Another first for Mesopotamia: Laws. Before Mesopotamian civilization, the world was without Laws. People of the world could go out, do whatever horrible acts they wanted, and go unpunished. The people had no consequences, they had no punishments. There was nothing to hold them accountable for their actions, nothing hanging over their head, discouraging them from committing crimes. That is, until Hammurabi entered the scene. Hammurabi, the king of Babylonia which is in Mesopotamia, came along and wrote down a set of laws. It was this set of the laws that began to instill some order and justice in the world. A group of people without a written set of laws is no civilization at all, therefore, Hammurabi's Code was a major step toward establishing Mesopotamia as a legitimate civilization. We have been discussing some of the laws in class. We have discussed the basic principle: "eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth." We have also seen how harsh the consequences are for breaking Hammurabi's laws. Some would say the punishments are too harsh. Some would say the punishments are justified. That, though, is for you to decide for yourself. I have listed four laws below from the Code of Hammurabi. I have also listed the Code of Hammurabi website link to see more of the laws. I want you to think about the Code of Hammurabi by reading the four laws I have posted for your and/or reading additional laws from the link. Four Laws from the Code of Hammurabi: 1. If a man has put our the eye of another man, they shall put our his eye as well. 2. If a builder has built a house for a man, with the result that the house falls down and kills the owner, the builder shall be put to death. 3. If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand. 4. If a man has accused another man and has brought a charger of murder against him but has not proved it, the accuser shall be put to death.
Answer the following Questions by telling me what YOU think: 1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws? 2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia? 3. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer. 4. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe? 5. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code? 6. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...)
In-Class Blogging.
Andrew B p. 3
1.He wanted to instill order and justice in the civilization. 2.It made a better civilization and less crime ect. 3.So they can insure for a safe society 4.So people wouldnt do them. 5.Many more people would have been put to death. 6.That i have to do my chores around the house every day. Or be able to bring pets to school
1: Because he felt that there was to much crime in his city. 2: It made it so that there was less crime. 3: Yes, if they didn't have the laws then we probably woildnt have laws so it would be very bad. 4: So that the crime would lessen alot. 5: The world would be very hectic. 6: The law that effects me most is the no phone rule in school. I would change that you HAVE to go to school if you are not sick to you DON'T have to go to school if you don't want to
1: Because he felt that there was to much crime in his city. 2: It made it so that there was less crime. 3: Yes, if they didn't have the laws then we probably woildnt have laws so it would be very bad. 4: So that the crime would lessen alot. 5: The world would be very hectic. 6: The law that effects me most is the no phone rule in school. I would change that you HAVE to go to school if you are not sick to you DON'T have to go to school if you don't want to
1. People could go around and do whatever they wont with out getting punished.
2. If you pke out a eye they could poke out an eye back at you.
3. because because if you go around poking peoples eyes out then they should get to poke out your eye back.
4. because it would hurt if you do that so if you do that they could do it back to you.
5. a lot people would be gone baecause if you do do that like lets say if u go around killing people then a lot of people would be dead in this world right now.
6. my rules would be that u should be able to clean your room after you go to a friends house and that you can make your own rules but mom and dad give in to me all the time.
well this is also stupid because people cpuld wht ever when ever so this is the most stupid thing i ever herd of and its not about me but these people should do something about it and its about they did this world would be mest up if the didnt have any laws we would be dead if there any laws so i think thet its more stupid then the eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth.
1. Because every body could do anything they wanted and not get punished. even if the killed someone. 2.People stoped hurting people because they knew the consiquenses that the would be given. 3.Yes, if they didnt i wouldnt wanna be walking down the street and get killed for no aparnet reason and beacause everyone need a little disapline in their life. 4.Because people didnt listen for a while until they got suvire. 5.The world would be full of violence...and crule. 6.The rules that effect me are like washing dishes and putting awy my clothes.I would change haveing 3 minutes between classes to like 5 min. and i would have skool go to 1:18 enstead of 3:18.
#1- Hammurabi made a set of laws to instill some order and justice into the world.
#2- The code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia by making it a legitimate civilization.
#3- I think the people needed these laws because if they didn't have them they would just KILL everyone.
#4- I think he made the consequences so severe to teach people lessons.
#5- If we still had his code today it would be mass destruction.
#6- The law that effects me the most is not being able to drive until I'm 16 (soon to be 18). I would change school times so that school would be 5 hours long instead of 7 hours.
1.People were doing bad stuff in Mesopotamia and here came along Hammurrabi and set a law of codes. 2.It changed Mesopotamia by the harsh laws.If one of the laws were betrayed they would get a harsh punishment such as getting something cut off or death. 4.To stop the bad things from happening. 5.Today you would have to be really careful about what you do, because the Code of Hammurabi has a lot of stupid laws. 3.No. I don't think they needed these harsh laws and punishments. 6.I would change the school rule,no cell phones on inside the building.I would allow cell phones in the building if i could make the rules.
#1 People could go out, do whatever horrible acts they wanted, and go unpunished. #2It changed the people becuase if they hurt someone that would happen to them. #3 Yes becuse they need a punishment becaus they could just go and do it again. #4 If you do something painful to another person they should do it back to you. #5 There would be a lot of people dead in our world. #6 Doing my chores. I would change one of the school rule which is to have cell phones in the class rooms during school hours.
1. Because then not everyone would get away with the cruel things that they did to other people and if they stikk did cruel things they woud have to do a eye for eye and tooth for tooth.
1, because if they did not have laws people could do whatever cruelity they wanted and not get in trouble. 2this set of the laws that began to instill some order and justice in the world and towrads the people 3 I do think they needed laws but not these kind of laws 4he thinks they make it justified
He made those laws because everyone could do whatever they wanted and not get in trouble for it. The Code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia by now pretty much if you did something wrong you would die or get something cut off. I think they needed thoe laws because otherwise people could do whatever they wanted. He made them so severe because otherwise people would keep doing it. I think nobody would want to be alive nor live here and I know that I wouldn`t like it. The laws I think are iving laws. I think that I would change the fact that you can`t drive at a certain age. I want to drive that`s a fact.
Hammurabi made the rules so he could keep people safe and be in gharge. The code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia because it made people be carful what they did to other people.I think they needed the laws to be safe so people could not hurt them and if they did the same thing would happen to them. He made them severe so that other people wouldn't try to do the thing they did. It would be very hard to do anything with Hammurabis code because if you barly did something you would have a bad consaquents. If you would accuse sombody of something because well I never have any evadents to prove my bro or sis.
1. So everything went his way 2. It made people think before they acted and not tattle 3. Yes I think the people needed the laws but they didn't have to be so harsh. I think they needed them so they didn' go crazy 4. Because he thaught that was how it should be and maybe he was mean 5. The world would probibly have half as mny people. 6. I would change it that you CAN lay down and fall asleep in a cheese factory!
1. So people wouldn't do whatever they wanted anymore. 2. There wasn't as many crimes anymore. 3. Yes they wouln't do very many crimes anymore. 4. I don't know. 5. There would be a lot of deaths. 6. No sleeping in a cheese factory. I wouldn't have to do my laundry.
1. To make it so their town wouldn't have people thinking hitting people and other things are ok. 2.It made it so that they couldn't go around hitting each other. But they were probaly just scared of the laws. 3. Some of the laws are harsh but then you needed them to teach them a lesson some how. 4. So they don't do break them again. 5. It would not be as fun and we now have lots of more freedom. 6. The speeding limit is sometimes bad because you get stuck in traffic and then you have to go at the speed limit and then you are late for practice.
1. To have order in Mesopatamia. 2. There was some order. 3. Yes, without them people could do whatever they wanted. 4. So the Mesapamians knew that they would not make break laws.I mean would you want your hand cut off because you messed up a guys haircut. 5. I would problably be dead 6. The age you get your drivers licsence and curfew
1. I think they did a set of laws because if they didnt the mesopotamians would get away with everything. 2. It kept them in line most of the time because they do not want to get any body part to go goodbye. 3. I think they needed the laws because they could do whatever they wanted to without getting in trouble. 4. I think they made it so servere because they want the people to learn their lesson so they wont do it ever again and so before they had laws and the people got out of line they get back at them from that time. 5. I think it would stink and all because you wou.,d probably not live very long without those bodyparts and we would end up dying out. 6. Parent rules as in no calling your sister names or hurting her which I do alot but I dont hurt her that bad.
1.Hammuria made the laws so people would not the cruel and dumb things. 2.The people of Mesopotamia were not as scared to be alone. 3.Yes, because people would go and hurt people.
1. To keep his land intact. 2. It made people think twice before they did something. 3. Yes but the consiquenses did not have to be so harsh 4. To teach people a lesson 5. Everybody...oh wait there would'nt be anybody, because we alot of things in our world today and there wouldn't be alot of people...
1. If someone is unfair or hurts someone else the other one gets to get even. The whole thing is about being equal with one another. 2. I guess if there were no laws it would be a very messy place. People would get away with almost about everything. 3. Yes. I do think they needed the laws because you need to have equality throughout the country.
1.To bring oder to Mesopotamia. 2.It brougt order to Mesopltamia. 3.So that there would be order. Becuse without order poeple would do what they wanted like killing one a nother.
1.To bring oder to Mesopotamia. 2.It brougt order to Mesopltamia. 3.So that there would be order. Becuse without order poeple would do what they wanted like killing one a nother.
1.He wanted an organized society 2.It made it more clean not dirty civilization 3.Yes,and no, yes because it makes it orgnized but no because these were harsh laws that everyone would be even 5.there would be less people 6.I would take away that kids cant vote
1.To probly tell what people could and couldn't do. 2.Made poeple misserable. 3.No,because it would put poeple in danger if they accidently did it or did on purpose. 4.I thind he just thought it was fair if people got treated the same way the other person was hurt. 5.I thindk it would be terrible if that happened because Iwould get hurt probly alot. 6.I don't know?
1. to set up laws in mesopotamia. gave them a set of laws and bringing them closer to a legitimate civlization. 3.yes because before thay could just do what ever they wantyed to do. 4.? 5.bad because it would have to much vilolence 6.i would change having to do chores after school when i need to do my homework.the law of stelling and it hurts to know someone how steals if you did.
To give peace and order to mesopotamia. If you did something to someone,for example youare a son and you slap your father your hands will be cut off. For people who liked to break the laws will stop doing whatever it was that they were doing. Almoast everyone would be dead because if you got your hands cut off you would probably die. If I was a boy i would moast likly be dead and i am not going to tell you why because it is personal.
1 Hammurabi made a set of laws to keep people from doimg whatever they want to do. 2 If the son struck his father he got his hand cut off, so people followed hammurabis code so they would not get punished. 3 Yes because with out these laws mesopotamia would be a mess there would be alot of murdering and houses falling down. 4 so if people did something that they were not sompose to do they would get punished and not do it again unless they get put to death. 5 Very cruel because people would be getting their hands and being put to death. 6 i would change nothing because i think the worlds rules today are fair.
1. I think that Hammurabi made a set of laws because he didn't like how everyone acted. They were mean to others and commited horrible crimes. They did this because there were no consequences. It. didn't matter if they did something bad. Nothing would happen to them. He wanted people to be nice and respectful to others.
2. The Code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia in good and bad ways. People acted a little better to others because of the consequences they would have to face if they weren't nice and respectful. It changed Mesopotamia in a bad way by making people think that "Eye for and Eye; Tooth for a Tooth" is a good way to punish people for their crimes.
3. I think that the people of Mesopotamia needed these laws to start learning how to be nice and respectful to other people. They also needed them to help people start having some kind of government in their civilization.
4. I believe that Hammurabi made the consequences very severe because he was sick of people being mean and disrespectful to others. To make them stop he made the consequences very severe. This way when people did something bad to someone else they would have it done to them back.
5. The world would not be a very fun place to live in. I think that everyone wouldn't listen to the government and do bad things anyway. The government would have no way of knowing if you did something bad. They would have to have cameras in your house and everywhere else in the world. You would not have very much privacy.
6. The laws that effect me most in my life are my parents' rules and the school rules. I would change some of my parents' rules. Some of them I don't really like. I would also change some of the school rules that I don't love to follow.
#1 If people did something horrible nothing would hold Them acountible for there action. #2 It changed them fast and badly. The thing that changed them was "eye for eye;tooth for tooth" #3 yes and no. Yes becauce they need punish ment. and no because its cuel. Like if on accident i stab you you get to stabe me. #4 so you get the point of it. And so you dont do it agian. #5 there would be alot of deathes and maybe more crimes mor oftern. keep people from causing disaster everywhere. people didn't cause so many crimes. they need laws,but they can't be punished so brutal. make people fear becoming criminals since something bad will happen to them if they do. 5.people will be killed or lose a body part if they cause crimes;even kids.
#1.Hammurabi wrote the code of laws so people would have to suffer when the did something wrong. Without them every would have been able to kill eachother without getting punished. #2.The codes made it so that that the people could not hurt eachother or kill eachother. #3.Yes, because without them all of thoes people would be dead. #4.He made them so severe so that nobody would want to do whatever they did again. #5.I think our socity would be worse because there are alot more accidents than there used to be because we have car and stuff like that.
