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Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade.
Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade. Thank you for coming. This site is the single most important thing in your social studies life. The name of this blog means something: water is the most essential part of life. Without it, a person can not live. For your 6th grade social studies life, this blog is the single most important thing. Water for Sixth Grade will allow every advantage to you in helping you have a successful social studies year. On this site, you will find many different things, all of which will help you become a better student, a better person, and a better blogger. This is essentially a welcome post, which we will use to practice blogging. Trust me, you will be blogger experts in a very short time. To practice and get you thinking, we are going to start with some basic writing prompts.
For each task, you must have at least 5 sentenses. (Essentially a paragraph)
Task #1: Tell me about 5th grade. Include anything you want about your 5th grade year.
Task #2: Tell me about your summer. What did you do? Anything fun? Tell me anything you want about your summer.
**Remember, at least 5 sentenses for EACH task. Thank you.
Good Luck on your first of many Water for Sixth Grade posts.
in my 5th grade year i had the teacher mr. metzger. We went on feild trips and we had a track meet with all the brandon schools. i competed in the one hundred meeter dash and ended up making it to the finals. i raced and ended up wining first place. we also did check books and we could eaarn money and then have an auction i got cotton candy and a mountain due i ate it all.
task 1: my 5th grade year was Great. we had an olpimpics at the end of the year. plus we went on 2 field trips. my teacher was mr carroll.
Task 2: this summer i played on a triple a hockey team which is the best of the best. we play in minneapolus 3 times and 1 time in duluth. i also went to a twins game.
task 1 5th grade was fun because the teachers were nice and gave us jolly ranchers. I went to RBE and my teacher was Mr.Metzger. I liked 5th grade but I like 6th grade better. My favorite teacher was Mr Carrol because he was hilarious and liked to have fun. So far I like 6th grade and probably will like it better than 5th grade.
Task #1 Practice
Task 1: My 5th was fun.My Teacher name was Mr.Stroh.We had partys. Task 2:Ahat I did for my summer was for two weeks I went to Florida. Had 4th July at my grandaparents. I went to one of the world most extreme waterpark.
5th grade was a fun year. I had many great times in 5th grade. I had Mr.Stroh for a teacher. He is a pretty cool teacher. 5th grade was fun because I knew I get to come to the middle school and enjoy 6th grade after 5th. I miss some of my 5th grade buddies that went to different middle schools. I still seem them though. I knew that some of my friends would have to leave BE.
Task #1 Fith grade was awesome! There were so many good teachers. My favorite teacher was Mr. Carroll. I went to Robert Bennis Elemantry. My favorite lunch in fith grade was pizza.
task #2 My favorite thing about this summer was going to Colorado to see my new baby cousin named Rebekah. When we got back I loved hanging out with my friends. My favorite sport I did this summer was Running with my dog Max.
Task#1: Last year in 5th grade, I had a teacher named Mr. Woodle at Fred Assem Elementary. He was a very good teacher. Another teacher that I had in 5th grade was Mr. Peters. He was a science teacher for me and everyone else in my class. He was also a very good teacher.
Task#2:Last summer was alot of fun but it was really short. I went swimming and hung out with friends and family. I also stayed up really late too at sleepovers with my friends. When it was near the end of summer, I was really nervous about Middle School. But it turns out, so far it has been alot of fun!
Task #1: In my fith grade year I moved four times but I like Brandon Valley I like the most. I moved from Redfield to Kulm,North Dakota to Aberdeen and then to here. Even though I miss my friends i know i will make more friends. My teacher at FAE was Mr.Peters, out of all the teachers I had in fith grade he was the best.
Task 2: This summer was probally the best I went swimming alot and I went back to redfield twice to see my friends. The frist time I got to see alot of my friends the second time I didnt hang out with as many friends.We were going to go to the Black Hills but one of my family members past away. The last time I went to Redfield i got back the day before school started, but I had lots of fun!!
Taksk 1 I liked 5th grade because of feild day. I liked running around the track. I also liked when we stopped at Dairy Queen. It was good. I also just liked where i went to school.
Task 2 What i liked about my summer is that I went on alot of vacations. I went to Michigan and i akso went to Las Vegas that was fun. we saw the m and m factory. We got a pound of peanutbutter m and ms. They were good. Thats what i liked about my summer.
my summer was fun but it was a short summer. My family and i went to the lake every weekend.WE went tubing,jetski rids, and we went on the boat a couple times. I also hung out with my friends alot. I was busy with cheer, teakwondo, dance, and softball. during the softball season we had a tournament in madison and our team ended up winning 2 place.
Task #1: I loved fifth grade.I had an awesome teacher and awesome friends.I went to Fres Assam Elementary.It is a really nice school with really nice teachers.My teacher was Mr.Woodle and he was very funny.He always played tricks on me and made fun of me because of my long hair.
Task #2: This summer was really fun but it went by really fast.My family and I went camping alot.The we always tube behind the boat.We used to have a speed boat but then we sold it.The coolest thing my family did this summer was ride on our new pontoon boat.
Task#1 My 5th grade was fun. My teachers name was Mr.Stroh. He is the best teacher. We played a lot of game like kickball. I think I like the middle school better.
Task no. 1
My 5th grade year was wonderful. I went to Robert Bennis Elementary with my little brother Andrew. I had Mr. Metzger for homeroom. Mr. Carrol was my social studies teacher and Mrs. Oshiem was my English teacher. i enjoyed the field trip to the Washington Pavillion.
Task no. 2
This summer I went to thhe pool with my friends Logan, Ryan ,Jess, and Morgan. Also I had alot of barbeque partys and went to many softball games with my family. My stepdad Josh grilled so much GOOD food I thtought I would burst! I went out to my Grandpa Rick's and raced four wheelers with my cousin. I helped Morgan and her mom plant their garden. we planted rhubarb, peas, carrots and tomatoes.
Task number 1. Fifth grade was an experience for me,because before I moved here;to Brandon, in Sheldon,Iowa fifth grade was middle school for me. We could do a lot more in fifth grade we got to walk threw the lunch room like we get to now. My teacher's name was Mr. Groendyke he was a BIG hawkeye fan!!! He was really competitive, but really fun' and sort of strict!! He was a really enjoyable teacher to have!! Task 2 I didn't do that much during the summer,because I spent most of my time moving. I still miss my friends, but I'm enjoying making new one's too!! Moving is a lot of work! Now I'm living in a nice apartment until next year or so. I have my room all clean and everything is far!!! I'm just really enjoying living in Brandon:)
task 2 I had an awesome summer, I went hiking, swimming and biking. I went to Rapid City and I went to Brookings.We were in Rapid City for 3 days and was in Brookings for 1 day. I had alot of fun in both places but I liked Rapid City the best because we got ice cream. I had a realy cool summer
in fifth grade i was a good student i played all the sports i could favrite thing was math. my teacher was mr. woodle for the first time i hade fun in school. my least favorite thing was english i love the fifth grade and the last day of school we had so much fun we watched a movie and ate pizza and drank pop the day before we could do whatever we wanted i went out side and played.
5th grade was really fun. Mr.Metzger gave us alot of extra recess. It went by really fast.
Mr. Kl;umper is an awsome teacher:)
My summer was really fun. I got to go swimming a lot. I had to talk to my lawyer about getting money from the car accident i was in. He said i would probably get 10-20 thousand dollars. My summer was great fun and like no other,looking forward to middle school.
task #1: I had swimming lessons over the summer.
task #2:Whent to my both of my grandparants
Task #1:I started 5th grade in the Black Hills then i moved out here in October. I went to RBE and my teacher was Mrs.Oshiem. On track and field day we went up to the high school with all of the 5th graders. We went to the middle school on May third.
Task #2:
Task 1 I like fifth grade because my techer was nice. My teachers name was Mrs. Lubinus. We did a deal or no deal turoment . We did a kick ball game. We also got to read outside. Also we did fun stuff in different subjects.
Task 2 This summer I went to minnasota and stayed in a cabin. I went horse back riding. We went swimming. Tubing,
Task #1: For my fifth grade year, my teatcher was Mr. Peters at Fred Assam Elemetry. It was awesome because that school is named after my grandpa on my mom's side. Even though it was i was no more popular =(. I had lots of fun though, I made more friends there.
task 1 5th grade-was fun because the teachers gave us easy work. Mr Carroll was a good teacher so were all the other teachers. math was my favorite subject.Pe was my second. Am math was the third.
task 2 My summer was really good me and my family went to wild water west
Task #1: I went to Brandon Elementary last year. My teacher for fifth grade was Mr. Mulhair. He is a very nice teacher. I had a lot of fun in that class. I also met lots of people that I did not know before.
