Water for Sixth Grade is glad you have returned. This is the very first post of its kind in the history of Water for Sixth Grade. At no other time in its 3 year history has there been a post this monumental. I would like to introduce you to our newest character that will be going along with us in our ancient civlization adventure: "Timmers." Today, for this post, you will be reviewing material we have learned about thus far in our Stone Age unit by "Teaching Timmers" all about the Stone Age and the wonder that it is. Timmers is a real person who would like to learn more about ancient civilization. From time to time, he may also be able to add some interesting tidbits of information. Who is Timmers exactly? That will remain a mystery at this point. Perhaps in the future, the identity of "Timmers" will be revealed. Just know this, he is a real person and he will be logged on to Water for Sixth Grade the same time you are today and will possibly blog back to what you are teaching him. Let's show "Timmers" how smart we are and how much we know about the Stone Age. Good Luck.
Task: Post a comment that teaches Timmers something about the Stone Age. Possible topics to teach him about: Cave Art, hunting methods, Otiz the Iceman, Vocabulary words, Neanderthal Vs. Cro-Magnon, and anything else you can think of. When you are teaching him, you must use complete sentences. Teach him about 5 topics. You do not have to include everything we learned about from each topic. For each topic, you need to teach him AT LEAST 3 things about that topic. If I were you, I would focus on the five topics I listed above. You may do more than 5 if you would like. **Check back to see if "Timmers" has responded to your knowledge, or asked you a follow up question. In-Class Blogging.
Taylor deWit
I would like to tell you about Otzi. Otzi was found on the border of Italy and Alstra. Some more thing are a cape, grass rope,arrows,bow,pouch, quiverand arrows. Iwould like to tell you more but lets tell about Neanderthals. Neanderthals use these weapons tourch was most popular tell the Cro-Megnon came up with bow and arrows. and thats all i haft to to tell
Hey Timmers, did you know that in 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. All they swa were the head and shoulders. The Italian Police thought it was a doll. Later they named it Otzi. Who do you think would win if the Neanderthals and Cro-magnon faced off? What if the neandertal had his long spear and the Cro-magnon had its copper axe, who would win. Do you know how scientist figured out how old a dead body is? They used carbon dating, carbon dating is the estimating of age after it has died. They also knew by the dicoloration of the skin.Do you know were many of the most famous cave art was found? They were found in Algeria,Tassili.They usualy drew about everyday life and what they hunt and how they live. Hey whats prehistory. Whats archeology? What is domesticate?
Hi Timmers, I am going to teach you about the stone age. First some vocabulary words, {Prehistory} long period of time before people developed systems of writing. {harvest} to gather. {agriculture} raising of planys and aminals for human use. Now something about Otiz the iceman. He died when he was 45 years old, two people find him in the ice in 1991, I think he was robbed because most of his things were gone. Somethings about cave art. Some cave art represents what they were doing at the time and some cave art represents what they were feel.
here is some stuff we did this unit, We did cave art,which is like paniting for everyday life and its also about where the most famous cave art was about drawings to. The hunting methods were bows and arrows and spears they would suround the animal and stab it or make it run off a cliff. Otzi the iceman was a cave man that was preseved in the ice. He also had things scatered around him. HE is the oldest mummy ever found!! Our vocab words were intresting but fun. Ya so... ok im done with that.
Hey Timmers! I am Cole and i would like to tell you a little bit about the stone age. First i would like to tell you about Otzi(OO-t-zee) the Iceman.1.In 1991, two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. They saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. 2.The iceman was found on the border of Austria and Italy.3.Otzi is the oldest mummy ever found. In social studies we have to do this vocabulary packet and i want to tell you some of the words we did. 1.Prehistory. Definition: Long period of time before people developed systems of writing.2. Migrate. Definition: To move from one place to another.3.Domesticate. Definition:To tame
Hey,Timmers! What's up? Mr. Klumper told us to write/post to you about what we learned about the stone age, so here it comes! Did you know that Neanderthals had a slightly larger brain capacity than the average human? It's weird because if they were smarter, then why couldn't they develope a written language? In Deadliest Warrior: Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon, suprisingly, the Neanderthal won. Even though the Cro-Magnon has more advanced weapons, the Neanderthal was stronger and had larger brain capacity. Mr. Klumper says you have seen the "Discovering Otzi" video, and said you thought it was funny{the one with Olivia}. I wonder how he died. What do you think? In Deadliest Warrior I found out that Cro-Magnons developed farming. It's amazing that a slightly more advanced version of the Neanderthal can harvest such important foods.
Hi how are you doing Mr. Timmers? Are you Mr.Klumpers friend? Are you old? Are you a caveman? LOL JK! My favorite vocabulary word is, technology, because technology is AWESOME!!! It is something that humans have made. Another vocab. word is Harvest which means to gather, Agriculture means to raise p;ants or aanimals for human use. Domesticate means to tame, last but not least, Migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another. The next topic I wnat to teach you about is Otzi THe Iceman, Otzi was discovered in the year of 1991two hikers saw the head and shoulders between the border of Austria and Italy. Italian police thoght it was a doll,but then they took this one in too the museum to be looked at very closely and they discovered that it had been persrved in the ice for a very long time. This story WILL be CONTINUED!!!!!!! I will commet later SEE YA!!!
Dear , Timmers in social studies class at school we are learning about the stone age! Its really exiting and you should learn about it too. I will tell you at least 5 things about the stone age so get ready. the cro magrons and the neaderthals dont have as much in common as everybody says. They are accually very different the cro-magrons survied much easier because of there tools. But that doesnt mean the neanderthals didnt have any good features. They where short and had large noses to keep them warm and there strength was a bit more because of there hard and strong hands.They also where very good with berries they knew what was eatable and what was not. Even if they had that feature they where outdone again. the cromagrons had farming witch was by far a better thing to have. I have also found cave art very interesting we got to see a couple drawings of some cave art and had to brainstorm of what they where. They cave men used torches but soon found out in the damp weather it went out they got some rossin from the tree and found out that it could be use d to keep the fire going once youve studied this you should know a bit more about stone age then you did before. One more thing an important vocab word we learned was a nomad. It means a person who travels from place to place to diferent homes.
Dear Timmers (or whoever you may be) I'm here to teach you about 5 things (You might not like them, but I'm still teaching you).
Subject 1: Otzi... Otzi was an iceman found in, well, an ice block, with a hole in the back of his head, a recent haircut, and tatoos all over. His death is a mystery, No one knows if it was hpothermia, robbery, ----> ASSASSINATION <----, or he died in battle. Mr. Klumper has posted a video of an archegist who found Otzi and all his (or her lol) things and is undecided how he died (oh wait, i said that already)
Hi! I just wanted to tell you about stuff in The Stone Age. Cave Art -Cave Art is paintings or pictures that neandrathals did to show what they did that day. -Most Cave Art is showing a hunt. -The most Cave Art was found in Tassili,Africa. Otzi the Iceman -Otzi was found in 1991 when two hikers found him buried in the snow in Alps.
-What they found out is that he is The Oldest Mummy Ever Found! -With Otzi they found:A cape,a birch canister, a pouch, a quiver and arrows,bow, and a backpack. -When people found Otzi they thought that it was a doll. Fire -Neandrathals discovered fire when lightning striked. To be continued...
Dear Timmers (or whoever you may be) I'm here to teach you about 5 things (You might not like them, but I'm still teaching you).
Subject 1: Otzi... Otzi was an iceman found in, well, an ice block, with a hole in the back of his head, a recent haircut, and tatoos all over. His death is a mystery, No one knows if it was hpothermia, robbery, ----> ASSASSINATION <----, or he died in battle. Mr. Klumper has posted a video of an archegist who found Otzi and all his (or her lol) things and is undecided how he died (oh wait, i said that already)
Hi how are you doing Mr. Timmers? Are you Mr.Klumpers friend? Are you old? Are you a caveman? LOL JK! My favorite vocabulary word is, technology, because technology is AWESOME!!! It is something that humans have made. Another vocab. word is Harvest which means to gather, Agriculture means to raise p;ants or aanimals for human use. Domesticate means to tame, last but not least, Migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another. The next topic I wnat to teach you about is Otzi THe Iceman, Otzi was discovered in the year of 1991two hikers saw the head and shoulders between the border of Austria and Italy. Italian police thoght it was a doll,but then they took this one in too the museum to be looked at very closely and they discovered that it had been persrved in the ice for a very long time. This story WILL be CONTINUED!!!!!!! I will commet later SEE YA!!!
Hello Timmers, I'm going to teach you about the stone age. I'm going to start with cave art. We learned that cave art has lots of meanings. We've looked at 4 cave arts that Mr. Klumper had, One of them had something that looked like people hunting animals. Another one had what it looked like a bunch of animals fighting. Now I'm going to teach you about some hunting meathods. One thing they would do is chase an animal with torches. After they did that they would chase it over the edge of a cliff. Another method was they would make a circle around the animal and start jabbing it with stonehead spears. Now I'm going to talk about Otzi the Ice Man. to be continued
Hello Timmers, I will teach you some stuff about the stone age, ok? Back during the Stone Age cavemen painted on the cave walls. It was usually about their every day life. You can find some of the most famous cave art in Africa. The Stone Age started in northern Afica. Then continued out through Europe.
Now lets move on to hunting. Cavemen mostly hunted bison and elk. They would either chase them off cliffs with torches or surround them and jab with their spears.
Hi Timmers my name is Tyler. I would love to tell you a little about the Stone Age. I will start with Cave Art and Stone Age Healers- Many cave paintings are found in Tassili Africa. Second,Hunters and Gathers Prehistory:Was a period of time before people developed systems of writting. Now i will talk about Otzi the Iceman was the oldest mummy ever found,He was found in Austria and Italy border
Hi Timmers. How are you doing? My Favorite vocabulary words are Domesticate, Technology, and Prehistory. Domesticate means to tame, technology is the way humans produce the items, prehistory is a long period of time before people developed systems of writing. I will talk to you later. BYE!!!
Hello Timmers, think of me as your teacher, ok? I'm going to teach you about the stone age. Lets start off with cave art. The cavemen drew on the walls what they saw that day. Most cave art in South Africa is ancient. Cave art was probably a hobby for the cavemen. Next lets move on to hunting methods. Cavemen were strong and short. Cavemen knew how to hunt, but not kill. So therfore the put some thought into better hunting and they came up with...spears, so they can lunge and jab their target. They can throw spears, but they were heavy so they didn't go as far as they hoped it would. They had strong hands too, so they can also go without weapons. Third topic time. The ancient Otzi the Iceman. People did not know how Otzi died, but he had blood on him. Otzi was a Cro-Magon not a caveman. Otzi, had weapons on him when he died.
Dear Timmers, Hello. Here are some things about the Stone Age. 1. Cave art. Many cave art is located in Tassili. Tassili is located in Africa. For cave art they used to write about what they did that day. They would also write about a war. Some date back to about 15,000 B.C.
2.Hunting methods. For weapons they would use arrowheads, spears, and lots of other stone tools. They would use different types of hunting methods. One of them they surround the animal and attack it. Another one is that they would chase them off a cliff.
3.Otzi the ice man. He was found frozen solid. He had a little hole in the back of his head. They thought of a couple ways of how he died. One was that he was in war. Another one is that he died from robbery. They found a cape that he would wear and a backpack sort of thing that he would keep stuff in. They said he was the oldest mummy ever found!!!
Hi Timmers how are you doing? I just wanted to tell you some stuff about the stone age. I will first tell you about Otiz the iceman in 1991 two hikers found a head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. When they told the police they though it was a doll, but they found out it was real and that it was a recent death. He was 5'2 brown hair he had tatoos and he was 45 years old. He is the oldest mummy ever found! Moving on cave art was how they showed what happen that day and how they felt. They would tell about a good hunt and what they killed.
hey timmers! Did you know that Stone Age happened over three million years ago? Weird huh? During Stone Age, there were people who were call Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. The Neanderthals hunted an animal that was about three times bigger than an elk. When they hunted it, they would light up some torches and try to chase the animals off a huge cliff. The Cro-magnon hunted bison. When they hunted to bison, they would surround it with spears and lung at it enough to kill it. Pretty cool right? The Neanderthals also knew what berries and plants was eatable and not eatable. Cro-Magnons just cooked meat over a fire. Also, have u heard of Otzi the iceman? He was a man found in 1991, dead, of course. So when these explorers saw him, they showed him to some scientists. Turns out, Otzi was a very old man. He was from the Stone Age! They could tell because he had yellowish skin and dirty hair. Ok Timmers, lets learn about some vocabulary. Have you ever heard of the word Prehistory? It means a long period of time bfore people developed systems of writing. How hard would life be if you didnt know how to communicate? Another long vocabulary word is archaeology. It means study of past cultures through the things that are man. Suchas building, pottert, or tools.
Hello Timmers how are you doing? So you have heard about Otzi huh? I am going to tell you a little more about Otzi the ice man ok. Here it goes otzi is very antcient he is not alive any more I think that he died in battle because when someone found him there was a arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Now how about we talk about cave art? Cave art is alot of fun! We did a drawing of cave art 2010 that was fun because we got to draw stuff that is popular and that we know about. The vocab words are fun because we learn alot of new and interesting words. For hunting they run the animals off the cliff till they fall to the ground and die they also huttle aroundthe heard and then through a arrow at it.
Hey Timmers im going to teach you some stuff about unit one like vocabulary,cave art,Otzi the ice man,Hunters and Gatherd notes, and Early Farmers notes.
First im going to teach you some Stone Age vocabulary. First Artifact,artifact means an object made long ago,Domestic, means to tame, and Migrate means to move from one place to another.
Now thats thats done im going to teach you about Ealry Farmers. Some ealry farming was wheat,rice, and barly.
Hi, Timmers.It is nice to meet you.My name is Gracemarie.And what I have learned about the stone age was how they make fire.By hiting two rocks together.And I learened how they talk to e each other by a head nod or a grunt.Did you know that they had too use a gowie substance that keept there torches burning in the rain too.Well,bye for now.
Hi Timmers. It is very nice to meet you. My name is Carly Rahn and I will tell you about the stone age. First I will tell you about cave art. Cave art was one of the ways we know what happened in the stone age. They couldn't write back then, but they could kind of draw. Most of their drawings were hunting. My favorite subject was Otzi the Iceman. He was found frozen in ice and the people tried to get him out of the ice but wrecked most of his clothing. I thinked he died in a battle because he had 4 different blood types on him. But they think he might have died from hypothermia, assiment, robbed, and battle. The neanderthals had very different technology than we do now days. They had rocks and spears for weapons. They have squat bodies and giant big hands that helped eating foods. They came extinct when the cro-mangons came along. And the cro-mangons today are us. I would like to know your theory about how Ozti died if you would like to comment back to me. Have a nice day Timmers and I hope you are going to learn a lot about the stone age. Bye.
Hey Timmers!! Today I'm going to teach you about the Stone Age! The 5 Topics we will be talking about are... Cave Art, hunting methods, Otzi the Iceman, Vocabulary words, and Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon. First, Cave Art. In Tassii, Africa there were many cave paintings found in this location. In the cave art power point that we saw, there were 5 different pictures of cave art, we only saw 3 but in the first cave art there were animals running from 2 hunters. In the second cave art there were 2 rhinos hitting each other. In cave art number 3 there were lots of animals running to there master. (The second half of cave art number 3 is cave art number 5)
Hi Timmer I am going to be teaching you about several things in prehistory today. First off I am going to tell you about cave art. Cave Art is important because it shows how they lived back then as in hunting,eating,and competition between animals. Next is Otzi the iceman. Otzi the iceman has not been figured out how he died they think he died from either hypothermia,robbery,assinated,or died in battle. Stone age hunting was very dangerous at points like they could get trampled,accedently shot,or fall off a cliff.
Mr.Timmer, today I will be telling you about cave art,Otzi the iceman, vocab, Neanderthals, and Cro-Magnon.
There are many differant type of cave art such as the hunts they had. They're also important because they can tell about migrations they have had. Also it can even tell about a life.
Otzi the Iceman was frozenin a glacier and he was found in 1991 at the border of Austria and Italy. Only his head was showing, but when the police came they cut him out of the ice destoying much of the clths. There are 4 differant reasons peaple think he died the first one is of Hypothermia, a victom of robbery, assassinated, or he died in battle. I think he died in battle, what do you think?
We learned 10 vocab words, I thought 3 were very stange such as prehistory, I thought it ment hisory in the futare.
Howdy, Timmers! My name is Ian Broekemeier, and I'd love to share some of my information about the Stone Age with you. I hope you learn alot of new things and find them very interesting. Thanks for reading!
1. Neanderthals: The Neanderthals, or people of the Stone Age, are the most known species from the Stone Age. The reason we can learn so much about them is because they buried their dead. The Neanderthals were the last species before the Cro- Magnons, or modern humans.
2. Stone Age Animals: The animals in the Stone Age were very different from ones today. The Sabertooth Tiger, a large feline predator, had two large canines protruding from its' upper lip. The Wooly Mammoth was like a huge, furry elephant. And finally, the Giant Ground Sloth was a really big sloth that existed in the same period as the Wooly Mammoth.
3: Cave Art: Cave Art is important because it helps us see what early people did back then. It can show us what animals they hunted, and their strategies. It can also show us where they lived, and their daily practices.
Hey Timmers! Hows it going? I hear that you want to learn about Stone Age. Well, here are some things about the Stone Age:
Otzi the Iceman: In 1991 two hikers in the Alps saw a head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. They called the police but, the police thought it was a doll. They soon discovered that it was a real man. People starting whavking the iceman with poless and axes. Fortunately Dr. Henn shows up and he inspects the body.
Vocabulary: Timmers, did you know that an excavation site is where Archaeologists (archaeologist is a person that studys the past cultures) un cover artifacts? An artifact is a object made by people long ago.
These are some things about Otzi the iceman. Ozi was found in a melted glacier. When he was found he had 4 different kinds of blood found on him. Otzi also had a small hole in his head. These are some examples of what cave art looked like. It usually explained what their life was like. It is important so we can look and study what thier like was like in the Stone Age. Some hunting methods that the neanderthals used would be to surrond their prey and poke it and stabe it until it fell and died and then they would go and smash a rock on it`s head. Another one would be to chase them off a cliff and then eat them. The last thing that they would sometimes do is chase them into a gap and then stabe them with their tools. Some of our vocab words areprehistory which means a long period of time before there was writing. Another one is migrate which means to move from one place to another. To domesticate something means to tame. Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnen the neanderthals won because of some of their features such as these. There soft leathery skin helps them work with hard things without hurting themselves. Their big noses helps them in the winter to keep them warm. They are strong.
Dear Mr. Timmers, We have been learning about the stone age. I will teach you some things we learned. We use cave art to learn about different things that happend during the stone age. Since there was no books written, cave art gives us a look back in time. Cave art would show them hunting, animals fighting, and what tools they invented.
Next thing ill teach you about is Otzi the Iceman. Two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. It was Otzi the iceman. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy.
Cave art was used to tell what they did that day and what they hunted or what kind of season it was
Otzi the Ice Man
Otiz the ice man was found in the Alps his head and shoulders sticking out nof the ground the cops thought that it was a doll at first bur quickly realized it was a real body but they thought that it was a resent death and started jackhammering it away but all of his stuff is geting recketed and all the people around started hacking at it
Hello Timmers, Timmers, do you know who Otzi is? Otzi the Iceman was found in the Alps with a lot of artifacts around him. Hikers were hiking one day and saw a head and shoulders sticking out of the snow. No one knows how he died but they have pretty much narrowed it down to four ways he died, Hypothermia, Robbery Assasination, or he died in battle. We also learned about cave art from the Stone Age. It is very important because they did not have a system of writing. The cave art shows us what they did and how they hunted. Mr. Klumper made a game called Neandrethal Vs. Cro-Magnon. In our class period the Neandrathal won even though the Cro-Magnon won in real life. The Cro-Magnon is actually us humans. The hunting method in the Stone Age was to surround the animal and poke it until it dies. Another method is running it off the cliff by chasing it with fire. We saw a video where they cahsed Elk like animals of the cliff. A lot of Neandrathals did when they got stomed on in the hunt. We learned ten vocab words here are three. Prehistory means a long period of time before people discover systems of writing. To be continued...
Hi timmer, CAVE ART Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked and drew. We saw a cave art picture where a bunch of animals where running away from the hunters. The neanderthouls were the ones who drew the cave art and they did not know any words so they had to draw pictures on caves.
Otzi the iceman Otzi was discovered in 1999 by two hikers in the alps becouse they saw a head and shoulder sticking out of the ice. The italian police thought it was a doll to be contued
Task #1 I think that stone age was cool. We learned about cave art and saw some cool paintings of differrent things that told stories about battles or just plan old days or a great hunting day. In the Dealiest Warrior we got to answer questions about the neandrathals and the cro-magnons (hint US!!) it was so cool! To learn about it. We are just about to learn mesopotamia!! however you spell it.
Hi timmers my name is dodge. Today I am going to teach you about the stone age.Back in the stone age cavemen did not have a talking or writing sestem, but they know how to draw they drew on walls which is called cave art.When cave men hunt they usually snuk up on the preditor and they jump out and surrond it and start jabbing it. They also used fire to run them off cliffs to kill them. Neanderthals are very capable of suviving in the wild.They have big noses to keep them warm.they use animals skin to keep warm. When they die they leave the clothes on.
Hello there Timmers. How are you today?? The weather is nice here how about there?? Well I am Carly Campbell a 6th grade student at Brandon Valley Middle School Go Lynx!!! Well I am going to tell you about the stone age. Here it goes......
1.Cave Art:the neadrethals couldn't write and talk either. They would grunt and nod their heads. Well my opinion is that it's kind of like a diary that they just drew on to tell about their day. One time we saw a pictue of two bulls facing each other and thought that they were going to fight. Cave art is important and can help scientists see a glipse into the past.
2.Otzi the ice man: I think something really interesting about him. No one actually know how Otzi died, I mean some have theorys and stuff but I don't believe that they have anything to back it up with.
3.Cro-Magnons:Your probably wondering what that is. It's not a what its a who your one!!
Hi my name is Victoria but most people call me Tori. I would like to start by telling you about cave art. Cave art is important becuse with out it we would not know as much as we do about the stone age. Becues that was in prehistorywhen ther was no writing. Most cave art found was in Tassili located in Africa.
hey timmers do you know anything about otzi the ice man. I think he died from hypothermia well any way try and tell me more about otzi because i would relly like to learn more about him anyway let me learn more about you how olde are you have you ever been to autrailia what is your home town?
hi Mr. Timmers i have five topics to tell you today. #1 Did you know what a nomad is well my definition would be a person who travels from place to place, without permanent homes, they aren't very rich either, and the walk and don't have cars or money. #2 Do you want to know why i think the stone age is important because those were th first people on earth before us, we shuld also learn about people from the past and tell other people what you learned. #3 Did you ever want to know what Otzi the Iceman was actually about well heres a few facts he had tatoos on his ankle, lower back, and kneecap=not for decoration though, he was 45 years old, and what he ate before he died waswheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat. #4 Want to know some stuff about neanderthals well they have huge noses that keep their body warm, they have very strong hands to crack stuff open, and huge molars to eat hard stuff. #5 Here's some stuff about cro-magnons thet have long legs and arms, average strength, and a copper axe.
Halo Timmer. Well Otzi the ice man was discoverd in the board of Astrai and Italy. well the hikers thought it was a death that happend, so they called the police and the police and some poeple started to hit the ice then someone who was smart told everyone that it was acient cause the body had dry yellow skin like a mummy then he said it was as otzi cause of the clothes he was wearing even though it was destroyd by some "very smart" people and they now it was otzi cause of the atifact.
Next is the deadliest warrior neanderthal vs cro-magen well the the best one was the neanderthal it one 3 to 2 in the battles!it was awesome.
Hello,today I would like to talk to you about Neanderthals. Neanderthals ruled about 10,000 years ago. They had no communication system, so they just used head nods and grunts. Imagine how hard it would be to figure out a communication system. just think about where we are today and it's all based on grunts and head nods! There were also alot of challenges to overcome like fighting for food. That all change when they discoverd fire. Fire gave them the upperhand because they could use it to cook, and hunt and also it also had many other uses. But I have to go and remember have an awesome day!
Hey Timmers how are you? What did you think of that Vikings, Dolphins game? I love it! Anyways here are my knowledge on 5 stone age topics. -Cave Art: Cave art is important beacause, without it we would not know what Neanderthals would have been like because they cannot write and thet are not alive today. -Otzi The Iceman: Otzi was discovered in 1991. Knowbody knew how he was killed but if you look at the 4 ways at how he might have died just scroll down a bit and you'll find out. Otzi also had tatoos and he was 45 years old when he died. -Vocab Words: Here are some vocab words we will have on our test we have on friday. Prehistory: Long period of time before people developed writing. Exavation Site: Site where Archaeologists uncover artifacts. Nomad: Person who traveles from place to place, without apermanent home.
To be continuded............ on a different page so looke for my other comment......
Hey Mr.Timmer it't nice to meet you.My name is reilly. My class learned about otzi. We found out that he was frozen.I think that he was at war because he had blood on his clothing. then when the war got over otzi was the last person to leave ,when he was walking then he walk right on a moutain.WE learned about cave men and how they survived.I learned how they talk back then they head nods.
Hey Timmers!Im lexi and i will be telling you about the stone age.First you should know about Otzi the iceman.There are many theories about how he died.some people think he died of hypothermia others think he might have died of robbery,assasination,or even died in battle.next you should know about neanderthals.They hunted things by taking fire and chasing them over a cliff,sounds pretty scary,huh?They had a tough time getting fire to stay lit ,but then they discovered resin,a sticky subtance that caused their fire to burn longer and stay lit.Neanderthals used stone art to show what happened on their hunt or what happened that day.Some vocab words for social studies you should know are.........-migrate-,moving from one place to another.-agriculture-,raising of plants and animals for human use.-artifacts-,things that help us know about the past.The last thing you should know about is how the cro-magnon took over the neanderthals land.They came in and took over their land and became the poulation of people in the stone age.Thanks Timmers,and hey, resond and tell me how you think Otzi the iceman died.Bye!
Cavemen leared how to make fire with rocks. They wanted to now how to make fire stay longer. They found out pine resan makes fire staylonger without going out. Cave men are nomads. That means they move from place to place. They move alot to follow they food like elk.
I wanted to tell you about three topics Cave Art, Deadliest Warrior, and Otzi. Cave Art was commenly drawn by neanderthals or cave men or woman. The Cave Art tells modern humans what they hunted and what they did during the day and many more things. Next i'm going to talk about Deadliest Warrior. Deadliest Warrior is a t.v. show where you have two people fight to the death and Mr. Klumper made it so we would draw out of a bucket a situation for the neaderthal and cro-magnon to face. The winner gets a point. When the end came the neanderthal won. Lastly Otzi the ice man. Otzi was found dead in a pile of snow and nobody knows how he died but I think he was robbed and shot because he had a bullet in his head and in his back. Otzi was also found with other items laying around like a empty canister and empty backpack all victoms of robbery. Thank You for listening to my fun facts.
Hello MR.Timmers my name is Dianne and I would like to tell you about the saber toothed cat did you know that there teeth could be about 7in long I would like to tell you about the stone age vocab one word is aurgulculture another word is domesticate.
Hey Mr. Timmers i'm going to teach you some things about the stone age. They painted cave art to show you what life was like back then, to show you what wepons they used, and many of thier tools. In 1991 2 hikers found a head and shoulders stick out of the ice, witch the Italian police thought was a doll, but eventually discovered it was real, they then decided it was a recent death and started to try to use jackhammers to break the ice and get otzi out, but they wrecked his clothes. Then Dr. Henn decided to take a look and found out that the body was 5,500 years old and was mumified in the ice. After looks at some cave art we discovered they use bows, arrows, spear and hand axes as wepons. During our Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon we found that Neanderthals would win a majority of the close range battles, but the Cro-madnon was better at long range. Some of our vocab words are prehistory, the time before writeing, nomad, a person who moves from place to place, and domesticate, to tame something for human use. Neanderthals tried to scare animals off cliffs with fire or would surround it and spear it to death it it wasnt as large.
I would like to tell you that technology is the way humans produce the items thy use. Otiz the ice man was frozen in the ice in the Allps in eroup. the stone age people had wepons like spers, fire, handaxes.
Yo Timmers! Today we're going to learn about the old rocks and stuff. So there was this guy named Otzi. He is also known as the Ice Man. He was found in 1991 by these 2 dudes. All they saw was a head and some shoulders. He was found on the border of Austria and Italy. So, you know that show Deadliest Warrior? Well... we did a thingy on that! It was a battle between a Neanderthal and a Cro- Magnon. The Neanderthal had the weapons torch, hand ax, club, and a heavy spear. But, the Cro-Magnon had a copper ax, bow and arrow, spear(long range), and a knife. The Neaderthal won.:( See part 2 soon yo!
Timmer, in the stone age there is cave art and with we can know how it was like when they were alive. The hunting methods some of them use are poking animals with spear because they are too heavy to throw. Here are some thing about Otiz the iceman he was 45 years old when he died and he was wearind leather pants, a jacket made out of animal hides, a cape, a fur cap, and shoes stuffed with hay. One of our vocab words are prehistory and that is a long period of time before people developed writing systems. In a game we played called the deadlist warrior naenderthal vs. cro-magnon. They could go againist each other with a torch, hand ax, club, and heavy spear neanderthals had those. The cro-magnon had copper ax, bow and arrow, spear for long range, and a knife.
Hello Timmers how are you I would like to tell you about cave art caveman did this because they want to create art. They did this with a rock and rubing it ugenst the cave wall. Prehistory means a long period of time when man didn't talk imagean trying to figure out what you tribe freinds talking about. Now im going to give you a question what does Agriculture and Otzi was found in a ice berg or something and Mr. klumper calls me Alex the Great from greece well goodbye have a great day.
hi my name is gavyn.this is how otzi died he did by hypothermia. and all of his stuff was laying around him there was a birch canister; bow arrow;arrow's; pouch and a axe and thats it that's all about otzi. saber tooth weaght about 400-500 pounds.
Hi Mr.timmers i will be teaching you about the otzi the ice man deadliest warrior, cave art, the new stone age and the ice age. So he it goes. Frist i will be teaching you about the new stone age i hope you injoy. Well theres early farming wich has wheat, rice and barley. Change of lifestyle is milk,wool.For early domestication there is goats dogs sheep and cows . The second thing i will be teaching you abut will be the cave art. We leaned abut not back then because we dont now anything back then. so we didnt in the 2010
Good afternoon Timmers.How are you .First I would like to tell you about otzi the iceman. There are lots of theries of how he died like hypothermia. another thing is he was found with a lot of ardtifacts sush as an unstrung bow. When otzi was first discovered they thought it was a doll! Another thing We have been learning about is cave art. Did you know many cave paintings have been found in Tassili, Africa Cave art is important becouse it tells us about what the people of the stone age did. What do you think about cave art? Another thing is Hunters and gatherers. Early humans started in eastern africa. Then traveled north. Then one group went to eorpu
Hello Timmers. I would like to tell you what I now about the stone age. First I will talk about Otzi the iceman. Otzi was discovered in the year 1991 on the border of Austrail and Italy. Otzi had 7 artifacts around him like a copper axe, a empty backpack, a unstrung bow and some other items. There are three ways people think Otzi died, they think he was assasinated, died in battle, died of hypothermea or died because of robbery.
Hello and welcome to water for sixth grade. I would love teach you about neanderthals. They weren't the smartest people ever. In fact the were the dumbest. But they were great hunters. To hunt the giant step bison, they quickly jab it with their spears. They coud not throw their spears because they were to heavy. When they killed it they would take the and make it to use a coat or cloths. Then the ate the meat. Thats all I have to say!
Hey Timmers, I am Jaden Carlson. I am going to teach a little about the stone age. HUNTING: it was hard work to hunt in the stone age.1st they would take their spears and than they would go out, and look for animals to kill. they would hunt elk and deer a little diffent. they would chase a herd off a cliff.
Hello, Timmers who do you think would win if the Neanderthals vs. Cro-Magon. The Neanderthal had a torch and the Cro-Magon had light spear. I think it would be the Cro-Magon. Cave art is drawing on the caves wall found in the stone age. Neanderthals used a lot of tools all which are from stone. Arrow Head, Hand ax, and Stone Flaks are some of the stone tools.
In this unit we leared about otiz the ice man he looked like a neanderthal.He was discovered at the border of Austria and Italy the police thougth it was a doll and that it was a trick. Haunting methods
Hello Timmers, today i am going to teach you about the stone age. First i will talk to you about the neanderthal: they had large noses to keep their bodies warm because they lived in the stone age. they also had a vast knowledge of berries so they knew what to eat and what not to. Large molars kept them from hurting their mouths when they ate nuts and other hard foods. Now on to the cro-magnon the cro-magnon were a smart people and are what we evolved from. Their body type was fit for more warm climates so they were not very adapted for the ice age. The cro-magnon had very long legs and arms so they were very fast. the earliest human species competed with the sabertooth cat for food. I am out of time now so i will finish this later.
Hi, Timmers did you know that the word Archaeology meens study of past cultures though the things that remain such as buildings,tools,or pottery. Also the word prehistory meens a long period of time befor people developed systems of writing. My favorite stone age vocabulary word is Domesticate. Domesticate is a animal that is tamed.
Hey Timmers, the unit wev'e been working on is the stone age. The stone age was divided up into two seperate parts, the Old Stone Age, and the New Stone Age. The old stone age lasted 3,490,000 years, and they made very little progress. Technology was slow and the most advanced thing was a hand axe, witch was carved stone. The New Stone Age however, had advances in stone working, had polished rock tools and domesticated(tamed) animals. Also, the animals would plow the fields, and produce milk and wool. Otzi The Iceman In 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a dead body on the border of Austria and Italy. When the Italian police came they thought it was a doll, but they soon realize its a real body. To Be Continued....
I am happy to be able to theach you about ancient civilization. First I would like to tell you a little bit about Otzi the Ice man. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy in the year 1991. Otzi was 5'2" tall with brown hair and he had tattos on his ankle and lower back. No one knows exactly how he died but I think he died of hypothrmia and someone robbed him.
Neandrethals were short, stalky, and had big noses. The big noses were used to keep them warm. They were the first of our ansestors to bury their dead.
In the stone age their healers were known to pull infected teeth set broken bones and amputate limbs. They also performed brain surgery. Thier brain surgery consited of cuting a hole in the skull and let the bad spirits out. Bye I will be back to finish later
Dear Timmers, I would like to tell you a few things about the stone age. Cave art is basically drawing or painting on the walls of caves, and people in the stone age drew cave art. Many cave paintings were found in Tassili, Africa. A cave painting we got to see looked like cavemen hunting animals, which shown that they hunted with bows, arrows, and spears. Another painting we saw looked like two buffalos fighting, which shown how animals fought. One more painting we saw looked like a forest where animals were going to start fighting, which I thought was the best looking painting. Hunting methods of the stone age were much different then they are today. In the early time they used to hold torches and try to lure giant elk-like creatures off a cliff. Mostly the fire went out, and the elk-like creatures ended up attacking them. One other thing they did to hunt was to stab bison with a spear. Otzi the Iceman was discovered in 1991 by two hikers. He was found on the boarder of Austria and Italy. He was the oldest mummy ever found! We've been working on vocabulary words alot in class. The most recent 3 we've done are: Agriculture, raising of plants and animals for human use. Technology, the way humans produce the items they use. The latest one was, nomad, person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Hello mysterios Timmers it's nice to not meet you! Here are some things we learned.
Cave men drew pictures on rock walls that tell us about themselves. They drew how they hunted, how they lived, and what kind of tools they used.
Here are some vocab words that we learned. Artifact: an object made py people long ago. Excavation site: sight were archeoligists uncover afrtifacts. Archeology: study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, and pottery
Here are some hunting methods the neandertals used. they would scare there prey off a cliff with torches. Or they would use spears to jab the animal with. Last of all they would shoot them with arrows.
Dear Timmers, I would like to tell you a few things about the stone age. Cave art is basically drawing or painting on the walls of caves, and people in the stone age drew cave art. Many cave paintings were found in Tassili, Africa. A cave painting we got to see looked like cavemen hunting animals, which shown that they hunted with bows, arrows, and spears. Another painting we saw looked like two buffalos fighting, which shown how animals fought. One more painting we saw looked like a forest where animals were going to start fighting, which I thought was the best looking painting. Hunting methods of the stone age were much different then they are today. In the early time they used to hold torches and try to lure giant elk-like creatures off a cliff. Mostly the fire went out, and the elk-like creatures ended up attacking them. One other thing they did to hunt was to stab bison with a spear. Otzi the Iceman was discovered in 1991 by two hikers. He was found on the boarder of Austria and Italy. He was the oldest mummy ever found! We've been working on vocabulary words alot in class. The most recent 3 we've done are: Agriculture, raising of plants and animals for human use. Technology, the way humans produce the items they use. The latest one was, nomad, person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Hello Timmers I have alot to say so pleace sit down and read this. The first thing I am going to say is about vocabulary, I am going to say words from my vocabulary from the stone age ready. Prehistory is a long period of time before people developed systems of writeing. Achaeology is a study of the past cultures thourgh the things that remain such as building, tools, and pottery. Artifacts are an objects made long ago. Those are the three words I just told you.
Hey Timmers,(TOPIC#1)What would happenen if a Neandrathal faced off against a Cro-Magnon(Modern Man) in battle? You'll find out later but first lets learn more about Neandrathals. Know why they had big noses? So they would stay warm. They had VERY strong hands(For making things). Their spears were also heavy(Disadvantage because they cant throw it far)There will be more later. See Ya!!
Hey Timmers! Hows it going? You know that Mr. Klumper has told you that we are gonna teach you 5 things about the Stone age. Right? Well, here are my 5 things to teach you about the Stone Age. Ok, my first thing I want to teach you is about Otzi the Ice Man. Otzi was discovered in 1991 on the border of Austria an Itily. Two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. It turns out it was Otzi! He is the oldest mummy ever discovered. My second is about the Neanderdthals. They were short and stalky and were very muscular. 85% of their diet was meat! The animal they mostly hunted was the Giant Step Byson, and they died out about 30,000 years ago. Third, Prehistory is about going a long period of time before people started writing. Well I'm sorry I have to go early, but, se ya!
Hey wats goin on Timmers idk if you are real or not so ya. Anyways i want to tell you about social studys. We learned about otzi the iceman. two hikers were just hiking this one day found found otzi in a big thing of ice so the men called or told the Italian police. The Italian police thought that Otzi was a doll at first.But scientist reserched his body and found out that it was a real man. And they is plenty more but we shall move on shall we? Yes we shall lets talk about the neandrathols i think thats how you spell it anyways they were what we call cavemen. They were short,hairy,dumb,had giant noses,and had stalky eyes. So the neandrathols left the cave because all of the giant bison were migrating and they came apon a bison they tried to defeat this giant bison but we not succesful. The man got blown down by the bison and the other neandrathol ran over to him and started helping him. Then an arrow went flying into the bison. Then another. Then a spear went into the beast and it cam crashing down the neandrathols were wondering what happened and then two people call the cro-magnons appeared they look like we do today. And thats the story about the neandrathols and the cro-magnons. Another day my class talked about the neandrathols and cro-magnos again and have you herd of the show deadliest warrior well if you havnt they take strong and feirce warriors and have them go head to head in a fight to the death compition.Anyways we did that with the neandrathols and the cro-magnos and the cro-magnons ended up winning because of there spear and there copper axe. Well i think i have told you enough today so ya... Oh ya and i didnt tell you my name its Alex Waugh just lettin you know c ya buddy or soon to be buddy! This is Alex WAugh reporting off.
I'm going to tell you a little about the stone age. Did you know that two hikers found Otzi in the ice? He was found on the borders of Austria and Italy.
Some of the cave art they found were about how the cavemen lived, hunted, and cured people. Others were just about what they were feeling at the moment. Hunting methods were basically just catching the animals and using fire to kill them. They used a substance called resin. If you put in on the torch, it will keep the fire lit. Also, it cured some people for their sickness. The neanderthals were out wandering, or hunting for food, when they found the cro-magnons. They were probably wondering where they got their hunting equptment from, and why they look so different. The cro-magnons were probably thinking the same. Some of the words we learned are prehistory - A long period of time before people developed systems of writing. I dont know how they lived like that.... Anyways, another word is artifact - An object made by people long ago. The last word im going to tell you about is domesticate - To tame. I want to know your theory about what you think happened to Otzi. I think he died from hypothermia, because it must have been at least - 50F where he was at. I hope you liked this =) bye
In social Studies we have learned about Artifacts, cave art, ozti the ice man, and that fire was created in the stone age. Artifacts help us dicover the past, Like arrow heads and fire ashes. Cave art has also helped us discover the past. Stone Age people have drawn pictures on the caves of their time. Fire was also created in the stone age, their is a gooey substance called resin. Resin helped fire burn in the rain.
