As we sprint to the finish of the ancient Egypt unit, it is that time once again to share our knowledge with the world, specifically, Timmers. Though his brain is overflowing with Stone Age and Mesopotamia knowledge, he is ready and waiting for some ancient Egypt information. Unlike past units, we will not have computer lab time to "teach" Timmers, so this is something you must do on your own. Be responsible and own this post. Though our previous two units have been intrigueing, they don't even come close to as amazing as this place called Egypt. Pyramids, Mummification, Pharaohs, Nile River, Hieroglyphics, gods and goddesses and the list goes on! Show Timmers just how great this civilization is by explaining to him all the things we have learned this unit. Though you do not know anything about Timmers, you do know a lot about Egypt, so prove it!
Task: Teach Timmers about ancient Egypt by sharing with him AT LEAST ONE thing from the following topics: (You may do more if you want) Nile River Pyramids of Egypt Gods and Goddesses Daily Life Mummification DUE: This post is due on Wednesday, November 24th, 2010. Points: 20 points completion
I talked to Timmers last weekend and he said he is excited about Egypt. Don't let him down. Good Luck and Thank you for your great effort.
morgan tekronypd3
Hey Teach Timmers please respond back to me I really enjoyed the Egypt unit. I am going to teach you about mummification, First it is the annoncement of death. Second removal of the brain. Third it is the removal of organs. Fourth it is the drying out proccess. Fifth it is the wrapping of the body. Sixth it is the final possesion. Well, that is all I got Teach Timmers.
Hi my name is Tyler I am going to teach your about the Nile River. The Nile River has to lands the red land is not good for crops and the black land is really good for farming, the fertile is really rich in the black land and that is all I have to say.
Hey Timmers I will teach you about the Nile River. Did you know that it flows north. And it gets its name from greek word Nelious meaning the river valley. It is 4,184 miles long. There is two land s by the Nile River one is the black land the other is the red land. The black land is very fertile the red land is dry, hot, and like a desert. The Nile River has two nicknames one is the giver of life and the taker of life. The giver of life is irrigated land for farming. The taker of life is it overflows to much destoryes all the crops kills people or overflows to little which means crops can not grow surplus has to be used.
hi timmers i'm going to teach you about anicent eygpt. 1. gods and godesess one is called anubis god of mummifaction another is called ra god of the sun he combineswith horus god of the sky to make ra-horakahte. end
Hey Timmers Hows it. In SS weare in our Egypt unit and we learned about alot of things lik Gods and Godesses, The Nile River Mummification ect. you get the idea and i wanted to teach u about some topics. Did you know Ra is the sun god.Hey do u know what the GREAT SPHINX's nickname is? Did you know that the first step of mummification is the announcement of death. The kids in ancient egyt were very important. Do you know how long the Nile is? Well, if not it is 4184 Miles long............ Well see ya later bye.
Hey Timmers This is Andrew B I want to teach you about ANCIENT EGYPT. K you ready ok did you know that in Egypt children are very important. Also did you know the first step of mummification is The Announsment of Death. DO you know what is across the street from the Giza Complex is. Guess you wont know. Have you heard of Ra well, if you have not he is the sun god. Lastly did you know that the Nile is 4184 Miles long. K thats all bye talk to ya later.
Hey Timmers! I'm going to tell you some of the many things about Egypt.
Gods and Goddesses- Ra- is the most important and also the god of the sun. Horus- the man with the head of a hawk, god of the sky, and protector of the ruler of Egypt. Amun- man with the ram head, one of the most powerful, at one point, he was considered the king of gods. Isis- woman with the headress in the shape of a throne, protective godesses. Hathor- woman with the headress of horns and a sun disk, godesses of love and joy, mother of the pharoah.
Mummification- steps 1- announce the death 2-remove the brain 3- remove the organs 4- dry out the body 5- wrap the body 6- final procession
Hey Timmers so I got a few questions for you what is our real name or is Tim or Timmers your real name?
So instead of talking about you name lets talk about the pyramids. The pyramids are really cool because evey single block weighed 2.5 tons and if they didn't get there block up ther in 2.5 minutes well lets not talk about it. Today in Egypt you can climb on the pyramids and eat KFC or PIZZA HUT right across from the pyramids. So would you rather eat bad food or climb on the pyramids? but the pyramids aren't just for climbing on or looking they were built for three pharos who names are Khufu who had three little pyramids for his wives, Khafre, and the smallest one Menkuare.Well thats it for now I hope you know more about pyramids than you did before. Blog to you later!!!!!!
Hi Mr.Timmers today i am going to teach you about the nile river, Pyramids of egypt,gods and goddesses,mummification and daily life...Lets get started!
Nile River: Is the main river in Egypt, it has red land and black land. Pyramids of Egypt: The three most commen pyramids are in Giza. Gods and goddeses: there are alot of gods and goddeses for exaple Ra i think is the sun god.
Daily Life: they treasured there children more then anything else!
Mummification: The five steps of mummification are first you take out the brain, then you take out the organs and then you stuff the body with hay and rags, after that you put salt on the body, then finaly you mummia the body!
Thank you so much for listening! AND I KNOW YOU ARE MR.KLUMPER...I AM NOT DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, I will tell you a fact for each of these topics.
The Nile River is 4184 miles long. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. The Egyptians sun god was Ra. Eygyptians slept on their roof at night because it was cool out. The mummification prosses has six steps number one announcement of death, two removal of the brain, three removal of internal organs, four drying out prosses, five wrapping, six final prossesion.
Nile River: The Nile River flows north which is really weird because most rivers flow south.
Pyramids of Egypt: There are three pyramids in Giza which is a necropolis.
Gods and Goddesses: Ra which is the sun god and is most important.
Daily Life: life in Egypt centered around 3 things religion, pharoahs, and family.
Mummification: here are the six steps to mummification: 1. tell everyone who has died 2. take out brain 3. cut stomach and take organs out 4. Put natron saly on the body 5. bring to pyramid
Hey Timmers how r u doing? I am now going to tell u about the nile river. It has a delta which is the mouth of a river. Now i am going to tell u about the pyramids of egypt. There is a pyramid that is garded by the great Sphinx. There r also pyramids that mummies that have been stolen out of. Now i will talk about Ra the god. Ra is the god of the sun. He is the most important god. Now i will talk about daily life. The people of egypt wear tunics which r like ugly dresses to us. But that is all they really have so they must wear it or they go neaked. Some people dont wear them they do go neaked. Now i will finally talk about mummifacation. I am going to teach u the rules. 1.The announcement of death 2.Removeal of brain 3.Removeal of internal organs 4.Drying out process 5.Wrapping of body 6.Final proession
That it is for now talk to u later bie. (ttyl) (g2g)
Dear Timmers, I would like to teach you about Ancient Egypy. Did you the Nile River flows North? Weird right, it is because of the elavation. Without the Nile Egypt would not exist. The Great Pyramid was built for King Khufu. It took 23 years to build! The sun god Ra is the most important god. There are many many gods because Egypt is polytheistic. Egyptian houses had doors that are four feet off the ground to keep out water and sand. The wore white tunics and makeup. Mummification was very cool. It has six steps: 1. Announcement of the Dead 2. Remove brain 3. Remove internal organs 4. Dry out with Natron salt 5. Wrapping 6. The Final Procession
Dear Timmer, Do you know anything about Ancient Egypt? Well here are some facts. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. The Nile gets its name from the greek word "Nelios" meaning river valley. The Nile aslo flows North. The Nile has a Red land that flood water doesn't get to. There is a Black land that flood water does get to. Its nicknames are the "Taker of Life" and the "Giver of Life". It's called the "Taker of Life" because it can overflow too much. It's called the "Giver of Life" because it irrigates crops. Now to Gods and Goddesses of Egypt. One of the gods is Ra the sun god. Another gods is Horus the sky god. When you combine them you get Ra-horkahte the rising sun. The daily life of an egyptain. Three things they center around is religion, pharaoh, and family. They sleep on roofs because its cooler. Their doors are four feet off the ground so flood water wouldn't get in their house. Nobles have 25-30 rooms in their house. Both men and women wear green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick. They also wear a peice of clothing called a tunic it's white men wear it to their knees and women wear it to their ankles. Now to mummification the six steps th mummification are Annoucement of Death, Renoval of Brain, Removal of internal organs, Drying out process, Wrapping the Body, and Final Procession. They also put the organs in a canopic jars. Now to pyramids there are three pyramids Menkaure, Khafe, and Khufu. The guadian of the Giza complex is the Sphinx head of a man body of a lion. Across the street from Giza is KFC and Pizza Hut. Pyramid of Mendaure is the smallest of the three. Made from limestone and granite. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three. Each block weighs 2.5 and it appears biggers because of its steep sides and higher ground. The great pyramid was built for Khufu. The worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. There were three small pyramids for his wives and tombs for his nobles. It took 23 years to make the pyramid and the worker were paid. There were 2 million blocks and it was a 4 million ton pyramid. See ya Timmers!
keniciwa again timmers 1.did you know that the nile river is a good and a bad thing for egypt? 2.also across from the pyramids is a kfc and a pizza hut 3.Ra is the sun god and the most important one 4.The children of egypt are supposed to be the most important 5.the steps of mummifacation are 1.anounncement of death2.romove brain3.remove organs4.drying out5.wrapping the procession
Hello Timmers. Ready to learn about Egypt? First the Nile is known as the 'Giver of Life' and the 'Taker of Life' because it grows crops but also makes people drown. The great pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu though it looks smaller than one of the other pyramids it's bigger. Ra was the sun god. The most important. Horus was the god of the sky. A man with the head of a hawk. In their daily life egyptians wor green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and red lipstick. There are six steps for mummification, first anouncement of death, then removal of brain, then removal of internal organs,Step 4 dry out the body, wrap the body, final procesion
Hey Timmers im going to tell you some facts about Ancient Egypt. the Nile River is called the giver and the taker of life because it can overflow to much or not enough so its the taker of life. and with out it egypt wouldnt exist so its the giver of life. both men and women egyptians wore green eyeshadow, red lipstick, and black eyeliner and wore gold jewelry. when dead bodies were mummifyed one of the rituals were weighing the heart. they weighed it against the feather of truth. if it balanced the soul was granted immortality. if the heart was heavier, the soul doomed into horrible fate. the pyramid of khafre looks big because of its steep sides and higher ground.each block weighs 2.5 tons. Ra, the sun god, is the most important god. Horus, is a man with the head of a hawk. is the god of the sky and protector of the ruler of egypt. ra-horakte is a combination of Horus an Ra and is the rising sun. Bye, see ya later
Hi, Timmers I just wanted to tell you about Ancient Egypt. So first did you know that the Nile River is 4,184 miles long. Also the Nile River flows North. About the pyramids of Egypt,they are made for the pharaohs and any other people that can afford to be mummified. Do you know anything about gods and goddesses?Well Horus is the god of the sky.And Ptah is the god of craftsman. Oh also do you know the six steps of mummification? Well here they are 1.Announcement of death 2.Removal of the brain 3.Removal of the internal organs 4.Drying out process 5.wrapping the body 6.Final procession. lastly the life in Ancient Egypt centered around religion,family,pharaoh. Also children were considered very important. Womens duties were cooking,cleaning,and family. Well I hope that you learned
Im going to teach you about the Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Giddesses, Daily Life, and Mummifacation. The first thing is the Nile River. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long and with out it egypt wouldn't exist. The next one is the Pyramid of Egypt. The Pyramids of Egypt are located in Giza. The pyramids are Khufu, Khafre, and Menkure. The next one is Gods and Goddesses. The two gods I am going to tell you about are Ra and Horus. The god Ra is the sun god he is the main god. The next god is Horus he has the head of a hawk and is the sky god and protecter of rulers. The daily life of egyptains are the men work while the women clean cook and raise children. The last but not least is mummifacation. The six steps of mummifacation are they announce the death then they pull out the brain with a hook third they remove the internal organs then they put natron salt on the body to dry it out second to last they wrap the body in linen last but not least they wiegh the heart against the feather of truth and if the heart wieghs the same a safe passage to the afterlife if it wieghs more then a horrible passage to the after life.
Wuzzz up Timmers??! Would you like to learn a little about Ancient Egypt?? First we'll start on, the Nile River, did you know there's two main lands, Red land, which is dry, NO good for crops. THen, we have the Black Land, which is really good for crops, because its so fertile. Now onto Pyramids, Great Sphinx was built in 3,000 b.c.e, it has a body of a lion and head of a man, its also all made of limestone. Gods and godesses, Anubis is the god of the underworld, and Ra is the sun god. Daily Life, children were important. Mummification, there were six steps, 1. Announcement of death, 2. Removal of the Brain, 3. Removal of organs, 4. Drying out process, 5. Wrapping process, 6. final prosession. Well, Timmers that's all for this chapter see next chapter!! Hope you had fun learning!! I DID!! :) :) :) :) :)
Hey Timmers! It's your buddie Rylee S. I'm so excited to tell you about Egypt! So let's get started!
Gods: Ra=Sun God Horus=God or Sky, protecter of Egypt. Who has a Hawk head. Amun=ram head; once known as the king of the gods. Atum=double crown; creator god; first god Osiris=mummified looking man with feathers on his head; God of the dead and underworld Gift to the Ancient Egyptains: barley. Anubis=mummification; he wears a jackal mask Khnum=man with the head of a curly horned ram; god of flooding. Thoth=head of an ibis; god of knowledge and writing Gift to the Ancient Egyptains: hieroglyphics Isis=god who wears a headress that look like a throne; she is the protective godess. Ma'at=a godess that has a feather on her head; she is the godess of: truth, justice, and harmony Nepthys=a godess that has the headress with writing on it; she is the protective godess of the dead. Ptah=usally seen as wearing a white tight cloak, and is seen holding a staff; god of craftmen Bastet: head of a cat; also a protective godess Bes: a weird looking fella; god of family, scorpion and snake bites
Well, gotta go...I'll tell you more about it later. BYE!!!
Hey Timmers! It's that time again! But this time...It's Acient Egypt!! :D 5 topics, once again. So here they are! Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Goddesses, Daily Life, and Mummification!! Here we go!
1. Nile River. The nile river is 4,186 miles! It is also the longest river in the World!
2. Pyramids of Egypt! There are 4things in "The Giza Complex" The Great Sphinx, Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Khafre, and Pyramid of Menkaure.
3. Gods and Goddesses. I will tell you about 3 gods and 3 goddesses. Ok? Ok! Gods-Ra, the sun god. Horus, gods of sky. Atum, creator god. Goddesses-Isis, Protective goddess. Ma'at, Goddess of truth, justice, and harmony. Hathor, Goddess of love and joy.
4. Daily Life. The egyptions, BOTH men AND women wore Green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick.
5. Mummification. The steps or mummification are... 1. Annoucement of Death & Embalming the Body 2. Removal of Brain (2 methods, method 1 remove brain through the nose with hook. OR method 2 mix up brain with wire and let it drain out through the nose. 3. Removal of Internal Organs. (4 organs, Liver, Lungs, Stomach, and Intestines. Method: small slit cut in stomach and organs pulled out. Then, Organs were placed in Canopic jars. 4. Drying out Process (Method: Body placed on slab and covered with Natron Salt. The body took 40 days to dry out.