Task #1:
task #2:
Task #1
My fifth grade teacher was Mrs.Lubinus she was one of my favorite teachers. I went to school at Brandon Elementary. We went on a field trip too a movie. In band I played the clarinet. I had a good year in fifth grade.
Task #2
This summer we went camping to Lake Thompson and Snake Creek. We had lots of fun when we were there. I got to go swimming in the lake. I also did lots of softball in the summer. One of my favorite things I did this summer was going to the pool when it was very hot out.
Task #2: This summer I went to the Wisconsin Dells. I stayed a the Wilderness Lodge. The water-parks were very fun. I also went to Minneapolis, MN. I went to the Mall of America and a Minnesota Twins baseball game.
Task #1 : My fith grade teacher was Mr.Carroll. My favorite subject was social studies and science. I loved art and gym.
My favorite feild trip was going to the movie and bowling, we also went to to sertoma park. We switched classes. Mrs. oshime did english, Mr. Metzger did science, and Mr.Carroll.
Task #1:
My fifth grade teacher was Mrs.Lubinus. I did band and I played the flute. One of the field trips we went on was going to the movie, the movie was "How to Train Your Dragon". I went to school at a Brandon Elementary.
Fifth Grade was my favorite grade out of the whole school.
Task #2:
My favorite part of summer was plating softball.My team was in about 6 tournements and we only won one of them. Another was playing with friends. This summer I couldn't wait for school to start. I am excited that the summer is over.
Task #1 5th grade was one of my favorite years. The teachers were great. It was weird though because I was at a new school. But it was nice to meet new people. The best part was at the end of the year at field day.
Task #2 My summer was great I did a lot of fun things including going to the lake and the waterpark. I also went to California in July. I did a lot of tennis tournements including one in Minneapolis. I did the Tour De Kota in June. All in all it was a great summer
Task #2. this summer i had a foreign exchange student.her name is yuka hoshino.she was from japan.we wnet to the black hills.w e also went to a lake and went tobing with my great uncle. whail we were in the black hills we went to wall drug.
Task #1:It was a great year for me. My teacher was Mr. metzger and he was very nice teacher.
I like to play four square with my friends out at recess. we went to the movies and to the bowling alley in Soux Falls. We got to choose what music to play.
Task #2:This summer I Went to the Black hills and went camping at raghter j's.
I went swimming in the heatded pool and sat in the hot tub they had. I went to Crazy Horse and saw it up close.
Task #1:I went to brandon elementary last year for fifth grade. My teacher was Mr.Mulhar. He always gave us lectures. Though I was luck enough to have him for my first boy teacher. I loved my fifth grade year and it is a year i will never forget.
Task #2:I was at lake minnawaska for 10 das just before the first day of school. Before I went there I went to my step-dads moms pasture. And it was HORRIBLE we dident have enough food to last us even one day. After we came home I was exaughted. But the bright side is that i got to swim in the dirtiest river in all of minnisota wich was kinda fun. when I was there I learned a great lesson which is family can be grumps and that thay can be weird
Task#1:In 5th grade I had Mr. Metzger for a teacher. The school I went to was RBE.My favorite field trip was going to seratoma park and going to a movie.My favorite subjects are social studies,science,and math.We switched classes for english and social studies I had Mr. Carrol for social and Mrs.Oshime for english.
task #1
My fifth year in school in renberg was great!My classmates are really nice and we work great in school subjects.My fifth grade teacher mr.Petrick treats us with great respect.We did alot of fun activities too!I hope I will see all my friends again.
task #2
My summer this year was surely spectacular!My family did so much stuff, I can't tell them all on this blog!I spent alot of my summer with my friends too.At the last day of summer,I spent the rest of my day cele brating my dad's birthday.To me,summer has just begun.
