Welcome to the computer Lab. The computer lab is glad you are here. The computer lab is exciting about getting to know you. You should be excited as well. We have experienced Water for Sixth Grade a little bit so far this school year. Today, we are going to get the full experience with In-class blogging. The aspect of a blog that makes it more than just a website is the fact that you can post comments onto it. Also, you can respond to other students because you can read what they wrote. It is a big online discussion, if you think about it. Blogging is what I call a Three-Headed Monster: 1. THINKING about what you are going to write. 2. WRITING your thoughts, opinions, answers, etc. 3. READING what your classmates have written to gain a better understanding of the topic. Good Luck. Read the task below to understand what to do.
Task: "Vocab-fabulous" Get out your vocabulary packet. In your vocab packet, you have worked with numerous stone age words. For this task, you will pick AT LEAST ten of the vocab words we have done in the packet and write a paragraph/story using those vocab words. You need to use the words so things make sense, so think about a way in which you are going to accomplish this.
VERY IMPORTANT: when you use a vocab word, put an asterick (shift-8) before AND after the word. Ex.: I want to be an *archeologist* when I grow up because I like studying the past. Do not just write ten unrelated sentences using the vocab words. It needs to all go together, like a story should!
You will have a chance to read other stories written by your fellow classmates when all of them get published on the blog. Read what others have written and tell them what you think, in a respectful way, of course.
Points: 20 (2 points per vocab word used CORRECTLY)
DUE: In-class blogging means you will do it in class. If you do not finish, you will have until Sept. 30, 2009 to finish.
1. There cave art is some ways they could learn about the Stone Age.
2. What cave art taught us about is how important there animals were.They painted animals cows,dogs, and pigs in there cave art drawings.
3. "Before We Ruled The Earth". They were hunting the big elk off the cliff but then there fire went out and the elk were'nt scared of them anymore so the elk attacked them instead of the cavemen attacking the elk.Then one of the cavemen found a ressalution,Pine Ressen.
4.Why did more land improve thier lives? Well when the ice melted from the glaciers more land appered because the ice melted.The reason domesticated animals improved is because we had more land.
we leared about cavemen by *prehistory* and *artifacts*.*Archaeologists* helped us leared more about about cavemen.We leared about how they *migrated* from place to place and how they would *domesticate* dog and stuff.The *glaciers* melting let them * agrculter* and *harvest* plants.Most of the cavemen were *nomads*.Scientist help us learen how old they are from *carbon dating*. Thats how we learened about cavemen.
consept #1
we learned about the stone age by studeing the cave art they painted in caves.
#2 the cave art taught us that animals were very important becuase they were a very important thing to the cavemen.
#3they could not keep fire lit. the resolution is that pine resan kept it lit.
farm land they could have more varietys than just hunting.
it improved there lives becuase they could get milk and meat from the animals and get very good crops
I'm an *archaeologist* doing *archaeology* looking for *artifacts*.One time I went to Alaska and searched a *glacier*. For days I would crush the ice with a jackhammer, finaly, I found a caveman that *migrated* but fell into some very cold water. I find *technology* like rocks, sharp rocks, huge rocks, so realy I find rocks, rocks, and more rocks. Sometimes I find some old *agriculture*. I was reading some cave paintings, (or trying to), and I figured out that they had a hard time *domesticating* them. Some people call me a *nomad*, but I think I just travel a lot. I like to start *excavation sites* because sometimes I get to blow stuff up.
Aaron B. ;^)
prehistory was a long period of time before people developed writing, reading, and talking.archaeologist found stuff like arrowheads and carbon dated them.
i like to watch sienctists do some agucultureing. some cave men domesticated pets as companyons. the way to know things about them is to you look at paintings and artifacts. but when an apple(or any fruit) fell from a tree,they new it was harvest season.
1.They left behind some valuable artifacts an cave paintings that describes something they might of did or seen.
2.Caveart has tought us that there were people living back then an that in those cave paintings shows something they remember or accoured.
3.The problem was that they didnt know how to keep their fire going in wet damp places so they became hunted.Plus they solved the problem by using a goo to keep their fire going.
4.domestication helped because they may need wool from sheep they may need milk from cows an to mabey kill a sheep for meat an the melting glaicers helped because faming is impotant for food such as corn beans and more, Dante Genova
There once was a *archaeologist*. He was a *nomad* and liked to travel different places and find *artifacts*. He loved to learn about how the *glaciers* melted and they would *harvest* crops. He learned about the *technology* and *agriculture* in the stone age. He learned that they would *domesticate* animals like cows. He was very good at figuring out the *carbon dating* of an object. He also learned how they *migrated*
Long ago *Prehistory* was not avaible, because the cavemen could not read. Cavemen made *Artifacts* for tools. The cavemen rarely *Migrate* after elk, but they do. After the *Glaciers* melted the cavemen had more land to hunt elk on. The cavemen *Domesticated* animals like dogs,cats,cows,and some pigs. The cavemen *Harvested* a lot of grain,wheat,corn,and berries.
