I can not believe how fast time goes. It seems just yesterday was the introduction to the "Teach Timmers" feature. Now, here we are four weeks later, for round two of "Teach Timmers." Today, we will be teaching Timmers about Mesopotamia. Throughout this unit, we have covered many different topics and done many different activities to try and gain an understanding and knowledge base of this first civilization of the world. Now, we will review all of our Mesopotamia information by teaching Timmers. Like you at the beginning of the unit, Timmers perhaps does not know a great deal about Mesopotamia. Though it is the first civilization of the world, it is something that few people know a lot about. Fortunately for Timmers, all of you now know a lot, so share your knowledge about this very interesting place. Read your "task" to get started.
Task: post a comment to Timmers telling him about Mesopotamia. Topics you should explain in your comment: vocabulary words, Lesson 1 guided notes, Lesson 2 Guided Notes, Flip packet, problem/solution poster, Mesopotamia Vs. USA, Cuneiform, "I Invented Farming", irrigation, the fabulous four inventions, Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi, Deadliest Warrior, Ziggurat tournament, and anything else you would like to include from this unit.
Length: You need to thoroughly explain five topics from above.
Points: 20 completion points.
Remember, Timmers is a real person. He will respond to only the best comments, so do a good job of teaching him about Mesopotamia and you might get a reply back!
Hey Timmers whats up its Andrew B again and now were learning about Mesopotamia. Did you know that Assyria was located in Nothern Mesopotamia. Or they were very educated people.Also do you know what the fabulous 4 inventions are I will give ya a hint 1 starts with a w. 1 has to do with water and crops and 1 has to with a BOOK. Lastly its used to buy things also known as moola.Hey do you think the code of Hammurabi is to cruel or do you think its fair. I think its cruel because one of the laws says"if you hit your father your hands will be cut off" well i think thats cruel because when you are a kid you do that sometimes.In this unit we are having ziggurat battles. Have you ever played it if so my best time was 1min 9sec whats yours. What do you think would happen if a Stone Age Super Speicies and a Mesopotamian Wariorr faced off if the worrior had a dagger and the Super Speicies had a club, WHO Would Win!
hey anyways we learned about mess in my pants i mean mesopatmia and some of ur topics were...
1: flip packet is were we write down vocab words such as cunieform.
2:"I Invented Farming" is a another story in the i series and we read it.:)
3:epic of gilgamesh is the first book ever and we got a summery of the book from mr. klumper.
4:Code of hammuriabi was the first book of laws ever writen and includes eye for eye and tooth for tooth.
5:And lastly my fav the ziggurat tournyment im in the final 4 How cool is that!?!?
hi timmers my name is taylor and i want to talk about school stuff. Like the flip packet notes and stuff like that so i hope that you like this isnt a school lesson but i think that you like it. This is about the ziggurat tournament we play it all the time now and i had a by but i think that it is old because it was all fun then it was boring so i think that it should be over. the second thing I want to talk about the story of gigamesh. Gigimesh isnt the smartest man but he has feeling when his freind died he wanted to stay alive forever and he had to stay awake for 7 days but epic fail he fell aseep before the first day was over and that was why it failed. there is one more thing i want to talk about the fabulous four inventions whitch is irrigaation money writing and wheel that is all i have to teach.
have a nice day
Hi Timmers im am going to teack you about Mesopotamia and here are some things they invented wheel, money, writing, and irrigation.
Timmer,s I am going to tell you 2 codes of Hammurabi #1 If any one break a hole into a house (break in to steal),he shall be put to death before that hole and be buried. #2 If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death.
When you are done Timmers pleaze tell me if you think #1 is crule or fare and for
#2 tell me if you think it is fare or cruel.
plz comment timmers 8)
Hey Timmers! Im here to teach you about Medopotamia.
1.The Famous Four....They are the wheel used today on cars,words that we read in books,also the first coin otherwise known as money,last but not least is irrogation this is where the dig ditches so they can water their crops as much as needed.
2.The Epic of Gilgamesh..This is where a man named Gilgamesh wamts to live forever so he goes to find a wiseman.The wiseman said that if you can stay awake for seven days strait you will live forever.Unfortunately he feel asleep and realized that only Gods could live forever.
3.We do a tournament where we have to build a ziggurat. A zigguart is a pyramid type thing that the people used to worship Gods. Im acually doing the tournament today!
4.There is a code called The Code of Hammurabi. This is a code that King Hammurabi invented so they could have order in Mesopotamia.The sayind is "An eye for an eye;a tooth for a tooth.That means that if someone poked your eye out that you could poke theirs out.
5.Last is that they invened something called irrogation...This is where they dig trenches in the dirt leading to the crops.This allows them to control how much water the crops get.
Timmers I hope you learned alot! :)
Dear Timmers..... in Mesopotamia (the first civilisation there was)there where problems with farming. This results to no food. Mesopotamia is land between the rivers. Witch are the tigris and ufraties (you should check out the video):). anyways they could not farm because it was either to dry or overflowed and more water was there than needed. They figured out abouth irragation they built dams and gates to open wen need for water but to close when flooding might have been coming. Next are some vocab words you should know. A fertile cresent is an area of land that is curved and is used very well for ferming. Next you should know city-state, mesopotamians made thies in the town. They are individual unit complete with its own goverment and traditions. One more thing is the ZIGGAROT TOURNAMENT!!! We are having a tournament between our class. It is a game we play you try to find the write amount of people for each station and then watch them build. If you think that sounded kind of interesting Mr. Klumper has a game posted on the website that u can try. HAVE A GOOD DAY TIMMERS!!:)
Hey Mr. Timmers, This is Morgan TeKrony. In social studies we have been working on something called a Flip Packet. The flip packet is a booklet that has info about Assyria, Babylonia, Phoenic, and Hebrews.
#2 We have also been working on a ziggurat. A ziggurat is a game that we play to see who will make it to the final 4. I did not want to do it so I asked Mr. Klumper if I had to do it. Do u think I should ahve done it?
#3 We also did the fab 4 inventions. The invetions are the wheel to carry heavy stuff around. The irragation system to know how much water they need.We also study money they used to trade for things they did not have. An d the writing system so they know what people are saying and doing or to show their actions.
#4 We also did the epic of Gilgamesh. It started out Gilgamesh best friend died so he is on a journey to find a God so he can live forever. When he finds the God he has to stay awake for 7 days without sleeping. He didnt make it but now he knows that he cant live forever.
#5 We also did the guided notes it is about Akkad and Sumer It is about Religon and goverment. And the major Gods, Writing (confusing), and Sumers final days.
Hey Timmers! We are learning about mesopotamia in Social Studies. Its really cool. We get to do Ziggurat tournaments (i might be the top 4), We Get to learn about the Code of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh, The faboulous 4 inventions, and The Mesopotamia versus USA. In the ziggurat tournaments we get to go against other classmates to see who can build a ziggurat the fastest online. THe Code of Hammurabi is a state of laws that people followed in mesopotamia. I think they were very cruel laws, dont you? If u dont know what the laws were look down on water for sixth grade blog, it shows u there. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, its actually the first book ever written!! Its About a guy named gilgamesh and his best friend, Enkidu. Enkidu Dies so Gilamesh wants to live forever. turns out he cant live forever. Then we are learning about the fabolous 4 inventions, wheel, irrigation, money, and writing. These were the inventions that the people in mesopotamia invented. pretty Sweet huh? In the Mesopotamia versus USA, its an articule about which is better and it compares things about what they did and what the other people didnt do. I think its pretty cool.
Heyo Timmers, it's me again!! We are supposed to teach you about five things we learned about mesopotamia. Can't wait. Mr. Klumper says you have seen the "Faboulous Four" video. I think it is cool how he has the box and he shows us how they irrigated their farms only on a much smaller scale. It is funny when the wheel is thrown at him and he uses it to pull Izzy. It is smart to use real life examples to explain things that happened in the past.
We also learned about the first book, "The Epic of Gilgamesh". In class we had to draw a comic strip about the events in the book and you could come up with a whole bunch of ways that Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh stays awake. I put Enkidu being stabbed and in heaven he is like "oh crap, I'm dead!" To keep Gilgamesh awake, I put a jellyfish on his tongue, and a starbucks next to him.
I don't know if you have played the Ziggurat game, but you should. We had a tournament in class for that and we are down to the "final four" of period 3. After that, we will have a contest to see the best ziggr=urat builder in the entire black team!!
Have you seen the "Tigris and Euphrates" scream? Who do you think is the loudest? I tink period six is second luodest, period 3 is the very loudest, and period 4 is third loudest.
During this unit, Mr. Klumper made these really cool animatoins on Sketchfu and they ars some of the most watched animatoins on the website!!! I think that is awesome. Even though Mr. Klumper is a crappy artist, he was still the most watched animation yesterday.
Hey Timmers, it's Brady again. We are now learning about Mesopotamia. Did you know that Mesopatamia means "land beetween the rivers"? The two rivers are Tigris and Euphrates. Also, did you know that they created the wheel,irrigation,money,and writing?
Did you know that the very first book was called "The Epic of Gilgamesh"? A fertile cresent is landshaped like a curve that contains good land for farming. Did you know that a city-state is an individual unit complete with its own form of government and traditions? Polytheism is the belief in only one god. And monotheism is the belief in more than one god. The code of Hammurabi is a set of laws established by Hammurabi. A ziggurat is a huge pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods. Cuneiform is a form of wedge shaped writing. Mesopatamia had two ciy-states, Sumer and Akkad. Sumer was in the south and Akkad was in the north.
Hey Timmers, what up? I am going to teach you about my vocab. Do you know what a fertile crescent is it is an area of land shaped like a curvre that contains good land for farming. Do you know what mesopotamia means it means a land between the rivers. Do you know what polytheism is it is the worship of more than one gods. Do you know what irrigation is it helps people control when and how much water their crops get. Do you know what a ziggurat is it is a huge, pyramid shaped structure used to wordhip the gods. Next I will teach you about the fabulous four inventions the first one is writing to keep track of taxes and other payments. The wheel used to bring items from places to places faster. Irrgation used to keep their crop alive and from beig flooded. Money is used to get stuff and to pay people in jobs. Next I will teach you about is the epic of gilgamesh in the start of the story his friend died. So he want to know how to live forever so he will travel to the ends of the earth to find Wiseman. When he found him he offered him everlast life if he could stay awake for seven days. But gilgamesh falls asleep alomost ommediately and learns only the gods can live forever.
Hi Timmers! I am going to teach you about Mesopotamia so the first thing I would like to teach you about the "Ziggurat." In Mesopotamia a ziggurat is built to worship gods in. People would bring the gods food and water everyday.
Next I would like to tell you about the epic of Gilfemesh there was this guy named Gilgamesh he had a best friend and his name was Enkidu. But Enkidu died and Gilgemesh had this crazy idea of him wanting to live forevever. So he went to go find a wiseman and once he did he told him that he wanted to live forever. Then the wiseman told him only if he could stay awake for seven days. Gilgemesh couldn't stay awake and he failed the task and leared only gods can stay awake fo rthat long.
Now I would like to tell you about the Code of Hammurabi. Well I would think that some of the laws are pretty cruel so I will give some examples. If a child is to strike his father he would get his hands cut off. If a kid who was either adopted or parents who have died and had to go to a different family told them they weren't their real parents they were to get their toung cut off. Ther is
282 laws in the code of Hammurabi.
Now I am going to tell you about Babylonia. In their daily life they relied on irrigation. Also in their daily life they had a class system.
Hey Mr.Timmers, This us Lexi Zoellner. In social studies we have been working on a flip packet. A flip packet is a booklet with information about Assyria, Babylonia, Phoenicians, Lydians and Hebrews.
#2 We also have been building ziggurats in our tournament. Unfortunatly I lost in the ziggurat tournament. A ziggurat is a temple used to worship the gods.
#3 The fabulous four inventions are writing, money, the wheel, and irrigation. The writing system is called cuniform and its really hard to understand. Money is actuall trading, they would trade just about anything. They made the wheel but it took them a while, they had so many different ideas. Irrigation is how they watered thir crops with no flooding, The Euphrates river was the overflow and the Tigris was the drain.
#4 We learned ten vocab words so I will tell you five. Polytheism which means the belief in more than one god. Mesopotamia which means the land between the rivers. Cuniform which is a form of writing. Monotheism is the belief in one god.
#5 I invented farming is a story in the eye series. It is about A kid who helped the mesopotamians invent a better way to farm. He had to find two gold coins and he found one in the stone age and one in Mesopotmia.
Wuzzzz Up Timmers!!!??...Hangin' with the monkeys??!! Like my bro.. oh wait I don't have one!!!! LOL!!
I'm going to teach you about some vocabulary words. CIVILIZATION means group of people that have an organized society. POLYTHESIM means to worship many gods. MONOTHEISM means to worship ONLY ONE God!! CODE OF HAMMURABI is a set of laws established by Hammurabi. IRRIGATION means that you can control how much water you need and want. Ok, moving on to, the fabulous four inventions, there was the wheel which, well lets just say it made life a lot easier!! Then, there's irrigation which means to control how much water you need. Then there's money, everybody likes that!! The last invention is writting they wrote on clay tablets to keep track of money and to make lists. We started our flip packets, we had Assyria they built the Great Library, they are located in Northern Mesopotamia. Then Babylonia invented place value, The Hammurabi's code which has 282 laws Eye For an Eye, Tooth For a Tooth!! Then we have the Phoenicians and Lydians they were expert sailors, they invented todays modern alphabet and invented first coin. Now, onto the Epic of Gilgamesh! His friend, Enkidu dies. So, Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever. So, he travels to the ends of the Earth to find the Wiseman. The wiseman offers Giglamesh everlasting life IF, he can stey awake for 7 days!! He tries,but does not suceed. Last but not least the ziggurate tournoment to see if you can beat somone by building the ziigurate the fastest you enter how many workers you want, then watch it go!! Thanks Timmers hope to find out who you TRUELY are SOON!!!! BYE :)
hi timmers! i want to teach you about the epic of gigimesh gilgemesh tried to stay alive forever and didnt do it his freind died and he was sad a didnt want that to happen to him so he tried to stay awake for 7 days a fell a sleep on the first night and didnt say alive forever but he did get a good night sleep. the second thing i want to teach you is the fobulous for wheel money irrigation and writing those were all impotant in a way. there is something that we are working on right know the deadliest worrier it is the most fun i have ever had you get a weponds you put them in a battle and you figure out who wins it is awsome fun so is thework.
HEY BUDDY WUT U DoING?????!!! Well im in school. Ok well heres the deal im ganna t each you abouto mesopotamia. Heres soime vocab. words. Mesopatimia is really land between 2 rivers!And the code of Hammurtabi was a set of laws established by Hummarabi.A ziggurat is a HUGE and when i say HUGE I mean HUGE,Pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods. Its nothing like a mansion.Caneiform was the writing they used before they discoverd a,b,c's it was a formof wedged shaped writting in clay rocks.Irrigation is my last word of vocab.it is what helps people control when and how much watter they get to water their crops.
Now im ganna tell you about the Fabulaus four inventions. Well there was the wheel.Thats a life saver haha. And then there was the money and writting.Ca you guess what the last one is....iragation!!!!! Ok well i thikn that the wheel was most important but people dissagree so....tell wich one you think is the most important (irrigation is water!)Writing was formed from them you a,b,c's so ya.And they made the wheel thats oyour car or moped or bike.And moneys the thing that hellped you buy that car or moped or bike.And the wheel was wooden bak there and the had weird ways of writting like numbers and stuff.
Now im going to explain the ziggurat compettions. Well what happens is that we have 2 people go on the computer and then who ever can build the fastest wins. Its really very intense. haha. well any way and now we have one morer competion and then its off to the compettion.Then who ever wins in the end will get a really cool prize but Mr. Klumper wont tell us what it is. I would have been still in the compettion but i got beat with like one secend.
Now im ganna tell you about the code of Hammurabi. I think this was crule but if u steal someones
belongings from a fire you would be trow into the fire. And if you insult one you wouyld get you tounge cut off. ewwwwwww. I your a boy and you hit an adult you get your hand cut off. If you kikll someone you will get killed. If you make a faule acusation you killed without even being able to explain what you saw.
In deadliest warrior you will comeete against the old uniot people.
Hi Timmers! I am going to teach you about a couple things today. The first thing that i want to teach you about is the Ziggurat Tournament. In social studies we are learning about mesopotamia, and in mesopotamia, they worship many gods. To show that they loved their gods, they built a big pyrimid/temple thing, called a Zigguret, to let the gods live in. And so in the Ziggurat Turnament, we play a game in which you have to assiagn a certain amout of workers to each station. I am sure you have played it before. The second thing I want to teach you about is the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of laws given by Hammurabi. I think that there are some fair laws in the Code of Hammurabi, but most of them are cruel. Here are some laws from the Code of Hammurbi. Do you think they are fair or cruel? If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death. If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear. If any one buy a male or female slave, and before a month has elapsed the benu-disease be developed, he shall return the slave to the seller, and receive the money which he had paid. If he take the seed-corn for himself, and do not use the yoke of oxen, he shall compensate him for the amount of the seed-corn. The third topic I would like to teach you about is Cuneiform.(Coo-knee-iform) In mesopotamia, the people invented four important things that we still use today. We learned how to write numbers in cuneiform. 1= -< 10= < So -< -<=2 < < -< -< = 22 so what does < < < -< -< -< mean?