Hello Mr. Timmers today I am going to tell you about otzi the ice man in 1991 two people found otzi's head and shoulder sticking out o the ice.now by Otzi was a backpack,an empty canister, an un strung bow, a cape for warmth,some arrows two of wich were ready to shoot and pouch with several things in it like a 4 inch stick, a rope made out of grassand two flense. Otzi has many theroies of how he was killed like was he robbed did he die of hypothermia there are many was he could have been killed but I think that he died of hypothermia, Please post if you have any comments.
Hey timmers =] I want to tell you some things.Did you know that the stone age was over one million years ago!! I think thats pretty interesting dont you think? Here is something else two hikers found a caveman named otzi between the borders of Italy and Austria. The weird thing is nobody knows how he died theres lots of things people belive but nobody knows. By the way he was found with a hole in his head so theres a hint for you.Caveart is something else i woould like to tell you about.There were lots of caveart found through out the years.Did you know that the cavemen would draw on the wall of the hunt they were going to do later that day? Now thats something i would want to learn more about how about you? Change of topic have you ever heard about the neanderthals and the cro-magonons? I think it's interesting.The cro-magnons are just like us today they look like us they know how to take care of themselves and they are smarter than the neanderthals obviously.They also have better weapons then the neanderthals because as I said there smarter and know how to make things out of animal hide and animal horns.They would not waste a single thing not even rotten meat.Lets talk about my vocabulary packet.prehistory-Long period of time before people developed systems of writing. It is not a time were no writing systems. Sentence-the cavemen did not know how to write so they drew on walls. Theres one of my vocabulary words. Thanks for your time Timmers I have got to go See Ya Timmers
Hi Timmers, I heard you wanted to learn more about ancient civilization.Well if it's alright with you I'd like to give you some information. The first thing I am going to tell you about is some hunting methods. The first thing that they would do is light there torches, after they have done that they would go in the forest and look for an animalthat looks suitable for a meal. Then when they find one they charge after it with their torches in front of them. When they get to a cliff they make a last minute efort to make the animal jump off the cliff and that is how they got their meat. Next I am going to tell you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was discovered in the Alps with various artifact laying around him. Otzi was found with a spear tip in his shouder. He was also found with pollen in his stomache.
Hello Timmers! Here is five things I learned that I would share with you about the Stone Age. Cave art- We use cave art to discover what it was like back then. Since there were no books written from the Stone Age, it is very important to us. They used mostly berries, or colored rocks for the cave art. Some cave arts are animals, such as a bison. Hunting Methods- One hunting method was they would take torches, with pine resin so the flame would not go out,
Dear, mr.timmers CAVE ART= cave art is what neanderthals used to explain thing long ago. Somethings they explained on the cave wall was what thier plan for a hunt. sometimes to tell what animals they hunted. HUNTING= What thier tools they used to kill the animals. They made thier on tools by hand. Some of the tools are the torch, hand axe, club.
Dear Mr.Timmers, I am very glad to be able to teach you about ancient civilization. I hope you learn some things you didn't know about ancient civilization from me! First of I am going to teach you three of our vocabulary words...I will show you three of the words I think are most important. Prehistory-long period of time before developed systems of writing. Technology-the way humans produce the items they use. Nomad-person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Next I will be teaching you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was an iceman found in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice...it was Otzi! Otzi looks like this...he is 5'2, brown curly hair, tatoos all over his body, and he was 45 years old. Otzi was wearing leather pants, an animal hide jacket, a cape, fur cap, and soft shoes filled with hay for warmth.
Last I will be teaching you about cave art...to be continued...
Dear Mr.Timmers, I am very glad to be able to teach you about ancient civilization. I hope you learn some things you didn't know about ancient civilization from me! First of I am going to teach you three of our vocabulary words...I will show you three of the words I think are most important. Prehistory-long period of time before developed systems of writing. Technology-the way humans produce the items they use. Nomad-person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Next I will be teaching you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was an iceman found in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice...it was Otzi! Otzi looks like this...he is 5'2, brown curly hair, tatoos all over his body, and he was 45 years old. Otzi was wearing leather pants, an animal hide jacket, a cape, fur cap, and soft shoes filled with hay for warmth.
Last I will be teaching you about cave art...to be continued...
Hello Mr.Timmers how are you this evening? I just wanted you to know a little bit more about anicient civilization more, or less on the stone age. First I will tell you a little about otzi the iceman. He was forty-five years old,he wore a cape, bow,and arrows. He is also the oldest mummy ever found. Next subject do you know what made the difference between the old stone age,and the new one??? It was because of the metal workings it made advances in tools,and weapons.It also became the end of the ice age.
hi, my name is zach felderman I will tell you about otzi he was found dead by italy and astralia. stonage vocabulary 10 of them iteresting. caveart you drew stuff that didn't exist in stoneage. neanderthal vs. cro-magnon you will findout the winner later. hunting methods find out later. by seeya go Steelers they rock!!!!! from zach felderman pd.9
Dear Mr.Timmers First of all i like your name. Today i decided to tell you about Otzi the Iceman, cave art, stone age healers , brain surgery, andartifacts. Otzi the iceamn is a cro-magnon that was frozin in the ice two hikers found them when they were hiking in the alps htey saw his soulders and head, they found alot orf artifaacts,
Dear Timmers, I am going to tell you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy. In 1991 two hikers in Alps found a dead body. They saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. Some people think different things about what happened but in my own mind I think that Otzi got robbed because he had a bag and I am guessing before he died he had stuff inside of his bag. After he got robbed I think he go murdered.
Now I am going to tell you about the Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon. The Cro-Magnon had lighter spear so it could co farther than the Neanderthal's. The Neanderthal's had big molars so they could eat big, hard, and chewy foods. Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal didn't get along very well because they had to get food and they both ate the same foods.
I am now going to tell you about some vocabulary words. Archaeology is the study of the past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings and homes. Domesticate means to tame like when you tame an animal. Technology is something that did't exist in the stone age.
I am going to tell you about cave art. A long time ago the cavemen would paint on the walls. Still today scientist still don't know what they all mean a lot of them are really good pictures.
The neanderthals got hurt a lot when they hunted. The Cro-Magnon did not. They are completely different.
Dear Timmers, Did you know that stone age healers would preform brain surgery just for a headace. First they would find were it hurts. Then he would cut a round hole in the skull. Finaly the healer would let the evil spirts out. Just to let you know there are no brain surgeries that the caveman lived. The old stone age was the slower than the new stone age cause the oldstone age lasted 3,490,000 years thats how long it took them to invent a rock and stick together. They made very very very very very very little progress. There technology was very very very very very very very slow do you see were I am going with this they were like ahhhh. Also do you know about Otzi [oo-ti-ze]?
Hello Timmers, I would like to teach you about The New Stone Age, otiz the ice man, caveart, and two more topics
The New Stone Age witnessed a lot more progress because of metal working. This was important, metal started to be used as tools and weapons, I think cave man in the
Continued...A Nomad is a person without a permanet home. Harvest is to gather, and domesticat is to tame. I hoped you learned a little bit more Timmers.
My third topic I'll teach you is about Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon. Neanderthals have big noses to them keep there body warm. They are not intelligient but they do know alot about berries. These are some of there tools torches, club, heavy spear, and a hand axe. Now, here are some things about cro-magnon. They are smart, have long legs and arms, and have average strength. There tools are Copper axe, bow and arrow, light spear, and a knife. The cro-magnon took over, there are no neanderthals left in existence.
The Neanderthals hunting method was different then the Cro-magnon's. The Neanderthals went out with there torches and looked for a animal. When they saw the animal they chased it towards a cliff. Once there near a cliff they try to scare them off the cliff and the animal falls to its death.
Here are some of our vocabulary words. Prehistory is a long period of time before people devoloped systems of writing. Archaelogy is the study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools,or pottery. Artifacts are objects made by people long ago. Migrate means to move from one place to another.
Hi I am going to teach you about the stone age. One of the things we learned sbout was cave art. Many cave pantings came from Tassili locatedin Africa. Cave art is really importam becaues they had no writing. There cave pantings showed what they did or what happend that day. A nother thing that I teach you is about stone age healers. They made medicines from herbs and studied animals to learn about the human body. Some other things they did were pull infected teeth,set broken bones,cut off limbs,and did brain surgery. To do brain surgery they would cut a round hole in the patients skull to let out evil sprits.
Hey Timmers want to know some vocabolary wors? Prehistory;Prehistory is a longperiod of time before peope developed systems of writting. Archaeology: it is the stdy past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tolls or potttery. Aritfact: it is a object made by people long ago.
Know I will teach you about Otzi the iceman. 1991: two hikers in the Alps find a dead body. Saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. Italian police think it’s a doll, they quickly discover that its real.
Timmers do you know how they did brain surgey back in prehistoris times?Well, they would cut a round hole in the scull and then let the evil spirits come out .Pretty gross right.Now cave men studied animals to earn about the human body. Then when some one needed medicine they would go get it from some herbs.
Did you know how big of a difference Neanderthal's are from Cro-Magnon's? Well' first of all neaderthal's have low intellagince and Cro-Mgnon's have great intellingince,Neanderthal's have a heavy spear cro-Magnon's have a light spear,Neanderthal's are short and stuby while Cro-Magnon's have long legs and arms.
Did you know that many cave art paintings are found in Tassili, Africa?Also most cave art paintings tell a story.Now what is prehistoric cave art it is cave art but only older.
My name is Kate. I am going to tell you some facts about the time period of the Stone Age.
The first topic is Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hikers on the border of Austria and Italy. He was 5 feet, 2 inches tall and had brown, curly hair. Otzi was wearing leather pants, a jacket made of animal hides, a cape, a fur cap, and soft shoes stuffed with hay to keep his feet warm. Otzi the Iceman is the oldest mummmy ever discovered!!
Now I will tell you about some of the animals that lived in the Stone Age time period. The sabertooth cat was 8 to 9 feet long and could weigh from 400 to 500 pounds. This cat was a carnivore (meat-eater). The sabertooth cat's huge teeth were up to seven inches long. Another animal that lived during the Stone Age was the woolly mammoth. These species were 9 to 12 feet tall at the shoulder and weighed 7 to 8 tons (14,000 to 16,000 pounds). Woolly mammoth's are herbivores (plant-eaters).
I will now tell you about some of the tools neanderthals used during this period of time. Arrowheads were put on the tips of arrows to stab and kill the animals they were shooting at. They are very pointy. Another tool is the hand axe. These were used for cutting meat and extracting bone marrow from animals. They could also be used for throwing at animals to stun them.
Cave art is a very interesting topic to me about the Stone Age. Many different kinds of cave art have been discovered. There have been pictures of hunting animals such as bison, horses and deer. Most of the time the colors used in these paintings were yellow or earthy tones.
There were no books during the Stone Age. We have to use archaeology to study this time period. By studying the neanderthals we can learn lots of things from them.
Continuing my last paragraph about cave art they also do cave art if something bad happen or about a fight and if they won or lost. My favorite vocab word is migrate, when one moves from one place to another. Like when it gets cold out people or animals move to some place warm. I like the artifacts (an object made by people long ago)it's neat to see what they made. I think it is so cool that they hand made every thing. Perhistory which means a long period of time before they developed systems of writing. I feel bad for them because they could not tell anyone what they were thinking so nodding and grunting were their form of comunication. Now, I will tell you about some hunting weapons like the hand ax, different kinds of spears, copper ax, bow and arrow, and a knife. They hid from the animals and when it got close they would attack it. They would also use every part of the animal, especially in the winter. Next, in the stone age we talked about Neanderthals Vs. Cro-Magon. We listed some features about neanderthals like they had big noses, huge molars to eat hard stuff, very low intelligence, only stone tools, and very strong hands. Now about cro-magon they were smart, had long legs and arms, their body type were better for warm climates, and average strenght. That is all I have for you Timmer!
I didn`t finish mine so this is the ending of what I was talking about. They are strong so they can open things easier than Cro-Magnons.Cro-Magnons are also known as us. I hope you enjoyed my information and I hope you write back and thanks for reading. Have a nice day!!!!!
3.Cro-Magnons are humans not saying neanderthals aren't. Example cro-magnons were very intelligent, had long arms and legs, and body types for warmer climates. But the thing that the neanderthals had a little more advantage of is that the had very strong hands, huge noses, and a stout body to keep them warm. But since the cro-magnons were smart they had better tools like a copper axe, bow and arrow, spear long range, and a knife. The neanderthals may have had those objects but the cro-magnons were better quality.
4.Hunting Methods: The neanderthals had many different ways to hunt. One way they would do it is surround the creature (Bison & The Irish Elk) and throw spears at it, it becomes weak, limps, and falls to the ground. They would throw a rock at it's head to make sure it was dead and collect the meat and fur and be on there way. Also they would run with torches off a cliff but I think the other way is more effective and interesting.
5.Vocab Words: Some of our vocab words are nomad and agriculture. Nomad means that it's a person who travels around with no real home. That reminds me of the neanderthals because they would go all over. Wherever the animals went they would fallow; and agriculture mean the raising of plants and animals. I don't know why I like it. It's just fascinating to hear about!!!!! I hope I gave you some facts about the stone age. Well, Good Bye =-)
Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked back then. We saw a picture of cave art that had some animals running away from the hunters. the neanderthouls are the ones who made the cave art and they didn't know words so thats how they talked.
Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hickers in the Alps becouse they saw a small head and shoulder. The Italian police thought it was a doll and then they quikly discovered it was real and then the police thought it was a sudden death. Then the police stated jack hammering the ice around the ice man witch destroyed much of the clothing then other people started to jack hammer but then Dr.hennarrives to inspect the body and relizes that the iceman is ancient becouse dry yellow skin.
Prehistory is a long period of time before people devloped systyms of writting. Artifacts are objects made by people long ago such as arrow heads and pottery. Technology is the way humans produse the items they use such as smart boards and cellphones.
11,000 years ago the earth was in an ice age. When the glaciers melted fertile land for farming. Some ice age animals are Saber tooth cat, Giant ground sloth, and American masadon.
old stone age lasted 3,490,000 years. in the stone age verry little progress was made and technology was slow in the stone age. New stone age advanced in stone working and polished rock tools. The first animals to be domesticated was the sheps, goats, cows, and dogs.
Hello Timmers, I heard you would like to learn about the Stone Age well I have some information you might want to here about well here I go.They used spears and a bow and arrow & other tools for hunting. When they hunted they would eaither surround the animal or run the animal over the cliff. We have been doing some stone sge vocab and I'll give you a couple of our stone age vocab words so here are some, Harvest: To Gather., & Migrate: To move from one place to another. We also did a game called Deadliest Warrior between Neanderthals VS Cro-Magnons and we would choose the one that we would think would win in a battle of some sort with the tools they have or if they have any at all. So, I would like to ask you wich one do you think would stay alive the longest in a battle if the Neandertha; had a club and the Cro-Magon had a knife? The last thing I would like to tell you about is "otzi the Iceman" he was found in between the border of Austria and Itally, when they found him he had dry yellow skin and that is what happens when it is to cold out for a body. There are many different theroeys on how he died like some people think he died of hypothermi,or he was robbed or assasinated, or he died in battle.
Hi Timmers My name is Curtis Tupy and I am going to introduse you to Neanderthals. Neanderthals are cave men that ruled the world long ago. There intelegence was very low they got confused so many times. They hunt for giant elk practicaly 9 feet tall. Not many of them survived.
Cro Magnons, Cro Magnons are people similar to us today. They are very inteligent. They know hot to build houses,wepons, and other things. They are much better in my opinion than the Neanderthals.
Cro Magnons were in a compotion with the Neanderthals. I think the Cro Magnons should win and that's how it ended out. They won with the power of there mind they are smarted and know how to handle tough situations unlike the Neanderthals.
Cave Art. Cave art is very hard to understand. The Neanderthals wrote on the cave walls to discribe what they had accomplished and what they have failed.
Animals. Animals back in the day were very different from the ones that we have today. There were Giant Elk,Giant Ground Sloths, and other wierd creatures. The Neanderthals and the Cro Magnon Used to hunt them but the only bad thing is that only one of them got to eat and kill the animal.
I also want to tell you about Otiz the ice man he was the oldest mummy ever found, the year he was found was and he was 45 years old. The cro-magnons have copper axs,long legs and arms andbow and arrows. The last couple things I wnat to tell you is that fire was mans most powerful tool, they hunted Irish elk and that a pine resin keep the fire burning longer.
To Timmers, Otzi the Iceman: Otzi the Iceman was found in 1991 in the Alps on the border of Austria and Italy. There are a few ways people think he died. Hypothermia, from the frozen temperatures. Vitcim of robbery, maybe got robbed and they killed him. Assassination was maybe one way. Died in battle was the last reason. Now, I believe that it there is more than one reason. I drew the reason down and came down to one thing on a website from the museum were Otzi is kept. The scientists said that there was an arrowhead found in his shoulder. Close to a lung but it did not hit one. It hit a major blood vessel so he probably bleed to death to death in a mater of minutes.
Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon: Most of the time the cro-magnon is going to win. They are smarter, faster, and have more dangerous weapons then the neanderthals. Cro-magnons look like modern day humans.
Cave Art: A site where cave art is found and studied is called a excavation site. Cave art is a way we know so much about the neanderthals. It shows us how they hunted and did alot of other things.
Hunting: They would hunt in groups so they would get the kill most of the time. Their spears were very heavy to they could throw it very far, this is also why they hunted in groups. One way they would also kill bigger animals is they would chase it off of a cliff.
Fire: They discovered that resin burned like modern day fuel. They used it to hunt. They also used it to dry and cook meat and other foods.
Now, Timmers I hope you learned some more about the stone age... it is very interesting. I just love that I am a Cro-Magnon!!!!!
Hi Timmers! I would like to teach you some things about the stone age.
#1. Cave Art: Cave art was drawn on the cave walls by neanderthals. They would draw it on the cave walls to show what they did that day. Some of te pictures they woud draw would show hunting, anmals, or animals and neanderthals doing something.
#2. Otzi the Iceman: Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps. They believe he is the oldest mummy ever found. When they found Otzi he was wearing leather pants, jacket made from animal hides, cape, fur cap, and soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth.
#3. Vocab Words: Here are some new words that you can learn!
Prehistory:long perod of time before people developed systems of writing.
Well hello Water for Sixth Grade. My name is Timmers and you will be teaching me all about ancient history. The Stone Age and Ice Age are very interesting times in ancient history. I didn't know about Otzi before today so I thank you for teaching me about Otzi, cro-magnons, neanderthals, and prehistory. I apologize I can't respond to each and every one of you but each assignment I promise I will read ALL the posts and respond to those that catch my eye. I look forward to learning more with you and maybe even meeting you some day soon.
Andrew B in Period 3 what up? Domesticate is the act of taming or training something or someone to be accustomed to home life. The easiest example to think of is potty training a dog or cat. When you do that, you are domesticating your pet. Archaeology is the science of digging up and preserving ancient life forms. Otzi was uncovered by archaeologists!
Carly to the Rahn in P4..what up? I think Otzi was killed in battle. Fellow Cro Magnons were probably fighting since food and supplies were so scarce in the Ice Age. Hunters and gatherers always struggled to provide food for themselves and their families.
Ethan R Period 8....easy question. The Cro Magnons would win because their weapons were much more advanced than that of the Neanderthals. Also, their knuckles weren't dragging on the ground so it made it easier to fight.
Jackson in P4...I will teach you and all of WSG one thing about Otzi. He has an awesome nickname....Frozen Fritz. Look him up on Wikipedia for a lot of cool information. Maybe someday I will tell you how old I am and where my hometown is. All I will tell you for now is that I am not as old as Frozen Fritz. Later.
Damen in P9...Thanks for teaching me about the difference between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age. Even with all my knowledge and wisdom I didn't know that.
Kaitlyn H in P4...I thought the Vikings and Dolphins game was awesome. Cavemen like me do not like those Vikings from the North country. Ask Mr. Klumper if he is going to teach you about ancient Vikings in class.
Hey timmers its me again. The next thing I will tell you about is Otzi the Iceman. Two hikers found him in the Alps with his head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. There was a hole in the back of Otzi's head. Italian police thought it was a doll and quickly discovered it was real. They stared jack hammering the ice around the body to free it. They think that is a recent death. #3 Stone age healers made medicines from herbs. Healers would perform brain surgery on people with head wounds or headaches. They cut a round hole in the patients skull and let out the evil spirits. They did not use the tools we use today they used bones and tools they made. They pulled infected teeth, set broken bones, and cut off limbs. #4 some hunting methods are when they huddle around a bison and start stabbing it with there spears.Also they chase animals off of cliffs. Then they climb down the cliff some how and get the meat. #5 neanderthals vs. cromagnons. Neanderthals had big noses to keeps body warm, they also have very low intelligence. The Cromagnons had a body type for warmer climates and were smart. They also have a body like ours. I hope you learned more about the stone age. Bye Timmers!!!
