Being put to death for false accusations. Having your tongue cut out for insulting someone. Having your hands cut off for giving the wrong kind of haircut. Being thrown into a fire for looking upon someone else's property. What do all these things have in common? They are all punishments found in the Code of Hammurabi. Now, one question lingers: Fair or Cruel? That is the question we will be dealing with for this blog post. That is the question that you will have to think about and come to your own opinion. Both sides of the arguement make a compelling case supporting what they believe. There is no clear cut answer whether the Code of Hammurabi is fair or cruel. One thing we do know for sure, though, is that it was a major aspect of the Mesopotamian civilization. I have linked an article for you to read about the Code of Hammurabi being fair or cruel. In the article, both sides are given with reasons supporting the "fair" side and the "cruel" side. After reading the article, your task is simple: decide for yourself whether the Code is fair or cruel. Then, tell me why you think that.
Read article: The Code of Hammurabi: Fair or Cruel?
Task: Read the above article about the Code of Hammurabi being fair or cruel. Post your opinioni in a comment and explain why you think that. Minimum five sentences. Anything short of five sentences would not do a good enough job explaining your opinion.
In-Class Blogging. Good Luck!
I think its fair because when your young you always want it to be fair and so do adults so if my bro breaks my arm then i can break his, its a little cruel but is still think its fair.
i think it was cruel because in these days people would go to jail in stead of death and what is eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth it is really stupid i think that not only the laws are really stupid but the people are to so i think that it is cruel.
I think that the code of Hammurabi is fair because if you lost a tooth wouldn't you want to do it to the person who did it to you. I know that it also seems cruel and mean but if someone KILLED YOU wouldn't it help if you thought"At least he will be murdered too." And it is kind of how it is now. If you were a sereal killer sometime or another you be put to the Death Penalty yourself.
1 To make mesopotamia a civilization.2 If a person punch another person that person who got punched would punch that person.3
So that people wouldn't punch, kick, hit, and kill a person and get away with it.4 I don't know.5
Most everyone would be die.6 The law that effects me the more is not going on my own to visit friends in Indiana.
I think it is definatly cruel and im glad we dont there. I think it is cruel because it is violent of everything u basically do you die go to jail or somthing is cut off. The laws today make much better sence.
I think that its fair because if you do something they have the right to do it right back to you!!
I think it is fair because if somebody poked someones eye out then they should see how it feels. Then they would learn not to poke someones eye out. Also I think it is fair is because then the people of Mesopotamia would learn right from wrong. Like lets just say that if somebody cut somebodys arm off then they would learn that it is not right to cut somebodys arm off. Thats why i think that it is fair.
My opinion it that most are cruel.
I mean, Death for accusing someone?!? Now that's plain ridiculas! I've looked up most of the laws (on google in class) and thought that they didn't make sence! If anyone steals the minor son of another, he shall be put to death. That's plain wierd. (btw on the page it says foe instead of for and opinioni)(do any of these symbols relate to Mesopotamia ☼ Ö ÿ ù ☼ ₧?
fair because you dont want people to go around looking at your property so then press charges on them.
I agree with the people that think it is NOT fair. It's not fair because you could turn around and accidently poke someone in the eye. Or if someone has a loose tooth and it falls out and looks like you made it fall out then you would have to get one of your teeth pulled out.
very very cruel. it be like going through too much pain for being yourself, by insulting everyone or looking for flaws in someones property. helping out with a house that is on fire is very nice, not mean. and now, everyone insults everyone, making a mistake in cutting someones hair is common too.
I think Hammurabi's code is unfair because if someone messes up a haircut, do they SERIOUSLY need their hands cut off????? Also, I don't think it is fair to whip someone because they hit someone! Isn't Hammurabi's code based on "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"??? Just because that person is of "higher rank" doesn't mean they can get away with anything.
I think Hammurabi's code is unfair because if someone messes up a haircut, do they SERIOUSLY need their hands cut off????? Also, I don't think it is fair to whip someone because they hit someone! Isn't Hammurabi's code based on "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"??? Just because that person is of "higher rank" doesn't mean they can get away with anything.
I think the code of Hammurabi is cruel.
I think the laws are cruel. Because, you either get something chopped off or get killed. The kindess law is paying a fine
I think it's both.
I believe the Code is cruel. As the saying goes,"An eye for an eye makes the world go blind." Also you are either put to death, or something on you is chopped off. I mean, why would you cut off a son's hands for striking his father. Does this include children off age 10 or lower? What if the child hit his father on accident? Would the father go out and tell the local authorities? That is why I believe Hammurabi's Code, is cruel.