HI Timmers. Vocab.1] Mesopotamia means the land between river.2]Cuneiform means a form of wedgeshaped writing.3]ziggurat means a huge pyrimid shape structure used to worship gods.4]Code of Hammurabi means a set laws estableshed by Hammurabi.5] Fertile Cresent means an area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
[Flip packet]Assyria was located on in the northen mesopotamia,high value educated people, and built great librarys.Babylonia was south of mesopotamia, in 1792 Hammurabi became leader of Babylonia, in 602 b.c King Nebuchednezzar 2 had people built the first ziggurat.
We have this game were have to built a Ziggurat and we have a girl vs a boy and who ever wins gets to go to the next level.
[Gilgamesh] is a story about a boy named Gilgamesh.His friend dies and so he was to live forever. He goes in to the derset to find a wiseman to give him the power to live forever. He finds the wiseman and the wiseman says "If you can stay up for 7 days,I will grant you the power to live forever."Gilgamesh stays up for 5
hours and loses the chance to live forever.
Irrigations is a big part in the way we live and also was a big part in the way the mesopotamias lived.The wheel was a big step for mesopotamias to move heave things.
Hey Timmers, how are you doing? I am going to teach oyu about Mesopotamia this time ok.The first thing I am going to teach you about is the Ziggurat tornoment so here it goes we were paired up with someone and then we started plying agenst or partner, my partner was Allesio. If you have not played it you should check it out it is a pretty cool game!!!:):):):)The second thing I am goi ng to tell you about is we made a Flip Packet and it is a item that we can use on the test. The
flip Packet has these items on it. It talks about Assyria and has info on Assyria. It talks about Babylonia And has facts on Babylonia. It also talks about Phoenicians & Lydians and has info on those two things and also takls about Hebrews and has facts on Hebrews. We also read the I inventedfarming story.In the I invented Farming story I read that they had to use irrigation for there crops to controll how much water they got.I watched the fabulous for inventions vidoe that Izy & Mr.Klumper made I learned accually Mr.Klumper learned that with a wheel he could pull Izy alot faster. Also in the 4movie I learned that you need money to buy a tolet and if you do not have money you can not buy any thing without money. Hey Timmers, have you seen cuneiform before if so do you agree with me that it is complicated right.
Hi! This is Rebecca Hicks and I just wanted to teach you about Mesopotamia!
Cuneiform was the first form of writing. It was difficult because not everyone knew it.
Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh was the very first book ever written! It is about a man who's friend dies and Gilgamesh is vey crestfallen about it. So he tries to find a wiseman to help him live forever. When he finally found a wiseman the wiseman offered "I will let you live forever if you can stay awake for 7 days." So Gilgamesh tries but almost immediately fallls asleep. Then he realizes that only gods can live forever. Pretty sad huh?
Code of Hammurabi
The Code of Hammurabi states: If a man is hit by his child the childs hands shall be cut off. If anyone is caught of robbery he shall be put to death.An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth right? Some say that the Code of Hammurabi is cruel some say fair,what do you think and why?
Ziggurat Challenge
The ziggurat was a temple of which people would worship th gods. Now there is a game on how to make a ziggurat.1.The king wants another ziggurat and wants YOU to make it. You have 180 workers. Some need to make bricks. Some need to carry bricks,and some need toplace bricks. Figure out what is the combination. What is your time?
There are farmers that need help getting water to the crops. So what do they do?! They invent irragation! Irragation is a big wall against the rivers and dig trenches to the crops and there is a gateway to getting the water through. So when they need water they open th gates and here comse the water!
Thanks for listening Timmers.I hope to meet you soon! Bye! Rebecca
Hi Timmer, I would like to teach you about The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh's friend, Enkidu, dies.Gilgamesh wants to discoer how to live forever.Gilgamesh travels to the ends of the earth to find Wiseman. Wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for 7 days. He Tries to stay awake. But Gilgamesh fall asleep almost immediately and learns only the gods can live forever. I would also like to teach you about the fablulous four inventions. The Wheel, Money, Writing, and Irrigation.
Hi Timmers. I am going to teach you about the Ziggurat tournament, the ziggurat tournament is where you race somebody in your class to see who can build the ziggurat the fastest, and when I played I got beat the first round. Secound thing I will teach you about is Gilgamesh is one of the first books ever written. Gilgamesh's friend Enkidu dies. Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live for ever so he will never die or somebody he knows will never die. Gilgamesh travels to find a wiseman. The wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for 7 days.Gilgamesh does not stay awake he falls asleep almost immedidiately.
Next I will teach you about the fabulous four . The fabulous four are wheel,irrigation,writting and money. Next I will tell you about some of our vocabulary words.our first word is Civilization it means groups of people that have a complex and organized community. Secound word is Fertile Crescent it means an area of land that is really good for farming and curved. Third word Irrigation it means -Helps people control when and hoe much water they want in there yard. Bye
Hey Timmers, its been a long time. I think you are ready to get taught about Mesopotamia.
We are going to talk about Cuneiform. Cuneiform is a special writing system that the mesopotamians made (it was also the firs writing system). It was made by striking a reed into a clay tablet. Then they would make confusing symbols. Eventually, Cuneiform got VERY confusing, I mean like no one could understand it.
Now I will teach you(Timmers) about The fabulous four.(inventions made that we still use today). The fabulous four are the WHEEL, IRRIGATION, a WRITING SYSTEM, and MONEY. The two I think are the best are the WHEEL and IRRIGATION. I think they are the best, just imagine if we were still in the Mesopotamian times with no food or crops and we were very weak trying to lug big bricks for the next ziggurat. It would be pretty hard without food and nothing to transport us.
The next thing I am going to teach you about is this awesome book. It is the Epic of Gilgamesh. (It was also the first book). This book is about this guy named Gilgamesh who his freind dies and is afraid that he will die soon too. So he sets out trying to find a wiseman to get eternal power. In doing so he goes throughout the cornes of the earth trying to find the wiseman. Once he finds the wiseman, the wiseman tells him," To get Eternal life you must stay awake for 7 days". Gilgamesh tries to stay awake by....(insert own method). While trying to stay awake he hears that only gods can have eternal life so he falls asleep.
Now I am going to teach you about a set of lawa called The Laws of Hammurabi. These laws can be harsh but yet fair. Here are some examples of the laws. If you hit an adult your hands will ge cut off. If there is a fire in a house and you are trying to kill the fire and you take a personal item from that house's owner and you get caught you will be thrown into that house with a fire in it.
Hey Timmers,
i get to tell u about mesopatmia yippe(sacastic face)lol.
1# Code of Hammurabi i'll tell u one ok maybe two 1# If the owner do not bring witnesses to identify the lost article, he is an evil-doer, he has traduced, and shall be put to death. 2#If fire break out in a house, and some one who comes to put it out cast his eye upon the property of the owner of the house, and take the property of the master of the house, he shall be thrown into that self-same fie...
3# mesopatmians invented irragation the wheel, money, and writing.
4#The epic of gilgamesh is the first book ever writen instead of reading the whole thing we got a summary from mr.klumper
5#the ziggurat toury is the most fun because im in the final four :)
Yo whats up Tims, it's home boy Ozz. O.K. Tims I am going to teach up about Mesoppotamia.
1.First lets do vocab.First vocab word is.....(Civilization)Def.Groups of people that have a complex and organized community. What it is not...it is not a messy community. Second vocab word is...(Fertile Cresent)Def. An area of land that is shaped like a cresent and it contains good soil. It is not a straight piece of land. Third vocab word is...(Irragtion)Def.Helps people control when and how much they watered their crops.Fourth vocab word is...(City-State)Def. An indiviual unit complete with its own form of goverment and traditions.Fifth and last vocab word I am going to list is...(Mesopotamia)Def.Land between the rivers.It is not U.S.A.
2.So Tims, I hope u learned off the vocab, but now I am going to talk about this flip packet we made in class.First we are going to go through Assyria.Assyria is located in northern Mesopotamia.Assyria has high value on war and conquest.Assyria has very high educated people.Assyria built the great library not the great ziggurat.We also talked about Babylonia.Here are some facts about Babylonia.Babylonia is located in south Mesopotamia.1792 B.C. Hammurabi came the king of Babylonia.Babylonia relied on irragation.Babylonia's king (Hammurabi) made the 282 law they had in their harsh life.Babylonia had this saying (eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth)Alright Tims, Lets move on to Phoenicians,they were expert sailors and inventors of the alphabet.Movin on to Lydians.Lydians were the inventors of the coin.Well,hehe that's all I got for Lydians.Lets move on to Hebrews.Abrahm was the was the first jew.(I will tell you more about Abrahm)Abrahm found the religion of judaism.(I don't know how to spell the religion name for jews)Jews are covenent with one god.Jews are monotheism,monotheism is belief in one god.
I would also like to tell you about the Fabulous four inventions. There is the wheel money irrigaton and writing. My thought is that irrigation is the most important because you get most of the food with most of the crops and if you dont get all of your food then you are going to starve. What do you think is the most important?
Hi Timmers how are you?
I been having a fun time in social Studies learning about ancient mesopotamia.And i that you would like to learn about it too.
#1 Did you know that they invented 4 things.Like money,irigation,writing,and a wheel.
#2 The reson why they ivented irigation.Is because,the crops they were growing didn't get the water they needed to grow.
#3 The defintion of mesopotamia is the land between the rivers.The two rivers that is around the land of mesopotamia is the tigers and new fradies.
#4 The people of mesopotamia had a different way they wrote the way they wrote was caled cuneiform.
#5 Did you know that you can use mud and hay to make a brick.Well,that was how the people of mesopotamia made there bricks.
Hey what`s up Timmers! Are you having a good day cuz I know I am? Are you ready to learn about Mesopotamia? We made a flip packet and in our flip packet we wrote things down about Mesopotamia. Here are some things that we wrote about. There is a place called Assyria and in Assyria there are very educated people. They also built the great library. There`s also a plae called Babylonia and they have this thing called Hammurabi`s Code. It has 282 laws and their saying is "eye for eye tooth for tooth". In Babylonia the most important project that they did was make the Great Ziggurat. I have a question for you about ziggurats now. Have you played the ziggurate game yet? If you have/havn`t you have to play it , it`s bawesome! If you have what`s you`re best score to beat? I don`t know what mine was. Mr.Klumper`s is 1 min. exact.
Hi Timmers, today I will teach you about the ancient world of Mesopotamia. The vocab words were very wierd likeFerrile cresent, it means area of land good for farming,I thought that was just fertile.Also there was 4 others the 1 was suprisingly Mesopotamia it means land between the rivers, the next wascity-state, it means a place with its own for of goverment and traditions, the last 2 are polyseism the belief in more them 1 god,andmonotheism the belief in 1 god. the next thing I will theach you about is the cuneiform, It was a strange writing system invented to keep track of things. It didn't last long because noone could read it. the 3 thing is the fabulous 4 of Mesopotamia, they are the wheel,Irragation,Money to trade for things,and word or coneiform, the reason they are the fabulous 4 is that they were the 1 four inventions in Mesopotamia that worked. after a while in class we learned about the class systems of mesopotamia, and it was very simple, 1 the king, then his goverment officals, after that the normal people, the farmers, then last the slaves. Ya the class system isn't much differant then ours exsept we don't have kings or slaves any more. the CODE of HAMMURABI was very crule to me, if you hit someone they would hit you back, if you stole something when there was a fire you would be herled into the fire to, so ya he wasn't the nicest guy. the last thing I will be teaching you about is the Ziggurat battle, we have 4 people left in, Alex W, Tyler N, Peter,and Hunter S. Have you played Zigguat battle and if you have what is your fastest time? If not try it it is fun. P.S. Mr. klumper makes really cool skeckes, you should check them out.
Hi teach to the timmers. I am Carly Rahn and I am going to teach you about mesopotamia.First I am going to tell you how much different it is than the United States.In the USA we can not teach religion in our schools, but Mesopotamia does and they worshiped many Gods and taught them to other people. Also we have a president that is picked by votes. In Mesopotamia their kings were picked by gods. Mesopotamia did a lot of great things to like the wheel, irrigation, money, and written langauge. You see a lot of those things in our todays world. The first written was very hard to understand though. So they made something a little easier called cuneiform. I have done a little cuneiform myself in class. Also Mesopotamia made the first book called The Epic of Gilgamesh. We learned what happened in the book. In case you are wondering what it is about I will tell you. It first starts out where Gilgamesh's best friends dies, which leads him onto wanting to live forever. Do Gligamesh finds a wise man to help him to his task. The wise man said he needs to stay awake for 7 days! Quikly Gilgamesh figures out he can not do that. But I am really glad I didn't live in Mesopotamia because they had cruel laws called Code of Hammurabi. Like if a adopted child said to his or her adopted parents that they weren't their parents they would get they tounge cut off! But in USA we have some weird laws to like in SD it is illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory. We read a story in class called I invented farming about where a person has to help Mesopotamia farm better. He showed them how to and thry became from people dieing of hunger to not all people had to farm. One last thing before I go. We are doing a ziggurat tournment and I am out but you can try to get a good time on Mr.K's website. P.S Would you rather have todays laws or Mesopotamia's laws? P.P.S Have a fun time reading our commets!
Hi Timmers! I am going to tell you a little bit about Mesopotamia.
First, the Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever written. The story is about Gilgamesh, who's best friend died. He decides he wants to live forever. The wiseman told him he neede to stay awake for 7 days in order to do that. He falls asleep immediatly and decides only the gods can live forever.
Have you tried to build a ziggurat? If you have, what was your fastest time? In social studies for the past couplwe of weeks, we have been playing a ziggurat tournement. This is what you have to do: you have 180 men and four jobs. You pick how many you want to do those jobs. You try to get a fast time.
The Code of Hammurabi is a little strange. Here is an example: If a son strikes his father, his hands will be cut off. In South Dakota therer is a weird one too. If you kie down in a cheese factory and fall asleep, you will be arrested.
Next, the fab 4. The fabulous 4 are 4 inventions that Mesopotamia made. The wheel, irrigation, money, and writing. If you could pick only one of those to have in todays world, which would you pick?
The last thing I am going to tell you about today is the deadliest warrior. From the last time I told you about the stone age, which do you think would win? the stone age super-species, or Mesopotamia? The stone age has these weapons: torch, hand axe, club, heavy spear, a copper axe, bow and arrow, spear (long range), and a knife. The Mesopotamia warrior has a dagger, a sword, a scimitar, body armor and helmet, and a mace.
Good Day, Timmers! Today, I'm going to be telling you about some things in Mesopotamia. The first thing is a 'first'! It is the first book, The Epic of Gilgamesh! It tells about a man named Gilgamesh, who wants to live forever. He goes eveywhere searching for a 'Wiseman'. The Wiseman tells Gilgamesh that if he can stay awake fo seven days, he will be granted immortality. Gilgamesh falls asleep almost instantly, and realizes only the gods can live forever.
The second I'm going to be teaching you about is the 'Fabulous Four Inventions of Mesopotamia' (FFIM). The FFIM are, the wheel, writing, irrigation, and a form of currency. All these inventions helped improve daily life. Irrigation helped keep plants healthy and the crops thriving. The wheel made moving heavy objects easier. With money, people could get the things they wanted, without losing any of their possesions. And finally, with writing, people could record things, or write books, like The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Cuneiform was the form of writing that the Mesopotamians used. Basically it involved a lt of traingles and straight lines. Maybe the people were very stiff like their writing (Sorry about the bad joke)! Unfortunately, cuneiform was too complex, and few people mastered it. So it was destroyed, and a new form of writing was yet to be made!
One of the other things we did was a Deadliest Warrior scenario. It was the Mesopotamian warrior, versus a Stone Age Super Species(SASS). The SASS was a combination of the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. The Mesopotamian Warrior was all about close range, what with his dagger, scimitar, and flail(which was awesome). The SASS had weapons that were more appointed to long range. It must've meant the SASS wasn't manly enough to get his hands dirty in a close-combat fight! Most people were against the SASS. I myself also opposed it and voted for the Mesopotamian Warrior, 'cause he's awesome!
The final thing I want to teach you is the Code of Hammurabi. A very cruel, yet somewhat just. Hammurabi brought Mesopotamia one step clser to becoming a civilization by inventing the first set of laws. I'm so glad we don't use these laws today!
Well, that's all I have to say, so have an excellent rest of your reading!
Hello Timmers,
We have been learning about Mesopotamia for the past four weeks so I'm going to teach you a little bit. Assyria is located in northern Mesopotamia. Very educated people live there. They built The Great Library. Babylonia is south of Mesopotamia. They relied on irragation and built the great ziggurat. We learned about Phonicians and Lydians. They were expert sailors and invented the firt coin. Last we learned about the Hebrews. Abraham was the first Jew and founded Judism.
We also learned that Mesopotamians got reallly good at farming. Befor they stated to farm they had to hant and gather. Mesopotamia's calendar is base on the moon and stars. After a while not every one in Mesopotamia had to farm because of a food surplus.
In Mesopotamia they had a lot of problems but came up with a solution for them. The fist problem is the didn't have enough rain for crops to grow so the moved south. Then there was still low rainfall so they invented irragation. The last problem was constructing buildings so they made bicks out of mud and straw.
Mesopotamians had two major city-states, Sumer and Akkad. They both farmed ran businesses and had customs. Uruk is a large city-state in Sumer. They painted houses to keep them cool inside. Mesopotamians thought that gods and godesses were resoponsible for well being.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is the first book, Gilgamesh's friend died. Then he wants to live forever. So he tried to find a wiseman. He told the wiseman he wated to live forever so the wiseman siad he could if he stayed awake for seven days. Then he fell asleep and remebered that only gods can live forever.
I hope you learned something,
Hi Timmers I'm going to be talking about Mesopatamia. First off I wanna talk about the fabulous four inventions the coin,book,wheel,irragation. Those are inventions that we use today in America the coin we use all the time, the book we use for intelligence the wheel, well without the wheel we wouldnt hace cars and last but not least irragation really important in water.
The Code of Hammurabi is really unfair.Hitting your father gets your hands cut off. Without hands you cant do work so theres no point.
In the story Epic of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh's freind dies then he wants to live forever. So Gilgamesh goes and finds a wiseman the wiseman says stay awake for seven days to live forever. So Gilgamesh tries to stay awake for seven days and he fails actually it was an epic fail.
The ziggurat turnament is really fun to do and watch so you should try and post your time.
By from, Nick (:
Hey Timmers. IN social studies we are learning about Mesopatamia here are some things we learned.
The wheel,coins,irrigation,and writing. I actually thought that some neanderthall made the wheel!
They also made the first book.
Epic of Gilgamesh is what it was called. It Was about Gilgamesh, his friend dide and he wanted to beat death. He travled 'around the world' looking for a wise man.
He found him and the wiseman said that if he stayed awake for 7 days he would live forever. Gilgamesh fell asleep almost immeditly.
He figured out only the gods could live forever. We also did a deadliest warrior against Mesopatamia warrior and the cro magnen and neanderthall mixed. The warrior won.
I gotta go c ya timmers!!
hey timmers how are you doing today? Hope you are having fun! I am going to teach you about Mesopotamia.Have you ever read the "Epic of Gilgamesh"? well it is about a boy whos best friend died. that gave him an idea. He wanted to live forever . Later he learn that he you can not live forever. Do you know what the fabulous four inventions are? wel they are irragation, money, writing, and the wheel. Your teacher(Mr. Klumper)made a wacky video about them. Hacve you ever wrote a paper in cuneiform? you prabally have not. It looks very weird and confusing. Have you ever played the ziggurat game? it is very hrd for me. I do not build a ziggurat very fast. we are having tornemn. I lost my first time. Have you ever herd of nmosses? well he belived in one god. he left with some poeple. they got found and they were put into slavery. god told him to lead the people out of slavery and that is exatly what he did.do you know wht the Tigris and Euphrates is? they are two rivers. when they flooded the land would be be very good to grow crops. But if the rivers never fooded they would not be able togrow any food. Then they invented irragation. everthing was better and the all lived happily ever after. bye:)
Why hello there Timmers. How is this fine day? Well i'm going to teach you about Mesopotamia, maybe you know about this maybe you don't this will refresh your memory.
1.Mesopotamia has two major rivers. People in Mesopotamia rely on the Tigris and Euphrates river for their lives. What I mean by that is when the snow on the Taurus Mountain melts and floods the Euphrates River which makes all the crops very healthy. That also called irragation.
2.The epic of Gilgemsh was the first book ever written in Mesopotamia. Here's a little summary of it. Once upon a time there was this man named Gilgamesh. He was best friends with this other guy named Enkidu. Everything was jim-dandy until one day one tragic, tragic day. Enkidu dies Gilgemsh was broken he was so upset. Gilgemesh wanted to know how to live forever. So he travels to the end of the earth to find the wiseman. The wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for 7 days straight. He tries (key word here tries) to stay awake by drinking red bull (just kidding). Does he accomplish the task......... nope 2 minutes after he was out like a rock. So he now know you can't live forever only the gods can.
Hey Timmers,
flip paket
one thing we did was the flip paket. So in the paket we learned about assyria, babylonia phoenicians, lydians, and hebrews.
the assyrians are located in the north verry educated and built great library. Babylonia is south of mesopatamia daily life is 282 laws "eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" there advancment in math is place value. Phoenicians and lydians phoenicians have expert sailors and modern alphabet. the lydians made the first coin. The hebrews abraham was the first jew founded religigin of jewdaism.acording to hebrews bible told mosses to lead the hebrews people out of slavery. thats all for the flip paket.
epic of gilgamesh
first gilgamsh's best fried died. Gilgamesh does not want to die so he wants to discover how to live forever. After a while Gilgamesh tries to find the wise man. He finds the wiseman and he says "Gigamesh if you stay awake for 7 days without sleeping you can live forever". So Gilgamesh tries to stay awake for 7 days by drinking coffee. Gilgamesh falls asleep right away. That is the epic of gilgamesh.
Hey Timmers! Hows it going today?
Well...I will be teaching you about Mesopotamia. So hopefully you' ll learn a few things.
In Social Studeis we are doing a Ziggurat Tournament. When the tournament first started everyone on the black team was in. Then you play and people start to get elliminated. now in periog 4 there are only 4 people left. Have you ever played the ziiggurat game? If you have whats you fastest time?
The fabulous four in Mesopotamia are money, irrrigation, writing and the wheel. All of these inventions are important. Money we need so not everything is free. Irrigation we need becasue we need food to live. Writing we need so we can keep track of things. We also need the wheel becaus esome people dont like walking everywhere.
The Epic of Gilgamesh was the book ever written. It is a very long book. So Mr. Klumper just gave us a summary of the book and here it is: Gilgamesh's best friend Enkidu dies. So Gigamesh wants to figure out how to live forever. He travels to the ends of the earth to try to find the wiseman to ask him how to live forever. Gilgamesh finally finds the wiseman and asks him "How can you live forever?" The wise man answered him by saying "I will make a deal with you. If you can stay awake for seven days I will give you the powere to live forever." Gilgamesh took the deal. Gilgamesh tries to stay awake by drinking coffee. He falls asleep almost immediately and realizes that only gods can live forever.
There are a lot of differences betwenn Mesopotamia and the USA. But there are also alot of similarities between th two. They are alike because they both have a class system, both have a religion, both have leaders, and both are a civilization. They are also different because in Mesopotamia, the class system is based on occupation, in the US it is based in money. Also, in Mesopotamia the fater passes his posistion down to his son. In the US it is different the people of the country get to choose.
Th first problem in Mesopotamia was there was not enough trainfall to grow crops. The solution of that is to mve south. The 2nd problem was there was low rainfall. The solution to that was irrigation. The 3rd and final problem in Mesopotamia was constructing buildings. The solution is to make bricks out of mud and straw.
Hey Timmers! Yep It's Morgan again! Glad to post to you today! Today I will be teaching you about Mesopotamia!! The 5 topics you are going to learn about are...Vocabulary words, Problems and Solutions, Mesopotamia vs. USA, The Fabulous Four, and The Ziggurat tournament! Here we go...
1. Vocabulary Words!
Mesopotamia - The Land between the rivers. (You may ask, "What are the 2 rivers?" Well if you scroll down on Water for Sixth Grade you can see what the 2 rivers are on our video...)
Fertle Cresant - An area of dry land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
Polytheism - The worship of many gods.
Monotheism - The worship of only 1 God.
City-State - An individual unit complete with its own form of goverment.
2. Problems and Solutions.
For this section we made a problem/solution poster.
Problem number 1, Not enough rain for crops to grow; the solution; Move south.
Problem number 2, Low rainfall; solution; Irrigation.
Finally, Problem number 3, Construction buidings; the solution; make bricks from mud and straw.
3. Mespotamia vs. USA
The Similarities for Mesopotamia and USA are; we all have religion, goverment, classes, and we are both a civilization.
The Differences are... We all might have religion, goverment, and classes but if you break those down even more, they are very different! For religion we have Church, State. For goverment we both have it but in Mesoptamia they chose their leaders we Elect our leaders. For class systems our class system is based on money, and Mesopotamia it is based on occupation. Mesopotamia - Kings, Wealthy People, Artisians & Farmers, then Slaves. USA - Upper, Upper Middle, Middle, and Lower.
4. Now the Fabulous Four. The fabulous four invetions in Mespotamia are Wheel, Irrigation, Money and Writing. We may not use the same exact things they used but we use these inventions ALOT!! To see more on these inventions check out Water for Sixth Grade!
5. Ziggurat Tournament! I went Very first and LOST!! We are still doing the tournament, and still is fun watching people get eliminated!
Ok class is over...I'm Done! Hope you learned lots!!!
Hi timers my name is Tyer and im going to teach you about Mesopotamia the first thing is the Epic of Gilgamesh. Ok lets get started. The Epic of Gilgamesh is about gilgamesh and what happens to him in his life. The first thing we learnd that Gilgameshes friend Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh is sad and wants to discover a way to live forever. So he travels to the ends of the earth to finf a wise man. the wise man offers Gilgames everlasting life if he can stay awake for 7 days. Gilgamesh tries to stay awake but almost falles asleep right away and learns that only that gods can live forever.
The second thing we did is are flip packet there were for things
The first thing we learend about Assyria.
Hello Timmers, my name is Alex Waltner. The first thing i want to teach you about is Epic of Gilgamesh. Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book written in Mesopotamia. First Gilgamesh's best friend named Enkidu dies. Then Gilgamesh wants to dicover how to live forever. So he travels tho the end of the earth to find the wiseman. He finds the wiseman and the wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can live forever. Gilamesh tries to stay awake, but almost immediatly he falls asleep and learns gods only can live forever.
The second thing ill talk about is the Code of Hammurabi. Around 1750 BC, King Hammurabi wrote 282 laws to govern the people of Babylon. Hammurabis code is based on the princible of "eye for eye, tooth for tooth". Which means if someone hits you in the eye they have the right to hit you in the eye.
Next thing i will teach you is I invented farming. I invented farming is about a kid who goes to mesopotamia to solve a problem. The problem is there crops are not getting enough water. So his task is to create away to get more water to there crops.
The second to the last thing ill talk about is Mesopotamia Vs. USA. Church in Mesopotamia is practiced with everything, such as school, government, jobs. In the united states church and state is seperated. America's class is based on money. In Mesopotamia there class is based on occupation.
The last thing is the Ziggurat tournament. In class we are playing build a Ziggurat. Its a computer game that you have to control your workers to build the ziggurat. I am in the final four. We will find out the winner on Thursday.
I Hoped you learned alout,
Alex Waltner
hey timmers. So we have been learning about mesopotamia and I just wanted to tell you stuff about it. Okay MR. clumper was telling us about some book called Epic of Gilgamesh. Ya apparently it was the first book ever made. Back to the book its about this guy named Gilgamesh. In the story his best friend dies and so he is realy upset by it. then he gets this crazy idea that maybe just maybe he could live forever. So he travels all around mesopotamia looking for a wise man. Well he finds this wise man and he askes him if he could live forever and then the wise man says if you can stay awake for seven days you can have everlasting life. Well he stays awake for about seven seconds.and that was the end.
So MR clumper has been making these wered animations on the computer got to go I will comment the rest to you later
Hi Timmers my name is Dodge Waldera. And today I will teach you about Mesopotamia. The first book ever made was a book called the Epic of Gilgamesh. The book is about two friends. And gilgameshs friend dies so now gilgamesh wants to live forever. So he goes on journy around thed world to find a wise man, to tell him how to live forever. He finds a wise man and the wise man sayes all you have to do is not sleep for seven days, but gilgemesh fell asleep. And realives only gods can live forever. The code of Hammurabi is a very brutl law passed by hammurabi himself. The mato is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. His laws stopped alot of peolpe from stealing and breaking the rules some of them if you break them you will die pretty harsh hu. So if you popped up in mesopotamia do not be bad or maby death do do dooo.
Greetings Timmers
I am here to talk to you about Irrigation in Mespopotamia. Irrigation is like this when the water that they have overflows then they use Irrigation, and they pour the water somewhere else like maybe other plants that did not get any water from the overflow. Irrigation is very helpful to the farmers. Irrigation helps make surplus surplus is extra food or crops after that they did not need to have as many farmers and that made there life easier.
I am going to talk to you about The Epic of Gilgamesh. This is how it happend: One day Gilgamesh saw his friend die and his friend did die and he was very sad about that so he desided to find this wiseman and try to live forever. After that he found the wiseman and He asked if he could live forever so he told him that he had to sleep for seven days stright so Gilgamesh tried and failed.
Yo Mr.T how you doin.
okay so you want to learn something new about mesopotamia well there is a lot of thing the deadliest warrior well it is a match between the mesopotamia warrior and the S.A.S.S[stone age super speciec] the S.A.S.S has the long range weapons but, but the warrior had close rangd witch is also deadly the mace 4 to 6 spiked balls on a pole you may think the caveman will win with fire but the warrrior are not elk and if they are hit with a arrow the warrior has armour while the S.A.S.S only has lion clothes. On a side the art mr. klumper makes for scetchs are the worlds most viewed on sketchfu and it is worse the a shave rat mixed with a headless turkey. Also the ziggurat game you should play it and try to bet mr. klumper his time is 1min flat. sooooooo now i g2g E-MAN is out peace.
Vocab is what ill be teaching you for today. Some of them are Mesopotamia that means land between the rivers. Tigris and Euphrates are the rivers that Mesopotamia is in. Another one is Ziggurat those are huge pyramids shaped like a triangleish figure used to worship gods or goddesses. Their is Cuneiform that is the first system of writing that became readable to people in Mesopotamia. They are symbols that represent numbers. Mesopotamia is a City-State a City-State is An individual unit complete with its own form of government and traditions. Also their is Irrigation that is technically water it means it helps people control when and how much they watered their crops. Thats all about vocabulary in Mesopotamia!!!
Okay, um im gonna teach you about The Faboulous four Inventions. The inventions were the wheel it is something that turns when the car\carts move or start I have to go back to class il write more later tonight maybe we'll see!!!
Hi there im reilly wojciechowski pd 4. I want to let to know that where doing a ziggurate tournament and where down to the finally 4 and i lost in the first round. We learn a the code of hammurabi and they where petty creul. The fabulous four inventsions are Irrigation,Wheel,Money,Writing and thats are fabulous four. We taked about gilamesh and how he wanted to stay alive for ever because his friend enkidn died and he traveled the wourd to stay alive for ever. Are vocab words are Civilization,Fertile crescent,Irriagtion,city-state,mesopotamia,polytheism
Whatz up Timmers?????
Kaitlyn in da house.
Today I will teach you about Mesopotamia.
1- Fabulous four
1 da wheel the wheel is very important to our universe because if we did not have it we would have to walk everywhere.
2 da moolash (AKA MONEY) the money is also very important because we could not buy the things we have we would have to grow our own food and if we went anywhere we would not be able to buy anything so it would be a waste of time to go anywhere.
3 da writing is also very important because if we didnt have writing we woulg not be able to comunicate besides talking.
4 irrigation is also important because if we didnt have irrigation we would not be able to water our crops except when it rains and if it doesnt rain our crops will die.
I think the code of Hammurabi is cruel but not cruel at the same time you can find out why by reading fair or cruel but I can also tell you. Some of the laws have to do with cutting off things of killing; like if you strike your father your hands will be cut off or if someone strikes a man of hugher rank then he shall be whipped 60 times in public, or if some one is caught in the act of robbery than he shall be put to death and if a judge makes an error through his own fault while trying a case he must pay a fine and be removed from the judges bench and never judge another case again. But some fair rules are if a contracter builds a house for someone else and the house starts to fall then the builder has to pay a fine with his own money and use his own labor to rebuild it.
3-Ziggurat tournament
In social studies we have been doing this tournament that you have to build a ziggurat on the computer faster than your apponet. I dont knoe if you have tryed it but you have to try it, time yourself and let me know your fastest score. My fastest score was 1:15.56. Ill finish later cause i have to go to lunch.
Hi Timmers I would like to teach you about Mesopotamia. Befor I get started I would like to know if you have played the ziggurat game and if you did what os youer fastiest time? Ok first I am going to tell you the differences and similarities between Mesopotamia and the US. Some things that are the same between them they both have religions, goverment systems, class systems, and we are both a civilazation. I will tell you more later.
hello mr timmers. we have learned alot in social studies like the four inventions the wheel, money, irrigation, and writing. other things we learned is the epic of gilgamesh was the first book ever made.Another thing is the code of ham. or eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.
The first thing i want to talk about is the ziggurat tournement. I'm in the semis and i could use some help do you have a special combo?
The second is The Code of Hammurabi did you know it is based on eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. I think that is a little harsh. The code was the first set of laws.
Next, I will talk about the epic of gilgamesh. It was the first book ever made. Its about a guy called gilgamesh his friend died so he wanted eternal life. So he had to stay awake for one week, but he fell asleep.
Now, I want to talk about deadliest warrior. It is the Stone Age vs. Mesopotamia. If the battle was in open field Stone age wins but close together Mesopotamia.
Lastly, I'll talk about irragation. Irragation is probobly Mesopotamia's greatest inventions. Irragation is the same as watering your plants. We still use it today in our everyday lives. without it we won't have most of our foods.
Good evening timmers
Lets start off with the faboulous 4 inventions of mesopotamia the 4 things are WHEEL IRRIGATION MONEY and WRITING.
2 of all the Epic of Gilgamesh is the 1st book ever writin it was made in mesopotamia on a clay tablet in cuneiform.
Thirdly we are haveing a ziggirat tournament unfortianly i lost out on the 1st round but their are only 4 people left who will win.
We are also learning about the great language in cuneiform we had a work sheet that we did that we had to write down a bunch of cuneiform numbers and i got them all done realy fast i think i was the first 1 done im a cuneiform expert with numbers any ways hehe
lastly we are doing deadlyest warrior angain this unit i CANT WAIT TO SEE IF CROMAGNON SUPER SPICEICE wins or if MESOPOTAMIA I think that mesopotamia is going to win beacause the have less wepons but all of them look more powerful such as the mace But Mr.Klumpdog thinks cromagnon will win because thay have long range wepons but if we were in a small area mesopotamia would win because the have short range wepons but from far away cromagnon would win beacause they have a bow an arrows. Thanks for takeing a look at my comment MR.Timmers
sincerly Logan Jacobson
hello Timmers how are you?
#1 The assyria is located in the northern mesopatamia,there is very educated people there. they even built a great library there.#2 phoenicians and lydians are expert sailors,they have modern alphabet and the lydians invented the first coin.#3 The hebrews found religon of judaidm,and they only worship only one god, then the god will protect abraham's people. known as the hebrews.#4 The civilization has a group of people that have a complex and organized community. fertle crescent is an area of land shaped like a curve that contains land for farming.#5 The city-state is an indivisal unit,complete with it's own farm of government and traditions.polytheism worships many gods and they belive in many gods.mesopotamia is land between the rivers.
HELLO! TIMMERS! I come to type to you about Social Studies......
First, the vocab words,
Civilization - Groups of people that have a complex and organized community.
Fertile Cresent - An area of land shaped like a curve that contains good farming.
Irrigation- Helps people control when and how much they water thier crops.
City-State - An individual unit, complete with it's own form of goverment and traditions.
Mesopotamia - The land between the 2 rivers.
Polytheism - The worship of more than one god.
Ziggurat "Z" - Huge, pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods.
Cunieform - A form of wedge shaped writing.
Hammurabbi's Code - A set of laws established by Hammurabbi.
Monotheism - The belief in only one God.
Sorry Timmmers, gotta go! Blog you later! ☺☻☺☻ :) ;)
Hi Timmers this is Sheridan Coyle i am going to teach you about mesopotamia. In mesopotamia there are some very intristing facts, like the Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Here is some of the sory of gilgamesh. Gilgamesh's froend Enkidu dies, but no one knows how he died do you want to take a guess about how i think he died? Well nevermind wait nevermind my old nevermid I would like you to tell me what you think i think it is. Anyway Gilgamesh wants to live forever so he vows to travele to the ends of the earth to find wiseman. So then the wiseman oferes him a deal wich was "if you can stay awake for seven days you will have immortality!" So right after the wiseman said that (what do you think happened?)Gilgamesh falls asleep. And when he woke up he found out that only the gods and godesses could live forever. ANd that is the epic of gilgamesh.
Problem and Solution
I made a problem and solution poster and the problems are not enough rain,low rainfall and problems contrustion buildings.the solotions are move south,irrigation, and cut reeds from marshy areas and built huts.
the deadliest warrior
The mesopotamian warrior's weapons are dagger,sword,scimitar,body armor and helmet, and finnaly the mace. The stoneage super species's weapons are torch,hand axe,club,heavy spear,copper axe,bow and arrow,spear long range,knife.Who do you think will win.
Ello Timmers
1.Flip Packet
This is about the three things found in Mesopotamia,and these are them Assyria,Babylonia,Phoenicians and Lydians.first is Asyria.Located in Nothern Mesopotamia.High value on war and conquest.Very educated people built great library.Second Babylonia.South of Mesopotamia.1792b.c. Hammurabi of babylon.Relied on Irrigation..Class system.282 laws also known as Eye for an eye,tooth for tooth.Important project:Great Ziggurat.Also advancements in Math.Third is Phoenicians and Lydians.Expert sailors.Lydian"s invented the first coin ever made.Last but not least The Hebrews.Torah:"To Teach"and Hebrew Bible.Abraham:First Jew,Founded religion of Judaism,Covenant with God: worship only one god,then God will protect Abraham"s people.
2.Ziggurat tournament
As Mr.Klumper told us that u have play Ziggurat all day well you probably know that you DO have to time your self,and he probably hasn't told u that the Ziggurat was built for the great Gods.When I heard that i didn't believe him I thought it was for the Kings.
Hello, Timmers! What's up!
1."Flip pacaket"
This is about the three things found in Mesopotamia.
-Assyria it was located in the norhtern part of Mesopotamia. They have high value wars and conquests.They were very educated poeple, they built a Great Libray.
-Babyloninia is located south o Mesospotamia. 1792B.C.Hammurabi the ding of Babyloninia. Day of life.
- Relyed on Irrigation
- Class system.
Hammurabi's Code
- 282 Laws
- "Eye for an Eye Toth for a Tooth"
Babyloninian content/important project : The Great Ziggurat
Advancements in the Math
-Place Value
-Expert sailors Most important controbution
-Modern alphabet
- Invented the firt coin
2. Ziggurat Tounament
As Mr. Klumper told us that u were tryin g this game the whole day today. The Ziggurat was biult for the Graet gods so people could worsip them.
Dear Timmers
#1:(Flip Packet) For the Mesopotamia flip packet we learned about a lot af things but I will only be telling you about a couple things. We learned about Babylonia and how they relied on irrigation and had 282 laws one of there laws were "eye for eye" "tooth for tooth". That means if someone knocks out your tooth you can knock their tooth out. Also in Babylonia they have the Great Ziggurat. A ziggurat is a huge pyramid shaped building were you go to worship the gods.
#2: (Epic of Gilgamesh) The Epic of Gilgamesh is about a person named Gilgamesh. Here is a little bit about the story: One day Gilgamesh finds his friend Enkidu, dead. Gilgamesh is very sad and never wants to have that happen again so he wants to figure out how to live forever! Gilgamesh travels to the ends of the world looking for the wiseman. Finally he finds him and the wiseman told him if he could stay awake for seven days he would have everlasting life. Gilgamesh tries to stay awake but falls asleep almost immediatly. He learns that only gods can live everlasting life.
#3: (Ziggurat Tournament) We have been doing the Ziggurat Tournament and lost yesterday but I wasn't in the final four. The ziggurat tounament is online and you have to make a ziggurat and beat the other person your going against.
#4: (Lesson 2 guided notes) Facts: Sumer was in the south and Akkad was in the north. Similarities between the two:
-ran businesses
#5: (Vocab Words) Civilization: Groups of peopls that have a complete and organized community
Fertile Cresent: An area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming. Mesopotamia: Land between two rivers
hi timmers
The Epic of gilgamesh was the first book ever writen. the ziggurat tournement you start with 30 people then you try to build yours first then if you win you go on. Then the final 4 play to the top 2 then the champion of your class will go on and play the other winners of the other classes then the winner of the battles will win a point for their class.
the code of hammurabi is a set of laws ill type you some.If any one another, putting a ban upon [him or her] but he or she that ensnared him shall be put to death. see you later got to go.
Hello Timmers. Sup. I'm Sam and I am going to teach you about Mesopotamia.
1. A big thing we did this year was the Ziggurat tournament. Mr. Klumper told us that you are trying it out. It's fun isen't it. I know I enjoyed it. I beat one person then lost in the second round. :(
2.Another reason Mesopotamia is really important is because of the fabulas four. The fab four is the irriwheel, money, writing, and gation. If you think about it these are really important because we would have no wheels on our cars. Nothing to buy things with. You would have to trade. We wold have no way of keeping track of stuff. It would be hard to control the amount of water we get to our plants.
3. Another thing we did was Mesopotamis VS. the U.S.A. That was when we compaired goverment and religen between the two times. Mesopotamias king were chosen by gods. Here we vote. Them relegon and school were combined. Here it's not. There order of the class system goes from top to bottom is the king, wealthy, artisans and farmers, slaves, so they go by there job. We go by money.
4. The Epic of Gilgamesh. This was the first story ever wrote. It was wrote in cuneaform. On three clay tablets. His friend died then he got scared so he tryed to live forever. Then figured out that only Gods can live forever.
Dear Timmers,
Today i am going to teach you about Mesopotamia...
1.Vocab Words... Irragation:Helps people control when and how much they watered their crops. City-State: An individual unit complete with its own form of goverment and tradition. Mesopotamia:Lands between the rivers. Polytheism:The worship of many gods. And last but now least...Ziggurate: A HUGE pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods.
2.These are some Guided Notes: Did You know that the Civilizations are groups of people who have a complex and organized society.
-own customs
-own food supply
-social division
-own goverment
-own religion
These civilizations started in SW Asia between the Persian Gulf Rich abd the Fertile Soil. These lands had fertile and cresent soil. The Envirment of the Fertile Cresent:
near the Mediterranean Sea Forests:habitat for deer goats and sheep. Further South Grasslands: Lions Oxsen and Wild Pigs. East: Zagros Mountains. West:Deserts. Central:Plain Bordered by 2 rivers: Tigris and Euphrates.
Hello Mr.Timmers
My thing i will teach you the 1 thing i want 2 teach you an that is the ziggurat tournement. We start out with 30 poeple then who evers wins the match you move on. The we do the next matches and who ever wins we move on again. Then we get 2 the final 4 and who ever wins moves on. Then the final 2 and who ever wins is the champion of the class period and wins the 2010 ZIGGURAT TOURNEMENT SHIRT.
That's what the 1 thing i will teach you and this is my fist time talking 2 you. The 2 thing i will teach u is the EPIC OF GILGAMISH. It was the 1 book writen. It is about a who's friend dies and wants 2 live forever. Then a wise man comes and says he could help gilgamish find eternal life. The wiseman says 2 get etrernal life gilgamish has to stay awake 4 7days, but gilgamish falls asleep right away and gets no eternal life. The nxt thing i will teach u is the 4 fabulous inventions this is not going 2 be as long. The 4 inventions r the wheel, money, irragation,and writing.
Sup Timmers D-dog is here!we are learning about Mesopapamia, so lets learn!
1. ZIgarot compotion: My favorit part was do ing the zigarot battle, but I lost on the first round :(. The compition is heating up. There are 4 people left in the compotion, but I forgot there names.
2.Code of Hammurabi:The code was the very first set of laws, it was a very important thing becuse without it we probly wouldn't have very good laws now.Hammurabis code's expresion was " an eye for an eye" or "a tooth for a tooth".
3.Deadlyest warrior:I think the deadlyest warrior is stone age supper species, out of Mesopatamians vs stone age supper species. The mesopatamians weopons are a dagger, a sword, a scimitar, some body armor and helment, pluse a mace. The stone age supper species weopons are a torch, a hand axe, a club, a club, a heavey spear, a copper axe, a bow and arow, a spear, and a knife.
4. The four fabulish eventions:The wheel:the whell mad it easyer to tanspert wood.
Dear Mr.Timmers,
The first thing I am going to teach you about is our flip packet. the first thing in our flip packet was Assyria, Assyria is located in the Northern Mesopotamia. It also has value on war and conquest. The next thing is that they had very educated people. The Mesopotamians built a Great Library.
The next part of the flip packet was Babylonia. Babylonia was located in the southern part of Mesopotamia. In 1792 bc Hammurabi became the kimg of Mesopotamia. The daily life of mesopotamians was that they relied on irragation, they made a class system that went like this King, Weathy, Artisans and Farmers, then Slaves. They had Hammurabis code which had 282 laws. The main principle law that they follwed was "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth". The most impirtant project that they built was the Great Ziggurat.
#2 The second thing I am going to teach you about is the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Story of The Epic of Gilgamesh goes like this. One day gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu are walking and all of a suddenn Enkidu dies. Then Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever. He travel to the ends to the earth to find a wise man. Then Gilgamesh finds a wiseman and ask him how he can live forever. The wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life only if he stays awke for seven days. Gilgamesh tries to stay awake by (we got to aadd this part in) eating lots of pixi stixs. But then once night falls on Gilgamesh he instantly falls asleep.
#3 Some of the vocab words I am going to teach you about are, civalizatin, fertile cresent, and irragation. Civalization means a group of people that have a complete and organized community. next is Fertile Cresent, fertile cresent means an area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
Dear timmers I will teach you about mesopotamian's warrors thay have. A dagger,sword,simitar,and a mace and for toproting thair body amor and a helmet.
Hello timmers, im wyatt and im going to teach you about mesopotamia
#1 Ziggurat tournament:
The ziggurt tournament was hard. Iwon my first game agenst liby. my second one I lost agenst kate.I had fun and wish to do It again some day. the ziggurat tournament tat me about the ziggurat. I did not know what it was but now I do.=)
#2 Fabulous four inventions:
One of the fabulous four is the wheel. The wheel is a round peace of wood and put on a axil.Second is money. Bask the money was used for buying, selling,and trading. alot of people did not have money. Another was writing. there writing was called cuneiform.we tride to do cuneiform but we did bad. If I could grade my self Iwould give my self a F+. Irragatoin was the last one. Irragation was used for plant ing.It conchrold how much water plants got.
#3 Code of Hammurabi:
Hammurabi was the first set of laws. It went by "eye for eye" "tooth for tooth". It ment that if I brake your arm you get to brake mine. If I kill you im put to death. I think its some what cruel and somewhat not.
#4 Epic of Gilgamesh:
gilgamish is a story about a boy named gilgamesh.his friend did and he wonted to live for ever. when he found the wise man the wise man told him to stay awake for 7 days.But he did not.
Hello Timmers how is your day going? today i am going to tell you about mesopotamia
#1. the first topic i am going to tell you about is are vocabulary words. The first vocabulary word i am going to tell you about is a civlization. A civilization is groups of that have complet and organized communtiy.the next word i am going to tell you about is a fertile cresent. a fertil cresent is anarea of land shaped like a curve. A fertil cresent is very good for farmin g because it has rich soil. The next words i am goin g to tell you about are irrigation and city-states. Irrigation helps people control when and how much water their crops are getting. A city-state is an indiviual unit complet with its own goverment an d tirdations.the next two words i am going to tell you about are polythesim and monothesim. they are total oppisets polythesim is the worship of many gods where monothesim is the belif in only one god.
#2. the next topic i am going to tell you about is about problems and soultions. one problem mesopotamia was not enough rain. their soultion was to move south.another promlem the had is to little rain in the south so the used irragation. they dugg ditches in the ground leading to and from their feild an the river.
#3 the next thing i am going to tell you about is our ziggurat tournment other wize known as "Z" i had to face wyatt and i practiced and he didnt but he won. i feel bad about that.i cant wait to see who wins.
#4 the next thing i am going to tell you about is are dealiest warrior. our class match up themosopotamina worrior and the stone age super spices. the mospotamian warior had a dagger, sword, a scimitar, body armorand helmet,and last but not least the mace. the stone age had a tourch/ had axe a club a hevy soear copper axe bow and arrow and a knife i thought that the mesopotamian warrior worrior would win thank you for listing
Dear Timmers,
Today I would like to teach you about the interesting Mesopotamia. First of all I would like to tell you about our ziggurat tournamet. THe first round I beat Tony S.; and the sdecond round I got beat by Alex W. There are three people in the final 4. They are Mason B., MorganM. and Kate. Alex W. playes Sheridan C. to get into the final four.
Next I would like to tell you about the deadliest warrior. THe mesopotamia warrior had a helmet/body armor, a mace, a sword, a dager, and a scimitar. THe stone age super species had a torch, a club, a hand axe, a heavy spear, a copper axe, a bow and arrow, a long range spear , and a knife. In a long range battle the stone age super species would win becaise of the bow and arrow. But in a short range battle the Mesopotamia warrior would win because of the swoed and the mace.
The third thing I would like to tell you about is "The Epic of Gilgamesh." Gilgamesh is 2/3 a god and 1/3 a human. The first thing that happens in the story is Gilgamesh's friend Enkidu dies. Gilgames is sad about that and he dicides that he never wants to die so he tries to discover how to live forever. THe third thing in the story is that he travels the world to find a wise man. He finds the wise man and the wise man tells him he can have everlasting life if he can stay awake for 7 days. Gilgamesh accepts but he falls asleep almot right away. While he is sleeping he has a dream that lets him know OLNY gods can have eternal life.
THe fourth thing I would like to tell you about is irragation. Irragation is used to hold and restrain water; also they used it to give water to the crops when they needed it. It is a sirres of small ditches that branch off of the river. They get water into the fields by using leves and gated ditches.