What up WSG? It is time for Timmers to retire into his cave for the night. Thanks for teaching me so much today! I'm looking forward to learning more from you in the near future. Checking this blog is so easy even a caveman can do it so drop me a line if you wish. I'll be checking back in tomorrow. Timmers
Dear Timmers I would like to teach you about the Ice Age, cave art, brain surgery,otzi the iceman,and some vocabulary. So lets get started.
11,000 years ago the earth was in an ice age. When the glaciers melted fertile land for farming. Some ice age animals are Saber tooth cat, Giant ground sloth, and American masadon.
Back in the old stone age brain surgery was very simple. First the doctor wold take a hand axe witch was just a sharp and dirty rock and cut a hole in the guys head. Then the doctor would let the evil spirts out and that was it. Can you believe that they went there just because of a head ache! Wow!
Otzi The Ice Man
Otzi The Ice Man was found in between Itali and the alps when two moutain climbers found his shoulder and part of his head burid in the ground. So they called the Itali police, at first they thought it was a doll. Then found out it was a body but thought it was a reciet death, so they started to jackhammer the body out of the ice. Witch ruined some of the features on him. Then a scietist came and said the body was aciet and then they carfully started to dig him out.
Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked back then. We saw a picture of cave art that had some animals running away from the hunters. the neanderthouls are the ones who made the cave art and they didn't know words so thats how they talked.
.Migrate- to move one place to anthor. Exaple Geese, ducks, and other birds
. Domesticate- to tame a wild animal. The first animals to be domeesticated was the dog, sheep, and cows
. Harvest- to gather crops when its time.
. Technology- the way humans produce the items they use.
Well its time for me to go to bed so til next time. GOODBYE
Hey Timmers! How are you doing today? do you want to know who won when we played deadlest warrior? The neaderthals won! Neaderthals have big noses, long arms and strong hands. They are also short. we got to learn abot alot of vocabulary word.Some of the words are havest and artifacts. Hope you have a fun day!!
Hi Timmers my name is Sheridan Coyle. I just got done learning about the stoneage and I hear you want to know about it,so here are some things about it. First I will tell you about the deadliest warrior.
the deadliest warrior is about the neandrathal vs. the cro-magnon. and who do you think won? well that is something I wont tell you sorry about that but if you really want to know who won please respond to me well another thing about that is that the cro- magnon has long arms and legs and they look like us.
How did stoneage healers deal with sickness and injury? Well I'll tell you they made medicins from herbs and plants,studied animals to learn about the human body. How did they deal with ingury? THey pulled infected teeth,set broken bones,cut off limbs, and did brain surgery. Brain surgery was performed on people who had headaches and head wounds. The surgery procedures are very easy all you do is cut a round hole in the patients head and let the evil spirits out, stupid hu?
OTZI THE ICEMAN The last thing im going to tell you is about otzi the iceman.The things archeologist found with him were a cape,a birch canester, a pouch, a quiver and arrows,an unstrung bow, a hand axe, and an empty backpack. He was found on the border of Austria and Italy in 1991 by two hikers hiking in the alps. All they see is a small head and shoulders. So they call the Italian police and they think that it is a doll but qwickly found out that its real.So they startd to jack-hammre around it to free it. but it just wrecked the icemans clothing. so once he was free a preson named Dr. Henn came and saw that it was a mummy because of its dry yellow skin like a mummys. he had tatoos on his body. He was the oldest mummy ever found!How old was he you ask he was 45 years old!Wow well that is something about Otzi. Well i got to go for now if you have any qwestions just reply!Bye timmers!
Sheridan Coyle-Thank you for teaching me about Otzi and Stoneage Healers. As for your question...I'm guessing the Cro Magnons won because of their more advanced tools and weapons. They were smarter and more advanced than the neanderthals. The neanderthals were probably tougher though so I'm sure it was a good fight.
Logan D in Period 3...word up bro. Just chillin' over here in my cave learning more about ancient times. I just watched Mr. Klumper's video of discovering the Otzi. He's quite the actor, don't you think? Timmers
Dear Timmers, Hello, how are you? I heard you liked ancient civilizations. One thing we learned about this year is Otzi The Ice Man. He is the oldest mummy ever. He was found by two hikers in the alps in 1991. Now his body is somewhere in Europe.
The second thing is hunting methods. Some methods were that they surrounded there prey and jab at it with stone tipped spears. Another method is using torches to scare them off cliffs, waterfalls, ect.
The third and final thing is cave art. Cave art is important because it tells us what is happening, and also what was important in ancient times.
That should give you a little knowledge about ancient times. I hope you enjoyed them and thanks for reading.
Dear Mr. Timmer I'm going to talk to you about Otzi, he was a found on a mountain by a couple of hikers and they saw a head and a shoulder sticking out the ice. So, they caled the police and told them they found a head and a shoulder sticking out of the ice of course the police weren't very nice at the time. The police lood at it and say oh its just a doll we can just chop it and so they did. They started to find out it was body so they call this doctor and he was a archeolgists and said this isn't just a body it's a Ancient body. Thats how they found Otzi.
Dear Mr. Timmmers, today I'm going to talk to you about Otzi the Ice men. he was found on a mountain by a couple of hikers hiking up the mountain and they saw a head and a shoulder sticking out of the ice so, they called the cops and of course they were not very nice. So they came and said it's just a doll we can carve around it. Then they noticed it was a body so they call this doctor and hes a archealogists and he said it waas a Ancient Body., that ends my story. Haha!
Dear Mr.Timmins I would like to teach you about Otzi the ice man from the stone age everybody has a differnt theory on how he died 1:they think he was a victim of a robbery 2:they think he dided of hypothermia 3:they think he was a assanatied mabe he was a leder so some one did not belive in his thoughts 4: Mabey he died in batted in the middle of a battle feild. I also would like to teach you about the feiceom sabertooth cat that was one of the most blood hungry animal in the stone age
Hello, Mr. Timmers. Today I am going to teach you about Otzi the iceman, Stone Age Healers, and the Vocab Words. The first on I am going to teach you about is Otzi the Ice man. Otzi the Iceman was 5’2" 45 years old, and had curly brown hair. Otzi was found in the Alps in 1991 by two hikers on the border of Astria and Italy. When Otzi was found all the hikers could see was a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. The hikers could see that the body had a small hole in the back of it’s head. Some of the artifacts found with Otzi were his cape, a birch canister, a pouch, quiver and arrows only two were ready, an unstrung bow, copper ax, and an empty back pack. Otzi himself and his artifact were preserved really well in the ice. I believe that Otzi died of hypothermia because his cape and shoes weren’t on. The symptoms of hypothermia are your body feels warm and so you take off some of your clothing when you are actually freezing cold.
Now I am going to tell you a little about Stone Age Healers. If you had a stomach ache the healer would give you herbs. Herbs are a plant used in spices or in medicine. The healers used animals to study the human body. In 7,00 B.C. this is what they did to help you to be healthy they would pull infected teeth, set broken bones, cut off limbs, and do brain surgery. They didn’t have bandages so they would use pine resin to heal cuts. The reason they did brain surgery was for headaches or head wounds. This is the procedure for brain surgery, #1 They would cut a round hole in the patient skull. #2 they would have them lay down. #3 They would let out all the evil spirits. Then soon after that the patient would die because they didn’t know how to stitch.
Now I will teach you the vocab words. Prehistory, Prehistory means along period of time before people developed a systems of writing. The next word is Archeology, Archeology means the study of past culture through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, pottery. Artifact, Artifact means an object made by people long ago. Now for excavation site, excavation site means a site where archeologist uncover artifacts. The next one is migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another. Now for the word domesticate , domesticate means to tame a wild animal. Harvest, harvest means to gather things for human use. The next one is agriculture, agriculture means to raise plants and animals for human use. Now for technology, technology means the way humans produce the items they use. Now for the last one nomad, nomad means a person that travels from place to place with out a permenet home
Now that you know a little bit about the stone age it should be easier for you to learn about it.
Sorry this is so late Timmers. (topic #2) "Old Fashioned Brain Surgery" The Neanderthal would cut a hole in the patients head. Then he would let the evil spirits out.(By this time they were dead) (Topic #3) Otzi the Iceman:
This man with dry yellow skin was found in the Alps. He had multiple items with him such as, arrows(only 2 ready to fire), an unstrung bow, and empty backpack ,and more. The Italian Police weren't very smart so they thought it was a doll.
(Topic #4)Cave Art in 2010: We had to make pictures(at least 3) about what we do or use in our everyday lives. I had someone fishing, a CD for music, and a book. We also had to share with other people in class. We also got to see pictures of real cave art. It wasn't very good(Just kidding they can probably draw better than me. (Topic #5) Doedicurus(An animal from the Stone Age) Facts: It's time frame was 1.8 million years ago to 11,000 years ago. It got up to 12 feet long! Its modern cousin is the armadillo.
By the way it depends on what the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon had and if it was close or long range.
Hey Timmers!! I'm Morgan S. from period 4...Today I'm going to teach you about the Stone Age! The 5 Topics we will be talking about are... Cave Art, Ice Age, Otzi the Iceman, Vocabulary words, and Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon. First, Cave Art. In Tassii, Africa there were many cave paintings found in this location. In the cave art power point that we saw, there were 5 different pictures of cave art, we only saw 3 but in the first cave art there were animals running from 2 hunters. In the second cave art there were 2 rhinos hitting each other. In cave art number 3 there were lots of animals running to there master. (The second half of cave art number 3 is cave art number 5) Second, Cave Art. 11 THOUSAND years ago the earth was an Ice Age. When the glaciers melted the land was very fertile land for farming. Some of the Ice Age animals are Giant Ground Sloth, Sabertooth Cat, and American Mastodon. Third, Otzi the Iceman. In 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. **INTERESTING FACT!!!** Otzi's mummy was the oldest mummy ever found!! Picturing Otzi - He was about 5'2 brown curly hair, (scientists believe that he had just had a recent hair cut) he had 3 tatoos, (one ankle, lower back, and knee cap, these were NOT for decoration) Fourth, Vocabulary Words. Prehistory - long period of time before people developed systems of writing. Domesticate - to tame. Harvest - to gather. Finally, Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon. In Period four, Neanderthal won. Here are some characteristics that neanderthals had. They had HUGE noses and it keeped the body warm, Great knowledge for berrys, and Huge molors to eat hard stuff. Here are some characteristics that cro-magnons had. They were smart and discovered farming, long legs and arms, and there body types were made for warmer climates. Ok, hope you learned lots!
Hey Timmer whats up. Today i'm gonna teach you about the stone age.
Otzi was found in the Alps by two hikers in 1191. He had a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice;and he had a small hole in the back of his head. They called the police which thought that it was a doll at first but quickly discovered it was real. The police thought it was a recent death result of that they started jackhammering around the body to get it out the ice. Then other people that were climbing by tried freeing it with climbing poles and axes damaging most of the clothes he was wearing. Dr.Henn arrives at the scene. He starts to inspect the body and he realizes it is ancient;he knows that cause he can see that Otzi has dry,yellow skin. It comes out that Otzi is the oldest mummy ever found. He was five foot two inches long curly hair they think he just got a hair cut,he was forty five years old. The cloths he was wearing was leather pants, jacket out of animal hides,cape,fur cap, soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth. Hoe do you think he died cause of hypothermia,robbery,assasinated,died in battle,i think he died of a robbery.
vocabulary words Prehistory:Long period of time before people developed systems of writing.
Archaeology:Study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings,tools, or pottery.
Artifact:A object made by people long ago.
Excavation Site:Site where archaeologist uncover artifacts.
Migrate:Move from one place to another.
Domesticate:To tame.
Harvest:To gather
Agriculture:Raising of plants and animals for human use.
Technology: The way humans produce the items they use.
Nomad:Person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Cave Art
Cave art back then was mainly about there hunts and animals,and other things around them. They would draw stories on the walls of there caves on sometimes they have specific caves.
The Hunt
The first people hunted with fire and made the elk have no choice but to jump of the cliff. Then they slowly progressed to only to using deer antler points. Then they started using spear heads but there spears were to heavy to throw and they had circle around the animal then they stab it with there spears.
So there you go Timmer a lot of things you need to know.
Dear Mr.Timmers, did you know in 1991 otzi the iceman was found by 2 hikers in the alps? When they reported it to the police man he thought it was a doll but, what are the odds of a doll being in the alps? Then they realized that he was a real person and that he had 3 different types of blood on him, we are all wondering how he died but Mr.Klumper gave us 4 answers to choose from i kinda forgot what they were but that is ok but ever since that day that they found Otzi it has all been and Mystery.
Timmers, that Otzi story is some mystery. But now i am going to talk to you about vocab word Atifacts: Things made by people long ago like poetry and aarow heads. Prehistory: A long period of time. Archaeology: Study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, and poetery. Excavation Site: Site where archaeologist uncover artifacts.
Now you know some vocab words Mr.Timmers. Do you know what cave art is? Well, if you dont I do and i can tell you more about it. Cave art was made by cavemen they didnt know how to talk and they had no paper like we do today so they used rocks and the caves that they live in to draw pictures. They also didnt know how to talk all they knew was grunting and noding so they used pictures to draw in their caves. Now you know more about cave art Mr.Timmers!!
hey timmers this is just a realllllllllyyyyyyyyyy random question but are you and Mr.Klumper freinds if not you should meet him and wat state do you live in this is alex waugh sighning out! That meeans that im leaving ok? ok. OK?>?>?.... ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and you should really post this if you do that would be fantaboulace
i heard we need to teach you about stone age. well then i will teach you.
Otiz the iceman:He was found in 1991. two hikers in the Alps they found a dead body. they saw a small head and shoulders sticking out the ice. the iceman was found on the border of Austrila and Italy. they called the italian police and they thought it was a doll. then they thought it was a recent death. they started to hammerjack around the body to free it. other people tried freeing the body with poles and axes. then dr. henn arrives and said leave the body alone and he thinks its ancient.
cave art: there are alot of cave paintings in Tassili wicth is located in africa. they do caveartto show how they hunt or they show there culture.
deadliest catch: is where there are two people and fight. if the cromagnon had a paint brush for cave art and the neanderthal had a torch witch one would win? the neanderthal would win of course because they have fire witch would burn them.
vocabulary: if you dont know what the word nomad is then heres the meaning it is a person who moves place to place to place without a home.
Hi Hanna J! I've been waiting for your post! Did you mean Deadliest Warrior instead of Deadliest Catch? I LOVE the TV show Deadlist Catch but I don't think Otzi the Iceman was a crab fisherman in Alaska! I think the Cro Magnon were better warriors even with a paint brush because their knuckles weren't dragging on the ground like the Neanderthal's were!
You and Mr.Klumpdogmillianare should really meet Timmers. Because he is da bomb but he is not lit because then he would die and i dont want that to happen. So ya bye and this is to Timmers. This is Alex Waugh signing off
Whassssssss Uppppppppppp Timmers?????? Hows it going???? Today in Social Studies you should have been there. It was so much fun!!! We got to test our knowledge. Dha Dha Daaaa. Anyway we played a game that we had to know our facts. If you talk to Mr.Klumper tell him I liked that game!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like jeopardy but different in it's own way. Okay well Bye, Peace out
Hey Timmers its Kaitlyn whatz up?u???????? Any ways were was I...... oh yeah I know.
Neanderthals vs Cro-Magnon:
So ere is the difference between the neanderthal and cro-magnon. ~Neanderthals very low intelligence very strong hands Huge Molars Knowledge of berries Huge Noses ~Cro-Magnon smart long legs and arms body is better for warmer climates normal strength
Hunting Methods: The early people used fire to chase elk off cliffs but it didn't always work because the fire would go out. So the stuff they used for healing they figured out worked to keep the fires going even in the rain. I think thats everything oh one question do you know anybody named Teri Huska she teaches Kindergarded at BE? Also what is your favorite football team and baseball team? Do you like Mr. Klumper and where do you live(town, state)?
Dear Timmers, I posted Tues night, but I can't see it on here, so I will try to do it again. On the deadliest warrior the neanderthal won because most of the senarios involved strength. one hunting method used by the neanderthals is to suround an animal and stab it with with spears untill it died. otzi the iceman and how I think he died is that he was in a battle, climbed up the mountain, died from hypothermia and later a person passing by stole some of his possesions.
(PART2)Next i want to tell you about cave art its really amazing it sybolzisis wha happeneds back ten they drew hunts and anmals some people belive that htey drew it before the hunt to bring them good luck and some think it was after the hunt to show how the hunt went.ston age heales were like doctors but the wernt very good thy made medicans form herbs and studid animals to learn about the human body. they also did brain surgy if you got a hed ac this i also wan tto talk about first in brainsurgy they cut a round hole in patients skull then they let out evil sprits and left you there so none of them were sasful. Last but not Least Artifacts are objects made from people long ago such as arrow heads and cave art and lts more...... thanks for readind this bye.
Hey Timmers it's me Sheridan Coyle again , about the question who wuold win neandrathals It was the neandrathals who won and you're welcome and thanx for replying and you are sooo cool if you can type back to me that would be very appreciated!
Mr. Klumper did u get mine???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Carly- I will be sure to tell Mr. Klumper you liked that game.
Sheridan- Thanks for telling me the outcome of the deadliest warrior.
Kaitlyn H- Very good description on the difference between the cro-magnons and neanderthals. I do not know Ms. Huska from BE. Someday you will find out what city and state I am from. I don't really have a favorite football team, but I do have a favorite baseball team...GO TWINS.
Tmmers do you live in the usa? What is your fav band? Fav animal? Fav Bokk? Favorite movie? fav food? fav color? Best freind? Married? Any kids? Any pets?
What has o is the middle o at the end and high in the middle?
Hey timmers you should have been at the asselbley it r-o-ck-ed!
This one dude came with night creatures and we saw a gross tranchula, C-UTE Chinchilla, a snake, to tutles one of them he was holding and the other was on the floor and he was walking tords us and it was a snappping tutle! Yikes! Well I better go My sister is calling. Odios>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>.> On emore joke how does 2+2=fish and how does 3+3=8?
Hey Kaitlyn- Go Twins! Favorites..hmmm Food = burgers Movie = tough one...Major League Book = Sign of the Beaver Animal = walleye Color = green Friend = can't pick just one Married = yes Kid = 1 No pets.
Is the answer to your riddle a doughnut?
The assembly sounds fun. Except for chinchillas are not cute. They are rodents, cousins of RATS.
I gave up on 2+2=fish and 3+3 = 8 so I googled it and found the answer. Clever. Anyway,
Ohigho! Because O in the begging O in the end and high in the middle! Also 2+2= Fish because when you connect them it equals a fish same as 3+3=8. And btw chinchillas are adoreable!!!! Also are you and mr. klumper friends? Why? and your message isnt finished it ended with anyway, odios!
Cave art was used to tell what they did that day and what they hunted or what kind of season it was
Otzi the Ice Man
Otiz the ice man was found in the Alps his head and shoulders sticking out nof the ground the cops thought that it was a doll at first bur quickly realized it was a real body but they thought that it was a resent death and started jackhammering it away but all of his stuff is geting recketed and all the people around started hacking at it out with poles
neanderthaws were short and stoky with big noses ans and big molers to help chew
cro mangnans
cro mangnans are like use tall not short we have smaller molers and smaller noes
hunting methouds
hunting methouds they woulg go up to it and started stabing it or would run them off cliffs and got beat by the cro mangnos
HEYO!!! I know timmers is an old topic but i kind of miss the mysterious mr. timmers. i wish we knew more!!!! timmers is awesome and i hope we meet someday soon!! peace out my homies
Thanks to my good friends in Colorado for sending me this great site on Feudalism! In my class, we will learn about Feudalism in April, but here is a sneak peak!
I would like to tell you about Otzi. Otzi was found on the border of Italy and Alstra. Some more thing are a cape, grass rope,arrows,bow,pouch, quiverand arrows. Iwould like to tell you more but lets tell about Neanderthals. Neanderthals use these weapons tourch was most popular tell the Cro-Megnon came up with bow and arrows. and thats all i haft to to tell
Hey Timmers, did you know that in 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. All they swa were the head and shoulders. The Italian Police thought it was a doll. Later they named it Otzi. Who do you think would win if the Neanderthals and Cro-magnon faced off? What if the neandertal had his long spear and the Cro-magnon had its copper axe, who would win. Do you know how scientist figured out how old a dead body is? They used carbon dating, carbon dating is the estimating of age after it has died. They also knew by the dicoloration of the skin.Do you know were many of the most famous cave art was found? They were found in Algeria,Tassili.They usualy drew about everyday life and what they hunt and how they live. Hey whats prehistory. Whats archeology? What is domesticate?
