread rome !
Ranch is mid evil time

8kaitlyn w said...

Stonage is the grill.
Egypt is the hamburger.
China is the cheese.
India is the egg.
Greese is the peanut butter.
Rome is the top bun.
Mid Evil Times is the ranch.

8karissa t said...

Grill is the stone age, Mesopotamia is the bottom part of the bun, Ancient Egypt is the hamburger, Ancient China is the cheese, Ancient India is the egg, Ancient Greece is the penaut butter, and then Ancient Rome is the top part of the bun, Mideveival times is the ranch dressing.

8dawsons said...

Stoneage is the grill
Mesowmatamea is a bottom of bun
Egipet is the meat
China is the cheeses
Indea is Grece is the penetbutter
Rome is the top of the bun

O ya I want 1 of the Ancient Artery Clogger.

8Zenf said...

bottom bun=Mesopotamia
burger=Ancient Eygt
chesse=Ancient china
egg=Ancient Idia
p-nut butter=Ancient Greece
top bun=Ancient Rome
ranch=Midevil times

8ethanl said...

stone age is the grill. aicent ejipt is the burger. mepatamia is the bottum bun. aicent china is cheese. ancent indea is the egg. aicent grece is penut buter. acent rome is top bun. medival times is the ranch.

8kennedyv said...

Grill, Stoneage.
Mesopatamia, Bun.
Ancient Egypt, meat.
Ancient China, cheese.
Ancient India, egg.
Ancient Greece, peanut butter.
Ancient Rome, top bun.

8henryw said...

grill the stone age
mesopna the bun
eagpt the meat
chian the chease
indea the egg
grees the peabutter

8 hannahh said...

Stone age is the grill
Mesopotamia is the bottom bun
Anceint Eyjept is the hambuger Anceint Chinia is the cheese Anceint India is the egg
Anceint Greece is the peanut butter
Anceint Rome is the top bun Midevil times- ranch

8max w said...

Mesopatopia is the bottom bun. Ancient Egypt is the meat. The white cheese is ancient china. Ancien india is the fried egg. Anciant Greece is the peanutbutter. The top bun is Ancien Rome. Ranch is Mid Eavil Times.

9reedv said...

the grill is the stone age the bun is the mesopatea then ancient egypt then ancient china then ancient india then ancient greece and last the midd evil times.

9loretah said...

Mesopotamia,Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Midieval times

9derekg said...

stone age , mesopotamia,ancient egypt,ancient china,ancient india, ancient rome, and ancient greece, and midevil times.

9KelsyS. said...

Stone age is the grill,the next is the hamburger bun which is the mesopatina. The burger is ancient Egypt. The cheese is ancient China. The fried egg is ancient India. The peanut butter is ancient Greece.

9Thuha H said...

Stone age is the grill
Bun is Mesopotania
Meat is Egypt
Fry Egg is India
Cheese is China
Peanutbutter is Greese
Bun is Mesopotania

9lindseys said...

Grill:Stone age
Bottom Bun:Mespotamia
Ancient egypt: Hamburger
Ancient china: cheese
Ancient india: Fried egg
Ancient greece: peanut butter
Ancient rome: Top bun

9 Sydnee P said...

The Stone Age is the grill. Mesopotamia is the bottom bun. Ancient Egypt is the hamburger. Ancient China is the cheese. Ancient India is the egg. Ancient Greece is the peanut butter. Ancient Rome is the top bun. The Medieval Times is the ranch.

9 Sydnee P said...

The Stone Age is the grill. Mesopotamia is the bottom bun. Ancient Egypt is the hamburger. Ancient China is the cheese. Ancient India is the egg. Ancient Greece is the peanut butter. Ancient Rome is the top bun. The Medieval Times is the ranch.

9KaitlynG said...

stone age- Grill
Mesopotamia- Bottom bread
Ancient Egypt- Meat
Ancient China- Cheese
Ancient India-Egg
Ancient Greece-Peanut Butter
Ancient Rome- Top Bread

9 Christine C said...

Stone age is the grill. Mesophioma is the bun. The hamburgar is anciant egypt. The cheese is anciant china. anciant india is the egg. The peanut butter is the Anciant rome. The ranch is the mid eval times

9brenden said...

egept is hamebreger and lookes good greec penutbutter china chees mesopetameu bread angent indeyu agg

9Lincy r said...

grill is the stone age
bun is mesotopia
meat is Ancient Egypt
cheese is Ancient China
fried egg is Ancient India
peanut butter is Ancient Greece
bun is Ancient Rome
buttermilk ranch is the medival times

8BrianW said...

The Stone Age is the grill. Mesopotamia is the bun on the bottom. Ancient Egypt is the burger. Ancient China is the cheese. Ancient India is the fried egg. Ancient Greece is the peanut butter. Ancient Rome is the top bun. Medival Times is the ranch dressing.

Jessica Tofteland 7th Grade said...

Hey!!! You forgot the second N in AncieNt. On the shirt.

Jacob The AWESOME Bentson said...

Hey Mr.Klumper give seth short in your 3rd period a very hard time on Friday the 16th hehehehe tell him i told you to Jacob Bentson your favorite 8th period student alive hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha