Social Studies: White Shirt productions, I Series, Johnny Rawten, Water for Sixth Grade, social studies league...What did you think? What did you learn about all the ancient civilizations? Try to tell me a few things from each ancient world we learned about.
Wax Museum: What did you think was difficult? What was your favorite part? How did you feel on the night of the Wax Museum performance?
School Projects: What projects did you like the best? Which ones will you remember?
Miscellaneous: Tell me about anything else you would like to share from 6th grade that had an impact on you, or is something you will remember for a long time.
If you are able to reach 1,000 words, you will recieve a massive amount of extra credit. But in order to reach 1,000 words, you will have to put forth a strong effort. If you do not reach 1,000 words, you will still recieve some extra credit, but just not as much. Your extra credit will be based on how many words you get to.
This is your chance to really reflect on 6th grade. I can't wait to read your posts. Good Luck and I probably don't say this enough, but I appreciate your hard work this year. I am very proud of you.
Oh. My. Word. Well, where do I start, really? 1000 words, that’s a lot of words. Hmmm….well sixth grade was pretty fun I guess. I’m excited for summer, though. I’m pretty sick of school, actually. I just want to be outside in the warm weather, and have fun. Well, sorry, but I got to say, school isn’t that fun. Maybe sometimes, but not really. I was pretty nervous at the beginning of the school year, for middle school, but it’s really not bad at all. Only like, 7 days left of school. I’m pretty sure I’m not just speaking for myself when I say this, but, all of us are ready to be out of school! It’s just, not that fun anymore. I’m ready to leave and to go outside, and to not be in school. The school nights are driving me crazy. My mom thinks that just because I go to bed earlier, means I’m going to be more awake. I’m like, seriously mom, it doesn’t matter if I go to bed at 9 or at 3 a.m. I’m still going to be tired when you wake me up at 7! Well, I’m going to switch topics now, since that topic is getting old. Well, lets go to the wax museum. The wax museum was so, so. I guess. I kinda got a little annoyed when people kept dropping coins into my bucket, right when I got done speaking. Then just listened to my speech, why would they have to listen to it again?!? Anyway, my legs got tired and my voice was tired when I got done. I kind of was tired after I gave my speech for, like, the 15th time!! I think its cool that we raised that much money, for a kid to make any wish they want. That’s cool how a school can do that for a kid suffering from cancer. Well, I’m gonna switch topics again. Social Studies this year was ok. I didn’t really like all the notes and writing. I didn’t rally look forward to coming to class because I know exactly what we were gonna do: NOTES. I got a little tired of writing all the notes after awhile. I think next year you should try to learn about the civilizations in a different way. Like playing games, doing projects, and other stuff like that. Well, back to summer. I just CAN’T WAIT till school is out! My mom says we get really annoying in the summer, but I don’t believe her. Well, if I am annoying (which I’m pretty sure I’m not.) I just won’t be at my house ALL SUMMER. I will just go to the diamonds, go to friends, go on bike rides, play outside, and go to the pool and other stuff like that. I won’t be with my mom because I’m annoying. I plan that this will be the best summer ever.
Well, I’m gonna switch topics again. Back to Social Studies. I think I have learned a lot this year in social studies. Like the bubonic plaque killed 1/3 of Europe’s population, or in Egypt (I think) they mummified people by pulling their brains out from their nose, or that a volcano killed a whole city, or that the pyramids took 100-300 years to build, or something like that. Yeah, I have definitely learned a lot. I don’t know what good this stuff I have learned will do, but it probably will do good somewhere or sometime. Well, I cant really think of anything else to write, so…. I guess I’m kinda excited for softball season to start. We have a tournament this weekend and I hope we place. It’s our first tournament of the season, so I hope we do good. We are in like a tournament every weekend in june, and a lot of them in July, I think.. I may be wrong but, I don’t think I am. I’m usally always right. ;) I kinda wish that we didn’t have tournament every weekend. I love softball, but now I cant do any other things on the weekends. Like, we always go to the lake for the week of the 4th of July, but now we cant because of softball. I think it would be nice just to have ONE weekend off, so we could at least go to the lake once. But I guess it’s not up to me, so..whatever. The lake in one of the funnest things to do in the summer. You get to bike, ski, tube, swim, play catch, play kickball, play wiffle ball, have cookouts, go down to the state park, and do a lot more things. I think going to the lake is a blast! Oh, BTW Blast is the softball team that I am playing on this year. My team is a pretty fun team, with really nice people. Wow, hanna is such a dork. Oh, just kidding. But she is kind of a weirdo. I just switched topics really fast because she is sitting right next to me and I don’t really know what to talk about anymore… Ummmm, study hall was kind of lame. I think we should at least be able to whisper to the people we are sitting by. Oh, you know how you said that this system is just like the real world, but you fined us all if a sub was here and some people were talking. I mean, that’s not how the real world works. If a boss needs a person to watch over his buisness, and a couple of the workers aren’t doing their job, the boss wold only cut down the paycheck of the people not doing their work. He wouldn’t cut down the paycheck of EVERYBODY, just the people not doing their work. Anyways, all the other teacher’s study halls don’t have the policy, and it works. Well at least school is almost over so I wont have to deal with it anymore. So close…..YEAH!! 1,000 WORDS, BABY!! K, bye! :)
btw, my word count was 1,006.! :)
Here are my 1,000 words
This is what I learned in Social Studies this year. The first unit that we learned about was the Stone Age. The Stone Age has Neanderthals and they are smart for their time. We had stories about a boy who traveled to ancient worlds and did something to help them in that time. In the Stone Age this boy Johnny Rawten has to find a way to discover fire. He finds this substance where when you light it the fire stays and doesn’t go out. After he discovers fire he fights off Giant Irish Elk. These things were huge but with the power of fire they fight them off quickly. After he finishes at this task he gets one gold coin. In every unit he has to get one gold coin to succeed.
The next Ancient world he goes to is Mesopotamia. In Mesopotamia they have a code. It is the Code of Hammurabi. This code contains many things. Some of them are wild! Like if a slave says to his master “You are not my master” and they convict him, the master has a right to cut off one of his ears. Also in Mesopotamia, one of the main cities is Babylon. This is where we learn about daily life. Daily Life is where we learn about what they do for jobs, food, sleeping, and where they live. We learn a lot about Daily life in all of our civilizations. In Mesopotamia they invented the fabulous four they are the wheel, irrigation, writing, and money.
The next Ancient civilization is China. In the China unit there is the Great Wall of China. It took over 1,000 years to build it. This was used for protection and since it was so big nobody could climb it to get over it. Lots of people tried to climb it but most got only 30 feet then dropped or they got hit by an arrow. In the wall they have openings so warriors could load up while not getting shot. Over 1,000 people died working on the Wall and their bodies would just get tossed over and that would be it. Now some people have found bones from that time of people that died working on the wall. China was also a fun civilization to learn about because of all of the dynasties. Some of them were Shang, Qin, Zhou, and Han. These are most of the well known dynasties.
One of the other units was Ancient India. In India there was the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus II. Cyrus was a good ruler. He let the Jewish free, he ordered for Jewish temples to be rebuilt, and he also connected India to the rest of the world. In Ancient India there was just one mega continent called Pangea. Later Pangea started to spread out into the way the land is now in our time. This was fun to learn about. Especially plate techtonics.
Emily Konz
1,000 word challenge
Social Studies
Social Studies was awesome. We learned a lot of new things about ancient civilizations. There was a lot of fun stuff on the blog. The white shirt production was really funny and awesome. I think Crazy Izzy was really funny. It was so cute when she came and sang Justin Bieber for us. The league was fun but difficult. The civilizations were really cool and I learned a lot about different areas. It was very interesting to learn about it. This year I probably learned the most in Social Studies than in any other class because in all the classes I have been in we never talked about ancient civilizations. My favorite civilization was Egypt because it was very interesting. I think it is very hard to learn about gods and goddesses because it is hard to remember. Mummification was really cool. Medieval Times was one of my favorites too. I liked learning about the bad jobs and I did not like the Black Death because it creeped me out. Now I think I am deathly afraid of fleas and rats because that is how it spread. The Stone Age was cool. I think Neanderthals look funny and walk like monkeys. That would get tiring. Mesopotamia as kind of confusing and I think we should have spent more time on it because I felt like we did not learn as much in that unit as the other ones. Social Studies was really fun and I liked the blog. My favorite units in order from best to worst is, Ancient Egypt, Medieval Times, Stone age, Ancient Rome, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Ancient China, and Mesopotamia. Even though Mesopotamia is at the bottom I still liked it a lot. I am glad we had Ediscio because it helped me a lot on the tests. Then I forgot my password. No worries because I remember it now. I wish we could have used all of our notes on all of the tests. That would have helped a lot, but I still did good on the tests. I am really scared for the final test over all eight civilizations. I hope it is not really hard. That is why I am doing this challenge because if I get a really bad grade this will help me.
Well we did a lot of stuff this year. Coming to middle school was really scary and I was so scared I was going to be late for class or forget my locker combination. I did not forget but that was after coming to the middle school a lot of times towards the end of summer to try it out. I was also hoping I would not get lost. I did not but I still have no idea where the eighth grade wing is and I probably will not until I have to go to eighth grade.
Words: 1,011
Wax Museum
The wax museum was a project where we all picked, researched, wrote, and acted like we were a famous person who in now dead. I chose Steve Irwin. I got to pick first over everyone in the sixth grade. It was hard to find information about Steve Irwin’s childhood and school. But I still found a lot of interesting things, like did you know that he captured his first crocodile at age nine? Well on the Wax Museum night, April Twenty-Sixth, two thousand eleven, we dressed up like our character and gave a speech like we were them. It was really fun. It was also very scary. I was so nervous. It was harder to give your speech to someone you know than someone else, because they do not know who you are so they will not laugh, as much. I was kind of relieved when it was over because I was so scared. The hour and a half went pretty fast though. I am glad that through the school project we got to make a wish. It changed one kid’s life and I am so glad we donated it to them.
School projects
Well I will definitely remember the Wax Museum the most over all my years of school because it was so AWESOME and I was so unbelievably scared. Other than that I will remember the owl pellet lab in science. We sat in science and pick away at an owl pellet (owl barf) with a tooth pick. Since I have such a good grade in science the owl pellet I had to dissect was HUGE! I had to go in and dissect it during study hall. I even had to go after school. Then I got tired of scratching away at owl barf and called it good. As I was dissecting there was rat fuzz and caterpillar poop inside the owl barf. Next year in science we have to glue all of the skulls and bones we found together. I found so many skulls I will probably have to stay after school next year to finish that, too. Another school project I likes was in science when we made catapults for our Medieval unit. Carly and I made one and when we launched it, it did not do very well. Carly was a good launcher but when I tried it, it back fired and we got minus two! I liked the board game project we did in Social Studies. I felt a little rushed for that and I think we should choose our own group for that. The other one from science I will remember is our cell. We made a cell and it was a huge project that we used as the test for that unit. We had to present it in front of the class. That was scary, but it was a lot better than taking a test in my opinion. We did not do that many projects this year, besides all of the labs in science. There was a lab almost every week. I really like to do those kind of projects in school.
1,000 Word Challenge:The first part:
My sixth grade year has been so much fun. First of all, Mr. Klumper’s 6th grade Social Studies class has been an awesome experience. I thought the White Shirt Productions were hilarious! My favorite one I would have to say is Ancient Greece. What is Democracy was really funny with Mr. Ellingworth in it. The funniest part was when Mr.Klumper fell on the floor! The I series was really cool because instead of reading out of a text book we actually got to feel like we were in that world with them. My favorite was “I Stopped the Black Death”. Because it was so unpredictable as to what would happen next. Johnny Rawten is a hilarious serious no wonder it’s been made into a book. I have always been thinking about who it may be based on in real life or if Mr. Klumper just thought of it. Water for Sixth Grade is probably my most visited site on my computer. I have since the beginning of the year and probably will for a decent amount of time go on it also. It is a great source of information because if you miss something in class you can just look it up very easy and very helpful. The Social Studies league has been a lot of fun and something to look forward to. My class Period 4 did pretty good we won the Ziggurat Champion, Mesopotamia Looping, Medieval Times looping, and got a point for Egypt, Greece, and Rome Looping also. This brings us to a total of 11 points which is tied with 3rd period for second. I think we have done pretty well and it is really fun competing. I like learning about Ancient Civilizations way more then just talking about random things having to do with Social Studies. My favorite unit was Ancient Egypt because I was an Egyptian for the Wax Museum so I enjoyed learning about that. In Stone Age we learned about Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals. The funny thing about Neanderthals is that they kind of look like monkey, well gorillas because of the way they walk. The Cro-Magnons were very smart and intelligent but the Neanderthals lets just say weren’t.
1,000 Word Challenge:Last Part: I remember when it was the first day of school I was so scared and worried I would be late to all my classes don’t forget about locker problems oh my gosh my locker was HORRIBLE!!! But then I met some pretty awesome friends one that has been my best friend from the summer of 1st grade. Also I met some other people who are really nice and so funny!! (You know who you are.) 6th grade has been so much fun and has been from the start. All my teachers are great and have made a big impact on not just mine but all of our lives. A couple other experiences I have had were Spring Fling/Talent Show. It was so much fun and all the performers in the Talent Show were really good. Being in middle school now is a really big step and I can’t believe I’m almost a SEVENTH GRADER!! It’s just crazy to think about!! But now that I already have gone through a whole year I think it will be pretty easy!!
1,000 Word Challenge:Second Part:
In Mesopotamia we learned about something no one could EVER, EVER, EVER, in their life time forget……..TIGRIS AND EUPHRATES!! The Tigris and Euphrates River is the main river in Mesopotamia and was very important. In Ancient Greece I learned about Greek Gods and Goddesses. I found out that there was a Goddess named Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty. Also her husband Hephaestus who was an ugly man who made armor and weapons. In Ancient India I learned about Buddhism which is the belief in Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buddha. He was the founder of Buddhism and the Enlightened One. The four noble truths were suffering, wanting too many things, freeness, and the 8 fold path. In Ancient China I learned about a bunch of inventions the Restaurant Menu which was founded by the Song Dynasty and was used to be able to see what different kinds of foods were at that restaurant. And lastly in Medieval Times, I learned about the brank which was used as torture I think humiliation. If a woman was suspected of gossiping she would get a metal hat put over her head to make it impossible for her to gossip even talk. I am so glad that we had the 2011 Wax Museum. It is such an awesome experience that no one will ever forget. I also think something that was very fun is afterward to be able to see all my friends on the Red Team doing their presentations too. One of the most difficult parts was probably trying not to freak out when the big group of 8th graders came up to me. I knew my speech totally I was probably saying it in my sleep but a group of like 25, 8th graders came up and I was so scared that I was going to mess up. But one of my favorite parts was when my friends came up to me and recorded me. I was really relaxed surprisingly when they did. But the number one thing that I love is that this is all going to Make A Wish! Not only was it so much fun for us now we get to make it really fun for some child who needs it. Every one of us should be proud of ourselves because we get to make one whole wish come true. Which is TRULY amazing and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it. One of my favorite projects so far was the Cell in Mrs. Ericssons Science. I did a plant cell and it was all eatable. It was really fun trying to figure out different things to put in it. But I guess it was really good. Because it was a giant cookie=) But if the Wax Museum counts as a project then that was one of my favorites too.
Well I talked about the wax museum and other things I liked. Now I will talk about other things I enjoyed. I really liked the white shirt productions. Johnny Rawten was pretty cool. I’m pretty sure Johnny Rawten is the I series character. Because Johnny Rawten knows a Lydia and he killed the tiger. And the I series character is trying to save Lydia and a tiger. So they match up and also as I was reading along there were clues.