Long ago *Prehistory* was not avaible, beacause the cavemen could not read. Cavemen made *Artifacts*for tools to help them.
Cavemen *Migrate* from place to place to hunt elk. After the *Gaicers* melted the cavemen had more land to live on and hunt. The camemen *Domesticate* animals and plant to help them get food. the cavemen *Harvested* grain,wheat,corn, and potatos.
Today in social studies we are learning about *prehistory*. I mean *archaeology* is ok but theres way to much info. So when i got home my mom said i can't go over to my best friend Sara's house until i study for my social studies test. I decided i would use the *technology* i have been give and look it up on the internet. First, I went to Goggle and learned that when *glaciers* melted it made the land wonderful for *harvesting* crops. I looked a little bit longer but didn't find much. So i decided to look up some stuff in the book.I found a page about *archaeologists* and read that they have discovered *artifacts* all over the would from cavemen. Next, came the vocab wors.They are *nomad*, *migrate*, and *agriculture*.I found the meanings of them and relised i was finaly done with my studying. Now i can finaly go over to Sara's house!Yes!
most cave men were nomad. they domesticated animals.after the glaceirs melted. they used them to harvest crops. they migrated from place to place. they lived in the prehistoric times. archaeologist discover artifacts about how they lived. they study archology. they are the new generation of technology
During prehistory they couldn't write and there was no books so they made cave art or artifacts to tell stories and things.They migrated alot because to get new animals .
Betty was digging up some good artifacts like pots ant arrow heads, she must be an archaeologist.
A couple of archologistis were carbon dating some arrow heads they found. When they were done they thought they were from 100B.C.. My dad found the arrow heades when he was harvesting our sweet corn.
One day I saw a man just digging in the dirt but I did not know why he was digging, so I went up to the strange man and I said man why are you digging in this dirt
a long time ago in our galaxy during the called prehistory a caveman man migrated northand found a giant ice sheet or a glacier. When he got there he screamed"goladgofladradarajaerflernanananflop" and made an arrowhead to kill a saber toth cat, named henry. and in current time a achealogist was looking for artifacts and found some prehistoric technolgy: an arrowhead.from which he infered that cavenmen had started domesticating animals and faming agriculture to harvest. the archaelogist used a corbon dating machine and it came out that the artifact was only 3 days old. "hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhgmhgmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmmhmh"i dont like studying archaelogy im going home!
Long ago, in *prehistory* there was no writing. The stone age people had a very hard life in the ice age. They would have to hunt every day, for survival. In the ice age, everything was frozen and there were huge *glaciers* everywhere. They had to *migrate* constantly. Then after a long period of time everything melted and they were able to plant crops and *domesticate* animals for food and companionship. In autumn they could *harvest* their crops, which left them with even more food. They also had very slow *technology*.
For all the information they gave *archaeologists* are still searching for answers. There were lots of *artifacts* left behind; like pottery and tools. *Archeaology* is not simple and never will be, but they are sure uncover something soon from the time period of *prehistory*
When I grow up I would like to learn about prehistory. Prehistory you can still learn about achaeoly. I would like to be an archaeolist because i would like to lean about artifacts like arohead and pottery. The aroheads and pottery will migrate during age. Glaciers are big blocks of ice that move around in the water. Every year famers have to harvest their crops so they can get money to live their life.
*I would not like to be in prehistory, because I could not
In the PREHISTORY times people could not write so they made cave art.They couldn't study ARCHAELOGY yet. ARCHAELOGIST these days can find out lots of info. from long ago and can find ARTIFACTS. The cavemen MIGRATED away from the GLACIERS so they weren't freezing.They DOMESTICATE the elk so they can HARVEST their stuff without elk in the way.Their AGRICULTURE is small.They had a lot of TECHNOLOGY made of rocks.
THE END!!!!!
I want to be an *Archaeologist* when i grow up because i want to uncover proof from the past. I want to study *Artifacts* such as arowheads and pottery. I also want to study *Archaeology* because i want to learn about the past through remaining buildings,tools,or pottery.
Back in the prehistory time where there was no books cave me would migrate. The artifacts that they used
Tommy live in the PREHISTORIC times cavemen use cave drawings because there was no writing system. Tommy and sue DOMESTICATED animals so the crops would be esier to HARVEST. They MIGRATED away fom the GLACIERS so there was more farmland. They had no technology whatsoever.
