Friday, December 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Ancient Egypt Test
We've lived and experienced Deltron: The Realm of the Nile for four weeks. It is now time to face the end guy of Deltron: Donkey Kong. Though this giant of a gorilla is intimidating, it is no match for the aresnel of knowledge you have equipped yourself with. Be confident. Be bold. Be courageous for it is time to step into the jungle, climb the ladder and take this behemoth down.
Grab that mouse, steady your hand, focus your eyes and click.
Ancient Egypt Test
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
Our time in Deltron is quickly coming to a close. With only two days before you face the "end guy" of Deltron (Donkey Kong), I want to provide you with a powerful weapon in your quest to beat the game and rule the Realm. The study guide is linked below. You will find many resources and tools to help you study the material. The main topics are: Mummification, Nile river, vocab words, Pyramids of Egypt, gods and goddesses and Ancient Quest chapter 4. Good Luck! #beatDeltron
google drive,
study guide
Monday, December 8, 2014
Ancient Egypt Knowledge Share
We have covered some interesting topics thus far in the world of Deltron: Realm of the Nile. Ancient Egypt is packed with fascinating topics like King Tut, mummification, the Nile river, Pyramids, and Pharaohs. My challenge to you is simple: Share your knowledge of ancient Egypt! For this blog post, simply tell me 10 facts from the topics we have learned about during our ancient Egypt world. Remember, share information! Not opinions. Share something about pyramids, Nile river, mummification, King Tut, ancient Egypt mythology or daily life.
Student Task: Share information about ancient Egypt by sharing up to 10 facts about ancient Egypt.
Points: For each fact, 10 RP (max total of 100 RP for individual score)
Blackout: Thursday, December 11th. 11:59 pm
Student Task: Share information about ancient Egypt by sharing up to 10 facts about ancient Egypt.
Points: For each fact, 10 RP (max total of 100 RP for individual score)
Blackout: Thursday, December 11th. 11:59 pm
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Ancient Quest Present: Chapter 4-I Perform Mummification
Johnny entered the Stone Age and discovered how to control fire for the neanderthals. Then, he entered Mesopotamia and figured out how to irrigate the fields so the Mesopotamians could grow crops in the desert. In Johnny's first two worlds, he was successful, gaining his first two golden coins. However, Johnny has a lot of work to do because he still needs to earn six more. For his third task, Johnny will enter ancient Egypt, a land of incredible intrigue and fascination. As Johnny works to figure out his task, it might not be what it seems. Can Johnny figure out what to do and accomplish his task? One thing is certain: his ancient Egypt task will push him to the limits, and then some...
Monday, December 1, 2014
Float Down the Nile (Google Drive)
You have witnessed Andy float down the Nile River. You have created a Nile visual to help you "picture" what the Nile looks like. Now, it is time to pick up the pen (keyboard) and create your own story. You have time traveled back to ancient Egypt. You are standing on the shores of Lake Nasser, ready to jump into your raft. You will be floating down the Nile river all the way to the Delta (hopefully). What happens along the way? What do you see? What do you experience? The pen is mightier than the sword so now you wield the power to create your own story and your own adventure. In your "Shared with me" folder, you will find a document titled "Float Down the Nile." Open it up and let your adventure begin!
Realm Points: 100
Blackout: December 12
Backup Document
Realm Points: 100
Blackout: December 12
Backup Document
google drive,
Nile river,
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Egyptian Mythology Arcade!
The Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods. Like the Greeks, they believed in gods for each specific aspect of life. God of the dead, god of the sky, god of flooding, etc. There's tons of them! So I thought I would give you the Egyptian Mythology Arcade to help you learn and remember all these gods and goddesses. Click the link to enter the Egyptian Mythology Arcade.
Egyptian Mythology Arcade!
Egyptian Mythology Arcade!
Monday, November 24, 2014
The Fire Suit of Deltron
Here are two fire suits of Deltron: The Realm of the Nile. The fire suit protects against Napalm if it is being worn by one member of the Pyramid. When the Napalm falls and the heat rises, the fire suit will keep you cool and safe. Forged by the hands of the Keeper of the Realm himself, this fire suit is powerful enough to withstand an unlimited amount of Napalm blasts. One pyramid in each class earned one today. But how long will they keep it?
Andy Floats down the Nile River
Join Andy as he floats down the Nile river. What will he see? A lot, that's for sure.