Task # 1
It was one of the best years ever. My teacher Mr.Woodle was very funny, there was not a week where he didn't pull a prank on sombody in our class! The worst part was that we didn't even get to go on a field trip that year. But we watched a lot of movies and we played a lot of fun thing in the class room. My favorite part about school that year was history because we learned a lot about famous was and we were taught about Alaska, my favorite state!
Task # 2
This summer my mom had a baby brother so we didn't do that much. But my grandma got us Wild Water West passes so we went there a lot. I also played baseball on the Brandon 12 year old travle team. I love to fish so my dad my little and I went fishing a lot. I went over to my friends houses a lot last summer to!
Task 1: 5 Grade school. I went to 5th gradd at fred assam.
task#2: I went swimming.
Task 1: 5 Grade school. I went to 5th gradd at fred assam.
task#2: I went swimming.
Task#1 My 5th Grade year was at Robert Bennis. My teacher was Mrs.Oshiem . We all had alot of fun. We went to the movies and bowling at East Way in Souix Falls.
Task#2 For the summer I went to Valley Fair With my family.I went swimimg a couple times.
task #1 5th grade was one of the best school years ever. we went to the washington pavilion, and the movie theater and watch furry venshens.we had a aucation,watched lots of movies. I went to robert bennis ellamentry. task 2 i went to the fair with my friends.went hiking lots of 13 times and fishing. i played baseball and i one the championchip. and race 4 wheelers with my friend.
Task #1:i remember about 5th grade. that we our teachers name was mrs. Strand. We also went to the Wahington Pavillion for a feild trip. we did a report on a president i did Will Howard Taft.
Task #2: One thing you should know about me I like to fish im a world class fisherman. I also like to hunt small game pheasants. i own a bussiness called prestige world wide with me freind Jesse.
Task #1: I went to Robert Bennis Elemenery School. Mr.Metzger was my 5th grade teacher and he was kinda nice but he could also yell really loud and get mad at you very easliy!! So if i was u i wouldnt mess with him but he was fun he let us have extra resses,candy everyday after school and he let us eat in the classroom. When we went on a Ar party we First we went to a movie and watched Furry Ventions it was really funny,then we went to a park and ate there, and last but not least we went to a bowling alley in SouixFalls. After that fun day we went back to the school but we had some trouble the bus broke down!! Everyone was freaking out but the GREAT bus driver fixed and then we got back to the school safe and sound and got extra resses tht was the BEST AR party we have ever had.
Task #2:I had a very nice Summer i went to Wisconsin Dells and i went to a very nice hotel it was called the Kalahari it was HUGE there was a candy shop and there was a cage that had baby tigers in it!! My Cousin's and my sisters got a picture with them. The hotel had a indoor theme park a indoor and a outdoor waterpark there was little huts u could rent for a day!!
Task #1
My fith grade teacher was Mr.Carroll. He was awsome, funny, nice. My favorite feild trip was the Washington Pavilion. I loved fith grade it was so much fun! When we played football at recess the teachers would play to. It was probably my favorite year.
Task #2
Last summer was shorter than usual but fun. I diden't do much played baseball, football, and hung with friends. I got a new bow, it's super cool. I'm ready for school though. I went boating too that was awesome.
task#1 it was good i really liked my mr.stroh. i really liked gym mr.duncanson he,s awsome. i went to brandon elementry in brandon south dakota.
task #1: My 5th grade school year was very boring. My teacher was Ms.Oshime. I went to RBE. We did many prjects, like how to make something. At the very end of the school year was my favoirt part of the school year.
task #2: I had a great summer. I played tennis, basketball, and some volly ball. I went to the Great Lakes and on the way I went throu Wissconsin. I went to some Mexican restrants.
task #1:i went to anne sullivan elementary in sioux falls, for fifth grade.I had a great year with my class and the teacher's there to.My teacher was mr.colford and he was a awsome teacher.i didn't wan't to leave that school in fifth grade even though i was there for 3 years.
task#1 I went to robert bennis. I was very happy about 5th grade. I was moveing up in the world! My favorite thing was going to furry vengens with the class! I miss playing football with my friends.
task#2 I went swimming and bowling. My mom took me to world of fun and ocean of fun in kansas.went to see family in texas. Had a massive firewaork show in lake madison.