1. Because before the laws were made people of the world could go out and do whatever they wanted to do and they would go unpunished. So the made rules to keep people out of trouble. 2. It keep people safe and no one got hurt as much. And whatever you did to some one they could do to you. 3. They need them because they thought they could do whatever they want when they want. And no one could stop them but the rules now. And it was a major step toward establishing Mesopotamia as a legitimate civilization.
2. Because it establised it as a legitiment of civilization.3.Yes because when they did not have laws they would just do mean and cruel things to other people and use the eye for eye and tooth for tooth.4.Because other wise they would just go out and do what ever horrible act they wantde to and get away unpunished.5.I think that there would be no one alive anymore because you can't live without any hands on less you get fake ones.6.I don't like that my mom and dad make me make my bed and I also don't like the "If you make the mess you clean it up" rule. :):):)
1 so everyone wasnt running around crazy. 2 it brouht order but it also brought a lot of death. 3 i think they just wanted to have somthing to follow so everybody wasnt just doing what they wanted. 4 so nobody would hurt or kill anybody. 5 it would be terrible there would be so few people. 6 i would change it so my dad would let me buy on ebay.
1) So people would have a sense of self contoll because they know if they do something wrong there is a punishment.
2) There was controll over the people.
3) Yes otherwise people would be killed here and there with no punishment to the killer and mesopatamia would loses its population rapidly and die out.
4) So people wouldnt commit crimes.
5) There would be alot less people becaus if some one killed one person then two peopl would die the victim and the killer.
6) The new law that will require everybody to have health insurance or they will be fined nobody should be able to control if people have ensrance or not.
1. To bring justice into the land and stop people from wildy commiting crimes; to make them think before they act.
2.It made it a civilization, and got rid of alot of thieves and evil doers.
3.Yes they needed alot of them, to make people think before acting, but some of them are going to far and aren't doing them any good.
4.He made them so severe because he though that would keep them from commiting those crimes.
5.The world wouldn't have as great of a population, and everyone would probly be scared, and hideing, not wanting to be killed, or have limbs cut off because of a small mistake.
6.The law i dont like are that you cant drive till you are 15-16 depending on where you live, because there are a few responsible people that could be able to drive under those ages.
1 To become a civilization. 2People died more. 3 No becouse if they were raised with out any vialence in there live they wouldint need laws. 4 I think he was angry at the world. 5 There would be a lot less people since there is so much crime. 6 No laws realy affect me i would change the rule that there was no tardy.
#1 For a civilization. #2 There were less crime around. #3 Yes because then could do what ever they wanted to do. #4 Because people were doing things they should not have done. #5 There would be a lot less people today. #6 I would change the rule that you cant have phones on in the building.
1. So his kingdaom wasn't out of control. 2. It made them even more civilized. 3. Yes, because we still might not have laws now if it weren't for Hammurabi. 4. So people wouldn't do those things. 5. The population wuold be much smaller. 6. My time to go to bed... I would like to go to bed whenever I want to.
1. I think he made the laws so nobody got away with cutting somebodys hand off or somthing. 2.I thick after they hade the rules everybody was afraid to even try to break the laws. I mean getting your life taken away by just taking a coin. 3. Yes because if we didn't have laws we would all be unsivilised monkeys. 4.He might of wanted everyone to die so he could have some peace and quiet. 5. I would have all my limbs cut off. 6. Don't steal is the worst law ever because we might want to help the hungrey!
Hammurabi made the laws to put justic and order in the world. The laws changed Mesopotamia because there was a lot less of crime. I think the people needed these laws to show them what it felt like to feel the pain they made someone els feel. Hammurabi made consequences so severe so they wouldn't break the law. If we still followed Hammurabi's code we wouldn't have much poeple living today. The laws that effect me most in my life is chores. I would change today's rules like I don't think we should pay for things. make a more civilized soceity canged the people because they were probably scared of the consequenses,because that is a very unfair set of laws teach the people a lesson 5. it would be TERRIBLE 6.i would make it so there would be no laws at all
1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws? Ithink he made laws so that people couldnt do something bad and just live on without punishment. 2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia? It made it closer to being a real civilization. 3. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer. Yes, because they shouldnt be able to do bad stuff without being punished. 4. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe? IDK 5. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code? 6. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...) To Be Continued.... To Be Continued.......
i think hammurabi made laws so he could bring some order the people of mesopatamia. The code of hammurabi changed mesopatamia by preventing people from thieving and murder.I think they needed the laws if they didnt get them the cicvilization would probably have fallen quickly. I think the world today would be a violent place even more violent than today if that is possible. The fact that i have to be home by dark is something i would change.
so people would not do bad stuff. in alot of ways like putting them in jail. yes, to shape them up to shape them up really really wierd puching people ,everthing,
1.People were doing to much harm, and to put in some justice. 2.Everbody was actually acting better and following the laws. 3.Well yes because they did need some disipline and order needed to be set for the people. 4.Maybe to make them stop by having so much disipline because they would nt want themselves to be harmed as they did to the other person. 5.It would probobly be cruel because those laws were very creul. Also there would be alot less violence and other harming things. 6. Well, all the laws and rules effect me somehow, but most of them are for my own good. I would proboly change nothing except for those riduclous laws like "you can't fall asleep in a cheese factory. bring peace to the world. 2.a lot of people died or went to jail. 3.yes so they cannot steal or murder if so they get in TROUBLE. 4.if the victim of the accident got hurt so can the bully. would be the perfect little world no stealing or murders. 6.I would change a school rule that we only have to go to school for an hour.
#1 because people could do whatever the want without getting in any trouble for it #2 put some order and justice in the world #3 yes, because otherwise people could do whatver they feel like and you cant do anything about it because it wouldnt be illegal #4 because they were things he thought would give people reasons to stay in order and stop doing such bad things #5 the world would be really messed up and a lot of people would be really hurt/ injured/ or dead from the punishes #6 the law that you cant do many things, even if they arent bad, like falling asleep in a cheese factory ( lol )
1. to punish people that do bad stuff. 2. It established law and people wouldn't get away with stuff easy. 3.yes because if we didnt people would be killing each other. 4.So people knew hef meant buisness. 5. A lot of people would have to go to the dentist. 6
1.They made a set of laws so they could be fowled be mesopotamia people. 2.They did not they would be puniched to dealth.3. Yes or people would do what ever they want. 4. Because if they did not they would do it again.
1.i think hammurabi made these laws to make people lear from their mistakes. gave them laws to follow and probally made them afraid to do things wrong.,because the laws were really harsh,and if they had better laws they would need them.
4.he made them because he wanted to torture people
5.people would not do anythimg wrong because they would not want to suffer the consequences.