Now I will tell you about a thing from each ancient civilization. Stone Age = started a long time ago also they found a man that was from around that time and named him Otzi the ice man. Mesopotamia = they built Ziggurats Ancient India = 2600 – 1900 bc WAS THE FIRST major civilization in ancient India Ancient Rome = had the coliseum which is famous for having gladiator fights that reminds me I enjoyed doing the Gladiator Project where we made Gladiator trading cards that was fun I named mine Anthony Felix . Ancient Greece = had Olympians which were gods. Ancient Egypt = time when they built the amazing pyramids and the sphinx plus more did you that in order to build the pyramids they used men and a bunch of men used ropes to pull up the huge few ton blocks and if it slip and went backwards however was behind it died. It toke a lot of work and a lot of men. Ancient China = ancient china is where the Great Wall of China was built it was used for protection the Great Wall of China is very very long. Medieval times = medieval times is known for great sadness the sadness part about the medieval times is the black death millions of people died the were so many dead they stop bothering with funerals dead were everywhere it was filthy there a great place for rats which carry diseases then fleas bite them and the humans and other animals and then those people died it so sad did you know that, that is where the song ring around the roises is from the kids wrote while they watch their friends and family die wondering when their time would come when there were taking with the others away dead they wondered when they would die like the rest . Scared helpless I wish it weren’t true I wish it was just a folktale a made up story by a person with a sad brain.
Some of my favorite projects were……… in reading I liked the book share and on science I liked building a cell and dissecting the owl pellet. In math I like geometry.IN ENGLISH I LIKED writing poems. In gym I liked football in social studies I liked blogging. And watching the White shirt productions. Now my least favorite thing we did this Year in each subject is. In reading I disliked ar goal and the Dakota step test in science I disliked the unit of the science tools in math I disliked the Dakota step test and division is not very fun in English didn’t like any of it really except writing poems and in Social Studies I disliked doing the glog. In gym I disliked the soccer unit.
Some of my favorite projects were……… in reading I liked the book share and on science I liked building a cell and dissecting the owl pellet. In math I like geometry.IN ENGLISH I LIKED writing poems. In gym I liked football in social studies I liked blogging. And watching the White shirt productions. Now my least favorite thing we did this Year in each subject is. In reading I disliked ar goal and the Dakota step test in science I disliked the unit of the science tools in math I disliked the Dakota step test and division is not very fun in English didn’t like any of it really except writing poems and in Social Studies I disliked doing the glog. In gym I disliked the soccer unit.
Now I will talk about homeroom. Home room is a fun place I liked the all about me board. We are doing an end of the year track event I’m doing the 400 800 and can’t remember if I’m doing the 200 and Mr. Klumper hasn’t announced the field events yet. I wish I wouldn’t have volunteered for the 800 because that’s two times around the track that’s a long way a long long way I scared I won’t do good I wish I could back out now but I think I’m stuck and I have to do it but I’m not sure.
Also we did this thing with the other homerooms called the homeroom battles are homeroom the Iron Klumpers didn’t do so good but it was fun one thing we did was a joust tournament that was so much fun I loved I was the female horse. And the knight I pulled was Zach. We did not win.
Now one more thing before I’m done. IN Social Studies we did this thing where we get points and my class is in first right now by quit a few points I really hope we win but we could not I just hope that doesn’t happen
And that’s my 1000 word essay I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading it. Hit 1000 words it wasn’t easy but I did it.
Social Studies is a fun class, because the games and stories we read. In social studies we do a lot of games like Joust, the S.S. league, I think the best story Mr. Klumper wrote is the Johnny Rawten, because the main character Johnny Rawten is funny because he sounds like the boys everywhere that are too afraid to the girl they like. I like the ending where he disappears and then returns to the modern world, then is too afraid to talk to Linda… so his friend has to talk for him. As they head to the dance Johnny sees the tiger and black hole, or a portal, and he has to decide if he was to go the dance or go into the portal. These were my favorite civilizations, Rome, Greece, Medieval Times, and Egypt because they were all unique. Stone Age we learned about cave men, and how they discovered fire. Mesopotamia we learned about ziggurats are buildings that people go to worship there god or gods. In Egypt we learned about gods and goddesses. China we learned about the inventions that they used for wars. India we learned about the religions, which are buddhism, hindiusm. Greece we learned about gods and goddesses, the wars. Next, Rome in which we made a blog book and learned a lot of things. In Medieval part, and we jousted and had a jousting tournament. Times we learned about the feudalism order of power, the Black Death which was my favoite. Now on to the Wax Museum, which I dislike, all the student and people walking around were uncomfortable. In was R.J.S which means Rachel Joy Scott. She died at the age of 17 years which young, Tori was Jesse James, Becky was Calamity Jane, and Sonja was Cleopatra. I wish we could have had music to listen to if we did not have people at the spot. The fun part of the Wax Museum was when we just to choice our character we were going to play for it. The order of the things we did for was 1. Choice character 2. Found out the history 3. Write it down 4. Get costume 5. Memorize speech 6. Performance. I did have some fun, I think we should do the wax museum on our dead relatives or someone else’s dead relative. I think the people walking should not be afraid to walk and drop coins. I think I got about 5 or 10 bucks. The total amount of money we got was $4534.74, it cool that we got that much so that we could make a child’s day and the parent’s day. The day we had the Wax Museum I was like “crap it’s here.”And then Sonja was like “Oh, man I have to memorize my speech” and I was like “Oh yes you do.” Then Becky starts to say her speech and Sonja and I tell her to shut up and she like “Oh, no”. It was a good experience. favorite.
Finally I get to talk about anything… I like reading the best because I read a lot of books, I’ve like almost 85 books in the school year. Math is my next favorite class because I am very good at math, I have an A- in that class. I was the Queen for the class joust tournament, it was very funny because I was the taller one and the king was the short one, because is it suppose to have the king the tall one NOT the short one? I have another question “why is school so long?” Sonja is the crazy one, Becky is the insane one, sorry switch that around Sonja is the insane one, and Becky is the crazy one. I think I’m the one in the middle so I’m good in the middle. By the way in the Joust Tournament, Becky was an announcer and Sonja was an announcer too. Becky went to the dance with Jeremy something (I don’t know he’s last name) and Sonja went with Gage Hoffman. Gage is the one that played something from the movie Titanic. Just to let you know I didn’t no go to the dance with anyone. There is this thing Sonja and me do, we hit each other because we think it is funny and I gave Sonja busies one time and she hit back, but it did not hurt. Just to end the paragraph I am going to say “ None knows what to expect so don’t except the worst”.
My ONE THOUSAND word Challenge talks about four topics;
• Social Studies
• Wax Museum
• Projects
• Miscellaneous
Social Studies: Some of the things we talked about were the Wax Museum, India, China, Greece, Mesopotamia, Stone Age, Rome, Medieval Times, White Shirt productions, I Series, Water for Sixth Grade, social studies league, Johnny Rawten. I liked learning about Greece and all of the Greek gods; my favorite goddess was Aphrodite the goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance.
Wax Museum: My favorite part of the Wax Museum was when we got to start researching our person, and learn about all of the interesting facts. Also, when we drew our number I got number 123, and I had some difficulty trying to pick who I wanted to be, so I chose Martha Dandridge Curtis Washington. My speech is pretty interesting. Do you want to hear it? Well, if not, here it goes.
Are you married to anyone famous? Well, I am. I’m married to George Washington who was the first president of the United States. Hi I’m Martha Dandridge Curtis Washington. I was born on June 2, 1731 in New Kent County. I was famous for two things. First, because I was the initial first lady. Second, because a group of ladies and submitted a design for the first flag. Some of the people in my family are my father, john Dandridge who was a planter and an immigrant. My mother, Clara Jones Dandridge, who taught my siblings and me. I have three brothers named John, William, and Bartholomew. I also have five sisters named Anna, Elizabeth, Frances, Mary Ann, and one illegitimate sister named Ann. I grew up in Chestnut Grove, Virginia. I am English, Welch, and French. I enjoy sewing, horseback riding, gardening, dancing, and playing the spinet. I was married twice. First, to Colonel Daniel Parke Curtis. We had four children, but two died in infancy. The remaining two were Jacky and Patsy. Daniel died when Jacky was three and Patsy was four. A couple years after Daniel died I met Colonel George Washington in the Virginia militia at a dance in Williamsburg. We married shortly after. George had just been elected the President of the United States. We got married in the White house but did not live there. We had no children but raised Jacky and Patsy. I then got a job of directing the large staff of slaves and servants. I was friends with Lucy Knox, Catherine Greene, and Abigail Adams.Some of my most famous quotes were, “I am still happy in whatever situations I may be in”, “Steady as a clock, busy as a bee, cheerful as a cricket”, “The greatest part of happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.” One important experience for me was submitting a design for the first flag. My historical significance was being the initial first lady. Unfortunately, I died at age 70 due to a terrible fever on May 22, 1802. The nurse said I would recover, but I never did.
So there is my speech, hope you liked it.
School Projects: My favorite school project would have to be the Tic-Tac-Toe. The reason why it is my favorite is because we get to do three projects in one. The project that I will remember most would have to be the Wax Museum, because I believe that I will never forget who I was or who my friends were. My 2nd favorite project would have to be the Help Wanted Poster. The reason why is because I liked coin stamper and leech collector.
Miscellaneous: Now I will tell you about anything from 6th grade. My favorite things about 6th grade. First, I liked seeing all of the new kids; we had like 4 or 5. I also liked spending time with my friends, even though I only had chorus with one because she is on the red team. I have only one class with Kaylee Riley and Morgan Mashlan. One thing I didn’t like was not being able to play school sports. In 7th grade I am going to be in tennis as a school sport. The sports I am in right now are dance at Allison’s Dance Academy, it is really fun. I did have some tough times though, during the Dakota step test because my grandpa Bob passed away on April 6th, 2010. I can’t wait for school to be over so I can sleep in and play tennis at Gladis Tennis camp and also dance at Allison’s Dance Academy summer dance camp and to try out for competition dance. I wonder how many 6th graders will be here next year, we had 278 or something like that.
That is my 1,000 word challenge
(Actually 800 words)
2011 Reflection
Social Studies:
Wax Museum: I think writing the speech was most difficult because it was hard to write it. The night of the wax museum was intense because that we knew that one kid would be getting a big check for something special
School Projects:
Miscellaneous: Overall this year I had a lot of fun doing stuff with my old friend and new friends. And meeting really nice teachers and there always there to encourage you. Oh and the lunch was always good. It was fun when I won the jousting tournament very exhilarating. I had lots of fun this year!!!!!!
To start off the 1,000 word challenge I am going to talk about social studies and the ancient civilizations. My favorite ancient civilization was medieval times because of the tortures and learning about all of them, my second was probably china because of Mr. Sturgeon going to ancient china and telling us and showing us some of the interesting stuff that is in china, like we saw the picture of him and his wife, and their son on the Great Wall of China. My favorite thing this year was the Wax Museum, not only because we got to dress up and talk about your character but because we are going to be changing a life FOREVER!!!! The wax museum was so fun but so tiring because of all the hard work that we students put into the big wax museum night. I thought that the best part of the wax museum was the big performance, I was so nervous until it started but after that I officially said that it will never be forgotten that big, fun night. The wax museum will always be the best because off all the costumes, the great speeches, and the awesome teacher that put this all together. My favorite school projects probably would be for sure the Wax Museum 2011, because of the great experience and great job everyone did... Next would probably be the cell project that Mrs.Ericsson set up for us to do instead of a test, I liked that project because of one not having to take a test, two I am more of a visual person and not a reading person so I like seeing things to understand them rather than reading out of a text book, next I liked that project because it was very fun to make and easier to understand. That project was one of my favorites, because of those reasons. The next project that I liked would be the book share in reading because it is a lot more fun than just reading and taking tests.
My favorite school project would have to be either the owl pellet lab in Science, and the catapult project in Science.
In SS I learned many things but I know that the two things I will remember most is the leach collector, and the groom of the stool. My favorite Ancient Civilizion is The Stone Age because I like how they used what they had and were very resoursefull. In Midieval Times I learned that the Knight has probably the hardest job because he goes off and fights. I also learned that the magna carta is to help everyone not just the king, I always thought that it was to give the king all power, well guess not. In Egypt I pretty much knew all of the things you taught me because when I was younger I wanted to be an archeologist so I read many many books about it but it was still very informational through the unit. In Mesopotamia I learned about a city I cant quite remember what its called like mohenjo-daro or something I don’t remember it was a while ago. In China I learned that the great wall of china was used as a protection against people coming to invade. Also that people belived in a god called Buddha and there were buddists. In Rome I learned that they had different names than what the greek call them like neptune is for posiden and stuff like that. In Greece I knew all the gods and goddesses and even the less known gods but I still learned a lot from you. I learned in that unit is that the pantheon was for worshiping the gods. I also learned about many things but I really liked learning about the weapons and like how they kill things and stuff.
In the wax museum it was very difficult because you had to stand in the same position for a very long time and it was hard to remember your speech if you freeze up and then you just kinda wing it. Though it was fun to dress up like the characters. The night proformance was very nerve racking because it was very hot and tiring.
Some of the things that I learned during this year were of the ancient civilizations. One of them was the Stone Age where some most of their tools had consisted of wood and bone. We had also been reading about Johnny Rawten and the guy from the I Series stories. Johnny had gone on many adventures to each of the ancient worlds. The guy from the I Series story had gone to the ancient worlds as well. Some of the other worlds were Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, India, China, and the medieval times. During the I Series stories the guy had to do tasks to earn gold coins. The task in the Stone Age was he had to make fire stay long enough to hunt large elk. In Mesopotamia he had to create irrigation so people wouldn’t starve. In Egypt he thought he had to finish a pyramid but he actually had to do the 6 steps in which to send the dead pharaoh to have a good afterlife. In china he had to go the full way of the Silk Road. In India he had to make the living conditions better so he made the houses have separate rooms, he made a garbage system, and made a piping system. In Greece he had to defeat Zeus by distracting him while grabbing the gold coin. Also in Greece he had to climb Mt. Olympus. In Rome he had to win a gladiator tournament. And in medieval times he had to stop the Black Death which is also called the bubonic plague. In social studies we had to do a thing called the Wax Museum. The process of this was we did research, wrote a speech, said the speech, memorized the speech, had a dress rehearsal, and had the Wax Museum on April 26, 2011.
this is 304 words long
Hear are my 1,000 words,
This is what I learned in social studies this year. We learned about ancient cities like china, Mesopotamia, Rome, Stone Age, India, medieval times, and Egypt. Her e is some of the stuff we learned in china we learned about dynasties, Sword, Throwing Knives, Throwing Stars, Rake, Chain, Staff, Fist, and Chopsticks were some of the weapons they used. We learned about the symbols for Chinese. Here is some stuff about Mesopotamia like it means land between rivers, and when we had a big ziggurat tournament. Here are the fabulous four inventions of Mesopotamia writting, wheel, irrigation, and money. And the first book the epic of Gilgamesh it is about in the start of the story his friend died. So he wants to know how to live forever so he will travel to the ends of the earth to find Wiseman. When he found him he offered him ever last life if he could stay awake for seven days. But Gilgamesh falls asleep almost immediately and learns only the gods can live forever.
Some facts we learned this year came from 8 different ancient civilizations. Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome, and Middle Ages or Medieval Times. Let’s begin with Stone Age. The Stone Age had wild beasts and the humans that lived there were called, Neanderthals. They used fire to hunt. Next is Mesopotamia, which means land between the rivers which were the Tigris River and Euphrates River. Their writing was called cuneiform. Now it is Egypt. Egypt is one of the four ancient civilizations that still exists today. Egypt is famous for the pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza made by the pharaoh Khufu. Egypt also believed in many gods that were supposed to be used as to describe why things happen. Like why does the Nile River flood? Now there is China. China is another civilization that still exists today. China has many important inventions, like toilet paper or acupuncture though I’m not sure if acupuncture is important. Anyway, the next civilization is India. The main religion in India is Buddhism. Buddhism is the religion where people believed in the Buddha.
Here are some of the things that I learned but I didn’t cover all of the Ancient Civilizations because I didn’t have time.
