Concept #1: Learning about the Past: How do we learn about the Stone Age? There were no books written during the Stone Age. So, how do we know anything about that time period?
Concept #2: Cave Art: What has Cave Art taught us about the Stone Age? Discuss what cave art tells us about their lifestyle, what it tells us about what is important to them, etc. Also, share what types of things they painted for their cave art drawings.
Concept #3: Fire. Think back to "Before We Ruled the Earth" part 1. Share how they hunted the Irish Elk, what problem/challenge they faced, and how they solved that problem.
Concept #4: Domestication. We discussed via PowerPoint how things started to improve for the Stone Age people. We talked about the effect the glaciers melting had on their lifestyle. We also talked about domestication and what that meant for the people. For this last concept, describe how they lives improved because of glaciers melting and domestication. Things to think about: Why did more farm land improve their lives? Why did domesticating animals and plants impove their lives?
Points: 20 (five points for each concept completed)
DUE: in-class blogging. If you do not get finished, you have until Sept. 30th, 2009 to complete it.
Good Luck! Thank you so much for your hard work and positive attitudes so far this school year. Keep up the good work!
#1 We learned about the stone age by artifacts
#2caveart has taught us about the hunts and things that they reasently did
#3They had the probelom of the fire going out when they got to damp areas. They fixed the probelom with pineresin
#4There lives improved when the glaciers melted it made the land wet for farming
1.we look at arroheads, pottery, and stuff like that and use carbon dating.2.cave art shows us a picture of what that neanderthal saw or thinks is important.3.the problem is how to keep their fire lit,the chalange is to have the irish elk jump of the cliff, and they solved their problem by useing sticky tree stuff.4.well farming inproved their live alot because they got more food, and domesticating animals and plants allowed them to get alot of food like milk, meat, and corn.
#1 answers: The Neanderthals left cave art, tools, arrowheads, and pottery. So the scientists know what they used, where they lived, and their habitat.
#2 answers: Cave art has taught us how they hunted animals, what they use during every hunt, and what they hunt. (irish elk)
#3 answers: The problem they faced when they were hunting the irish elk is they had fire and when they were chasing the irish elk off a cliff their fire would sometimes go out and then the irish elk would hunt them.
#4 answers: When the glaciers melted, all of the land would grow and the farmers would get animals to raise and eat. Later on, the farmers would grow corn, beans, etc.
# 1 cave art artifacts
# 2 that they hunted a lot.
# 3 they faced the elk with fire but the fire whent out so they soved it by burning pine resin.
# 4 becuse the water helps them. because the animals got stonger built more muscle in there body.the animals started to eat the food.
#1 We learned about the stone age by looking at cave art and finding artifacts from underground.
#2 Cave art has shown us that they loike animals since in most cave art there is atleasts one animal so animals might be a big part of there lifes.
#3 They hunted them by scareing then away with fire trying to get them off the cliff there problem wa the could not keep there fire burning until the pine resin fell in the fire so they knoew that the pine resin kept the fire burning.
#4 when the glaciers melted the water went into the ground and made the grass better to farm in domestication helped them by things like raising sheep and selling there wool or cows and using there milk and raising plants to give them food and other supplies.
concept#1. they left around artifacts such as tools,pottery,fireashes,arrowheads, and spearheads
concept#2. cave art tells us that animals are very important,they drew them hunting animals and killing them
concept#3. when we watched, Before We Ruled The Earth, we saw that they used fire to scare Irish Elk off cliffs. There problem was that they didnt know how to keep there torches lit in moist areas and they got attacked.
concept#4. when the glaciers melted it helped them beause the soil would be wet wnd there would be lots of open feilds to plant and use the animals. we discussed the meaning of damesticate, it means to tame. tame animals helped farmers
1.There cave arts.
2.There animal. How to hunt animal. They painted animals, cows, elk, and dogs.
3.They were going to chace the elk off the edge of the cliff but there fire went out beacause the air was damp. Then some cave men got hurt beacause the elk attacked them. Then they found out how to there fire going in the damp air. Pine ressen keped there fire going in the damp air.
4.Beacuse the water that melted made the farm have somr water. So the animals can go hunt for the cave men. so they can eat the stuff on the plant.
#1. Studying cave art and looking at artifacts.
#2. What they ate and how they got the food and such.
#3. By chasing the elk off a cliff. When they got to the waterfall the torches went out. They used pine resene to make torches that wouldn't go out. #4. Beacause they got food easier and didn't have to hunt all the time.
#1. Beacuse there were cave paintings left behind and artifacts
#2.It has tought us that there was lots of animals back then that are now extinct and it also tells us that thay hunted animals for food that was very important to them thaey have lots of cave paintings of animals
#3.the problem that they faced was when the got in damp air the fire went out and then so the irish elk can fight back and they found some oak substance that burns better so damp air thaey wernt worried about it going out
#4.the glaciers melting made more farn land for them but also the water rised but that wasnt a problem so thay coulduse the farm land to start growing crops.
Concept #1
In socialstudies we learned that archaeologists have dug up artifacts. That tells us what their lives were like. Also they made cave art and that tells us what they did in their daily life.
Concept #2
Cave art tells us what they hunted and what they did every day. All the cave art i have seen deals with animals. That shows me that animals and hunting were a big part of their life.
Concept #3
They would use tourches to scare the Irish elk off a cliff. But the could not keep their touches lit in damp air. The one day when someone was repairing a wound they throw the stick thatt that pine reson on it into the fire. It caught fire and did not go out in the rain and that was a huge problem solved!
Concept #4
When the glaicer melted it changed their lives completely. Because of all the rain the land was able to grow crops. Domestiacation was also a big deal be cause now the have animals to get from them like eggs, milk and stuff like that.
#1 We learned about the Stone Age by Archeology and Carbon Dating and finding very intresting atrifacts to find a lot about the past.
#2 Cave Art has taught us how they hunt and live.Like if they have a favorite item they might draw that.
Or if they hunted the most elk in a long time they might draw that too.
#3 The cavemen hunted elk by using fire to run the Irish elk off the side of the cliff. Then the cavemen's fire got put out by the water. while the cavemen were healing each others wounds they found out that pine resin does not get put out eaisly by water they put it out in the water and cheered.HOO HAA HENU!!!!!!!!!!
1. Since there is no writing in prihistory, all we have are cave art paintings. We have found cave art that gives us sumewhat of a piture of what it was like.