6.I would change the school rule that there can't be any gum in school.Also,you should be able to have your cell phone ,but you would have to have it off.
I think Hammuradbi MADE THE LAWS to keep people safe. THe laws change Mesopatamia by creating Civilization. I do think these laws were needed some are harsh btu they keep people safer. because people might of not listen if they dident.
I belive he posted them so noyhing would brak get ruined or die.The laws changed mes. very much if you acidently did some thing you wernt supose to you could possibly die just by a simple thing like acussing a man for murder but you cant prove you are DEAD!NO theese 4 that i see are not needed i think they are just foolish andso are the punish ments.number 4 i can not ansewr i have no clue why he would take some ones hand off if they sruck his father i would accept a different punishment but not take there hand pff
4. So no one would do it any more they thought that on one would do it if they got hurt or killed. 5. We would not have that much people living today. 6. I think we should not have to pay for anything. I would change how much we pay for things today.
1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws? Ithink he made laws so that people couldnt do something bad and just live on without punishment.
2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia? It made it closer to being a real civilization.
3. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer. Yes, because they shouldnt be able to do bad stuff without being punished.
4. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe? Maybe because he wanted to know he was in charge, and that he could do what ever he wanted.
5. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code? People would be dying, and it would just be crazy.
6. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...) I would change not being able to have gum in class......i mean its supposed to help you concentrate, isnt that what teachers want.
#1 I think Hammurabi made the laws because there were to many crimes #2 If something happened to someone it happend to the person that did it to. #3 Yes because without them more people would get killed. #4 so they wouldnt do it again #5 people would be injured more often #6 change some of the rules at school
1. to punish people that do bad stuff. 2. It established law and people wouldn't get away with stuff easy. 3.yes because if we didnt people would be killing each other. 4.So people knew hef meant buisness. 5. A lot of people would have to go to the dentist. 6. I think that one of the rules at my house effects me the most because it gives me a lot more responsibility.
1.Because there was no punishments in mesopotamia. 2.Because there were laws for people to follow. 3.yes because then people will not have to follow any rules when needed. 4.Because they had never have to follow rules so a big change needed to be done. would not be good i like the laws we have now. 6.I would change that i can not have a cell phone for another year it is nececary for me to have one now.
2.Without a set of laws there is no civilization at all.
3.No, because they should no what is right and wrong and the laws a kind of harsh and they should think before they do.
4.Becuase he wants everone to know that this is what would happen if you did this.
5.It would be a crazy messed up place and a very unhappy place.
6. My home rules effect me the most because I cant go do a certain thing unless I clean my room or get my Chores done. So they kind of set certain lines or bouneries for me to do something or for our family to do something together. I would change the rules at school so that we can have like tin water bottles and not just clear ones becuase some people dont have clear water bottles they have solid colered ones.
I belive that the world would be the same as it was back then all the laws are crazy and they still are they just are better and not as violent.
The law that would affect me the most would be none of them i dondt hit my dad i dont bulid houses i dont oke others eyes out and i dont accuse people of murder. The rules/laws that i would change would the rule to where shorts when snow comes i absalutly LOVE shorts but i like sweat pants to
I all ready have 5 answer all I need s number 6 so here it goes. i think trffic laws and safty laws effect us the most today. If I could change a law it would be not beighn able to chew gum in school.
I all ready have 5 answer all I need s number 6 so here it goes. i think trffic laws and safty laws effect us the most today. If I could change a law it would be not beighn able to chew gum in school.
4 so no one would do it. 5 many people would have missing lims, tounges snd there might be alot more deaths. 6 laws that effect me are sayingunkind things to my sister and things like that.I would keep eye for an eye tooth for a tooth but get rid of the law that says you can not lie on the floor of a cheese factory and fall asleep.
4. I do not know why he made scary rules 5. If we fallowed the code of Hummurabi there would not be alot of peole in the world. 6. I thinck during lunch you should be able to sit with the red team too. I dont get to sit with all of my friends. :(
1. It was so no one would go around hurting people with out justice.
2. It changed big because if you did something wrong you would get punished.
3. So you couldnt go arounf and hurt peole or steal something from them.
4.So they would learn from what the have done to deserve it.
5. It would be very diffent becasue if someone went up to you and punched you in your eye then you would be able to punch back butnow we can just file a lawsuit on them.
6. I would have to say home rules like i have to tell them what im doing or that type of stuff.
1.To make people more polite or just to have an organized city-state.
2.They became more organized and more orderly.
3.Yes,because they were killing people and stealing basically everyday and know the laws are kinda dumb but you get what you do. But there really weird because they get to kill people anyway. That's all I can do for right now ill add tomorrow!!!
Thanks to my good friends in Colorado for sending me this great site on Feudalism! In my class, we will learn about Feudalism in April, but here is a sneak peak!
1.He wanted to instill order and justice in the civilization.
2.It made a better civilization and less crime ect.
3.So they can insure for a safe society
4.So people wouldnt do them.
5.Many more people would have been put to death.
6.That i have to do my chores around the house every day. Or be able to bring pets to school
1: Because he felt that there was to much crime in his city.
2: It made it so that there was less crime.
3: Yes, if they didn't have the laws then we probably woildnt have laws so it would be very bad.
4: So that the crime would lessen alot.
5: The world would be very hectic.
6: The law that effects me most is the no phone rule in school. I would change that you HAVE to go to school if you are not sick to you DON'T have to go to school if you don't want to
1: Because he felt that there was to much crime in his city.
2: It made it so that there was less crime.
3: Yes, if they didn't have the laws then we probably woildnt have laws so it would be very bad.
4: So that the crime would lessen alot.
5: The world would be very hectic.
6: The law that effects me most is the no phone rule in school. I would change that you HAVE to go to school if you are not sick to you DON'T have to go to school if you don't want to
1. People could go around and do whatever they wont with out getting punished.
2. If you pke out a eye they could poke out an eye back at you.
3. because because if you go around poking peoples eyes out then they should get to poke out your eye back.
4. because it would hurt if you do that so if you do that they could do it back to you.
5. a lot people would be gone baecause if you do do that like lets say if u go around killing people then a lot of people would be dead in this world right now.
6. my rules would be that u should be able to clean your room after you go to a friends house and that you can make your own rules but mom and dad give in to me all the time.
well this is also stupid because people cpuld wht ever when ever so this is the most stupid thing i ever herd of and its not about me but these people should do something about it and its about they did this world would be mest up if the didnt have any laws we would be dead if there any laws so i think thet its more stupid then the eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth.
1. Because every body could do anything they wanted and not get punished. even if the killed someone.
2.People stoped hurting people because they knew the consiquenses that the would be given.