Task #1:I remember about 5th grade was going to the washington pavilian. Our teacher's name was Mrs.Stand. We learned the joys about recess. I did the report on Obama. We went on lots of field trips.
Task #2:One thing you should know about me is I love video games. I own a bussiness called Prestige World Wide with my friend Logan. My favorite game is Bakugan.
task#1:5th grade was fun and the teachers are nice.First i was scard and then it was beter
task #1:I went into 5th grade at a new school. I went to Fred Assam Elementary, I easily made alot of friends. Everyone was really nice & I learned alot. When we heard about Haiti the whole school got together and donated clothes, the 5th graders got to fold them and set them into boxes. All in all I had a great 5th grade year!
task #2: This summer I went to Europe. It was awesome! We went to Germany, France, The Czech Republic, Switzerland,and England. When we got back we had a welcome home party, it felt so good to just come home and relax in my own bed again. For the rest of the summer I just hung out with my grandma.
Task 1: I went to RBE and my teacher osheim.
Task 2: I
Task #1
I went to a church school called SDA school which stands for Seventh Day Adventist. It was a one room school and one teacher! there were 8 kids, 2 5th graders, 3 4th graders, 1 6th grader, 1 7th grader, and 1 8th grader. We got to go on a lot of feild trips because we didn't have alot of students. We recently went to the BlackHills. That was alot of fun, and we did alot more intersting things. We had a parttime teacher who was crazy about computers, so we learned ALOT about computers!!!
Thats basicly how my 5th grade year went.
Task #2
I didn't do much this summer. The best thing that happened was my sisters wedding.I was one of her junior bridsmades and that was alot of fun! Also seeing relatives that live far away.
Cesia Niyondagiye
task 1:Mr.Stroh was my teacher last year. I played kickball at school.My rti person was mrs.klumper she was a great teacher.
Task 1:
I liked fifth grade alot. Being it was the last year of recess. The students and teachers are great! I liked the AR parties. It was a fun year. I loved it!
Task 2:
I went to Tennessee for the first week of summer. I went for Destination Imagination, and had a blast! After Tennesse I went to MN where I have a house for summer. I got to see family members. It was awesome!
Task#1 I thought that I would miss recess but school is just fine without it. What I do miss though is not having to carrying around my giant trapper keeper. The lunch here is munch better though and if i don't like the lunch I can just get nachos!
Task#2this summer I went to Okaboji and Colarado. In Okaboji all we really did was go to arnolds park! In colorado we did muchmore though like we went to a rockies game, went white water rafting, we also went flying because my uncle is a pilate and he owns an airport, and stayed at my aunt and uncles house to play cats!
Task 1: Mr. Mulhair was my 5th grade teacher and now he is a seventh grade English and reading teacher. I played football alot at recess. I went to Brandon Elementary.
Task 2: I went to Wisconsin and went to six falgs. I went on alot of water slides and rollar coasters. There was a water slide called the hurricane that you have two,three,or four on a tube and you go side to side. That was my favorite ride.
task 1 My fith my grade was amazing. I had the best teacher ever. Recess was alot of fun. Im really going to miss it. I usally got goode grades. Fred Assam was a great school.
task 2 This summer I went to Yankton alot. We have a boat there. I also played baseball. We won the championship. i had 7 sleepovers. It was a fun summer.
Task 1: In 5th grade I read many books. I liked that in between testing we watched Life on the smart board[tm]. We got to chew gum too. On the last day of school we ate outside. We even had little bags of baby carrots!
Task 2: This summer I swam in the pool A LOT. But I forgot to put sunscreen. We had this BBQ last week. It was so fun. My Mom and Dad's friends came too!
task#1: fith grad was fun and excited I had fun times with rebecca,lexy,and others. I liked the food and playing
task 1: what i enjoyed about 5th grade was about beaing the big kids at the school. another thing i enjoyed was all the great teachers i met. another thing is the some of the speciels we had. Another thing i liked about it was reeces. another thing was lunch
task 2: stuff i did this summer was swimming. i also went on trips with my family. i also spent time with my family and cousins.