5. Wrapping the Body. Hundreds of Yards of Linen, Shroud added at end to keep wrappings together, Body coverd with Mummia to glue everything to stay together.
6. Final Procession. People were paid to cry to show gods the person was well loved. The more people crying, the better.
Alright Timmers! I'm going to go do something with my aunt here in Norman, Oklahoma! BYE!! :D
I am going to teach you a little bit of Anient Egypt. Did you know the nile river is 4,184 miles long? That is really long for a river Also, Did you know that the house there were 4ft. off the grond. Incase, of flooding there homes don't get damaged.
The pyramids are made from limestone, and granite.
Gods and Godesses
There are 17 gods. One of them is named Atum, the first one to exist on earth.
They have to remove the brain with to peice of wire with a hook at the end, and pull it out.
Hey Timmers, I am goingto teach you about Ancient Egypt. The Nile River- The Nile is 4,184 miles long, and is located near Giza. There is a red land an black land. The Red land is very dried ou and no crops grow there. The black land is very fertile and a lot of crops grow there. Pyramids of Egypt- There are 3 pyramids, Khufu, which is the biggest of all and called the great pyramid. Second is Khafre, the second biggest. The third is Menkaure, the smallest of all.
Gods and Goddesses-There are a lot of gods and goddesses. Two of the strongest ones are Ra and Horus. Them put together is Ra Horoctus, which would be the strongest god in the world. Daily life- Both men and women would wear tunics. The men wore them to their knees, while the women wore them to their ankles. When the men were working outside, they would wear short skirts. Also, the children were considered very important, and it was the mothers job to care for their child(ren). Mummification- There are 6 processes in mummification. #1 - Announcement of death. #2- Removal of brain. #3 - rmoval of internal organs. #4- dying out process. #5 - Wrapping the body. #6 - Final procession.
Hi Timmers! I am going to tell you about the pyramids of Egypt. There are 3 pyramids in the Giza complex. There are the Great Pyramid (pyramid of Khufu), the pyramid of Khafre, the pyramid of Menkaure. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. It is the largest pyramid. Khufu had 3 smaller pyramids built for his wives. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid. It still has some limestone at the top. It appears to be taller than the Great pyramid, but that is because it is on higher ground. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. Archaeologists found a beautiful sarcophogus inside. It is lost in the Medditerranean Sea. I hope you learned a little bit about the pyramids in ancient Egypt!
Hey, Whats up Timmers?? It's me again: Here are some interesting facts about ANCIENT EGYPT! 1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. It gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means river valley. It has a black land and red land. The red land is desert and no crops can grow and you guessed it the black land is fertile and lots of crops grow there. Well hope you learned about the Nile River! See you later =)
hi timmers how are you today. well today i am going to tell you about the Nile River,pyramids of Egypt,gods and goddesses,daily life,and mummification. so first i will tell you about the Nile River. did you know that the Nile is 4184 miles has black and red land. the black land is very good for farming and the red land is not. so now i will tell you about the pyramids.the smallest is the pyramid of Menkaure the second smallest is kafre and the biggesst is khufu. so now i will tell you about the gods and gaddesses one god is ra and he is a sun god and a goddesses is bes who is a dwarf is the god of familey. now i will tell you about daily life. the children are very important witch i think is kind of cool. now last but not least mummification my favorite. the grossest part is when the remove th brain and the othher organs.
so now lets hope you know more about Ancient Egypt see you soon
The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. Each block of the pyramids weigh about 2.5 million tons. The most important god is Ra, the sun god. In Egypt children are considered very important. In mummification the first step is the announcement.
Hi Timmers! You can ignore the first comment I did. I found out I finished it wrong. I am going to teach you about ancient Egypt. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. Osiris is the god of the dead and the underworld. Egyptians lives revolved around three things: Relion, family, and the pharaoh. There are six steps to mummification: 1. announcement of death. 2. removal of the brain. 3. removal of the organs. 4.drying out the body. 5. wrapping the body 6. Final Proccession. I hope you learned a little more about ancient Egypt!
Hey Timmers, my name is Alex W. I am going to teach you about five things about ancient egypt. The first thing is the Nile River it is 4184 miles long. Now, about the pyramids, it took 23 years to build the Great Pyramid. The third thing is the Gods, Ra is the sun god he is the most important god. And daily life, the children are considered very important. And last but not least mummification. Mummification is preserving a dead body to help it in the afterlife. Well, that is all for now, I will prbally be teaching you about something again shortly. Bye
teach timmers im going to tell you about the nile river did you know that the nile river flows north and there is land that is called the black lands and the red lands by the nile river also it has pyramids by it like sphinix well there is a lot more to tell you but i have to go nice meating what ever your real name is.
Hello Timmers I'm going to teach you 5 things about ancient Egypt.
1. the nile comes from the greek word "nelios"
2. pyramids were tombs for the pharaohs
3. the sun god is Ra
4. the daily life for the people of egypt was wearing a white tunic, green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick
5. the six steps of the mummifacation are 1. announcement of death 2. removal of brain 3. removal of organs 4. drying out process 5. wrapping the body 6. the final procession.
-thanks for reading this. hope you respond to this by ☻.
Hey Timmers, how are you? Do you want to learn about the Nile River, The pyramids, god and goddesses, Daily life, and mummification? Well you are going to have to learnt it a lot!! First the Nile River is very important to Egypt. It is about 4,184 miles long. It's two nick names are the "The Taker of Life" and "The Giver of Life". Ther is the Red land and the Black land. The Red land is very dry and no crops can grow here. The Black land is very fertile and lots of crops can grow here. The pyramids of Egypt is very interesting to know. The Great Pyramid belonged to Khufu. It took 23 years to finish it. Each block weighed about 2.5 tons. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid. It is unique because the top of the pyramid is still smooth . God and goddesses are hard to remember in my opinion. But the gods that i remember are Ra, Horus, Ra-Horakhte, and Isis. The Daily life of a male Egyptian is work in the city or on the farms. And the women would stay home and clean, watch the children, and cook. The children were very important to the Egyptian. Mummification is my favorite. Here are the steps.
1. Announcement 2. Removal of the brain. 3. Removal of the organs. 4. Drying out the body. 5. Wrapping the body. 6. final procesion
My name is Kate and I am going to teach you about the five main parts of Ancient Egypt.
First, I will tell you about the Nile River. It is 4,184 miles long. It is the most important thing to Ancient Egyptians.
Second, I will teach you about the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The most famous pyramids are the Great Pyramid (Khufu), The Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. They are located at Giza, along with the Sphinx.
Third, I will tell you about the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. The most important god is Ra. He is the god of the sun.
Next is daily life. The children in Ancient Egypt were very important. The main piece of clothing was a tunic.
Finally, I will tell you about mummification. The six steps of mummification are: 1. Announcement of Death 2. Removal of Brain 3. Removal of Internal Organs 4. Drying out the Body 5. Wrapping the Body 6. Final Procession
Timmers, I hope you learned lots about Ancient Egypt and that my post was helpful to you.
Hey Timmers pay no attention to the blog up there I did that wrong. Okay so here is the right one: 1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. I know that is a BIG river! Also it gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means "River Valley". 2.There are 4 main structures in Egypt and are all located in the Giza. They are The Great Sphinx which has a body of lion and head of man, Pyramid of Menkaure and is the smallest of the 3 pyramids, Pyramid of Khufu is also known as "The Great Pyramid", and Pyramid of Khafre is the 2nd largest also it still has some limestone casing at the top. Plus if you get hungry presently there is KFC and Pizza Hut across the street. 3.There are 6 main steps of mummification here they are: 1.Announcement of Death 2.Removal of Brain 3.Removal of internal organs 4.Drying out process 5.Wrapping the body 6.Final procession Mummification is very expensive and only rich people like the pharaohs could have it done. 4.Life in Ancient Egypt was centered around 3 main things which are religion,the pharaohs, and family. Children were considered VERY important. 5.There are many Gods and Goddesses like the following: Ra-the sun god Hathor-Goddess of love and joy Thoth-God of writing and knowledge Bastet-Protective Goddess
Aloha Timmers! Today I am going to tell you about many thing but you only have to read one of them. If you do read all of it that's great and it will make you REALLY SMART!
1) Nile River- -flows north -major river of Egypt -papyrus grows along river and is used to make paper -water crops for them -transportion -Without Nile River, Egypt wouldn't exist
Thank you for reading! Bye! HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg! Have a great weekend?
Hey Timmers I will teach you about the Nile River. Did you know that it flows north? And it gets its name from greek word Nelious meaning the river valley. It is 4,184 miles long. There are to lands by the Nile River.One is the black land the other is the red land. The black land is very fertile the red land is dry, hot, and like a desert. The Nile River has two nicknames one is the giver of life and the taker of life. The giver of life is irrigated land for farming. The taker of life is it overflows to much destoryes all the crops. It can even kill people! Or overflow to little which means crops can not grow surplus has to be used. I hoped you learned something about Ancient Egypt!
Whats Up Timmers, I'm here to tell you 5 things about Egypt. #1: The Nile River; Papyrus grew by the Nile, it was used to make paper.(And other things) #2: Pyramids of Egypt; The Great Pyramid is the LARGEST pyramid in the WORLD! #3: Gods and Goddesses; Horus is the god of the sky.(And my favorite) #4: Daily Life; The Egyptians slept on their roofs Because it was cooler up there. #5: Mummification; The Egyptians Pulled the brain out through the nose and threw it away because they thought it was a waste of space.
Hey again Timmers! Today i am going to share with you a little bit about Egypt. First, the Nile River. The Nile River flows north and papyrus grows around it. Second, the Pyramids of Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the biggest which is Khufu. The next biggest is Khafre. The smallest of the three is Menkaure. The Sphinx is around there too. The third thing is Gods and Goddesses of Egypt. There are Ra and Horus. The next one is Daily life. The children are very important in the daily life. The last one is mummification. The 6th steps are: 1. Anouncement of death 2. Removal of brain 3. Removal of organs 4. Drying out with Natron Salt 5. Wrapping process 6. Final Processions
Dear. Timmers I would like to teach you about Ancint Eygpt. First i would like to tell you that the Nile river flows north. AND tHE PYRIMDS ae used to perserve bodys. Ra is a god [thought eygptions] he was thougt to be the most importent. Kids were very important to ancint eygptins. Mummifactionwas very expensive.
Hey Timmers how are you? I am going to tell you one thing about these subjects Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Goddesses, Daily Life Mummification. First Nile River without it Egypt would not exist today. Pyramids of Egypt. The pyramids had a pointy top and it has tombs inside them. Now the gods and goddesses. Did you know that Ra is the god of Sun. In Daily life The women cooked, Cleaned, and took care of the children. Men worked. Mummification They poured Natron Salt on the body to dry it out. The would get hay and cloth and stuffit in the body then put resin in between the hay and cloth. Bye Timmers I hope you learned something that i just told have a good thanksgiving bye.
Sup Timmers it's Dodge I am going to teach you about Eygpt today Did you know that the nile is 4814 miles long. There is 6 steps in mummification IF you want to look like an eygptian you have to wear red lipstick black eyeliner and green eye shadow Ra is the god of sun there is 3 pyrimids in giza a spinx protects the three pyrimids the spinxs nick name is the gaurdian of the giza complex see you later peace
Mr. timmers hows it been. I learned that the Nile River forced people th raise their doors up four feet to keep out water when it flooded.The people who sealed the pyramids had a way to get out and and a way for tomb robbers to get in.Egyptians had seventeen gods and many and women wore green eye shadow,red lip stick, and black eye liner.Whats really weired is that the Egyptians thought that the brain is a useless organ.So next time I'll blog to you about china and until then I hope you have a good thanks giving.:)
Hi Mr.Timmers did you know that the Nile River is Called the giver of life becase it gives food to the people. The three main pyramids are Khufu,Khafre, and Menkaure. A couple gods are Ra the king of the sun,Amum is the king of all,Isis is protective goddess,Ptah god of craftman,and geb is god of Earth. The sons would take the land and the woman would take the house stuff that is good when their parents die. Their is 6 steps to do mummification and these are it announcement of death, romoval of brain, removal of argans, dry out the body, and final presetsen.
Hey Timmers! Ancient Egypt is really cool so here is some stuff about it! Did you know that the nile river is the longest river in the world!?Cool huh? Plus it overflows just enough to water crops. What do you think the most famous thing in Ancient Egypt is? Oh well, I'll telll you anyway. Its the pyramids.Where people are buried after mummification,but that is later. The pyramids are four-cornered triangles with tombs inside. Give me a name of a god? Well egyptians are polytheistic which means that they believe in more than one god/goddess. The people believed that if you worshiped them enough good things will happen. Daily life apparel is green eye-shadows, black eyeliner,and red lipstick. Now you can look like an egyptian! Now its time for mummification. Mummification is perserving a dead body. You first announce the death. Then you take the body up to a tent and remove the brain with a hook up the nose. Ewww! Then the "Slitter" comes and cuts a slit into the body. Then everyone pelts him with rocks until he leaves. Then a priest with a jackel-headed mask grabs the eternal organs andputs them in canopic jars. After that they pour natron salt on the body to dry it out. It takes forty days. Then they wrap it with linen. At last they bury it in a tomb where he shall rest in piece. Thank you so much for listening! Bye!
Dear Timmers I am going to inform you about 5 subjects 1.The Nile river-It is 4184 miles long and it flows north.It can be a giver of life because of irrigation but it can be the taker of life because it can overflow too much. 2.The Pyramids of Egypt-There are three of them. The biggest is called The Great pyramid. It is called that because it is the largest of the three pyramids. 3.Gods and Godesses-One god is Ra and he is most important because he is the god of Sun.A godess is Hathor and she is the godess of Love and Joy. 4.Daily Life-They wore 3 main things on their faces. Black eye liner,red lipstick,and green eyeshadow. Usually they didnt wear shoes.The men would wear tunics down to their knees and women wore them to their ankles. The women put scented fat on themselves so they would smell good. YUCK! 5.Mummification-There is 6 steps 1.Announcement of death. 2.Removal of brain 3.Removal of internal organs 4.They were covered in natron salt to dry them out. 5.They were wrapped in linens and inbetwenn the layers they put small madalions so they would have a safe passage to the afterlife. 6.The final procession is where people were payed to cry. The more the people cried the more the gods thought he was valuble in life. Thenthey wieghed his heart against the feather of truth. If it was balanced he would have a safe passage to the afterlife but if it was uneven then he would shurley not go to the afterlife and his heart was devoured. I hope you learned alot! :)
Hey hey timmers what up!? I am going to teach you about Egypt today and it will be awesome! Well first i would like to talk about the Nile River located in egypt. Well the Nile is 4,184 miles long and has a plant that is called papyrus and that is located on the black land which is ferile and good for farming. My next topic is the Pyramids of Egypt. Well I would like to tell u that the smallest pyramid is the Pyramid of Menkaure, the second biggest is pyramid of Khafre, and the biggest is the Great Pyramid. Do you know any gods or goddesses other than the ones I am about to list and what they do? One of them is Horus he is the god of the sky and another one is Anubis he is the god of mummification he wheres a jakcal headed mask during the process of mummification, and one last one before I end this topic is Hathor she is the mother of the pharoahs she has a sun disk above her head with horns holding the sides. For their daily life the children were very important and also they mostly farmed wheat. The last topic i would like to talk about mummification. I would like to tell you about the steps of mummification first you have to announce that the pharoah has died next you have to remove the brain then you have to slit and then rmove the organs and place them in canopic jars then you have to dry out the body by pouring natron salt on the body and let it sit for 40 days and after that you would have to wrap the body and then last u would have the final prossesion and you would be done and now I am done with what I had to tell you. I really hope you respond to my comment and thank you for taking the time to read my comment for teaching you about Egypt. Bye!!
hi timmers D-Dawg (Dylan Tyree) here i jest want to tell u about what we learned about ancient Egypt. The Nile River was the first thing we learned about, it had two different lands the black land (good for farming) and the red land (bad for farming) Next thing we learned about was the pyramids of Egypt, they were a four sided structure that was used to burry the pharoe. Then we learned about gods and godesses and here are some of them, Anubus, Set, Ista, and Ra. the finale thing we learned was the daily life of an Egyption, they wore a tunic for cothing and green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick, Well thats all i got so see you later.