3.Yes, if they didnt i wouldnt wanna be walking down the street and get killed for no aparnet reason and beacause everyone need a little disapline in their life.
4.Because people didnt listen for a while until they got suvire.
5.The world would be full of violence...and crule.
6.The rules that effect me are like washing dishes and putting awy my clothes.I would change haveing 3 minutes between classes to like 5 min. and i would have skool go to 1:18 enstead of 3:18.
#1- Hammurabi made a set of laws to instill some order and justice into the world.
#2- The code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia by making it a legitimate civilization.
#3- I think the people needed these laws because if they didn't have them they would just KILL everyone.
#4- I think he made the consequences so severe to teach people lessons.
#5- If we still had his code today it would be mass destruction.
#6- The law that effects me the most is not being able to drive until I'm 16 (soon to be 18). I would change school times so that school would be 5 hours long instead of 7 hours.
1.People were doing bad stuff in Mesopotamia and here came along Hammurrabi and set a law of codes.
2.It changed Mesopotamia by the harsh laws.If one of the laws were betrayed they would get a harsh punishment such as getting something cut off or death.
4.To stop the bad things from happening.
5.Today you would have to be really careful about what you do, because the Code of Hammurabi has a lot of stupid laws.
3.No. I don't think they needed these harsh laws and punishments.
6.I would change the school rule,no cell phones on inside the building.I would allow cell phones in the building if i could make the rules.
#1 People could go out, do whatever horrible acts they wanted, and go unpunished.
#2It changed the people becuase if they hurt someone that would happen to them.
#3 Yes becuse they need a punishment becaus they could just go and do it again.
#4 If you do something painful to another person they should do it back to you.
#5 There would be a lot of people dead in our world.
#6 Doing my chores. I would change one of the school rule which is to have cell phones in the class rooms during school hours.
1. I think that he made a set of laws so that they would have order in Mesopotamia
#1: to make things in-line (but ùnfair)
#2: decreased the population
1. Because then not everyone would get away with the cruel things that they did to other people and if they stikk did cruel things they woud have to do a eye for eye and tooth for tooth.
1, because if they did not have laws people could do whatever cruelity they wanted and not get in trouble.
2this set of the laws that began to instill some order and justice in the world and towrads the people
3 I do think they needed laws but not these kind of laws
4he thinks they make it justified
He made those laws because everyone could do whatever they wanted and not get in trouble for it. The Code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia by now pretty much if you did something wrong you would die or get something cut off. I think they needed thoe laws because otherwise people could do whatever they wanted. He made them so severe because otherwise people would keep doing it. I think nobody would want to be alive nor live here and I know that I wouldn`t like it. The laws I think are iving laws. I think that I would change the fact that you can`t drive at a certain age. I want to drive that`s a fact.
1. Hammurabi made these laws to justify his kingdom.
2.It brought it closer to a civilization.
3.Yes, otherwise the world today would be chaotic!
4. So people wouldn't, or couldn't, attempt these crimes again.
5. Everbody would either be missing a linmb, or dead.
6. The fact that I must attend school, either at school or home, affects me. And if I could change anyhting, It'd be shorter school days.
Hammurabi made the rules so he could keep people safe and be in gharge. The code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia because it made people be carful what they did to other people.I think they needed the laws to be safe so people could not hurt them and if they did the same thing would happen to them. He made them severe so that other people wouldn't try to do the thing they did. It would be very hard to do anything with Hammurabis code because if you barly did something you would have a bad consaquents. If you would accuse sombody of something because well I never have any evadents to prove my bro or sis.
1. So everything went his way
2. It made people think before they acted and not tattle
3. Yes I think the people needed the laws but they didn't have to be so harsh. I think they needed them so they didn' go crazy
4. Because he thaught that was how it should be and maybe he was mean
5. The world would probibly have half as mny people.
6. I would change it that you CAN lay down and fall asleep in a cheese factory!
1. So people wouldn't do whatever they wanted anymore.
2. There wasn't as many crimes anymore.
3. Yes they wouln't do very many crimes anymore.
4. I don't know.
5. There would be a lot of deaths.
6. No sleeping in a cheese factory. I wouldn't have to do my laundry.
1. To make it so their town wouldn't have people thinking hitting people and other things are ok.
2.It made it so that they couldn't go around hitting each other. But they were probaly just scared of the laws.
3. Some of the laws are harsh but then you needed them to teach them a lesson some how.
4. So they don't do break them again.
5. It would not be as fun and we now have lots of more freedom.
6. The speeding limit is sometimes bad because you get stuck in traffic and then you have to go at the speed limit and then you are late for practice.
1. So the people of mesopotamie couldnt go aroung doing antthing they wanted.
2. alot more people probably died
3. so they couldnt go around doing whatever they wanted
4. so no one broke the laws.
5. the population of the world would go down...
6. not being able to do whatever you want. I would change that i wouldnt have to clean my room.
1. To have order in Mesopatamia.
2. There was some order.
3. Yes, without them people could do whatever they wanted.
4. So the Mesapamians knew that they would not make break laws.I mean would you want your hand cut off because you messed up a guys haircut.
5. I would problably be dead
6. The age you get your drivers licsence and curfew
1. I think they did a set of laws because if they didnt the mesopotamians would get away with everything.
2. It kept them in line most of the time because they do not want to get any body part to go goodbye.
3. I think they needed the laws because they could do whatever they wanted to without getting in trouble.
4. I think they made it so servere because they want the people to learn their lesson so they wont do it ever again and so before they had laws and the people got out of line they get back at them from that time.
5. I think it would stink and all because you wou.,d probably not live very long without those bodyparts and we would end up dying out.
6. Parent rules as in no calling your sister names or hurting her which I do alot but I dont hurt her that bad.
1.Hammuria made the laws so people would not the cruel and dumb things.
2.The people of Mesopotamia were not as scared to be alone.
3.Yes, because people would go and hurt people.
1. To keep his land intact.
2. It made people think twice before they did something.
3. Yes but the consiquenses did not have to be so harsh
4. To teach people a lesson
5. Everybody...oh wait there would'nt be anybody, because we alot of things in our world today and there wouldn't be alot of people...
1. If someone is unfair or hurts someone else the other one gets to get even. The whole thing is about being equal with one another.
2. I guess if there were no laws it would be a very messy place. People would get away with almost about everything.
3. Yes. I do think they needed the laws because you need to have equality throughout the country.
1. the reason that hamarobi set the laws was becouse he thought that a group of people without a set of laws there was no civilization.
1 I think hed made the rules to put order into the city
2 I think it stopped alot of people of doing very bad things
1.To bring oder to Mesopotamia.
2.It brougt order to Mesopltamia.
3.So that there would be order. Becuse without order poeple would do what they wanted like killing one a nother.