The fith and last thing I would like to tell you about is the fabulas four inventions. They are the wheel, money, writing, and irragation! Have fun Timmers!!
Dear Mr. Timmers
I want to start with Mesopotamia Vs. USA. First they have some things are the same and some things are different. Mesopotamia's goverment and religon are conected were ours is not. Their class system is based on a persons job were ours is seperate. They both have a class system,religon,goverment and rules.
That brings me to Hamurabi's Code. I think his rules were cruel. Why? Some of them are like this: if a son strikes his father the sons hand will be cut off, if a man steels he will be put to death and if a slave is cuat in someones house they will be put to death.
Hi mr.Timmers! how are you? today,I'm going to teach you about Mesopotamia!
1.Mesopotamia means "land of two rivers because it is located between the two main rivers,Tigris and euphrates.those rivers were used for farming.They used the rivers by making canals on the Euphrates and drained the water into the Tigris.
2.mesopotamia is the first civilization to live in the whole world and made many great inventions such as the wheel,money,words,and irrigation,which means to control water for plants.
3.the first set of laws to be created is called,"the hammurabi's code".the laws are based on,"eye for an eye","tooth for a tooth."For example,if someone killed someone,that person is killed.If someone broke a mans arm,that person's arm is broken.
4.In mesopotamia,they built a temple for worshipping gods. this temple is called a ziggurat.people believed that the gods helped them with their farming.if the gods were happy,they would have good crops that year.If the gods were not happy,sorrow and war would come.
5.For my final lesson,I will tell you the first ever book story in the world! This book is called,"The epic of Gilgamesh".
In mesopotamia,there was a king named Gilgamesh.He had a friend named Endiku.One day,Endiku died,so Gilgamesh decided to live forever.Gilgamesh traveled the world finding a wiseman.Finally,he found the wiseman.The wiseman said,"I will give you eternal life, only if you stay awake for seven days." no one knew how he tried to stay awake,but he failed and fell asleep.Finally,gilgamesh knew that only gods could live forever. The End
thats my lesson,Mr.Timmers!hope you like it! SEE YA NEXT TIME!
Hi mr.Timmers! how are you? today,I'm going to teach you about Mesopotamia!
1.Mesopotamia means "land of two rivers because it is located between the two main rivers,Tigris and euphrates.those rivers were used for farming.They used the rivers by making canals on the Euphrates and drained the water into the Tigris.
2.mesopotamia is the first civilization to live in the whole world and made many great inventions such as the wheel,money,words,and irrigation,which means to control water for plants.
3.the first set of laws to be created is called,"the hammurabi's code".the laws are based on,"eye for an eye","tooth for a tooth."For example,if someone killed someone,that person is killed.If someone broke a mans arm,that person's arm is broken.
4.In mesopotamia,they built a temple for worshipping gods. this temple is called a ziggurat.people believed that the gods helped them with their farming.if the gods were happy,they would have good crops that year.If the gods were not happy,sorrow and war would come.
5.For my final lesson,I will tell you the first ever book story in the world! This book is called,"The epic of Gilgamesh".
In mesopotamia,there was a king named Gilgamesh.He had a friend named Endiku.One day,Endiku died,so Gilgamesh decided to live forever.Gilgamesh traveled the world finding a wiseman.Finally,he found the wiseman.The wiseman said,"I will give you eternal life, only if you stay awake for seven days." no one knew how he tried to stay awake,but he failed and fell asleep.Finally,gilgamesh knew that only gods could live forever. The End
thats my lesson,Mr.Timmers!hope you like it! SEE YA NEXT TIME!
Hello Mr Timmers my name is Haley and I am going teach you about Mesopotamia!
Assyria-Assyria is located in Northern Mesopotamia . It has high value on war and conquest. There were very ed. people. They also built a big library.
Babylonia-Babylonia is located in the south of Mesopotamia. In 1792was elected king of Babylonia.
Daily Life-The Babylonia must relie on irrigation. And also had a class system.
Hammarabi's Code-hammarabi's code had 282 laws, one of the laws was eye for eye, tooth for tooth wich ment if somebod ythrew a rock at another person that person would get to throw a rock right back at him. Babyl0onia also had an advancment in math called place value.
NOw I am going to teach you about our vocabulary!!
Civilization-groups of people that have a complex and organized community.
Fertile Cresent-an area of landshaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
Irrigation-helps people controlwhen and how much water there crops get.
Hello Mr. Timmers my name is Kaylee Riley My favorite color is green..Today I am going to teach you about Mesopotamia i will teach you five or six things..
1: Here are some facts about Assyria-
Located in Northern Mesopotamia
High value on wart and couquest
Very educated people
Built the great library.
2:Here are some facts about The Hebrews-
First Jew, Founded religion of judasim,Covenant with god worship only 1 god then god will kprotect Abrahams people, Monotheism is the belive of only 1 god.
3:Here are some facts about Babylonia- South of Mesopotamia, 1972 b.c. Hammurabi King of Babylonia,Relied on Irrigation, Class system.
In class we did a ziggurat tornement and I did horrible! Now we are down to the finale four and who ever wins the finale four gets a t-shirt that says Ziggurat Champion 2010. It would be really cool to win that shirt..
The two Deadliest Warrior are Mesopotamian Warrior Vs. Stone Age Super Species
Mesopotamian Warrior Weapons:
Dagger, Sword, Scimiter,Body armer and Helmet, and a Mace!
Torch,hand axe,club,heavey spear,copper axe, bow and arrow, spear long range,and a knife..
Who do you think would win? I think the stone age would because they have more weapons they have tough skin and they have long disnet weapons and the Mesopotamia only has 5 weapons and the armer would really not do anything..
Vocab Packet:
Irrigation: Helps people control when and how much they watered thier crops.
That is all that i have to teach you right now..
Your friend Kaylee Riley
Dobri Vecher Timmers (good afternoon, in Uikrianian) Today I want to talk about the ziggurat tournament. It going good but only one person that I wanted to win actually won the rest lost,and the thing is that me myself lost my battle. So far were down to the final four that left in the tournament.
The second topic I want to talk about is the EPIC OF GILGASMESH. First the Epic of Gilgamesh is the first book ever written. Second thing I want to talk about the Epic of Gilgamesh is the stuff
Hey Timmers what up? I am going to tech you about the flip packet. we learned about Assyria with very educated people in northern mesopotamia. Babylonia south of mesopotamia Hummurabi's code has 282 laws and their policey is eye for eye tooth for tooth. The important project is the ziggurat. Phoenicians and phoenicians were expert sailors the lydians invented the first coin. Last be no least the Hebrews Abrham was the first jew and the founder of judaism. Moses according to the hebrew bible God told mose to lead hebrew people out of slavery. Next I will tell you about the Deadliest Warrior the first warrior is the stone age super spices they had the torch, hand ax, club, heavy spear, copper ax, bow and arrow, spear lond range, and the knife. The mesopotamia warriors had a dagger, sword, scimitar, body armor and helmant, and mace. Who do you think will win? That is all I have for you today.
5.The code of Hammerabi. The code was a little intence. Very violent. We had a blog post that we had to tell if it was fair or crule. I thought it was fair because the land has to have some order, you can't just let everyone do whatever or it would be a really violent world. Think without laws this world would be a horrible place. I hope you enjoyed my posts.
Hey Timmers how u been. I am sure Mr. klumper has told you about the ziggurat challenge. well I just wanted to tell you I am still in it. YAY! We also learned about the faboulous four inventions they are the wheel money writing and irrigation. We alwso learned about the first book ever writtin its the epic of gilgamesh its about a guy and his friend dies so he disieds to find a wise man so he can live forever. the wise man days he would live forever. Then gilgamesh fell asleep almost immediatly. Did you know that if you lived by the code of Hammurabi and you hit your dad then you would have your hands chopped off. We also made a flip packet about Assyria Babylonia Hebrews and the Lydians Hope you enjoyed learning about Mesopatamia.
Dear Timmers,
We have been learning about irragation, witch is ditches that are gated so people can control how much water thier crops get. That way the crops will be able to grow awaya from the river, and get enough water. They also had leves, witch kept the river from destroying thier crops.
We have been learning about ziggurats and how the priests worship the gods through them and why they are important to the mesopotamians. With that we are also doing a Ziggurat building turnament, and so far im in the final 4 for period 8.
We did a worksheet on Mesopotamia vs. USA, to figure out the similarities and differences between the two. Some of the similarities are, we, and they, have authorities, or leaders, governing our country, or land where we live. A difference is that in Mesopotamia the kings were chosen by the priests, whereis in USA we have a president, in witch is voted by the people. Also, thier schooling and religion was closely linked, and they had one religion. USA has many religions because we have people from all over, thus our religions, and school are seperated.
The Mesopotamians made 4 very popular, and needed inventions, the wheel, money, writeing, and irragation.
We also learned a little bit about The Epic of Gilgamesh, the first book to ever be written. In the beggining of the story, Enkidu, Gilgamesh's best friend, dies, and he is heartfelt, and wants to live forever. He then searches for a wiseman, because he doesnt want to die and he wants to become immortal, but when he finds the wiseman he is told he has to stay awake for 7 days to win his immortality, and he falls asleep almost immediatly, so no immortality for him.
Hello timmers how is your day today I will tell you more about the ziggurat tournament. It's a freindly compontintion with two players racing each other to build a ziggurat. The siggurat is a huge wonder in mesopotamia it's in the center of the city. The rich people live very close to the ziggurat so they have a two story house. Now I will tell you about the chapter called I invented farming. It's about a boy named johnny rawten he falls into a desert to help the people of mesopotamia to develup irragagtion. Well thats all I will tell you oh and have a nice day goodbye.
hello mr timmers one of the thins we learnd was the code of hammurabi it seam a littli cruel to me a nother thing we learnd about was irrgation is how they got water hear is something els the epic of gilgamesh it was about a guy who wanted to live forever one of my favort things was ziggurat tournament and last there was the fabulous four inventions good bye
Hey Timmmers, in social studies we are learning about Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers (Tigirs and Euphrates). In our vocab packet we learned about polythiesm which means the worship of many gods and monothiesm which means the exact opposite worship of one god. One of the problems Mesopotamia faced was not having enough rain for their crops to grow. The solution for that was to move south. Another problem they faced was low rainfall the solution was irrigation. Irrigation helps people control how much water their crops get. The last prolbem they faced was constructing builings the solution was to cut reads from marshy areas and build huts. In our class we did Mesopotamia vs. U.S.A the differences where U.S.A. has presidents and people chose our presidents and Mesopotamia has kings and gods chose their kings. One of the similarities was Mesopotamia and the U.S.A. have religion. We also did a ziggurat tourament the game is in WSG and you get to build a ziggurat. We are having a tourament if you win you get a t-shirt that says Ziggurat Champion 2010.
Hello Timmers
Today I will be teaching you about the Mesopotamiamian.
First is about the fabulous four inventions. The four inventions are wheels,money,irrigation,and writing. Their writing was very diffrent from our writing. Would it be hard to drive to Rapid City without any wheels? It would be hard.
We started the ziggurat tournament this unit. I was out the first round. :( It might be because I couldn't get onto it at home because we needed some kind of download. Now we are up to the final four.
We learned about Ziggurats. They are use for worshiping the gods. The biggest one is in Sumer. They look alot like pyramids.
Irrigation is when people control the amount of rain that goes into the fields. With diches connected to the river they are connected to the fields too.
Dear Timmers,
Hello Timmers. How are you? I hope you are having a nice day. Now I want to tell you some stuff about Mesopotamia. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh wants to live for ever because his friend died. He goes to The Wiseman and asks to live forever. Then he falls asleep and knows only the Gods can live forever. Now another thing I think you should know Timmers is The Code of Hammurabi. In Mesopotamia if you would strike your dad your hand would get chopped off. Now if you striked a man a higher rank then you. You will get spanked 50 times in public I think all of this is CRUEL! The Ziggurat Tournament. I was elimanated yeaterday from the Ziggurat tournament. The winners from each class peroid gets a shirt Mr. Klumper got for the winners. Now here one other thing but not the last one. The Fabulous 4 Inventions. The Wheel, Money, Irrigation, and Writing. I do not know how it would be like if we did not have these AWESOME INVENTIONS! It would probably be a very long life. We need this stuff in the 21st century. The last one. The Deadliest Warrior. The The Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon team up against the Mesopotamia Warrior. I think the Mesopotamia warrior will win because he has Armor and Helmet, sword , a mace, and a scimitar. The Stone age Neanderthal and Cro- Magnon have a Torch,Hand Axe,Club,Heavy Spear,Copper Axe, Bow and Arrow,Spear long Range, and a knife. I would like to see your opinion. Have a nice day and please comment. Thank You bye.
From Jacob Bentson Peroid 8.
P.S. Hi!
Hi timmers
first I would like to tell you about the deadliest warrior the wepons were the dager, sword,semitetar,body armor and helmet,last buy not lest the mace.The mace is made out of a long peace of wood and medel ball atache to a metal rope. the semitaire is a long sword like wepon that can sliace through enething it touchis. Irrigation is what crops need how irrigation wroks like you dig ditches. the fabule four are the wheel,irrigation,money,and writing.
Mr. Timmers
1: We learned about irragation. Irragation is the process of controlling when and how much water the plants get. The Mesopatamians dug diches from the Euqphrates riverto the tigis river and sand bagged the opening to the Euqphrates. So when they wanted to give the feilds water they opend up the sandbagged area for awhile.
2:We read the story "I Invented Farming which is about a person that we call "I". I has go back to mesopatamia and help the Mesopatamian farmers invent the irragation system.
3: We learned about "The Epic of
Gilgamesh" which was the first book ever writen. In the story Gilagamesh wittnesses his friend Enkidu die and then decides to try to beacome imortall. He then searches for the wise man who tells him he can become imortall if he stays awake for 7 days. He then tries to stay up and fails to become imortal.
4: We had a Ziggurat turnament on an online game. A Ziggurat is a huge temple built by the Mesopatamians so they could worship their gods. In the game you have to build a ziggurat and you have four different jobs to fill. You need to assing the workers different jobs and you try to complete your Ziggurat first.
5: We learned about the code of Hammurabi which is a set of rules made by their king Hammurabi. The code of Hammurabi is based on "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Good afternoon Timmers my name is Dianne I will tell you about the code of hammurabi the code of hammurabi goes by"Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" so that means that if you break somebody elses limb they can break your limb too.
Next I will tell you about the fabulous four inventions one is the wheel,writing(Cuneiform),Irragation(digging canals) and last but least money(currancy).
We are doing this thing called the Ziggurat tournament and my partner was Rohan and Rohan beat me by I still finished because I was not about to give up that easily.
There is something else I want to tell you about The Epic of Gilgamesh is this story his friend dies and than Gilgamesh trys to find the wiseman he finds the wiseman and the wiseman says"Gilgamesh to get everlasting life you must stay awake for seven days" and than Gilgamesh says "ok" and almost immeditly he falls asleep and than the clouds say to him no more everlasting life for you Gilgamesh.
Another thing that I want to tell you about is some of are vocabulary one of the words is Ziggurat and the meaning of Ziggurat is a temple use to worship gods.
Hi Timmers I'm here to teach you about mesopotmeia. First I will teach you about the deadliest warrior between stone age super species and mesopotamian warrior personly I pick mesopotamian warrior. Next I'll teach you about ziggurat tourament I lost in the first round but my friend braden is still in it to win. Last I'll tell you about the fabulous four inventions which are the wheel, money, writing, irragtion which is cool I think we couldt'n survive without the wheel.
your friend cade Pd:8
Whats up timmers! I am here to teach you about Mesopotamia! First, lets start off by learning about The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gelgamesh is a fiction story writen by the Mesopotamians. It is the first book ever writen in Mensopotamia. It was writen on 12 clay tablets. Its about a random guy named Gilgemesh who wants to live forever. He tries to find a wiseman. The wiseman told him that if he stayed awake for 7 days, he would live forever. But to make a long story short, he falls asleep almost immedately. Next Im going to teach you about the Deadlies Warrior! There is the Stone Age Super Species, then there is the Mesopotamia warrior. I think the Mesopotamia warrior is gonna destroy the SS. Here are some of the weapons the Mesopotamia warrior have: Mace, Scimitar, Armor, Swords, and a Dagger.
hello Timmers how are you doing today? Well Im going to teach you about Mesopatamia!.1 the fabulous for inventions are the wheel, money, writing, and irragation!! Speaking of irragation the people of mesopatmia made irragation by digging canals that led to their crops,they would move a wall and let the water flow in till their crops got enough water.now I will teach you about deadliest warrior! The Mesopatamian people had daggers,armor,swords, and a mace. the super species had,a spear(long range), a torch,bow and arrows,hand axe,copper axe,club,heavy spear,and a knife.I said the mesopatamia people would win. who do you think?I hope you get back to me.
Hi Timmers this is Shay, here are some things I leared.
1. Mesopotamia made the wheel,money,writing,and iragation.
2. Mesopotamia was the first civilization and had laws.
3.The laws were based on "an eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth.
4.They made huge tempels called zigarots for worshiping thier gods.
5.The zigarot battle was fun,I lost in my first battle.