1. "we learned about: potery,cave art,hunting,and things that cavemen need to survive."
2."We learned caveart is about hunting ,animals,and wepons."
3. "We learned that they got this sticky looking syrup to keep their torches lit."
4."We learnd about how to tame animals".
I want to be an *archeologist* when i grow up and see different
*artifacts* and learn about *prehistory*. I *migrate* from one place to another to sites where there will be *artifacts*. We sometimes find old *harvets* stuff from thousands of years ago. We use speceial *techlogy* to find *artifacts*. We learn about *glaciers* from around the world. are *domeisicates*.
One day in the 1980's scientists made an *excavation site*. They had found an old bone and wanted to see if there was more fore them to examine.They got one professinal *archaeologist* to come and help out the uncovering of the old bones.Every bone they found was from early *prehistory*.The scientists brought a *domesticated* dog to help find bones or *archaeology*.They found many *artifacts* that weren't bones.When they found a bone they examined it and found out that niandrathol was had frozen to death right before all the *glaciers* melted.
I think it might be fun to be an archaeologist because they study many things that were made or from prehistory. Although it maybe hard to tell when an artifact was made, you can always give it your estamate in carbon dating. many of the stone age people migrated all over the world. That is why there are many customs and tipes of agriculture. When the glaciers melted, there was a lot of unused land for people to farm. Early farmers had some way of harvesting their crops because the very useful technology like tracters were probably not yet invented. a few thousand years later they learned how to domesticate animals.
Hi fellow students I will start with Prehistory,prehistory was a time before we had no writting systems. These people worked very hard they also migrated quite often. (or in other words moved ) Back when this time was still living there was alot of glaciers . When they melted there was more land. These people worked very hard to domesticate their animals it was very important that they did this,because they wanted there animals to listen to them and so they could get there meat if they were feeling lazy. I mean haven't you ever heard of mans best friend even when those people were still stupid they still diserved a best friend. Those people did alot of gathering like there fruits, pineresin and etc. It was also very important to have some type of agriculture cause what if they killed all the animals then they would have to find some way to survive.(now rember these people are stupid) The people back then didn't have technology, but luckly smart people were born so for just a second imagen what are lives would be like with out technology to tell you the truth I think that some people are to absest with technology today. That is the end of my story yes I know it was a bit long but that is the truth. Thanks for listening to my story but I have to go bye!
I am Jonny by the way.
After Jonny was 18 he decided that he whated to be a *nomad*. after taviling from boston to south dakota, he saw a wierd looking bilding that was called "The Washington Pivillon." he went inside to see what it was like. As he walked up to the counter a nice looking lady said,"Hello. Would you like to by a ticket to learn all about the old sone age and *prehistory*?"
"Yes I would." said Jonny.
When he was done buying the ticket he started to walk up the sairs.He saw a sign that ask if he would like to be a *archaeologist* and since he did not know what that might he went over to see what it was.
when he got over there some old lady handed him a shovel and said,"Here you go." then she went off to help some kid who did not know where the bathroom was. so i just kept on walking till I came to another sign that said," Try to find as many *artifacts* as you can." I ignored the sign since there was no body to ask what any of this stuff ment. Then I past another sign that said,"This way if you woant to see *glaciers*." Since I knew what that ment I *migrated to that path. this one was way better. there was a litte movie leater that you got to see glaciers in and some other boring stuff that was called *techology*, and *carboon dating*. That was boring.
Mr. K My mom is making me go to soccer pratice so I will have to give you the rest later. you look nice today too!
When i grow up i want to be a archaeologist. The reason i want to be an archaeologist is because i love to study artifacts,prehistory, and how glaciers melted. One thing i love to do is go carbon dating at an excavation site! Anthropology is also interesting to me. I would like to know more about all of the diverse culture in the world.
I once saw this guy digging in the dirt and I thought that was kind of different digging in dirt and looking for nothing just digging so I went over to this strange man digging. I went up and ask him his name even if my Mother told me do NOT talk to strange men but I was thinking no harm could be done by asking him what he was doing. So I went up and "I said what are you doing.". He said that he was looking for bones" I said why and he said it was his job to be an archologist. To find out what happen in the past, after that we became friends and he was my father because my mom never told me that she got married to him and they got together and we all lived happliy ever after The End....
One day I was walking down by the river and found an *artifact*. It was a beautiful time of the year during the fall *harvest* the busiest time for the *agriculture* community. It was actually my *domesticated* dog Cole who had picked it up in his mouth. I determined to be an *archeologist* and open my own *excavation site* using my greatest *technology*, my swiss army knife with magnifying glass. As I looked across the valley a *glacier* once cut, I wondered how soon after this happened that a *nomad* traveler *migrated* through the area leaving the arrowhead.