The Wax Museum was absolutely fun. I loved dressing up in a costume and memorizing a speech. Even though it is a lot of work I know that I helped a kid get their last wish. It was also amazing how we raised so much money. We almost doubled last year’s total. I didn’t think that we would be able to double it but we did. Some of the projects that I will remember are the end of the year science project because it took Amy and I 3 whole days of constantly working to finish it but it came out great. I will also remember doing the tic tac toe. I knew when you said that we will always win that you had a trick up your sleeve. Thanks!
Some things that I will remember is that this is the grade where I have seen the most casts.
Social studies
I learned a lot of theings in social studies, somethings I learned in social studies are rome, Medieval times .In medieval times I learned about the catapults, torture , black death,chrul, fuller,Srming squire,leech collector, lime burner,treadmill operator, bardor/surgeon, lance maker,Guillemot egg collector, bog iron hunter,coin stamper, rat catcher, sin eater, toad eater, spitboy, gong farmer, gong scours and groom of the stool I also learned about Black death ,islam, christians , muslims, crusades, rulers and invaders, spain, france, germany, italy, poland, united kingdom, Ireland, Norway, sweden, finland, normans, william the concer,Europe,pope, kings,lords, knights, peasents, monk,nuns, convent. In Egypt I learned about the Nile River and what they used for paper. In Rome I learned about Gladiators, Colesseum and the Trojan Horse
I am going to take part in the 1,000 word challenge. Some of the ancient civilizations I have learned about is my favorite is Medieval Times. Medieval Times is my favorite because they had the Black Death or the bubonic plague. I enjoyed learning about the Black Death because it was interesting to see all the pictures of what it looks like after you have been bitten by a rat or flea. Also I like the Ancient Egypt because of the pyramids. The pyramid is my favorite because it was interesting to see all the things and people that were there. My last favorite Ancient world is China. I like the Ancient world China because of the Silk Road. I liked how we played the Silk Road game with our class even though I was probably the lowest score.
My next favorite thing besides learning about the Ancient Worlds is the Wax Museum. The Wax Museum at first was a little scary. But when I got all of the information down thought it was going to be kinda fun. When we read our speech in front of the class I thought I had it really easy because we could read the paper that was in front us. When we had the dress rehearsal I was scared that I would forget my speech. When I was up there and it was over and I realized I memorized my speech I felt really good about the Wax Museum night. At last April 26th came and I was so nervous. When the first set of people came to where I was at I was so scared. After the third time I said my speech I really liked to do my speech. After it was over I was so happy I felt like I couldn’t talk for the rest of the day. The next day Mr. Klumper was telling how happy he was for us and that he was proud of us I felt really good inside that after all of my hard work to memorize it and get good information something really liked my speech. When Thursday came I was excited for that night because it was the red teams turn to present their Wax Museum speeches. I went that night and personally I thought our team did the best. I felt good inside that my friends did hard work and their speeches are really good. I also felt good about giving the 4,000 dollar check to that kid that she or he is going to get her wish granted.
Some of my favorite types of school projects was the silk road game. I was probably the lowest but I thought I did a horrible job picking out stuff that I wanted to take along on the silk road game. Another of my school projects was when we had to make a bored game that we had to make.
Some of my favorite things about 6th grade is that my favorite lunch is chicken nuggets. Also one of my favorite lunches were chicken patty.
Even though Mr. Klumper gets on my nerves like the texting to water for sixth grade I still like him a little b it. One of my favorite ancient worlds was Greece because I liked to learn about the Co
I didnt get 1,000 words but close enough
What I liked about social studies was that my fourth period was awesome!!!! They were all great! My favorite part of social studies was all the fun things we did like: the league, looping, challenges, blogging, etc. Something cool was when Mr.Klumper set up a email study type thing ediscio. That was awesome. What I liked about the wax museum was it seemed like it went forever but it didn’t. I went by fast. It was easy because I was by a friend so it then seemed like it went faster even though we kept looking at the time. The difficult part was standing for an hour and half. It was hard because like all the girls had high heels on and they hurt your feet. Some school projects I liked were the cell project for science because you could make your own cell any way you wanted it. Mine was eatable and declicous!!!! Another school project I liked was the make your own game for social studies. Some miscellaneous things are the spring fling. It was the best talent show and dance EVER! The dance was okay? My friends kept chasing my ex-bf to dance with me and it didn’t happen. That’s okay though. I had fun dancing with my best friends in the WHOLE WORLD! Like: Nikita, Cesia, Seattle, Grace, Wojo, and Logan. Some other things that were awesome were the medieval times fair in the gym. YEAH! Sayed Squires rock! We won the jousting and the juggling were soooo awesome thanks to our jousting winner Logan Domagala and our juggling winner Spencer Grage!!!! One cool lunch we had is when they brought all that Chinese food to our school that food was good!!!!
Some of my favorite games in gym were Deckert Ball and Hagen Ball. My favorite part of this whole year was I made new friends. They are: Nikita, Cesia, Grace, Brandon, Wojo, Amy, Katelyn, Lexi, Masen, Austin Beldin , Wyatt, Logan, Payton Ennor, and a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!! Something cool that happened in social studies is when Mr. Ellingworth sang happy birthday to me on January 12th. This year was great and in the beginning I thought it was gonnna be long, hard, boring, and scary but it didn’t turn out that way. I also learned a lot this year like I have a cousin that goes here who is very annoying but in a good way hes still AWESOME!!!! Brady Patterson! I thought there was a lot of drama though between friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, and just in general! So this year was great I wish I didn’t have to leave 6th grade for almost 4 months. Im gonna miss all my friends and teachers especially Mr. Klumper because he was the best teacher this year!!!! The 6th graders next year if they have Mr. Klumper they are gonna LOVE him! I will also miss my homeroom of: Kaitlyn Huska, Logan D., Brady B., Spencer Grage., Peter, Carter, Wyatt, Nicole, Sheridon, Alex, Victoria, Jamey, Mitch, Rebecca, Libby, Brady P., Masen J., Andrew, Matt M., Nick B., Amy, Lexi, Katelyn N., Abby M., Kate Forster, Aly, Carly Rahn, Ozzie, and Mrs. Sayed!!!! Bye 6th grade!!!!
The Wax Museum was great. I swear you give your speech 2,000 times! By the end you feel like you’re repeating yourself. It was a little painful. My feet and throat were very sore. I couldn’t even talk the next day. It was a lot of work but it was worth it giving the money to Make-A-Wish.
Sixth grade was a lot of work but it was fun. My favorite school project was the masks in art. We got to put plaster on each other’s faces and then we painted them.
I also liked the project in science when we made catapults. Ours traveled about 390 centimeters.
In social studies there are shirt giveaways. I haven’t won one yet but there’s still a chance. Mr. Klumper made white shirt productions. He would write on a white shirt and have a drawing for it. Another shirt giveaway was the water for sixth grade t-shirt. You had to get a good grade on the test and your name would be put in a bucket. My name was put in there every time but I have bad luck. Lots of other people haven’t won either. The activities in social studies that I will remember are this one, the wax museum, and the joust tournament. The joust tournament was really fun. It was a good way to start social studies. I got to the last battle of the girls and lost in a “destiny” game.
I think that Johnny Rawten is I. I saw that on Ediscio and Mr. Klumper deleted it in the morning. Johnny was supposed to die but he didn’t. He got slammed in the Iron Maiden. The Iron Maiden is a torture device used in the Medieval Times. It is a big iron coffin. To open it, you pull two doors open. On the inside of these doors are spikes. There are two where the eyeballs go so they stab the eyes. Johnny was put into one of these and somebody slammed the doors shut. One day Johnny didn’t come home. His parents were worried after he’d been missing for days. They began to think he was dead. During a memorial service and lightning struck and Johnny reappeared. Everybody was shocked. What happened was when the doors were slammed shut, the portal was there. Johnny was in the portal but he got stuck. It took a few days to start up again. When Johnny got home he wasn’t so “rawten” anymore.
This summer I’m going to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. We will be going with the Frantzens. We will stay for about a week. We are going to Magic Kingdom, Universal Studios, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. We will also go to the beach. This will be my third time going to Florida.
The others activities I will be doing this summer are the Wisconsin Dells, volleyball camp, basketball camp, volleyball league, workouts, and I will go to Minneapolis. We will also go to our lake cabin. We go almost every weekend except when my brother and sister have baseball or softball. I don’t play softball because I hate batting. I was never very good at it even though it’s hard to tell at age 6 or 7.
I’ve never really had a student teacher before, but this year I had at least three. They were: Ms. Kramer, Mr. Ellingworth, and Ms. Graff. Ms. Kramer left on May 5th.
My favorite wheel class was art. It was hard because we had to do about three projects per day but I liked the projects.
Middle school is fun because all the schools merged together. It is really different than elementary school because you have two locker combinations, lots of different classrooms, and a longer day. You don’t have recess anymore which I love in the winter.
The blog is very useful. If you need something from social studies, it’s right there. If you’re missing a paper, you can print it off and fill it out. It’s easy to get your homework done on time with the blog.
We just got done with the Medieval Times unit. I wouldn’t like to live in this unit because there are too many torture devices. Even if you’re innocent, you still could get tortured. There is the Iron Maiden, the pear of anguish, the rack, and many more. There is torture by pain and humiliation. The Iron Maiden is an example of torture by execution. In the Medieval Times, there is also something called the Black Death. It is a disease that turns your fingers, toes, and spots on your skin black. It can kill you in about 5 hours. You get it if a flea bites you. It is still around today and now I am scared to death of fleas!
I love it when my brother goes to football camps, because I get to travel too! One time we went to San Diego! We have also been to Wisconsin. Once he went to Virginia, but I didn’t get to go.
Right now in social studies we are doing a tic-tac-toe activity. You pick three assignments to do. I have to do the road map, the top eight list and constructing a building. We have until Tuesday to finish, I think.
This weekend I am going to watch my brother and sister play softball and baseball. Tonight I will watch two Brandon teams face each other. It will be cold though. It shouldn’t be this cold in May. This is why I really can’t wait for Florida! The whole hot chocolate thing should be done by now.
I don’t know what to talk about anymore, so I guess I will talk about science. Abby, Hope and I just finished our test project. It was a little short. We made a diorama out of Play-Doh. When we got here today, all of the planets were cracked. Earth looked like it was already 2011.
School lunch has been as bad as ever and that’s another reason I’m excited for summer. I can’t eat much more of that.
Well I’m over 1,000 words now, so The End.
My sixth grade year went by very fast! In Social Studies I learned many interesting things. I really liked how in social studies we learn about different ancient civilizations, so we can see how each one is different and how we got our machines that they invented. The first ancient civilization we learned about is the Stone Age. That wasn’t my favorite civilization to learn about, but it was still interesting. Mr. Klumper taught us about cavemen and how they had different qualities to their body that helped them survive. Also we looked at a lot of cave art and tried to understand what they were trying to represent in the art. In the Stone Age it is cool to see how they hunted. They trapped the animal, which usually was an elk, then all started to spear it to death. Or they chased the elk of a cliff. The next ancient civilization we learned about was Mesopotamia. This was a lot more interesting then the Stone Age I thought. They had two main rivers that helped them survive, Tigris and Euphrates. These two rivers were very important without them they would not have water for crops. We also learned about Egypt. It was very fun to learn their writing called hieroglyphics. We had to decode the hieroglyphics to find out the answer to win a prize on Water for Sixth Grade. There major river was the Nile River it has a black land for farming then red land was dry and useless land along the Nile. After that we learned about China, this one was one of my favorites. It was really interesting to learn about the Great Wall of China. One thing I didn’t know about it was they called it the Longest cemetery in the world, because so many people died working on it. After China we learned about Greece this one is different from the other ancient civilizations because it does not have a major river but a sea to get there water from. Then we learned about Rome, this was my third favorite after Medieval Times and China. I found it very interesting to learn about the Colosseum. It was a lot of fun to make trading cards and learn about gladiator fights and all the different types of gladiators. Then my favorite of all the ancient civilizations and the last is Medieval Times. This was my favorite it was very interesting learning about the toture devices.
A lot went on this year. It’s still going to be hard to write one-thousand words.
Okay what to talk about first. I guess I should start talking about WSG.
When I came to 4th period for the first time I saw that there was a blog on which we would do a lot of assignments. I thought that was really cool.
The Stone Age was a really cool subject. Especially sense we were introduced to the “I Series”, and “Johnny Rawten. Both are excellent books. Some of the stuff that we learned was really cool.
The next ancient world im going to talk about is Mesopatamia. I remember irrigation was invented there. Also the first language was made there. The wheel, and even currency. These are the fabulous four of Mesopatamia.
After Mesopatamia came ancient Egypt. One of the most famous things Egyptians did was building the pyramids. Pyramids were use actually as a tomb. When they were the workers on the inside had to make sure no one could get in. So the were usually trapped inside, because of really huge stone blocks.
Also so I don’t forget I’m going to post this at 200 words right now.
The best part about this school much the wax museum it was fun to learn about stuff I didn’t even know from the start. Like I didn’t know the Mark twains real name was Samuel Clemens he wrote a lot of books and liked to do it he had a rough life as a kid his mom died in a car accident when he was fifteen he was shoot in the back of the head by his daughter. He was a good man to the world he made up Tom Sower one of the best books in the world he helped make a lot of things he had to feed his family by the age of 15 the best part was seeing all the people at the Wax museum star getting scared at that moment I know it was ON then when it all stared I was the most white person in the state of south Dakota I was nervous but who wasn’t ill tell you what it was scary watching random people watching you at any moment here come your parents and the put a PENNIE in you thing then you always say I HATE YOU. Now on to launch it was way better then when you went to elemtry school it was so bad that I wanted to go to middle school and on to being a 7th grader and being the person to pick on the 6th graders go up to them sup kid they will go shut up you were sixth graders l year is pretty last year and the bully will walk away with a smile. It was the best year of my life in 6th grade and the best day was when I won the art pick thing.
A lot went on this year. It’s still going to be hard to write one-thousand words.
Okay what to talk about first. I guess I should start talking about WSG.
When I came to 4th period for the first time I saw that there was a blog on which we would do a lot of assignments. I thought that was really cool.
The Stone Age was a really cool subject. Especially sense we were introduced to the “I Series”, and “Johnny Rawten. Both are excellent books. Some of the stuff that we learned was really cool.
The next ancient world im going to talk about is Mesopatamia. I remember irrigation was invented there. Also the first language was made there. The wheel, and even currency. These are the fabulous four of Mesopatamia.
After Mesopatamia came ancient Egypt. One of the most famous things Egyptians did was building the pyramids. Pyramids were use actually as a tomb. When they were the workers on the inside had to make sure no one could get in. So the were usually trapped inside, because of really huge stone blocks.
Also so I don’t forget I’m going to post this at 200 words right now.
Where to start…hhhmmm…well to start off the wax museum was very boring and hard. My legs were numb. I lost my voice. And you the whole night when I could be sleeping. But the good thing is that we raised a lot of money for the Make A Wish foundation. Also I thought my friends did a very good job at there speeches.
Social Studies this year was very fun. I like every thing we did….well most of it. I like how we gave away t-shirts if we did well on the test. But I am mad because I never go one. The ancient Egypt was my favorite chapter because we got to learn about how they mummified people. I also like the medieval times chapter because of two reasons. One is because of the jousting tournament. Two is learning about the Black Death and knowing that it killed almost one third of Europe’s population. The worst chapter in my opinion would when we learned about Ancient India. It was kind of boring to me.
I can’t wait for the year to be over!! I am so excited to go and do all of the fun things you can do in summer! That includes swimming, going to the SDSU basketball camp that last three days, sleepovers, volley ball camps, sleeping in, going to bed late, and just doing nothing. I sometimes do get bored in the summer…but as long as there are no projects, homework, or just being stressed. Than I LOVE IT!!