I think it is cruel because I wouldn`t want to iether die or get something cut off if I did something wrong. Wouldn`t you. Who wants to die or get something cut off for doing one little thing wrong such as cutting someones hair wrong or something wierd like that.
I think he was fair because he cept people safe. Like if you srole something when there was a fire you would be put in the fire. That kept things away from robbers but was really cruel to the person taking the thing. He was cruel because he because 1 little thing could get your hands cut off. I think he was very, very, very cruel.
In my opinion I think that the code of hamurabi is very cruel becaue, for exampel if a son slaps his father his hands will be cut off and that is something i do not want to happen to anyone. The second thing i dont want to happen is given violent death for a crime that is non-violent that is just not fair.And the last thing i do not want to happen or see is a person getting whipped 60 times in public that is very very very very VERY!!!!!!!!cruel so that is why i like livig in america you dont have to live by hamurabis code.
i think the code of humurabi is fair beacause if brings order and justice to the community. If a judge makes a mistake during a case he must pay a fine be remove bench and never judge another case. if some one gives something for safekeeping it has to witnessed so the other person dosent get it back. If a bulder builds a house and it starts to break and the walls colapse he has to pay
I think it is cruel to whip some one or hurt some one in any way. Like if a home is on fire and he or she saw something that is not belong to that person so they pick it up. That would be rude to kill them. Well, some of them are fair like when some one said you did something they have to prove that you did that. When some one builds your home and they build it wrong they pay for it. But, most of the rules are cruel.
I think that it is not fair because if someone just comes up to someone and says Mr.Klumper punched my eye out and it was false or a lie they still get put to death and that is not fair.I don't think that if you did do it you still should not have that bad of a consoquencse because you should have learned your lesson that if you hurt someone they most likly are going to do something to you. That is my opinion some might not agree but I agree with what I wrote.
Hi Mr. Klumper i think it is cruel cause the laws are kind of jerky cause if you swear @ someone they would get their tounge cut out. And what if you you cut someone hair wrong by acciedent why would someone just come up and cut your hands off. Or if you go into the burming house and see some thing valueable and you take it out side and the people that think you stole there items then the police just shuve you in to the fire.And what if the walls fall and the contractor does not have the money to pay for the house and he needs to feed his family then how will the family feed. Or about law 195: if a son hits his father he get his hands cut off, what if the son need to protect his self cause his dad was treating him wrong and the police dont know that the dad is doing something wrong.
cruel because you would be whipped 60 times in public that is very cruel to me but it may not be to other people
I think deffinately cruel! The laws are over-reactive and not really needed. We have robery all the time, why not take them to jail instead of killing them? My all-out opinion is I like our laws now, their laws were CRUEL!!
the way i see it i say it is cruel being put to death for something so little so i would half to say cruel
Unfair if you acuses someone wrongly then you will be put to death. if acuse wrongly just appologies and at the most pay a small fine not death. If you are caught robbing death which makes sense so they dont have to keep them in jail while citizenz pay for the robbers stay in jail just kill them but its cruel.
I think that is cruel that is lame for having to cut someones hand off for cutting there hair rong that is very cruel, cutting your tongue for insulting someone, wow then alot of people would be with any taste buds, and being put to death for false accuations! That is CRUEL!
I think the code is cruel because why would you kill someone if they accuse someone for murder and they dont have proof.
i think that some of the laws are fair. one of these laws is law 5 If a judge makes an error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine, be removed from the judge’s bench, and never judge another case.
i think he should be able to judge another case though. But where there is good there is bad. one such law is that if you are caught stealing you are out to death. i think that is a little harsh. so i agree with both sides some laws are bad some are good.
Some of Hammurabi's codes would put to good use and were fair, but alot of them were cruel, and people were put to death for simple mistakes. With that i am with cruel.
Some of Hammurabi's codes would put to good use and were fair, but alot of them were cruel, and people were put to death for simple mistakes. With that i am with cruel.
I thought it was very creul and harsh. Cuase if it was a mistake he would be killed for nothing.
Fair because these were extreme... but they were the first laws.
Unfair if you ask me. You shouldnt get your hands chopped of if u hit your dad. I mean if u were in a fight with your dad against other people and one of the people ducked and u hit your dad thats just unfair. And if u built a house and it fell you should split hte cost not pay it by your self. thats why its unfair to me.
These laws are Cruel If a Son strikes his father. Then his hand needs to get sawed off. If some one striked a man higher rank they would get whipped 60 times in public this is why I think this is Cruel.
I say cruel cause if you cut off your own sons hand that would be cruel.