Hey Timmers! It's me (RyleeS6) again, I'm just here to tell you more about Egypt. Well, here I go.
The Nile River flows North because it's down hill. A Delta is where a river ends.
Here's the first 3 steps of the mummification process....
1.anouncement of the dead
2.removing the brain
3.taking out the organs.
The 5 steps in the makeup process is......
1.wash the face
2.spray the perfume eye liner eye shadow lipstick
There are three main pyramids in Egypt, the pyramid of Menkaure, the pyramid of Kafre, and of course the pyramid of Kufu. Also, there is the Sphinx. These statues were all made of Limestone. Well, thats it for now. Wish me luck on the test. Bye!! :)
Hello there again Timmers, Today we are going to learn about Ancient Egypt. First off is the Nile River. The Nile River is 4184 miles long! Next are the pramids of Egypt. There were 3 pyramids; the largest one was made for Pharaoh Khufu. Following that is Gods and Goddesses. The most imporant god is Ra who is the god of the sun. Now is daily life. What did they wear? Well they wore either a Tunic wicth was white or they didn't ware anything. Last but most certainly not least mummification. Mummification is a process in which you preserve a dead body. Well that's it for today talk to you later.Bye.
Hey Teach Timmers, I will tell you five things about ancient egypt. 1. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. 2. Khufu has the largest pyramid, which is known as the Great Pyramid. 3. Next is Gods and Goddessses. Ra is the sun god and aslo the most important. 4. Children were considered very important to the Egyptians. 5. There are six steps to mummification which are Announcement of Death, Embalming the BOdy, Removal of the Brain, Removal of the internal organs, Drying out Process, and Final Procession.
Hey Timmers, this is Lexi Zoellner. I am going to teach you about Egypt.First off did you know that the Nile River is 4,184 miles long. there are three main pyramids, the Pyramid of Menkaure,the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Khufu.there are 17 gods and goddesses, I will name a few of them. There is Ra the sun god, Horus the sky god,and Isis the protective goddesses.In Egypt the children are very impotant and there doors were 4 feet off the ground.The 6 steps to mummificatoin are 1.Announcement of death. 2.Removal of brain. 3. Removal of internal organs 4. Drying out process. 5.Wrapping the body. 6.Final procession. I hope you learned something from this Timmers. Please write back.
YOIE YOIE MY NAMES JOEY (not really) hey timmers whats up?_____ dont have time for that ok here we go, im gonna tell u about all about acient eygpt, 1:(nile) the nile is the only reason there is an eygpt it is the giver of life it is also the taker of life. 2:(pyramids of eygpt)there are three pyramids of eygpt they are both at the giza complex. 3:(gods and godesses) im just gonna tell u 3 gods ra, anum, anubis 4:(daily life)daily life is pretty basic and it about the daily life the wives raise the childrean and clean and cook the husbands farm or other things 5:(mummification)is the best part the order is 1 anoucenmet 2 removal of brain 3removal of oragns 4 wrapping 5 final ceromony \
Hi Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River first the Nile River is 4,184 miles long and it has to lands the red land and the black land the black land is the fertile land the red land is the desert. Next I will teach you about the pyramids the pyramids are found in Giza and that is where the sphinx is to. Next I will teach you about
Hello timmers! And welcome to Egypt. fist I am going to tell you about pyramids: the pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid. next I will tell you about the Nile: the Nile River flows north Wierd right? Now I will tell you about Egypt's gods and goddesses: the god of the sun is Ra, god of the sky is Horus, and god of earth is Geb. that is all from me! peace out!
Hey Timmers im here to tel u about ancient egypt. the first thing is the nile river it is over 4000 miles long. the next thing is the pyramids did u know there is three of them in giza. the next thing is gods and goddeses did u know that the aincent egyotians were monotheistic which means they believe in many gods. the next thing is daily life. did u know that in aincent egypt children are considered very important. the last thing is mummifacation. did u know that there were 6 steps 2 mummifacation. till next time timmers see ya.
Hey Timmers this be james excuse my bad grammer. I would like to teach you about ancient egypt. The first thing is the nile river, without it the ancient egypt would have never existed. The next subject is the pyramids of egypt, The great pyramid was made for the pharoah Khufu. Thirdly i would like to tell you about the gods and goddesses of egypt, The father of the gods is Ra he is the sun god and the most important in the eyes of the egyptians. Fouth would be the daily life of the ancient egyptians, in the daily life of the ancient egyptians the men were the workers and the women were the care givers, cleaners, and cookers. Lastly is mummification, the six steps of mummification are, Announcement of death, Removal of brain, Removal of organs, Covering in natron salt, Wrapping of body, and put into sarcophagus. Those are the six steps of mummification. Thank you for reading please respond....
hey timmers!!!!Im going to teach you about Egypt.First,did u know the Nile River 4,184 miles long!!!!Next there are three pyramids in Egypt.They are ..........Khufu,Khafre,and Menkuare.The god of the sun is called Ra and Horus is the god of the sky.......combined ,they are called Ra-Horakte,they are the god of creation.The children are most important part of the family.Did you know that mummification is done to in the egyptian belifes to give the pharaoh a safe trip to the afterlife!!!!!!????I hope you learnedalot thank you for taking time to read my comment!!!
Hey timmers its hope... again. I'm going to teach you about ancient egypt. First the nile river. The nile river is 4,184 miles long thats a looooong river! The next thing is the pyramids. There are three pyramids in egypt Khafre,Khufu,and menkuare. next lets talk about the gods and goddesses shall we? ok here are some gods... Ra horus and them combined together Ra-Horakte they are the god of creation and very powerful i wish i were them! Next daily life the children were considerd very important to the Egyptians. Next is mummification. Mummificication was very expensive so thats why usually the pharaoh only got mummified. Also the pyramids usually got robbed so they could not find the mummies because they stole them. Thanks timmers for your time i hope you learned alot from this and i hope you comment on it THANKS!
The Nile River is 1484 Miles long and sometimes the Nile River over flows to much, killing people.
The Pyramids were used for keeping Mummies in to take to the after life that held, Jewelry, Furniture, Clothing, Food and other things for the Mummies to take to the after life, one very famous Pharaoh was King Tut, he was only 6 years old when he became a Pharaoh.
Gods and Goddess:
Ra, was the God of the Sun, Horus, was the God of the Sky, if the are combined, they are called Ra-Horakte. The Children are very important to the Egyptians.
I hope you had a great thankgiving! How was your turkey? Mine was great! Okay,so I heard that you're excited to learn about ancient Egypt. So I got some info for you!
first,I want to tell you about gods . They are very important in life in Egypt. Gods are said to say who are to be kings,or pharoahs.(I'll tell you about those later.)Ra,or sun god, is also the most important gods. Khnum,a god with a head of a curly horned ram,is the god of flooding. So if the god is happy,there will be floods for the crops. If the god is mad,he won't give any floods,or even over floods the nile river.
Lastly,I want to talk about pharoahs. Pharoahs are kings of Egypt. They're chosen by the gods,then they hand down the throne to their son when they die. Pharoahs are said to be living gods,even though they still die.When pharoahs do die,their bodies go through a process called,"Mummification." Their bodies must go through this process because it gives the pharoahs a safe passage to the afterlife.
Well,that's my stuff about ancient Egypt. I hope this info helped you out alot! See you next time!
Hey Timmers I am here to talk about Ancient Egypt. The Nile River flows north because it goes downhill. The Pyramids of Egypt are Kafre, Kufu, Menkure and they are located at Giza. Gods and Goddesses the two main gods are Ra and Horus. Daily life in daily life Egyptians wore green eyeshadow, black eye liner,and red lipstick. Those are the main things about Egypt bye Timmers
Hey,mr.Timmers how are you been? I'v been good. But I thought that you would like to to learn some things about Egypt that we learned before we left for Thanks Giving.Like did you know that the Nile River has two different parts of land next to it.One is called the black land because it is the closets to theruiver so it can grow plants .And the land that is farther away is called the red landbecause well it's farther away and plants need water.Hey, did you know that the pyramids stones where made out of limb stone.
hey timmers whats up! todat i am going to teach you about eygpt.first ill tell you about the Nile River. did you know that the Niles lengh is 4,184 miles.also The Great Spinx nickname is the Guardian of the Giza Complex.Then did you know that the eygptians are polythestic?and my last fact is about there daily life.children are very important! thank you
Hey Timmers you want to know about ancient egypt well here are 5 facts #1 The Nile River is 4,184 miles long #2 There are 3 main pyramids and one of them have 2 names and that one is The Great Pyramid also known as Khufu #3 Want to know who the sun god is its me(JK) its the God Ra #4 Daily Life for egyptians are versy hard the most important thing in their lives are their children #5 Did you know mummification is VERY expensive and their are 6 steps: #1 Anouncement of Death #2 Removing the Brain #3 Removing of the Organs #4 Drying out Process #5 Wrapping of the Body and #6 Final Procession Well thats all i have for you today Timmers talk to you soon!
Hi timmers. 1. the nile is 4184 miles long. 2.the pyramids are made of limestone. 3. anubis is the god of mummification. 4.egyptions were green eye shadow, black eye liner, red lipstick. 5. during mummification the priest wears a jackal headed mask.
Hi Timmers. I am going to teach you about the Nile. The Nile river was the most important thing in Egypt if it diden't exist nor would egypt. It has the black land which is very fertile and good for crops. Then it has the red land and it is a desert. The Nile flows north.
Today I am going to teach you about the nile river.
The most important thing about the nile river is the Egypt would not exist without the nile river because it is godd for farming and it gives people food and surplus so people could quit farming and do a different job.
Hey Timmers. Hows it going. I'm going to talk to you about mummification and its six steps. The first step is announcement of death. The second is removal of brain. The third is removal of organs. The fourth is drying out the body. The fifth is wrapping the body. The last is the final procession. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Bye!
Hey Timmers! I'm going to teach you about Egypt! Did you know the Nile River has a Red Land and a Black Land? Also, the Pyramids of Egypt are made out of lime stone! One of the Egyptians Gods/Goddesses was named Anubis. In daily life, Egyptians wore black eyeliner, green eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Egyptians preformed mummification to make sure the pharaohs made it to the Afterlife. That's all! -Samantha
hi Timmers I'm going to tell you about Ancient Egypt. 1. The Nile River was the giver of life because Egypt would not exist with out it. 2. The pyramids of Egypt are important because they hold pharaohs and the great pyramid is the biggest pyramid in the world. 3. The gods and goddesses are important because they are one of The elements of Ancient Egypt. 4. Daily Life was important in Ancient Egypt because it's a main thing in Egypt, they love kids and family. 5.last but not least mummification. Mummification is somewhat complicated because it's a long process and the steps coulees go wrong. I have a fact to tell you the second step of mummification is taking out the brain. By Timmers thanks for reading this.
hey timmy in class we have been learning about ancient egypt did you know the nile river is over 4000 miles long.there are 3 mayjor pyramids in egypt the most famous pyramid is the great pyramid of giza.a famous god of egypt is Ra the sun god.the people look like clowns with there green eye shadow and red lipstick.mummafication makes me sick when I here about the brain being pulled out threw the nose thats some of the things we have leared about egypt bye
Hey Teach Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River. The Nile has a black land and a red land. The black land is good for fertile soil. The red land is not so great it is bad for crops and it is like a dessert.
Next I am going to Teach you about Gods and Goddesses. One of the Gods if Ra the sun god. Don't blame me I amk not that good at Gods and Goddesses.
I am going to teach you about Daily life. The way things work is that the men go to work while the woman stay home and clean raise the kids and cook.
Now I am going to teach you about mummification the first step is the annoncment of death. The next step is the removal of the brain. Then the removal of the organs. Next is the drying out proccess then they wait for 40 days then they wrap the body. The last one is the final possesion. If you add that up it should give you six total steps.
Well, Teach Timmers that is alol I have for you. I hhope you learned a lot just like I did. (I hope you are a lot better than Mr. Klumper.)
I hope you write back to me soon your awesomely awesome friend, Morgan
One last thing I forgot the pyramids there are 3 pyramids and I want you to know them all. Well, we will let you look them up yourself. Ok one is the Great Pyramid.
have you ever learned about mummification and the proccess of how it work because if you havent i am going to teach you.
the defininition of mummification is which the dead body is preserved. the ancient egyptins did this so the body can enter an after life. The first step in mummification is the annoucement of death. next the ancient egypttions would remove the brain with a hook and twist it out. Next is removal of the internal organs (gross). there is a slitter and he slits the body but ends up getting rocks thrown at him. After that anubis (the king with a jackal heade mask also known as anubis ) removes the organs but leaves the heart inside. The next step is the drying out proccess which is done so the pharoh will reconize the body in the after life. After that is the wrapping of the body. While doing this egyptioin would place amulets and resin between the layers of cloth. Finnally is the finall proccession and is when the mummi is finished.
i hope you learned somthing from this thanks for reading BYE TIMMERS
Hi Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River. The Nile River has two lands the red land and the black land. The red land is not good for farming. The black land is really good for farming. 2.I am going to teach you about the pyramids.There are three main pryamids and a sphinx they are located in Giza 3.Gods and Goddesses. There are alot of gods and godesses.The sun god is Ra. 4.Daily life. people in Egypt would sleep on top of there roofs.They would where black eye liner green eye shadow and red lipstick. 5.Mummification.There are six steps to mummification.1.Announcement of Death 2.Removal of Brain 3.Removal of internal organs 4. Drying out process 5.wrapping the body 6.Final Prcession. Thats all the steps to mummification, and thats all that I have to say bye Timmers.
hey timmers what is hapining just me jackson hangin out so a want to learn a little somthing or 2 about ancient egypt whell im going to tell you about gods and goddeses Ra was moast important he was god of the sun amun was king of gods prettey cool isis was the goddess of protection geb was god of earth thoth gave people hieroglyphics well there you learned a little bit about gods and goddesses opps gotta go bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In class i have learned that the Nile River is the longest river in the world.Did you know that thair are 3 mayjor pyrimads in egypt the great pyrimad is the famous pyrimad of Giza.Ra is the god of the sun.