Hey Mr.Timmers I hope your having an awesome day! I would like to teach you about Mesopotamia. First there was the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was the first book ever written. It's about a man named Gilgemesh and his friend,Enkidu,dies. So when he saw his freind die, he decided he wanted to live forever. Then he goes to the ends of the earth to find the wiseman who said he give him eternal life if he would stay awake for seven days straight. Of course he did not do it.
The next thing I want to teach you is about is Code of Hammurabi. It was the first laws ever established. I think the laws were very cruel. These are some of the laws. The first one is eye for eye tooth for tooth.Wich means if someone cut off somebody's leg, the other person would get to cut off their leg off. Another one is if someone builds a house for someone else and the house collapses the person who builds it is sentenced to death.
Hey timmers I am going to tell you about mesopitamia it is called the Epic Of Gilgimesh
1. Gilgimesh and Eqidu
died by somebody I dont know how he died
2.Gilgimesh was trying to find a wiseman and he did Gilgimesh wanted to live forever so the wiseman said he has to stay up for seven whole days but he did not make it so he knows that the gods can only live forever thats the end of epic of Gilgimesh.
Now im going to teach you about Ziggurat Tournement well when I played i won the firt round then the next round I lostwell thats it.This is how you play you hav to time yourself then you have to race to the top to beat the other personif you beat the other person you go to the semi finals thats all I know about Ziggurat tournament.
Hello timmers! How are you? today I am going to teach you about Mesopitamia. First off early Mesopitamia had two major city states called Sumer and Akkad. Sumer was in the south and Akkad in the north. Both city states had farners, buiseneses, and similar customs.
Second I will teach you about Gilgamesh. In the story epic of Gilgamesh (first book ever written by the way) Gilgamesh's best friend Enkidu dies. After Enkidu's death Gilgamesh wants to know how to live forever and travels to the ends of the Earth to find wisemen. Gilgamesh finds a wiseman that offers him eternal life if he can stay awake for seven days straight. Unfortunatly Gilgamesh falls asleep almost right away and learns immortality is only for the gods.
Now I will talk to you about religion and government of Mesopitamia. Huge temples called Ziggurats were buiilt to show importance of religion to socieity. A socieity is an organized community with traditions and rules. Gods and goddesses were responsible for the wellbeing of people and land. peace and prosperity meant the gods were happy war and drought meant gods were angry.
Now I'll talk or rather type about the rise and fall of the Akkadian empire. In 2334 b.c. king Sargon of Akkad attacked Sumer and conquered all of its city states. Sargon united all of Mesopitamia creating an empire. Sargon's dynasty remained in power for 150yr.
Now last topic Sumer's final days. 2100 to 2000 b.c. Ur in sumer held control of Mesopitamia. The most succesful dynasty in Ur was founded by Sumerian king Ur-Nammu. By far the most important contributions from Summerian society was Cuneiform, The Wheel, And The Ziggurat.
Well that's all for now timmers see ya in a month!
Hello Timmes how are you? Today I will tell you about Mesopotamia.First I will tell you about the fabulous four inventions. The fabulous four were four things that changed life forever and they the wheel, writing, irrigation and money. Each of these items we use every day and without them life would be so much harder.
Now I am going to tell you about the ziggurat tournament. First of all a ziggurat is a place in Mesopotamia where people would worship gods. When I played the game I won the first round and then lost on the same day
I have told you a lot about Mesopotamia but there is still a lot more to tell. Did you now that the first book was called the epic of gilgamesh. It is about a guy named Gilgamesh how is trying to live for ever. He found the wiseman and he said he will allow him to live forever if he says awke for 7 days, Gilgamesh ended up falling asleep soon after.
Now I will tell you about deadlist warrior. We had ston age super speshies vs. Mesopotamia warrior. We disided that stone age guy is good with long didtent and Mesopatamia warrior in glose range.
How its goin Mr. Timmers, im going to teach you about Mesopotamia. Did you know the first book was The Epic of Gilgamesh i will give you a summary. Gigamesh's friend, Enkidu, dies. Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever. He travels to the ends of the earth to find to Wiseman. Wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for seven days. He tries to stay awake. Gilgamesh falls asleep almost immediately. That pretty much what is about.
We also learned about The Fabulous Four Inventions. There was writing, money, wheel, and irrigation. The wheel was for make stuff like barels easy to move around then they made a crat to put stuff in and wheel around. Money, was used to trade and buy with. Irrigation, is to control the water use for crops and feilds. Writing, the form of writing in mesopotamia is cuneiform which is a complex form of wedge shaped writing. In class we have been have Zigguratt Tornaments. Zigguratt Tonaments are all the classes playing a game that Mr. Klumper as posted on his blog. We play it for prizes and a point for the League.
Hello Timmers! My name is Samantha and I'm going to teach you five things about Mesopotamia.
1. Cuneiform, this was the first writing system every developed. The numbers go by 1-9 and 10-Anything higher than 10. I think that 1-9 look like trees, and 10-Whatever are a shark's mouth. Cuneiform was changed because it was to difficult to understand. Another reason is because very few people knew it.
2. Another thing I'm going to teach you is the "Fabulous Four". One of the fabulous four is money. Money is used today to get us what we REALLY want! Another is writing. We write in English, but they wrote in Cuneiform. It helps us understand stuff better. Irrigation is another fabulous four. Irrigation is how you control how much water your plants get. This is how we grow crops such as corn and wheat. The last is the wheel. We use the wheel today for cars, bikes, skateboards, and other various transportation methods. A wagon ride wouldn't be too fun without wheels. (;
3. The Epic of Gilgamesh was the very first book EVER. It was writen in Cuneiform and is hard to understand. The story is about Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh decides he wants to live forever. He travels to the ends of Earth looking for a Wiseman. The Wiseman tells Gilgamesh to be immortal you have to stay awake 7 days, NO SLEEPING! He tries, but falls asleep almost immediately.
4. Sixth Grades "Deadliest Warrior" is different than the actually show. Though I've never seen the show, It's obvious that it would be different. We don't actually WATCH, we take notes from the Smart Board and decide who would win. This unit is a battle with Stone Age Super Species and Mesopotamia Warrior. S.A.S.S (Stone Age Super Species) has various weapons ranging from a club to a long-range spear. Not very good weapons. The Mesopotamia Warrior ranges from a dagger to a mace. Much better weapons! I think the Mesopotamia Warrior would win over the S.A.S.S and I had to give a paragraph why.
5. We have a Ziggurat Tournament, or the "Z". We play a Ziggurat game and compete for timing against classmates. Whoever wins with better timing advances and moves on. If you win the "Z" for your class you win a T-shirt. If you win for the whole sixth grade black team, you would win a point for the classroom competitions.
This year Social Studies is much funner than I thought it would be. There's prizes, games, videos, and other fun stuff. Yay for Mr. Klumper!! (:
Your future friend,
Hello Timmers! My name is Samantha and I'm going to teach you five things about Mesopotamia.
1. Cuneiform, this was the first writing system every developed. The numbers go by 1-9 and 10-Anything higher than 10. I think that 1-9 look like trees, and 10-Whatever are a shark's mouth. Cuneiform was changed because it was to difficult to understand. Another reason is because very few people knew it.
2. Another thing I'm going to teach you is the "Fabulous Four". One of the fabulous four is money. Money is used today to get us what we REALLY want! Another is writing. We write in English, but they wrote in Cuneiform. It helps us understand stuff better. Irrigation is another fabulous four. Irrigation is how you control how much water your plants get. This is how we grow crops such as corn and wheat. The last is the wheel. We use the wheel today for cars, bikes, skateboards, and other various transportation methods. A wagon ride wouldn't be too fun without wheels. (;
3. The Epic of Gilgamesh was the very first book EVER. It was writen in Cuneiform and is hard to understand. The story is about Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu. Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh decides he wants to live forever. He travels to the ends of Earth looking for a Wiseman. The Wiseman tells Gilgamesh to be immortal you have to stay awake 7 days, NO SLEEPING! He tries, but falls asleep almost immediately.
4. Sixth Grades "Deadliest Warrior" is different than the actually show. Though I've never seen the show, It's obvious that it would be different. We don't actually WATCH, we take notes from the Smart Board and decide who would win. This unit is a battle with Stone Age Super Species and Mesopotamia Warrior. S.A.S.S (Stone Age Super Species) has various weapons ranging from a club to a long-range spear. Not very good weapons. The Mesopotamia Warrior ranges from a dagger to a mace. Much better weapons! I think the Mesopotamia Warrior would win over the S.A.S.S and I had to give a paragraph why.
5. We have a Ziggurat Tournament, or the "Z". We play a Ziggurat game and compete for timing against classmates. Whoever wins with better timing advances and moves on. If you win the "Z" for your class you win a T-shirt. If you win for the whole sixth grade black team, you would win a point for the classroom competitions.
This year Social Studies is much funner than I thought it would be. There's prizes, games, videos, and other fun stuff. Yay for Mr. Klumper!! (:
Your future friend,
Sup tim (timmers) whats goin on?
in this segment we learned about how the mesopatamians invented the wheel to carry large objects. They also invented cuneiform, their writing ways. They also invented money. They also invented irigation which helps them get water to crops.
Next I will teach you about the Epic of Gilgamesh the first book written. first Gilgameshes friend Enkidu dies. Then Gilgamesh wants to learn how to live forever. After that he travels to the ends of the Earth to find a Wiseman. The wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for seven days. He tries to stay awake by............. Gilgamesh falls asleep and learns only the Gods can live forever.
Now I will teach you about Hammurabis code. Hammurabis code is based on an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. Examples: say you broke my leg Then I would have the right to break yours (like that would ever happen though). Also say you burned my house down and killed my bro I would have the right to burn your house down with your bro.
Like I said irrigation was very important back then they would use it to get water to thier crops by digging a series of ditches and canals. then they would put levees up to stop from flooding the crops.
The ziggurat challenge was also something fun that Mr.Klumper let us do. He set up a bracket with everyone on it and it was a battle to the end I got nocked out second Round but it was fun anyway. The final four battle is tommorow.
hey Timmers,
Today I am going to teach you about Mesopotamia.
Ziggurat tournament:the ziggurat tournament is where all classes compete agianst each other.whoever wins the ziggurat tournament wins a awesome t-shirt. A ziggurat is a huge pyramid and a huge structure used to worship gods.
cuneiform:cunieform is a form of wedge shaped writing. Mesopatamia invented writing.At one point they thought it was to complicated so they thought of irrigation.
vocabulary words: a fertal cresent is an area of land shaped likea curve that contains good land for farming.heres another one.Acity state is a indiviual unit,complete with its own form of goverment and traditions.
The faboulous four inventions:There are four faboulous inventions witch are the wheel,irrigation,money,and writing.They thought of the wheel one day when they were carring something heavy on logs and that didnt work out very well.the they carried it with a sled and that didnt work eather so thats how the thought of the wheel.
deadliest warrior: It was mesopatamia agianst the stone age.
Hi, Timmers Something that I have leared from our flip packet is about the Hebrews and did you know that the ten commandments were given toMoses by god.
Also in I invented farming he finds the second gold cion in one of the ditches moveing slowly on the botton with the water.
And in the Ziggurat tournament I won the first mach but on the second one i losted just by a little bit but I am geting better.
And for Mesopotamia zs. the United states a difference was that Mesopotamia had many gods and we just have one. Also they are chosen by the gods and we are chosen by are people to be presedent but for them to be king.
One last thing is lesson 1 guided notes the first civilization develops in 3500b.c.. they cut reeds from marshy areas and biult huts with them.
Hey, Timmers
How are you today? I am great!
Today I am going to teach a little social studies to you. The Fabulous 4 Wheel, Wrighting, Moeny, and Irragation. If we did not have any of these I don't know were we would end up.
1st the wheel they invented the wheel by draging, then a cart then, logs then cart and wheels and that's how they invented wheels.
2nd Irragation if we did not have irragation we would not have nice crops like we do now, I am a farmer, so I know all about irragation. They put doors up to their feilds so the crops did not get flooded. once the fields needed water just open the doors.
3rd Wrighting wrighting was invented about 3200 b.c. it was called Cuniform. they would write on soft clay, so then it would harden.
4th Meony before meony was invented the traded alot
5th Gilgamesh was the 1st book ever
Sup T-dawg(Timmers), We just learned about Mesopatamia. The first thing I want to teach you about is The Epic of Gilgamesh, it's a book, but you probably haven't read it. It was the first book ever written, and this is a breif look at what happens. First, Gilgamesh's friend, Enkidu, dies. Then after his friends devastating death, Gilgamesh decides that he wants to live forever. So to live forever he needs to find the wiseman, so he travels to the ends of the earth to find him. Once he finally finds him, the wiseman offers him eternal life, if he can stay awake for seven days. But unfortunately, he falls asleep and discovers only Gods can live forever.
The Fabulous Four Inventions
Before Mesopatamia, there wasnt a writing system, but in Mesopatamia, that changed. The Mesopatamians invented a writing system called cuneiform. It was the first way to write, but not many people mastered it, because it was way to complicated. Also before Mesopatamia, ther wasnt an easy way to travel, but Meopatamians thought of a way to make travel much easier.......the wheel. The next invention was money. The Mesopatamians used money instead of trading. With using rocks and minerals. The last, and probably most important invention was farming. Before farming, people had to hunt and gather, and that was much harder work, and you got less. So Mesopatamians discovered farming. Farming was made easier by using animals to pull them, and used the Tigris and Uephrates rivers to water all of the land.
The Ziggurat Tournament
The Ziggurat Tournament is a competition between other people, and other classes. Mr. Klumper told us youv'e already played so I dont need to explain that part. A Ziggurat is a religous temple for the people of Mesopatamia. The King and Queen are the only people able to go on it. And in the Ziggurat tournament, i'm in the final four in my clas, so wish me luck:)
Sincerely, Braden
We are learing Vocabulary Social Studies,
Mesopotamia Vocab.
1. Civilization
Definition: Groups of people that have a complex and organized community.
2. Fertile Cresent
Definition: An area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
3. Irragation
Definition: Helps people control when and how much water the crops get.
4. City-State
Definition: An individual unit, complete with its ouwn form of goverment and traditions.
5. Mesopotamia
Definition: land between rivers.
6. Polytheism
Definition: The worship of many gods.
7. Ziggurat
Definition: Huge, pyramid, used to worship gods.
That is 7 of the 10 Mesopotamia Vocabulary words.
Mesopotamia VS. USA
In this unit we learned about the tools used in Mesopotamia and in todays life and we compaired the 2 and we did a battle against the them and we had to see who would win.(The Us won.)
Flip packet,
Assyria, was located in the North for Mesopotamia, high value on war and conquest. They were very educated too. Also, they built a great library.
Oops, out of time!
Please type back,
Hey Timmers wanna know about Mesopotamia? Well here you go...
#1: The Fabulous 4 inventions which are: The wheel, currency(money), a writing system, and irrigation. The wheel you, of course, know what it is. But they used it to move things more easily. Currency, they used this to trade for things that they did not have but they wanted. The writing system was called Cuneiform but it was to complicated so they later swiyched systems. Irrigation, they dug ditches to the crops so they could get water because they did not know when the flood would come from the Euphrates river.
#2: The Ziggurat tournament, I hear you have been practicing... and you think you are good so time youself and tell me what your time is... now onto the subject, we had 16 matchups first... I won that one... then 8... won that one... then 4... lost that one... still havent done 2nd to last or last matchups though...
#3: The Code of Hammurabi, this was the first set of laws... EVER!! Hammurabi wanted a controlled kingdom so he made many laws with many punishments... Mostly death. This follows the rule: Eye for an Eye; Tooth for a Tooth.
#4: The Epic of Giligamesh, this was the first book EVER written! It was over 1000 pages long! But we got it summarized into 6 lines.
Here it is...
1.Giligamesh's friend Enkidu dies.
2.Giligamesh wants to live forever.
3.Travels to the ends of the Earth to find the wiseman.
4.Wiseman offers everlasting life if Giligamesh can stay awake for 1 week.
5. He tries to stay awake by _______.(We got to choose there)
6. Giligamesh Falls asleep almost imediately.
#5: Deadliest warrior, Mesopotamian Warrior against Stone Age Super Species... SASS had a torch, hand axe, club, heavy spear, copper axe, bow and arrow... cant get all of it sorry have 2 go....
Seamus V.
Hey Timmers i'm gonna teach you about Mesopotamia ready! set! go!
1.In Mesopotamia they made a lot if useful stuff like wheels, irrigation,money writing.The wheel is useful because it makes things easy to pull stuff or to drive a car.Irrigationis like the sprinkers you see out side.Money is good because you can pay for stuff like a car.Writing so you can write people letters.