When they did more research and examining they found out the nianrapol died while *migrating* from Southern America to Northern America. When the nianrapol died the other niandrapols used their *technology* to keep him alive but there devices weren't good enough. The scientists used *carbon dating* to find the age of him and other niandrapols.
The cavemen *Agricultured* to servive. The humans use there *Technology* to produce items they use. The cavemen *Nomad* everywhere. The cavemen use *Carbon Dating* to estimate the age of it.
The cavemen *Agriculture* animals and plants for use to get food. The humons use there *Technology* to produce items they use. The cavemen travel from place to place so they are *Nomads.* The cavemen use *Carbon Dating* to eastimate the age after it has died.
Hi im Sarra and im going to my friends house today. My firends name is Karra. Karra and I are going to see her dad to day karras dad is an *archaeologist* he works at an *excavation site*. Once we got in karras van and got to the *excavation site* we got all of are stuff and went to find her dad. "Hay dad" said Karra "Hay girls" said Mr. Johnson/karras dad " to day we are going to find *artifacts*" said Mr. Johnson. " well than lets start diging!" said Sarra So they started diging. " I found something" said Karra " It looks like a *domesticated* cow" said Mr. Johnson. " well lets do some * carbon dating* to see how old it is" said Mr.Johnson. "I was three years old when it died said Karra. "I found therr more *artifacts*!" said Sarra "Well I foun an area where the old dudes didnt *harvist* there crops." said karra. " Well i found anouther * domesticated* animal." said Mr. Johnson " Well i think its time to end the *artifact* hunt" said Mr. Johnson So they all went home after a fun dig. The End
during prehistory they couldnt write and there was no books.
so they made caveart and artifacts
to tell stories and things. THey migrated alot to get to new animals. they had to do everything themselves because they didnt have technology.they had to domesticate animals so they couyld help hunt or harvest food.Once all the glaciers melted everything was good to plant.They also did agricultue .Now of days theres archeology so they can learn what it was like from a long tiime ago.
Archaelogists uncover those artifacts so we can find out more about the stona age.
so he brought the artifact in. He said that the arrowhaed was frow about when they first started *domeicating* animals. he said that they had also just starded *agrucuclututre*aftrer the *glaciers* had melted.The cavemen had just * migrated* from the *Bergina* bridge
I like *prehistory* becuase it tells us how we came to be.That why I am telling you about this. *Archaeologist* have un covered alot of artifacts and other old thing all over the world.The reason for this is becuase the cave men *migrated* from place to place. they could get from Africa to asia becuase of *glaciers*. today they are still finding artifacts in *excavation sites*
MR.klumper this is my real one!! :)
There once was a boy about 12 years old his name was billy.Billy and his friends had a meeting every other day after school they would talk about things that interest them.Billy liked to talk about *artifacts* that he finds and looks at in the musium.Billy likes reallly old artifacts so much that when he grows up he wants to be and *arceologist* when he grows up.one of billys friends name is danny and he loves animals so he wants to be a farmer when he grows grows up.he wants to *domesticate* sheep cows and *harvest* many crops .another one of billy frineds is named sarah likes way back then when it was icy and had alot of *glaciers*.michell another one of billys friends likes to talk about *prehistory* beacause she loves them cavemen times.so she likes *archaeology*.fred does not talk much he just *migrates* all aroud the room.the only thing hes talked about once is *agriculture*.kane is the worst all he ever talk about is new *technology* hes obsessed when he not talking about that hes playing games.So thats what they all do after school every other day :)
Sorry, cant talk now Im just decovered some achient *artifacts*. Like pottery, spears, and arrow heads! Okay, Im done uncovering it now. Hi, Im an *archeologist*. Yes, Im the kind of person that likes to did up old things. You might say I like in the past. Okay, sorry not funny. Also, I study oh cave people *demesticated* alot of animals, and made them do their work. Yes, it sounds kind of mean, but it's NOT. They used these animals to *harvest* their crops. My job is also pretty cool because i get to be like *nomad* get to travel around a bunch. You know how lucky we are to have new *technology* these days! Back in the *prehistory* time they didnt even now how to right or talk! Did you know that the Earth was made out of *glaciers* for a while till they melted. That made for good agerculture, they farmed all the time! Well, I got to go I get to *carbone date* a 19 year old cave person! Bye!
There was once a little girl named Tami. Tami's grandpa was an *archaeologist.* He dug for *artifacts* at an *excavation site.* Near the site there were huge *glaciers.* Tami's grandpa told her that the study of past cultures through the things that remain is called *archaeology.* The people that worked at the site were studying, *prehistory*, *technology*, *agriculture*, and *anthropology.* He also said they were trying to see if cave men were *Domesticate*. And that's the end of
Tami's adventure at the excavation site.