1.To bring oder to Mesopotamia.
2.It brougt order to Mesopltamia.
3.So that there would be order. Becuse without order poeple would do what they wanted like killing one a nother.
1.He wanted an organized society
2.It made it more clean not dirty civilization
3.Yes,and no, yes because it makes it orgnized but no because these were harsh laws that everyone would be even
5.there would be less people
6.I would take away that kids cant vote
1.To form a civilization and put order to the land.
2.There was not as much crimes there was more order.
3.Yes people were to free they needed something to live on.
4.To scare people so they diden't do crimes.
5.Very harish lots of violence.
6.I would change like no gum in class or everyone should vote.
1.To probly tell what people could and couldn't do.
2.Made poeple misserable.
3.No,because it would put poeple in danger if they accidently did it or did on purpose.
4.I thind he just thought it was fair if people got treated the same way the other person was hurt.
5.I thindk it would be terrible if that happened because Iwould get hurt probly alot.
6.I don't know?
Task1. I think its creul because you don't git to do what ever you what to do.
1. to set up laws in mesopotamia. gave them a set of laws and bringing them closer to a legitimate civlization.
3.yes because before thay could just do what ever they wantyed to do.
5.bad because it would have to much vilolence
6.i would change having to do chores after school when i need to do my homework.the law of stelling and it hurts to know someone how steals if you did.
To give peace and order to mesopotamia. If you did something to someone,for example youare a son and you slap your father your hands will be cut off. For people who liked to break the laws will stop doing whatever it was that they were doing. Almoast everyone would be dead because if you got your hands cut off you would probably die. If I was a boy i would moast likly be dead and i am not going to tell you why because it is personal.
1 Hammurabi made a set of laws to keep people from doimg whatever they want to do. 2 If the son struck his father he got his hand cut off, so people followed hammurabis code so they would not get punished. 3 Yes because with out these laws mesopotamia would be a mess there would be alot of murdering and houses falling down. 4 so if people did something that they were not sompose to do they would get punished and not do it again unless they get put to death. 5 Very cruel because people would be getting their hands and being put to death. 6 i would change nothing because i think the worlds rules today are fair.
1. I think that Hammurabi made a set of laws because he didn't like how everyone acted. They were mean to others and commited horrible crimes. They did this because there were no consequences. It. didn't matter if they did something bad. Nothing would happen to them. He wanted people to be nice and respectful to others.
2. The Code of Hammurabi changed Mesopotamia in good and bad ways. People acted a little better to others because of the consequences they would have to face if they weren't nice and respectful. It changed Mesopotamia in a bad way by making people think that "Eye for and Eye; Tooth for a Tooth" is a good way to punish people for their crimes.
3. I think that the people of Mesopotamia needed these laws to start learning how to be nice and respectful to other people. They also needed them to help people start having some kind of government in their civilization.
4. I believe that Hammurabi made the consequences very severe because he was sick of people being mean and disrespectful to others. To make them stop he made the consequences very severe. This way when people did something bad to someone else they would have it done to them back.
5. The world would not be a very fun place to live in. I think that everyone wouldn't listen to the government and do bad things anyway. The government would have no way of knowing if you did something bad. They would have to have cameras in your house and everywhere else in the world. You would not have very much privacy.
6. The laws that effect me most in my life are my parents' rules and the school rules. I would change some of my parents' rules. Some of them I don't really like. I would also change some of the school rules that I don't love to follow.
i think that the hammuarbiesz code is crule.they used death as one of their punishments.if a son strikes his father the sons hand would be cut off.
#1 If people did something horrible nothing would hold Them acountible for there action.
#2 It changed them fast and badly. The thing that changed them was "eye for eye;tooth for tooth"
#3 yes and no. Yes becauce they need punish ment. and no because its cuel. Like if on accident i stab you you get to stabe me.
#4 so you get the point of it. And so you dont do it agian.
#5 there would be alot of deathes and maybe more crimes mor oftern.
1: So everyone wouldn't go around killing each other.
2: Now people wont do bad things because they don't want to get punished.
3: Yes, because now everyone now feels more safe in Mesopotamia.
4: So then no one will do bad things becase if they do they could die.
5: A lot more people would be dead. keep people from causing disaster everywhere. people didn't cause so many crimes. they need laws,but they can't be punished so brutal. make people fear becoming criminals since something bad will happen to them if they do.
5.people will be killed or lose a body part if they cause crimes;even kids.
#1.Hammurabi wrote the code of laws so people would have to suffer when the did something wrong. Without them every would have been able to kill eachother without getting punished.
#2.The codes made it so that that the people could not hurt eachother or kill eachother.
#3.Yes, because without them all of thoes people would be dead.
#4.He made them so severe so that nobody would want to do whatever they did again.
#5.I think our socity would be worse because there are alot more accidents than there used to be because we have car and stuff like that.
1. Because before the laws were made people of the world could go out and do whatever they wanted to do and they would go unpunished. So the made rules to keep people out of trouble.
2. It keep people safe and no one got hurt as much. And whatever you did to some one they could do to you.
3. They need them because they thought they could do whatever they want when they want. And no one could stop them but the rules now. And it was a major step toward establishing Mesopotamia as a legitimate civilization.
2. Because it establised it as a legitiment of civilization.3.Yes because when they did not have laws they would just do mean and cruel things to other people and use the eye for eye and tooth for tooth.4.Because other wise they would just go out and do what ever horrible act they wantde to and get away unpunished.5.I think that there would be no one alive anymore because you can't live without any hands on less you get fake ones.6.I don't like that my mom and dad make me make my bed and I also don't like the "If you make the mess you clean it up" rule. :):):)
1 so everyone wasnt running around crazy.
2 it brouht order but it also brought a lot of death.
3 i think they just wanted to have somthing to follow so everybody wasnt just doing what they wanted.
4 so nobody would hurt or kill anybody.
5 it would be terrible there would be so few people.
6 i would change it so my dad would let me buy on ebay.
1. To become a civilization
2. They had to think twice about breaking laws
3. Yes, so they couldn't do bad stuff
4. To teach them to do the right thing
5. Most of us would die
6. The curfew law effects me most. I would let kids be outside later and less rules in school. Plus, make parents do ALL your work (:
1) So people would have a sense of self contoll because they know if they do something wrong there is a punishment.
2) There was controll over the people.
3) Yes otherwise people would be killed here and there with no punishment to the killer and mesopatamia would loses its population rapidly and die out.
4) So people wouldnt commit crimes.
5) There would be alot less people becaus if some one killed one person then two peopl would die the victim and the killer.
6) The new law that will require everybody to have health insurance or they will be fined nobody should be able to control if people have ensrance or not.