The animation doesn't work with Google Drive Presenations, so you will not see Andy move. However, you will still be able to get the idea of what's happening and review what Andy sees along the way.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Detective Badge: Ancient Egypt Detective
The Ancient Egypt Detective is here! Students, there are some ancient Egypt "suspects" on the loose! It is your job to catch them by using the clues to identity all 10. If you are able to do this and turn your paper in to the Keeper of the Realm, the "Detective Badge" will by yours. Good Luck!
Detective Badge
Blackout: End of Deltron
Detective Badge
Blackout: End of Deltron
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Piecing Egypt Together
![]() |
Puzzle Badge |
Badge: Puzzle badge upon completion
Realm Points: 200 for your Pyramid
Blackout: November 26th, 2014. Midnight. (Day before thanksgiving break)
Google Drive
Project Details and Instructions
Friday, November 14, 2014
Deltron: Realm of the Nile
Welcome to Deltron: Realm of the Nile. Watch the "Deltron Trailer" above to get a glimpse of what you are in for. Let the games begin....
Thursday, November 13, 2014
How did your Ziggurat do in the Realm? Did you crack the "Top 10" list individually? Click the link below and see the results of Ziggantium: The Realm of the Fertile Crescent
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
The End Guy of Ziggantium: Mike Tyson
Strap on your gloves. Tie them tight. Step into the ring when you are ready and defeat Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson
Thursday, November 6, 2014
WSG Live! Mesopotamia
Tomorrow you will face Mike Tyson, aka the test over Mesopotamia. On the night before you face the "end guy," it is a good idea to get some last minute help from the Keeper of the Realm, to load your arsenal with Mesopotamia knowledge so you are ready to knock (him) it out. We shall use a new tool for our WSG Live Event due to some technical difficulties with commenting at the moment.
100% Badge awarded to any individuals who score a 100% on the test. Go for that badge!
Time: 7-7:30
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Mesopotamia Study Guide
Time flies. Another realm is about to close but before it does, you must face off against the "end guy." Do not feat this end guy, but be brave. Use your knowledge and wit. Use the power you have built in this realm. Good Luck. Use the study guide. It will help you.
This is one of your study guides. You will also be given a "word chop" and WSG Live.
This is one of your study guides. You will also be given a "word chop" and WSG Live.
2014 Events Tournament Official Results
12 major events of Mesopotamia entered the tournament. Only one survived. After much heated debate in each class period, we eventually arrived at a Champion for each class. I would like to share the results with you, as well as the overall results and allow you to compare this years results to the results of past tournaments.
Compare with previous tournaments
Student Task: Do you agree with the 2014 overall results? Reflect on the tournament with things such as: agree/disagree with overall results and why. What do you think is weird/wrong with the results? Did you find anything interesting or anything that stood out when comparing 2014 to the past tournaments?
Blackout: November 7th
WSG Badge post
wsg badge meso,
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
"We're the Mesopotamians" by We Were Giants
Check out this interesting music video by the group "We Were Giants" as they sing about four Mesopotamians. It's got a pretty catchy tune. Give it a listen.
Student Task: Watch the music video and tell me what you think about it. Minimum 2 sentences.
Blackout: November 7th
WSG badge post
Student Task: Watch the music video and tell me what you think about it. Minimum 2 sentences.
Blackout: November 7th
WSG badge post
music videos,
wsg badge meso
Friday, October 31, 2014
Mesopotamia Events: A World Without them......
Mesopotamia was the first civilization of the world. Because of this, they had the opportunity to invent or start many important things, things that we use all the time in our world. Many of the inventions or discoveries are things we use everyday and don't even realize that those things came from Mesopotamia. For this blog assignment, I want you to think about a world without Mesopotamia inventions. To help you get started, I will give you some of the main inventions from Mesopotamia that are most commonly used in our world. Think about a world without these things. What would it be like?
Student Task: Thoroughly describe the world without these 6 items. How would things be different? What would be different? How would we make up for not having these things?
Blackout: November 7th.
WSG Badge post
Student Task: Thoroughly describe the world without these 6 items. How would things be different? What would be different? How would we make up for not having these things?
Blackout: November 7th.
WSG Badge post
wsg badge meso,
Hammurabi's Code: Fair or Cruel?
We have discussed Hammurabi's Code in class. We talked about the need for laws, what it would be like in our world without laws and the type of laws Hammurabi came up with. While listening to some of the laws, you probably thought one of two things: 1. it's fair or 2. its cruel. Well, for today's blog post, you will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on whether you think Hammurabi's Code was fair or too cruel. A link is attached that will give you a brief overview of Hammurabi's Code and give you some examples of a few laws. The link will also give you reasons for both sides of the argument. Hammurabi brought order and stability to the lawless people of Mesopotamia, but was it too cruel? Let the debate begin...