Hi Timmers, I am going to teach you about the stone age. First some vocabulary words, {Prehistory} long period of time before people developed systems of writing. {harvest} to gather. {agriculture} raising of planys and aminals for human use. Now something about Otiz the iceman. He died when he was 45 years old, two people find him in the ice in 1991, I think he was robbed because most of his things were gone. Somethings about cave art. Some cave art represents what they were doing at the time and some cave art represents what they were feel.
(5 topics)
yo timmers,
here is some stuff we did this unit,
We did cave art,which is like paniting for everyday life and its also about where the most famous cave art was about drawings to. The hunting methods were bows and arrows and spears they would suround the animal and stab it or make it run off a cliff. Otzi the iceman was a cave man that was preseved in the ice. He also had things scatered around him. HE is the oldest mummy ever found!!
Our vocab words were intresting but fun. Ya so... ok im done with that.
Hey Timmers! I am Cole and i would like to tell you a little bit about the stone age. First i would like to tell you about Otzi(OO-t-zee) the Iceman.1.In 1991, two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. They saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. 2.The iceman was found on the border of Austria and Italy.3.Otzi is the oldest mummy ever found. In social studies we have to do this vocabulary packet and i want to tell you some of the words we did. 1.Prehistory. Definition: Long period of time before people developed systems of writing.2. Migrate. Definition: To move from one place to another.3.Domesticate. Definition:To tame
Hey,Timmers! What's up? Mr. Klumper told us to write/post to you about what we learned about the stone age, so here it comes! Did you know that Neanderthals had a slightly larger brain capacity than the average human? It's weird because if they were smarter, then why couldn't they develope a written language? In Deadliest Warrior: Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon, suprisingly, the Neanderthal won. Even though the Cro-Magnon has more advanced weapons, the Neanderthal was stronger and had larger brain capacity. Mr. Klumper says you have seen the "Discovering Otzi" video, and said you thought it was funny{the one with Olivia}. I wonder how he died. What do you think? In Deadliest Warrior I found out that Cro-Magnons developed farming. It's amazing that a slightly more advanced version of the Neanderthal can harvest such important foods.
Hi how are you doing Mr. Timmers? Are you Mr.Klumpers friend? Are you old? Are you a caveman? LOL JK! My favorite vocabulary word is, technology, because technology is AWESOME!!! It is something that humans have made. Another vocab. word is Harvest which means to gather, Agriculture means to raise p;ants or aanimals for human use. Domesticate means to tame, last but not least, Migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another.
The next topic I wnat to teach you about is Otzi THe Iceman, Otzi was discovered in the year of 1991two hikers saw the head and shoulders between the border of Austria and Italy. Italian police thoght it was a doll,but then they took this one in too the museum to be looked at very closely and they discovered that it had been persrved in the ice for a very long time. This story WILL be CONTINUED!!!!!!! I will commet later SEE YA!!!
Dear , Timmers in social studies class at school we are learning about the stone age! Its really exiting and you should learn about it too. I will tell you at least 5 things about the stone age so get ready. the cro magrons and the neaderthals dont have as much in common as everybody says. They are accually very different the cro-magrons survied much easier because of there tools. But that doesnt mean the neanderthals didnt have any good features. They where short and had large noses to keep them warm and there strength was a bit more because of there hard and strong hands.They also where very good with berries they knew what was eatable and what was not. Even if they had that feature they where outdone again. the cromagrons had farming witch was by far a better thing to have. I have also found cave art very interesting we got to see a couple drawings of some cave art and had to brainstorm of what they where. They cave men used torches but soon found out in the damp weather it went out they got some rossin from the tree and found out that it could be use d to keep the fire going once youve studied this you should know a bit more about stone age then you did before. One more thing an important vocab word we learned was a nomad. It means a person who travels from place to place to diferent homes.
Dear Timmers (or whoever you may be) I'm here to teach you about 5 things (You might not like them, but I'm still teaching you).
Subject 1: Otzi...
Otzi was an iceman found in, well, an ice block, with a hole in the back of his head, a recent haircut, and tatoos all over. His death is a mystery, No one knows if it was hpothermia, robbery,
----> ASSASSINATION <----, or he died in battle. Mr. Klumper has posted a video of an archegist who found Otzi and all his (or her lol)
things and is undecided how he died (oh wait, i said that already)
Hi! I just wanted to tell you about stuff in The Stone Age.
Cave Art
-Cave Art is paintings or pictures that neandrathals did to show what they did that day.
-Most Cave Art is showing a hunt.
-The most Cave Art was found in Tassili,Africa.
Otzi the Iceman
-Otzi was found in 1991 when two hikers found him buried in the snow in Alps.
-What they found out is that he is
The Oldest Mummy Ever Found!
-With Otzi they found:A cape,a birch canister, a pouch, a quiver and arrows,bow, and a backpack.
-When people found Otzi they thought that it was a doll.
-Neandrathals discovered fire when lightning striked.
To be continued...
Dear Timmers (or whoever you may be) I'm here to teach you about 5 things (You might not like them, but I'm still teaching you).
Subject 1: Otzi...
Otzi was an iceman found in, well, an ice block, with a hole in the back of his head, a recent haircut, and tatoos all over. His death is a mystery, No one knows if it was hpothermia, robbery,
----> ASSASSINATION <----, or he died in battle. Mr. Klumper has posted a video of an archegist who found Otzi and all his (or her lol)
things and is undecided how he died (oh wait, i said that already)
Hi how are you doing Mr. Timmers? Are you Mr.Klumpers friend? Are you old? Are you a caveman? LOL JK! My favorite vocabulary word is, technology, because technology is AWESOME!!! It is something that humans have made. Another vocab. word is Harvest which means to gather, Agriculture means to raise p;ants or aanimals for human use. Domesticate means to tame, last but not least, Migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another.
The next topic I wnat to teach you about is Otzi THe Iceman, Otzi was discovered in the year of 1991two hikers saw the head and shoulders between the border of Austria and Italy. Italian police thoght it was a doll,but then they took this one in too the museum to be looked at very closely and they discovered that it had been persrved in the ice for a very long time. This story WILL be CONTINUED!!!!!!! I will commet later SEE YA!!!
Hello Timmers, I'm going to teach you about the stone age. I'm going to start with cave art. We learned that cave art has lots of meanings. We've looked at 4 cave arts that Mr. Klumper had, One of them had something that looked like people hunting animals. Another one had what it looked like a bunch of animals fighting.
Now I'm going to teach you about some hunting meathods. One thing they would do is chase an animal with torches. After they did that they would chase it over the edge of a cliff. Another method was they would make a circle around the animal and start jabbing it with stonehead spears.
Now I'm going to talk about Otzi the Ice Man. to be continued
Hello Timmers, I will teach you some stuff about the stone age, ok? Back during the Stone Age cavemen painted on the cave walls. It was usually about their every day life. You can find some of the most famous cave art in Africa. The Stone Age started in northern Afica. Then continued out through Europe.
Now lets move on to hunting. Cavemen mostly hunted bison and elk. They would either chase them off cliffs with torches or surround them and jab with their spears.
Cavemen tools were hand axe, spear.
Hi Timmers my name is Tyler. I would love to tell you a little about the Stone Age. I will start with Cave Art and Stone Age Healers- Many cave paintings are found in Tassili Africa. Second,Hunters and Gathers Prehistory:Was a period of time before people developed systems of writting. Now i will talk about Otzi the Iceman was the oldest mummy ever found,He was found in Austria and Italy border
Hi Timmers. How are you doing? My Favorite vocabulary words are Domesticate, Technology, and Prehistory. Domesticate means to tame, technology is the way humans produce the items, prehistory is a long period of time before people developed systems of writing.
I will talk to you later. BYE!!!
Hello Timmers, think of me as your teacher, ok? I'm going to teach you about the stone age.
Lets start off with cave art. The cavemen drew on the walls what they saw that day. Most cave art in South Africa is ancient. Cave art was probably a hobby for the cavemen.
Next lets move on to hunting methods. Cavemen were strong and short. Cavemen knew how to hunt, but not kill. So therfore the put some thought into better hunting and they came up with...spears, so they can lunge and jab their target. They can throw spears, but they were heavy so they didn't go as far as they hoped it would. They had strong hands too, so they can also go without weapons.
Third topic time. The ancient Otzi the Iceman. People did not know how Otzi died, but he had blood on him. Otzi was a Cro-Magon not a caveman. Otzi, had weapons on him when he died.
Dear Timmers,
Hello. Here are some things about the Stone Age.
1. Cave art. Many cave art is located in Tassili. Tassili is located in Africa. For cave art they used to write about what they did that day. They would also write about a war. Some date back to about 15,000 B.C.
2.Hunting methods. For weapons they would use arrowheads, spears, and lots of other stone tools. They would use different types of hunting methods. One of them they surround the animal and attack it. Another one is that they would chase them off a cliff.
3.Otzi the ice man. He was found frozen solid. He had a little hole in the back of his head. They thought of a couple ways of how he died. One was that he was in war. Another one is that he died from robbery. They found a cape that he would wear and a backpack sort of thing that he would keep stuff in.
They said he was the oldest mummy ever found!!!
Hi Timmers how are you doing? I just wanted to tell you some stuff about the stone age. I will first tell you about Otiz the iceman in 1991 two hikers found a head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. When they told the police they though it was a doll, but they found out it was real and that it was a recent death. He was 5'2 brown hair he had tatoos and he was 45 years old. He is the oldest mummy ever found! Moving on cave art was how they showed what happen that day and how they felt. They would tell about a good hunt and what they killed.
hey timmers! Did you know that Stone Age happened over three million years ago? Weird huh? During Stone Age, there were people who were call Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. The Neanderthals hunted an animal that was about three times bigger than an elk. When they hunted it, they would light up some torches and try to chase the animals off a huge cliff. The Cro-magnon hunted bison. When they hunted to bison, they would surround it with spears and lung at it enough to kill it. Pretty cool right? The Neanderthals also knew what berries and plants was eatable and not eatable. Cro-Magnons just cooked meat over a fire. Also, have u heard of Otzi the iceman? He was a man found in 1991, dead, of course. So when these explorers saw him, they showed him to some scientists. Turns out, Otzi was a very old man. He was from the Stone Age! They could tell because he had yellowish skin and dirty hair. Ok Timmers, lets learn about some vocabulary. Have you ever heard of the word Prehistory? It means a long period of time bfore people developed systems of writing. How hard would life be if you didnt know how to communicate? Another long vocabulary word is archaeology. It means study of past cultures through the things that are man. Suchas building, pottert, or tools.
Hello Timmers how are you doing? So you have heard about Otzi huh? I am going to tell you a little more about Otzi the ice man ok. Here it goes otzi is very antcient he is not alive any more I think that he died in battle because when someone found him there was a arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Now how about we talk about cave art? Cave art is alot of fun! We did a drawing of cave art 2010 that was fun because we got to draw stuff that is popular and that we know about. The vocab words are fun because we learn alot of new and interesting words. For hunting they run the animals off the cliff till they fall to the ground and die they also huttle aroundthe heard and then through a arrow at it.
Hey Timmers im going to teach you some stuff about unit one like vocabulary,cave art,Otzi the ice man,Hunters and Gatherd notes, and Early Farmers notes.
First im going to teach you some Stone Age vocabulary. First Artifact,artifact means an object made long ago,Domestic, means to tame, and Migrate means to move from one place to another.
Now thats thats done im going to teach you about Ealry Farmers. Some ealry farming was wheat,rice, and barly.
Hi, Timmers.It is nice to meet you.My name is Gracemarie.And what I have learned about the stone age was how they make fire.By hiting two rocks together.And I learened how they talk to e each other by a head nod or a grunt.Did you know that they had too use a gowie substance that keept there torches burning in the rain too.Well,bye for now.
Hi Timmers. It is very nice to meet you. My name is Carly Rahn and I will tell you about the stone age. First I will tell you about cave art. Cave art was one of the ways we know what happened in the stone age. They couldn't write back then, but they could kind of draw. Most of their drawings were hunting. My favorite subject was Otzi the Iceman. He was found frozen in ice and the people tried to get him out of the ice but wrecked most of his clothing. I thinked he died in a battle because he had 4 different blood types on him. But they think he might have died from hypothermia, assiment, robbed, and battle. The neanderthals had very different technology than we do now days. They had rocks and spears for weapons. They have squat bodies and giant big hands that helped eating foods. They came extinct when the cro-mangons came along. And the cro-mangons today are us. I would like to know your theory about how Ozti died if you would like to comment back to me. Have a nice day Timmers and I hope you are going to learn a lot about the stone age. Bye.
Hey Timmers!! Today I'm going to teach you about the Stone Age! The 5 Topics we will be talking about are... Cave Art, hunting methods, Otzi the Iceman, Vocabulary words, and Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon.
First, Cave Art. In Tassii, Africa there were many cave paintings found in this location. In the cave art power point that we saw, there were 5 different pictures of cave art, we only saw 3 but in the first cave art there were animals running from 2 hunters. In the second cave art there were 2 rhinos hitting each other. In cave art number 3 there were lots of animals running to there master. (The second half of cave art number 3 is cave art number 5)
Hi Timmer I am going to be teaching you about several things in prehistory today. First off I am going to tell you about cave art. Cave Art is important because it shows how they lived back then as in hunting,eating,and competition between animals. Next is Otzi the iceman. Otzi the iceman has not been figured out how he died they think he died from either hypothermia,robbery,assinated,or died in battle. Stone age hunting was very dangerous at points like they could get trampled,accedently shot,or fall off a cliff.
Mr.Timmer, today I will be telling you about cave art,Otzi the iceman, vocab, Neanderthals, and Cro-Magnon.
There are many differant type of cave art such as the hunts they had. They're also important because they can tell about migrations they have had. Also it can even tell about a life.
Otzi the Iceman was frozenin a glacier and he was found in 1991 at the border of Austria and Italy. Only his head was showing, but when the police came they cut him out of the ice destoying much of the clths. There are 4 differant reasons peaple think he died the first one is of Hypothermia, a victom of robbery, assassinated, or he died in battle. I think he died in battle, what do you think?
We learned 10 vocab words, I thought 3 were very stange such as prehistory, I thought it ment hisory in the futare.
Howdy, Timmers! My name is Ian Broekemeier, and I'd love to share some of my information about the Stone Age with you. I hope you learn alot of new things and find them very interesting. Thanks for reading!
1. Neanderthals:
The Neanderthals, or people of the Stone Age, are the most known species from the Stone Age. The reason we can learn so much about them is because they buried their dead. The Neanderthals were the last species before the Cro- Magnons, or modern humans.
2. Stone Age Animals:
The animals in the Stone Age were very different from ones today. The Sabertooth Tiger, a large feline predator, had two large canines protruding from its' upper lip. The Wooly Mammoth was like a huge, furry elephant. And finally, the Giant Ground Sloth was a really big sloth that existed in the same period as the Wooly Mammoth.
3: Cave Art:
Cave Art is important because it helps us see what early people did back then. It can show us what animals they hunted, and their strategies. It can also show us where they lived, and their daily practices.
Hey Timmers! Hows it going? I hear that you want to learn about Stone Age. Well, here are some things about the Stone Age:
Otzi the Iceman:
In 1991 two hikers in the Alps saw a head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. They called the police but, the police thought it was a doll. They soon discovered that it was a real man. People starting whavking the iceman with poless and axes. Fortunately Dr. Henn shows up and he inspects the body.
Timmers, did you know that an excavation site is where Archaeologists (archaeologist is a person that studys the past cultures) un cover artifacts? An artifact is a object made by people long ago.
These are some things about Otzi the iceman. Ozi was found in a melted glacier. When he was found he had 4 different kinds of blood found on him. Otzi also had a small hole in his head. These are some examples of what cave art looked like. It usually explained what their life was like. It is important so we can look and study what thier like was like in the Stone Age. Some hunting methods that the neanderthals used would be to surrond their prey and poke it and stabe it until it fell and died and then they would go and smash a rock on it`s head. Another one would be to chase them off a cliff and then eat them. The last thing that they would sometimes do is chase them into a gap and then stabe them with their tools. Some of our vocab words areprehistory which means a long period of time before there was writing. Another one is migrate which means to move from one place to another. To domesticate something means to tame. Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnen the neanderthals won because of some of their features such as these. There soft leathery skin helps them work with hard things without hurting themselves. Their big noses helps them in the winter to keep them warm. They are strong.
Dear Mr. Timmers,
We have been learning about the stone age. I will teach you some things we learned.
We use cave art to learn about different things that happend during the stone age. Since there was no books written, cave art gives us a look back in time. Cave art would show them hunting, animals fighting, and what tools they invented.
Next thing ill teach you about is Otzi the Iceman. Two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. It was Otzi the iceman. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy.
Hi Timmers welcome to water for sixth grade
Cave Art
Cave art was used to tell what they did that day and what they hunted or what kind of season it was
Otzi the Ice Man
Otiz the ice man was found in the Alps his head and shoulders sticking out nof the ground the cops thought that it was a doll at first bur quickly realized it was a real body but they thought that it was a resent death and started jackhammering it away but all of his stuff is geting recketed and all the people around started hacking at it
Hello Timmers,
Timmers, do you know who Otzi is? Otzi the Iceman was found in the Alps with a lot of artifacts around him. Hikers were hiking one day and saw a head and shoulders sticking out of the snow. No one knows how he died but they have pretty much narrowed it down to four ways he died, Hypothermia, Robbery Assasination, or he died in battle.
We also learned about cave art from the Stone Age. It is very important because they did not have a system of writing. The cave art shows us what they did and how they hunted.
Mr. Klumper made a game called Neandrethal Vs. Cro-Magnon. In our class period the Neandrathal won even though the Cro-Magnon won in real life. The Cro-Magnon is actually us humans.
The hunting method in the Stone Age was to surround the animal and poke it until it dies. Another method is running it off the cliff by chasing it with fire. We saw a video where they cahsed Elk like animals of the cliff. A lot of Neandrathals did when they got stomed on in the hunt.
We learned ten vocab words here are three. Prehistory means a long period of time before people discover systems of writing. To be continued...
Hi timmer,
Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked and drew. We saw a cave art picture where a bunch of animals where running away from the hunters. The neanderthouls were the ones who drew the cave art and they did not know any words so they had to draw pictures on caves.
Otzi the iceman
Otzi was discovered in 1999 by two hikers in the alps becouse they saw a head and shoulder sticking out of the ice. The italian police thought it was a doll
to be contued
Task #1 I think that stone age was cool. We learned about cave art and saw some cool paintings of differrent things that told stories about battles or just plan old days or a great hunting day. In the Dealiest Warrior we got to answer questions about the neandrathals and the cro-magnons (hint US!!) it was so cool! To learn about it. We are just about to learn mesopotamia!! however you spell it.
im not done ill add more have fun bye bye!!!
Hi timmers my name is dodge. Today I am going to teach you about the stone age.Back in the stone age cavemen did not have a talking or writing sestem, but they know how to draw they drew on walls which is called cave art.When cave men hunt they usually snuk up on the preditor and they jump out and surrond it and start jabbing it. They also used fire to run them off cliffs to kill them. Neanderthals are very capable of suviving in the wild.They have big noses to keep them warm.they use animals skin to keep warm. When they die they leave the clothes on.
Hello there Timmers. How are you today?? The weather is nice here how about there?? Well I am Carly Campbell a 6th grade student at Brandon Valley Middle School Go Lynx!!! Well I am going to tell you about the stone age. Here it goes......
1.Cave Art:the neadrethals couldn't write and talk either. They would grunt and nod their heads. Well my opinion is that it's kind of like a diary that they just drew on to tell about their day. One time we saw a pictue of two bulls facing each other and thought that they were going to fight. Cave art is important and can help scientists see a glipse into the past.
2.Otzi the ice man: I think something really interesting about him. No one actually know how Otzi died, I mean some have theorys and stuff but I don't believe that they have anything to back it up with.
3.Cro-Magnons:Your probably wondering what that is. It's not a what its a who your one!!
Hi my name is Victoria but most people call me Tori. I would like to start by telling you about cave art. Cave art is important becuse with out it we would not know as much as we do about the stone age. Becues that was in prehistorywhen ther was no writing. Most cave art found was in Tassili located in Africa.
hey timmers do you know anything about otzi the ice man. I think he died from hypothermia well any way try and tell me more about otzi because i would relly like to learn more about him anyway let me learn more about you how olde are you have you ever been to autrailia what is your home town?
hi Mr. Timmers i have five topics to tell you today. #1 Did you know what a nomad is well my definition would be a person who travels from place to place, without permanent homes, they aren't very rich either, and the walk and don't have cars or money.