The project I liked the most this year was the Medieval Times glog. I think just because it was something to instead of a poster I liked it. The thing I will remember for a ling time is how the Egyptians mummified people. It is a really gross method. First you shove a pole up their nose than jiggle it around. Then you tip them over for the brains to come out of their nose!! That is so gross.The Johnny Rawten and the I person to me is the same person. They dress the same. Both of their teacher’s names are Mr. Jackson. They have the same attitude. And they both say vomiting a lot!! Like every sentence has the word vomiting. Both of the stories are about a boy who time travels to ancient places like Stone Age, Egypt, China, Medieval Times, ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, India, and so on.
The water for sixth grade was very helpful. I was very thankful that we could study off the Ediscio site. Ediscio helped me a lot with the social studies tests.
The Social Studies tests this year were ok. Some of the tests were hard and so were easy. The standard checks that were online were hard to me.
I had a fun time doing the Ancient Greece unit. I like it when we learned about the gods. The Johnny Rawten and I series stories were the best.
The Medieval Times unit was very fun too. i liked do the joust tournament. Some of the games we played were the closest to target, dice game, throwing a ball into a recycle bin, and throwing a wax token into a recycle bin. I of coarse get a hard game like the throwing the ball into the bucket. So I knew right away I was going to lose…and I did.
The schools lunches are not that good there are some good lunches but then they serve something really gross. They also have chicken everyday it seems like. Well probably not every day but pretty close. I think we should have a sandwich place where you can put anything you want on your sandwich. It would be just like subway.
The white shirt productions were fun to watch. They made me laugh.
My name is dodging and this is the 1000 word challenge. I loved the white shirt production because it was funny cool and creative plus they also teach you something about the ancient worlds I also like that he uses his little girl to help him my favorite is look like a Egyptian or otzi the ice man. I also like the I series it is a about a boy who killed a tiger and know he has to save him by finding 8 gold coins and he goes to ancient worlds to find them I think the main character is jonny rawten but that is just me. I also like jonny rawten it is about I mean boy who travels to worlds but when he travels to the worlds he learns a life lesson when he is done he is nice. I also like the places we studied like china and the Great Wall of China and Mesopotamia and the four inventions. I also think it is cool that are teacher Mr Klumper made water for sixth grade for his classes. I think the best part is the wax museum it was so cool it is true it is a night you will never forget. I think it was hard to remember the speech. My favorite part is everything it was all great but before it I got nervous.
This year was a fun year we did many fun projects like the wax museum . Oh yes, the wax museum a fun and easy, there were many great speeches for the project and also good costumes. Some more fun project was the medieval fair many joust and jokes, many cheers and many boos. Good horses and good knights. We made catapults to see whose would win some good but yet some bad. In social studies we had a tournament called the JOUST TORNUMENT! All the winners were girls at the end there were games like THE GAME OF DESINTY and CARDS AND MANY MORE.
I another things I liked were the Johnny Rawten series, it was about a mean boy who goes to different world and every time he would teleport in different ways and every time he came back he would tell his social studies teacher Mr. Jackson stories of where he went. And the I series is about a person who is going to different world and he works on different quest and he does not know what the quest is right away he later in the story finds what to do in the story and every time he is in a dream.
The civilizations we learned about were the stone age, meso., Egypt, china, India, Greece, Rome, and medieval times. Stone age is about caveman and the way they hunt, live, and ect.
I will remember a lot this school year and miss a lot in 6th grade. This year I learned a lot in all my classes and did a lot in all my classes, but I would like to start with a very special one, SOCIAL STUDIES. In social studies I had a very special teacher, MR. KLUMPER. He taught me a lot, I learned a lot. I learned things about ancient civilizations like Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient china, ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and finally, the medieval times, and all through them we read the I series and Johnny rawten. They were Johnny goes to stone age
Ok so im gonna tell you how much I loved sixth grade it was so fun. So im gonna tell you about the dance. it was so fun it was the first school dance I have been to im gonna go to all of them next year. I think we should have more 6th grade dances though. But overall that was the best dance of the year. So I say keep it up now I loved the wax museum it was the best part of the year. But I don’t know if field day will top it though.
The wax museum was really fun. The part I did not like about it was all the studying. But I did learn a lot of new stuff about Elvis. That I did not know like he had a twin bro that died while his mom was giving birth. or that he worked at a tool company for 12.00$ a week. That’s pretty cool so that’s what I have to say about the wax museum oh yah and before I forget the movie was awesome great job Mr.k. so on to my next subject.
The work for the year was ok but I would like a little less homework. but I guess that’s the way 6th grade works Hugh. Most of the work is fun and challenging. I am looking forward to having gym every day of the week. But I can bet some of it won’t be that fun .but I will try and make the best of it. I liked dissecting owl pellets and we get to do it again next year and I am looking forward to it. And I do hope I can have fun and we get to do sports next year. And I will look forward to traveling even though its not far it still is fun and I hope I have a good time in that. So I think that this word challenge is cool and it can really help are grade. And get a better grade for social studies. And I can’t wait to hit 1,000 words. Its goanna be cool to help my grade and it’s so easy. so I’m just goanna keep writing to so I have to go in a little bit so I’m goanna keep writing just for a little bit I’m goanna get to 400 words almost there 398 399 400 woooooooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!
This year I have learned a lot about ancient history that I did not know before sixth grade. In social studies, I have learned about eight different ancient civilizations, and they have all been very interesting. My favorite civilization was called the Medieval Times. There were many different areas of discussion on this unit including topics such as religion, torture, and daily life. I think it was interesting because it seems to be very similar to the lives of many people today. It was very cool to see how much progress people have made throughout time. It was enjoyable to see all of the advances in technology through all of the different civilizations. The book Johnny Rawten was a very interesting story. It was cool how he traveled through all the different places we learned about. This story helped me to understand and remember the unit better. The I Series was also a very good story. The main character in the story had to accomplish a special task in each of the civilizations. This was also a very good learning and studying tool. I think that Water for Sixth Grade is also a very good way to study and use technology to further our learning. I think that all teachers should have a blog to have their students use. It would help kids who are not very familiar with technology to learn how to use it better, and more efficiently. It also helps other students who enjoy using computers to learn and stay involved in school. Water for Sixth Grade has been a very useful tool for school. The eight ancient civilizations we learned about are the Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the Medieval Times. During the Stone Age, people were referred to as Neanderthals, or “Cave Men”, and they invented fire. In Mesopotamia, people started to use the method of irrigation to water their crops so they wouldn’t flood. In our modern world, sprinklers are used like irrigation was then. During the unit of Ancient India, our student teacher, Mr. Ellingworth, taught us. I learned lots of interesting facts about this civilization. Buddhism and Hinduism were the major religions of Ancient India. We also studied a city called Mohenjo-Daro. This city is a lot like the cities of today. In the Ancient China unit, we learned about many inventions such as the wheelbarrow and fireworks. All of the inventions are still made by companies and used around the world today. In the Ancient Greece unit, we learned about mythological characters such as Zeus, Hera, Cyclops, Hermes, and Medusa. These were very interesting and kind of weird stories. Myths were used to describe storms, droughts, death, and other unexplainable events during this time period. In Ancient Rome, the Colosseum, a giant arena was built. Gladiator fights were a major part of entertainment and took place in the Colosseum. All of these fights continued until one of the gladiators died.
The last and most recent ancient civilization we studied was the Medieval Times. Learning about torture, and the methods they used was a main part of this unit. There were many different kinds of torture. Torture is a method of inflicting pain, whether it is physical or mental. The Medieval Times took place in the European countries. These people put up with very dirty living conditions. This meant there were lots of rats. These rats had bacteria in them that are most commonly known as the Black Death. Fleas bit the rats, and then they bit humans. The people got black sores on their bodies and then they would usually die within three days. When a person in a family got the Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, a red cross was painted on the door of the house. This acted as a boundary, and no one could go in or out of the house. On a much more positive note, the White Shirt Production videos were very funny to watch in class. My favorite one was the “What is Democracy?” video when Mr. Ellingworth did the video with Mr. Klumper at the mall. The Social Studies league... well, I am in period 6. We have three points so far, and I don’t think that we will ever catch up. We are in last place, so that’s pretty much it for that topic. The Wax Museum was by far my favorite part of sixth grade social studies. I was Fred Rogers, and I had a lot of fun doing my performance. There were other things that I also enjoyed, like doing the research. I learned a lot of fun facts about Fred Rogers and his career. I think I know more about him than any other subject in the world, which is kind of a weird thing to know a lot about. I really enjoy acting, so the Wax Museum was something that I looked forward to all year. My least favorite part of this project was wearing an itchy wig. This was not very comfortable, although it added a great element of character to my performance. I think that I will always remember at least a few paragraphs of my speech. During sixth grade we were assigned many projects in all of the subjects. I personally like doing projects, especially individual ones, because when we do group projects, we often don’t get to pick our groups. Right now we are just finishing up the Tic-Tac-Toe projects in social studies, and we just presented our Chapter 11 science projects. We have done book share projects in reading, speeches in social studies, posters and games in pretty much all the subjects, we even did projects in English, which I have never done before this year. Last year I really did not enjoy social studies. However, the places we learned about, and the way that we studied them made this class both interesting and educational. My sixth grade year has been a very memorable one, and I have learned a lot.
Word Count: 1,007
In sixth grade I have learned a lot of things over this year. I really liked the movies Mr. Klumper made for us and I think we learned a lot from those. We remembered a lot from them because they were really funny! My favorite of the movies was the one when Mr. Klumper and Mr.Ellingworth went to the mall and asked people about Democracy. From the Stone Age I remember a lot about Otzi the Iceman. My favorite of the ancient civilizations was Greece because we got to each have a god or goddess and say are speech in front of the class. I liked blogging on Water For Sixth grade and doing the different posts and reading about the things. I liked the I series and Johnny Rawten and reading about them. I liked the Johnny Rawten the best because they were really good and i couldn’t put it down after I started reading it. I liked having Mr. Ellingworth hear and having him teach us. I liked seeing him at the Wax Museum. I liked doing the gladiator trading cards and having to draw a person and find info and make up things. The Social Studies League was fun but we never won any of the looping games and we are in last place….. . I liked looping and being able to compete with other periods. I also liked Jousting in the medieval time’s unit and being able to do those games in the beginning of class and competing. All the tests were a little hard but I still did pretty well on most of them. I liked going home and having to wait at the computer to have you post the blog challenges. And my mom and dad were wondering why I was staring at the computer so long. I also liked The Wax Museum and having to memorize are speech and say it in front of tons of people. I liked saying it to my parent’s everyday for 3 weeks and have them get tired of me saying the same thing over and over and over again. My dad got tired of me saying it while he was watching TV. I thought memorizing the speech was hard and having to do the dress rehearsal in front of my classmates. My favorite part was saying my speech to everyone and dumping my money into the big bin to have some kid get their wish! I can’t wait until Thursday when we get to present the check to the CEO of make a wish. Overall I really liked the Wax Museum and having Mr. Ellingworth and Mr. Klumper watch us. I still have my speech memorized and still say it when I am bored. I really liked Sixth grade and having the responsibility to have to remember your locker combination and your gym locker comnination. You also had to get all of your assingments in or u had ICU. We had a lot more homework this year than last year. I liked doing the basketball games and tournament in Spelling. Go Cheesy Poofs!!! We also had the responsibility of getting to your classes on time and not being tardy.... I really liked sixth grade and hope that seventh will be just as fun if not better!!! :)
Hi Mr.Klumper social studies this year was more fun and easy than last year. At the begging of the Year I was angry that we were going to have social studies this year, but now I’v totally changed my mind about that I love social studies now and its one of my favorite subjects. I liked the stone age unit because we got to learn how our world started. Even though I thought it was very fun and interesting I don’t believe in it because I don’t believe in evolution. Oh ya by the way I liked the geography contest at the begging of the year, and I liked the ABC seating game especially how Spencer Donaway how stepped up to help the class get arranged in the right order for their seats. I remember leaning about Otzie
Hi my name is libby I would like to tell you about my life in sixth grade. First off the first day I came to school I was very scared because I was new to school I had never been here before. I thought I wouldn’t have any friends. Right when I got into the 6th grade wing the thing I had been dreading of all came the locker. It was hard the first time and I had to have help but I got used to it and didn’t have to have help any more. So my first class was art I loved art all the rest of the class after that I didn’t have as much fun then came lunch I didn’t have any extras because I was afraid my parents would yell at me but they didn’t. so then came sixth period with Mr.Klumper I was really excited to be in his class because he was my brothers favorite teacher. The first thing we did was sit in alphabetical order. We got a time of over 10 minutes. So as the year went along I got more friends and more friends. I started to like sixth grade. The thing I liked the best about social studies was the white shirt productions they were funny. I wish Mr.Klumper would do more. He told us about water for sixth grade and I loved it the first day he told us about it I went home and did everything I could on it. He also told us about the social studies league my class didn’t do well we still only have 3 points I think but o well I had fun. My favorite civilation was the medival times I liked learning about the torture devises. At almost the end of the year we did the wax museum I was super super super scared. I did this thing before in fifth grade I was Molly Pitcher. We didn’t do the money part though all they did was sit in forunt of us ad we did our speeches. I was really mad because the judge came to me second and I wasn’t ready yet but oh well I still got a good grade. So now to the funnest project of all the catupolts in science I was really fun our catupolt didn’t do well but oh well. Well now that I have told you about my sixth grade life I have to go. After that word I just did 410 words my bad now it is 423 424 425 I must go now this is to crazy for my mind.
This year was my favorite year of Social Studies. We learned a lot and I had a very good and nice teacher who helps us learn faster. This year we learned about Ancient Civilizations. We learned about Rome, Egypt, Medieval Times, Mesopotamia, the Stone Age, and other things. One of my favorite civilizations was the Medieval Times. We got to do a Joust tournament! It was so fun and cool. Also, I liked Egypt because we learned about mummifying. When you mummify something, you prepare it for the afterlife. You have to pull out the brain and organs, salt the body and even wrap it! It’s gross but fun to write about. Mesopotamia was also a fun place. There was a law that said if you did something bad to someone they could do the same to you and maybe do it worse. If you stole you would be executed. They were all really fun. But, there was one thing that really stuck out and that was the Johnny Rawten series. He is a boy that is a huge bully, even to adults. His parents love him so much that they are scared that he will not love them anymore if they ground him. So they don’t do anything about it. On his birthday they go to Johnny’s uncle’s house and Johnny finds this weird little box in a room that is usually tightly locked. He goes inside and that is how he starts his first adventure. So, eventually he goes through every world and when he gets to Rome he is in a Gladiator fight. He has to fight a tiger that hasn’t eaten in days and he succeeds in killing it. He feels really bad. There is also another story that we read in each civilization it is called the I series. The person who is telling the story is a mystery but I am pretty sure that he is the older Johnny Rawten. Well, anyways, he goes on the adventures just like Johnny Rawten. He is trying to get eight coins, one in each world. He is trying to save a girl and a tiger. ( Hint, Hint) At the end of the year Mr.K is going to tell us what happens. Honestly I am excited for the year to end, it’s been fun but I just want a break. This year we have contests on winning stuff. I actually won a Johnny Rawten chapter book from Mr. K. I finished reading it that night. Everyone kept asking me what would happen to Johnny Rawten. Today, we finished the I series, it was very sad. He dies. Poor tiger, it almost dies twice and it can’t help Johnny Rawten. Also, today we went through all the old WSG videos. It was like going back in time from a few months ago. I am going to miss this school. There was something that we were planning the whole year. It was…… guess. You were right, it was the WAX MUSEUM. At the beginning of the year we started thinking about who we wanted to be for it. I wanted to be Cleopatra. So the day arrived when we got to chose who we wanted to be. We all drew a number from a bucket, it was 1-150.