Joe was an archaeologist who loved to dig up artifacts. He was one of the most famous digers around. He has the record for the most artifacts found in one day. He also studies anthropology. Anthropoloy is the studies of cultures. Joe is famous for the artifact that he found. It was called "that artifact". It had the most amazing drawing of a horse on it. He also sudied prehistory. prehistory was a long period of time before any type of writing was invented.
#1 We learned about the stone age by *Prehistory* and *artifacts*. *Archeologists* helped us by studying *archeology*. *Archeologists used *Carbon Dating* to estimate how old something is after it died,they also use *Excavation Sites*, that is a place where archeologists uncover artifacts.
When *Glaciers* {huge sheets of ice} melted it made more fertle land for farming ,soon people started to *harvest* crops.Then people *domesticated* {tamed} their animals so they would not be scared as much or not at all. Cows, sheep, and dogs are mostly *domesticated*.
I would like to bo a *Archeoligist* sometime beacouse learning about *prehistory* and *Artifacts* is pretty intersesting. I would also like to learn about how cavemen use there own *technoligy* and where they *migrated*. After the *galciers* melted, The cavemen staret to *harvest* food and *domesticate* animals. I also think archeoligy* would be fun beacouse sietist get to find out hold things are, or they call it *carbon dating*. They find old peaple or things in a evacuation site* then find out how old it is. Thats why i want to be a Archeoligeswt.
There once was an *archaeologist* who loved to travel around the world. He was a *nomad*. He loved to study about *prehistory*. Just when he was in 6th grade, his class dug up *artifacts*. His class also took a trip to Alaska to discover different *glaciers*. When he was about 30, he *domesticated* animals, and *harvest* crops. He also loved to *carbon date* artifacts at an *excavation site*. A few years later, he mastered studying about *archaeology* and wanted to study about *anthropology*.
I think archaeology is really cool. Archaeologists can find so many facts about the prehistory people. They can find things called artifacts. They uncover artifacts at a place called an excavation site. These artifacts or technology can be arrowheads, spears or other things. A way to tell how old the arrowheads and spears is called carbon dating. The prehistoric people were called nomads. The nomads would domesticate animals. Another thing they would do is harvest wheat, corn, and other things. That is what life was like in the prehistory.
I think *Archology* is cool because the*archologests* study *prehistory*.They also dig up*artifacts* at an *exavation site*.They use*carbon dating* to see how long ago it has died.They try to see how they *domestaceted* the animals.And look at there *technology*.When the *glacers* melted they planted there crops and later went to *harvest* them.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Hanna. She went to her uncle's house; her uncle was an *archaeologist*. That day Hanna and her Uncle Dan went to dig up *artifacts*by the confield. Then, all of the a sudden they heard a wierd sound. It was a farmer *harvesting* the corn with his combine. While hannna was digging she found two humongous teeth. Hanna's Uncle Dan had to use *technology* to call his boss. Then,Dan tried to *carbon date* the teeeth at the *excavation site*. The two teeth came from a dinosaur from *prehistoric* times. All of a sudden a *domesticated* cow jumped over the fence and it came and ate the grass right beside Hanna. They had to go and put the cow back in its fence so they could finish getting their job done for the day. Hanna asked her uncle if he thought dinosaurs roamed the area they were exploring. "Mabey *glaciers* covered the land and caused the dinosaurs to *migrate* and become extinct,"said Dan. Hanna had to go home for the dat. "will come back tomarrow to help you again," said Hanna. "see you tomorrow," said Dan.
Plus he knows a whole lot of weired words like glaciers, domestiate, nomad, migrate, agriculture, and technology.
The end
Tommy was a nomad that was diverse from other nomads. Tommy had no particular culture. Their agriculture was good
mr. klumper this is the rest of my assignment.
After the glaciers melted cave men were able to *domesticate* animals and plants. Becuase of the *technology* they had they were able to *harvest* all the things they grew.the agriculture made it more poppular for trade to happen.
thats why arciology is my fvorite thing to studie.
One day i visited an excavation site ,and I saw an archaeologist. The technology was so advanced. They can find out the estimated date of an artifact by useing carbon dating. The sit was so diverse that at first i didn't know what it was. I took a peak at his computer ,and it said,"Archeology" in big letters whichis the study of past cultures.
It also said, "Nomad" Which is a person who dosent have a certain place they live. We can tell that neanderthals were nomads because weve found there stuff everywhere.