#2 Do you want to know why i think the stone age is important because those were th first people on earth before us, we shuld also learn about people from the past and tell other people what you learned.
#3 Did you ever want to know what Otzi the Iceman was actually about well heres a few facts he had tatoos on his ankle, lower back, and kneecap=not for decoration though, he was 45 years old, and what he ate before he died waswheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat.
#4 Want to know some stuff about neanderthals well they have huge noses that keep their body warm, they have very strong hands to crack stuff open, and huge molars to eat hard stuff.
#5 Here's some stuff about cro-magnons thet have long legs and arms, average strength, and a copper axe.
Halo Timmer. Well Otzi the ice man was discoverd in the board of Astrai and Italy. well the hikers thought it was a death that happend, so they called the police and the police and some poeple started to hit the ice then someone who was smart told everyone that it was acient cause the body had dry yellow skin like a mummy then he said it was as otzi cause of the clothes he was wearing even though it was destroyd by some "very smart" people and they now it was otzi cause of the atifact.
Next is the deadliest warrior neanderthal vs cro-magen well the the best one was the neanderthal it one 3 to 2 in the battles!it was awesome.
Hello,today I would like to talk to you about Neanderthals. Neanderthals ruled about 10,000 years ago. They had no communication system, so they just used head nods and grunts. Imagine how hard it would be to figure out a communication system. just think about where we are today and it's all based on grunts and head nods! There were also alot of challenges to overcome like fighting for food. That all change when they discoverd fire. Fire gave them the upperhand because they could use it to cook, and hunt and also it also had many other uses. But I have to go and remember have an awesome day!
Hey Timmers how are you? What did you think of that Vikings, Dolphins game? I love it! Anyways here are my knowledge on 5 stone age topics.
-Cave Art:
Cave art is important beacause, without it we would not know what Neanderthals would have been like because they cannot write and thet are not alive today.
-Otzi The Iceman:
Otzi was discovered in 1991. Knowbody knew how he was killed but if you look at the 4 ways at how he might have died just scroll down a bit and you'll find out. Otzi also had tatoos and he was 45 years old when he died.
-Vocab Words:
Here are some vocab words we will have on our test we have on friday.
Prehistory: Long period of time before people developed writing.
Exavation Site: Site where Archaeologists uncover artifacts.
Nomad: Person who traveles from place to place, without apermanent home.
To be continuded............ on a different page so looke for my other comment......
Hey Mr.Timmer it't nice to meet you.My name is reilly. My class learned about otzi. We found out that he was frozen.I think that he was at war because he had blood on his clothing. then when the war got over otzi was the last person to leave ,when he was walking then he walk right on a moutain.WE learned about cave men and how they survived.I learned how they talk back then they head nods.
Hey Timmers!Im lexi and i will be telling you about the stone age.First you should know about Otzi the iceman.There are many theories about how he died.some people think he died of hypothermia others think he might have died of robbery,assasination,or even died in battle.next you should know about neanderthals.They hunted things by taking fire and chasing them over a cliff,sounds pretty scary,huh?They had a tough time getting fire to stay lit ,but then they discovered resin,a sticky subtance that caused their fire to burn longer and stay lit.Neanderthals used stone art to show what happened on their hunt or what happened that day.Some vocab words for social studies you should know are.........-migrate-,moving from one place to another.-agriculture-,raising of plants and animals for human use.-artifacts-,things that help us know about the past.The last thing you should know about is how the cro-magnon took over the neanderthals land.They came in and took over their land and became the poulation of people in the stone age.Thanks Timmers,and hey, resond and tell me how you think Otzi the iceman died.Bye!
Cavemen leared how to make fire with rocks. They wanted to now how to make fire stay longer. They found out pine resan makes fire staylonger without going out. Cave men are nomads. That means they move from place to place. They move alot to follow they food like elk.
Dear Mr. Timmers
I wanted to tell you about three topics Cave Art, Deadliest Warrior, and Otzi. Cave Art was commenly drawn by neanderthals or cave men or woman. The Cave Art tells modern humans what they hunted and what they did during the day and many more things. Next i'm going to talk about Deadliest Warrior. Deadliest Warrior is a t.v. show where you have two people fight to the death and Mr. Klumper made it so we would draw out of a bucket a situation for the neaderthal and cro-magnon to face. The winner gets a point. When the end came the neanderthal won. Lastly Otzi the ice man. Otzi was found dead in a pile of snow and nobody knows how he died but I think he was robbed and shot because he had a bullet in his head and in his back. Otzi was also found with other items laying around like a empty canister and empty backpack all victoms of robbery. Thank You for listening to my fun facts.
Hello MR.Timmers my name is Dianne and I would like to tell you about the saber toothed cat did you know that there teeth could be about 7in long I would like to tell you about the stone age vocab one word is aurgulculture another word is domesticate.
Hey Mr. Timmers i'm going to teach you some things about the stone age. They painted cave art to show you what life was like back then, to show you what wepons they used, and many of thier tools. In 1991 2 hikers found a head and shoulders stick out of the ice, witch the Italian police thought was a doll, but eventually discovered it was real, they then decided it was a recent death and started to try to use jackhammers to break the ice and get otzi out, but they wrecked his clothes. Then Dr. Henn decided to take a look and found out that the body was 5,500 years old and was mumified in the ice. After looks at some cave art we discovered they use bows, arrows, spear and hand axes as wepons. During our Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon we found that Neanderthals would win a majority of the close range battles, but the Cro-madnon was better at long range. Some of our vocab words are prehistory, the time before writeing, nomad, a person who moves from place to place, and domesticate, to tame something for human use. Neanderthals tried to scare animals off cliffs with fire or would surround it and spear it to death it it wasnt as large.
Hi Timmers
I would like to tell you that technology is the way humans produce the items thy use. Otiz the ice man was frozen in the ice in the Allps in eroup. the stone age people had wepons like spers, fire, handaxes.
Yo Timmers! Today we're going to learn about the old rocks and stuff. So there was this guy named Otzi. He is also known as the Ice Man. He was found in 1991 by these 2 dudes. All they saw was a head and some shoulders. He was found on the border of Austria and Italy.
So, you know that show Deadliest Warrior? Well... we did a thingy on that! It was a battle between a Neanderthal and a Cro- Magnon. The Neanderthal had the weapons torch, hand ax, club, and a heavy spear. But, the Cro-Magnon had a copper ax, bow and arrow, spear(long range), and a knife. The Neaderthal won.:( See part 2 soon yo!
Timmer, in the stone age there is cave art and with we can know how it was like when they were alive. The hunting methods some of them use are poking animals with spear because they are too heavy to throw. Here are some thing about Otiz the iceman he was 45 years old when he died and he was wearind leather pants, a jacket made out of animal hides, a cape, a fur cap, and shoes stuffed with hay. One of our vocab words are prehistory and that is a long period of time before people developed writing systems. In a game we played called the deadlist warrior naenderthal vs. cro-magnon. They could go againist each other with a torch, hand ax, club, and heavy spear neanderthals had those. The cro-magnon had copper ax, bow and arrow, spear for long range, and a knife.
Hello Timmers how are you I would like to tell you about cave art caveman did this because they want to create art. They did this with a rock and rubing it ugenst the cave wall. Prehistory means a long period of time when man didn't talk imagean trying to figure out what you tribe freinds talking about. Now im going to give you a question what does Agriculture and Otzi was found in a ice berg or something and Mr. klumper calls me Alex the Great from greece well goodbye have a great day.
Hey Timmers. how are you.
hi my name is gavyn.this is how otzi died he did by hypothermia. and all of his stuff was laying around him there was a birch canister; bow arrow;arrow's; pouch and a axe and thats it that's all about otzi. saber tooth weaght about 400-500 pounds.
Hi Mr.timmers i will be teaching you about the otzi the ice man deadliest warrior, cave art, the new stone age and the ice age. So he it goes. Frist i will be teaching you about the new stone age i hope you injoy. Well theres early farming wich has wheat, rice and barley. Change of lifestyle is milk,wool.For early domestication there is goats dogs sheep and cows . The second thing i will be teaching you abut will be the cave art. We leaned abut not back then because we dont now anything back then. so we didnt in the 2010
Good afternoon Timmers.How are you .First I would like to tell you about otzi the iceman. There are lots of theries of how he died like hypothermia. another thing is he was found with a lot of ardtifacts sush as an unstrung bow. When otzi was first discovered they thought it was a doll! Another thing We have been learning about is cave art. Did you know many cave paintings have been found in Tassili, Africa Cave art is important becouse it tells us about what the people of the stone age did. What do you think about cave art? Another thing is Hunters and gatherers. Early humans started in eastern africa. Then traveled north. Then one group went to eorpu
Hello Timmers. I would like to tell you what I now about the stone age. First I will talk about Otzi the iceman. Otzi was discovered in the year 1991 on the border of Austrail and Italy. Otzi had 7 artifacts around him like a copper axe, a empty backpack, a unstrung bow and some other items. There are three ways people think Otzi died, they think he was assasinated, died in battle, died of hypothermea or died because of robbery.
Hello and welcome to water for sixth grade. I would love teach you about neanderthals. They weren't the smartest people ever. In fact the were the dumbest. But they were great hunters. To hunt the giant step bison, they quickly jab it with their spears. They coud not throw their spears because they were to heavy. When they killed it they would take the and make it to use a coat or cloths. Then the ate the meat. Thats all I have to say!
Hey Timmers, I am Jaden Carlson. I am going to teach a little about the stone age. HUNTING: it was hard work to hunt in the stone age.1st they would take their spears and than they would go out, and look for animals to kill. they would hunt elk and deer a little diffent. they would chase a herd off a cliff.
Hello, Timmers who do you think would win if the Neanderthals vs. Cro-Magon. The Neanderthal had a torch and the Cro-Magon had light spear. I think it would be the Cro-Magon. Cave art is drawing on the caves wall found in the stone age. Neanderthals used a lot of tools all which are from stone. Arrow Head, Hand ax, and Stone Flaks are some of the stone tools.
In this unit we leared about otiz the ice man he looked like a neanderthal.He was discovered at the border of Austria and Italy the police thougth it was a doll and that it was a trick. Haunting methods
Hello Timmers, today i am going to teach you about the stone age. First i will talk to you about the neanderthal: they had large noses to keep their bodies warm because they lived in the stone age. they also had a vast knowledge of berries so they knew what to eat and what not to. Large molars kept them from hurting their mouths when they ate nuts and other hard foods. Now on to the cro-magnon the cro-magnon were a smart people and are what we evolved from. Their body type was fit for more warm climates so they were not very adapted for the ice age. The cro-magnon had very long legs and arms so they were very fast. the earliest human species competed with the sabertooth cat for food. I am out of time now so i will finish this later.
Hi, Timmers did you know that the word Archaeology meens study of past cultures though the things that remain such as buildings,tools,or pottery. Also the word prehistory meens a long period of time befor people developed systems of writing. My favorite stone age vocabulary word is Domesticate. Domesticate is a animal that is tamed.
Hey Timmers, the unit wev'e been working on is the stone age. The stone age was divided up into two seperate parts, the Old Stone Age, and the New Stone Age. The old stone age lasted 3,490,000 years, and they made very little progress. Technology was slow and the most advanced thing was a hand axe, witch was carved stone. The New Stone Age however, had advances in stone working, had polished rock tools and domesticated(tamed) animals. Also, the animals would plow the fields, and produce milk and wool.
Otzi The Iceman
In 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a dead body on the border of Austria and Italy. When the Italian police came they thought it was a doll, but they soon realize its a real body.
To Be Continued....
Dear Mr. Timmers
I am happy to be able to theach you about ancient civilization. First I would like to tell you a little bit about Otzi the Ice man. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy in the year 1991. Otzi was 5'2" tall with brown hair and he had tattos on his ankle and lower back. No one knows exactly how he died but I think he died of hypothrmia and someone robbed him.
Neandrethals were short, stalky, and had big noses. The big noses were used to keep them warm. They were the first of our ansestors to bury their dead.
In the stone age their healers were known to pull infected teeth set broken bones and amputate limbs. They also performed brain surgery. Thier brain surgery consited of cuting a hole in the skull and let the bad spirits out. Bye I will be back to finish later
your new friend tucker
Dear Timmers,
I would like to tell you a few things about the stone age. Cave art is basically drawing or painting on the walls of caves, and people in the stone age drew cave art. Many cave paintings were found in Tassili, Africa. A cave painting we got to see looked like cavemen hunting animals, which shown that they hunted with bows, arrows, and spears. Another painting we saw looked like two buffalos fighting, which shown how animals fought. One more painting we saw looked like a forest where animals were going to start fighting, which I thought was the best looking painting. Hunting methods of the stone age were much different then they are today. In the early time they used to hold torches and try to lure giant elk-like creatures off a cliff. Mostly the fire went out, and the elk-like creatures ended up attacking them. One other thing they did to hunt was to stab bison with a spear. Otzi the Iceman was discovered in 1991 by two hikers. He was found on the boarder of Austria and Italy. He was the oldest mummy ever found! We've been working on vocabulary words alot in class. The most recent 3 we've done are: Agriculture, raising of plants and animals for human use. Technology, the way humans produce the items they use. The latest one was, nomad, person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Hello mysterios Timmers it's nice to not meet you! Here are some things we learned.
Cave men drew pictures on rock walls that tell us about themselves. They drew how they hunted, how they lived, and what kind of tools they used.
Here are some vocab words that we learned. Artifact: an object made py people long ago. Excavation site: sight were archeoligists uncover afrtifacts. Archeology: study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, and pottery
Here are some hunting methods the neandertals used. they would scare there prey off a cliff with torches. Or they would use spears to jab the animal with. Last of all they would shoot them with arrows.
Dear Timmers,
I would like to tell you a few things about the stone age. Cave art is basically drawing or painting on the walls of caves, and people in the stone age drew cave art. Many cave paintings were found in Tassili, Africa. A cave painting we got to see looked like cavemen hunting animals, which shown that they hunted with bows, arrows, and spears. Another painting we saw looked like two buffalos fighting, which shown how animals fought. One more painting we saw looked like a forest where animals were going to start fighting, which I thought was the best looking painting. Hunting methods of the stone age were much different then they are today. In the early time they used to hold torches and try to lure giant elk-like creatures off a cliff. Mostly the fire went out, and the elk-like creatures ended up attacking them. One other thing they did to hunt was to stab bison with a spear. Otzi the Iceman was discovered in 1991 by two hikers. He was found on the boarder of Austria and Italy. He was the oldest mummy ever found! We've been working on vocabulary words alot in class. The most recent 3 we've done are: Agriculture, raising of plants and animals for human use. Technology, the way humans produce the items they use. The latest one was, nomad, person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
1.head surgery in the stone age would kill the patient
2.Otzi is the oldest mummy ever found
3.neadrithals used torches,spear,hand ax,club
Hello Timmers I have alot to say so pleace sit down and read this. The first thing I am going to say is about vocabulary, I am going to say words from my vocabulary from the stone age ready. Prehistory is a long period of time before people developed systems of writeing. Achaeology is a study of the past cultures thourgh the things that remain such as building, tools, and pottery. Artifacts are an objects made long ago. Those are the three words I just told you.
and he was found in Italy.
Hey Timmers,(TOPIC#1)What would happenen if a Neandrathal faced off against a Cro-Magnon(Modern Man) in battle? You'll find out later but first lets learn more about Neandrathals. Know why they had big noses? So they would stay warm. They had VERY strong hands(For making things). Their spears were also heavy(Disadvantage because they cant throw it far)There will be more later. See Ya!!
Hey Timmers! Hows it going? You know that Mr. Klumper has told you that we are gonna teach you 5 things about the Stone age. Right? Well, here are my 5 things to teach you about the Stone Age. Ok, my first thing I want to teach you is about Otzi the Ice Man. Otzi was discovered in 1991 on the border of Austria an Itily. Two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. It turns out it was Otzi! He is the oldest mummy ever discovered. My second is about the Neanderdthals. They were short and stalky and were very muscular. 85% of their diet was meat! The animal they mostly hunted was the Giant Step Byson, and they died out about 30,000 years ago. Third, Prehistory is about going a long period of time before people started writing. Well I'm sorry I have to go early, but, se ya!
Hey wats goin on Timmers idk if you are real or not so ya. Anyways i want to tell you about social studys. We learned about otzi the iceman. two hikers were just hiking this one day found found otzi in a big thing of ice so the men called or told the Italian police. The Italian police thought that Otzi was a doll at first.But scientist reserched his body and found out that it was a real man. And they is plenty more but we shall move on shall we? Yes we shall lets talk about the neandrathols i think thats how you spell it anyways they were what we call cavemen. They were short,hairy,dumb,had giant noses,and had stalky eyes. So the neandrathols left the cave because all of the giant bison were migrating and they came apon a bison they tried to defeat this giant bison but we not succesful. The man got blown down by the bison and the other neandrathol ran over to him and started helping him. Then an arrow went flying into the bison. Then another. Then a spear went into the beast and it cam crashing down the neandrathols were wondering what happened and then two people call the cro-magnons appeared they look like we do today. And thats the story about the neandrathols and the cro-magnons. Another day my class talked about the neandrathols and cro-magnos again and have you herd of the show deadliest warrior well if you havnt they take strong and feirce warriors and have them go head to head in a fight to the death compition.Anyways we did that with the neandrathols and the cro-magnos and the cro-magnons ended up winning because of there spear and there copper axe. Well i think i have told you enough today so ya... Oh ya and i didnt tell you my name its Alex Waugh just lettin you know c ya buddy or soon to be buddy! This is Alex WAugh reporting off.
Hey Timmers =D
I'm going to tell you a little about the stone age.
Did you know that two hikers found Otzi in the ice? He was found on the borders of Austria and Italy.
Some of the cave art they found were about how the cavemen lived, hunted, and cured people. Others were just about what they were feeling at the moment.
Hunting methods were basically just catching the animals and using fire to kill them. They used a substance called resin. If you put in on the torch, it will keep the fire lit. Also, it cured some people for their sickness.
The neanderthals were out wandering, or hunting for food, when they found the cro-magnons. They were probably wondering where they got their hunting equptment from, and why they look so different. The cro-magnons were probably thinking the same.
Some of the words we learned are prehistory - A long period of time before people developed systems of writing. I dont know how they lived like that.... Anyways, another word is artifact - An object made by people long ago. The last word im going to tell you about is domesticate - To tame. I want to know your theory about what you think happened to Otzi. I think he died from hypothermia, because it must have been at least - 50F where he was at.
I hope you liked this =) bye
Hey Mr. Timmers,
In social Studies we have learned about Artifacts, cave art, ozti the ice man, and that fire was created in the stone age. Artifacts help us dicover the past, Like arrow heads and fire ashes. Cave art has also helped us discover the past. Stone Age people have drawn pictures on the caves of their time. Fire was also created in the stone age, their is a gooey substance called resin. Resin helped fire burn in the rain.
Hello Mr. Timmers today I am going to tell you about otzi the ice man in 1991 two people found otzi's head and shoulder sticking out o the ice.now by Otzi was a backpack,an empty canister, an un strung bow, a cape for warmth,some arrows two of wich were ready to shoot and pouch with several things in it like a 4 inch stick, a rope made out of grassand two flense. Otzi has many theroies of how he was killed like was he robbed did he die of hypothermia there are many was he could have been killed but I think that he died of hypothermia, Please post if you have any comments.
Hey timmers =]
I want to tell you some things.Did you know that the stone age was over one million years ago!! I think thats pretty interesting dont you think? Here is something else two hikers found a caveman named otzi between the borders of Italy and Austria. The weird thing is nobody knows how he died theres lots of things people belive but nobody knows. By the way he was found with a hole in his head so theres a hint for you.Caveart is something else i woould like to tell you about.There were lots of caveart found through out the years.Did you know that the cavemen would draw on the wall of the hunt they were going to do later that day? Now thats something i would want to learn more about how about you? Change of topic have you ever heard about the neanderthals and the cro-magonons? I think it's interesting.The cro-magnons are just like us today they look like us they know how to take care of themselves and they are smarter than the neanderthals obviously.They also have better weapons then the neanderthals because as I said there smarter and know how to make things out of animal hide and animal horns.They would not waste a single thing not even rotten meat.Lets talk about my vocabulary packet.prehistory-Long period of time before people developed systems of writing. It is not a time were no writing systems. Sentence-the cavemen did not know how to write so they drew on walls. Theres one of my vocabulary words. Thanks for your time Timmers I have got to go See Ya Timmers
Hi Timmers, I heard you wanted to learn more about ancient civilization.Well if it's alright with you I'd like to give you some information.