1. To bring justice into the land and stop people from wildy commiting crimes; to make them think before they act.
2.It made it a civilization, and got rid of alot of thieves and evil doers.
3.Yes they needed alot of them, to make people think before acting, but some of them are going to far and aren't doing them any good.
4.He made them so severe because he though that would keep them from commiting those crimes.
5.The world wouldn't have as great of a population, and everyone would probly be scared, and hideing, not wanting to be killed, or have limbs cut off because of a small mistake.
6.The law i dont like are that you cant drive till you are 15-16 depending on where you live, because there are a few responsible people that could be able to drive under those ages.
1 To become a civilization. 2People died more. 3 No becouse if they were raised with out any vialence in there live they wouldint need laws. 4 I think he was angry at the world. 5 There would be a lot less people since there is so much crime. 6 No laws realy affect me i would change the rule that there was no tardy.
1. I think Hammurabi has a set of laws because people should get punished if they do something bad.
2. Alot of people were getting in a lot of trouble that changed Mesopotamia.
3. Yes so then they could feel how bad it is to get in trouble.
4. That they sould never do the mistake that they did to get them in trouble.
5. Maybe a little different for example if i would punch my father in Mesopotamia i would get my hand sawed off OUCH!
6. I would have a rule for bullying people in Mesopotamia because people get bullyied in todays life and the law would be in this century to.
#1 For a civilization. #2 There were less crime around. #3 Yes because then could do what ever they wanted to do. #4 Because people were doing things they should not have done. #5 There would be a lot less people today. #6 I would change the rule that you cant have phones on in the building.
1. So his kingdaom wasn't out of control.
2. It made them even more civilized.
3. Yes, because we still might not have laws now if it weren't for Hammurabi.
4. So people wouldn't do those things.
5. The population wuold be much smaller.
6. My time to go to bed... I would like to go to bed whenever I want to.
1. I think he made the laws so nobody got away with cutting somebodys hand off or somthing.
2.I thick after they hade the rules everybody was afraid to even try to break the laws. I mean getting your life taken away by just taking a coin.
3. Yes because if we didn't have laws we would all be unsivilised monkeys.
4.He might of wanted everyone to die so he could have some peace and quiet.
5. I would have all my limbs cut off.
6. Don't steal is the worst law ever because we might want to help the hungrey!
Hammurabi made the laws to put justic and order in the world. The laws changed Mesopotamia because there was a lot less of crime. I think the people needed these laws to show them what it felt like to feel the pain they made someone els feel. Hammurabi made consequences so severe so they wouldn't break the law. If we still followed Hammurabi's code we wouldn't have much poeple living today. The laws that effect me most in my life is chores. I would change today's rules like I don't think we should pay for things. make a more civilized soceity canged the people because they were probably scared of the consequenses,because that is a very unfair set of laws teach the people a lesson
5. it would be TERRIBLE
6.i would make it so there would be no laws at all
so the wold is not a wild mess.
poeple went to jail.
1. Because peoples things were being taken so he made up these laws to prvented that.
2. They made people scared of doing those thing.
1. Hammurabi made this law because than people could go out and do whatever horrible acts without getting punished.
2. It changed Mesopatamia because then it woudn't have been a civilization at all.
3. Yes, I do think that those people needed those laws because than there wouldn't have been any laws now.
4. So that they probably won't ever do anything bad again.
5. The effect would be tha the population would be really low.
6. You can have your cell phone during school. and be able to go to school whenever you want.
1. To make mesopotamis more civilized.
2. It changed mesopotamia becouse it probably scared peaple for the consequences.
1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws? Ithink he made laws so that people couldnt do something bad and just live on without punishment.
2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia? It made it closer to being a real civilization.
3. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer. Yes, because they shouldnt be able to do bad stuff without being punished.
4. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe? IDK
5. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code?
6. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...)
To Be Continued....
To Be Continued.......
i think hammurabi made laws so he could bring some order the people of mesopatamia. The code of hammurabi changed mesopatamia by preventing people from thieving and murder.I think they needed the laws if they didnt get them the cicvilization would probably have fallen quickly. I think the world today would be a violent place even more violent than today if that is possible. The fact that i have to be home by dark is something i would change.
to main tain order
major step toward establishing Mesopotamia
yes other wise there would be cauase
to justify
it would be just like then
nothing nothing at all laws are laws
so people would not do bad stuff.
in alot of ways like putting them in jail.
yes, to shape them up
to shape them up
really really wierd
puching people ,everthing,
1.People were doing to much harm, and to put in some justice.
2.Everbody was actually acting better and following the laws.
3.Well yes because they did need some disipline and order needed to be set for the people.
4.Maybe to make them stop by having so much disipline because they would nt want themselves to be harmed as they did to the other person.
5.It would probobly be cruel because those laws were very creul. Also there would be alot less violence and other harming things.
6. Well, all the laws and rules effect me somehow, but most of them are for my own good. I would proboly change nothing except for those riduclous laws like "you can't fall asleep in a cheese factory. bring peace to the world.
2.a lot of people died or went to jail.
3.yes so they cannot steal or murder if so they get in TROUBLE.
4.if the victim of the accident got hurt so can the bully. would be the perfect little world no stealing or murders.
6.I would change a school rule that we only have to go to school for an hour.
I belive Ham made a set of laws so people dondt go crazy.
#1 because people could do whatever the want without getting in any trouble for it
#2 put some order and justice in the world
#3 yes, because otherwise people could do whatver they feel like and you cant do anything about it because it wouldnt be illegal
#4 because they were things he thought would give people reasons to stay in order and stop doing such bad things
#5 the world would be really messed up and a lot of people would be really hurt/ injured/ or dead from the punishes
#6 the law that you cant do many things, even if they arent bad, like falling asleep in a cheese factory ( lol )
1.Because the people could go out and do whatever they wanted and they would be unpunished.
2.It made it more safer for people.
3.Yes. Because robbers and killers could do damage to the people and the city.
1.I think Hammurabi made a set of laws because he didn't want anyone to get hurt anymore.
1. to punish people that do bad stuff.
2. It established law and people wouldn't get away with stuff easy.
3.yes because if we didnt people would be killing each other.
4.So people knew hef meant buisness.
5. A lot of people would have to go to the dentist.
1.They made a set of laws so they could be fowled be mesopotamia people. 2.They did not they would be puniched to dealth.3. Yes or people would do what ever they want. 4. Because if they did not they would do it again.
#1 So it wouldn't be a world run amok
1.i think hammurabi made these laws to make people lear from their mistakes. gave them laws to follow and probally made them afraid to do things wrong.,because the laws were really harsh,and if they had better laws they would need them.