Task#1 Mr. mulhair was my teacher last year.I played football at school.For Mr mulhair's brith day we threw a party for him.I played junior football. i played cb
Task#1 i went to Robert Bennis elemantry. I had a great year with Mr.Carroll. i loved going on field trips ,we went on alot. the only thing i dint like was the test.i love d it when when we went to the middle school visitation the lunch was the best.
task#2 this summer i hung out with friends. i played softball in topeka was alot fun. went on alot of little trips this summer for softball. i went to wild water west alot with friend.
task 1
I thought it was fun. My favorit thing was socal studies because i love leaning about it. I loved doing helping whith lunch because we would get something else. I also like having the same teacher not going to differnt one every time. I also like that we didnt have locks on are locker.
task 2 what i did in the summer was i went to my ant house for 2 weeks and stayed there. I went to my ather ants house and went bike riding.
Task 1: I had always had fun presenting projects. Most of the time got 100%. I really enjoyed S.S.
Task 1: In fifth grade I liked being the oldest in the school. I liked having one teacher the whole school day. I loved to go outside during the day but not in the winter. I liked not having locks on lockers. my teacher was so nice her name is Mrs. Lubinus.
Task 2: This summer I went to Nigara falls.
Task #1 In my 5th grade my teacher's name was Mr.Peters. My best friends name was Reilly, we hung out every day. I liked to play kickball and swing.I went to Fred Assam Elementray school. It was a very boring school.
Task #2 All summer I hung out with friends, and skateboarded.Every day I did one of those thing. And i went to Souix Empire Fair.
Task 1:Mrs.Lubinus was a lot of fun. My favorit thing in fifth grade was art. The lunch was ok my favorit lunch in
Task 1: in fifth grade mrs.klumlper was my teacher she was really fun she plyed games. She let us watch movies on the smart broad and color. she tought us alot of stuff and made really fun projects in ever subject. In fifth grade I had good friends and a great brithday with them they were awsome.
task 1:I was scared when I moved to BV but I was lucky because I made a lot of friends. My teacher was Mr.Caroll and he was nice if you didn't hand in your work not so much.
task 2: I hung out with ty hamsa and went to the pool and the bowling alley.
task 1 i went to robet bennis. 5th grade was neat i got to help in the lunchroom. My techer was Mr.Metzget he is pretty funny. i also did flag (hanging the flag on the flagploe.)
task 2 the one thing i really enjoyed about my summer is that i showed a steer at the sioux empire fair. i did pretty good.
Task 1: During 5th grade I had the privilage of being tought by Mrs. Klumper. I learned alot about math such as how to convert frations to decimals. Every Thursday I went to a program called Gifted Education with Mrs. House and Mrs. Mcdowwel. I learned aboutrobotics and architchure in Gifted Ed.I started playing the Clarinet in 5th grade and Mr. Hubers tought me.
Task 2: During half my summer My family and I went camping. While camping we had some friends who own a sailboat so we sailing alot. One weekend we had a sailing camp and we learned how to sail. It was so much fun.
task 1: I went to Robert Benis Elementry. My science teacher was Mr. Medzger. The social studys teacher was Mr. Carroel. Me and the gym teacher had a tagging fight we tryed to tag each other un lill the last day of school. the english teacher is a girl and her name is Osheim.
task 2: My summer was great, I went swimming in a lake. I did spend some time with my famliy too.
I did read some in summer. Well thats all I remember for now so bye.
Task #1
Well in my 5th grade year I had a teacher named Mrs.Lubinus. She was a good teacher. She always made fun of Dayton Johnson in class because he was a class clown or whatever in 4th grade. At recess me and my friends always played balltag. It was a fun year.
Task #2
Well in the summer I golfed a LOT. And I hung out with some friends.
Task #1
Well in my 5th grade year I had a teacher named Mrs.Lubinus. She was a good teacher. She always made fun of Dayton Johnson in class because he was a class clown or whatever in 4th grade. At recess me and my friends always played balltag. It was a fun year.
Task #2
Well in the summer I golfed a LOT. And I hung out with some friends.
Task 1: My fifth grade teacher was Mr. Carroll. He was my first boy teacher I ever had, and I was really excited when I figured out that I got him. He made every day fun some how, and I really liked that. I do kinda miss rescess, I had alot of fun times there. Fifth grade was probably my favorite year, but I hope sixth will be just as good.