Hey timmers this is Brady. im going to teach you some stuff about the nile river. The nile river is called the giver of life and it is also called the taker of life. It is called the giver of life because it overflows for crops to grow and for fertile land. It is called the taker of life because it overflows to much sometimes and kills people and it overflows to less sometimes so crops cant grow. The land right along the nile is called the black land and the land farther out from the nile is called the red land. It is called the black land because it is so fertile from the nile overflowing. The red land is just all dry desert. See you later.
hi how are you im teaching you about the nile is the giver and taker of life. people use the nile for water for drinking and for crops for food . right along the nile is the black land thats were crops grow and red land were no crops helps the people. go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heyyyyyyy timmers!!!I'm going to teach you something about the Nile River!!!
1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. It gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means river valley. It has a black land and red land. The red land is desert and no crops can grow and you guessed it the black land is fertile and lots of crops grow there.
Hello Timmers! Im going to teach you about the pyramids of Egypt. The great pyramid (built for khufu)is the largest one EVER. Anyways, the pyramids were used as tombs for pharoahs. They also held their canopic jars (they held the internal organs) and their possessions. They usually end up in grave robbery. The pyramid of khafre is unique because it still has some limestone casing at the tip. If you want to see it, you can google it. If you say you dont have internet, then that is a lie, or you would not be able to post anything or read anything. Bye ☺
hello timdawg today I will be teaching you about............... wait 4 it ................ litttle more........... EEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a amazing topic let me tell you about it.
one thing about the nile riva flows north and is 4,184 miles. yeah thats right miles long! wonder how long it tuke to get to Aswan ehy. ha ha. suckers. Also with out the nile EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEygpt would not exsist.
Next thing is the most commen the pyramids the great pyramid tuke 23 years to build. I highly don't think I'd work at the same job for 23 years. I'd get better jobs.
now it is time for the male gods and the female gods (gods and goddesses)here are a few. thoth aunubis isis bes and how can we forget rararara RA
O.K.time to talk about daily life the man of the houses for every day he gose out and works of coures. On the other hand though the mom of the houes cleans, cooks, and takes care of the whiny little kids who bug her all day.
last but not least and my favorite mummification here are the steps.
STEP ONE announse the death of the pharoh not a bad job
STEP TWO REMOVE THE BRAIN it was point less in eygpt ok job but I do not want it
STEP THREE TAKE OUT ORGINS. They had a guy called a slitter he cut a hole in the body but as soon as he did he got nailed with rocks because ruined the body.
STEP FOUR COVER IN NEUTRON SALT they did this to dry out the body
STEP FIVE RAP THE BODY TO give it the mummy look in my opinoin
STEP SIX THE FINAL PROCESSION this is were people got paid to cry. well thats all folks see ya later
Hi Timmeres how are you? If you ask me I will say im fine. In class we have been learning about ainceant egypt and i have things to tell you so here they are.
#1 Nile River the fact is that it runs into the medteranian sea.
#2 pyramids of Egypt The fact is that the great pyramid was made for pharaoh Khufu.
#3 gods and goddesses the fact for this is that thoth is the god of writing and knowedge. He gave them the gift of heiroglypgics.
#4 daily life The fact for this is that children are very important unlike in america.
#5 mummification The fact for this is that is has six steps to complete this process.
Hey Timmers, Hows it going im going to teach you about Anciet Egypt!
The Nile River is 4,184 around it is the red and black lad. first theres the black land thats were we get our crops, the red land is just mostly sand thats hot.
Mummifaction is were you perserve a body for the after life and so when it gets there the person or paroh notices the body the steps are. 1. Annoucemt of death 2. Remove the brains 3. Remove the internal organs 4. Drying out the body 5. Wrap the body 6. Final pocession
The pyramids are very rare and cool the pyramids took about 23 years to finish and each weighing about 2.5 tons and had to be placed on 2.5 minutes per block this had to be done so when the pharoh died he would have his pyramid done often people did not get breaks or being able to rest the got payed very little some just did it to help there family.
Gods and Goddess people belived in many of them there was many the had a list that went on and on that mea they were polytheistec means belief in many gods or goddess theres the god of sun named Ra theres many gods.
Pharohs are the rulers of Egypt the controlled the people and made taxes so he could get the money when these pharohs died his loyal people would go around and pay people to cry alot of people did this just to get the money.
Hieroglypics was the writing system they would write on the pharohs tomb on the walls anywhere mostly.
Papyrus is a plant that people use to make paper and other matierls.
Daily Life faimlys value there children in the family when there parents die the boy gets the land and the girl gets furniter and the cooking stuff. when they are in school only boys got to go and girls had to stay home and work in the kitchen.
Hi Mr.Timmers today I am going to teach you about the Nile River,the Great Pyramids of Giza,Gods and Godesses,Daily Life, And Mummification. So lets get started shall we. The Nile river is the longest river in the world! Now thats big. The great pyramids are made up of three. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. The egyptians belived in 17 gods the most prassed was RA the sun god, also the ruler of the gods. The daily life of egypt cosisted of women cleaning, cooking, and raising the children. The men would work on the pyramid or other important things. Mummification was used to keep the body intacked so when the Pharoah came in the after life He/She would find the body. There is 6 steps to mummification. The main ones to me are Removal of organs, final procetion, and removal of brain.
Hey Mr. Timmers! I am so excited to tell you about Ancient Egypt. The first thing I am going to tell you about is the Nile River. The Nile was very important to the Egyptians because it over flowed and that gives the farmers good fertile soil to grow crops. The second thing that I am going to teach you about is the Pyramids of Egypt. A complex called Giza is the main complex of pyramids. There are three main pyramids in Giza also a sphinx. The Sphinx is a pyarmid that has the head of a man and the body of a lion. The sphinx also has a nickname it's "The Gaurdian of the Pyramids" because it looks like it is gaurding the pyramids. Well that's all from me. Hope you learned a little bit about Ancient Egypt! And thank you for your time reading my my blog.
Hi Timmers, The first thing I'm going to teach you about is the Nile River and the fact is that the Nile is a giver and taker of life. The second is the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids are used to place the pharoah after death. The third is Gods and Goddesses, Ra is the god of the sun. Last topic is Daily life and children were very important.
Elsie- Thanks for teaching me about pyramids. I think I would rather climb on pyramids than eat at KFC or Pizza Hut. My real name is not Tim or Timmers, but I can't tell you what it is. You will find out by the end of the year! Blog you later....Timmers
Kate F- Thanks for everything you taught me! A main piece of clothing was a tunic? Did Mr. Klumper dress up in one? He could have at least made a video of himself wearing a tunic. Thanks again, Timmers
WSG- Thank you to all of you for teaching me so much about ancient Egypt. I didn't think I could learn so much about pharoahs, gods, mummification, family life, the pyramids, and on and on and on. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to meeting you class in the near future! Timmers
Dear, Timmers I have learned alot in the Egypt unit with my Teacher Mr.Klumper. Heres what I have learned. *Nile River* The Nile river in Egypt is the most important river in Egypt. If the Nile River wasnt here today Egypt wouldnt eather. The Nile river is 4,184 mile long. The blach land alon1. Announcement 2. Removal of the brain. 3. Removal of the organs. 4. Drying out the body. 5. Wrapping the body. 6. final procesion
g the Nile is good for farming and is very fertile, the red land along the Nile is not good for farming and is not fertile its the desert area.
*The Pyramids of Egypt*
The blocks on the pyramids weigh 2.5 tons. The workers had to get each block in place in 2 minutes 30 seconds. It took 23 years to complete each pyramid.
*Daily Life*
The children were very important. The moms took care of the children and cooked. All Egyptainsm wore green eye shadow. black eye liner, and red lip stick.
Hi Timmers. Ready to learn about Egypt? Well good we`ll start with the Nile River it is called giver of life becuseit would give them food and water.The largest pyramid in Egypt is Kufu`s pyramid. Something about the daily life is that childern are vary important.The reson the mummify a body is that way they can go to the after life.And lastly Ra is the sun god and he is vary important.
did you know that the nile has a red land and a black land. The black land is a very fertileland right along the nile. The red land no crops could grow, desert. the nile is called the giver of life because irrigation land for farming transporting goods, food means to survive. It is also called the taker of life because it over flows to much, destroyed crops,killed people, over flowed to little crops couldn't grow, surplus has to be used. it also is 4,184 miles long.
hey timmers i am goona tell you about the Nile River. the black land next to the Nile that is the fertile land. the red land next to the nile is dry, desert like. the nile is called the giver of life because it brings water the people and the plants however it is also called the taker of life because it can kill plants and people when it floods. the nile is very long it is 4184 miles long that is huge!
Ok im about 2 tellyou about ancient egypt so listen up!
The Nile!!!
The Nile River is 4184 miles long! Isnt that huge?!?!?!?
The Pyramids of Egypt!!!
There are 3 pyramids is the giza complex, and the great sphinx!! They are used to burry pharohs, and the sphinx is used to guared it.
Gods and Goddess!!!
Im only going to tell you about a couple gods and goddesses.
Osiris- god of underworld and death!
Daily Life!!!
Did you know workers either wore tunics or they would be naked and they would either would where sandals or bare feet!!! HOT!!! Both men and woman wore makeup the stuff they wore is green eye shadow, red lipstick, and black eye liner!!!
6 Steps:
1 announcement of death 2 removal of brains 3 removal of organs 4 drying out the body 5 wrapping of body 6 final prossesion
Well hope you learned something about ancient egypt!
Peace Out!!! Kaitlyn is leaving the building!!! Ra- God of the sun!!!
sorry it took me this long to do this i just forgot to do this and now timmers i will teach you about egypt. The nile river is the gift of egypt. The spinx has the body of a lion and the head of a human. Now i will teach you about the homes of egypt. The citizens of egypt sleep on the roof because it is much cooler outside then inside after a long hot day. Now i will teach you about the pharoas. They are beleved to be part god and part human. Now ii will teach you aboutthe pyramids. the pyramids are the tome of the pharoes. Well thats all for now timmers and sorry about being so late.
Hey Timmers ok heres the deal and its a good one well for you and im getting graded for this so never mind its a good deal for both of us ok im gonna teach you about ancient Egypt. OK my favorite part of Egypt was the gods and goddeses? is that how you spell it i dont know anyways. I will tell you as many gods i know of first is Thoth the god of wisdom and writing second is Ra the son god 3 Horus the god of im not sure... Well thats embarrising. Scratch that ok Set the god of chaos and destruction. Zues no im just kidden he is a greek god and an Egyptian god jeez learn your facts. Oh yah sorry just stalling ok Bast the cat goddes Rahorakta i pretty sure i spelled it wrong but i dont really want to waste my time ok its Horus and Ra combined. I know awesome right? Uh Anubis god of mummification. Osirus god of the dead. Isis god of i cant remember. Scratch that also. Nut the sky goddes. Geb god of Earth. And that is pretty much all of the gods and goddes of Egypt are for right now well anywas i will tell you more some other time but the next time i talk to you I will be telling you about ancient China otay byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!*-*
Hi timmersd! I am going to teach you about Egypt ancient Egypt! First is the Mummification!
Mummification- The five steps of mummification are: first the person dies, then you take out the brain with a hook,then make a slit in the stomach to take out the organs, after you do that you have to stuff the body with hay and rags, then you cover the body with sand and preserve it,after that is all done you put mummia on the body!
Pyramids- There are three pyramids of the giza complex, also the great spinx:)
Now about the nile river- It is called the giver of life because it provides good land for farming. it is called the taker of life because it can overflow too much and ruin crops and sometimes even kill people i would hate that part.
Gods and goddesses- I only remeber Ra the god of sun and i guess Geb the god of earth, nut the god of sky and that is mostly it..
Daily Life-in daily life both men and women wore green eyeshadow, black eye liner,red lipstick.. Wow that is all the time i have i hope you learned something about egypt today:) and tell mr. Klumper not to take points off for this being late i already have a bad enough grade
My friend Timmers how are you today? Today I am going to teach you about acient Egypt. The first thing I am going to teach you is about the Nile River. Did you know with out the Nile River Egypt would not exist? The next thing I am going to teach you is about mummification. Here are the six steps of mummification.
1. Announcement of death 2. Removal of brain 3. Removal of eternal organs 4. Drying out the body 5. The rapping of the body 6. The final procession
Those are the six steps of mummification. The next thing I am going to teach you is about gods and godesses. The sun god is Ra. Now I am going to teach you about Pyramids. The pyramids were used as tombs for the pharaohs. We were reading about how king Tut died. He died of a broken leg. This was proven by the archeologist who found his tomb. The acient Egyptians wore tunics as clothing and some times they wore nothing.
Hello timmers Im going to talk to you about some stuff today. The first thing that im going to teach tou about is the Nile River the Nile has a red side and a black side. The red side is all desert and the black side is all crops. The Nile is called the giver of life because it gives you water and irrigation. The scond thing im going to teach you about is the pyrimids the pyrimds are large tombs there are some graves in the pyrimids. The third thing im going to teach you is gods and goddesses the are phoros and they are buried in the pyrmids. The forth thing is daily life the men go out and do crops and stuff like that while the women stay at hame and take care of kids and make food. The last thing is Mummification this is a prosess to see what will happen in the after life. thas all
Thanks to my good friends in Colorado for sending me this great site on Feudalism! In my class, we will learn about Feudalism in April, but here is a sneak peak!
Hey Teach Timmers please respond back to me I really enjoyed the Egypt unit. I am going to teach you about mummification, First it is the annoncement of death. Second removal of the brain. Third it is the removal of organs. Fourth it is the drying out proccess. Fifth it is the wrapping of the body. Sixth it is the final possesion. Well, that is all I got Teach Timmers.
Hi my name is Tyler I am going to teach your about the Nile River. The Nile River has to lands the red land is not good for crops and the black land is really good for farming, the fertile is really rich in the black land and that is all I have to say.
Hey Timmers I will teach you about the Nile River. Did you know that it flows north. And it gets its name from greek word Nelious meaning the river valley. It is 4,184 miles long. There is two land s by the Nile River one is the black land the other is the red land. The black land is very fertile the red land is dry, hot, and like a desert. The Nile River has two nicknames one is the giver of life and the taker of life. The giver of life is irrigated land for farming. The taker of life is it overflows to much destoryes all the crops kills people or overflows to little which means crops can not grow surplus has to be used.
hi timmers i'm going to teach you about anicent eygpt. 1. gods and godesess one is called anubis god of mummifaction another is called ra god of the sun he combineswith horus god of the sky to make
ra-horakahte. end
Hey Timmers Hows it. In SS weare in our Egypt unit and we learned about alot of things lik Gods and Godesses, The Nile River Mummification ect. you get the idea and i wanted to teach u about some topics. Did you know Ra is the sun god.Hey do u know what the GREAT SPHINX's nickname is? Did you know that the first step of mummification is the announcement of death. The kids in ancient egyt were very important.