2. Cave art shows that they think animals are very importan to them. most of there of thier cave art painting have animals in them. A handful of the cave art paintings havehunts show in them.
3. The probmen in the movie was that they couldn't keep the fire going in damp spots. Like when they tried to make them run off the ciff, there was a water fall right next to it. After taking care of some one in the the movie it showed that when they though it in the fire what they where using to make him better it caght on fire and then he put it out in the rain and it cept going.
4. When they got more farming land, they got some extra stuff that they didn't need so they traded it. Then they got a lot more stuff. Traning animals ment that they did not have to hale stuff aound. That helped a lot.
concept #1
we leanred about the past by studying artifacts and cave art.
concept #2
cave art helped us see some of the stuff that happened in there life time or what the hunted.
concept #3
there problem was that they couldn't keep the fire going, because the air was moist so the flame went out right away.They sofled that porblem by useing pine resent with the fire so it would make the flam last longer.
concept #4
When the glaciers melted the soil got drencged, and that helped the crops to grow better and it also help because the had more water around to mabey drink.
Well...they left artifats such as...arrowheads, ashes from fire,and tools.
In cave art we have seen tons and tons of animals one hunting and aven more animals. Animals must have Been*VERY*inporent
Well there problem was that they could not keep there fire going in damp air. But than they discovred pine resain and finaly chased the elk off the cliff.
It would easer to farm rather than hunting.And tameing the animals wow brovo cavemen
Concept #1
We laern about it because archaeologists uncover artifacts and study them to learn about the past.
Concept #2
I think cave art has tuaght us things they draw what their life time looked like so we have a beter idea how they lived.
In all of the pictures I saw there were animals. Some had hidden pictures like clocks or other things.
Concept #3
The first time they hunted the Irish Elk they used fire but, they were near a waterfall and the fire burned out. Later they found that pine resin helps it stay lit through the rain. The next time they hunt they are successful!
Concept #4
When the glacier melted it helped them a lot. It helped them because when the ice melts away there is nice soil that is all wet and good for planting. Domesticating animals will help because you tame them and they can help you hunt or supply food for you.
1#we leared aboat the past from artifats and from crobon dating.
2#it thoutht us about how they hunted. animals people and food.
3# the fire went out when it got wet so they used pine resen and the fire would not go out.
4#the glieshers melted and created farm land domesticationand they got the cave men were funny.
#1. Study the artifacts that is in the ground we can look at the cav art.
#2. The people relyon the animols. Some animols where the bisen the irishelk and mabe thay could hunt a sabertoothcat.
1. They made cave art so we can learn about the stone age.We also studied artifacts.
2. cave art has told us that they used weapon andthey wern't very bright cave art were mostly about animal fights.
3. we tried to scare them off cliffs with fire but the fire kept going out so we used pinerezon
4. so we could grow crops and herds.
#1: We learn about the stone age from artifacts,ashes,and cave art. From cave art we learn what they did because it showedwhat they did during the day. From artifacts we can see what they used for tools and how big they were. From ashes we can learn that they found out how to use fire and how long it took them to figure out how to make it.
#2: Cave art has told us that they hunted a lot of different kinds of animals. It also tells us that they see animals fighting or if they had a succesful hunt. They painted alot of animals so we think animals were very important to them.
#3 When ever the were about to chase the elk off the cliff their fire went out because it was so moist in the air. That was bad because then the elk attacked them.
They used pine resonin the fire to help them keep the fire going.
#1 We learned from the stone age by looking at artifacts, cave art,and ashes from fire. From artifacts we can see that they used pottery, weoponry, and skeletons. Cave art we can see that they would hunt animals, some animals would fight each other, and we can see about their life-style. Ashes to see how long their fires lasted and to see what they used to make a fire.
#2 Cave art was very important in the stone age. It could tell us about that persons life-style. It can tell us that maybe that person goes hunting for elk or deer. That in some cave art it might show a succesful hunt or maybe a unsuccesful with a person laying on the ground with blood around him.
#3 In the stone age they hunted Irish Elk by using fire and trying to push them off a cliff. Once they got the Elk to the cliff they tried to get them off but their fire burnt out and the Elk attacked them. They solved the problem when a medicine guy was helping a wounded man and was putting pine resin on his wound and when he was done he threw the stick that had it on and it caught on fire right away.
1. We learn about how the tribe hunt Irish Elk ,they made fire ,but it kept going out ,and to keep the fire going they used pine ressen.From the hunt two people were inguered because the regular fire went out ,but the pine ressen went on in the rain ,and scared the elk off the hill.2. Insted of talking the use cave art to tell what there drawing .In every cave art tells a story.
1. We learned about the Stone Age by their artifacts. We know they had arrow heads,spears,and fire. We also learned by their cave art.
2.Cave art has a lot of irish elk,bison,lot of hunting,deer,birds,and fishing.
3.The Stone Age people their fire went out. They yoused pineresent.
4. They had corn,crops,and
1. paintings
2. what they hunted and tamed
3.they pushed them off the cliff,keeping the fire going,they put sap on the wood.
4.they could grow crops than kill,the animals could kill not them.
#1.People went in caves and found Cave Art.
#2.Cave Men would draw Cave Art because they didn't know how to talk so thats how they communicated. And they drew them hunting sometimes.
#3.They hunted them by forcing them to go off the cliff with their torches. But the damp air made the fire go out sothen they found Pine Resin which makes it harder for the fire to go out and then they got their food.
#4.Because they were getting smarter and cause when the glaciers melted they could farm and find more food so then they would train their animals so they would'nt kill them.
Ethan Horner
#1. The best way to learn about the stone age is to study artifacts from that time period.
#2.Cave Art has taught us some things about their life such as what they did that day, what they hunted, etc. Most cave art is of them hunting.
#3. The cave men would hunt the elk by having lit torches and driving them off a cliff where there would be people at the bottom to kill them. It was hard to kep their fire lit in the moist air. They fixed this by using pine resin to keep the fire going longer.
#4. The glaciers melting helped them in many ways. Since the ground wasnt frozen, they could plant crops and farm there.It also gave them the chance to domesticate animals like cows, goats, and sheep. studying their caveart.
2.that they used to hunt tith speers.
3.they huntid it by surounding it and stabing it with speers and hiting it on the head with a rock.
4.they coud grow crops and rais live stock.