The first thing I am going to tell you about is some hunting methods. The first thing that they would do is light there torches, after they have done that they would go in the forest and look for an animalthat looks suitable for a meal. Then when they find one they charge after it with their torches in front of them. When they get to a cliff they make a last minute efort to make the animal jump off the cliff and that is how they got their meat.
Next I am going to tell you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was discovered in the Alps with various artifact laying around him. Otzi was found with a spear tip in his shouder. He was also found with pollen in his stomache.
Hello Timmers! Here is five things I learned that I would share with you about the Stone Age.
Cave art- We use cave art to discover what it was like back then. Since there were no books written from the Stone Age, it is very important to us. They used mostly berries, or colored rocks for the cave art. Some cave arts are animals, such as a bison.
Hunting Methods- One hunting method was they would take torches, with pine resin so the flame would not go out,
HI TIMMERS what i'm going to teach you today is stone age times.
#1 is vocabulary the first word is
Prehistory = a long period of time before there where systems of writing.
second is
nomad = a person that travels and has no permanent home
Dear, mr.timmers
CAVE ART= cave art is what neanderthals used to explain thing long ago. Somethings they explained on the cave wall was what thier plan for a hunt. sometimes to tell what animals they hunted.
HUNTING= What thier tools they used to kill the animals. They made thier on tools by hand. Some of the tools are the torch, hand axe, club.
Dear Mr.Timmers,
I am very glad to be able to teach you about ancient civilization. I hope you learn some things you didn't know about ancient civilization from me!
First of I am going to teach you three of our vocabulary words...I will show you three of the words I think are most important. Prehistory-long period of time before developed systems of writing. Technology-the way humans produce the items they use. Nomad-person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Next I will be teaching you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was an iceman found in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice...it was Otzi! Otzi looks like this...he is 5'2, brown curly hair, tatoos all over his body, and he was 45 years old. Otzi was wearing leather pants, an animal hide jacket, a cape, fur cap, and soft shoes filled with hay for warmth.
Last I will be teaching you about cave art...to be continued...
Dear Mr.Timmers,
I am very glad to be able to teach you about ancient civilization. I hope you learn some things you didn't know about ancient civilization from me!
First of I am going to teach you three of our vocabulary words...I will show you three of the words I think are most important. Prehistory-long period of time before developed systems of writing. Technology-the way humans produce the items they use. Nomad-person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Next I will be teaching you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was an iceman found in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice...it was Otzi! Otzi looks like this...he is 5'2, brown curly hair, tatoos all over his body, and he was 45 years old. Otzi was wearing leather pants, an animal hide jacket, a cape, fur cap, and soft shoes filled with hay for warmth.
Last I will be teaching you about cave art...to be continued...
Hello Mr.Timmers how are you this evening? I just wanted you to know a little bit more about anicient civilization more, or less on the stone age. First I will tell you a little about otzi the iceman. He was forty-five years old,he wore a cape, bow,and arrows. He is also the oldest mummy ever found. Next subject do you know what made the difference between the old stone age,and the new one??? It was because of the metal workings it made advances in tools,and weapons.It also became the end of the ice age.
hi, my name is zach felderman
I will tell you about otzi he was found dead by italy and astralia.
stonage vocabulary 10 of them iteresting. caveart you drew stuff that didn't exist in stoneage. neanderthal vs. cro-magnon you will findout the winner later. hunting methods find out later.
by seeya go Steelers they rock!!!!!
from zach felderman pd.9
Dear Mr.Timmers
First of all i like your name. Today i decided to tell you about Otzi the Iceman, cave art, stone age healers , brain surgery, andartifacts. Otzi the iceamn is a cro-magnon that was frozin in the ice two hikers found them when they were hiking in the alps htey saw his soulders and head, they found alot orf artifaacts,
Dear Timmers,
I am going to tell you about Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was found on the border of Austria and Italy. In 1991 two hikers in Alps found a dead body. They saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. Some people think different things about what happened but in my own mind I think that Otzi got robbed because he had a bag and I am guessing before he died he had stuff inside of his bag. After he got robbed I think he go murdered.
Now I am going to tell you about the Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon. The Cro-Magnon had lighter spear so it could co farther than the Neanderthal's. The Neanderthal's had big molars so they could eat big, hard, and chewy foods. Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal didn't get along very well because they had to get food and they both ate the same foods.
I am now going to tell you about some vocabulary words. Archaeology is the study of the past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings and homes. Domesticate means to tame like when you tame an animal.
Technology is something that did't exist in the stone age.
I am going to tell you about cave art. A long time ago the cavemen would paint on the walls. Still today scientist still don't know what they all mean a lot of them are really good pictures.
The neanderthals got hurt a lot when they hunted. The Cro-Magnon did not. They are completely different.
Dear Timmers,
Did you know that stone age healers would preform brain surgery just for a headace. First they would find were it hurts. Then he would cut a round hole in the skull. Finaly the healer would let the evil spirts out. Just to let you know there are no brain surgeries that the caveman lived. The old stone age was the slower than the new stone age cause the oldstone age lasted 3,490,000 years thats how long it took them to invent a rock and stick together. They made very very very very very very little progress. There technology was very very very very very very very slow do you see were I am going with this they were like ahhhh. Also do you know about Otzi [oo-ti-ze]?
Dear Timmers, I'm going to be teaching you about the stone age.
#1 vocabulary words
Prehistory = a long period of time before people
Hello Timmers, I would like to teach you about The New Stone Age, otiz the ice man, caveart, and two more topics
The New Stone Age witnessed a lot more progress because of metal working. This was important, metal started to be used as tools and weapons, I think cave man in the
Continued...A Nomad is a person without a permanet home. Harvest is to gather, and domesticat is to tame.
I hoped you learned a little bit more Timmers.
My third topic I'll teach you is about Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon. Neanderthals have big noses to them keep there body warm. They are not intelligient but they do know alot about berries. These are some of there tools torches, club, heavy spear, and a hand axe. Now, here are some things about cro-magnon. They are smart, have long legs and arms, and have average strength. There tools are Copper axe, bow and arrow, light spear, and a knife. The cro-magnon took over, there are no neanderthals left in existence.
The Neanderthals hunting method was different then the Cro-magnon's. The Neanderthals went out with there torches and looked for a animal. When they saw the animal they chased it towards a cliff. Once there near a cliff they try to scare them off the cliff and the animal falls to its death.
Here are some of our vocabulary words. Prehistory is a long period of time before people devoloped systems of writing. Archaelogy is the study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools,or pottery. Artifacts are objects made by people long ago. Migrate means to move from one place to another.
Well, I hope you learned alot!
Hi I am going to teach you about the stone age. One of the things we learned sbout was cave art. Many cave pantings came from Tassili locatedin Africa. Cave art is really importam becaues they had no writing. There cave pantings showed what they did or what happend that day. A nother thing that I teach you is about stone age healers. They made medicines from herbs and studied animals to learn about the human body. Some other things they did were pull infected teeth,set broken bones,cut off limbs,and did brain surgery. To do brain surgery they would cut a round hole in the patients skull to let out evil sprits.
Hey Timmers want to know some vocabolary wors? Prehistory;Prehistory is a longperiod of time before peope developed systems of writting.
Archaeology: it is the stdy past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tolls or potttery.
Aritfact: it is a object made by people long ago.
4.cro-magon used spear,ax,bow and arrow,and knife
5.cro-magon is basicly us
Know I will teach you about Otzi the iceman. 1991: two hikers in the Alps find a dead body. Saw a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. Italian police think it’s a doll, they quickly discover that its real.
Timmers do you know how they did brain surgey back in prehistoris times?Well, they would cut a round hole in the scull and then let the evil spirits come out .Pretty gross right.Now cave men studied animals to earn about the human body. Then when some one needed medicine they would go get it from some herbs.
Did you know how big of a difference Neanderthal's are from Cro-Magnon's? Well' first of all neaderthal's have low intellagince and Cro-Mgnon's have great intellingince,Neanderthal's have a heavy spear cro-Magnon's have a light spear,Neanderthal's are short and stuby while Cro-Magnon's have long legs and arms.
Did you know that many cave art paintings are found in Tassili, Africa?Also most cave art paintings tell a story.Now what is prehistoric cave art it is cave art but only older.
Dear Mr. Timmers,
My name is Kate. I am going to tell you some facts about the time period of the Stone Age.
The first topic is Otzi the Iceman. Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hikers on the border of Austria and Italy. He was 5 feet, 2 inches tall and had brown, curly hair. Otzi was wearing leather pants, a jacket made of animal hides, a cape, a fur cap, and soft shoes stuffed with hay to keep his feet warm. Otzi the Iceman is the oldest mummmy ever discovered!!
Now I will tell you about some of the animals that lived in the Stone Age time period. The sabertooth cat was 8 to 9 feet long and could weigh from 400 to 500 pounds. This cat was a carnivore (meat-eater). The sabertooth cat's huge teeth were up to seven inches long. Another animal that lived during the Stone Age was the woolly mammoth. These species were 9 to 12 feet tall at the shoulder and weighed 7 to 8 tons (14,000 to 16,000 pounds). Woolly mammoth's are herbivores (plant-eaters).
I will now tell you about some of the tools neanderthals used during this period of time. Arrowheads were put on the tips of arrows to stab and kill the animals they were shooting at. They are very pointy. Another tool is the hand axe. These were used for cutting meat and extracting bone marrow from animals. They could also be used for throwing at animals to stun them.
Cave art is a very interesting topic to me about the Stone Age. Many different kinds of cave art have been discovered. There have been pictures of hunting animals such as bison, horses and deer. Most of the time the colors used in these paintings were yellow or earthy tones.
There were no books during the Stone Age. We have to use archaeology to study this time period. By studying the neanderthals we can learn lots of things from them.
Continuing my last paragraph about cave art they also do cave art if something bad happen or about a fight and if they won or lost. My favorite vocab word is migrate, when one moves from one place to another. Like when it gets cold out people or animals move to some place warm. I like the artifacts (an object made by people long ago)it's neat to see what they made. I think it is so cool that they hand made every thing. Perhistory which means a long period of time before they developed systems of writing. I feel bad for them because they could not tell anyone what they were thinking so nodding and grunting were their form of comunication. Now, I will tell you about some hunting weapons like the hand ax, different kinds of spears, copper ax, bow and arrow, and a knife. They hid from the animals and when it got close they would attack it. They would also use every part of the animal, especially in the winter. Next, in the stone age we talked about Neanderthals Vs. Cro-Magon. We listed some features about neanderthals like they had big noses, huge molars to eat hard stuff, very low intelligence, only stone tools, and very strong hands. Now about cro-magon they were smart, had long legs and arms, their body type were better for warm climates, and average strenght. That is all I have for you Timmer!
I didn`t finish mine so this is the ending of what I was talking about. They are strong so they can open things easier than Cro-Magnons.Cro-Magnons are also known as us. I hope you enjoyed my information and I hope you write back and thanks for reading. Have a nice day!!!!!
3.Cro-Magnons are humans not saying neanderthals aren't. Example cro-magnons were very intelligent, had long arms and legs, and body types for warmer climates. But the thing that the neanderthals had a little more advantage of is that the had very strong hands, huge noses, and a stout body to keep them warm. But since the cro-magnons were smart they had better tools like a copper axe, bow and arrow, spear long range, and a knife. The neanderthals may have had those objects but the cro-magnons were better quality.
4.Hunting Methods: The neanderthals had many different ways to hunt. One way they would do it is surround the creature (Bison & The Irish Elk) and throw spears at it, it becomes weak, limps, and falls to the ground. They would throw a rock at it's head to make sure it was dead and collect the meat and fur and be on there way. Also they would run with torches off a cliff but I think the other way is more effective and interesting.
5.Vocab Words: Some of our vocab words are nomad and agriculture. Nomad means that it's a person who travels around with no real home.
That reminds me of the neanderthals because they would go all over. Wherever the animals went they would fallow; and agriculture mean the raising of plants and animals. I don't know why I like it. It's just fascinating to hear about!!!!! I hope I gave you some facts about the stone age. Well, Good Bye =-)
Hi timers
Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked back then. We saw a picture of cave art that had some animals running away from the hunters. the neanderthouls are the ones who made the cave art and they didn't know words so thats how they talked.
Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hickers in the Alps becouse they saw a small head and shoulder. The Italian police thought it was a doll and then they quikly discovered it was real and then the police thought it was a sudden death. Then the police stated jack hammering the ice around the ice man witch destroyed much of the clothing then other people started to jack hammer but then Dr.hennarrives to inspect the body and relizes that the iceman is ancient becouse dry yellow skin.
Prehistory is a long period of time before people devloped systyms of writting. Artifacts are objects made by people long ago such as arrow heads and pottery. Technology is the way humans produse the items they use such as smart boards and cellphones.
11,000 years ago the earth was in an ice age. When the glaciers melted fertile land for farming. Some ice age animals are Saber tooth cat, Giant ground sloth, and American masadon.
old stone age lasted 3,490,000 years. in the stone age verry little progress was made and technology was slow in the stone age. New stone age advanced in stone working and polished rock tools. The first animals to be domesticated was the sheps, goats, cows, and dogs.
Hello Timmers, I heard you would like to learn about the Stone Age well I have some information you might want to here about well here I go.They used spears and a bow and arrow & other tools for hunting. When they hunted they would eaither surround the animal or run the animal over the cliff. We have been doing some stone sge vocab and I'll give you a couple of our stone age vocab words so here are some, Harvest: To Gather., & Migrate: To move from one place to another. We also did a game called Deadliest Warrior between Neanderthals VS Cro-Magnons and we would choose the one that we would think would win in a battle of some sort with the tools they have or if they have any at all. So, I would like to ask you wich one do you think would stay alive the longest in a battle if the Neandertha; had a club and the Cro-Magon had a knife? The last thing I would like to tell you about is "otzi the Iceman" he was found in between the border of Austria and Itally, when they found him he had dry yellow skin and that is what happens when it is to cold out for a body. There are many different theroeys on how he died like some people think he died of hypothermi,or he was robbed or assasinated, or he died in battle.
Hi Timmers My name is Curtis Tupy and I am going to introduse you to Neanderthals. Neanderthals are cave men that ruled the world long ago. There intelegence was very low they got confused so many times. They hunt for giant elk practicaly 9 feet tall. Not many of them survived.
Cro Magnons, Cro Magnons are people similar to us today. They are very inteligent. They know hot to build houses,wepons, and other things. They are much better in my opinion than the Neanderthals.
Cro Magnons were in a compotion with the Neanderthals. I think the Cro Magnons should win and that's how it ended out. They won with the power of there mind they are smarted and know how to handle tough situations unlike the Neanderthals.
Cave Art. Cave art is very hard to understand. The Neanderthals wrote on the cave walls to discribe what they had accomplished and what they have failed.
Animals. Animals back in the day were very different from the ones that we have today. There were Giant Elk,Giant Ground Sloths, and other wierd creatures. The Neanderthals and the Cro Magnon Used to hunt them but the only bad thing is that only one of them got to eat and kill the animal.
I also want to tell you about Otiz the ice man he was the oldest mummy ever found, the year he was found was and he was 45 years old. The cro-magnons have copper axs,long legs and arms andbow and arrows. The last couple things I wnat to tell you is that fire was mans most powerful tool, they hunted Irish elk and that a pine resin keep the fire burning longer.
To Timmers,
Otzi the Iceman: Otzi the Iceman was found in 1991 in the Alps on the border of Austria and Italy. There are a few ways people think he died. Hypothermia, from the frozen temperatures. Vitcim of robbery, maybe got robbed and they killed him. Assassination was maybe one way. Died in battle was the last reason. Now, I believe that it there is more than one reason. I drew the reason down and came down to one thing on a website from the museum were Otzi is kept. The scientists said that there was an arrowhead found in his shoulder. Close to a lung but it did not hit one. It hit a major blood vessel so he probably bleed to death to death in a mater of minutes.
Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon: Most of the time the cro-magnon is going to win. They are smarter, faster, and have more dangerous weapons then the neanderthals. Cro-magnons look like modern day humans.
Cave Art: A site where cave art is found and studied is called a excavation site. Cave art is a way we know so much about the neanderthals.
It shows us how they hunted and did alot of other things.
Hunting: They would hunt in groups so they would get the kill most of the time. Their spears were very heavy to they could throw it very far, this is also why they hunted in groups. One way they would also kill bigger animals is they would chase it off of a cliff.
Fire: They discovered that resin burned like modern day fuel. They used it to hunt. They also used it to dry and cook meat and other foods.
Now, Timmers I hope you learned some more about the stone age... it is very interesting. I just love that I am a Cro-Magnon!!!!!
Hi Timmers! I would like to teach you some things about the stone age.
#1. Cave Art: Cave art was drawn on the cave walls by neanderthals. They would draw it on the cave walls to show what they did that day. Some of te pictures they woud draw would show hunting, anmals, or animals and neanderthals doing something.
#2. Otzi the Iceman: Otzi was discovered in 1991 by two hikers in the Alps. They believe he is the oldest mummy ever found. When they found Otzi he was wearing leather pants, jacket made from animal hides, cape, fur cap, and soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth.
#3. Vocab Words: Here are some new words that you can learn!
Prehistory:long perod of time before people developed systems of writing.
Migrate:To move from place to place.
Domesticate:To tame something.
this blog is awsome my message for social studies is really long it will be there in the morning you rock mr. klumper aka klumpdog
Well hello Water for Sixth Grade. My name is Timmers and you will be teaching me all about ancient history. The Stone Age and Ice Age are very interesting times in ancient history. I didn't know about Otzi before today so I thank you for teaching me about Otzi, cro-magnons, neanderthals, and prehistory. I apologize I can't respond to each and every one of you but each assignment I promise I will read ALL the posts and respond to those that catch my eye. I look forward to learning more with you and maybe even meeting you some day soon.
Andrew B in Period 3 what up? Domesticate is the act of taming or training something or someone to be accustomed to home life. The easiest example to think of is potty training a dog or cat. When you do that, you are domesticating your pet. Archaeology is the science of digging up and preserving ancient life forms. Otzi was uncovered by archaeologists!
Katelyn N in Period 3....I am big and strong like a caveman but have many more skills and less hair.
Carly to the Rahn in P4..what up? I think Otzi was killed in battle. Fellow Cro Magnons were probably fighting since food and supplies were so scarce in the Ice Age. Hunters and gatherers always struggled to provide food for themselves and their families.
Ethan R Period 8....easy question. The Cro Magnons would win because their weapons were much more advanced than that of the Neanderthals. Also, their knuckles weren't dragging on the ground so it made it easier to fight.
Jackson in P4...I will teach you and all of WSG one thing about Otzi. He has an awesome nickname....Frozen Fritz. Look him up on Wikipedia for a lot of cool information. Maybe someday I will tell you how old I am and where my hometown is. All I will tell you for now is that I am not as old as Frozen Fritz. Later.
Damen in P9...Thanks for teaching me about the difference between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age. Even with all my knowledge and wisdom I didn't know that.
Question for Zach Felderman-
Who do you think would win in a fight? A caveman or Troy Polamulu? Who would win in a foot race?
Kaitlyn H in P4...I thought the Vikings and Dolphins game was awesome. Cavemen like me do not like those Vikings from the North country. Ask Mr. Klumper if he is going to teach you about ancient Vikings in class.
Hey timmers its me again. The next thing I will tell you about is Otzi the Iceman. Two hikers found him in the Alps with his head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. There was a hole in the back of Otzi's head. Italian police thought it was a doll and quickly discovered it was real. They stared jack hammering the ice around the body to free it. They think that is a recent death.
#3 Stone age healers made medicines from herbs. Healers would perform brain surgery on people with head wounds or headaches. They cut a round hole in the patients skull and let out the evil spirits. They did not use the tools we use today they used bones and tools they made. They pulled infected teeth, set broken bones, and cut off limbs.
#4 some hunting methods are when they huddle around a bison and start stabbing it with there spears.Also they chase animals off of cliffs. Then they climb down the cliff some how and get the meat.
#5 neanderthals vs. cromagnons. Neanderthals had big noses to keeps body warm, they also have very low intelligence. The Cromagnons had a body type for warmer climates and were smart. They also have a body like ours.
I hope you learned more about the stone age.
Bye Timmers!!!
Jessica T. Period 9 Can you tell me what was different about Cro Magnons and Neanderthals? I want to learn!
Kate F, Carly C, and Sidney B-
Very well done! I learned a lot about the Ice Age, Stone Age, and Otzi from you and all your classmates posts!
Hey WSG-
Do you know what a caveman's favorite sandwich is?