Do you know how long the Nile is? Well, if not it is 4184 Miles long............ Well see ya later bye.
Hey Timmers This is Andrew B I want to teach you about ANCIENT EGYPT. K you ready ok did you know that in Egypt children are very important.
Also did you know the first step of mummification is The Announsment of Death.
DO you know what is across the street from the Giza Complex is. Guess you wont know. Have you heard of Ra well, if you have not he is the sun god. Lastly did you know that the Nile is 4184 Miles long. K thats all bye talk to ya later.
Hey Timmers! I'm going to tell you some of the many things about Egypt.
Gods and Goddesses-
Ra- is the most important and also the god of the sun.
Horus- the man with the head of a hawk, god of the sky, and protector of the ruler of Egypt.
Amun- man with the ram head, one of the most powerful, at one point, he was considered the king of gods.
Isis- woman with the headress in the shape of a throne, protective godesses.
Hathor- woman with the headress of horns and a sun disk, godesses of love and joy, mother of the pharoah.
Mummification- steps
1- announce the death
2-remove the brain
3- remove the organs
4- dry out the body
5- wrap the body
6- final procession
Hey Timmers so I got a few questions for you what is our real name or is Tim or Timmers your real name?
So instead of talking about you name lets talk about the pyramids. The pyramids are really cool because evey single block weighed 2.5 tons and if they didn't get there block up ther in 2.5 minutes well lets not talk about it. Today in Egypt you can climb on the pyramids and eat KFC or PIZZA HUT right across from the pyramids. So would you rather eat bad food or climb on the pyramids?
but the pyramids aren't just for climbing on or looking they were built for three pharos who names are Khufu who had three little pyramids for his wives, Khafre, and the smallest one Menkuare.Well thats it for now I hope you know more about pyramids than you did before. Blog to you later!!!!!!
Hi Mr.Timmers today i am going to teach you about the nile river, Pyramids of egypt,gods and goddesses,mummification and daily life...Lets get started!
Nile River: Is the main river in Egypt, it has red land and black land.
Pyramids of Egypt: The three most commen pyramids are in Giza.
Gods and goddeses: there are alot of gods and goddeses for exaple Ra i think is the sun god.
Daily Life: they treasured there children more then anything else!
Mummification: The five steps of mummification are first you take out the brain, then you take out the organs and then you stuff the body with hay and rags, after that you put salt on the body, then finaly you mummia the body!
Thank you so much for listening! AND I KNOW YOU ARE MR.KLUMPER...I AM NOT DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Timmers,
First, I will tell you a fact for each of these topics.
The Nile River is 4184 miles long. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. The Egyptians sun god was Ra. Eygyptians slept on their roof at night because it was cool out. The mummification prosses has six steps number one announcement of death, two removal of the brain, three removal of internal organs, four drying out prosses, five wrapping, six final prossesion.
Hi Timmers!!!
Nile River: The Nile River flows north which is really weird because most rivers flow south.
Pyramids of Egypt: There are three pyramids in Giza which is a necropolis.
Gods and Goddesses: Ra which is the sun god and is most important.
Daily Life: life in Egypt centered around 3 things religion, pharoahs, and family.
Mummification: here are the six steps to mummification:
1. tell everyone who has died
2. take out brain
3. cut stomach and take organs out
4. Put natron saly on the body
5. bring to pyramid
Hey Timmers how r u doing? I am now going to tell u about the nile river. It has a delta which is the mouth of a river. Now i am going to tell u about the pyramids of egypt. There is a pyramid that is garded by the great Sphinx. There r also pyramids that mummies that have been stolen out of. Now i will talk about Ra the god. Ra is the god of the sun. He is the most important god. Now i will talk about daily life. The people of egypt wear tunics which r like ugly dresses to us. But that is all they really have so they must wear it or they go neaked. Some people dont wear them they do go neaked. Now i will finally talk about mummifacation. I am going to teach u the rules.
1.The announcement of death
2.Removeal of brain
3.Removeal of internal organs
4.Drying out process
5.Wrapping of body
6.Final proession
That it is for now talk to u later bie. (ttyl) (g2g)
Dear Timmers,
I would like to teach you about Ancient Egypy. Did you the Nile River flows North? Weird right, it is because of the elavation. Without the Nile Egypt would not exist.
The Great Pyramid was built for King Khufu. It took 23 years to build!
The sun god Ra is the most important god. There are many many gods because Egypt is polytheistic.
Egyptian houses had doors that are four feet off the ground to keep out water and sand. The wore white tunics and makeup.
Mummification was very cool. It has six steps:
1. Announcement of the Dead
2. Remove brain
3. Remove internal organs
4. Dry out with Natron salt
5. Wrapping
6. The Final Procession
Dear Timmer,
Do you know anything about Ancient Egypt? Well here are some facts. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. The Nile gets its name from the greek word "Nelios" meaning river valley. The Nile aslo flows North. The Nile has a Red land that flood water doesn't get to. There is a Black land that flood water does get to. Its nicknames are the "Taker of Life" and the "Giver of Life". It's called the "Taker of Life" because it can overflow too much. It's called the "Giver of Life" because it irrigates crops. Now to Gods and Goddesses of Egypt. One of the gods is Ra the sun god. Another gods is Horus the sky god. When you combine them you get
Ra-horkahte the rising sun. The daily life of an egyptain. Three things they center around is religion, pharaoh, and family. They sleep on roofs because its cooler. Their doors are four feet off the ground so flood water wouldn't get in their house. Nobles have 25-30 rooms in their house. Both men and women wear green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick. They also wear a peice of clothing called a tunic it's white men wear it to their knees and women wear it to their ankles. Now to mummification the six steps th mummification are Annoucement of Death, Renoval of Brain, Removal of internal organs, Drying out process, Wrapping the Body, and Final Procession. They also put the organs in a canopic jars. Now to pyramids there are three pyramids Menkaure, Khafe, and Khufu. The guadian of the Giza complex is the Sphinx head of a man body of a lion. Across the street from Giza is KFC and Pizza Hut. Pyramid of Mendaure is the smallest of the three. Made from limestone and granite. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three. Each block weighs 2.5 and it appears biggers because of its steep sides and higher ground. The great pyramid was built for Khufu. The worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. There were three small pyramids for his wives and tombs for his nobles. It took 23 years to make the pyramid and the worker were paid. There were 2 million blocks and it was a 4 million ton pyramid. See ya Timmers!
keniciwa again timmers
1.did you know that the nile river is a good and a bad thing for egypt?
2.also across from the pyramids is a kfc and a pizza hut
3.Ra is the sun god and the most important one
4.The children of egypt are supposed to be the most important
5.the steps of mummifacation are 1.anounncement of death2.romove brain3.remove organs4.drying out5.wrapping the procession
Hello Timmers. Ready to learn about Egypt? First the Nile is known as the 'Giver of Life' and the 'Taker of Life' because it grows crops but also makes people drown. The great pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu though it looks smaller than one of the other pyramids it's bigger. Ra was the sun god. The most important. Horus was the god of the sky. A man with the head of a hawk. In their daily life egyptians wor green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and red lipstick. There are six steps for mummification, first anouncement of death, then removal of brain, then removal of internal organs,Step 4 dry out the body, wrap the body, final procesion
Hey Timmers im going to tell you some facts about Ancient Egypt.
the Nile River is called the giver and the taker of life because it can overflow to much or not enough so its the taker of life. and with out it egypt wouldnt exist so its the giver of life. both men and women egyptians wore green eyeshadow, red lipstick, and black eyeliner and wore gold jewelry. when dead bodies were mummifyed one of the rituals were weighing the heart. they weighed it against the feather of truth. if it balanced the soul was granted immortality. if the heart was heavier, the soul doomed into horrible fate. the pyramid of khafre looks big because of its steep sides and higher ground.each block weighs 2.5 tons. Ra, the sun god, is the most important god. Horus, is a man with the head of a hawk. is the god of the sky and protector of the ruler of egypt. ra-horakte is a combination of Horus an Ra and is the rising sun.
Bye, see ya later
Hi, Timmers I just wanted to tell you about Ancient Egypt. So first did you know that the Nile River is 4,184 miles long. Also the Nile River flows North.
About the pyramids of Egypt,they are made for the pharaohs and any other people that can afford to be mummified.
Do you know anything about gods and goddesses?Well Horus is the god of the sky.And Ptah is the god of craftsman.
Oh also do you know the six steps of mummification? Well here they are 1.Announcement of death 2.Removal of the brain 3.Removal of the internal organs 4.Drying out process 5.wrapping the body 6.Final procession.
lastly the life in Ancient Egypt centered around religion,family,pharaoh. Also children were considered very important. Womens duties were cooking,cleaning,and family.
Well I hope that you learned
Dear Timmers,
Im going to teach you about the Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Giddesses, Daily Life, and Mummifacation. The first thing is the Nile River. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long and with out it egypt wouldn't exist. The next one is the Pyramid of Egypt. The Pyramids of Egypt are located in Giza. The pyramids are Khufu, Khafre, and Menkure. The next one is Gods and Goddesses. The two gods I am going to tell you about are Ra and Horus. The god Ra is the sun god he is the main god. The next god is Horus he has the head of a hawk and is the sky god and protecter of rulers. The daily life of egyptains are
the men work while the women clean cook and raise children. The last but not least is mummifacation. The six steps of mummifacation are they announce the death then they pull out the brain with a hook third they remove the internal organs then they put natron salt on the body to dry it out second to last they wrap the body in linen last but not least they wiegh the heart against the feather of truth and if the heart wieghs the same a safe passage to the afterlife if it wieghs more then a horrible passage to the after life.
Wuzzz up Timmers??! Would you like to learn a little about Ancient Egypt?? First we'll start on, the Nile River, did you know there's two main lands, Red land, which is dry, NO good for crops. THen, we have the Black Land, which is really good for crops, because its so fertile.
Now onto Pyramids, Great Sphinx was built in 3,000 b.c.e, it has a body of a lion and head of a man, its also all made of limestone.
Gods and godesses, Anubis is the god of the underworld, and Ra is the sun god.
Daily Life, children were important.
Mummification, there were six steps, 1. Announcement of death, 2. Removal of the Brain, 3. Removal of organs, 4. Drying out process, 5. Wrapping process, 6. final prosession. Well, Timmers that's all for this chapter see next chapter!! Hope you had fun learning!! I DID!! :) :) :) :) :)
Hey Timmers! It's your buddie Rylee S. I'm so excited to tell you about Egypt! So let's get started!
Ra=Sun God
Horus=God or Sky, protecter of Egypt. Who has a Hawk head.
Amun=ram head; once known as the king of the gods.
Atum=double crown; creator god; first god
Osiris=mummified looking man with feathers on his head; God of the dead and underworld
Gift to the Ancient Egyptains: barley.
Anubis=mummification; he wears a jackal mask
Khnum=man with the head of a curly horned ram; god of flooding.
Thoth=head of an ibis; god of knowledge and writing
Gift to the Ancient Egyptains: hieroglyphics
Isis=god who wears a headress that look like a throne; she is the protective godess.
Ma'at=a godess that has a feather on her head; she is the godess of: truth, justice, and harmony
Nepthys=a godess that has the headress with writing on it; she is the protective godess of the dead.
Ptah=usally seen as wearing a white tight cloak, and is seen holding a staff; god of craftmen
Bastet: head of a cat; also a protective godess
Bes: a weird looking fella; god of family, scorpion and snake bites
Well, gotta go...I'll tell you more about it later. BYE!!!
Mummification is a way of preserving the body to provide a safe passage way to the under world. As the Egyptions think
Hey Timmers! It's that time again! But this time...It's Acient Egypt!! :D 5 topics, once again. So here they are! Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Goddesses, Daily Life, and Mummification!! Here we go!
1. Nile River. The nile river is 4,186 miles! It is also the longest river in the World!
2. Pyramids of Egypt! There are 4things in "The Giza Complex" The Great Sphinx, Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Khafre, and Pyramid of Menkaure.
3. Gods and Goddesses. I will tell you about 3 gods and 3 goddesses. Ok? Ok! Gods-Ra, the sun god. Horus, gods of sky. Atum, creator god. Goddesses-Isis, Protective goddess. Ma'at, Goddess of truth, justice, and harmony. Hathor, Goddess of love and joy.
4. Daily Life. The egyptions, BOTH men AND women wore Green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick.
5. Mummification. The steps or mummification are...
1. Annoucement of Death & Embalming the Body
2. Removal of Brain (2 methods, method 1 remove brain through the nose with hook. OR method 2 mix up brain with wire and let it drain out through the nose.
3. Removal of Internal Organs. (4 organs, Liver, Lungs, Stomach, and Intestines. Method: small slit cut in stomach and organs pulled out. Then, Organs were placed in Canopic jars.
4. Drying out Process (Method: Body placed on slab and covered with Natron Salt. The body took 40 days to dry out.
5. Wrapping the Body. Hundreds of Yards of Linen, Shroud added at end to keep wrappings together, Body coverd with Mummia to glue everything to stay together.
6. Final Procession. People were paid to cry to show gods the person was well loved. The more people crying, the better.
Alright Timmers! I'm going to go do something with my aunt here in Norman, Oklahoma! BYE!! :D
Hey, Mr. Timmers,
How are you today? I am great!!
I am going to teach you a little bit of Anient Egypt. Did you know the nile river is 4,184 miles long? That is really long for a river Also, Did you know that the house there were 4ft. off the grond. Incase, of flooding there homes don't get damaged.
The pyramids are made from limestone, and granite.
Gods and Godesses
There are 17 gods. One of them is named Atum, the first one to exist on earth.
They have to remove the brain with to peice of wire with a hook at the end, and pull it out.
Hey Timmers, I am goingto teach you about Ancient Egypt.
The Nile River- The Nile is 4,184 miles long, and is located near Giza. There is a red land an black land. The Red land is very dried ou and no crops grow there. The black land is very fertile and a lot of crops grow there.
Pyramids of Egypt- There are 3 pyramids, Khufu, which is the biggest of all and called the great pyramid. Second is Khafre, the second biggest. The third is Menkaure, the smallest of all.
Gods and Goddesses-There are a lot of gods and goddesses. Two of the strongest ones are Ra and Horus. Them put together is Ra Horoctus, which would be the strongest god in the world.
Daily life- Both men and women would wear tunics. The men wore them to their knees, while the women wore them to their ankles. When the men were working outside, they would wear short skirts. Also, the children were considered very important, and it was the mothers job to care for their child(ren).
Mummification- There are 6 processes in mummification. #1 - Announcement of death. #2- Removal of brain. #3 - rmoval of internal organs. #4- dying out process. #5 - Wrapping the body. #6 - Final procession.
Hi Timmers! I am going to tell you about the pyramids of Egypt.