Hi, i'm an *archaeologist who likes to dig up *artifacts from *prehistory. I love *archaeology and *agriculture. I also study the way animals *migrate. Yes, I am very busy, but *technology helps. One time while I was on my way to an *excavation site, I stumbled apon a *nomad. You'll have lots of fun and crazy storys to tell if your an arcaeologist like me. You can also learn how to *domestigate wild animals, just think of having a lot of exotic animals as pets!
When I grow up I want to be an *Archaeologist*. I would go to an *excavation site* and dig up *artifacts*. I found a artifact in my house it was a bird. Birds *migrate* south during the winter. When the *glaciers* melted there was alot of good farming land. Maybe I want to be a farmer instead. I would *harvest* my plants, use modern *technology*, and would learn more about *Agriculture*. I would use a *Domesticated* dog to herd my cattle. The *diverse* of being a farmer and an Archaeologist is that you get to plant things if you are a farmer and being an Archaeologist you get to dig.
Jon wants to be a *archaeologist* because he thinks it's cool.He wants to get degree in *anthrpolgy*.He always has dreams of findig awesome *arttifats*.He also made a fake *excavation* site in his room.Jon made a globe incased in ice to represent *glaciers*.He is excited to learn about *cultures* of the past.he likes to *harvest* our garden like the camemen from them.0nce he treid to *domesticate* some frogs but it didn't work to well.He once tanned a rabbit skin with Stone Age *technology*.He always loved *archeaology*.
Jamie wants to be a NOMAD becuase she lkes to be in different places and have more than one home. She also wants to become a ARCHAEOLOGIST becuase she likes to uncover evidence from the past. One day Jamie found an ARTIFACT while she was in Egypt. One year later she dicided to go to a new place and live, Alaska, while she was there she saw alot of GLACIERS. PLUs a little later she thaught it was to cold for her to be there so she moved to Alabama to have a farm and start to learn and do AGRICULTURE. Then when fall came she started to do some HARVESTING. Then later on she went back to Egypt to continue her dream of being a ARCHAEOLOGIST She got some new TECHNOLOGY and she was ready. then one day she found a mummie and had to do some CARBON DATING so she could find out how old the mummie was. When she found the mummie that area became a EXAVATION SITE. Then when so big time people came in they had a DIVERSE way a of doing thing. they were way different from Jamie.
Yesterday I went to my freinds house, he showed me a bunch of artifacts that his dad found,at an excavation site. He said yes and that his dad was an archaeologist. And that his dad studied archaeology in college.
I asked my freind if he knew what prehistory was and he said yes,then he asked me what domesticate means and i told him it means to tame. He asked me if i have ever seen any glaciers before,then itold him i have. So i asked him if he knew what carbon dating ment then he said it means to tell how to tell how old something is.Then I told him we each diverse cultures.
When I was home my mom and dad were telling me about how my grandpa was always digging things up. They said he was an *arcaologist*. Then they told he found a piece of pottery in the ground and that is called a *artifact*. He was on a trip when he found it now he is one of the highest ranked *archaeologist*. They told me that he would take me to help him dig at an *excavation site*. He wanted to teach me about *archaeology*. They also told me after that I get to see a *glaciar*.
I have a very funny friend that digs up artifacts so he is a archeologist. He always want's to show me the artifact's he has dug up he also tells me what he think it is. Most of the things are from the prehistory age when there are no writing documents. His excavation site's are always moving because the neandertalls used to migrete all over since they found that out they can asume that they where nomad's. He told me that when the glacier's melted agriculer was invented when they found out that the land was fertial. After agriculture they started to domesticate plants and animals. these diverse ways changed neanderthalls lives
Once upon a time there was a guy he was a Archaeologist he liked to dig up things. He loved archaeologist so much that his name was Artifact. His name was Artifact because when he was two years old he dug up an arowhead. Artifact had a brother his name was Agriculture. His name was Agiculture because he raised plants and animals for human use. One day Artifact was helping his brother domesticate some cows so they would not kick him when he was geting milk from them. Agriculture did not like technology like cell phones. So Artifact talked his brother into geting the Milking Master 3000.So Agriculture went and got the Milking Master 3000 and lived happily ever after. THE END
Alkai the caveman leader lived in a forest, 129300 in what is called *prehistory*, a long period of time before people developed systems of writing. He was a mighty leader, although he liked to *migrate*, to move from one place to another, a lot. His people wanted to get away from *glaciers* or other cold things, glaciers are huge ice sheets. Luckily the Ice Age ended leading to *agriculture*, the raising of plants and animals for human use. Alkai started to *domesticate*, to tame, animals for their own use. Though Alkai's son Gullu thought of farming, so every Fall they chose to *harvest*, to gather, the crops. Gullu decided to become a *nomad*, a person who travels from place to place, without a perment home. He thought he was *diverse*, or different, so with his father's blessing he left. Later as he was talking to his tribe and they decided to change their *culture*, the way in which individuals and groups react with their environment, includingtheir technology, customs, beliefs, and art. *Artifacts*, an object made by poeple long ago, found from this new culture were crosses.
