Water for Sixth Grade would like to introduce Johnny Rawten, Ancient Traveler. Throughout the year, we will be reading about Johnny Rawten and the adventures he goes on. As a sixth grader, Johnny discovers he can time warp. He goes into the past and discovers all sorts of ancient worlds. Your task, as the reader, is to figure out where Johnny is and what he is seeing. It all starts now.
Chapter 1: Hello, Johnny Rawten
Chapter 1 Questions for Students
its cool
weird, Johnny's Social Studies classroom sounds ALOT like yours... hmmmm.... :)
what happens if you dont have ten pictures but you have eight
This sounds like a good book cant wait to read the rest of the book!!!! :) :)
This sounds like a good book cant wait to read the rest of the book!!!! :) :)
guess who found a video of you ME west mall 7 hahahahahahaha
Morgan Tekrony period3 Hey mr.Kluper that so far is a really good book i cant wait toread the rest of it. Mr Klumper today i was out sick wat did i miss anything excited?
Hey Mr. Klumper i love the book on my computer we cant look at the viedos on mine so are we alouded to look at the blogs at school.
Morgan you missed a lot, we did a lot of cool things, JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!! :) By the way I sit right nxt 2 u!!!
Morgan you missed a lot, we did a lot of cool things, JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!! :) By the way I sit right nxt 2 u!!!
Great book so far:)
Mr.Klumper this book is so awsome I can't wait to read the rest of this book. Where can you get the books? ( can't wait till oyu move in to your new house.) I really like it do you like it? Social studies is so fun since your the teacher!!!!!!!! :):):):):)
Mr. klumper the sub was awesome but rhig and logan were talking the whole time but the sub didnt know because she was busy teaching us just wanted to let u know i hope u are getting settled into ur new house is it bigger than ur othere one wat street is it again when are u going to watch the viedo again for s.s today was my birthday and i got a blopop hahahha so wat r u doing sorry this is study hall and it is really boring talk to u when u get back when are u going to get back
I learned that the most common animal that they hunted was the mammoth. I also learned that they did brain surgery if they had headaches.
Crazy Izzy is soooo funny!!!!!!
dis book is da bomb!
But i wanna read more gimmmie gimmmie more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He sounds familiar
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