#1 we look at artifacts that thay left be hind to find out how thay lived
#2 thay rote about what thay did like hunting and also spearecule stuf and animals thay saw
#3 thay trided to get the elk to go of the cliff but there fire went out they salved it by using pine reson
#4domesticating animals help them with hunting and carying things and domesticating plants helped them to eat more with out the risk of being trampeld and as herbs to heal them
Concept #1..... Artifacts, archaelogists dig up artifacts to see what they can learn about cave people.
Concept #2.... what they hunt, their spiritial thought, what happened back then in their lives.
They show lotls of animals sometimes the animals might be represented by people. We are not 100 percent sure that what we THINK it mean is what it is.
Concept #3.... Well, they drove the Irish elk off a cliif by scaring them with fire. The problem was when the fire gets around damp areas or lots of wind the fired will go out. Thats why they have to drive them off the cliff quickly. They figured out that the pine resin, what they used to heal cuts would keep the fire going around those kind of weather conditions.
Concept #4..... The glacies melted and grass, good farm started to grow. They used lots of animals to do some of the work for them (examples: dogs,sheep) they demesticated(tamed)them.
#1. we learn about the stone age because of all the things they left for artifacts....
#2. it has tought us about how we has told us how they lived and how they got through the hard times...
#3. how they hunted the elk is when they were doing it the frist time they used fire but hten it went out so alot of people got hert so they had to use alot of elk guts and when some one put it in the fire it was raining so they went out side and i did not go out so they chased the elk off a cliff..
#4.because they did not have very good lives so it was good for them to have new land so that they could have beter lives....
#1 artifacts
cave art
#2what they hunt,eat,and do for fun
animals, people ,and weapons
#3they used torches to drive them over a cliff to their death. there fire would not stay light so they put pine risen so it could light for long peirod of time.
#4they could farm for food and the animals could pull the heavy equinment and plows. they did not have to hunt every day
#1 because we have found artifacts
#2they used to hunt a lot. hunting was important to them because they didnt have stores to go to for food.
#3 they had tourches to chase them off the water fall. they couldent keep there torches going so they used tree sap.
#4animals gave the people food and plants gave them food. it made it so it wouldent be all ice because dirt is not cold like ice.
concept#1: we dig up artifact examples arrow heads and ashs
concept#2: it has taught us how hard there life was how they hunt what they hunted they hunted irish elk and bison......
concept#3:they hunted the irish elk with fire and they tried to run them off the cliff but there fire went out and they became the hunted......
#1. they study arrow heads and drew on they wall like spears and animals fron the stone ago.
2 it tells us about how the cave people hunted back then.
3 first there fire went out and the elk took over but the cavemen got fire that can not go out and they got the elk to go of the cliff.
i like powerpoints about cavemen they rock
1. They would draw pictures on the wall.
2. It tells us that they had to hunt for there every day meals.
3. They chased them with fire,of a cliff/waterfall. But there fir ekept going out, so they wied a healing earb in the fire and it sayed lit in the rain.
4. Well they were able to grow plants like rice and more, and they had animals so they didnt have to go hunting.
#1. We can lear from artifacts that archeoligist find then they can try to figure out what they used the artifact for and whatthe artifact is.
#2. We can find out many things about them like what they hunted, what they ate, and importaint things that happened. Cave art has tought us many things about neadertalls like alot of paintings have people hunting so we can figure out that they hunted alot.
#3. they hunted the Irish Elk with fire but they where in a damp place and their fire went out. They solved their problem with pine surup because it would eep the fire burning a long time.
#4. More farm land ment more food for the people and the invention of agriculture to halp with the growing of plants. Domesticating plant's helped because it is easyer to work and harvist things that are tame than things that are wild.
Cave Men weren't that smart (dumb) back then. Which was a long time ago like "prehistory". They found really old things ("artifacts"). So they started to move to South Africa so they "migrated". Then all those big,mean,and ugly "glaciers" melted so then everybody was happy. And then they started to "domesticate" their animals. They started to use their "technology" then they were smarter.
The sientisted leand about the stone age. they used there tools to help them lean about it.
The sientistes dug up there bones and they study there history and there taught us about what they did back in the days and how they huted in the days and what they tells us how they ate and how they servived and how they hunted and whats going on in there life and how they lived.
#1: We can learn from the artifacts that they left.(example pottery,arrow heads,Fire ash and many others.
#2: They would usauly draw what they did that day like if they hunted they might draw a type of animal and them throwing a speare at it. They may have some type of animal god that they worship and they draw that.
#3:They hunted the Irish Elk and they did this how you ask? They use fire to scare them a way so they would form groups to lead the pack someware else . They would lead them to a cliff or waterfall but as you know waterfalls can be very damp areas so there fire went out.So they tried this another time but they used pine rosin on the sticks and the fire didn't go out so they pushed the elk off the waterfall or cliff.
1. When scientists found old bodies they took them back to their lab and found out they were niandrathols. So when the scientists found out more about their culture they went back and made a digging site find more to teach. 2. When we studied some caveart last week we saw that it looked like they only painted about the spirits or about fights against the Irish Elk or the Big Horned Bison. It tells us that they hunted a lot and that they didn't have much to use for color when they painted their cave art.
3. When we watched the How we ruled the earth we saw that they didn't have much to kill the elk but spears. Then one night they found out how to make fire they tried to run the elk of a cliff but then thier fire went out and the elk werent scared any more.That night when they were cleaning up wounds the erb onthe stickwent in to the fire and the fire never went out.So when they went hunting the next day they used the erb and ran the elk off the cliff.
1. They drew pictures on the wall with rocks or sometimes their fingers. the diggers found some stuff that they ate such as wheat and so on.
2. life what they did such as what they killed what they ate and so on
3.when they tried making the elk jump of the cliff t
1. Along time ago, they did not have any type of comunication.So archeologist study them by finding artifacts. 2.Cave art tells us there way of life like what they hunted, what they grew and what they did. 3. When they discovered fire. There was one mainproblem which was keeping it lit. 4.When glaciers melted, they used the land for farming and used animals for food,fur, and .
1. They used a languege and hand motions by communicating.
2. Cave people painted to represent about them.
3. They used fire to scare them
off a waterfall ledge.
4. Because there would be sheep so they could shave off the wool for warmth.
#1:We learn things about that time period from cave art that they drew
back then and artifacts that we dig up.
#2:Some types of things that we learned from the cave art are, that they hunted animals, and they used spears and such weapons to hunt w/, but they also used the weapons to surround the animals w/ when they found the animals.