Hi, Water For Sixth Grade! Wow, I have been through my first year in middle school. I am so glad I chose this school! These Social Studies classes were a big jump in my knowledge in history. I have never had a Social Studies class like this ever! But the best part about this year was the great Wax Museum. I loved studying my historical character and putting it all down on one piece of paper. Now at first, I thought I did not have enough information, but when I put it all on a piece of paper, I reached an appropriate amount of time. Then When I read it to the whole class, and started on making it as I was my historical character, I practiced and putted all my focus on mesmerizing my lines. Then came my costume. I wanted to be more unique, so I decided on a real toga! I went online on how to put it on, and I practiced it a couple of times until I got it. Then I made a head wreathe. I showed my costume to my family, and my brothers said I looked like the guy on Little Caesar’s pizza. I didn’t care. Then came the fun part. When it was time for me to put on my costume and practice my speech, everyone aid my costume looked great. I liked wearing my costume so much, I kept it on for the rest of the day. Then on April 26, I Putted on my costume, grabbed my bucket, and headed to the middle school to find my place. When I founded my name, I stood in my position and braced myself for the clock to strike 6:30. I had to admit, I was nervous. I worried about messing up, or my costume falling apart. Then came the wave of people polluting the hallways and dropping money in the buckets, and the costumed people saying their information to the interested audience listening with ears wide open to absorb and remember the information given to them. I stood there so solid, when a kid bumped into me, I tipped over like a stone wall and held myself up until money dropped in my bucket. Then I said my speech. It was a total success. I had so much money, I had trouble carrying it!
303 words. I had a great time this year, with everything. Social Studies and Science were my two favorite subjects. Johnny Rotten was a great book. It is interesting how a twelve year old can kill a tiger like that. You are a very good writer. I series, we have known for a long time who that character is. Johnny Rotten. First off you gave away to many obvious hints, and you just kept denying it over, and over.
Social Studies in general was very fun. I loved learning about all of the different ancient civilizations. At the beginning of the year I thought it would get boring just learning about ancient civilizations, but I was wrong, way wrong. It was a ton of fun; my favorite was the medieval times.
Wax Museum was nothing less than amazing. It was a load of fun. Getting to learn about all of those famous people. You were right it was like you were meeting some of the world’s most famous people. I don’t think that next year can beat us either. We set a high bar for the kids next year.
Water for Sixth Grade was, and still is awesome. This blog helped us all learn about Social Studies. I will still go on this blog when I am in seventh grade, maybe even an 8th grader. This is the best blog ever.
The white shirt video of the ancient Chinese warrior is funny. Though I do doubt you actually were trained in martial arts, unlike me. Not to brag or anything. Why would you put a razor sharp throwing star in your pocket? Did you go out and buy all of this, or did you just borrow them from people.
I think the idea of the one thousand word challenge was good. It is fun.
My favorite thing to blog about would have to be, the first one we did because we were just learning how to blog and that was so fun. Another thing I loved was doing all of the projects that was hands on. My absolute favorite thing that I had to do was the WAX museum. It took me forever to memorize my speech I mean I was memorizing all the time, but in the end it all paid off. One time my mom, 2 of my sisters, and my stepdad came and messed me up a lot of times. My stepdad tried to take my money and I got out of my wax statue form to tell him to stop. That REALLY messed me up. The hardest thing I had to do for the WAX museum was finding a costume. In the end I just borrowed one from one of my friends. On Thursday I went to the other teams’ WAX museum and I loved it I even went to the other Annie Oakley and she found more info on her than I did and that was cool how I learned more about my character. My favorite project to do was the build a ziggurat challenge it was so fun and I got two free passes. I think I will remember almost everything that I have done this year. Did I ever tell mention to Mr. Klumper that he is my favorite guy teacher ever and that he has the most fun study hall ever? Well he is and he does! At first I thought sixth grade was going to be really hard and very scary to me but it turns out it is about just as easy as counting 1, 2, 3 or spelling A, B, C! My favorite subject has to be social studies because I get to learn about ancient worlds. My favorite thing to read this year was the Johnny Rawten stories they were the best ever!!!! I also like the I series but not as much as I like the Johnny Rawten stories. But I think in the I series you could have made it less graphic. I mean that was a little too graphic for my liking. My favorite series to read would have to be the Johnny Rawten series. Because he is really cool. You know what I really, really, really, want to meet Timers soon because he sound really cool and because he did blog me back a few times which was awesome!!!! So now I really very really cannot wait until Wednesday because we are going to meet him and that will be so awesome.
I have learned a lot this year and it has been a good time. But, unfortunately everyone has t move on with their lives and go into 7th grade. Together the 6th grade black team has accomplished a lot. To make this challenge go behind me I must show you how much I have appreciated the time and effort you have put in to help us learn about the 8 ancient civilizations.
The 8 Ancient Civilizations.
The first one we learned about was the Stone Age as you should know. I enjoyed that a ton because it was really cool to see and talk about what our world looked like back then. You Mr. Klumper made that happen. Then we went on to ancient Mesopotamia. I liked that one because it was a little different to see the other cultural events. After that we went along to Egypt. Egypt was fun because we got to learn about the Egyptian pyramids. After Egypt came China. Really enjoyed that civilization because of Mr. Sturgeons Power Point. Then came India. That was fun to learn about because you see a lot of Indian people walking around and you think to yourself “wow I can’t believe those are the people that we learned about.” Then we went to Rome. Rome was very interesting because we talked about all the different topics that occurred in Rome. Then we talked about Greece. Greece was fun to learn about because of Greek Mythology. Then Medieval Times. I liked this one because of the Black Death.
My days in social studies have been good. and the new sixth graders will think that social studies is a lot better than 5th grade you have more fun and fun work sheets. Jonny row ton was one of the best books I have ever read it was fun reading it every chapter. Every time I read one chapter I wanted to read the next. I think you should make another jonnie raw ton book to see what he did. I think he went into the portal with his girlfriend and they rode off into the sunset on a tiger. I thought the wax museum was a little scary but I got through it. a couple times I forgot my speech but then remembered it . Then tords the end it got really easy I’m glad we can help the make a wish I can’t wait until Thursday so we can give the guy the check think he will be proud. My favorite school projects were the board game and the ziggurat tourney and the joust battles I really wanted to win but the destiny chose wrong I wish I would have won. I thought the I series were good that was cool he had to get the coins to save the tiger but in his dreams he had to sleigh the tiger. I liked the looping games they were fun but I wish our team was a little better so we can win I hope we win the last one so we can win the social study league we are in last but we can still win. I
For me this was a very exciting year in social studies. I learned a lot about ancient civilizations that I never knew. I was a little bummed when you said that there would be no more white-shirt productions, but I am happy that they came back. Johnny Rawten was an awesome story about how he went back in time to the ancient civilizations and how he learned stuff. The “I” series was also great because he had to go and help the civilizations so that they could improve and then he got the coins. I can’t wait for the final chapter. I had fun going onto water for sixth grade because not many teachers have their own blog and it gave us a new experience because instead of just doing stuff in class we got to use a fun site to help us with our homework. I liked how you had contests to try to win stuff too. I liked the social studies league but our class was not very good at wining. It was still fun to compete though. I loved learning about the different civilizations epically the medieval times. In the Stone Age I learned about how they would hunt, start fires, and about why they would do cave paintings. I also learned who wiped them out and what weapons they used. Then in Mesopotamia I learned about their religion and about how they invented the irrigation system to help them water their crops. They were very smart in my opinion. In the Egypt unit I liked learning about the pyramids. It was cool how there was so many rooms in them and how big the pyramids were. In the ancient China unit I liked learning about the Great Wall of China and about the dynasties. Also I liked learning about the Silk Road and how they would travel on it. I had a blast playing the Silk Road game. Then in the India unit I learned about their religion and where it was. In the Roman unit I liked learning about the gods and goddesses, the wars and how they operated. The Greece unit was my second favorite unit because I liked learning about the gods and about the towns and the wars that were in Greece. The Trojan War was one of my favorites. Medieval times were my favorite unit because I liked learning about the feudalism system and about castles. Also I liked learning about wars and jousting.
The most difficult parts were defiantly the tests. My favorite parts were learning about the civilizations, playing games, and watching the movies.
Iam Rylee Smith.
I had a great time this year in social studies. I learned many things this year; I learned about eight different civilizations. They were Stone Age, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Medieval times, Mesopotamia, and India. My class and I did a story called Jonny Rotten. It is a book my teacher (Mr.Klumper) made. In the book Jonny is a bully who is just about to go to middle school. Later he goes to his grandpa’s house and sees a portal that takes him into the Stone Age. When he is in the Stone Age he has to help hunt with these Neanderthals. Later he goes into a portal that leads them into Mesopotamia. There he meets a girl he thinks is pretty girl who he wants to date. Then he goes to Egypt were he has to watch people perform mummification. Next he goes to China were he just runs away from the Chinese military. After that he goes to India and he finds Buddha. Next he goes to Rome
I have learned a lot this year and it was really fun. I really enjoyed the white shirt productions because the are sometimes funny and they teach you about some things you need to know. Also they help you because it is not something that you have to do and you can just sit back and watch it. Another thing that helped me learn about the things I needed to know was the I series it is just like you are reading a very exciting book but really you are learning about a special ancient civilization. There are so many ways that we can learn about a culture. One of my all time favorites was Johnny Rawten by Mr. Klumper because it was so exciting to learn about a kid that went to many different ancient worlds and learned so many amazing things. He also met many people along the way. Water For Sixth grade was my favorite tool to use to use when I was studing for big tests that I did not know a lot about because I could click on all the guided notes we have done. Ihave learned a lot that I can use for future use and knowledge if someone asks me a question I will know it because of all I have learned. My favorite ancient world is the Medieval times because it had many fun assignments and the projects were extremely exciting. I had a lot of fun in Social Studies.
1,000 word challenge!
Medieval Times: Black Death, the black death was a disease that spread from the Asian trading ships into Europe. The technical term for Black Death was called the bubonic plaque. It was spread from fleas biting rats that had the infected blood and then the flea’s would go and bite the humans. The plaque started and didn’t stop because of all the dirty conditions. In winter people thought that the plague had died out but they were wrong because the next summer the plague came back again. If someone had the plague they would mark a red cross on the door of the victim.
Stone Age: In the stone I learned about many things the first one is called cave art. Cave art was drawings on the walls of caves. Pictures that have been discovered are pictures of them hunting or of animals. Also in the Stone Age to talk they used grunts and moans. Resin was a sticky substance that cave men used to start their fires, keep fires lit, and they were a good tool to use for hunting.
In ancient Egypt I learned about pharaohs and how they ruled the place. I also learned a lot about pyramids. Building a pyramid took a very long amount of time and hard work with dedication put into it. Mummification was when the human body was wrapped in cloth. The steps of mummification were, 1 announcement of death 2embalm the body 3 removal of brains 4removal of organs 5 drying out slab 6 wrapping the body 7 precision also we talked about the Nile river there was black land and red land.
China: learning about China was awesome! I liked learning about the Great Wall of China and it was awesome when mr. sturgeon came in and talked to us because he has actually been to China. Weapons of the Chinese were the fist this was used to fight and break boreds. Next is the throwing star with is a star with sharp ends that would be used to throw and they were really small. Also there were throwing knifes wich were very similar to the throwing star. Weapon number 4 are the chopsticks usually they are used for eating but if you are eating and an enemy attacks u could used them they can be used for jabbing or poking. These can also be weapons as throwing
Greece: totalitarianism: a form of government that uses force and power. Greek goddesses and gods were a main part of the daily life. My favorite greek god was muedusa it was cool because she had hair for snakes and if she looked at anyone they would turn to stone. When we researched the gods I got to memorize a speech about medusa.
Wax Museum: I was Bruce lee for the wax museum and it was really fun! I thought it was a very important night and I will remember it forever we almost doubled the total amount of money from the previous year. At first I was very nervous about doing it and I was scared I would forget my speech but by the end of the night I could say my speech anytime for memory. I felt very good after the wax museum because I know I would be helping someone that is sick
School projects: my favorite school project was the ziggurat tournament and the jousting tournament I had a blast getting to joust in front of the whole sixth grade. But my favorite overall project was the wax museum.
I thought it was awsome when mr. ellingworth came and stiudent taught us he is going to be an amazing teacher and I hope he has fun.
This year at bvms was amazing I liked the race to the ranch event put on by mr. sturgeon me Chloe Hogue Tanya tingle and hope jackmon got 1st in the 4x100 and I got 1 in my heat for the 100 that was really fun
I can’t wait until Wednesday because it is the last day of school! This summer we will be getting a Japanese exchange student this summer it is a boy and I am very excited to learn Japanese. He is going to be a boy and he is 13 years old. I learned that hajimi mashite anna desu is japenese for how are you my name is anna. Also in japense counting to five is ichi ni san shi go. I am soo exited because I will get to teach him about our coulture and how we talk in English while he is going to be teaching me and my family about the Japanese coulture a special meal they know how to cook and more about the japenese language.
Also this summer I am going to florida!!! I am soo exited it is only 11 days until I will be leaving on an airplane and arriving in Florida. In Florida I plan on getting a really nice tan getting lots of souvenirs. I want to get my hair done their because ever time I have gone to florida or on vacation I get my hair done. I cant wait to walk along the beach go fishing and kayaking!
I do cheer at Dakota Spirit and we get to go to a lot of places for compitions. We just got done with tryouts and I made the same team I was on last year but………….. we are now level 3!!!!!!!!!! This year we are for sure goin to Indianapolis and I hope we get to go to Wisconsin dells again. The hotel we got to stay had like 4 different water parks in it. One of my favorite memories from last year is when we went to Missouri, Kansas City and swam outside when it was below zero degrees outside.
I also do softball my favorite tournament is one in Madison because we have a lake cabin there and it is a two day tournament so after our games are all done we all head out to my cabin and have a swimming party and a nice diner.
1,000 word challenge by anna boomsma
Social studies was the best class ever. I loved the joust tournament and the ziggurat tournament I didn’t do good at that though because I got out at the second time I did it same with the joust tournament. Also I liked social studies because I had you for a teacher! The best thing we learned about was probably Medieval Times . then I would say Rome. The jousting we did was horrible I’m sorry to say but we had a bad ref. everyone thought I won! I loved it though. The best thing in social studies when we did activities . Lets go on so the wax museum well let me say it was AWESOME! I loved it how we got to watch are friends and they watch us too! I think we should have to be able to choose where we could stand but I also think we should be able to stand by someone who wont goof of because some people were walking around when they were supposed to say are speech! The school projects I will remember the most would be the wax museum because that is the only time I get to be Sacagawea unless we do it again which that will probably not happen. Also the cell project that was fun but once we had to present it was all messed up. Then there is the dissecting a owl pellet. I liked how we had to find tiny little ribs and skulls and finding out what type of thing it was. I am so excited that school is almost over but I am also scared I wont be with my friends. Then I wouldn’t be in any classes with me like Emily anymore and that be sad because we had a routine going on she brings me to school we go to first period together . my team was pretty awesome because mostly all the good girls are on the team because on the other team there is a lot of boy troubles. Such as Jennika she likes 5 boys at a time that is a little to much she liked jack ,Zach, chase they broke like a lot then got back together and then there is cooper! That is a lot to much. But like me I do not have a million boyfriends. So let’s hope I won’t get into that stuff. Life is so much better without boys in are life because when someone goes out they never talk and it would get a little awkward. Lets go on to study hall well it is stupid because we cant go on to the computer unless you have 30 bucks also I do like it though because nobody is jumping of the walls. But some people just stand there and not do anything and I just want to say work on something.