I think it is cruel. Having to be put to death for everyday things we deal with. Honestly back then i think it was actully a good thing considering that before the code of hammurabi came to be the people of mesopatamia had just as cruel a life or worse so in the long run hammurabi did a good thing by introducing a system of punishment. Im guessing without the laws mesopatamia would have fallen quickly. Or end up in ruins because of war.
I think that The Code of Hammurabi is cruel because no one should be treated that way. I think instead of cutting hands, limbs, tongues, ect. off they could just put them in jail or something. I understand where some laws would be ok, but definetly not alot of them. I would hate to have some of those laws tody. The Code of Hammurabi sounds way to painful, if you ask me!
I think its half and half because some of the rules/laws are cruel and the others are not. I think it is cruel because they cut off tonges hands ears, the also wip people, and put them to death. MEAN!! I think it is fair beacause of course if your house falls down it probably means the person who built it built it fast and bad.
i think its cruel because getting your hand cut off if your really young, like 5, and your playing around, and hit your dad you get your hand cut off! also, i kind of think its fair, cause if you poke someone in the eye, you should learn how it feels. but on the other hand, if you accidently poke them in the eye, then you shouldnt have to get your eye poked too, but the victim would still be angry so everyone else would agree that its fair to poke your eye back. so i actually think its both...if i HAD to choose 1, it would be cruel.
I think it is cruel because when you did something that you didnt mean to do you get punished and that wouldnt be fair the only thing that would be fair is being put do death for murdering or robbing someone.
I think the laws were fair. People wouldnt do so much robbery and crimes. I also think that some of the rules were very cruel. Some of the rules people deserved because they shouldn't do bad stuff like steeling. But some of the stuff they did deserve because if they did something by accident they would still be punished.
I think it is fair beacuse if you do something wrong you should be punished. Yeh it's crule but thats what it was like back then. It could have been better. If it diden't exist there would be more bad people. That is why I think Hammurabis code was fair.
I think that it is CRUEL because if you just insult someone you get your tongue cut off. So I just think that all of the consequnces are just a lot worse than what you do in the first place. Also just for doing a bad or just not what the person wants there hair to look like you get your hands cut off. That would really hurt and plus your hair will grow back or just where a hat isn't that part of what they are for. So that is why I think that it is CRUEL.
I think Hammurabi's code is cruel beacause if you do something wrong you should not be killed or hurt. If somebody is going to steal something they should just put him in jail instead of being killed. They should not have to be wipped 60 times.
I think that its cruel and fair. Its cruel because if someone accidently pokes someone, then they shouldn't get poked because it was an accident. Again because if you hit your father you shouldn't get your hands chopped off.It't fair because if someone kills someone then they should get to know what its like. If someone starts someones house on fire their house should get burnt down also.
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I think Hammurabi's code is cruel. One reason I think it is cruel is because people would die for things that wouldn't make the other people die. Also to be whipped 60 times, maybe the higher ranked person was being a jerk. If you made a false accusation, maybe you didn't know it was false? ALso I agree the punishments were cruel and for crimes that weren't even violent.
I think Hammurabi's Code is cruel. Because everybody makes mistakes, like if a judge makes a error through his own fault when trying a case. I dont think he should be thrown out of being a judge. If a son strikes his father, I think it is wrong to cut a kids hands off. Those are my reasons I think Hammurabi's code is CRUEl.
I think the code of Hammurabi is cruel because if someone poked someones eye out then they get to poke that persons eye out it wouldn't help anything. I also think that all of this could cause more fights. It also makes people more nervous on what they do and what they say to other people so they dont get any eyes poked out or any teeth nock out.Some people might even get really mad at other people and fight and that person knocked out their tooth and they would get their totth kcocked out and it wouldn't even be their falt staring the fitht. I just dont think that the code of Hammurabi is fair, thanks for listening to my opinion!!
I think it's cruel because if someone like hits someone they should be punished instead of the victim hitting back because it can turn out to a big fight. It's also fair that the victim can hit back. But thats really cruel for a kid to strike his father and get his hands cut off. So I choose both but mostly cruel.
I personally think that thrwing someone into a fire because they take something that is way over rated. And for insulting i wonder how many people have there toungs cut off i would for sure. Plus you would be killed for telling something faluse and they dont even let you exsplain it.I would be ins o much trouble and possibly dead. BUt i understand where they have to be a little enforceive in the rules but not so harsh. Like for examlpe if someone tells something faulse put them in jail or something but dont kill them. So my opiom over all is that it un-fair.
i think its is fair because u shouldny touch other peoples stuff
some of the laws are fari and some are cruel. law # 195 is crel also # 202 is cruel aswel. fari laws are #22,3,122,223 are fari
Reilly W. pd4 I think its creul because people sould get punished what the bad people do not the good
i think hammurabis code is very cruel. whiped in public 60 times if you hit someone!!! thats really cruel!and if you hit your dad you get your hand cut off!!! most people would just get grounded. i think instead of geting your tounge or hand cut off, getting through into a fire, or getting killed, they should just through them in jail or have them do a hard jo for the king.