#3:When they found the irish elk
they had fire, but they had a problem, the fire went out in the
damp air...
#1Cave art gave good info about the stone age. artifacts also told a lot.
#2 Cave art told us what they hunted and what they hunted with.they painted things like animals.
#3 they chased them with torches to make them run of a clif.but there fire went out
1.they can study cave art and thye studie differnt things like artifacts. taught us about their lifes like what the do like they hunt thatlike htye hunted deer they hunted irish elk and all those other type of animals.
3.thier problem was that thier fire would always go out so one day someone got hurt and the use this plant thing and when they threw it in the fire that stuff it didnt let the fire go out.
4.because of the glaicers melting they had water and when they hunted they would throw the nimal over the cliff into the water.becaus the glaicers mellt ed so now thye have more land now.becuase thye can shoot them with out getting hurt and it can be medicine.
#1. Archaeologist go and study about the past. They go and find artifacts such as pottery, tools, buildings, and cave art.
#2. Cave Art taught us there are different animals, the way people hunted, and what they lived in. They painted things about how they hunted, what they hunted,and what was going on then.
#3. They hunted hunted the Irish Elk by chaceing them of a clif with the fire. But then there torches went out because the air was damp. Then they figured that they could put pine resen on a log and lit it on fire so then it wont go out then they ended the hunt successful.
#4. There lives improved because the ice melted and more farming land was avalable and there was enough water. Domesticatng animals helped them by hurding other animals and plants there was more food.
4.thier is more watter. Thier is more land. The wild dogs protected you and the wild wolfs protected you too the Stone Age trand thim.
one day there was archaeologyist . He was tring to study the past . but he could not because a. Gaint Bisne was being annoying some how the archeologyist taught . The bisne to be nice.
We learn about the stone age through artifacts and cave paintings. Archaeologists can dig up artifacts and determine how old it is by the carbon dating. We can track where people migrate by campfire ashes, other artifacts, and cave paintings.
Cave painting can teach us a lot about early people. Like what they hunt, or various things about what they believe.
"Before we Ruled the Earth" the ancient stone age people hunted irish elk by scaring them off a cliff with fire. But the water fall would make the air damp, and put out their torches. then the irish elk would attack them since they no longer had the fire to scare them. They finially overcame that callenge by putting pine resign on the wood and lighting it on fire.
The glaciers melting allowed for them to start farming on fertile land. Domesticating plants and animals allowed them to eat plants and animals they grew and bred. That improved their lives by making it so they didn't have to hunt dangerous animals and risk their lives. That is how domesticating plants and animals improved their lives.
1.We learned about the past by people discovering human and non-human remains.
2.Cave art has tought us about what animals the hunted and what thay did day to day.
3.The problem was that they would get the elk where they wanted them then their fire went out. They solved it bye putting tree sap on their log to keep the fire going.
4.Domestication was an important part, because they could eat the animals or use their asistance. So it would make survival easier and safer.
1.We leanred about the stone age and how techonologey got bigger. 2.Achologistis have found things made lon long ago by the cave men. Back then there were no books or writing, or even english. Cave art and artifact were found by archologists, and the halp us learn more about the people. They painted cave art about things they did.
3.As we learned in
"Before we Ruled the Earth pt 1
tha they went on a hunt and they tried to drive the elk off the cliff with fire but unfoutunatley the water in the air made the air damp so the fire went out and the elk attacked them. But they solved that problem by puttin pine resenue on the wood, they also used it to heal wounds.
4. Domesicaton made them able to breed the plants and animal. This saved their lives so they could eat the plants and animals.
5. When the glaciers melted i gave them farmland to use domesticatin on their plans and animals.
#1. we no what they were like because they left some stuff behind and argioligests dug it up and thought that it was from them.
#2.they painted their hunts and what they thought was important. they drew pictures of the animals they hunted and things like the plan on killing the animals. mabey even a calender.
#3. they tryed to force the elk of the cliff so they would tummble to there death. that didnt happen because their fire went out. they solved the problem by putting tree sap on their torches so it wouldn't burn out when they were in damp areas.
#4. domesticating animal was good because they could protect you and give you meat and supplie you with wool for your clothing. farm land improved their lives by supplieing them with beans and corn and wheat.
1.We know about the stone agfe because of there culters and wat they do in life. we know about them from cave writings in sapin and protugal. We also learn from them by what they eat and what they hunted. We know what they hunted because u can find thing that were skinned from there time.
2.cave art tells stories of there cultures. they show pictures of what they hunted. they also told things that is a tragety that they have gone through. they paintd animals,deer,people,etc.
they also showed when they discovered of FIRE!!
3.When they hunted elk it was a problem.
The problem was when they led them to the cliffs, there was a big waterfall, but there fire would always go out so the deer werent scared of them anymore.
There was also the problem that the sabertooth cat is also surviving for food. If one of those cats gets a hold of anybody...there dead meat !
4.when the galciers started melting the earth started to flood. whyen all the water went down into the earth all the plants and food started to grow a whole lot more. There agriculture went up alot. Theso people didn't have to suffer so much. Alot of people didn't die on the hunts because there was more potatoes and things.
1. We could look at what they made and the wall as cave art.
2. Cave art taught us about the stone age and the day they had hunting if they caught any thing or if they came back to the cave with no irsh Elk to eat. and the cave art also told us if they got hurt during the hunt.
3. They tried to chase the Irish Elk off the cliff so hte other caveman could get it. But that did not happen they did not know how to not make the fire go out in damp areas. So the Elk came chargeing after them because the Elk was not afraid any more.
4.The reason more farm land had gotten better because they got different soil and then food started to grow and then like rabbits would probley eat the food and then the caveman would have rabbit stew.
#1. from artifacts,cave art and ashes archeoligists studie all of these things.
#2. cave art tells us what the people were intrested in like what animals they hunted and how they hunted and what they did though the day.
#3. they hunted irish elk and they tried to run the elk off a ledge with fire and the elk would fall to thier death but when the got to damp areas the fire would go out.
#4. domesticated animals helped the stone age people hunt and also herd animals and glaciers helped because they got more land and could grow food and harvest.
#1.we learn about the past from the fossils and cave art.
#2.Cave art tells us they had a vived life.some things that mke their lif vived is that they had a little brain so they try to figure things out.cave art tells us sometimes what they like,eat,or some thing they are proud of.They painted some things like animals and hunts.also they painted fruits or vegis they can eat.or things that help heal their wounds.