Student Task: After reading through the link, post a comment on whether you think Hammurabi's Code is fair or too cruel. Make sure you explain why you believe the way you do. Do NOT simply say, "I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel because it's not fair." You need to share specific reasons that support your beliefs.
Bonus Link: Click here to read about some weird laws of our own country, the good ol' USA!
Blackout: November 7th
WSG badge
wsg badge meso,
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Giant Book of Mesopotamia
Welcome to the "Giant Book" project. We have covered many important topics of Mesopotamia. Yet, there are a few that we still haven't covered. The Giant Book will allow us to bring everything we have learned together, yet still learn a few new things. Now, the Giant Book is not something that one can tackle alone. This must be done in a group because the Giant Book is far too vast for one individual. You will use this blog post for direction in completing your Giant Book.
The Giant Book Details
Links that will help you with your Giant Book:
People of Mesopotamia PPT
Epic of Gilgamesh PowerPoint
Religion Prezi (gods/goddesses)
I Invent Farming story
Map of Mesopotamia
Events of Mesopotamia overview
Irrigation sketch
Stone Age Review
Blackout: November 6th (End of the Realm)
Giant Book Badge: 450 or Higher
Total: 600 Realm points
100 Skyward points
The Giant Book Details
Links that will help you with your Giant Book:
People of Mesopotamia PPT
Epic of Gilgamesh PowerPoint
Religion Prezi (gods/goddesses)
I Invent Farming story
Map of Mesopotamia
Events of Mesopotamia overview
Irrigation sketch
Stone Age Review
Blackout: November 6th (End of the Realm)
Giant Book Badge: 450 or Higher
Total: 600 Realm points
100 Skyward points
Blueman Teaches the Class
Check out the newest Blueman comic and see what he's up to!
WSG Badge Student Task: List the 3 things about Mesopotamia contained in the Blueman Comic.
Blackout: November 6th (end of the Realm)
WSG Badge Student Task: List the 3 things about Mesopotamia contained in the Blueman Comic.
Blackout: November 6th (end of the Realm)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tackk Challenge: Mesopotamia Website
You have your own email address. These email addressees are going to open up a lot of possibilities for us in learning about the ancient world. Today, we are going to take our email address and create an account with so we can make a permanent website. With our own account, you will be able to work on your website anywhere that has internet. If all members of your Ziggurat submit a completed Tackk Website, you will earn the Tackk Badge.
50 Realm Points per individual. Use the checklist to make sure you have what you need.
Click HERE to make a Tackk Website
Tackk Checklist:
_____ Title of website
_____ Your name
_____ Text (words)
_____ Video (see YouTube playlist below)
_____ Picture with captions
_____ Button linking to another Mesopotamia site
Tackk Content Options (5 items required for Badge):
_____ Vocab Words (at least 8)
_____ Irrigation
_____ Cuneiform
_____ Bricks
_____ Code of Hammurabi
_____ Money
_____ Geography (describing the Map)
_____ Ziggurat
_____ Wheel
_____ Epic of Gilgamesh
_____ Difference between Farming and Hunting
_____ "I Invent Farming" story
_____ gods and goddesses (link below)
_____ Map of Mesopotamia
Tackk Resources
YouTube Video Playlist (videos about Mesopotamia you can use)
The Blueman
Events Document
Mesopotamia Artifacts
Build a Ziggurat Game (Might not work in school)
Online Flashcards
gods and goddesses
Blackout: November 6th (end of the Realm)
Realm Points: 50/individual
Badge: Tackk Badge if all members complete in the ziggurat
50 Realm Points per individual. Use the checklist to make sure you have what you need.
Click HERE to make a Tackk Website
Tackk Checklist:
_____ Title of website
_____ Your name
_____ Text (words)
_____ Video (see YouTube playlist below)
_____ Picture with captions
_____ Button linking to another Mesopotamia site
Tackk Content Options (5 items required for Badge):
_____ Vocab Words (at least 8)
_____ Irrigation
_____ Cuneiform
_____ Bricks
_____ Code of Hammurabi
_____ Money
_____ Geography (describing the Map)
_____ Ziggurat
_____ Wheel
_____ Epic of Gilgamesh
_____ Difference between Farming and Hunting
_____ "I Invent Farming" story
_____ gods and goddesses (link below)
_____ Map of Mesopotamia
Tackk Resources
YouTube Video Playlist (videos about Mesopotamia you can use)
The Blueman
Events Document
Mesopotamia Artifacts
Build a Ziggurat Game (Might not work in school)
Online Flashcards
gods and goddesses
Blackout: November 6th (end of the Realm)
Realm Points: 50/individual
Badge: Tackk Badge if all members complete in the ziggurat
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
The Fabulous Four Inventions of Mesopotamia
The Fabulous Four of Mesopotamia from Dan Klumper on Vimeo.