There are 3 pyramids in the Giza complex. There are the Great Pyramid (pyramid of Khufu), the pyramid of Khafre, the pyramid of Menkaure. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. It is the largest pyramid. Khufu had 3 smaller pyramids built for his wives.
The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid. It still has some limestone at the top. It appears to be taller than the Great pyramid, but that is because it is on higher ground.
The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. Archaeologists found a beautiful sarcophogus inside. It is lost in the Medditerranean Sea. I hope you learned a little bit about the pyramids in ancient Egypt!
Hey, Whats up Timmers?? It's me again: Here are some interesting facts about ANCIENT EGYPT!
1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. It gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means river valley. It has a black land and red land. The red land is desert and no crops can grow and you guessed it the black land is fertile and lots of crops grow there. Well hope you learned about the Nile River! See you later =)
hi timmers how are you today.
well today i am going to tell you about the Nile River,pyramids of Egypt,gods and goddesses,daily life,and mummification.
so first i will tell you about the Nile River. did you know that the Nile is 4184 miles has black and red land. the black land is very good for farming and the red land is not.
so now i will tell you about the pyramids.the smallest is the pyramid of Menkaure the second smallest is kafre and the biggesst is khufu.
so now i will tell you about the gods and gaddesses one god is ra and he is a sun god and a goddesses is bes who is a dwarf is the god of familey.
now i will tell you about daily life. the children are very important witch i think is kind of cool.
now last but not least mummification my favorite. the grossest part is when the remove th brain and the othher organs.
so now lets hope you know more about Ancient Egypt see you soon
The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. Each block of the pyramids weigh about 2.5 million tons. The most important god is Ra, the sun god. In Egypt children are considered very important. In mummification the first step is the announcement.
Hi Timmers!
You can ignore the first comment I did. I found out I finished it wrong. I am going to teach you about ancient Egypt. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. The Great Pyramid took 23 years to build. Osiris is the god of the dead and the underworld. Egyptians lives revolved around three things: Relion, family, and the pharaoh. There are six steps to mummification: 1. announcement of death. 2. removal of the brain. 3. removal of the organs. 4.drying out the body. 5. wrapping the body 6. Final Proccession. I hope you learned a little more about ancient Egypt!
Hello Timmers! One thing about
Egypt is that the pyramids weight is the same as over 900,000 buses.
Hey Timmers, my name is Alex W. I am going to teach you about five things about ancient egypt. The first thing is the Nile River it is 4184 miles long. Now, about the pyramids, it took 23 years to build the Great Pyramid. The third thing is the Gods, Ra is the sun god he is the most important god. And daily life, the children are considered very important. And last but not least mummification. Mummification is preserving a dead body to help it in the afterlife. Well, that is all for now, I will prbally be teaching you about something again shortly. Bye
teach timmers im going to tell you about the nile river did you know that the nile river flows north and there is land that is called the black lands and the red lands by the nile river also it has pyramids by it like sphinix well there is a lot more to tell you but i have to go nice meating what ever your real name is.
Hello Timmers I'm going to teach you 5 things about ancient Egypt.
1. the nile comes from the greek word "nelios"
2. pyramids were tombs for the pharaohs
3. the sun god is Ra
4. the daily life for the people of egypt was wearing a white tunic, green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick
5. the six steps of the mummifacation are 1. announcement of death 2. removal of brain 3. removal of organs 4. drying out process 5. wrapping the body 6. the final procession.
-thanks for reading this. hope you respond to this by ☻.
Hey Timmers, how are you? Do you want to learn about the Nile River, The pyramids, god and goddesses, Daily life, and mummification? Well you are going to have to learnt it a lot!! First the Nile River is very important to Egypt. It is about 4,184 miles long. It's two nick names are the "The Taker of Life" and "The Giver of Life". Ther is the Red land and the Black land. The Red land is very dry and no crops can grow here. The Black land is very fertile and lots of crops can grow here.
The pyramids of Egypt is very interesting to know. The Great Pyramid belonged to Khufu. It took 23 years to finish it. Each block weighed about 2.5 tons. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid. It is unique because the top of the pyramid is still smooth .
God and goddesses are hard to remember in my opinion. But the gods that i remember are Ra, Horus, Ra-Horakhte, and Isis.
The Daily life of a male Egyptian is work in the city or on the farms. And the women would stay home and clean, watch the children, and cook. The children were very important to the Egyptian.
Mummification is my favorite. Here are the steps.
1. Announcement
2. Removal of the brain.
3. Removal of the organs.
4. Drying out the body.
5. Wrapping the body.
6. final procesion
Dear Timmers,
My name is Kate and I am going to teach you about the five main parts of Ancient Egypt.
First, I will tell you about the Nile River. It is 4,184 miles long. It is the most important thing to Ancient Egyptians.
Second, I will teach you about the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The most famous pyramids are the Great Pyramid (Khufu), The Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. They are located at Giza, along with the Sphinx.
Third, I will tell you about the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. The most important god is Ra. He is the god of the sun.
Next is daily life. The children in Ancient Egypt were very important. The main piece of clothing was a tunic.
Finally, I will tell you about mummification. The six steps of mummification are:
1. Announcement of Death
2. Removal of Brain
3. Removal of Internal Organs
4. Drying out the Body
5. Wrapping the Body
6. Final Procession
Timmers, I hope you learned lots about Ancient Egypt and that my post was helpful to you.
Hey Timmers pay no attention to the blog up there I did that wrong. Okay so here is the right one:
1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. I know that is a BIG river!
Also it gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means "River Valley".
2.There are 4 main structures in Egypt and are all located in the Giza. They are The Great Sphinx which has a body of lion and head of man, Pyramid of Menkaure and is the smallest of the 3 pyramids, Pyramid of Khufu is also known as "The Great Pyramid", and Pyramid of Khafre is the 2nd largest also it still has some limestone casing at the top. Plus if you get hungry presently there is KFC and Pizza Hut across the street.
3.There are 6 main steps of mummification here they are:
1.Announcement of Death
2.Removal of Brain
3.Removal of internal organs
4.Drying out process
5.Wrapping the body
6.Final procession
Mummification is very expensive and only rich people like the pharaohs could have it done.
4.Life in Ancient Egypt was centered around 3 main things which are religion,the pharaohs, and family. Children were considered VERY important.
5.There are many Gods and Goddesses like the following:
Ra-the sun god
Hathor-Goddess of love and joy
Thoth-God of writing and knowledge
Bastet-Protective Goddess
Well I hope you learned something new!
Aloha Timmers! Today I am going to tell you about many thing but you only have to read one of them. If you do read all of it that's great and it will make you REALLY SMART!
1) Nile River-
-flows north
-major river of Egypt
-papyrus grows along river and is used to make paper
-water crops for them
-Without Nile River, Egypt wouldn't exist
Thank you for reading! Bye!
HaPpY ThAnKsGiViNg! Have a great weekend?
Hey Timmers I will teach you about the Nile River. Did you know that it flows north? And it gets its name from greek word Nelious meaning the river valley. It is 4,184 miles long. There are to lands by the Nile River.One is the black land the other is the red land. The black land is very fertile the red land is dry, hot, and like a desert. The Nile River has two nicknames one is the giver of life and the taker of life. The giver of life is irrigated land for farming. The taker of life is it overflows to much destoryes all the crops. It can even kill people! Or overflow to little which means crops can not grow surplus has to be used.
I hoped you learned something about Ancient Egypt!
Whats Up Timmers,
I'm here to tell you 5 things about Egypt.
#1: The Nile River; Papyrus grew by the Nile, it was used to make paper.(And other things)
#2: Pyramids of Egypt; The Great Pyramid is the LARGEST pyramid in the WORLD!
#3: Gods and Goddesses; Horus is the god of the sky.(And my favorite)
#4: Daily Life; The Egyptians slept on their roofs Because it was cooler up there.
#5: Mummification; The Egyptians Pulled the brain out through the nose and threw it away because they thought it was a waste of space.
Hey again Timmers! Today i am going to share with you a little bit about Egypt.
First, the Nile River. The Nile River flows north and papyrus grows around it.
Second, the Pyramids of Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the biggest which is Khufu. The next biggest is Khafre. The smallest of the three is Menkaure. The Sphinx is around there too.
The third thing is Gods and Goddesses of Egypt. There are Ra and Horus.
The next one is Daily life. The children are very important in the daily life.
The last one is mummification. The 6th steps are:
1. Anouncement of death
2. Removal of brain
3. Removal of organs
4. Drying out with Natron Salt
5. Wrapping process
6. Final Processions
Dear. Timmers
I would like to teach you about Ancint Eygpt. First i would like to tell you that the Nile river flows north. AND tHE PYRIMDS ae used to perserve bodys. Ra is a god [thought eygptions] he was thougt to be the most importent.
Kids were very important to ancint eygptins. Mummifactionwas very expensive.
Hey Timmers how are you? I am going to tell you one thing about these subjects Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Gods and Goddesses, Daily Life Mummification. First Nile River without it Egypt would not exist today. Pyramids of Egypt. The pyramids had a pointy top and it has tombs inside them. Now the gods and goddesses. Did you know that Ra is the god of Sun. In Daily life The women cooked, Cleaned, and took care of the children. Men worked. Mummification They poured Natron Salt on the body to dry it out. The would get hay and cloth and stuffit in the body then put resin in between the hay and cloth. Bye Timmers I hope you learned something that i just told have a good thanksgiving bye.
Sup Timmers it's Dodge I am going to teach you about Eygpt today Did you know that the nile is 4814 miles long.
There is 6 steps in mummification
IF you want to look like an eygptian you have to wear red lipstick black eyeliner and green eye shadow
Ra is the god of sun
there is 3 pyrimids in giza a spinx protects the three pyrimids the spinxs nick name is the gaurdian of the giza complex
see you later peace
love Me!!!!!
Mr. timmers hows it been.
I learned that the Nile River forced people th raise their doors up four feet to keep out water when it flooded.The people who sealed the pyramids had a way to get out and and a way for tomb robbers to get in.Egyptians had seventeen gods and many and women wore green eye shadow,red lip stick, and black eye liner.Whats really weired
is that the Egyptians thought that the brain is a useless organ.So next time I'll blog to you about china and until then I hope you have a good thanks giving.:)
Hi Mr.Timmers did you know that the Nile River is Called the giver of life becase it gives food to the people. The three main pyramids are Khufu,Khafre, and Menkaure. A couple gods are Ra the king of the sun,Amum is the king of all,Isis is protective goddess,Ptah god of craftman,and geb is god of Earth. The sons would take the land and the woman would take the house stuff that is good when their parents die. Their is 6 steps to do mummification and these are it announcement of death, romoval of brain, removal of argans, dry out the body, and final presetsen.
Hey Timmers! Ancient Egypt is really cool so here is some stuff about it!
Did you know that the nile river is the longest river in the world!?Cool huh? Plus it overflows just enough to water crops.
What do you think the most famous thing in Ancient Egypt is? Oh well, I'll telll you anyway. Its the pyramids.Where people are buried after mummification,but that is later. The pyramids are four-cornered triangles with tombs inside.
Give me a name of a god? Well egyptians are polytheistic which means that they believe in more than one god/goddess. The people believed that if you worshiped them enough good things will happen.
Daily life apparel is green eye-shadows, black eyeliner,and red lipstick. Now you can look like an egyptian!
Now its time for mummification. Mummification is perserving a dead body. You first announce the death. Then you take the body up to a tent and remove the brain with a hook up the nose. Ewww! Then the "Slitter" comes and cuts a slit into the body. Then everyone pelts him with rocks until he leaves. Then a priest with a jackel-headed mask grabs the eternal organs andputs them in canopic jars. After that they pour natron salt on the body to dry it out. It takes forty days. Then they wrap it with linen. At last they bury it in a tomb where he shall rest in piece. Thank you so much for listening! Bye!
Dear Timmers
I am going to inform you about 5 subjects
1.The Nile river-It is 4184 miles long and it flows north.It can be a giver of life because of irrigation but it can be the taker of life because it can overflow too much.
2.The Pyramids of Egypt-There are three of them. The biggest is called The Great pyramid. It is called that because it is the largest of the three pyramids.
3.Gods and Godesses-One god is Ra and he is most important because he is the god of Sun.A godess is Hathor and she is the godess of Love and Joy.
4.Daily Life-They wore 3 main things on their faces. Black eye liner,red lipstick,and green eyeshadow. Usually they didnt wear shoes.The men would wear tunics down to their knees and women wore them to their ankles. The women put scented fat on themselves so they would smell good. YUCK!
5.Mummification-There is 6 steps
1.Announcement of death.
2.Removal of brain
3.Removal of internal organs
4.They were covered in natron salt to dry them out.
5.They were wrapped in linens and inbetwenn the layers they put small madalions so they would have a safe passage to the afterlife.
6.The final procession is where people were payed to cry. The more the people cried the more the gods thought he was valuble in life. Thenthey wieghed his heart against the feather of truth. If it was balanced he would have a safe passage to the afterlife but if it was uneven then he would shurley not go to the afterlife and his heart was devoured.
I hope you learned alot! :)
Hey hey timmers what up!? I am going to teach you about Egypt today and it will be awesome! Well first i would like to talk about the Nile River located in egypt. Well the Nile is 4,184 miles long and has a plant that is called papyrus and that is located on the black land which is ferile and good for farming. My next topic is the Pyramids of Egypt. Well I would like to tell u that the smallest pyramid is the Pyramid of Menkaure, the second biggest is pyramid of Khafre, and the biggest is the Great Pyramid. Do you know any gods or goddesses other than the ones I am about to list and what they do? One of them is Horus he is the god of the sky and another one is Anubis he is the god of mummification he wheres a jakcal headed mask during the process of mummification, and one last one before I end this topic is Hathor she is the mother of the pharoahs she has a sun disk above her head with horns holding the sides. For their daily life the children were very important and also they mostly farmed wheat. The last topic i would like to talk about mummification. I would like to tell you about the steps of mummification first you have to announce that the pharoah has died next you have to remove the brain then you have to slit and then rmove the organs and place them in canopic jars then you have to dry out the body by pouring natron salt on the body and let it sit for 40 days and after that you would have to wrap the body and then last u would have the final prossesion and you would be done and now I am done with what I had to tell you. I really hope you respond to my comment and thank you for taking the time to read my comment for teaching you about Egypt. Bye!!
hi timmers D-Dawg (Dylan Tyree) here i jest want to tell u about what we learned about ancient Egypt.
The Nile River was the first thing we learned about, it had two different lands the black land (good for farming) and the red land (bad for farming)
Next thing we learned about was the pyramids of Egypt, they were a four sided structure that was used to burry the pharoe.
Then we learned about gods and godesses and here are some of them, Anubus, Set, Ista, and Ra.
the finale thing we learned was the daily life of an Egyption, they wore a tunic for cothing and green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick, Well thats all i got so see you later.
Hey Timmers! It's me (RyleeS6) again, I'm just here to tell you more about Egypt. Well, here I go.
The Nile River flows North because it's down hill. A Delta is where a river ends.
Here's the first 3 steps of the mummification process....
1.anouncement of the dead
2.removing the brain
3.taking out the organs.