2.We did this thing called deadlies warriior it was stoneage super species and measopotamia warrior the mesopotamiawarrior won
Hey Timmers!!!Today im going to teach you about Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia means land between two rivers because it is the land between the two rivers, Tigris and Euprates. When they try to grow crops, the crops flood because of the two rivers. Then the Mesopotamians created something called Irrigation. Irrigation helped them control how much water they used for farming. In Babylon, the people created these tempals for there gods and for worship called Ziggurats. In our social studies class we are having a tournament with building Ziggurats and all we have to do is find the right combonation and build a ziggurat. Enough about that, the next thing im going to teach you about is the Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was hanging out with his best friend and then one day he died. Gilgamesh was so torn up about that, that he wanted to find out how to live forever. He went to the ends of the earth to find an wiseman to tell him how to live forever. The wise man told him that if he could stay awake for seven days, he would live forever. Well, he wasn't sucessful. The wise man told him that no human can live forever, only the gods can. Thats all im going to teach you today! Untill next time (:
ALoha, Mr. Timmers
Mesopotamia invented the wheel, irrigation, money, and writing. all of which are extremely important and we use them everyday. The Ziggurat tournament has been going on for some time now... unfortunately I was knocked off the bracket on the first attempt to win. The Epic of Gilagamesh is thew first book ever writen. This book is about a guy named Gilagamesh and his friend Enkidu. Enkidu dies. Then suddenly Gilagamesh want to live for ever like every over human on the planet. Unlike the others, Gilagamesh has to be different and tries to find a wiseman. He travels to the end of the earth to find this wiseman (if there is one) and of course he finds him and it's a happy ever ending for him... not. The wiseman wants Gilagamesh to stay awake for seven days. He thinks it's going to be easy... well, it's might be if your superman. So, as any other normal person would do Gilagamesh falls asleep almost instantly. So sad to bad.
And now I end because my wirst hurts so bye bye Mr. Timmers.
Hi again today I will be teaching you about Mesopotamia.
The first thing I will teach you about is Cuneiform. Cuneiform is "A form of wedge-shaped writing" in other words it's what they used as writing.
Another thing is Irrigation. Irrigationhelps people control when and how much they water their crops. So if it were you or me it would be like your sprinklers.
Also an important thing from Mesopotamia is the fabulous four inventions. The four inventions ar writing, money, irrigation,and the wheel. Writing is important because it helps us comunicate. Money is important because now we don't have to trade for things we are lacking. Irrigation is probably the most important because it helps the crops grow and not die. The wheel is also another big one because it allows us today transportation.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is also really important because it was the first book ever writen. It tells aboutHOW Gilgamesh's friend dies and now he wants everlasting life.
Lasty the Ziggurat tournament, this is a computer game where you have to assign people to digging clay, making bricks, carrying bricks, and laying bricks. There is tree levels that you have to complete. If you are wondering ye I am still in it at this moment.
Well, that's all I have for you today Timmers. I wish you the best.
- Samantha Beckman
Hey timmers!
I was just going to teach you a little bit about mesopatamia and what i know about it. The fabulous for is Money, Irrigation,Writing,wheel. Those are one of the most important inventions according to mesopatamia. Wheels help by moving things around such as cars or wagons so if you had a wagon you could put your items in there then you can carr them around easier.Money helps by paying fo things and it might help with maath wich brings me to writing. Writing as we all know helps us read things without writing you would have now idea what imsaying right now. Now lets talk about deadliest worrior.I think that the meopoatamian warrior would win the battle against the stone age super species because the mesopatamian worrior have better weapons and the have body helmet and armor but there is one reason that the stone age super species could win against the mesopatamian worrior is becasue the helmet has a facething for the eyes the stone age super species ( if the they have really good aim) could shoot the meosopatamian worrior in the eye. But i still think that the meopatimian worrior would win what do you think timmers who do you think would win?
On to the Epic of gilgamesh its a story some person wrote back in meopatamia. Heres the story some guy names gilgamesh and his friend named Enkidu then enkidu dies witch makes gilgamesh very sad so gilgamesh decides to travel to the end of the world and try to find the wiseman to live forever. So when he finds the wiseman the wiseman tells him if he can stay awake for 7 days that he will live forever then after almost starting gilgamesh falls asleep. Then he figures out only the gods can live forever. Well i think thats a really good story for a mesopatamian dont you think? well its a very good book thats for sure.
At our school we just had a Zigguraut battle and molly lost and jessica lost but dayton won and james won lucky day for the boys huh? well i wish the girls would have won that would be cool sense its mollys birthday.
Well timmers i am done so if you want you can ask me a question and i will try to answer but i cant promise that i will and i hope you comment on my lesson i hope you learned something timmers from this stroy and i hope you learn alot about Mr.Klumpers social stuides class because his class rocks. SEE YA!!! =P
Hope Jackmon
Hey Timmers, Mesopatamia is also known as the land between the rivers. Mesopatamia invented four great inventions witch were, the wheel, irrigation, money and trade, and writing! The first story ever invented was the Epic of Gilagamesh. I leared that polytheism means beliefe in more than one god and that monytheism means beliefe in just one god. Assyria is located in Northern Mesopatamia. Assyria had very educated people. Babylonia is located south of Mesopatamia. Babylonia's king is Hammurabi. Hammurabi came up with a set of laws and they are based on eye for eye tooth for tooth.
We are just coming to the end of the Mesopotamia unit. So it is time to teach you more.
First thing, the fabulous four inventions are the wheel which is needed to get around. Then it is writing. Mesopotamia had decided to invent writing because they didn't it for tax purposes and keeping track of things. The third thing is money. They needed money for trading. The fourth and final thing is irrigation. Irrigation was so they controlled how much water got into the fields.
Secondly, we dicussed the first story ever written it was called "Epic of Gilgamesh". Epic of Gilgamesh is a story about a guy named Gilgamesh. His friend dies and so he wants to find a wiseman and live forever. When he met the wiseman the wisman said if Gilgamesh could stay awake for 7 days straight he could live forever. But almost Immediately he fell asleep. When he awoke he realized only the gods live forever.
Also, we have been having a ziggurat tournament and I have gotten out. At least I got far though.
Fourth, we had a vocab packet. One of the words on it was irrigation. The definition for it is: Helps people control when and how much they water there crops. Another word is fertile cresent. Fertile cresent means: An area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
Fifth and final is that we have watched a lot of videos like a video called Legos. Legos is a video about Mesopotamia but it is acted out in Lego form so the people are the lego people that my little brother would play with. It is a pretty good show; the voice on it sounds funny.
hey Timmers, im going to teach you about mesopotamia.]
The Fabulous four - wheel, irrigation, money, writing. wheel- really important for using ways to get around. irrigation- the way to keeping the plants watered and healthy/ water ways.
money-a good way of trading
writing- a way of teaching people about things and a way you dont have to tell it all in words out loud that may take a while to explain.
now for the deadlieest warrior- mesopotamia against stone age super species... i think it could be either... if i HAD to choose, it would be mesopotamian warrior because they have wayy sharper things like a dagger, mace, scimitar, and more. even though theyre not for long range, theyre still REALLY powerful and almost useless against a club or a torch because even when the torch is lit they can hit the torch and split it in half and the fire would go out.
the epic of gilgamesh - the first ever book made. what happens is gil. is best friends with a guy named enkidu. after a while, enkidu dies. then, gil. decides he wants to live forever, so he travels to the end of the earth to find a wiseman. once he finds him, the wiseman says gil. has to stay awake for 7 days straight. almost immediatly later, he falls asleep and learns that only gods can live forever.
ziggurat tournaments- we have these almost everyday, and what; we do is we havae to build a ziggurat on the internet. whoever wins gets to go to the next round going against a different person who won the other round against somebody else. right now, were going into the final four. after them is the final two and after those people we have a champion. oe out of every class period. whoever wins gets to go against the people from the other class periods then theres the complete, overall champion. they get a shirt, but so do the other winners from each class.
the code of hammurabi- the code of hammurabi is a set of laws made by hammurabi. most punishments for them are pretty cruel. like an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. the punishments for a child who slaps their dad gets their hand cut off. even if its an accident.
I am going to teach you about the Epic of Gilgamesh First of all gilgamesh's friend Enkidu dies
second gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever
third gilgamesh travels to the ends of the world to find a wiseman
fourth the wiseman offers gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for seven days
fifth gilgamesh tries to stay awake by five hour energy
sixth and final gilgamesh falls asleep almost immediately
now I will teach you about vocabulary
fertile cresent= An area of land shaped liked a cresent
civilation= people that have a complex and organized community
irragation= controls where water goes
Hello Timmers!
We are just finishing up our Mesopotamia unit. Now our task is to teach you some things that we learned in the Mesopotamia unit.
1. First off I want to teach you about what I think is most important Vocabulary. I will give you 3 of our vocabulary words and their definitions and why I picked these 2. Ziggurat- huge pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods. Sentence- We went to explore the ziggurat where the kings are worshiped. I think this one is most important because, we would not of been able to build ziggurats and do our tournements without these and then the unit would not be as much fun.
My next word is civilization. Civilization- groups of people that have a complex and organized society. Sentence- Our city is very civilized, we are very complex and organized. I think Civilization is important because towns wouldn't be very organized and they wouldn't get much done without civiization.
2. Next we made this thing called a flip packet. It has religions and underneath the tabs are information about the religions. Here are a few facts about a religion called Assyria- located in Northern Mesopotamia, high value on war and conquest, very educated people, and they built the great library.
3. Now I will be teaching you about the fabulous four inventions. The first one was the wheel...to be continued...
Hey Timmers,
Did you know about irrigation it was most likely the most important thing in Mesopotamia. It helped them with farming and their crops grew so much they had a surplus of food. Also it was a big problem then cause they could not feed every one in the village. So every they did not know about irrigation so of the people would die in the village.
New topic the code of Hammurabi was cruel!!!!!! Did you know if a kid slapped his dad that had would be cut off how cruel is that. If you build houses back then would not be fun if you built a house and it fell over or clapsed or something the house has to have a problem the builder will be put to death. Now do you think that is fair or cruel I think cruel.
New topic The Epic of Gilgamesh is the very first book ever in the world and written on a clay tablet. The Epic of Gilgamesh is about Gilgamesh with his friend but his friend dies very very sad. So Gilgamesh wants to find a way to live forever so he travels to the ends of the earth to find a wiseman. When he finds one the wiseman says he has to stay awake for one week. Which is a lot of time to stay awake for. But sady Gilgamesh falles asleep right away. So then Gilgamesh learns he can not live forever buh huh.
Hi Timmers I am going to teach you a little about the Epic of Gilgamesh.Gilamesh is a real person, he was best friends with Enkidu but sadly he died.After Enkidu died Gilgamesh wanted to know how to live forever, so he went to the end of the Earth to find the wise man.The wise man told Gilgamesh he would give him ever lasting life as long as he could stay up for seven straight days.When Gilgamesh got home he fell asleep almost instantly.
Now I will teach you about the Code of Hammurabi.The Code of Hammurabi is a set of laws that he set some of them are cruel some of them are NOT needed.If you struck your farther you hand shall come off. Now I think there should be a different punishment.
Third,The Fab Four inventions, the invetions were the wheel, writting irragation and money.Now if you dont know what irragaiton is that is alright I will tell you.Irragation is when you can controll how much water gets to plants.All theese inventions happened during Mesopotamia.
Now who do you think would win?If I am in Mesopotamia I have a dagger, sward scimitar, body armor and helmet and a mace. And the stone age has a torch, hand axe ,club heavy spear, copper axe,bow and arrow, spear
Hi Timmers,My name is Lexi and I will be teaching you about Mesopotamia.First,I want to tell you about the lesson one guided notes.It taught us about their people, where the civilization began,The growth of city states and trade,ands their major problems.It also taught us about things they farmed.They collected Barley,Millet,and wheat.Next I will tell you the definitions of some vocabulary words.
Im not done yet
Hey timmers,first I am going to teach you about the problem/solution poster. First problem was there was not enough rain for crops to grow. The solution was they moved south. The next problem was there was low rain fall so the invented irrigation by digging diches from a river to the crops. Then they had prolems with constructing buildings so they cut reeds from marshy areas.
Next is the Epic of Gilgamesh.
gilgamesh's friend,Enhida,dies. So gilgamesh wants to dicover how to live forever. Then he travels to the ends of the Earth to find a wiseman
Hey whats up Timmers,I will be teaching you about the Mesopotamia unit.
First ill be teaching you about the first book ever made, its called,The Epic of Gilgamish, its goes like this, Gilgamishes friend dies so he wants to live for ever so he travels to the end of the earth to meet a wise man when he does the wiseman says "If you want to live forever you must stay awake for seven days" when Gilgamish left he tried to stay awake but soon fell asleep.
Second, The Code of Hammurabi is about how Hammurabi makes codes and rules for Mesopotamia like Eye for a eye, Or A tooth for a tooth, so lets say you went up to someone and punched them in the eye you have a right to hit back without anything happening to you, or lets say you slapped your father your hand would get cut off for slapping him.
Third, The fabulous four invention, first one was the wheel this helped move and carry things around with out having to lift you would just have to push. Second was money this made so you could buy things or trade for money.Third was writing this helped so you could tell what you did today or what someone else did you would write on a clay peice with a sharp point and let it dry when you did let it dry it would stay like that forever.Fourth Irragtion was probaly the most important because it made the crops stay alive it worked like this they would have barrows around the lake then a gate would open and close the water so when you thought they needed water you could just open the gate.
Fourth Was Cuneiform this was the writing that the Mesopotamia people had to write it on theses clay tablets they would show about your day and what you did or you could write a story with them you would write with a long tipe point that was very pointy so it would go hard into the clay when you were done you would let it bake in the sun to dry and there still here today the clay tablets because some where very strong and derable archelogest can still find them.
Hello timmers i would like to teach you about mesopatamia. The mesopatamians were the first civilization. Within mesopatamia there are two areas that go by the name of lydia and babalonyia. These places are very important because the lydians invented the first coin and the "great" ziggurat was located in babylonia.
The mesopatamians also invented the first writing system witch eventually led to the firt book called "Epic of Gilagamesh" this book (in summary) is about gilagamesh's quest to live forever. In the beginning Gilagamesh's best friend Enkidu dies. After seeing his friends death Gilagamesh decides that he wants to live for ever. With his desision he embarks on a journey to find a wiseman. After many days he finds a wise man that tells him that if he can stay a wake for seven days straight he will have imortality. Gilagamesh accepts his quest but falls asleep alomost imeadeatly.
There are four main inventions that were created in mesopatamia. They are the wheel,iraggation,money,and a writing system all very usefull creations in my opinion. The world would be alot slower if not fot the wheel and in general would be alot more primitive.
We are doing a ziggarut tourney of witch i am luckly in the championsip (not trying to brag) of. It is based on strategy. The winner is the person who can build the ziggurat the fastest. The ziggurat you are trying to build consits of three levels.
We did a bit of a project that we call "deadliest warrior". It was cromagnon super species vs mesopatamian warrior. I think the mespatamian warrior would win with its weopens being mace,dagger,scimtar,sword, and body armor and helmet as apossed to the cromagno super speices Spear(long range) knife, copper axe,bow and arrow, torch, heavy spear. unfortuneatly thats all i can remeber over the weoponry of the two other than that i know that the mesopatamians were smarter in general. Most likely the mesopatamians were faster and stronger to. Any way thats all the time i have. To timmers.
Hello Timmers. My name is Bryce and Today I'm going to teach you about Mesopotamia and how the people of it change history.
First of all, irragation is one of the most important things you should know about. If you like your lawn you can thank the mesopotamai people for it. They used irragation for there crops and it was there solution for controling the floods and getting water when they needed it. In fact because of irragation not everybody neended to farm and they had a surplus of food!
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The epic of gilgameshwas the very first book ever made in the history of man. In the book Gilgameshes friend Enkunda dies and Gilgamesh does not want to end up like his friend so he goes to the ends of the earth to find a wiseman so he can live forever.
Hi Mr. Timmers,
The first thing I'm going to teach you about is the vocabulary we are laerning and there definitions.
Fertile Cresent: An area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
Civilization: Groups of people that have a complex and organized community.
Irrigation: Helps people control when and how much the water there crops.
City-State: An individual unit, complete with its own form of government.
Now I'm going to teach you about "The Epic of Gilgamesh."
Gilgamesh is best friends with this guy named Enkidu. Gilgamesh's friend, Enkidu, dies. Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever. So he travels to the end of the Earth to find the wiseman.
deadleist warrior i think mseopatamia warrior would win because most of their weapons are made of metal like the mace ( wich is awsome) i think
the ziggurat tournament it is a tournament were you build ziggurat its like the pyramid of egypt. at the very top is were the god lives.
the fabulous four inventions wheel ,irragation ,money,cuneiform they are all important to mesopatamia because they help the cause to move things by things to write to grow things.
code of hammurabi a set of laws greated by eye for eye and tooth for tooth. they do not exist any more.
epic of gilgamesh the first book writen the worlds history its were gilgamesh bff dies and he is mad about it and he wants to live forever
Dear My lovely friend Timmers sory I didn't get to teach you about the stone age. My sota friend zach erased my 7 page thing about the stoneage.
So here's the first thing I'm going to teach you have you ever heard about the The fabulous Four if you havent well it is your lucky day the faboulus four is irragation, writting, The wheel, and money well I don't know how to tell you this because The K man how is the godess of the blog will see this but I did not well your proboly thinking I did not pay attention in class but I did I just havent studyed yet so that is all I have to tell you about the fabulous four see you later.