So ………. Summers I love it I just cant wait for school to be over then I have to play softball. Which is awesome. Gosh I just want to get this done I am at 515 that is pretty far but some people are already done. Emily is giving crap saying that I am a teacher’s pet but I am not I am just like her a regular human being and so is she. Gosh I have no idea what I should talk about I talked about jennika with her boy problems, study hall, summer, social studies, and science. Oh yah the summer dang am I exited I probably shouldn’t say anything about my friends because they might get cranky but jennika I hope wont care! Gosh I have nothing to right about now. Well Emily she is such a meanie she said I was a dork and actually kept it there I would think she would type that and then erase it but nope she is letting everyone see it that just makes me mad I said that she was awesome! I am just staring of at space right now! Dang I want to be done with this so bad. I better get I done now though ! I am going blank. I am so excited for school to be over there is only two more days left so I am still holding on I am now at 719. Everyone is talking and they need to stop. I don’t want to say names but some girls are big boy lovers not jennika but just some girls. I feel really bad for Monet she was at 700 and something and then It just disappeared dang that would such. One girl I am sitting next too is driving me bonkers not Katie or Emily but she is just flirting with boys like crazy. Sooo I really want that girls sun chips they look really good. I an tempting to steal them from you so beware! I want them so bad I go might ask her after class if I could have a couple. I really want to see teach timmers lets hope he shows up somewhere. Wow all of a sudden everyone started talking. There lucky we don’t have the money system anymore otherwise they would have all gotten fined. That would have been awesome though. It sucks for them that they will have to come here on Thursday if they don’t start doing something now I am at wait almost yah I am at 904 words. I am typing as fast as I can so I can just get this done with. I just don’t want this published so that everyone can look at what I am typing. I am almost done ! I got my tic tac toe done so now I don’t have any social studies to do except this which I only need 20 more words. I don’t have gym anymore and people are saying that we are lucky because they are playing a weird game. Like deckert ball but you only get one out. YEAH IM AT 1000 WORDS! BYE!
I will remember a lot this school year and miss a lot in 6th grade. This year I learned a lot in all my classes and did a lot in all my classes, but I would like to start with a very special one, SOCIAL STUDIES. In social studies I had a very special teacher, MR. KLUMPER. He taught me a lot, I learned a lot. I learned things about ancient civilizations like Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient china, ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and finally, the medieval times, and all through them we read the I series and Johnny rawten. They were Johnny goes to Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient china, ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, medieval times. For the I series it was I discovered fire, for stone age, I invented farming, for Mesopotamia, I performed mummification, for ancient Egypt, I traveled the silk road, for ancient china, I built houses in Mohenjo-Daro, for ancient India, I climbed Mt. Olympus, for ancient Greece, I conquered the colosseum, for ancient rome, I stopped the black death, for medieval times.
Hello , students and teachers at Brandon Valley Middle School. You are about read about the impact on me as a 6th grade student. I’m talking about the Wax Museum of 2011. It was a great experience. Why it was a great experience because you needed to try to dress like the person you choose.During social studies we learned about lots of ancient worlds including Medieval Times, China, Egypt, Rome, Stone Age and a few others. Medieval Times was the latest ancient world we learned about. Some of the things we learned about were the Black Death, Magna Carta, Torture, knights, Christianity and lots of other things. I’m going to be sad when I have to leave the sixth grade and all of the teachers from sixth grade.
The most difficult parts were defiantly the tests. My favorite parts were learning about the civilizations, playing games, and watching the movies. On the night of the wax museum I was nervous because I thought I would forget my speech or mess up. But when I started giving my speech I was no longer nervous. After it was over I was really pleased with how much money I earned and how I did when I was performing for the people who came to watch the wax museum.
Some of the projects I liked were the gladiator trading cards, the Wax Museum, the Chinese symbols, and the Tic-tac-toe game. I liked doing those because they were fun to do and it was fun to do hands on stuff. The gladiator trading card was the one I liked the most because I got to make my very own and I got to choose how he looked, what his name was, what type of gladiator he was and what his weapons were. I also liked doing the wax museum because we got to come up with our own speeches and our own costumes. Also it was fun to listen to other people’s speeches after it was over. I will never forget the Wax Museum.
One of the things that will have an impact on my life is the Wax Museum because I put a lot of time and effort into it so that it would be good. Also it was very fun to do. I am always going to remember watching videos, finishing worksheets and commenting on blog on Water for Sixth Grade. I liked waiting for the t-shirt drawing to see if I had one anything. Also I liked doing the joust tournament. (I am better at taking my time, not shooting fast.) I liked reading Johnny Rawten and reading the “I” series. I want to know what happened to Johnny. Does he go to the dance or does he go to the portal. And what happened to Johnny. Did he die when he fell of the cliff or did he go back to his house? I liked doing the Teach Timmers on WSG and I can’t wait to meet him on Wednesday at the sixth grade field day. The blog was the best blog ever and I’m not going to forget posting comments on it. Also I liked all the videos that you did. My favorite video was the Ancient Chinese weapons because I liked learning about them and I liked watching you use them. All the videos were good. I wish that we would have done more building projects like where we have to build like a pyramid or a ziggurat. And maybe we could have built like a catapult or something else. I liked it when Mr. E thought but I was happy when you came back to teach us. I would have liked to do a trading card for the Medieval times like where we would have had made a person and then like chose their symbol, their height, their weight and other stuff. I am sad that I lost in the joust tournament but I am glad that Spencer was the one who beat me. I had a blast this year doing stuff on the blog, doing projects like making a board game and the trading cards, and when we did competitions like the joust tournament. I will never forget the civilizations, the things we did and the fun I had. This was the best year in social studies ever.
My thoughts about this year are that I liked the I- Series and Johnny Rawten. It was fun to read during the class period and not talk about the civilization the whole time. I liked to blog. Like the Rome blog book and if you had that color like red, orange, or purple. I had red and I had to exercise. I liked all the civilizations. The Black Death also known as the Bubonic Plague was not really fun but sad to learn about. Like all the deaths that happened in the Medieval Times. In the Medieval Times. I liked all the looping we did. I liked to joust in all the joust battles we had. For Rome I liked to learn about Romulus and Remus and how Rome got started. I liked that we had the Rome board game and the Rome facebook. I had Gladiators for my facebook. I liked to compete in the social studies league it was fun to see how good other periods were. In Greece it was fun to learn the mythology. Some people are Poisidon, Zeus, Medusa, and Apollo. I liked to learn that Greece started the Olympics. I also liked Mesopotamia. Hammurabi Law was Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. I liked to watch the Lego movie that we watched at the beginning of this unit. White Shirt Productions. It was fun. To watch Izzy do the time lines. The video of you trying to find Otzi was fun to. I liked the one video we watched it was called the Wax Museum 2011. It is my favorite because I am in it and so is everybody else. Now the Wax Museum. I did not like standing up the whole time but it paid off. I liked all the people who came to see me. We made a lot of money. A lot more than they did last year. Mr. Klumper was very proud of us that we came and put a great effort into the Wax Museum. All my friends looked nice and did a nice job. Well everybody looked awesome in their costume. My favorite school projects were the Rome board game and the Wax Museum. It was fun to make the Rome board game because it helped me study for the test. I also liked teach timmers. It was fun to teach him what we learned from each civilization we learned this year except Medieval Times. My favorite story we have read for the I-Series is I built houses in Mohinjo Daro. I do not know why it was my favorite. Another thing I liked is when Mr. Sturgeon came into are class to talk about his trip to China. I liked the Great Wall of China because it was a hideout for them when they were in war. I think it would be fun to walk through the whole Great Wall of China. I liked the inventions we did in china mine was an umbrella. There was others like toilet paper and fireworks but they got chosen before it was my turn. I forgot to include this is the Wax Museum. I like the part that we have changed someone’s life. Now they will have their wish that they have wanted. I like that if he get a certain percentage and higher we get to be in a drawing to win a WSG shirt or one of Mr. Klumper’s White Shirt Production shirts. I have won one so it kind of rocks. But we have won more WSG shirts than any other period he has.
I was kind of nervous to come to school this year but it is probably the best year I have had of school. It had a big impact on my life like no recess and other stuff. I am glad well kind of that we do have more time in school to work on homework in class so we do not have much homework in school. Social Studies and Science are now my favorite subjects. They were my least until I came to Middle School. I liked to learn about every civilization this year in social studies. I liked to web quest we did in medieval times. The Wax Museum made a huge impact on all of us. We made a difference for kid who wants a wish who has a death threatening cancer or disease or at least something like that. I liked all the research we put into the Wax Museum. We put in lots of effort. Now for three days we have tic tac toe. I am doing the top 8 and explain why I ranked it there. I have a poster about stone age. I am also doing the five trading cards. I am having on my trading card Otzi the Iceman, Julius Caesar, Romulus, Remus, and William the Conqueror. I like doing this tic tac toe because the school year is not over yet. If it was we would be at home at 2:00. I like coming to school because it gives me something to do. In the summer all I do is hang out with friends. Sometimes they can get annoying. Social Studies is the reason why I get up in the morning because social studies is a fun time. I always wonder what we are going to do next in social studies. It’s like a T.V show because it is happening mostly everyday in every year. My favorite religion we learned about is Christiananity because I am a Christian who believes in Jesus and the bible and because I like the Christians vs. Muslims. I do think the Muslim culture is cool. I liked the Medieval times detective. I got two wrong. I also the manor system it was Kings then lords then knights then serfs. I can’t wait till 8th period because we get to do looping. We have 8 points but if we win we will have 18. We will only get in 2nd place so that will be fine. I liked the 6th grade a year that I will never forget because of the Wax Museum and all the nice teachers I had especially Mr.Klumper. I can’t wait to see wait to see who will win looping the FINAL looping of the year. I think we have luck on our side. My favorite thing this whole school year was coming to the middle school on the first day. It was scary but then I met new friends so then I was better. For the Wax Museum I was Colonel Sanders. I was the best at the Wax Museum. Sorry Jane Addams, JRR Tolkien, and King Arthur I was. I will miss the 6th grade but I can’t wait till the 7th grade. I had 1,132 words
I really liked the white shirt production the deleted funny during social studies I learned about the stone age mesopatn ancient Egypt ancient china ancient Greek ancient Rome and middelval times in ancient Greek I learned about the trogn war and the god/goddess I learned in medieval times was the black death which was ingesting scary and gross and sad all at the same time in ancient Rome my favorite assignment was the face book thing I had to start all over on it another thing I will rember was the wax museum it was difficult to chose who I wanted to be but I found out who I wanted to be on the day of the wax museum I was nervous I was so surprise at how much we mad I will in mesopatn we learned about hammuriabs code which was any eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth basically what you did to someone they got to do it to you
In Social Studies I liked the costumes for the wax museum, but I did not like to say my speech for the wax museum. I did like the white shirt productions because; I got to see what ancient people do. I did like the I series but did not like to answer questions or do any writing. For Johnny Rawten I did like the stories but did not like to answer questions or do any writing too. I did like water for sixth grade because you could never lose any assignments they were on the internet. I did like the social studies league because, we got to play games that was for points. I also liked how the team behind he would encourage and the team in the lead he would dock points for the tiniest flaws. I learned a lot from the ancient civilations because, usually we would learn boring stuff about history and the stuff we learned about our history was fun to learn about. I liked how Mr. Klumper said where he was in social studies it was really boring and he had a lot of homework and how he didn’t want us to feel that way. I liked in Rome that we did those board games I like learning with games like that. In Mesopotamia I like when we did the Tigris and Euphrates scream. I liked when we did the jousts in Medieval Times. I liked when we did the collages in India. I also liked the listening to the invention speeches in China. In the Stone Age I liked learning about the iceman and how they hunted like they chased deer off of cliff. In Egypt I liked learning about gods and goddess. In Greece I liked learning about mythology. During the Wax Museum I liked looking at all the costumes, and hearing OTHER peoples speeches NOT mine. In the Wax Museum I disliked when people came to me. In the end the turnout was great and we were ¾ of making a dream come true but I bet they have other money from different people. I liked that he told us that this was the biggest donation they ever got that made me feel good. I also liked the Wax Museum video. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!! The best school project would have to be that Science project about who stole the point to ponder. The worst school project would have to be this one (the one I’m typing about). The thing I will remember about 6th grade is how many people had crutches and I didn’t so I felt left out. The thing I didn’t like about 6th grade was we had no field trips:( I also will remember the videos on water for sixth grade like the white shirt production and the wax museum stuff. I also will remember the tic-tac-toe thing we did for the whole year’s worth of ancient stuff of medieval. The white shirt production video I liked the most was the china weapons one when you hint the pumpkin. I also liked the T-shirt giveaways like the water for sixth grade one and the white shirt productions like look like an Egyptian. I also liked the one that you and Mr. Ellingworth did the one about voting. I also liked how Mr. Ellingworth came to the wax museum.
This year as a sixth grader has been the experience of a lifetime by being at the middle school for the first time. These are my experiences as a sixth grader. My first day here was nerve wrecking! I went to the wrong locker and tried my combo on the wrong locker! On the first day I thought that Mrs. Ericsson was the best teacher (no offense). The first unit we did in Social Studies was the Stone Age. We studied a lot about Utzi the iceman, even in English! He was very interesting though. The next unit was Mesopotamia. That unit was fun because of the deadliest warrior, but that was the only reason I liked that unit. The I series was a fun way to teach us about the civilizations. Johnny Rawten was interesting throughout the year but got really intense at the end. The Egypt unit was disgusting though. The most fun unit was the medieval times unit because of the joust battles. It was also fun because of the medieval times fair. The bad thing about the end of the year is that we won’t be able to see you any more, just in the hallways. The most fun thing this year was the skits we did in science. there were 213 words
When I first came to the middle school I was scared out of my wits. Then the next couple of days went by and I started to settle in. In the process of settling in I was in the WAX MUSEUM, are homeroom got ahead in the social studies league, and we watched many white shirt productions. What is the WAX MUSEUM you ask well it is one of the toughest, funniest, creative’s things to do. The WAX MUSEUM is picking a person in my case James Naismith researching them and on the final night talk about them with your speech memorized and saying it nonstop. We have this thing on the black team called the social studies league. That is basically where you do games like looping and who ever gets the fastest time wins. The only catch is that you get to choose a card either card one card two or card three and that is how many points you would earn. At the end of the year what period has the most points gets a surprise. What is the white shirt production you ask? It is the funniest thing in the world! Mr.Klumper my teacher makes these videos sometimes with his daughter. Any ways he makes these to learn but also makes deleted scenes’. For instance we were learning about Otzi so Mr.Kluper drew a mustache on his daughter so she was Otzi. In the deleted scenes’ Otzi was supposed to be dead but then Mr.Klumper’s daughter decided to get up and run! Ha that was hilarious! Sadly are White shirt production days are over because there is only six days left not counting weekends. But this summer will be way better than last summer. Last summer I was at an end of the year party we rode in limos and when we got back to Aly’s house we went on electric scooters. When I went up the hill it was good but when I came down something hit my ankle so I went by my friends to tell them what happened but still not crying.My friend Becca came over and said I strained it.
Some projects that we did and that I enjoyed the most are the comic strips we did for Egypt of how to perform mummification that was a fun and interesting project to do. Another one was the ABC’s of ancient Greece it took a lot of effort but it was a great studying tool for me. Also the Silk Road project that we had to decide what kind of stuff we wanted to bring along on the long trip and there were bad and good things that could happen to you. Next the feudalism pyramid was fun to find are pictures in a bunch of magazines and then place them in an order of common to rare. Another good one was in the China unit where we had to make a poster for an invention from China. Also the posters that we made for the jobs of the Medieval Times were cool because we got to chose from a big list. And also the ancient Rome blog books were cool to do all the different blog activities like the daily life, the layers of there roads, the emperors of Rome, the Pantheon, Circus Maximus, Roman Mythology, and finally the conclusion activity which for me was talking to one of my parents for twenty minutes. The second to last project is the Nile River poster project and that helped me understand it better than I did before we did the poster. Ok the last project is the Chinese symbols that we got to choose from and then make a colored poster and, they we voted on the best one. So those are the projects that I picked to do. But overall I have one favorite project that would have to be the WAX MUESEUM because I had so much fun and I know that I will never ever forget how much fun I had that night.
For the miscellaneous category I am going to tell a little bit about how I liked sixth grade. This year has gone by so fast to me it felt like a blink and it was over already. But one thing about this year is that I will never forget it because I had some of the best teachers ever. And we had activities like the spring fling and the Wax Museum and much more. And I know that next year will not be the same nor any other year so I know that this is a year to never forget. Mr. Klumper you were a big part of this year to and a lot of other teachers also. And that is what I thought about the year and I will miss teachers but I will come and see you in 7th grade.