The 5 steps in the makeup process is......
1.wash the face
2.spray the perfume eye liner eye shadow lipstick
There are three main pyramids in Egypt, the pyramid of Menkaure, the pyramid of Kafre, and of course the pyramid of Kufu.
Also, there is the Sphinx. These statues were all made of Limestone. Well, thats it for now. Wish me luck on the test. Bye!! :)
Hello there again Timmers,
Today we are going to learn about Ancient Egypt. First off is the Nile River. The Nile River is 4184 miles long! Next are the pramids of Egypt. There were 3 pyramids; the largest one was made for Pharaoh Khufu. Following that is Gods and Goddesses. The most imporant god is Ra who is the god of the sun. Now is daily life. What did they wear? Well they wore either a Tunic wicth was white or they didn't ware anything. Last but most certainly not least mummification. Mummification is a process in which you preserve a dead body.
Well that's it for today talk to you later.Bye.
Hey Teach Timmers, I will tell you five things about ancient egypt.
1. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long.
2. Khufu has the largest pyramid, which is known as the Great Pyramid.
3. Next is Gods and Goddessses. Ra is the sun god and aslo the most important.
4. Children were considered very important to the Egyptians.
5. There are six steps to mummification which are Announcement of Death, Embalming the BOdy, Removal of the Brain, Removal of the internal organs, Drying out Process, and Final Procession.
Hey Timmers, this is Lexi Zoellner. I am going to teach you about Egypt.First off did you know that the Nile River is 4,184 miles long. there are three main pyramids, the Pyramid of Menkaure,the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Khufu.there are 17 gods and goddesses, I will name a few of them. There is Ra the sun god, Horus the sky god,and Isis the protective goddesses.In Egypt the children are very impotant and there doors were 4 feet off the ground.The 6 steps to mummificatoin are 1.Announcement of death. 2.Removal of brain. 3. Removal of internal organs 4. Drying out process. 5.Wrapping the body. 6.Final procession. I hope you learned something from this Timmers. Please write back.
YOIE YOIE MY NAMES JOEY (not really) hey timmers whats up?_____ dont have time for that ok here we go, im gonna tell u about all about acient eygpt,
1:(nile) the nile is the only reason there is an eygpt it is the giver of life it is also the taker of life.
2:(pyramids of eygpt)there are three pyramids of eygpt they are both at the giza complex.
3:(gods and godesses) im just gonna tell u 3 gods ra, anum, anubis
4:(daily life)daily life is pretty basic and it about the daily life the wives raise the childrean and clean and cook the husbands farm or other things
5:(mummification)is the best part the order is 1 anoucenmet 2 removal of brain 3removal of oragns 4 wrapping 5 final ceromony
Hi Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River first the Nile River is 4,184 miles long and it has to lands the red land and the black land the black land is the fertile land the red land is the desert. Next I will teach you about the pyramids the pyramids are found in Giza and that is where the sphinx is to. Next I will teach you about
Daily life: The main piece of clothing for the Egyptions was the white tunic.
Pyramids: The Pyramid of Khufre is the only one that still has limestone on it.
Nile River: The Nile River is a total of 4,184 miles long.
Well, thats it. I hope you learned a lot!
Hello timmers! And welcome to Egypt. fist I am going to tell you about pyramids: the pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid. next I will tell you about the Nile: the Nile River flows north Wierd right? Now I will tell you about Egypt's gods and goddesses: the god of the sun is Ra, god of the sky is Horus, and god of earth is Geb. that is all from me! peace out!
Hey Timmers im here to tel u about ancient egypt. the first thing is the nile river it is over 4000 miles long. the next thing is the pyramids did u know there is three of them in giza. the next thing is gods and goddeses did u know that the aincent egyotians were monotheistic which means they believe in many gods. the next thing is daily life. did u know that in aincent egypt children are considered very important. the last thing is mummifacation. did u know that there were 6 steps 2 mummifacation. till next time timmers see ya.
Hey Timmers this be james excuse my bad grammer. I would like to teach you about ancient egypt. The first thing is the nile river, without it the ancient egypt would have never existed. The next subject is the pyramids of egypt, The great pyramid was made for the pharoah Khufu. Thirdly i would like to tell you about the gods and goddesses of egypt, The father of the gods is Ra he is the sun god and the most important in the eyes of the egyptians. Fouth would be the daily life of the ancient egyptians, in the daily life of the ancient egyptians the men were the workers and the women were the care givers, cleaners, and cookers. Lastly is mummification, the six steps of mummification are, Announcement of death, Removal of brain, Removal of organs,
Covering in natron salt, Wrapping of body, and put into sarcophagus. Those are the six steps of mummification. Thank you for reading please respond....
hey timmers!!!!Im going to teach you about Egypt.First,did u know the Nile River 4,184 miles long!!!!Next there are three pyramids in Egypt.They are ..........Khufu,Khafre,and Menkuare.The god of the sun is called Ra and Horus is the god of the sky.......combined ,they are called Ra-Horakte,they are the god of creation.The children are most important part of the family.Did you know that mummification is done to in the egyptian belifes to give the pharaoh a safe trip to the afterlife!!!!!!????I hope you learnedalot thank you for taking time to read my comment!!!
Pyarimids of Egypt- There are 80 pyarimids from Egypt known today
Nile River-The Nile is 4184 miles long.
Gods and goddesses-Ra is the most important god, he is also the sun god.
Daily life- The main piece of clothing was a white tunic.
Mummification was preformed to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.
Hey timmers its hope... again.
I'm going to teach you about ancient egypt. First the nile river. The nile river is 4,184 miles long thats a looooong river! The next thing is the pyramids. There are three pyramids in egypt Khafre,Khufu,and menkuare. next lets talk about the gods and goddesses shall we? ok here are some gods... Ra horus and them combined together Ra-Horakte they are the god of creation and very powerful i wish i were them! Next daily life the children were considerd very important to the Egyptians. Next is mummification. Mummificication was very expensive so thats why usually the pharaoh only got mummified. Also the pyramids usually got robbed so they could not find the mummies because they stole them. Thanks timmers for your time i hope you learned alot from this and i hope you comment on it THANKS!
Nile River:
The Nile River is 1484 Miles long and sometimes the Nile River over flows to much, killing people.
The Pyramids were used for keeping Mummies in to take to the after life that held, Jewelry, Furniture, Clothing, Food and other things for the Mummies to take to the after life, one very famous Pharaoh was King Tut, he was only 6 years old when he became a Pharaoh.
Gods and Goddess:
Ra, was the God of the Sun, Horus, was the God of the Sky, if the are combined, they are called Ra-Horakte. The Children are very important to the Egyptians.
hi there timmers.
1 did you know that the Nile river is 4184 miles long?
2 there are 80 known pyramids known to this very day.
3 did you know that there are 17gods and goddesses and the most inportant one is ra-he is the sun god?
4 in egypt the children were very important and they wore a whit tunic.
5 the steps of mummiefication is
1. anounce dead
2. remove brain
3. remove organs
4. drying out body
5. wrap the body
6. final procession
I hope you had a great thankgiving!
How was your turkey? Mine was great! Okay,so I heard that you're excited to learn about ancient Egypt. So I got some info for you!
first,I want to tell you about gods . They are very important in life in Egypt. Gods are said to say who are to be kings,or pharoahs.(I'll tell you about those later.)Ra,or sun god, is also the most important gods. Khnum,a god with a head of a curly horned ram,is the god of flooding. So if the god is happy,there will be floods for the crops. If the god is mad,he won't give any floods,or even over floods the nile river.
Lastly,I want to talk about pharoahs. Pharoahs are kings of Egypt. They're chosen by the gods,then they hand down the throne to their son when they die. Pharoahs
are said to be living gods,even though they still die.When pharoahs do die,their bodies go through a process called,"Mummification." Their bodies must go through this process because it gives the pharoahs a safe passage to the afterlife.
Well,that's my stuff about ancient Egypt. I hope this info helped you out alot! See you next time!
Hey Timmers I am here to talk about Ancient Egypt. The Nile River flows north because it goes downhill. The Pyramids of Egypt are Kafre, Kufu, Menkure and they are located at Giza. Gods and Goddesses the two main gods are Ra and Horus. Daily life in daily life Egyptians wore green eyeshadow, black eye liner,and red lipstick. Those are the main things about Egypt bye Timmers
Hey,mr.Timmers how are you been?
I'v been good.
But I thought that you would like to to learn some things about Egypt that we learned before we left for Thanks Giving.Like did you know that the Nile River has two different parts of land next to it.One is called the black land because it is the closets to theruiver so it can grow plants .And the land that is farther away is called the red landbecause well it's farther away and plants need water.Hey, did you know that the pyramids stones where made out of limb stone.
PS.Hope you had a god weekened.
hey timmers whats up! todat i am going to teach you about eygpt.first ill tell you about the Nile River. did you know that the Niles lengh is 4,184 miles.also The Great Spinx nickname is the Guardian of the Giza Complex.Then did you know that the eygptians are polythestic?and my last fact is about there daily life.children are very important! thank you
Hey Timmers you want to know about ancient egypt well here are 5 facts
#1 The Nile River is 4,184 miles long
#2 There are 3 main pyramids and one of them have 2 names and that one is The Great Pyramid also known as Khufu
#3 Want to know who the sun god is its me(JK) its the God Ra
#4 Daily Life for egyptians are versy hard the most important thing in their lives are their children
#5 Did you know mummification is VERY expensive and their are 6 steps: #1 Anouncement of Death #2 Removing the Brain #3 Removing of the Organs #4 Drying out Process #5 Wrapping of the Body and #6 Final Procession
Well thats all i have for you today Timmers talk to you soon!
Hi I'm gonna teach you about pyramids. There is a necropolis called giza. It has the worlds biggest pyramid. It's called pyramid of khufu.
Hi timmers.
1. the nile is 4184 miles long.
2.the pyramids are made of limestone.
3. anubis is the god of mummification.
4.egyptions were green eye shadow, black eye liner, red lipstick.
5. during mummification the priest wears a jackal headed mask.
Hi Timmers. I am going to teach you about the Nile. The Nile river was the most important thing in Egypt if it diden't exist nor would egypt. It has the black land which is very fertile and good for crops. Then it has the red land and it is a desert. The Nile flows north.
Hey Timmers
Today I am going to teach you about the nile river.
The most important thing about the nile river is the Egypt would not exist without the nile river because it is godd for farming and it gives people food and surplus so people could quit farming and do a different job.
Hey Timmers. Hows it going. I'm going to talk to you about mummification and its six steps. The first step is announcement of death. The second is removal of brain. The third is removal of organs. The fourth is drying out the body. The fifth is wrapping the body. The last is the final procession. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Bye!
Hey Timmers! I'm going to teach you about Egypt! Did you know the Nile River has a Red Land and a Black Land? Also, the Pyramids of Egypt are made out of lime stone! One of the Egyptians Gods/Goddesses was named Anubis. In daily life, Egyptians wore black eyeliner, green eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Egyptians preformed mummification to make sure the pharaohs made it to the Afterlife. That's all!
hi Timmers I'm going to tell you about Ancient Egypt. 1. The Nile River was the giver of life because Egypt would not exist with out it. 2. The pyramids of Egypt are important because they hold pharaohs and the great pyramid is the biggest pyramid in the world. 3. The gods and goddesses are important because they are one of The elements of Ancient Egypt. 4. Daily Life was important in Ancient Egypt because it's a main thing in Egypt, they love kids and family. 5.last but not least mummification. Mummification is somewhat complicated because it's a long process and the steps coulees go wrong. I have a fact to tell you the second step of mummification is taking out the brain. By Timmers thanks for reading this.
hey timmy in class we have been learning about ancient egypt did you know the nile river is over 4000 miles long.there are 3 mayjor pyramids in egypt the most famous pyramid is the great pyramid of giza.a famous god of egypt is Ra the sun god.the people look like clowns with there green eye shadow and red lipstick.mummafication makes me sick when I here about the brain being pulled out threw the nose thats some of the things we have leared about egypt bye
Hey Teach Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River. The Nile has a black land and a red land. The black land is good for fertile soil. The red land is not so great it is bad for crops and it is like a dessert.
Next I am going to Teach you about Gods and Goddesses. One of the Gods if Ra the sun god. Don't blame me I amk not that good at Gods and Goddesses.
I am going to teach you about Daily life. The way things work is that the men go to work while the woman stay home and clean raise the kids and cook.
Now I am going to teach you about mummification the first step is the annoncment of death. The next step is the removal of the brain. Then the removal of the organs. Next is the drying out proccess then they wait for 40 days then they wrap the body. The last one is the final possesion. If you add that up it should give you six total steps.
Well, Teach Timmers that is alol I have for you. I hhope you learned a lot just like I did. (I hope you are a lot better than Mr. Klumper.)
I hope you write back to me soon your awesomely awesome friend, Morgan
One last thing I forgot the pyramids there are 3 pyramids and I want you to know them all. Well, we will let you look them up yourself. Ok one is the Great Pyramid.
dear Timmers
have you ever learned about mummification and the proccess of how it work because if you havent i am going to teach you.
the defininition of mummification is which the dead body is preserved. the ancient egyptins did this so the body can enter an after life.
The first step in mummification is the annoucement of death. next the ancient egypttions would remove the brain with a hook and twist it out. Next is removal of the internal organs (gross). there is a slitter and he slits the body but ends up getting rocks thrown at him. After that anubis (the king with a jackal heade mask also known as anubis ) removes the organs but leaves the heart inside. The next step is the drying out proccess which is done so the pharoh will reconize the body in the after life. After that is the wrapping of the body. While doing this egyptioin would place amulets and resin between the layers of cloth. Finnally is the finall proccession and is when the mummi is finished.
i hope you learned somthing from this thanks for reading
Hi Timmers I am going to teach you about the Nile River. The Nile River has two lands the red land and the black land. The red land is not good for farming. The black land is really good for farming.
2.I am going to teach you about the pyramids.There are three main pryamids and a sphinx they are located in Giza
3.Gods and Goddesses. There are alot of gods and godesses.The sun god is Ra.
4.Daily life. people in Egypt would sleep on top of there roofs.They would where black eye liner green eye shadow and red lipstick.
5.Mummification.There are six steps to mummification.1.Announcement of Death 2.Removal of Brain 3.Removal of internal organs 4. Drying out process 5.wrapping the body 6.Final Prcession. Thats all the steps to mummification, and thats all that I have to say bye Timmers.
hey timmers what is hapining just me jackson hangin out so a want to learn a little somthing or 2 about ancient egypt whell im going to tell you about gods and goddeses Ra was moast important he was god of the sun amun was king of gods prettey cool isis was the goddess of protection geb was god of earth thoth gave people hieroglyphics well there you learned a little bit about gods and goddesses opps gotta go bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mr.Timmers
In class i have learned that the Nile River is the longest river in the world.Did you know that thair are 3 mayjor pyrimads in egypt the great pyrimad is the famous pyrimad of Giza.Ra is the god of the sun.
redland is a desert
nobody knows how the spinx lost its nose
ra is the sun god
guys and girls wore makeup
the slitter got pelted with
Hey timmers this is Brady. im going to teach you some stuff about the nile river. The nile river is called the giver of life and it is also called the taker of life. It is called the giver of life because it overflows for crops to grow and for fertile land.
