We have been blogging since school began. I think you have all done a good job with it. We will continue to blog until this school year is over, right up to the last day. Blogging and Water for Sixth Grade is our main tool to help us learn and review. Today, however, we are going to switch the "B" with a "G" and do some GLOGGING. What is glogging, you ask? Well, simply put, it is a Virtual Poster. Instead of giving each of you a big poster paper and getting out our colored pencils and markers, we will be making a poster on the Internet, which provides us some big advantages. Today, you will be making a Stone Age Glog to help us review for our test on FRIDAY. Glogging is quite simple and I am confident will we pick up on it quite quickly. There are some things you need to be aware of, so pay attention.
Go to Glogster to "log In" to begin making your Stone Age Glog.
Task: With your partner, create a glog about the Stone Age. This is a review project, so show me what you know and what you've learned.
Material you can use:
Guided Notes for Lesson 1 and 2
Otzi the Iceman
I Discovered Fire
Before We Ruled the Earth
Vocabulary Packet
Deadliest Warrior: Neanderthal Vs. Cro-Magnon
Cave Art
Deadliest Warrior: Neanderthal Vs. Cro-Magnon
Cave Art
I think this project is a grate idea for every one it helps us learn about what we have learned about in the past. and otzi is a grate artifact u can learn alot from the person that rote the message. I hope we also do this later on in the year because we did thes in 5th grade with mrs.Waterburry she was grate and so we can learn about more in at the web site me and my partner think so and kinsey, I hope this helps us a lot thank you for the oppertunity it is grate. and i hope I ace the test on friday . it will help my grade alot i hope i dont foreget about studdying for it my parents got mad at me but did not punnish me i am okay. middle school is not realy easyer then elementary school but it is still fun.i hope we do more fun things and i hope to get better grades.
this is a lot of fun
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