For the 1,000 word challenge i am going to tell you about white shirt prouductions, I series, Johnny Rawton, water for sixth grade, Social studies leage, something from each ancient world, what was difficult in the wax museum, what my favorite part was for the wax museum, how I felt on the night of the wax museum, what projects I liked the most, what project i will allways remember, and anything in sixth grade that i will remember and had an impact on me. For the white shirt production I really liked them and the one when Mr.Ellingworth was here and went to the mall. I liked the I series and cant wait to read the ending I want to know who I is I think it is Johnny Rawton. I liked Johnny Rawton a little better than the I series and I will for sure read it again this summer since I have the book. I liked Water for Sixth Grade and how I didnt have to bring papers home because I had to blog on Water for Sixth Grade also how if you lost your notes or you were sick you could all of it on Water for Sixth Grade. I think the social studies leage was fun and cool I liked playing looping and build a Ziggurat. In the Stone Age unit I learned all about Otzi the Ice Man and how his last meal was wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat. In Mesopotamia I learned about Gilgemesh and how he wanted to live forever. Also in Mesopotamia I liked doing the flip packet and doing the ziggurat turnament. In china I liked learning abokut the silk road and playing the silk road game. Another thing I liked in China was having Mr.Sturgon come in and talk to us about china and his trip. In China I learned about the inventions and one was gun powder and Han Dynasty made it. In Egypt I learned that the main river is the Nile River I liked learning about the gods and goddesses. Also in Egypt I learnd the prosses of mummifacation: Announce death, embalming the body, removal of brain, removal of organs, drying out body, wrapping the body, and finally the final procession. Also in Ancient Egypt I learned that papyrus is a plant whose stems are used to make a kind of paper. Moving on to Ancient Greece in Ancient Greece I learned that there are Olympians, Monster children, and Titans. I also learned that spartan boys went to military school at age 7 and Athens where all about education. In Ancient India I learned that buddhism is a religion and if you belivied in buddhism you trveled and fasted for 6 years. Also in Ancient India I learned that a monsoon is a rainy season heavy rains falls almost continuously and migrate means to move from one place to another. In Medieval times I learned about Black Death and how it was carried by rats and flees firs the flee would bite the rat and then the rats would bite the humans and the humans would die. Also in Medieval Times I learned that the Brank was to humilitate woman for gossiping and arguing. In ancient Rome I learned about Romulus and Remus and how they made Rome. In Ancient Rome I liked makeing the blog book and in the end I had to make breakfast for my parents.
For the Wax Museum I thought that memerizing the speach my favorite part was standing there and giving the my speach over and over again. On the night of the Wax Museum I felt good about it and I am so happy I had to do it. I liked the tik-tak-toe project and will remember it for a long time. In sixth grade I feel it was a good year and it went by sooooooooo fast Somthing I will always remember is the wax museum and Social studies in general because of all the good and new things I learned about this year.
I really can’t wait until tomorrow because we are doing track and field day. But I don’t really get to do it because Mrs. Sayed signed everyone up when my back was hurt (or broken). But my back is all better now but I still don’t know if I get to do track and field day. That makes me really sad. Well right now I ‘gotta’ go so bye- bye for now. See you laters!!!!
It was a big step moving from fifth grade to sixth. Starting the year off was a very different thing to do with all the class switching. During Social Studies this year a lot was learned, including some of the most interesting things I have ever heard.
First off was the Stone Age, where the cave paintings were painted and fire was invented. I cannot forget Otzi the iceman, he was found frozen up in the mountains in 1991 and there was a whole in the back of his head. Police thought he was a doll but soon discovered he was real. People also thought it was recent, so they were trying to jackhammer him out.
Secondly was Mesopotamia, where the wheel, irrigation, and much more was also invented. Also in Mesopotamia was Hammurabi’s code: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
Thirdly was Egypt, with the pyramids, the Sphinx, and much much more were built.
Fourth there was China were many of our greatest known achievements were invented. That including toilet paper, paper, fireworks, matches, the abacus, wheel barrow, and many more.
Next came India containing Buddha, who resulted in Buddhism.
Greece was after India. Greece contains my favorite subject, Greece and Roman Mythology! Some of the many gods and goddesses include Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hephaestus, Aries, and many more.
Next was Rome with Gladiators who fought in the Colosseum, and also the Pantheon.
I must leave now sadly, I had a great sixth grade year and I hope you had one too!
Here are my 1000 words for the challenge:
Social Studies/ Wax Museum/ Iseries/ costumes/ peanut butter and junk/ China/ Rome/ Europe/ Stone Age/ Mesopotamia/ Egypt/ Medieval Times/ Joust/ Jousting Tournaments/ Bubonic Plague/ Ancient Rome Looping/ Johnny Rawten/ Mr. Ellingworth/ WSG/ Knights/ horses/ Arming Squire/ Dynasties/ JFK/ Make A Wish/ Homeroom battles/ Tests/ Quizes/ Geography Bee/ India/ Shirt give aways/ White shirt production/Orchestra Concerts/ Vocab words/ packets/ guided notes/ blogging/ glogging/ Silk Road Challenge/ 1,000 word challenge/ Ancient India Looping/ Stone Age Looping/ Ancient Egypt Looping/ Mural/ Researching/ Otzi the Iceman/ Videos/ Reading/ Mt. Everst/ Christmas Break/ Writing Assignments/ Orchestra Rehearsals/ Studying/ Greece Looping/ Greece/ Crazy Izzy/ activities/ Word Chop/ You Are There/ Starting a new school/ Jeopardy/ Greece Test/ extra credit/ BUDDHISM/ HINDUISM/ ISLAM/ MUHAMMAD/ religions/ Tic- Tac- Toe/ Teach Timmers/ Blog Book/ Study Hall/ Orchestra Concerts/ Activities/ Vocab Packets/ pyramids/ Auto Skills/ English/ Spelling with Mr. Klumper/
I have learned a lot this year but I have learned more things in social studies that have never learned before! The looping has really helped me get prepared for tests and I love that we get to compete against other classes!!! (period 9 you are going down!!!) I love the white shirt producction and wish you could do more!!! I also love the Johnny Rawten stories it helps me understand the subject better!!! I love the I series to!! You are a great author by the way!!!! You need to tell me who the person in the I series is, please!?!?!?!? I’ve never ever even heard about ancient mesopotamia until this year!!! In mesopotamia we learned about the tigeris and euphrates!!! We also learned about the stone age with the dumb cave people, the neanderthals! We learned about ancient china and who all started to build the great wall and what it’s purpose is (by the way the pupose is for protection). Another civilization is ancient rome where the people the gladiators and the colosseum! In ancient egypt we learned about all the rulers of the time and what they where 1. Red lipstick 2. Black eye liner 3. Green eye shadow. And we just got done learning about the Medival times and the black death where you get black in some places and die a few hours later!!!
In our social studies year we also did our 2011 wax museum! The wax museum is where we get to pick a famous dead person and become that person and you get to dress up!!! I was Lou Gehrig a famous first baseman for the New York Yankees!!!! You might have heard of Lou Gehrigs disease, ALS or Amytrophic lateral sclerosis!!!! He died at a young age!! I was so nervous for that night because I thought a lot of people would come to me but most people went to stinkin Kirby Puckett!!! But it actually wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be!!! It was actually pretty fun! And I will never forget it.
Some school projects I did was this project, the tic-tac-toe projects, science projects, reading projects and some English projects. I liked this project because you get to express your feelings from the year. I liked the tic-tac-toe project because it was a project that you got to pick three in a row that you want to do ok I guess that was a stupid reason but I had to think of one because I didn’t really have a reason. This project I put a lot of work into. I didn’t like the English projects very much except I really liked the junk sandwich. I kind of liked the science projects but they were not the best but I still liked them.
What I learned in sixth grade involves many things. There was the stone age, with the invention of fire, the I Series and Johnny Rawten stories. There was the cavemen versus Cro-Magnon. Then there was the Mesopotamian era, with irrigation, wheel, writing, and the wheel. The white shirt production video was funny. Then there was Egypt, with the Nile, The pyramids with the pharaohs. I remember the video of the 2 people who unwrapped a mummy. Then there was China, that had the silk road, emperors, and many weapons, such as: sword, throwing stars, chopstick, etc.. Then there was India, with Buddhism and a lot others. Then there was Greece, with the gods and goddesses such as: Zeus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Artemis, and the list goes on and on and on. Then there was Rome, with the Roman gods and goddesses such as: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (PLANETS!), the colloseum, with the tiger which Johnny had killed. Then there was Medieval times, with Jesus and chritians, Muhamed and Muslims. The 5 Pillars of Islam, Missionaries, Manor system, Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, there was our JOUST, in which all the females won, there was the Magna Carta, the torture devises such as: Iron Maiden, Stretcher, Iron pair, the water one that I forgot the name of. . . I forgot the names of a lot/most of them actually. In the Johnny Rawten stories. In the Stone age period, he witnessed tigers eating a dead animal. (word count not including this, 250 exactly)
This year was probably the best school year ever because I met new friends and new teachers. I also learned a lot of new things that will become helpful during my life. Some things is that I learned how to do fractions better. The Wax Museum is the project I will remember the most because we helped a child in need and helped him/her have their wish. I also learned how to march for marching band next year and a bunch of new notes. I also really liked learning what happened and what people did back before our generation was made. Also in computer I learned how to use numbers without taking my fingers off the key board. Another thing that was really fun was the jousting tournament in Social Studies because we played a lot of games. I also liked learning about the Black Death for how it spread and how doctors were scared to try and treat it so they painted a red cross on their door to their house. For science I liked learning about and how to dissect an owl pellet and what they eat. For math I liked learning how to do and use fractions and put them in their simplest form. In English I learned how to use adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and pronouns.
My favorite class in school is social studies. My favorite part about social studies is the social studies league. I liked almost everything about social studies except studying the Stone Age. My favorite unit was either Greece or Medieval times. The part that I found hard about the wax museum was finding books about our character. On the night of the wax museum I felt very nervous because I didn’t think I would remember my speech. My favorite part was seeing all of the other costumes and going to the red team’s wax museum. I really liked the white shirt productions and I wish you wouldn’t have stopped making them or at least shown us the ones from last year. The I series was interesting and really helped us learn about the ancient civilizations. I can’t wait to read the last chapter which probably tells about what Johnny Rawten (because it is him) does when he goes into the portal again instead the spring dance. Johnny Rawten is an interesting book about a kid who is mean to every body but then goes back in time to the ancient civilizations and escapes death more than a few times and when he does this a few times he starts realizing that he should be nicer to people. Water for sixth grade has been a fun learning tool that has helped a lot in social studies whether it was us teaching Timmers or decoding ancient Greek it has always been fun. The social studies league has been a more competitive learning tool than some are used to but it gives us something to do all of our leftover energy so we don’t annoy our parents brothers, sisters or neighbors bad enough so that they call the police. In the Stone Age we learned about how the early humans hunted and gathered and how they eventually became extinct to be replaced by the Cro-Magnons. In Mesopotamia we learned about irrigation and the first code of law called Hammurabi’s code. We also learned about Hammurabi, the Mesopotamian king who ruled Babylon and created the first code of law based on an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In Egypt we learned about the pyramids, mummification, king Tut (can’t spell his actual name), and how the Nile affected ancient Egypt and modern Egypt. In China we learned about all the inventions the Chinese made that are still used today like toilet paper! We also learned about the different dynasties like the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Zia, and Tang. A great building in China is the Great Wall of China. In India we learned about the religions Buddhism and Hinduism. We learned about Mount Everest in India too. In Greece we learned about mythology like the odyssey and the Iliad. In Greece is the Parthenon a sacred temple for Athena the Goddess of war strategy and wisdom. In Rome we learned about gladiators who fought in the coliseum like murmillones the fish men, bestiarii the beast fighters, Gallus heavily armored gladiators, and the eques the horse mounted gladiators. We also learned about the emperors like Caligula the crazy person who declared himself a god and tried to make his horse a senator or the cruel Nero who poisoned his step-brother and had his mother brutally killed. In medieval times we learned about the Bubonic plague and how it came to Europe in rats on trading ships from China and how it was transferred to humans by fleas biting the rats and then humans.
591 words
Hello there sir. How has your day been today? What I liked about social studies this year is that we got to learn about different ancient civilizations like Rome and Greece. I also liked how in depth we went into each ancient civilization for example like the Black Death and torture. I also liked all the videos we watched especially the white shirts. I like the white shirts because they are very funny and full of information especially the Chinese weapons. One of the things I think should be added are the white shirts for the civilizations that didn’t ha one. One thing I didn’t like is the blog books and the web quests. Another thing I liked is the part about Uzi the ice man I think he was assassinated. What do you think he died of or died from? Another thing I liked was the ancient Egyptian tomb game where you could explore the pyramids of Giza. Another thing I liked was the joust battles. One thing that should be added is more games. I didn’t do very good I lost on the first try. Which is sad? Another thing I liked was the build a ziggurat. I also lost that but I won one of the water for sixth grade shirts. Which makes up for all the things I lost in this years competition. Another thing I liked is the league for all the social studies classes. Just next time make sure 9th period doesn’t get such a big lead. But other than not winning a lot of the events I thought all of the events and challenges that we did were very fun and educational. Another fun activitie I thought was fun was the board games for Rome. I think they were a good idea and very educational. Although im sure a lot of people didn’t like it I did
when you went to the mall to interview people about democracy. It was interesting to see all the people and how they answered. It was also funny when Mr. Ellingworth asked that one girl on a date. And when you went to look for otzi the iceman. I understood what he was carrying when he got killed. Also theories on how he was killed. The other one you did when we learned about ancient China and their weapons. I understood what they were, how they work, and how much damage they could cause. I thought the white shirt productions were very helpful for learning about ancient civilization. Another helpful tool in social studies was the I series. The I series was a very interesting series. It also helped as a study tool. Like the one were the mystery character goes to the Stone Age and helps invent fire. I learned a lot and it was a very good story. Also the part where he goes to Mesopotamia to invent irrigation. That was favorite of all the I series stories. Also Johnny Rawten was a pretty good series too. Now on to my most favorite part of social studies. The Wax Museum. I thought the Wax Museum was one of the best thing s that I’ve ever done in my whole life. My character ,Vince Lombardi, Was a very famous coach for the Packers. I’m a Packer fan so I thought it was cool that could be someone that I really liked in history. If I could go again I would make it even better than I did the first time. Like I said the Wax Museum is the best thing in social studies by a long shot. The projects in social studies were great too. My favorite was the gladiator trading card. I liked creating my very own character for the card. I also liked learning about a Greek god or Goddess and then after you did a speech on the person on what they were and what their power or job they had. My god was Hermes the messenger god. Another good one was the face book project on where you had to get info and then put it on the page. Me and Jordan did ours on the pantheon. I also liked the teach Timmers blogging activity. But I still wonder who he is… I thought all the blog activities were fun. The social studies league was fun thought our eighth period class did not do as good as the other classes did. The things we did were very fun for me and I think for the class to. The games were also a very good at helping me know what to study for and studying in general. Even though we only played the same game every single time, I thought it was fun, helpful, and challenging. It always kept us nervous to see if we would get the very best time or at least break the record. Maybe it would have been more fun like if played other games like garbage can basketball like we do in your spelling class. That would be a lot more fun do in social studies instead of the same game every time for the league games. Also the points for each game that we play should be worth more. Now to tell you what I learned for each ancient civilization. For Stone Age I know that the Neanderthals would chase the elk off the cliff with fire so they could kill the elk and cook it and then eat it. For Mesopotamia, I know that in Mesopotamia irrigation was invented because of the rivers overflowing off and on again and they did not when the floods would come they might have drought or too much water could even kill all the crops, then a lot of people would die of starvation because there is no food to eat. Also a ziggurat was like place to prey for Mesopotamians, like to worship the gods. For Egypt, I know that the pyramids were like tomb for the dead pharaohs of Egypt because they were buried at the bottom of the giant pyramid. The great pyramids of Giza contain the best and biggest pyramids of Egypt. It also had the great sphinx of Giza. Also that king tut is a boy that was king.786
This year in social studies I have learned so much about ancient civilization. I really like learning about all the ancient civilizations. Though ancient Rome was my favorite. When we did the white shirt productions, I really understood the subject a lot better. It was also a very fun and humorous to watch. Like the time
Hi my name is Maggi and im trying to type a 1,000 word essay. It’s not going to be easy but I can do it. I need extra credit and this a great way to get it. So here it goes first Ill talk about Social Studies. I like Social Studies it has been fun! I learned a lot. I like the projects we have done so such as the glog. The Wax Museum And blogging. I realy like learning about Otiz that was very fun. I also liked leaening how the Eygptions Built the pyrimds. I Think it would Be very hard they had to up those huge blocks. Well they did good saying that the pyrimds are still herte today. I like Talking about the Crusades And about Christans. I am a Christan my self and I think it’s a lot of to talk about what I Believe. The Wax museum was a lot of fun I glad we did it. I was Noah and it was fun being him. I talked about the ark and how he built it. How big it needed to be how long how tall how wide. I also talked abou this child hood his father and family. I tell you a little of me speech or some facts that was in it. The ark needed to be 450 feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet tall. His father was lemech an emitepatrichian and hero of delge.Noah was the ninth desent after Adam And Naoh was also the father of Hem Shem and Japhite. Noah brought two of every kind of animal in the Male and female. His father Lemech named him saying “this shall comfort us in are work and the till of are hand witch cometh from the ground”.