I think that Hammurabi's code is cruel because if you do one thin that's against the code you get punished even if it's not bad at all.
I think that it's not because the accused person can not explane what really happened. 1.If the son stricks his father the sons hands will be cut off then you won't beable to write. 2.If someone strikes a man of higher rank then the man that striked the higher ranked person will get whipped 60 times in public. 3. There would be violent punishments for nonvolent cromes. 4. There's diffrent punishments for diffrent social classes.
i think that its unfair cause if you get caught at the scene of a robbery you even if you din't do anything. also if you hit someone whoes a priest and your a farmer you shouldent get whipped.
I think it's cruel because if you rob somebody you get put to death were now you go to jail. Plus if a son hits his dad his hand will be cut off and I think thats cruel.
That is so cruel i couldn't even see some one do that in our time and where sometimes worse than that.
That is so CRUEL... I mean what is you were on a wrestling team and a sumo wrestler came out and he wasd your dad. And you HIT him would you hands still be cut off? that would stink! SO CRUEL! I thought that time traveling would be fun but i guess that would not be.
i thinks its cruel. because you should not have to die because of that.also becuase you shoudent have toaccuse someone and be put to death.aand for robbing you would die i think they should just put them in a cell. and why should he gat his hand get cut off ifd he strikes his father.
I think it is cruel,because if somebody hits somebody the person that hit them gets their hands cut off and I think that cruel.
I think it is fair because if someone hurt you they would be hurt the same way. It shows that you should tell people the way you want to be treated. For Example the frase Eye for a Eye, Tooth for a Tooth is exacty like the laws in Mesopatamia. If you ask me I think its fair.
I think that the Code of Hammurabi is very cruel. It's not fair to have your hand cut off because you strike your father. You shouldn't strike your father, but getting your hand cut off is an unfair punishment. It's also not fair to get whipped 60 times in public for striking a man of higher rank. This doesn't make any sense. Also, there shouldn't be anyone that has a higher rank in society than you. Everyone is equal. It doesn't matter how much money you have or what your job is. Everyone is still equal.
It is also cruel because if someone from a different social class than you did the same exact crime, that person would recieve a lower punishment than you would. This is very cruel and unfair. Also, if you were accused of something you would recieve your punishment immediately. You couldn't even give an explanation to why you did it.
If you accuse someone of doing something that was against the law you will be put to death. This isn't fair because if you weren't lying someone who did a crime wouldn't have any punishment and you would get killed for trying to follow the law. Also if you are caught robbing you are put to death. This isn't fair. You should just have to pay a fine, serve a certain amount of hours doing community service, or be put in jail. Not killed.
This is why I think that Hammurabi's Code is unfair and very cruel.
i think it is cruel because, you don't go up to someone and chop there hand off. or chop someones tongue off.
i think it is cruel because that means no one will play fooball or eny thing
creul because eye for eye tooth for tooth is cruel
Well, I am not sure because....
if it where children and they had to get there tongues or hands cut off, that would be bad. In my opinion, they have many more years to live and they will have no hands to pick stuff up with. My brother is two and he doesn't know that hitting my sister is not okay. I think that spanking kids is hurtful and bad too teach them. So, I really think cutting them off would be so unfair. And yes, if kids knew that they would get there hands cut off if they were to hit, I would think they would not do it unless they where really young. But, I think there is still a better way to teach them.
cruel, not fair. Hammurabi just has a big ego.
I think its unfair because even if you hit someone why would you cut someones hands off? I mean come on I think its just common sense, if someone were to hit you would u take a knife and cut off there hands right there and then no, you would probably just hit them back not chop there hands off.
Thiis is unfair... what if a baby strikes his father??? the baby will have his hands cut off; before he knows how to use them properly. Hammurabi may have thought he was being fair, but some people dont think before they act, and that is exactly Hammurabi.
I think this is unfair because people are losing there lives just for doing something wrong by accident [in some cases]
For example pretend your cutting someone hair and then "whoops" you snip in the wrong do you think it would be fair to have your hands cut off???
It is totally U.N.F.A.I.R. People make mistakes. Why would someone have to have their hands cut off if they cut hair wrong? or get your tongue cut off for insulting someone. Thats just plain cruel.
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