#3.the problem they had was they could not keep their fire going in moist areas.they solved their problem by putting pine ressin on their stick then put it in the fire.
#4.when the glaciers melted it changed their because they could now farm.Domestication helped them because they could get food more easily instead of hunting all the time.
1. We know about the stone age becuase there is cave art,bone,and tools. Also we learn by what they eat becuase we can find ashes from fires and i guesing that they can have some sort of meat in them.
2.The cave art can tell us what they went throught like they could go through a big hunt or the could have gone threw something like there biggest discovery... FIRE
3.One of the problems that they went through is when they almost got the Irsh Elk ove the water fall there fire went out,that was one of the problems. So there sulotion wasthat they would put tree sap on the fire or PNE RESIN.
4.Whe the glaciers started to melt, after a litle while the ocean started to get bigger so the sore line got biuger to.So aftert the Glaciers melted it uncovered land ther was alot more farm land and now it would be way easyer to to eat the animals they have then go hunting every day.
#1 Archeoligest dig stuff up like... bones, artifacts, and look in caves and find pictures of them doing what they do.
#2 CAve art tells how they lived like how they hunted, what they belive, how they heal, what they do when they have spare times, what they live in, and showed what they used for daily chalenges.
#3 Their concept to get food is to drive the elk off the cliff. They were good at it like, tracking them down and getting them to the cliff, but they had one problem. When they got to the cliff, their fire burned out with all the moister. Then the elk wern't scared anymore. peaple got hurt and peaple died. But, they found out that pine ressen would not burn out in high mosture areas. They hunted again and, WALLA! They got meat, the elk died.
#4. When the Glacers melt, the caveman were able to Harvest food, and animals they could raise. Witch ment when they raised animals, they could get products out of them, and they could harvest food, Witch not as mutch hunting, witch ment not as many peaple getting hurt.
Go Mr. Klumper, im your favorite =]
1 Archalogist dig up airheads stones pottery and bones that they use for tools. How the cavemen lived.
Answer#1-Arciologist studyed cave men sites and found caveart, spears,ash and other artifact. We also found bones from the caves and dishes.
1.We could dig up artifacts or fossils or find some cave art and observe them.
2.It taught us about what cavemen did and what they saw every day and could learn more about the past if we found more.
3.the problem they faced is that they needed to keep the flame lit in damp inviroments and they solved the problem by putting pine resin on the end of the branches which (somehow) made the fire last longer.
4.Because of the glaciers melting, there was more land for farming.
1. We dig up artifact. We learn about how old artifacts are and artifacts tell use how people lived back then.
2. What the people liked and what they did. They also told use that the people hunted.
3. They used fire to hopefully drive the elk off the cliff.
4.They eat some of the animals that they domesticate.
1. from artifact,cave art and atless and archaeobgist studie all of thing.
2.cave art tell us what people are
intering.They haunted for animals.
3.they haunted irish elk and they hanted for animals. the fire went an they were chaseing elk and then
concept 1. We learn about the stone age.From the artifacts that the cave men left behind also the archaeologist dig them up.
concept 2. Cave art has taught was about. What is inportant to them like animals and the tools that they used. They painted animals and them hunting.
concept 3. They ran after the iresh elk and their fire gos out. Then at the next hunt they some sape stuff and that helped them get the elk.
Answer #1-We learn about stone age from watching vidios and writing facts about it. We know about that period because of bones scientists have found and cave art they take off the walls in caves they find.
Answer #2-Cave art told us that they went on hunts and they like animals and they see how old the paintings are. They didn't have very many things and they went on hunts for there tribe to eat and what they eat. They drew paintings of hunts and animals and there tribe.
#1.We learned from the internet and about how the caveman got food and they killed a animal called a Irish Elk.
#2.That they had some kind of gods and they killed animals and they knew how to draw and make food and how to hunt.
#3.They used fire to scare them of the clifff but there fire got to moist in damp areas and two cave man get hurt and then they use sap to keep there fire running.
#4.The grass got big and the flowers and plant got bigger and then more animals came and that ment more hunting for caveman.
Concept#1 We learn about the Stone Age by recovering arrtifacts,and bones,stone tools,and cave art.
Concpet#2 Cave Art is drawings drew by cavemen or neanderthals. The pictures in the cave art was usially of animals or describing hunts from that day or from days before.
Concept#3 Fire changed the Stone Age in the way of the hunt, because all animals feared fire but, their were problems with keeping the fire lit in damp air. Like in the video before we ruled the earth part 1 when the hunters tried to drive the irish elk off the cliff by the water fall but,the their torches went out in the damp air and the elk attacked. The hunters solved the problem by using pine resin whitch they used to heal wounds. they used the pine resin and it made the torches stay lit in the damp air. So they tried again and this time they succeeded.
Concept#4 It improved their lives because they could domesticate animals, so they could rais them to eat for food, and they could also do this with plants like beans,corn,barly,and wheat.
1. We learn about these things though information archeaologists learn from artifacts. We know of this information, because cavemen and women made cave paintings about the past. Archeaologists dig up fossils and other things.
2. Cave art has taught us about animals, cultures, and religion. Cave art is of animals they hunt, animals they raise, items they use, things they see, or of predators.
3. The challenge they face is that fire is dying out on there torches. Sap keeps it burning and is how they solve the problem.
#1.We learned about how the stone age was because,archaelogists dig up stuff from the past like pottery,tools, antlers. Like they hunted the Irish Elk that stud nine feet tall.
#2. Famous cave arts are in France,Africa,Portuagl. They get colors by grinding rocks and plants together.
#1. You can tell by the paintings or bones that are left behind.
#2. Cave art has told us what kind of animals they hunted or how they lived. The cave art that tells about their life would be the ones that show animals and people since that's what their life was most about. It's important to them because they can't go to the store and buy french fries for two bucks, they have to work for it, just like we have to work for our grades or to pay the bills. They painted animals and people mostly.
#3. First, they split up the group. Then the first group went down to the bottom of the cliff and the second group, with their toarches, tried to chase the elf off the cliff. After that the fire went out, the elk trampled the cavemen and a few got hurt.