HEYO TIMMERS!! Its guess who???? ALEX WAUGH BABY! Anyways im gonna teach you again did you know that i bet you did.Im gonna talk about the epic of gilgamesh.Gilgamesh had a friend enkidu they are bfffffffff's forever!!!!! But Enkidu dies. Dang i really liked him anyways he wanted to live forever so he went searching ALLLLLL over the world and finally he........ FOUND ONE ITS EXCITINGG!! So he tells the wiseman he wants to live forever the wiseman is confused and said he would make a deal with him. Sooo he said "If you Gilgamesh stay up for 7 days straight you shall have immortality". So Gilgamesh accepts his offer and goes and trys to stay awake. He falls asleep almost IMMEDIATLEY... i Know he should of won but he didnt.. moving on shall we. We are gonna talk about cuneiform that is the first writing system the Mesopitamian people made. But only special types of people could write and those people were called scribes. Next we are gonna talk about the fabulous four inventions. The first is the wheel the next writing then irragation finally money. OK what one should we talk about fisrt ok money since i love money they invented money obviously they invented irragation wich is controlling how much water the crops gets and the wheel you know what that is including money. They invented the first writing system like i already said and those are the very non shabby fab. four baby!!! We are doing the ziggurat battles and are almost to the tournament. But you say "But alex what is this ziggurat you peak of"? Well its a big pyramid sorta exept its a holy place and the top of the ziggurat is were the god lives is so what ive been told so im goin with it and passin it over to you so you can tell your little children about what a ziggrat is. Finally we are gonna talk about the code of hammurabi. AGAIN you ask "But alex what is the code of hammurabi and who is this hammurabi please teach me these holy ways". OK Timmers since you asked Hammurabi si the king of Sumer which before you ask is city or town anyways he said eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. YESSSSSSSSS I FINISHED OKAY BYE TIMMERS YOUR THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mr.Timmers
how are you? Well here some infomation i learned about Mesopotamia that I think you sould learn. First of all assyria is located in northern Mesopotomia it has high value and conquest. It also has Very Educated people. Assyria built a great libray. I lerned this from my flip packet.I also learned about Babylonia, Phoenicians and lydians, and my personal favorit the Hebrews.
Next id like to teach you about the Epic of Gilamesh that was the first book ever writin its about a man named Gilgamesh hows BEST friend dies. And this makes him very sad so he desids he whants to live forever. He doesent know how then he desids to ask a wise men. So he travels to the end of the earth to find a wise men. When he does he told him he wants to live forever. He says ok all you have to do is stay awake for seven days stright....... to be continued
Hi my name is bailey,
Irragation: is something that helps grow crops and other things like that in the Mesopotamia.
Flip Packet:
Assyria: located in northern Mesopotamia, high value of war and conguest, very educated people, and built great library.
Located in south of Mesopotamia, relied on irragation 282 laws, and "eye for and eye tooth for a tooth."
Ziggurat tournaments:
The Ziggurat tournaments are games on the water for sixth grade we have been playing in class and two people at a time battle each other and who ever wins gets to move to the next round. Mr.Klumper is going to give the winner a T-shert in every period.
Fertile Corecent, an area of land shaped like a curve that cantains good land of farming.
Cuneiform, a form of wedged-shaped writing.
I hope you leard alot!
Greetings Timmers! I would like to teach you about Mesopotamia. The first thing I am gonna teach you about is irrigation. Irrigation is probably the most important thing in Mesopotamia. Without it mesopotamians would have no food source. Irrigation is a way of farming. You dig a canal by a river, when the river floods its goes into that canal and leads to a farming square.
The second thing is the first book. It's called the "Epic of Gilgamesh". It's about a person named Gilgamesh. His friend, Enkidu,dies. He is so infuriated that his friend died that he wants to find a way to live forever. Gilgamesh travels all around the world to find a wiseman to grant him the wish to live forever. He eventually finds the wiseman and the wiseman gives him the challenge to live forever if he stays awake for seven days. When he started he almost immediately fell asleep.
The third thing is the Code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi is a king. He made the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi is a set of laws made by Hammurabi. These laws follow the principle of "An eye for an eye; A tooth for a tooth". One of the laws is "If someone falsely accuses someone else of certain crimes, then he shall be put to death." We don't know why Hammurabi made the punishments so severe but maybe it's just because he's a cruel man.
hey timmers im going to tell you some facts about mesopotamia.
the epic of gilgamesh happended like this. Gilgamesh and enkidu were best friends and enkidu dies. gilgamesh wants to find out how to live forever. he travels to the end of the earth to find the wiseman to tell gilgamesh how to live forever. the wiseman offers him everlasting life if gilgamesh can stay awake for seven days. he tries to stay awake by eating and drinking chocolate and coffee. gilgamesh falls asleep almost imediatley and gilgamesh doesnt live forever.
the next thing im going to tell you about is the flip packet we made about assyria, babylonia, phoenicias,lydians, and hebrews. a few things to know about assyria are it is located in northern mesopotamia. it has a high value on war and conquest. assyria has very educated people and assyria built the great library. some things about babylonia are its in the south of mesopotamia. in 1792 b.c. hammurabi was king of babylon. hammurabis code was "eye for eye thooth for thooth" hammurabi had 282 laws. phoenicians and lydians is the next subject. phoenicians were expert sailors and invented the modern alphabet. lydians invented the very first coin. hebrews is the last subject in the flip packet. abraham (not abraham lincon) was the first jew and he founded the religion of judaism. he made a covenant with god that he would worship only one God , then God would protect Abrahams people, known as the hebrews. moses is another person im going to tell you about. according to the hebrew bible God told moses to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery. see you later when i tell you about egypt
Hey Timmers I was starting to tell you about mesopotamia vs. stone age whenwe ran out of timwe in class.Imagin you were going into a war and the peole (stone age) had a torch, hand axe,heavy spear, copper axe bow and arrow,spear that can go long rang and a knife and you had(Mesopotamia)a dagger, sward,scimitar,body armour plus the helmet and a mace.Which side would you want to be on Stone Age or Mesopotamia?Well that all the tpying for now my fingers are cramping up
Mr. klumper question about the test will it be on any of the videos we have watched
Hey Timmers me again, so I was about to tell you fact #3 so here it goes.
3. Well your probably like "okay I get these kids are talking about Mesopotamia so what is it"????????
It is the land between two rivers. But it is only between the Tigris and Euphrates river. If you really want it stuck in your head watch the Tigris and Euphrates Scream we won. Mr.Klumper put up a poll on who had the loudest scream and we won Pd.4 :)
4. Some other things I want to tell you about is Mesopotamia in Lego's Part 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. So you see there are these videos that Mr. Klumper gets out of no where. It has a bunch of interesting facts about Mesopotamia. Here are some examples- What was invented by the Mesopotamia's to help move heavy objects? The wheel. What is the first major invention that the movie talks about? Irrigation. That's what the movies are about they're REALLY funny too.
5. Is about the Ziggurant. The Ziggurat is a building or temple that is used to worship the gods. Anyway we had a challenge: who could make the fastest ziggurant?? If you want you could try it I bet people really want to know your fastest time. You know your pretty popular here. Off topic, we are set against each other and you face them. I won the first round but lost the second but you know its okay.
Well, I hope this helped! Talk to you later????
Good bye, Carly :)
We have been doing this thing called United States/mesopotamia cotrast we learned about there class system and how it goes kings wealthy people farmers then slaves .
got t0 go agin
Greetings, Timmers I'm going to take you on a adventure.
I am here to teach you about The Code of Hammirabi (Hom-o-robby). The Code of Hammirabi is very strict, here is an example if a child talks back to a adult the child gets their tounge cut off. The Code of Hammirabi is just like our laws. The Code of Hammirabi is the set of laws in Mesopotamia. That is a little info about The Code of Hammirabi.
The next thing that I am going to tell you about is The four Inventions. The four Inventions are these things: The Wheel, Writing, Money, and Irrigation. The four Inventions are what the Mesopotamians Invented. Infact they are very useful. One useful thing is Money. Money is important because without it we would have to trade all of our stuff that we owned. Irrigation is helpful to the Farmers by getting surplus and controlling the water or overflow with the water. Writing I think is the most Important thing of all because without it we could only talk but the people who could not talk well that is a bad thing for them, plus without Writing we would not be able to text on our phones. And last but not least the Wheel. The Wheel is important because without it we would have to carry every thing around and don't you think that would be hard, well I do!
The last thing that I am going to talk to you about is Ziggurat Tournement. The Ziggurat Tournement
is a game where you use people to build a Ziggurat. A Ziggurat is a temple shaped like really big stairs and at the top is a box tent. The Ziggurat is used for worshiping the gods or godesses. The rich people live close to the Ziggurat and the Farmers live at the back of Mesopotamia.
I hope you have learned something and enjoyed this journey with me!
yo mr t how are today did you know every day of the week has half of my name in it day ooooooooooooooo by the way my name i=s dayton=awesomeness for you. so i still have not studdied and worst of all the test is on the 22nd of october I know i am getting of topic but did you know there is 1,600 panda bears lft in the world if you did not know that there is a littile science for you. Did you know that there is 2,700 black rinoes in the world. Did you know that mosquito is the deadlist thing in the world Because they cary diseases. so there is even more science for you so know where getting way of topic so see you later okay well i will type to u later. BYE
Irraagation, Irragation means Helps people control when and how much they watered their crops.
#4 The Fabulous Four Inveetions
The Fabulous Four Inventions are the wheel, money, irraagation, writing, without those four inventions we wouldn't be able to
live. They invented the wheel for making things easier to pull around. They invented irragation to control how much water they get in there crops. They invented money for when they were trading when sombody didnt want what someone was trading the person would trade money and then they would trade. The last thing they invented was writing they invented writing so they could keep track of things. This how they wrote the way they did. They would take a reed and wet clay then they would take the wet clay then they would take the reed and make curved shaped writing in the clay.
#5 Mesopotamia VS USA
We did a work sheet on Mesopotamia VS USA when we did that we compared the two we compared there class system to the USA and Meaopotamias class system is based on money and the USAs class system is based on occupation.
And that is a little bit about Mesopotamia and if you want to learn more please look at Mr.Klumpers website or just comment and we will get back to you;-) :-D
Hello again 6th grade. I have had a chance to read through your comments and I am impressed with all your knowledge about Mesopotamia. I had a chance to build my own Ziggurat the other day. I didn't have a stop watch but I'm pretty sure I rocked the house. I will be reponding to your comments individually very soon so stay tuned!
Hey Dayton J...very interesting science facts. Did you know that the human head weighs 8 pounds and that bees and dogs can smell fear?
I do have a question for you...can you please tell me where I might find modern day Mesopotamia on a map or globe? What country exists there today?
Hanna J-
Very well done...I swear I know you from something...I just can't quite figure it out :)
Alex Waugh-
What up bro? I was just going to ask all those questions but you beat me to it...very well done.
Peace out.
Morgan TeKrony-
Thanks for teaching me about Mesopotamia. Mr. Klumper is the teacher so you probably have to try and build your Ziggurat. I think you should do it..maybe you will beat him! Then you can talk trash to him.
Hey Timmers,
so i was walking though dollar genral the other day to get pencils and i came across the Viqweens tryout forms!lol
oh and wouldnt it be ironic if somebody choked to death on a life savor?? please reply
Hi Timmers it is me again well did you think about who will win? anyway I just wanted to let you know that I have more information about mesopotamia. Well if you want to know about it more just come back and i will tell you who i think will win.
The Finnal Thing
the final thing is well almoast everything i learned in mesopotamia. The main thing that I think you will want to know is that i have started the epic of gilgamesh. If you want to know where to find the story just pease reply back to me. Well that is about it so if yo have any questions just rply to me Bye-Bye!
Yo Tmmers Kaitlyn in da house!
Sorry I didnt finish my teach timmers so here it is:
5- Deadliest warrior
Who do you think will win?
Mesopotamian Warrior- Mace, Sword, Body armor and helmet, dagger and Scimitar.
Stone age super species- torch, hand axe, club, heavy spear, copper axe, bow and arrow, spear long range, and knife.
Who do you think will win and why?
Hey timmers any questions?
Dear Timmers,
First is deadliest warrior. Deadliest warrior is where we had challenges that the people had face and who would win like a face to the death. Second is irrigation. Irrigation is the control of water used for watering crops. Third is the fabulous four inventions. The fabulous four inventions are money, the wheel, irrigation, and a system of writing. Money is the way we get the things we want like food. The wheel helps move people or things somewhere and is still used today. Irrigation is the control of water. A system of writing which is the way we write letters and write stories. Fourth is The ziggurat tournament. The ziggurat tournament what we are doing in Social Studies it is where we have workers making a ziggurat and you assign workers to these jobs and who ever wins moves on to the next round. Fifth is Cuneiform. Cuneiform is the system of writing people in Mesopotamia used but they soon turned against it because it took to long to write it.
Dear Timmers,
I am going to teach you about the ancient civilization called Mesopotamia.
The fabulous four inventions of Mesopotamia were the wheel, irrigation, writing, and money.
The wheel is a very important invention in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians invented the wheel. Before the wheel, types of transportation were very limited.
Irrigation was first developed in Mesopotamia. Irrigation is controlling when and how much your crops got watered. Before irrigation farmers' crops didn't grow very good. After irrigation was invented farmers had a food surplus and not everyone had to farm for a living.
Writing was an important step for Mesopotamia. The Phoenicians invented the modern alphabet. Before writing was invented, people could not record things except for in pictures. This was confusing and people could not always understand what the pictures stood for.
The Lydians invented the first coin. Money was an important invention in Mesopotamia because sometimes when people tried to trade, somebody might not want what they have. With money you can pay someone for an item, that's what you give them instead of trading.
A civilization is a group of people that have a complex and organized community. The Fertile Crescent is an area of land shaped like a curve that contains good land for farming.
A city-state is an individual unit, complete with its own form of government and traditions. There is no higher power that a city-state has to answer to. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers.
Polytheism is the worship of many gods. Monotheism, its opposite, is the worship of ONE God. A ziggurat is a huge, pyramid shaped structure used to worship gods.
Assyria is located in Northern Mesopotamia. The people of Assyria have high value on war and conquest. They are very educated people. They built a great library.
Babylonia is located south of Mesopotamia. In 1792 BC, Hammurabi was the king of Babylonia. Their daily life relied on irrigation and class system. An important project that came from the Babylonian people was the Great Ziggurat. Hammurabi's Code had 282 laws. It was based on "Eye for an Eye; Tooth for a Tooth". Babylonia had advancements in place value.
The Phoenicians invented the modern alphabet and were expert sailors. The Lydians invented the first coin.
Abraham was the first Jew. He founded the religion of Judaism. He had a covenant with God: worship only one God, then God will protect Abraham's people; known as the Hebrews.
Moses: According to the Hebrew bible, also called the Torah, God told Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery. The Ten Commandments were a set of laws given to Moses by God. They provide guidance for the worship of God. They are very different than Hammurabi's Code.
The Epic of Gilgamesh went a little like this.
1) Gilgamesh's best friend, Enkidu, dies.
2) Gilgamesh wants to discover how to live forever.
3) Gilgamesh travels to the ends of the earth to find a Wiseman.
4) The Wiseman offers Gilgamesh everlasting life if he can stay awake for seven days.
5) Gilgamesh tries to stay awake by drinking lots of Red Bull.
6) Gilgamesh falls asleep almost immediately and learns that only the gods can live forever.
1) Problem: There isn't enough rain for crops to grow.
Solution: The farmers move south.
2) Problem: There is very low rainfall.
Solution: People invent the idea of irrigation.
3) Problem: They can't construct buildings strong enough.
Solution: They make bricks using mud and straw.
I hope that you learned lots about the ancient civilization called Mesopotamia.
Hi timmers!
the answer to that question is I belive Iraq that is were mesopatamia exists today if there is any other question just let me know i would love to answer the question
Hope Jackmon
Erin L Pd 3...I did learn a lot so thank you very much for teaching me.
Alessio G-
I think the code was fair...an eye for an eye!
Sonjah L-Thank you very much for teaching me. Yours was well written! And you are right, Mr. Klumper is a crappy artist.
Lexi Z pd3 - very well done...Mr. Klumper better give you all 20 pts ;)
ColeW - the answer is 33, right? Do you know how to write 33 in Roman Numerals? If not, ask Mr. Klumper when he is going to teach you that!
Hey Elsie Zajicek-
Trust me, I (Timmers) am not Mr. Klumper and Mr, Klumper is not me (Timmers). Keep guessing...someday you will be very surprised! I can guarantee that you do not know me, but there may be others in the class that do! I wonder who those people are??????
Logan D-
Do you get all your jokes from Laffy Taffy?
Kate F-
I would give you an A+ on your assignment. Thanks for teaching me!
Kaitlyn H-
Hey K Money! I think the Stone Age dude with the club would win. The newer the civilization, the more wimpy the people get.
Brianna S-
Thank you for teaching me all those vocab words! My head hurts I am learning so much from you and all the 6th graders.
Emily L-
Hey Emily, very well done! You rock.
p.s. I think I know you ;)
Hey Timmer,
no i get them from this guy named larry the cable guy he's like a stand up comedian on comody central im kidding i make them up buy my self.
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