Mesopotamia, being the first civilization of the world, had the unique opportunity to invent many things. A lot of "firsts" occurred in Mesopotamia, which you will see in this third White Shirt Production called: "The Fabulous Four." What you will be watching is NOT how the inventions actually came to be, but, it will show you how important each one is. All four inventions of the Fabulous Four are used everyday in our world.
This video will help you start thinking about the fabulous four inventions of Mesopotamia as you begin your "Ask the Public" project. Watch this video, then start interviewing people!
Student Task: Answer the following questions if you want that badge!
1. How does the video show money?
2. How does the video show irrigation?
3. How does the video show wheel?
4. What is the secret message during the writing section?
5. Tell me one deleted scene.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Interactive Map of Mesopotamia
Use this interactive Map to review the major points of the Map of Mesopotamia. Hover over the map to reveal certain "tags" on the map. Think you can figure out what each "tag" is? Think about it and then put the mouse over the tag to see if you are correct.
Student Task: Answer the following questions.
1. What are the four bodies of water that surround Mesopotamia?
2. What is the name of the desert?
3. What are the two major rivers of Mesopotamia?
4. Which is further EAST: Zagros Mountains or Arabian Desert?
5. Which is further SOUTH: Sumer or Akkad?
Blackout: November 6th.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Ancient Quest: Chapter 3: "I Invent Farming"
We have reached chapter 3 of the book Ancient Quest. Chapter 3 is titled "I Invent Farming" and we once again join Johnny on his ancient quest, back to the ancient worlds, to accomplish tasks. Johnny has to complete one task in each of the 8 ancient worlds he will visit. So far, he has only gained one golden coin. He did that in the Stone Age by helping the people there discover and improve fire. Now, Johnny has arrived in Mesopotamia, where he will struggle to survive and to accomplish his task. The desert of Mesopotamia is a scorching, white-hot section of earth that will push Johnny to the limits. Will Johnny figure out what his task is and succeed? Let's go...
Read: Chapter 3: I Invent Farming
Student Task: How does Johnny Invent Farming? Explain the challenge Johnny is facing, how he comes up with the idea to use the rivers, and the result of his efforts.
Read: Chapter 3: I Invent Farming
Student Task: How does Johnny Invent Farming? Explain the challenge Johnny is facing, how he comes up with the idea to use the rivers, and the result of his efforts.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Artifact Dig Wrap up
In class, we entered an excavation site in hopes of finding some clues or artifacts about Mesopotamia. With these artifacts, our goal was to learn about this time period, which happens to be the first civilization of the world. So, did we accomplish our goal and learn something about Mesopotamia through the artifacts we found? Use the resource above to answer the following questions.
Student Task: Answer the following questions using the above resource.
1. Tell me one crop that they grew in their fields.
2. Tell me three animals that they had/used.
3. What did they write on?
4. What did they invent to move around?
5. What do the football cards represent?
6. What was one type of game they played?
7. What did they use to hunt or fight with in war?
8. What material did they use to build buildings?
WSG Badge: Black out: End of Realm. (Nov. 5th)
wsg badge meso,
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt
Let's take a little trip around Mesopotamia to gather some information about what this place is like. In your work packet, complete the Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt by using the links below.
Scavenger Hunt Badge (Magnifying Glass).
Individual. 50 Realm points (Realm only)
Black Out Date: November 5th
Map of Mesopotamia
Babylon and Assyria
Classes of People
Religion of Mesopotamia
Scavenger Hunt Badge (Magnifying Glass).
Individual. 50 Realm points (Realm only)
Black Out Date: November 5th
Map of Mesopotamia
Babylon and Assyria
Classes of People
Religion of Mesopotamia
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Welcome to Ziggantium: Realm of the Fertile Crescent
Welcome to the Realm of the Fertile Crescent. Volantis was a world full of lush green grass, forests, prairie. You shall find no such comfort in Ziggantium as you will battle the scorching desert, the poisonous SandSnake, and the other Ziggurats. This is a world full of dry, hot sand, of thirst, of secrets. To survive in Ziggantium, you must control the rivers, for the power lies in the Water….