4.he made them because he wanted to torture people
5.people would not do anythimg wrong because they would not want to suffer the consequences.
6.I would change the school rule that there can't be any gum in school.Also,you should be able to have your cell phone ,but you would have to have it off.
I think Hammuradbi MADE THE LAWS to keep people safe. THe laws change Mesopatamia by creating Civilization. I do think these laws were needed some are harsh btu they keep people safer. because people might of not listen if they dident.
I think the hammarabi made the laws to be safe so the could be safe.
I belive he posted them so noyhing would brak get ruined or die.The laws changed mes. very much if you acidently did some thing you wernt supose to you could possibly die just by a simple thing like acussing a man for murder but you cant prove you are DEAD!NO theese 4 that i see are not needed i think they are just foolish andso are the punish ments.number 4 i can not ansewr i have no clue why he would take some ones hand off if they sruck his father i would accept a different punishment but not take there hand pff
4. They made it severe because they didn't want you to do it, and if you did survive they want to make sure you won't do it again.
5. The world would be very unhappy. Because from what I've heard if you did just about anything you would get punished for it.
6. I would change school rules because you can't have candy, cellphones, and other things that people use in their everyday life.
4. So no one would do it any more they thought that on one would do it if they got hurt or killed.
5. We would not have that much people living today.
6. I think we should not have to pay for anything. I would change how much we pay for things today.
1. Before Hamurabi made a set of laws people would go do whatever they wanted to and then would not have any punishment.
2. People would not do as much crime and steeling because they were afraid that something would happen to them if they did.
3. I think the laws were good and that they needed them because their was less crime and steeling.
4. I think he made the consequences so severe because they would be less apt to do it do again.
5. I think that their would probaly be less crime and steeling exept everybody would probaly be getting hurt.
6. I would change it so that you could have cell phones in class and that you could bring whatever kind of you want to school.
1. Why did Hammurabi make a set of laws? Ithink he made laws so that people couldnt do something bad and just live on without punishment.
2. How did the Code of Hammurabi change Mesopotamia? It made it closer to being a real civilization.
3. Do you think the people needed these laws? Explain your answer. Yes, because they shouldnt be able to do bad stuff without being punished.
4. Why did Hammurabi make the consequences so severe? Maybe because he wanted to know he was in charge, and that he could do what ever he wanted.
5. What would the world be like today if everybody still followed Hammurabi's Code? People would be dying, and it would just be crazy.
6. What Laws effect you the most in your life? What would you change about today's laws and rules? (This could be not necessarily laws, but school rules, rules your parents have for you, etc...) I would change not being able to have gum in class......i mean its supposed to help you concentrate, isnt that what teachers want.
#1 I think Hammurabi made the laws because there were to many crimes
#2 If something happened to someone it happend to the person that did it to.
#3 Yes because without them more people would get killed.
#4 so they wouldnt do it again
#5 people would be injured more often
#6 change some of the rules at school
1. to punish people that do bad stuff.
2. It established law and people wouldn't get away with stuff easy.
3.yes because if we didnt people would be killing each other.
4.So people knew hef meant buisness.
5. A lot of people would have to go to the dentist.
6. I think that one of the rules at my house effects me the most because it gives me a lot more responsibility.
1.Because there was no punishments in mesopotamia.
2.Because there were laws for people to follow.
3.yes because then people will not have to follow any rules when needed.
4.Because they had never have to follow rules so a big change needed to be done. would not be good i like the laws we have now.
6.I would change that i can not have a cell phone for another year it is nececary for me to have one now.
1.He wanted to order justice in the world.
2.Without a set of laws there is no civilization at all.
3.No, because they should no what is right and wrong and the laws a kind of harsh and they should think before they do.
4.Becuase he wants everone to know that this is what would happen if you did this.
5.It would be a crazy messed up place and a very unhappy place.
6. My home rules effect me the most because I cant go do a certain thing unless I clean my room or get my Chores done. So they kind of set certain lines or bouneries for me to do something or for our family to do something together. I would change the rules at school so that we can have like tin water bottles and not just clear ones becuase some people dont have clear water bottles they have solid colered ones.
I belive that the world would be the same as it was back then all the laws are crazy and they still are they just are better and not as violent.
The law that would affect me the most would be none of them i dondt hit my dad i dont bulid houses i dont oke others eyes out and i dont accuse people of murder. The rules/laws that i would change would the rule to where shorts when snow comes i absalutly LOVE shorts but i like sweat pants to
I all ready have 5 answer all I need s number 6 so here it goes. i think trffic laws and safty laws effect us the most today. If I could change a law it would be not beighn able to chew gum in school.
I all ready have 5 answer all I need s number 6 so here it goes. i think trffic laws and safty laws effect us the most today. If I could change a law it would be not beighn able to chew gum in school.
4 so no one would do it.
5 many people would have missing lims, tounges snd there might be alot more deaths.
6 laws that effect me are sayingunkind things to my sister and things like that.I would keep eye for an eye tooth for a tooth but get rid of the law that says you can not lie on the floor of a cheese factory and fall asleep.
4. I do not know why he made scary rules
5. If we fallowed the code of Hummurabi there would not be alot of peole in the world.
6. I thinck during lunch you should be able to sit with the red team too. I dont get to sit with all of my friends. :(
6. No Chores, homework, all that jazz...
1. It was so no one would go around hurting people with out justice.
2. It changed big because if you did something wrong you would get punished.
3. So you couldnt go arounf and hurt peole or steal something from them.
4.So they would learn from what the have done to deserve it.
5. It would be very diffent becasue if someone went up to you and punched you in your eye then you would be able to punch back butnow we can just file a lawsuit on them.
6. I would have to say home rules like i have to tell them what im doing or that type of stuff.
1. So no one would go around hurting people with out any justice.
2. So no one would go punching or hurting people.
3. So people dont go up to some one and think they get a right to punch them.
4. So they would learn from what the have done.
5. It would be very diffrent becaus eyou could just go up to some one and punch them with out any consequences.
6. I would say my parents like what to do or what im going to do.
1.To make people more polite or just to have an organized city-state.
2.They became more organized and more orderly.
3.Yes,because they were killing people and stealing basically everyday and know the laws are kinda dumb but you get what you do. But there really weird because they get to kill people anyway. That's all I can do for right now ill add tomorrow!!!
1.He was probably tired of people getting hurt because there was no laws to follow.
2.People weren't getting hurt so much like before laws people would kill and not get in trouble for it.
3.Yes, these people needed laws people would steal and the owner couldn't say anything because the country would not do anything about it.
4.So people wouldn't do bad things.
5.It wouldn't be as good as ours today. They weren's so strict back then.
6.No, because I don't live in Mesopotamia so I wouldn't have to worry about it.
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