#4. Because the glaciers melted, some of the land flooded, but that turned out to be a good thing ,because later grass grew and the people learned how to make crops so they didn't have to hunt as much. Also why they didn't have to hunt as much was because they figured out how to domesticate animals.
concept #1: Archaeologist can dig up artifacts and estimate what time period they're from. Then from the artifacts they can understand what they huanted, what they haunted with, and what they ate.
concept#2: We can learn how they huanted, and types of things they did on a daily bases. They drew a lot of animals that they huanted, because that was important to them. besides animals they drew people, food , spirits, and storys.
concept #3: They huanted Irish Elke by lighting pieces of wood like torches. They tried to drive them off cliffs but thier fire would go out. They solved the problem by using sap to keep the fire going longer through rain and wind.
concept #4: The glaciers melting made good farming soil, so they grew vegetables and fruit which meant less huanting and more food.
#1-Arceologysts would dig and they would dig and they would find cavemen bones and fossils. And they would take the information they new and they would put it into books.
#2-Cave art taught us symbols that cavemen had a long time ago
1. We learned about these people by finding artifacts,fossils,caveart etc. We also learned about these intresting people by useing the method carbon dating.
2. Caveart tells us what there hobbys were or what they liked to do. It also tells what tey were feeling. they mainly showed holy spirits or there hunting trips.
3. The cavemen chased them with torceshes until they fell to there death,well that was what supposed to happen. It didn't cause their torches went out. they used pinerisen for cuts and they put pinerisen onthe fire then it kept going in the damp air.
4.farmland helped them by having more room for their animals. Domestication is training they trained there animals so they would listen to them. Glaciers helped cause it made more room.
1.The archaeaogist dagup thing that are thousands of yers old sush as old botals,spers,arohede's,
1. We learn about the stone age by looking at things that were either made back then or were there. We could dig in the ground or wherever as such and find some artifacts that cavemen would make so that they may use them.
2.they colored pictures of bison elk them hunting
3.they tried to scare the elk of of a cliff and they failed because there fire went out. they solved the problsem by puttin pine reson on a stick
4.there was more farmland and the soil was softer and they di not have to hunt for food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they got crops
We learn more because there is very smart people that can look at something and find LOTS of facts about it.:)
They paint the things that they have done before of things that are very important to there lives like killing giant elk and other things:)
They couldn't get the elk to jump off the cliff to kill them b/cause their torches kept going out so they couln't scare them:)
Cause its safer to have farming land then to risk your life cause you dont know if the animal your killing could back fire and kill you:)
1. We learned by studying the ashes in the fire pits, and looking at the caves, or sometimes they used the method of carbon dating.
2. They would use cave walls as their way of story telling, or writing. They painted lots of things that were important to them; like hunting, food, and survival.
3. They first tried to scare the elk off the cliff but their fire went out. They were using pine resin for wounds, and they learned there was also another way to use it. When they put the pine resin on the torch it would stay lit, even in the rain. So then they could run the elk off the cliff without the fire going out.
4. It was a great thing for them, because when the ice age was over they could raise animals and feed with plants. In that way they could eat the animal, instead of going out to hunt and putting themselves at risk for getting killed.
Concept 1
we learn about the stone age by archaeologist and when they find things like arrow heads <>< pottery,bowls,dishes,and cups.
Concept 2
Cave art shows us thing that were important to the cavemen and thing that were vital to surviving.
Concept 3
when the cavemen hunted the irish elk the used torches to scare them off the cliff but their torches went out until the found that pine resin would keep the torches lit in rain and damp air.
Concept 4
domesticating animals helped them have food and resourses with out risking their lives to get them and they also have something to warn them is something was coming. the cave there were drawings about what they did and hunted and how the past was.
2.It tells us about what they hunted and the animals they hunted. where they live and how surval was back then.
3.They tried scaring the irish elk off the cliff with there torches but there flame kept dieing out so they had to find a way to keep there flame going. Their doctor was healing someone with a speical kind of plant that kept there flame going. Thats what helped them suceed to kill the irish elk.
4.When the glaciers melted that helped cause now they can farm and grow crops so they have food. Their pets helped them hunt animals and if the people were really hungry the ate their pet.
1.People found out about the Stone Age becuase they left some of the tools that they used and they used tiger tooth and axes and there most powerful fire!
2. Cave Art has taught us that they used drawing to talk to each other because they did not know how to read or write. They painted like animals, them hunting, and things that they thought was important in there life.
3. They all had fire and were really excited because they found what they were looking for. The first time they tryed it they all ran togather and chased the elk with their fire and ran the elk down the waterfall but when they got close to the waterfall there fire went out so the elk turned around and started to attact them. So when this girl was helping someone she had risen to help heal the cut and put it in the fire and someone else saw that it started on fire and blew on it and it stayed lit up so they tryed it again with the risen and it worked!
4.It was more safe for the people becuase they did not have to hunt as much. Because they had rice, beens, corn and more so yeah.
1. We can use carbon dating,that is when you get an artafact and scientests studdy it.
2. Cave art was very important to them because they showd how they hunted.
3. The chaleg they faced was that when they would tri to chase the elk off the cliff there fire would go out.
4. the more farm land the more food. the animals made it so they did not have to hunt.
1. archaeologist find information though artifacts.
2. it tells us that they hunted, and lived in caves.they draw animals,hunting, what they hunt,and what tools they used.
3.they would chase the Irish Elk off cliffs but thier fire wound go out because of the damp air and the Elk attacked.they used pionreson to keep the fire going.
4.the farm land improved thier life because they could plant and harvest plants faster then finding helped them life becouse domesticateing animals is easyer than catching animals it gave them food.
1.We can learn about the stone age from carbon dating, reading tree rings, and cave art.
2.Cave art taught us about their way of life and culture. They drew alot of hunting and animal scenes. Which means there was alot of animals around them and they hunted to survive.
3.Whenever cavepeople took fire near water it always went out. They could not scare animals off cliffs to kill them. Soon enough they discoverd that pine resion keeped their fire going even in pouring rain!
4.Farms inproved peoples lives because they no longer had to hunt or gather their food. Instead the could go and get one of the crops or animals they raised to eat.
1.They wrote on walls and there is artifacts on what they used like arow heads spheres or the hand ax.
2.They drew what they did or drew what was in the past.
3.They used fire then the fire went out in damp air and then wants the fire went out the Irish elk atacked and injered two cavemen.
4.Well it helped the farming because it gave the grass and plants more water and i grew,the plants grew bigger and so did the trees so the cave men can see moer land than they used to see.