Monday, October 6, 2014
Final Results of Volantis
The Realm has closed on Volantis. Before we make our way to the next, new world, let's pause a moment and reflect on the Realm of Fire and Stone. Here are the final results. I would like to congratulate all the winners, but also everybody for putting forth a good effort. I think we are off to a good start so when I look to the future to the worlds yet to learn about, I am excited to take you there. I am excited to see what happens with new badges, new cards, new activities, and most of all, new LEARNING. Rest up, my little Realmers, for this vacation will soon be over, because our new world awaits.
Final Results of Volantis
The Realm has closed on Volantis. Before we make our way to the next, new world, let's pause a moment and reflect on the Realm of Fire and Stone. Here are the final results. I would like to congratulate all the winners, but also everybody for putting forth a good effort. I think we are off to a good start so when I look to the future to the worlds yet to learn about, I am excited to take you there. I am excited to see what happens with new badges, new cards, new activities, and most of all, new LEARNING. Rest up, my little Realmers, for this vacation will soon be over, because our new world awaits.
Final Volantis Results
(Unlocked at 1:30 pm TODAY)
(Unlocked at 1:30 pm TODAY)
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Hammurabi's Code: Fair or Cruel?
We have discussed Hammurabi's Code in class. We talked about the need for laws, what it would be like in our world without laws and the type of laws Hammurabi came up with. While listening to some of the laws, you probably thought one of two things: 1. it's fair or 2. its cruel. Well, for today's blog post, you will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on whether you think Hammurabi's Code was fair or too cruel. A link is attached that will give you a brief overview of Hammurabi's Code and give you some examples of a few laws. The link will also give you reasons for both sides of the argument. Hammurabi brought order and stability to the lawless people of Mesopotamia, but was it too cruel? Let the debate begin...
Student Task: After reading through the link, post a comment on whether you think Hammurabi's Code is fair or too cruel. Make sure you explain why you believe the way you do. Do NOT simply say, "I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel because it's not fair." You need to share specific reasons that support your beliefs.
Bonus Link: Click here to read about some weird laws of our own country, the good ol' USA!
Blackout: November 7th
Friday, October 3, 2014
Farewell, Volantis...
As the Volantis: Realm of Fire and Stone closes, we look to the future to new worlds, new mysteries, new possibilities, new dangers, new excitement. We have lived in Volantis for 4 weeks. We shall now say good bye to Volantis, forever. We shall now say good bye to your fellow cave members as you will leave them today. Perhaps you will see them down the road again...
I would like to wish you good luck, as we venture forward, to the unknown....
Essay: Summarize the story “I Discover Fire” by telling me what Johnny’s task his, the problem the neanderthals were facing, how they hunt, how Johnny discovers the solution, and the result of this discovery. (5-6 Sentences)
I would like to wish you good luck, as we venture forward, to the unknown....
Essay: Summarize the story “I Discover Fire” by telling me what Johnny’s task his, the problem the neanderthals were facing, how they hunt, how Johnny discovers the solution, and the result of this discovery. (5-6 Sentences)
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Water for Sixth Grade Live!
Welcome to WSG Live! This is an event like no other in your school life. WSG Live! is your chance to study with me, your teacher, the night before a test! With WSG Live! we can talk about the stone age and ask each other questions. It will be a live "chat room" on WSG so we can ask and answer questions and see what each other is sharing right away! Why should you join us for WSG Live! ??? Well, there is a good chance I will reveal what stone age animals you need to know for the test. Plus, a few hints on what the essay question will be. If that's not enough, 50 Realm Points for whoever joins in on the action! This is a very fast pace study session, so buckle up, strap in, and get ready.
WSG Live! Stone Age: 7:00-7:30 TONIGHT!
Press "F5" to refresh comments list.
Press "F5" to refresh comments list.
Be there.
#survivevolantis #Realm #questfor5000
#survivevolantis #Realm #questfor5000
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Stone Age Study Guide! Can you beat the End Guy?
The End Guy of Volantis!!! |
Test: Friday, October 3rd. 2014
Study Tool: The Theory on why Otzi Died
Otzi the Iceman died in the Alps over 5,000 years ago. We know that. But what we don't know, is how did Otzi died. We may never know for sure, but through artifacts and other clues, we have some theories to discuss. The video above will help you get a visual on what the four theories are and some highlights about each theory. Perhaps this will help you remember!