It is called the taker of life because it overflows to much sometimes and kills people and it overflows to less sometimes so crops cant grow.
The land right along the nile is called the black land and the land farther out from the nile is called the red land. It is called the black land because it is so fertile from the nile overflowing. The red land is just all dry desert.
See you later.
Hey Timmers! How was your Thanks giving?!? Mine was good(:
Im going to give you some facts about Ancient Egypt. Enjoy em'!
1.Did you know that the Nile river is 4184 miles long?
2.There are 80 known pyramids known to this very day.
3.Did you know that there are 17 gods and goddesses? And the most important one is Ra,he is the sun god.
4.In egypt the children were very important.
5. The Egyptians wore a white tunic.
6. These are the 6 steps of mummification:
1. anounce dead
2. remove brain
3. remove organs
4. drying out body
5. wrap the body
6. final procession
I hope you learned something about Ancient Egypt! Have an awesome week :D
hi how are you im teaching you about the nile is the giver and taker of life. people use the nile for water for drinking and for crops for food . right along the nile is the black land thats were crops grow and red land were no crops helps the people. go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heyyyyyyy timmers!!!I'm going to teach you something about the Nile River!!!
1.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long. It gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelious" which means river valley. It has a black land and red land. The red land is desert and no crops can grow and you guessed it the black land is fertile and lots of crops grow there.
Hello Timmers! Im going to teach you about the pyramids of Egypt. The great pyramid (built for khufu)is the largest one EVER. Anyways, the pyramids were used as tombs for pharoahs. They also held their canopic jars (they held the internal organs) and their possessions. They usually end up in grave robbery. The pyramid of khafre is unique because it still has some limestone casing at the tip. If you want to see it, you can google it. If you say you dont have internet, then that is a lie, or you would not be able to post anything or read anything. Bye ☺
hello timdawg today I will be teaching you about............... wait 4 it ................ litttle more........... EEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a amazing topic let me tell you about it.
one thing about the nile riva flows north and is 4,184 miles. yeah thats right miles long! wonder how long it tuke to get to Aswan ehy. ha ha. suckers. Also with out the nile EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEygpt would not exsist.
Next thing is the most commen the pyramids the great pyramid tuke 23 years to build. I highly don't think I'd work at the same job for 23 years. I'd get better jobs.
now it is time for the male gods and the female gods (gods and goddesses)here are a few.
bes and how can we forget
rararara RA
O.K.time to talk about daily life the man of the houses for every day he gose out and works of coures. On the other hand though the mom of the houes cleans, cooks, and takes care of the whiny little kids who bug her all day.
last but not least and my favorite mummification here are the steps.
STEP ONE announse the death of the pharoh not a bad job
STEP TWO REMOVE THE BRAIN it was point less in eygpt ok job but I do not want it
STEP THREE TAKE OUT ORGINS. They had a guy called a slitter he cut a hole in the body but as soon as he did he got nailed with rocks because ruined the body.
STEP FOUR COVER IN NEUTRON SALT they did this to dry out the body
STEP FIVE RAP THE BODY TO give it the mummy look in my opinoin
STEP SIX THE FINAL PROCESSION this is were people got paid to cry. well thats all folks see ya later
Hi Timmeres how are you? If you ask me I will say im fine. In class we have been learning about ainceant egypt and i have things to tell you so here they are.
#1 Nile River
the fact is that it runs into the medteranian sea.
#2 pyramids of Egypt
The fact is that the great pyramid was made for pharaoh Khufu.
#3 gods and goddesses
the fact for this is that thoth is the god of writing and knowedge. He gave them the gift of heiroglypgics.
#4 daily life
The fact for this is that children are very important unlike in america.
#5 mummification
The fact for this is that is has six steps to complete this process.
Hey Timmers, Hows it going im going to teach you about Anciet Egypt!
The Nile River is 4,184 around it is the red and black lad. first theres the black land thats were we get our crops, the red land is just mostly sand thats hot.
Mummifaction is were you perserve a body for the after life and so when it gets there the person or paroh notices the body the steps are.
1. Annoucemt of death
2. Remove the brains
3. Remove the internal organs
4. Drying out the body
5. Wrap the body
6. Final pocession
The pyramids are very rare and cool the pyramids took about 23 years to finish and each weighing about 2.5 tons and had to be placed on 2.5 minutes per block this had to be done so when the pharoh died he would have his pyramid done often people did not get breaks or being able to rest the got payed very little some just did it to help there family.
Gods and Goddess people belived in many of them there was many the had a list that went on and on that mea they were polytheistec means belief in many gods or goddess theres the god of sun named Ra theres many gods.
Pharohs are the rulers of Egypt the controlled the people and made taxes so he could get the money when these pharohs died his loyal people would go around and pay people to cry alot of people did this just to get the money.
Hieroglypics was the writing system they would write on the pharohs tomb on the walls anywhere mostly.
Papyrus is a plant that people use to make paper and other matierls.
Daily Life faimlys value there children in the family when there parents die the boy gets the land and the girl gets furniter and the cooking stuff. when they are in school only boys got to go and girls had to stay home and work in the kitchen.
Thats all i got to say see ya Timmers!
Hi Mr.Timmers today I am going to teach you about the Nile River,the Great Pyramids of Giza,Gods and Godesses,Daily Life, And Mummification. So lets get started shall we. The Nile river is the longest river in the world! Now thats big. The great pyramids are made up of three. The largest is the pyramid of Khufu. The egyptians belived in 17 gods the most prassed was RA the sun god, also the ruler of the gods. The daily life of egypt cosisted of women cleaning, cooking, and raising the children. The men would work on the pyramid or other important things. Mummification was used to keep the body intacked so when the Pharoah came in the after life He/She would find the body. There is 6 steps to mummification. The main ones to me are Removal of organs, final procetion, and removal of brain.
Well thats all for you today.
Hey Mr. Timmers! I am so excited to tell you about Ancient Egypt. The first thing I am going to tell you about is the Nile River. The Nile was very important to the Egyptians because it over flowed and that gives the farmers good fertile soil to grow crops. The second thing that I am going to teach you about is the Pyramids of Egypt. A complex called Giza is the main complex of pyramids. There are three main pyramids in Giza also a sphinx. The Sphinx is a pyarmid that has the head of a man and the body of a lion. The sphinx also has a nickname it's "The Gaurdian of the Pyramids" because it looks like it is gaurding the pyramids. Well that's all from me. Hope you learned a little bit about Ancient Egypt! And thank you for your time reading my my blog.
Hi Timmers,
The first thing I'm going to teach you about is the Nile River and the fact is that the Nile is a giver and taker of life. The second is the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids are used to place the pharoah after death. The third is Gods and Goddesses, Ra is the god of the sun. Last topic is Daily life and children were very important.
Thanks for teaching me about pyramids. I think I would rather climb on pyramids than eat at KFC or Pizza Hut. My real name is not Tim or Timmers, but I can't tell you what it is. You will find out by the end of the year!
Blog you later....Timmers
Andrew B3-
I'm guessing the answer to your question is a KFC and a Pizza Hut. Am I right?
Kate F-
Thanks for everything you taught me! A main piece of clothing was a tunic? Did Mr. Klumper dress up in one? He could have at least made a video of himself wearing a tunic. Thanks again,
I assure you I am not Mr. Klumper. If you tell me your name, I will tell you mind.
Thanks for teaching me so much about ancient Egypt. Your writing was very helpful!
Mason B-
Keniciwa to you.
Tanya T-
TIMMERS (not Timmy)
Carly C-
I learned a lot from you..thanks!
Good luck on the test ;)
Spencer D-
My turkey was great. I hope yours was too.
Hope J-
Thanks for teaching me about the ancient Egyptian gods.
Thank you to all of you for teaching me so much about ancient Egypt. I didn't think I could learn so much about pharoahs, gods, mummification, family life, the pyramids, and on and on and on. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to meeting you class in the near future!
Dear, Timmers
I have learned alot in the Egypt unit with my Teacher Mr.Klumper. Heres what I have learned. *Nile River*
The Nile river in Egypt is the most important river in Egypt. If the Nile River wasnt here today Egypt wouldnt eather. The Nile river is 4,184 mile long. The blach land alon1. Announcement
2. Removal of the brain.
3. Removal of the organs.
4. Drying out the body.
5. Wrapping the body.
6. final procesion
g the Nile is good for farming and is very fertile, the red land along the Nile is not good for farming and is not fertile its the desert area.
*The Pyramids of Egypt*
The blocks on the pyramids weigh 2.5 tons. The workers had to get each block in place in 2 minutes 30 seconds. It took 23 years to complete each pyramid.
*Daily Life*
The children were very important. The moms took care of the children and cooked. All Egyptainsm wore green eye shadow. black eye liner, and red lip stick.
1. announcement
2. removal of the brain
3. removal of the organs.
4. drying out the body
5. wrapping the body
6. final procesion
Hi Timmers. Ready to learn about Egypt? Well good we`ll start with the Nile River it is called giver of life becuseit would give them food and water.The largest pyramid in Egypt is Kufu`s pyramid. Something about the daily life is that childern are vary important.The reson the mummify a body is that way they can go to the after life.And lastly Ra is the sun god and he is vary important.
dear Timmers
did you know that the nile has a red land and a black land.
The black land is a very fertileland right along the nile.
The red land no crops could grow, desert.
the nile is called the giver of life because irrigation land for farming transporting goods, food means to survive.
It is also called the taker of life because it over flows to much, destroyed crops,killed people, over flowed to little crops couldn't grow, surplus has to be used. it also is 4,184 miles long.
there are 17 gods and goddess
hey timmers i am goona tell you about the Nile River. the black land next to the Nile that is the fertile land. the red land next to the nile is dry, desert like. the nile is called the giver of life because it brings water the people and the plants however it is also called the taker of life because it can kill plants and people when it floods. the nile is very long it is 4184 miles long that is huge!
Yo Yo Timmers! Whatz up?!?!?!
Ok im about 2 tellyou about ancient egypt so listen up!
The Nile!!!
The Nile River is 4184 miles long!
Isnt that huge?!?!?!?
The Pyramids of Egypt!!!
There are 3 pyramids is the giza complex, and the great sphinx!! They are used to burry pharohs, and the sphinx is used to guared it.
Gods and Goddess!!!
Im only going to tell you about a couple gods and goddesses.
Osiris- god of underworld and death!
Daily Life!!!
Did you know workers either wore tunics or they would be naked and they would either would where sandals or bare feet!!! HOT!!!
Both men and woman wore makeup the stuff they wore is green eye shadow, red lipstick, and black eye liner!!!
6 Steps:
1 announcement of death
2 removal of brains
3 removal of organs
4 drying out the body
5 wrapping of body
6 final prossesion
Well hope you learned something about ancient egypt!
Peace Out!!! Kaitlyn is leaving the building!!!
Ra- God of the sun!!!
sorry it took me this long to do this i just forgot to do this and now timmers i will teach you about egypt. The nile river is the gift of egypt. The spinx has the body of a lion and the head of a human. Now i will teach you about the homes of egypt. The citizens of egypt sleep on the roof because it is much cooler outside then inside after a long hot day. Now i will teach you about the pharoas. They are beleved to be part god and part human. Now ii will teach you aboutthe pyramids. the pyramids are the tome of the pharoes. Well thats all for now timmers and sorry about being so late.
Hey Timmers ok heres the deal and its a good one well for you and im getting graded for this so never mind its a good deal for both of us ok im gonna teach you about ancient Egypt. OK my favorite part of Egypt was the gods and goddeses? is that how you spell it i dont know anyways. I will tell you as many gods i know of first is Thoth the god of wisdom and writing second is Ra the son god 3 Horus the god of im not sure... Well thats embarrising. Scratch that ok Set the god of chaos and destruction. Zues no im just kidden he is a greek god and an Egyptian god jeez learn your facts. Oh yah sorry just stalling ok Bast the cat goddes Rahorakta i pretty sure i spelled it wrong but i dont really want to waste my time ok its Horus and Ra combined. I know awesome right? Uh Anubis god of mummification. Osirus god of the dead. Isis god of i cant remember. Scratch that also. Nut the sky goddes. Geb god of Earth. And that is pretty much all of the gods and goddes of Egypt are for right now well anywas i will tell you more some other time but the next time i talk to you I will be telling you about ancient China otay byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!*-*
Kaitlyn H-
Very well done...didn't think I could learn any more about ancient Egypt but I guess I was wrong.
Did Mr. Klumper even give you credit since your assignment was so far overdue?
hi timmers.
the nile river is called the giver of life becuase it persies food. and it is also called the takker of life because it drouns people.
Hi timmersd! I am going to teach you about Egypt ancient Egypt! First is the Mummification!
Mummification- The five steps of mummification are: first the person dies, then you take out the brain with a hook,then make a slit in the stomach to take out the organs, after you do that you have to stuff the body with hay and rags, then you cover the body with sand and preserve it,after that is all done you put mummia on the body!
Pyramids- There are three pyramids of the giza complex, also the great spinx:)
Now about the nile river- It is called the giver of life because it provides good land for farming. it is called the taker of life because it can overflow too much and ruin crops and sometimes even kill people i would hate that part.
Gods and goddesses- I only remeber Ra the god of sun and i guess Geb the god of earth, nut the god of sky and that is mostly it..
Daily Life-in daily life both men and women wore green eyeshadow, black eye liner,red lipstick.. Wow that is all the time i have i hope you learned something about egypt today:) and tell mr. Klumper not to take points off for this being late i already have a bad enough grade
My friend Timmers how are you today? Today I am going to teach you about acient Egypt. The first thing I am going to teach you is about the Nile River. Did you know with out the Nile River Egypt would not exist? The next thing I am going to teach you is about mummification. Here are the six steps of mummification.
1. Announcement of death
2. Removal of brain
3. Removal of eternal organs
4. Drying out the body
5. The rapping of the body
6. The final procession
Those are the six steps of mummification. The next thing I am going to teach you is about gods and godesses. The sun god is Ra. Now I am going to teach you about Pyramids. The pyramids were used as tombs for the pharaohs. We were reading about how king Tut died. He died of a broken leg. This was proven by the archeologist who found his tomb. The acient Egyptians wore tunics as clothing and some times they wore nothing.
Hello timmers Im going to talk to you about some stuff today. The first thing that im going to teach tou about is the Nile River the Nile has a red side and a black side. The red side is all desert and the black side is all crops. The Nile is called the giver of life because it gives you water and irrigation. The scond thing im going to teach you about is the pyrimids the pyrimds are large tombs there are some graves in the pyrimids. The third thing im going to teach you is gods and goddesses the are phoros and they are buried in the pyrmids. The forth thing is daily life the men go out and do crops and stuff like that while the women stay at hame and take care of kids and make food. The last thing is Mummification this is a prosess to see what will happen in the after life. thas all
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