What up WSG? It is time for Timmers to retire into his cave for the night. Thanks for teaching me so much today! I'm looking forward to learning more from you in the near future. Checking this blog is so easy even a caveman can do it so drop me a line if you wish. I'll be checking back in tomorrow.
Dear Timmers I would like to teach you about the Ice Age, cave art, brain surgery,otzi the iceman,and some vocabulary. So lets get started.
11,000 years ago the earth was in an ice age. When the glaciers melted fertile land for farming. Some ice age animals are Saber tooth cat, Giant ground sloth, and American masadon.
Back in the old stone age brain surgery was very simple. First the doctor wold take a hand axe witch was just a sharp and dirty rock and cut a hole in the guys head. Then the doctor would let the evil spirts out and that was it. Can you believe that they went there just because of a head ache! Wow!
Otzi The Ice Man
Otzi The Ice Man was found in between Itali and the alps when two moutain climbers found his shoulder and part of his head burid in the ground. So they called the Itali police, at first they thought it was a doll. Then found out it was a body but thought it was a reciet death, so they started to jackhammer the body out of the ice. Witch ruined some of the features on him. Then a scietist came and said the body was aciet and then they carfully started to dig him out.
Cave art is how the neanderthouls talked back then. We saw a picture of cave art that had some animals running away from the hunters. the neanderthouls are the ones who made the cave art and they didn't know words so thats how they talked.
.Migrate- to move one place to anthor. Exaple Geese, ducks, and other birds
. Domesticate- to tame a wild animal. The first animals to be domeesticated was the dog, sheep, and cows
. Harvest- to gather crops when its time.
. Technology- the way humans produce the items they use.
Well its time for me to go to bed so til next time. GOODBYE
Hey Timmers! How are you doing today? do you want to know who won when we played deadlest warrior? The neaderthals won! Neaderthals have big noses, long arms and strong hands. They are also short.
we got to learn abot alot of vocabulary word.Some of the words are havest and artifacts.
Hope you have a fun day!!
Hi Timmers my name is Sheridan Coyle. I just got done learning about the stoneage and I hear you want to know about it,so here are some things about it. First I will tell you about the deadliest warrior.
the deadliest warrior is about the neandrathal vs. the cro-magnon. and who do you think won? well that is something I wont tell you sorry about that but if you really want to know who won please respond to me well another thing about that is that the cro- magnon has long arms and legs and they look like us.
How did stoneage healers deal with sickness and injury? Well I'll tell you they made medicins from herbs and plants,studied animals to learn about the human body. How did they deal with ingury? THey pulled infected teeth,set broken bones,cut off limbs, and did brain surgery. Brain surgery was performed on people who had headaches and head wounds. The surgery procedures are very easy all you do is cut a round hole in the patients head and let the evil spirits out, stupid hu?
The last thing im going to tell you is about otzi the iceman.The things archeologist found with him were a cape,a birch canester, a pouch, a quiver and arrows,an unstrung bow, a hand axe, and an empty backpack. He was found on the border of Austria and Italy in 1991 by two hikers hiking in the alps. All they see is a small head and shoulders. So they call the Italian police and they think that it is a doll but qwickly found out that its real.So they startd to jack-hammre around it to free it. but it just wrecked the icemans clothing. so once he was free a preson named Dr. Henn came and saw that it was a mummy because of its dry yellow skin like a mummys. he had tatoos on his body. He was the oldest mummy ever found!How old was he you ask he was 45 years old!Wow well that is something about Otzi. Well i got to go for now if you have any qwestions just reply!Bye timmers!
Sheridan Coyle-Thank you for teaching me about Otzi and Stoneage Healers. As for your question...I'm guessing the Cro Magnons won because of their more advanced tools and weapons. They were smarter and more advanced than the neanderthals. The neanderthals were probably tougher though so I'm sure it was a good fight.
Logan D in Period 3...word up bro. Just chillin' over here in my cave learning more about ancient times. I just watched Mr. Klumper's video of discovering the Otzi. He's quite the actor, don't you think?
Dear Timmers, Hello, how are you? I heard you liked ancient civilizations. One thing we learned about this year is Otzi The Ice Man. He is the oldest mummy ever. He was found by two hikers in the alps in 1991. Now his body is somewhere in Europe.
The second thing is hunting methods. Some methods were that they surrounded there prey and jab at it with stone tipped spears. Another method is using torches to scare them off cliffs, waterfalls, ect.
The third and final thing is cave art. Cave art is important because it tells us what is happening, and also what was important in ancient times.
That should give you a little knowledge about ancient times. I hope you enjoyed them and thanks for reading.
troy polamalu wins everything
from zach felderman
Dear Mr. Timmer I'm going to talk to you about Otzi, he was a found on a mountain by a couple of hikers and they saw a head and a shoulder sticking out the ice. So, they caled the police and told them they found a head and a shoulder sticking out of the ice of course the police weren't very nice at the time. The police lood at it and say oh its just a doll we can just chop it and so they did. They started to find out it was body so they call this doctor and he was a archeolgists and said this isn't just a body it's a Ancient body. Thats how they found Otzi.
Dear Mr. Timmmers, today I'm going to talk to you about Otzi the Ice men. he was found on a mountain by a couple of hikers hiking up the mountain and they saw a head and a shoulder sticking out of the ice so, they called the cops and of course they were not very nice. So they came and said it's just a doll we can carve around it. Then they noticed it was a body so they call this doctor and hes a archealogists and he said it waas a Ancient Body., that ends my story. Haha!
troy polamaulu
go steelers they rock you know it. 6x
hi timmers whats your favorite team hi abbym.
Dear Mr.Timmins
I would like to teach you about Otzi the ice man from the stone age everybody has a differnt theory on how he died 1:they think he was a victim of a robbery 2:they think he dided of hypothermia 3:they think he was a assanatied mabe he was a leder so some one did not belive in his thoughts 4: Mabey he died in batted in the middle of a battle feild. I also would like to teach you about the feiceom sabertooth cat that was one of the most blood hungry animal in the stone age
Hello, Mr. Timmers. Today I am going to teach you about Otzi the iceman, Stone Age Healers, and the Vocab Words. The first on I am going to teach you about is Otzi the Ice man. Otzi the Iceman was 5’2" 45 years old, and had curly brown hair. Otzi was found in the Alps in 1991 by two hikers on the border of Astria and Italy. When Otzi was found all the hikers could see was a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. The hikers could see that the body had a small hole in the back of it’s head. Some of the artifacts found with Otzi were his cape, a birch canister, a pouch, quiver and arrows only two were ready, an unstrung bow, copper ax, and an empty back pack. Otzi himself and his artifact were preserved really well in the ice. I believe that Otzi died of hypothermia because his cape and shoes weren’t on. The symptoms of hypothermia are your body feels warm and so you take off some of your clothing when you are actually freezing cold.
Now I am going to tell you a little about Stone Age Healers. If you had a stomach ache the healer would give you herbs. Herbs are a plant used in spices or in medicine. The healers used animals to study the human body. In 7,00 B.C. this is what they did to help you to be healthy they would pull infected teeth, set broken bones, cut off limbs, and do brain surgery. They didn’t have bandages so they would use pine resin to heal cuts. The reason they did brain surgery was for headaches or head wounds. This is the procedure for brain surgery, #1 They would cut a round hole in the patient skull. #2 they would have them lay down. #3 They would let out all the evil spirits. Then soon after that the patient would die because they didn’t know how to stitch.
Now I will teach you the vocab words. Prehistory, Prehistory means along period of time before people developed a systems of writing. The next word is Archeology, Archeology means the study of past culture through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, pottery. Artifact, Artifact means an object made by people long ago. Now for excavation site, excavation site means a site where archeologist uncover artifacts. The next one is migrate, migrate means to move from one place to another. Now for the word domesticate , domesticate means to tame a wild animal. Harvest, harvest means to gather things for human use. The next one is agriculture, agriculture means to raise plants and animals for human use. Now for technology, technology means the way humans produce the items they use. Now for the last one nomad, nomad means a person that travels from place to place with out a permenet home
Now that you know a little bit about the stone age it should be easier for you to learn about it.
Sorry this is so late Timmers. (topic #2) "Old Fashioned Brain Surgery"
The Neanderthal would cut a hole in the patients head. Then he would let the evil spirits out.(By this time they were dead)
(Topic #3) Otzi the Iceman:
This man with dry yellow skin was found in the Alps.
He had multiple items with him such as, arrows(only 2 ready to fire), an unstrung bow, and empty backpack ,and more. The Italian Police weren't very smart so they thought it was a doll.
(Topic #4)Cave Art in 2010: We had to make pictures(at least 3) about what we do or use in our everyday lives. I had someone fishing, a CD for music, and a book. We also had to share with other people in class. We also got to see pictures of real cave art. It wasn't very good(Just kidding they can probably draw better than me.
(Topic #5)
Doedicurus(An animal from the Stone Age) Facts: It's time frame was 1.8 million years ago to 11,000 years ago. It got up to 12 feet long! Its modern cousin is the armadillo.
By the way it depends on what the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon had and if it was close or long range.
C U L8R Timmers,
Seamus V. Period 8
Hey Timmers!! I'm Morgan S. from period 4...Today I'm going to teach you about the Stone Age! The 5 Topics we will be talking about are... Cave Art, Ice Age, Otzi the Iceman, Vocabulary words, and Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-magnon.
First, Cave Art. In Tassii, Africa there were many cave paintings found in this location. In the cave art power point that we saw, there were 5 different pictures of cave art, we only saw 3 but in the first cave art there were animals running from 2 hunters. In the second cave art there were 2 rhinos hitting each other. In cave art number 3 there were lots of animals running to there master. (The second half of cave art number 3 is cave art number 5)
Second, Cave Art. 11 THOUSAND years ago the earth was an Ice Age. When the glaciers melted the land was very fertile land for farming. Some of the Ice Age animals are Giant Ground Sloth, Sabertooth Cat, and American Mastodon.
Third, Otzi the Iceman. In 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. **INTERESTING FACT!!!** Otzi's mummy was the oldest mummy ever found!!
Picturing Otzi - He was about 5'2 brown curly hair, (scientists believe that he had just had a recent hair cut) he had 3 tatoos, (one ankle, lower back, and knee cap, these were NOT for decoration)
Fourth, Vocabulary Words. Prehistory - long period of time before people developed systems of writing. Domesticate - to tame. Harvest - to gather.
Finally, Deadliest Warrior - Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon. In Period four, Neanderthal won. Here are some characteristics that neanderthals had. They had HUGE noses and it keeped the body warm, Great knowledge for berrys, and Huge molors to eat hard stuff. Here are some characteristics that cro-magnons had. They were smart and discovered farming, long legs and arms, and there body types were made for warmer climates.
Ok, hope you learned lots!
Hey Timmer whats up. Today i'm gonna teach you about the stone age.
Otzi was found in the Alps by two hikers in 1191. He had a small head and shoulders sticking out of the ice;and he had a small hole in the back of his head. They called the police which thought that it was a doll at first but quickly discovered it was real. The police thought it was a recent death result of that they started jackhammering around the body to get it out the ice. Then other people that were climbing by tried freeing it with climbing poles and axes damaging most of the clothes he was wearing. Dr.Henn arrives at the scene. He starts to inspect the body and he realizes it is ancient;he knows that cause he can see that Otzi has dry,yellow skin. It comes out that Otzi is the oldest mummy ever found. He was five foot two inches long curly hair they think he just got a hair cut,he was forty five years old. The cloths he was wearing was leather pants, jacket out of animal hides,cape,fur cap, soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth. Hoe do you think he died cause of hypothermia,robbery,assasinated,died in battle,i think he died of a robbery.
vocabulary words
Prehistory:Long period of time before people developed systems of writing.
Archaeology:Study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings,tools, or pottery.
Artifact:A object made by people long ago.
Excavation Site:Site where archaeologist uncover artifacts.
Migrate:Move from one place to another.
Domesticate:To tame.
Harvest:To gather
Agriculture:Raising of plants and animals for human use.
Technology: The way humans produce the items they use.
Nomad:Person who travels from place to place, without a permanent home.
Cave Art
Cave art back then was mainly about there hunts and animals,and other things around them. They would draw stories on the walls of there caves on sometimes they have specific caves.
The Hunt
The first people hunted with fire and made the elk have no choice but to jump of the cliff. Then they slowly progressed to only to using deer antler points. Then they started using spear heads but there spears were to heavy to throw and they had circle around the animal then they stab it with there spears.
So there you go Timmer a lot of things you need to know.
Dear Mr.Timmers, did you know in 1991 otzi the iceman was found by 2 hikers in the alps? When they reported it to the police man he thought it was a doll but, what are the odds of a doll being in the alps? Then they realized that he was a real person and that he had 3 different types of blood on him, we are all wondering how he died but Mr.Klumper gave us 4 answers to choose from i kinda forgot what they were but that is ok but ever since that day that they found Otzi it has all been and Mystery.
Timmers, that Otzi story is some mystery. But now i am going to talk to you about vocab word Atifacts: Things made by people long ago like poetry and aarow heads. Prehistory: A long period of time. Archaeology: Study of past cultures through the things that remain such as buildings, tools, and poetery. Excavation Site: Site where archaeologist uncover artifacts.
Now you know some vocab words Mr.Timmers. Do you know what cave art is? Well, if you dont I do and i can tell you more about it. Cave art was made by cavemen they didnt know how to talk and they had no paper like we do today so they used rocks and the caves that they live in to draw pictures. They also didnt know how to talk all they knew was grunting and noding so they used pictures to draw in their caves. Now you know more about cave art Mr.Timmers!!
hey timmers this is just a realllllllllyyyyyyyyyy random question but are you and Mr.Klumper freinds if not you should meet him and wat state do you live in this is alex waugh sighning out! That meeans that im leaving ok? ok. OK?>?>?.... ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and you should really post this if you do that would be fantaboulace
hi timmmers!
i heard we need to teach you about stone age. well then i will teach you.
Otiz the iceman:He was found in 1991. two hikers in the Alps they found a dead body. they saw a small head and shoulders sticking out the ice. the iceman was found on the border of Austrila and Italy. they called the italian police and they thought it was a doll. then they thought it was a recent death. they started to hammerjack around the body to free it. other people tried freeing the body with poles and axes. then dr. henn arrives and said leave the body alone and he thinks its ancient.
cave art: there are alot of cave paintings in Tassili wicth is located in africa. they do caveartto show how they hunt or they show there culture.
deadliest catch: is where there are two people and fight. if the cromagnon had a paint brush for cave art and the neanderthal had a torch witch one would win? the neanderthal would win of course because they have fire witch would burn them.
vocabulary: if you dont know what the word nomad is then heres the meaning it is a person who moves place to place to place without a home.
(and i dont know you at all!)
Morgan, Roman, Madison, and Seamus...very well done. I learned even more than I already knew about the stone age from you guys.
Hi Hanna J! I've been waiting for your post! Did you mean Deadliest Warrior instead of Deadliest Catch? I LOVE the TV show Deadlist Catch but I don't think Otzi the Iceman was a crab fisherman in Alaska! I think the Cro Magnon were better warriors even with a paint brush because their knuckles weren't dragging on the ground like the Neanderthal's were!
Alex Waugh-
Timmers and Mr. Klumper are NOT friends. I repeat: Timmers and Mr. Klumper are NOT friends. Out.
You and Mr.Klumpdogmillianare should really meet Timmers. Because he is da bomb but he is not lit because then he would die and i dont want that to happen. So ya bye and this is to Timmers. This is Alex Waugh signing off
Whassssssss Uppppppppppp Timmers?????? Hows it going???? Today in Social Studies you should have been there. It was so much fun!!! We got to test our knowledge. Dha Dha Daaaa. Anyway we played a game that we had to know our facts. If you talk to Mr.Klumper tell him I liked that game!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like jeopardy but different in it's own way.
Okay well Bye, Peace out
Hey Timmers its Kaitlyn whatz up?u???????? Any ways were was I...... oh yeah I know.
Neanderthals vs Cro-Magnon:
So ere is the difference between the neanderthal and cro-magnon.
very low intelligence
very strong hands
Huge Molars
Knowledge of berries
Huge Noses
long legs and arms
body is better for warmer climates normal strength
Hunting Methods:
The early people used fire to chase elk off cliffs but it didn't always work because the fire would go out. So the stuff they used for healing they figured out worked to keep the fires going even in the rain. I think thats everything oh one question do you know anybody named Teri Huska she teaches Kindergarded at BE? Also what is your favorite football team and baseball team? Do you like Mr. Klumper and where do you live(town, state)?
Dear Timmers,
I posted Tues night, but I can't see it on here, so I will try to do it again. On the deadliest warrior the neanderthal won because most of the senarios involved strength. one hunting method used by the neanderthals is to suround an animal and stab it with with spears untill it died. otzi the iceman and how I think he died is that he was in a battle, climbed up the mountain, died from hypothermia and later a person passing by stole some of his possesions.
(PART2)Next i want to tell you about cave art its really amazing it sybolzisis wha happeneds back ten they drew hunts and anmals some people belive that htey drew it before the hunt to bring them good luck and some think it was after the hunt to show how the hunt went.ston age heales were like doctors but the wernt very good thy made medicans form herbs and studid animals to learn about the human body. they also did brain surgy if you got a hed ac this i also wan tto talk about first in brainsurgy they cut a round hole in patients skull then they let out evil sprits and left you there so none of them were sasful. Last but not Least Artifacts
are objects made from people long ago such as arrow heads and cave art and lts more...... thanks for readind this bye.
Hey Timmers it's me Sheridan Coyle again , about the question who wuold win neandrathals It was the neandrathals who won and you're welcome and thanx for replying and you are sooo cool if you can type back to me that would be very appreciated!
Mr. Klumper did u get mine???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Klumpdogmillionaire...I like it.
I will be sure to tell Mr. Klumper you liked that game.
Thanks for telling me the outcome of the deadliest warrior.
Kaitlyn H-
Very good description on the difference between the cro-magnons and neanderthals. I do not know Ms. Huska from BE. Someday you will find out what city and state I am from. I don't really have a favorite football team, but I do have a favorite baseball team...GO TWINS.
Way to go timmers twins are my fav team to? One more question are you and Mr. Klumper friends? whay? and how?
Tmmers do you live in the usa? What is your fav band? Fav animal? Fav Bokk? Favorite movie? fav food? fav color? Best freind? Married? Any kids? Any pets?
Hey timmers its kaitlyn for the 4the time:)
Here is a joke for peep out there to answer.
What has o is the middle o at the end and high in the middle?
Hey timmers you should have been at the asselbley it r-o-ck-ed!
This one dude came with night creatures and we saw a gross tranchula, C-UTE Chinchilla, a snake, to tutles one of them he was holding and the other was on the floor and he was walking tords us and it was a snappping tutle! Yikes! Well I better go My sister is calling.
On emore joke how does 2+2=fish and how does 3+3=8?
What do churio's and the Minn. Vikings have in common?....
......there both O's in bowls...
Hey Kaitlyn-
Go Twins!
Food = burgers
Movie = tough one...Major League
Book = Sign of the Beaver
Animal = walleye
Color = green
Friend = can't pick just one
Married = yes
Kid = 1
No pets.
Is the answer to your riddle a doughnut?
The assembly sounds fun. Except for chinchillas are not cute. They are rodents, cousins of RATS.
I gave up on 2+2=fish and 3+3 = 8 so I googled it and found the answer. Clever. Anyway,
Ohigho! Because O in the begging O in the end and high in the middle! Also 2+2= Fish because when you connect them it equals a fish same as 3+3=8. And btw chinchillas are adoreable!!!! Also are you and mr. klumper friends? Why? and your message isnt finished it ended with anyway, odios!
Logan D...I love Vikings jokes. That is a good one. Thanks!
Hi Timmers welcome to water for sixth grade
Cave Art
Cave art was used to tell what they did that day and what they hunted or what kind of season it was
Otzi the Ice Man
Otiz the ice man was found in the Alps his head and shoulders sticking out nof the ground the cops thought that it was a doll at first bur quickly realized it was a real body but they thought that it was a resent death and started jackhammering it away but all of his stuff is geting recketed and all the people around started hacking at it out with poles
neanderthaws were short and stoky with big noses ans and big molers to help chew
cro mangnans
cro mangnans are like use tall not short we have smaller molers and smaller noes
hunting methouds
hunting methouds they woulg go up to it and started stabing it or would run them off cliffs and got beat by the cro mangnos
HEYO!!! I know timmers is an old topic but i kind of miss the mysterious mr. timmers. i wish we knew more!!!! timmers is awesome and i hope we meet someday soon!! peace out my homies
LEt me guess it is, i dont know ANDY
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