Student Task: Give a brief summary of each of the four theories on how Otzi may have died.
Post Closes: Friday, Oct. 3rd. Midnight
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Deadliest Warrior: Cro-Magnon Vs. Neanderthal
Student Task: Write a scenario dealing with the Cro-Magnon and Neadnerthal in which we have to figure out who would be better prepared for that situation. In other words, who would "win" your scenario?
Post closes: October 3rd. Midnight.
Introducing....the Volantis
Student Task: Meet Blueman, a rather interesting fellow. Post a comment sharing about what you can find in the comic that relates to the Stone Age. There are FOUR Stone Age related items in the comic. Good Luck! #WSGBadge
Closes: October 3rd, 2014. Midnight.
Closes: October 3rd, 2014. Midnight.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Welcome to Challenge Day in the Realm
![]() |
This is the Challenge Day Badge |
Inventor | Writer | Movie Star | Astronaut | Artist
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Paleolithic Vs. Neolithic
What is the Paleolithic time period? What is the Neolithic time period? What's the difference? If we examine these two time periods of the Stone Age, we will see how things progressed from very primitive existing to a more sophisticated way of life. We will examine these two time periods, discover the differences between them, and in doing so, understand the change from Hunter/Gatherer to Farmer.
Student Task: Use the Paleolithic Vs. Neolithic chart to discover the differences between the topics on your sheet. Thoroughly explain these differences (and similarities, if any)
Future: There will be Thunder battles and a quiz on this material in the future. So Good Luck.
WSG Badge Student task: Post a comment telling me FIVE (5) differences the Neolithic times has with the Paleolithic times. Post closes October 3rd. Good Luck
Student Task: Use the Paleolithic Vs. Neolithic chart to discover the differences between the topics on your sheet. Thoroughly explain these differences (and similarities, if any)
Future: There will be Thunder battles and a quiz on this material in the future. So Good Luck.
WSG Badge Student task: Post a comment telling me FIVE (5) differences the Neolithic times has with the Paleolithic times. Post closes October 3rd. Good Luck
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Cave Art
Student Task: Analyze the cave art. What do you see? What does it mean? Think deep. Think like an archaeologist. What can we learn from cave art?
WSG Badge. Closes September 28. Midnight.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Hunting Stone Age Animals
Use this weapon as you hunt down the animals of the Stone Age. Good Luck! Task: On your sheet, describe in as much detail as possible what these animals look like.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Hunting Stone Age Animals!
The Stone Age is packed with amazing animals that are no longer around. Some of these animals have an out of this world look! Just think how crazy it would be if they still roamed earth. An animal way bigger than an Elephant? No way! Animals with horns and spikes coming out of their head? Totally cool! HaHa. We are going to discover some Stone Age animals. Some we have heard of like the Sabre Tooth Cat. Others, like the Glyptodon are new. Let's go hunting!
Here are some Websites to get you going. You can also simply Google search the animals to find out what they look like:
Task: Describe what the animals look like on your sheet.
Stone Age Animals
Stone Age animals (Good List!)
Here are some Websites to get you going. You can also simply Google search the animals to find out what they look like:
Task: Describe what the animals look like on your sheet.
Stone Age Animals
Stone Age animals (Good List!)
Volantis: Map of the Realm Contest winners!
Congrats to the 5 winners of the Realm Map contest. Great job! #mapoftheworldbadge
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Character Profile: Otzi the Iceman
An infographic is just that: information and graphics. An infographic allows us to learn some information with words and pictures. Here is an infographic of Otzi that I made to help us discuss what he was possibly wearing and doing at the time of his death. Use the infographic to answer the following questions.
Character Profile: Otzi the Iceman
1. What type of climate do you think he was in at the time of his death? Why do you think that?
2. What did he carry in his birch canister?
3. If someone was going to rob Otzi, what do you think they would go after?
4. How do we know Otzi was not prepared for a fight or battle?
5. What did Otzi mainly use to make his clothing?
Post Closed!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Living relatives of Otzi!
Students, this weekend I was emailed this article about our good friend Otzi the Iceman. It appears that Otzi has relatives still walking the Earth. Blood samples taken from people living in Austria confirm that there are people living in the world today that are related to Otzi. I have attached the article for you to read. It's quite interesting. The article also sheds some light on the mystery of his death. Definitely worth your time to read.
Living relatives of Otzi found
Student Task: Write a 5-6 sentence summary of the article about Otzi's living relatives.
Closes: Sunday, September 21st, 2014
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