Arcioligist learn from the artifacts and cave art that the cavemen left for us. Cave art tells us how they hunted, the weapens they used, and how they made fire. At first the fire burnt out in the damp air and the elk hunted the cavemen. They found some sap that didn't burn out to solve the problem. The farm land ment they din't have hunt that often because they would more water and veges.
1. Scientist's found cave art arolund where they live, then there were books and stuff on the internet. They also found artifacts.
2. It taught us about their life style and what they thought was important.
3. They tried to chase the Irish Elk off a cliff but the mist from the water fall burned out the fire. one of them put pine resine on a stick and threw it in the fire. they picked the stick up and took it outside in the rain and the fire did not go out.
4.When the glaciers melted ti made lots of water and farm land so they started to domesticate plants and animals.
1. We can learn from archeology digs, artifacts from those digs, carbon dating, and cave art.
2. Stories about things they did or how they did those things. They relied on the hunt to make tools, shelters, and food. They also drew in the pictures hunting and animals they hunted.
3. They hunted elk by scaring them off cliff edges with torches. they didnt know how to keep the flame going in wet areas. They used pine resin on there torches.
4. The glaciers melted opening more farm land. Wich gave them more food. Animals also helped them with crops.
1.There are people who look at caves and study them ; most caves have cave art and artifacts to tell them about the past.
2. The cave art tells us what they hunted such as deer, horses, elk, and ocasionaly panthers and rhinoceroses.
3. The cavemen used fire but the flame kept going out so they tried some pine resine and the flame didn't go out.
4. They had better soil so they could plant more plants; they could control the animals and plants so they would not run or spread out as often as wild animals and plants.
1. There are people who look at caves and study them ; most caves have cave art and they also study artifacts about the past.
2. The cave art tells us what they hunted such as deer, horses, elk and ocasionaly panthers and rhinoceroses.
3. The cavemen used fire but the flame kept going out so they tried some pine resine and the flame didn't go out.
4.They had better soil so they could plant more plants; they could control the animals and plants so they would not run or spread out as often as wild animals and plants.
1. We learned about the Stone Age becase peope have been studing about it and they have seen there cavesand they have dug up artifacts.
2.Cave art tells us about there lives because because they did not know how to write and how to read. The paintings on the cave walls where like animals,people killing the animals, and things that where importent to them.
3.The peple tried to kill the IDris Elk by hunting them and then they would charge at you.So the peolpe hunted the Irish Elk by scaring them of the cliff and that is how they died. That is how they solved the problem.
4. People got more farm land because the glaciers melted and there was farm land for the farmers to have. The people grew crops for them to eat.Plants and animals improved in there lives because they needed somything to eat so they ate animals and the animals got bigger by eating the plants.
concept#1- How do we leaern about the stone age?
-Archaeologist have found many artifacts such as a hand axe, torch, and the remaines of ashes. When the archaeologist fuond the ashes they knew that the cave men knew how to make fire.
concept#2-Whay has cave art taufht us about the stone age?
-The cave art shows us that the cave men couldn't talk so they had to comunicate threw pictures, Witch they drew on the cave wall.
The pictures they drew are still on many cave walls today.
-When they had to hunt the Irish Elk they would push them off of water falls and some of them would be waiting at the bottom for some of the Irish Elk to run and jump off of the water fall. But when they tried to do this they did face many challenges, but one big problem they had was how to keep there fire what they did was they put pine resin on there there stick and then out it on fire so then they could make the Irish Elk run and jump off of the water fall with out the fire going out wich made it alot easier.
-When all the glaciers melted and they got more farm land it made there life soooo much easier because they didn't have to hunt for food and risk every ones life they could just grow food.
1 We can learn about the past by researching artafacts.
2 It can tell us about what was important to them and how they lived.
3 They hunted the Irish Elk by runing them off the cliff. But there was one problem the flame went out, and the hunter bcame the hunted. After that they found out that the pine resin made it so the flame would'nt go out.
4 When the glaicers melted it created good farm land. When the animals where domesticated it became even better for the early humans. Just think instead of having to hunt every day now they can eat what they have grown and raised
#1 we scients study artifacts and other thinings about the Stone Age.
#2 well cave art taught me about the stonne age that they ussed this and that but most of all they did not now how to talk so they drawed picture.
#3 when they were by the water they had a torch and then the mist of the water made it go out but they decofer a new way to keep the flame going. They used pine resone to keep it going.
#4 it made their lives better that now we dont have to hunt for are food we can grow it.
1.In the caves there were drawings of their life and the artifacts tells us what they used
2.It tell us what they hunted and what they used to hunt and it also tells you how they survived back then
3.They would get a torch on fire and they would try to scare the irish elk off the cliff. But the fire went out so the elk started to fight back. so then they found a special kind of plant that is flammable so thoy put tha plant on the torch and the fire kept going and they scared all of the elk off the cliff
1. The only way that we know about the stone age is through the artifacts that the archaeologists have found (axess, bones, caves, cave art, and fire pits)
2.Cave art has thought us that animals hunting wre big part of their lives. they allso have thought us where they live and how they lived
3.Fire was one of the biggest break-throughs of human kind it helped them keep warm, cook their food, and hunt. They mainly hunted hurds of Irish Elk. They would light there torches and (attempt) to run the hurd of elk off the cliff. Unfortunately it didn't always turn out that way. When you have a fire in damp air it is going to go out and that was the problem. The fire kept going out. When that happened(like in the movie) the elk were not scared any more. The elk got mad and attacked. They used herbs to heal their wounds. They use a stick to apply it then they though it in the fire one guy picked it up and put it in the rain and it didn't go out it was the sollution to their problem now their fire did not go out
to be continued
#1 We learn about the stone age from archeologists and their amazing dicoveries of artifacts.
#2 Cave art is an important part in a cave persons life and owrs too because by looking at the art we can see many things like important times in cave peoples lives, what animals they need in life, and even maybe things they want others to avoid.
#3 In the movie the cave people tried to scare the irish elk off a cliff; exept sadly their fire went out and the hunter became the hunted.this was salved when they discovered that the pine reson doesn't put out the fire when its wet.
#4 Life became easier with more farm land and domestic animals because instead of having to go out and hunt.
#1 We learned how they hunted there food ,how they made hand axes, what they use to make fire go longer.
#2 cave art has taught us about what is inporntent to them and that even though you dont know how to write you can just draw.
#3 they hunted Irish Elk with fire and by scaring them off the water fall.When they got to the water fallit was to damp for the fire so the fire went out, and when the fire when out the Irish Elk whet after them,and two people got hert.