A long time ago before we showed up their were cavemen who loved to *migrate*. One day they were going to cross the ocean which they thought was still covered in ice but couldn't because it was all water with a *glacier* here and there. They were heading back the way they came and they got half way and decided that this was were they would stay. A few years later they found the first animals to have to *domesticate*. The animals they had were dogs, goats, sheep, and cows. A couple days later they decided to do some *agriculture*. After a couple weeks they were ready to *harvest*. Then a few thousand years later an *archaeologist* started to dig an *excavation site* and found a single *artifact* We today are *diverse* from the people who lived thousands of years ago. We now know that *prehistory* had no writing and we can learn that by studying cave art.
One day there was a boy named Brady. He wanted to learn about prehistory so he could be an archaeologist when he grew up. Archaeology is the study of artifacts. He learned that the cavemen migrated, and that there was an ice age. Ice age means that most of the earth was covered in glaciers. After the ice age was over they domesticated animals and plants so they wouldn't have to hunt as much. Also, they had agriculture so they needed to harvest it every year. Did you know that technology isn't just electronics, it's also anything that humans make. Brady also learned that people that were called nomads were people who traveled without having a permanent home. Carbon dating is a method for figuring out how old something is after it dies. He learned that an excavation site is a site where archaeologists dig up artifacts. Then later on in his life when he turned 24, he became a archaeologist. All that happened because he memorized all of those words and their meanings.
one night i was laying in bed and i had a dream abount a young *archeoligist*. He was studing about *archeology*. While he was studying for archeology he found *artifacts*. While he was looking for artifacts outside he saw a *nomad*. Then he was *migrating*. When he was migrating he saw *glaciers*.By the glaciers there were *domasticate* animals. Then he went to go *harvest* those animals.When he went back to the begining location he continued *agriculturing*. At the end of the day he saw another nomad and he was *carbon dating* about the nomad.
Bob walked into the office. He saw an old man wearing an *archaeologist's* hat. He asked the man, "Is this the *archeology* lab?
"Yes," the man said,"what do you need?"
"I was wondering if I could get a job here."
"If you can anwser a few questions there might be a spot for you. By the way my name is Jim."
"I'm ready!"
"All right then get ready. What was the period of time before a writting system?"
"That's easy it's *prehistory*. We know there were people back then because there are *artifacts* to prove it."
"Very good Bob. Do you know what caused the ocean rise and made great farmland?"
"*Glaciers*made thoughs events happen. People started *agriculture* so the didn't have hunt any longer. They also *domesicated* animals to make their food."
"What did people do once a year when their crops were ready to eat?"
"They would *harvest* their food."
"Who were people who didn't have a permanent home?"
"They were *nomads*."
"Congradulations Bob. You start your job at the *excavation site* tomarrow."
I would like to visit an *excavation site* beacuase i want to see were the archaeologist work.I want to study how *domesticating* animals helped early humans.I also want to see what early humans *harvested* because i want to see what they planted and then gathered.I want to see if the early humans wor *diverse* cloths then we do because i want to see if they wor different cloths then we do.I also want to *carbon date* different artifacts to see how old they are.I want to see were early humans *migrated* or moved from one place to another.
once some dude desided to study *prehistory* he learned that *archaeologists* find *artifact* in order to study the cavemen. he looked in some books to study to he disoverd that some cavemen *migrated* to place neer his town.he then found out that they moved there because a *glacier* nere there cave. hefound out from an *arceologist* that they *domesticated* animals and plants to harvest. and that *agricuture* wasimportent he found out what the *tecknology* he found out about *carbon dateing*and *anthropology* he also found out about how *divers* other cavepeople were.
*Archeologists* have studied *artifacts* from the *prehistory* period and determined that this was a time before man developed a system of writing. We know through the *archeologist’s* studies which tools they used to hunt, build with and *harvest* crops. They improved *technology* which improved their *culture*. We also know there was a *diverse* *culture* based on the different countries *nomads* *migrated* from. *Nomads* and locals *domesticated* animals for food and possibly pets even during the stone-age. Based on the structure of the land, we can determine where *glaciers* crept during this period.
When I grow up I want to be an "archaeologist". I love to "migrate". I want to go all around the world at all different sites. I love learning about the past.
I want to "Domesticate" a dog or something.