I thought that the wax museum was really fun. I liked researching our person and dressing up like them. I didn’t like saying the speech in front of the whole class at the dress rehearsal because if you messed up it was embarrassing. The hardest part of the Wax Museum was memorizing your speech and saying your speech for the first time on the actual night. I like the white shirt production videos because they are really funny. I like the Johnny Rawten and I Series stories too. I like using the blog to do homework because it is easier and the paper won’t get lost and I wish the other teachers had a blog to. If you are ever sick you can go on the blog and see what we did that day or print out any notes that you missed. I like the blog challenges where you answer a question and if you are first you can win something like a Johnny Rawten book or a football helmet even though I haven’t won anything yet I love playing looping and I like the social studies league. I liked the china inventions project and all the posters we do. My favorite unit was Egypt because I liked learning about mummification. My least favorite unit was India because it was kind of boring and we didn’t do very many fun projects in the unit. I like all tournaments like the joust tournament. I liked the tic – tac – toe- game because it was fun and easy for me.
Sixth grade has been my favorite year so far. Social studies has been my favorite class out of all of them. The Wax Museum was a fun project. It was difficult writing a speech but not performing. My favorite part was performing. I felt a little nervous at first but as soon as I said my speech the first time it wasn’t very hard after that. I really liked the white shirt productions I think you should continue to do them next year. The I series were good stories I think the main character is Jonny Rawten. Water for sixth grade is very useful…I thought Ediscio helped to study for tests a lot to. The league games were really fun … I think you should add some different games to the league. There were a lot of topics we never done anything like it.learned about in social studies… Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, and Medieval times. In Stone Age they discovered fire and had cave art. Also Otzi the ice man was exploring in the mountains and he died... There were many theories on how he died some people think he died of Hypothermia, others think he was murdered, and others think he died in war. In Mesopotamia the first book was written. It was called the epic of Gilgamesh. I didn’t like Mesopotamia because it was boring. In Egypt the great pyramids were built, there were three Pharaohs that were buried in the great pyramids. After Egypt then there was China, Mr. Sturgeon came and talked to us about his trip to China. Next was India, I liked India because it was interesting. Next was Greece, the mythology was fun to learn about. Next was Rome it was very fun to learn about the colosseum and gladiators….. I also liked the Blog Book. The Medieval Times were my favorite unit because it was fun to learn about the Black Death, Islam, torture, and geography. The ancient civilizations were fun because it’s fun to learn about other countries because in social studies in the past we only learned about America. I liked the tic-tac-toe project, I also liked a project we did in music. The wax museum was my favorit though because I had never done anything like it.
1016 words Tucker Loosbrock
This year in Sixth Grade Social Studies we talked about Ancient Worlds. These worlds include Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe. These topics were very interesting. We learned about Otzi the Iceman; I enjoyed learning about him so much I did some more research on him. In Mesopotamia we learned about irrigation. I was amazed that they discovered this system that is still used today in some parts of the world. In the Egyptian unit we learned about the pyramids and the Nile. I am still baffled that people from such a long time ago could make such amazing structures. Some people think that aliens did it but I don’t think so, I believe it was pure genius. They probably did better in twenty years than we could do in 100, even with all the machinery we have now. It just amazes me that such ancient people could make such magnificent structures. We also did our first web quest, I enjoyed it very much. We talked about some of their math achievements, which made me want to learn more. For instance the Egyptians estimated Pi at 3.1418 which is pretty good. In my opinion Egypt was one of the most advanced Civilizations. Next we learned about China. I had no idea of some of the useful stuff they invented. I really enjoyed learning about the Terra Cota Warriors. In India I was fascinated on how well their food transportation system works. I was also amazed how cows were so sacred that they even had the right of way on the road; they even showed a person’s wealth. I enjoyed learning more Greek myths I knew most of them because we talked about them in Gifted Ed, and I read the Percy Jackson books which got me to become interested in the myths so I went to the library and got some books on that subject. My most favorite gods were Ares, Poseidon, and Hades. My most favorite myth was Theseus and the Minotar. I also liked learning about the Minoans. I enjoyed learning about the colosseum and Pompeii. I was surprised that people thought that Pompeii’s Mt. Vesuvius was a mountain instead of a volcano. It seems weird that in one day an entire city can be wiped out. I am amazed that things there are still in pristine condition. I liked making the gladiator trading cards and learning about all the different kinds of gladiators. I enjoyed learning about Medieval Europe. Even though this was the main topic during our 4th grade Gifted Ed unit. We learned about castles and torture chambers. I wish we would have discused parts of the castle more in depth, like talking about the keep, dungeon, buttress, gatehouse, and defenses. I wish we also have discussed about the weapons and battle tactics. Along with being more in depth on the crusades. I liked learning about the Black Death and all the fear that it caused the people of ancient Rome. I didn’t know that the official name of the Black Death is the Bubonic Plague. It is amazing that it killed 33 percent, or twenty-five million people, that is a lot of people that died from it. I had no idea that it is still around today. When you have the Black Death your lymph glands will swell up and you will get a red spot that will eventually turn black, that is why it’s called “the black death.” We had two different series for Social Studies both of which were made by Mr. Klumper. One of them was Johnny Rawten. Johnny Rawten is about a kid who doesn’t
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care about school, at least until he meets his new Social Studies teacher, Mr. Jackson, and was suck into a portal. On the other side of the portal was a path to the Ancient Worlds. Every unit we learn about Johnny ventures deeper into the worlds. The unique thing about this series is that instead of saying, “He saw a Pyramid”, it would say, “He saw a huge triangular looking shape in the middle of the dessert. This was a great series to read and to use as a review tool. The second series is the “I” series. From the begging no one knew who “I” was but me, along with most of Mr. Klumper’s other students think that “I” is really a grown up version of Johnny Rawten. Some of the clues that led up to our decision include a scar that both the characters share. Another is that JR doesn’t have a China chapter and “I” said this was his first time there. And both were associated with a lion and both regret their decisions. During most of the school year we had a Wax Museum project. We had to research, write, memorize, and recite a speech about a famous person from history. I really enjoyed this project. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it for that one night. My person for the 2010-2011 wax museum was Manfred Von Richtohofen. You might say that you have never heard of Manfred Von Rochthofen but if you have ever heard of the Red Baron then you have heard him. One of my most favorite things I said in the speech was his most famous quote, “My dear Excellency, I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs.” He worked for the German army as Flying Ace. He shoot down 80 planes, which is the most planes shoot down by a single person during World War One. He was also the most Famous World War One Pilot, along with probably the most famous of all time. His favorite planes were the Fokker Dr.1 Triplane or the Albatross D.V.a. Triplane, which of course he painted almost all his planes red. This was a school year that I will remember; I will especially remember the Wax Museum. I was honored to have Mr. Klumper as my teacher and I am sad that I won’t be able to learn from such a great teacher.
(i wrote this one second.)I knew I had made the right choice when I chose Anne Frank she had a bad life and she was very brave also. The research was easy because I did not have to fill in the back because she also died at a young age. I thought that it was going to be hard to say my speech in front of other people but it was actually really easy I liked doing it in front of other people than I did with the class. I don’t know why I actually felt that way but it is really weird. I think what got me started best with my speech was when my grandma, mom, dad, grandpa, brother sister and sister had came to me first. After I got started it was much easier to say it in front of other people. In the end I was surprised that we raised almost a half more than last wax museum price raised. I was really shocked with how much we made.
My most favorite topic of all the ancient worlds is medieval times because there is jousting, the plague, castles, kings, and queens. I thought that Rome was really cool too because it had gladiator fights. It also had the colosseum where the gladiators would fight. My third favorite ancient world is stone age because that pretty much started everything that the world is today even though they did not have good grammar but they did create hunting though we have more advanced technology for hunting and we even have some computers to help us also it helps us with pretty much everything……… almost everything. My fourth favorite ancient world is Greece because it has gods for certain things. I loved doing the social studies league it is really fun doing looping!!! I think it is fun because you had to be ready and you had to get your notes memorized. I thought all the white shirt productions were both educational and hilarious. The deleted scenes were really funny. I thought Izzy did a really good job in making the videos also and I loved doing the t-shirt giveaway.
I will remember the wax museum for like ever and that is because we went from November all the way to April working on it we put a lot of effort into it. I will also remember the t-shirt drawings for social studies. Some other things I will remember are my friends, because I know them really well now and it was really fun hanging out with them. I don’t want the last day of sixth grade to come. I don’t want it to come because there were really great teachers that helped us and I am going to miss all of them a lot. Our teachers do really well when they teach they go through everything and if there is a question that someone ask they will answer it and if they need to they will go through again….. Sometimes if it is necessary. I really loved being on the A honor role for all four quarters. I worked really hard and I did well on most of my assignments well. Some of them I didn’t to great on. I really enjoyed having the teachers around and having many friends. I look forward to seeing my same friends next year in 7th grade and I also will go and see my 6th grade teachers. (this is 572 words.)
Ok now I’m just going to talk about random things this year. I have made new friends this year since all the schools came together. I have become better friends with people like Carly Rose Campbell we have been friends since 1st grade and are like sister now. I have met new friends this year Josie Duin, Kiara Valentien, Lexi Zoellner, Ashley Swartz, Kaylee Riley, Madi Rosenau, Anna Boomsma, Carly Rahn, Wyatt Skovley, Katelyn Nissen, Lexi Hokenstead, Cole Woessner, Andrew Bingen, Carter klatt, and a lot more. There have been some relationships this year to which I think is funny!!!!! This year will be the only year that we will all be together because next year people have moved people have moved in and we won’t be in the same classes or have the same teachers. This year I’m in band I was in band last year to. I had fun this year, I was thinking about quitting but Mrs. Baker is so kind and fun that I’m going to stay I also love playing the clarinet it’s fun!!!!!!! I also liked all my teachers they have helped me so much. In social studies I love watching the white shirt production, having the joust stuff and the looping it made social studies fun. In math I had fun too. In English I got 100% on some but got some c’s on others. In reading class I go to be with friends and science was fun to and I learned a lot in science. In band I learned new notes, computer how to type better even though I already knew how. Music about some composers and how music came to be. Art about different art types, spelling how to spell. Gym workout stuff and games. Auto skills reading and math stuff!!!! I don’t know how many words there are and I hope that I got this in on time!!!!!
I thought the wax museum was really fun.
mr.klumper i had 1011 words and i posted it but it isnt here
idk what happened the first time so here it is
Emily Konz
1,000 word challenge
Social Studies
Social Studies was awesome. We learned a lot of new things about ancient civilizations. There was a lot of fun stuff on the blog. The white shirt production was really funny and awesome. I think Crazy Izzy was really funny. It was so cute when she came and sang Justin Bieber for us. The league was fun but difficult. The civilizations were really cool and I learned a lot about different areas. It was very interesting to learn about it. This year I probably learned the most in Social Studies than in any other class because in all the classes I have been in we never talked about ancient civilizations. My favorite civilization was Egypt because it was very interesting. I think it is very hard to learn about gods and goddesses because it is hard to remember. Mummification was really cool. Medieval Times was one of my favorites too. I liked learning about the bad jobs and I did not like the Black Death because it creeped me out. Now I think I am deathly afraid of fleas and rats because that is how it spread. The Stone Age was cool. I think Neanderthals look funny and walk like monkeys. That would get tiring. Mesopotamia as kind of confusing and I think we should have spent more time on it because I felt like we did not learn as much in that unit as the other ones. Social Studies was really fun and I liked the blog. My favorite units in order from best to worst is, Ancient Egypt, Medieval Times, Stone age, Ancient Rome, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Ancient China, and Mesopotamia. Even though Mesopotamia is at the bottom I still liked it a lot. I am glad we had Ediscio because it helped me a lot on the tests. Then I forgot my password. No worries because I remember it now. I wish we could have used all of our notes on all of the tests. That would have helped a lot, but I still did good on the tests. I am really scared for the final test over all eight civilizations. I hope it is not really hard. That is why I am doing this challenge because if I get a really bad grade this will help me.
the other one was mine too
Wax Museum
The wax museum was a project where we all picked, researched, wrote, and acted like we were a famous person who in now dead. I chose Steve Irwin. I got to pick first over everyone in the sixth grade. It was hard to find information about Steve Irwin’s childhood and school. But I still found a lot of interesting things, like did you know that he captured his first crocodile at age nine? Well on the Wax Museum night, April Twenty-Sixth, two thousand eleven, we dressed up like our character and gave a speech like we were them. It was really fun. It was also very scary. I was so nervous. It was harder to give your speech to someone you know than someone else, because they do not know who you are so they will not laugh, as much. I was kind of relieved when it was over because I was so scared. The hour and a half went pretty fast though. I am glad that through the school project we got to make a wish. It changed one kid’s life and I am so glad we donated it to them.
School projects
Well I will definitely remember the Wax Museum the most over all my years of school because it was so AWESOME and I was so unbelievably scared. Other than that I will remember the owl pellet lab in science. We sat in science and pick away at an owl pellet (owl barf) with a tooth pick. Since I have such a good grade in science the owl pellet I had to dissect was HUGE! I had to go in and dissect it during study hall. I even had to go after school. Then I got tired of scratching away at owl barf and called it good. As I was dissecting there was rat fuzz and caterpillar poop inside the owl barf. Next year in science we have to glue all of the skulls and bones we found together. I found so many skulls I will probably have to stay after school next year to finish that, too. Another school project I likes was in science when we made catapults for our Medieval unit. Carly and I made one and when we launched it, it did not do very well. Carly was a good launcher but when I tried it, it back fired and we got minus two! I liked the board game project we did in Social Studies. I felt a little rushed for that and I think we should choose our own group for that. The other one from science I will remember is our cell. We made a cell and it was a huge project that we used as the test for that unit. We had to present it in front of the class. That was scary, but it was a lot better than taking a test in my opinion. We did not do that many projects this year, besides all of the labs in science. There was a lab almost every week. I really like to do those kind of projects in school.
Well we did a lot of stuff this year. Coming to middle school was really scary and I was so scared I was going to be late for class or forget my locker combination. I did not forget but that was after coming to the middle school a lot of times towards the end of summer to try it out. I was also hoping I would not get lost. I did not but I still have no idea where the eighth grade wing is and I probably will not until I have to go to eighth grade.
Words: 1,011
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