4. Their lives improved because when the glaciers melted it was easier to move around and it wasn't so cold and when the domestication happened they were less worried because if the animals were not domesticated they might get attacked and get hurt very badly.
4. Thier lives got easier in finding food, they didn't have to hunt for every meal. It also helped to advance thier tools and brains. People didn't die in hunts because of this too.
#1. We learn about what stone age people did by cave art, ashes from campfires, basicly stuff they leave behind.
#2. Cave art teaches us about what the people did because they didn't have books or a writing system.
#3. Well, the problem was they had found fire but they coulndn't keep it going in damp air, but, they used pine resin to keep the fire going.
#4. there lives inproved by glaciers melting and domestacation by domestacating cows a horses to plow fields so the could plant crops because once the glaciers melted they had farmland.
#3 contiued:The fire went out in the damp air and the hunters became the hunted. But later on they came up w/ a new formula to keep the fire lit in the damp air. Their method was to scare the elk off the clif w/ fire. In the end it ended up working out.
#4:More farm land meant that they could grow things on the fertil land. Domesticated plants and animals meant they could hunt easier without being attactd by the animals. With the melting glaicers they could migrate across the open land.
concept 4.It was good that they tamed the animals. So that they could help them like a cow so they could get milk and meat and stuff like that. And its good that the glaciers melted cuz now they have drit so they can farm.
3.The fire gose out when they were chaseing the elk and then at the next scape stuff that help them
get the elk. would be good to tame the animal because it makes fur and wool. sheep gives us wool. cows gives us milk and meat and dogs gives fur and meat.
#4 Their lives improved because when the glaciers melted it created fertle land for the farmers or people who want to grow food for thier families.The domestication helped because the anmails could help a lot.More farmland helped so they could have more crops at a time.The plants and animals help so they could live.The plants helped by making food.
1. when scientists found dead neanderthauths they brought them back to there lab and studied them then wrote a book about it.
2. when we studied cave art last week we found out they mostly painted about what they hunted and spirits
3.when we watched when we rule the earth we found out they only hade spears to kill the elk and they used fire to run them off the cliff. is good they tamed animals.
for example a cow could get milk and there are alot more anmals.
2. Cave Art has shown us that what they have drawn they have mostly hunted but its also showing us about what has happened in their life. They have drawn alot of animals, which is really important in their lives because they hunt animals all the time.
3. Cavemen would have fire on their stick holder and they would try to chase the irish elk off a cliff. But they would sometimes be near water and it would make their fire go out because it would be so damp. So then the irish elk actually came back and hunted them. Caevemen solved the problem by using pine resin from a tree to make the fire stay even when it was raining. The cavemen eventually got their meat...
4. When the glaciers melted it created good land for farmers to grow crops. Domestication helped alot because you could get wool from sheep and milk from a cow. Plants give off alot of energy so that you may live.
#2They painted hunting scenes in their caves. This was important to them becuase they needed the food.
One day I saw a Archoeology who was Archaeologist that dug up Artifact like arrowhead,potty,tools
there was no writeing because it was prehitory. there was Archaeologist saw a big glacier.he saw grop of elks migrateing. he wanted to domesticate cows.he will harvest the corn for the cows .he was a agriculture because of the cows.
#4 Farming improved because when the glaciers melted they got firtle soil to farm. They also raised animals like pigs,cows,and chicken and they tamed them and they butcher them and got easy food.
3. The problem wasthe fire went out because it was wet.There soultion was the pine ressen it kept on going and they got the Irish Elk off the waterfall.4.They improve because it rained more and it was freash soil they also traded for better animals for farming.They also tamed the animals for farming beetter.
#4.More farmland inproved there lifestyle becaus insted hunting food they were able to grow food. and raising animals insted of hunting them was much safer.
#3.They tried to chase the Irish Elk off the cliff. But the fire didnt stay lit long enough so the elk attacked the people. The used Pinerisen to help make the fire stay lit longer.
#4. The water helped with harvesting fields.Domesticate helped with hunting they didnt have to do as much work.
Answer#3 They chased the elk off a cliff. Then in a damp place there fire went out and got attacked by the elk. So then they put pine reson on it and the fire kept going and they got the meat for there tribe.
Answer#4 Farm land improved their life because they had more meals out of it. They could also sell or trade it for things they needed if they had a surplus. They had the animals to help them get things. The sheep gave them wool. The dogs chased the sheep into a herd. Goats gave them milk and cows gave themm milk to.
More farm land improve their lives beacause they had more food,better health and, they did not have to hunt so much.
The domesticated animals and plants impove their lives by the domesticated bison helped them get food ,wile the domesticated dog helped them hunt.
4.When the glaciers melted there was a huge improvment in the stone aged peoples lives. There was alot of farm land. Perfect for animals and crops. When they domesticated cows, goats, sheep, and dogs they barley had to hunt at all and they had alot more supplies.
#4: When the glaciers melted the oceans filled up. Also it made land fertile so they could farm. Domesticating animals helped them because they didn't have to do all the work. Domesticating plants helped them because they didn't have to hunt for all their food.
4. When the glaciers melted they had more land to farm. More land means more crops and more room to raise animals which they could get more food
4. When the glaciers melted they had more land to farm. More land means more crops and more room to raise animals which they could get more food
When I grow up I want to be an *Archeologist*. I want to study *Archeology* because I'm interested in *artifacts*. I think it would be cool to work at a *excavation site*. I would *Migrate* from place to place to uncover the artifacts, I could even become a *nomad*. I would use *technology* to uncover the artifacts. Studying Archeology would teach me a lot about past *cultures* and *prehistoric* times. I could also use *carbon dating* to estimate the age of an animal in prehistoric times.
My mom is a archaeologist she digs up artifacts.That is an object made by peopel long ago.She said that some peopel call it the stone age or prehistoy.she also has alot of technology that she has to use.She said that if they dident have domesticated animals they wouldent have milk or meat from goats and cows.They could also harvest thair crops that can be called agricultur. But at harvest time when the bugs and brids migrated they ate the corn and stuff like that.She finds artifacts where the glaciers used to be she used carbon dating to see how long it been dead for.When I grow up i want to be just like her.
2: hunted bison,elk,and other animals
3: Thay hunted irich elk off a cliff by chasing with fire but the fire went out. pine reson cept the fire going.
4:thay coda trade plants with ather people. thay could use animals to help do their work.
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