When I was little my mom would tell me stories about *prehistory*. She would tell me that *archaeologist* would look at *artifacts* to learn more about *prehistory*. Then the *archaeologist* would use *carbon dating* to estimate the age of the *artifact*. Afterwards they would try to *harvest* information about the *artifact*. The *archaeologist* were able to learn more about the *culture* of the prehistorians. They found out that some of the prehistorians would *migrate* or leave to go somewere else. The prehistorians that keep *migrating* with no permanent home are called *nomads*. Without the *technology* we have today we know more about *prehistory*.
The *prehistory* or stone age is a long period of time before people developed written language. The only way we can learn about the prehistory is through *archaeologists* digging up *artifacts*. Artifacts are objects made by people long ago. We can tell where people *migrate* by ashes in caves and cave paintings. After the *glaciers* melted there was land for *agriculture*. Early people started to *domesticate* animals and *harvest* plants after the glaciers melted. Archaeologists dig up artifacts in *excavation sites* and find a *diverse* selection of artifacts. That is how we learn about the prehistory.
My grandma was an awesome *archacologist*. She loves to find proof from the stone age. She has always loved the study of *archacology*. She goes to old buildings and studys them. She's always finding *artifacts* such as arrow heads, ashes, bones, and tools. She orks on an *excavation site* where she uncovers the artifacts. She also tells me how those people used to live. How they *migrated*, moved to follow the beasts that they hunted. Most of the tribe didn't go because they were not stroug enough.
When the huge sheets of ice, *glaciers* evrything got a hole lot better. There was farmland! Then they *domesticated* cows, sheep, dogs, and goats. they made it so they could milk, shear, or train them. They also domesticated plants such as wheat, rice, and barley. They *havested* the crops(aka gathered)them. When they had surplus food they could sell the extras. Both the raising or the plants and the animals is called *agriculture*. How humans produce the items they need like there tools is called *technology*. After she told me all these things we were both pretty tired so she went haome and I went to my room and we both went to bed.
Yesterday we learned about *prehistory* and how *archaeologists* study it. They also study *artifacts*. The study of artifacts is called *archaelogy*. People long ago *migrated* with the animals. The people that did that were called *nomads*. After the *glaciers* moved through the land was very fertile so they could do *agriculture* and *domesticate* animals and plants. All people will always be *diverse* or different.
Part 2
Bob loves to *MIGRATE from ploace to place. One other dream of his is to *HAVEST corn and be a farmer.
I lerned about *archaelogy* and how the people in the past lived. I know an *archealogist* who loves to dig for *artitifacts* at *excavation* sites, one time she found an arrow head, pottory, and bones. when she looked at the pottory she studied their *diverse* *cultures*. Cave men were *nomad* poeple because they didn't have a permanent home. Once she found a bone that belonged to one of the first *demoestocated* animals, Aka, a Cow.
I want to be a *archaeologist* when I get older because I want to uncover *artifacts* from the past.I also want to study *archaeology*.I want to be *diverse* frome other archaeologist.
And I want to learn about *prehistory*.I also want to *migrate* to different places.Also I want to learn about *agriculture*.And I want to learn about there *technology*. And I want to learn about there *culture*.And learn about there *anthropology*.
I want to be a *archaeologist* when i get older because i want to uncover *artifact* from the past. I also want to study *archaeology*. I want to *diverse* from other archaeologist.
The famos present day archeoloist named mac dug up an artifact.this was no ordinary artifact,it was ,from mac's studies,a prehistory artifact!he found this wonderful arifact at an excavation site near Sioux City,Iowa.he used he scaning tecnology to find out how it was made.he foud out it was made by a chef. As he walked passed a harvested field, he trampled through his front door.He found out he was atcully dead.Good thing he had extra Q-tips with him. he swiped his Q-tip on a commonly used surfae."i'm going to go back to the lad and carbon date it.so when he did he found out he could use antropology on it to!he found out this chef was a nomad.and live in one of the weirdest cultures ever. What a day!
The other day I was talking to my dad's friend who is a achaeologist. He told me this summer he went to an excavation site to search for artifacts. He found an artifact that he brought back that was cabon dated to be 11,000 years old. It was a tool from prehistory that a nomad had used for daily life. We believe it was used to domesticate some animals and harvest crops. He also told me about a diverse collection of other artifacts he found. The culture was really unique.
After that we get to meet a person that tames or *demestocates* dolphins and learn about his *culture*. I was so astonished that I almost fainted.
On the way there I saw a man that had a huge backpack. Grandpa said that he was a *nomad* and he *migrates* place to place.
Dan was studying sbout ancient people *archaelogy". He found arrowheads and other *artifacts*. He used artifacts to learn about a time before writing *prehistory* and movement og people or *migration*.
when i am an archeaelist i will be a nomad because i need to travel to all the excabation sites. When i am in the excabation sites i will be carbon dating to see how old things are!!
the end
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