Task 2: My Summer wasn't very exciting. Every day was about the same thing. Wake up, eat breakfast, call my friend and then the usual. We went to Minnesota once to see my cousins, but that was it. Not Done
task 1: I went to RBE. In fifth grade, we didnt get as much freedom. We didnt get to choose what we want for lunch, we didnt get locked combos we hardly switched classes, but we did get to have alot of parties. I thought i was gonna miss recess but after a few days of middleschool i didnt miss it at all because i got plenty of time to talk to my friends at lunch. One of the good things they do in fith grade though, is introduceing class switching so when you hit middle school its not so overwhelming.
task 2: This summer i went to Missouri with my brother to vist my grandparents and my 5 cousins. We had alot of fund going to White Water and Silver Dollar City. After our month was over we rode halfway home with our grandparents and met our parents at cracker barrel like always and rode home. After a few days we packed our bags and headed to camp with my moms side of the family. Although my dad doesnt like camping so =he said next year the hotel will be his tent.
task #1 fith grade was my best year it was my very last year in Elementery, in Elementary I had alot of fun in fith grade, i was exited fof Middle school!
task #2 I didn't have alot of alot to do during the summer.
task #1 mr.metzger was my 5th grade teacher and it as alot of fun.
Task #1: 5th grade was a lot of fun...we went on field trips to the bowling alley, movie theatre, swimming pool, etc. We had a field day at the end of the year at the high school, which we got to compete in a lot of fun activities. On the last day of school we got to run all around the elementary school and do pretty much whatever we want.
We got to have some fun days where if we had good behavior and made our AR goal we got to pick what we would do that afternoon. We had a bunch of AR parties too! For our AR parties we watched mostly movies for them!
Task #2: I had a very eventful summer! In June, I have a pool in my backyard so I swam most of the summer with a bunch of friends. In July I went to Witchita, Kansas for my birhtday to visit my cousins. In Witchita we did a lot of fun things like...swam, went bowling, went to some movies, went to the waterpark and got to go to the Experacion Place which is their Washington Pavillion.
Task number 1. In fith grade we did this thing that we do on arber day where you go to each class and get tree money you only have to weeks to get trees when the two weeks are up we go to the Oak Ridge and bought a tree for our school.
Task number 2. What i did this Summer was i went to Mexico and stayed there for a week on vacation we went zip lining in the jungle and went to see some anciet myan villages in Mexico we saw igunas wich was really cool there were everywhere, and when i got home a coulpe weeks later i got a baby kitten from the humane society. Thats all i want to tell you.
Task #1:I had a lot of fun in fifth grade... we got to have a field day with running and stuff like that we got a field day with games. We had a kickball tournament for one of the AR parties. We had a lot of fun field trips we went to a movie theater.
Task #2: I had a fun summer of swimming and camping and all that FUN stuff. I also did some other activities with friends I to thunder road with the youth group at my church. I went to my cabin in Starbuck,Minnesota for a couple weeks. At my cabin we were able to go boating, swimming, and fishing.
Task #1 5th Grade was good. I felt good because of all the little kids looked up to us. I felt powerful. I felt smart. There was alot of homework but it was sorta/not easy.
Task #2 My summer was really really really really really really boring. I had nothing to do because it was either way to hot out or none of my freinds could hang out with people. Also it was pretty fun sorta because i could stay up as long as i wanted and so i did. The longest i stayed up was until 5:00 am. My summer was medium fun.
task #1: In the beging of fifth grade I didn'know the teachers (of corse that went away over time). It was raining alot so we were inside alot of the time. one time we went to a park on a field trip and it started raining. we went bowling
task #1 : fifth grade was a good year it was a step up from 4th grade. The work was slightly harder and such but it was nice to finaly get up to the middle school
task #2 : My summer went pretty well i spent most of my time with my mom witch was good considering im with my day all year (my parents are divorced.) I had alot of fun with my mom we went to many lakes. I also was able to go to a summer camp. The summer camp was fun because they had a ping pong table witch was very injoyable my skills have improved quite a bit over the summer but it was nice to get back to school.
Task #1: Fifth grade was defianatley one year that i will never forget because it was my last year as a elementary schooler escpeacially my teacher she was probably my favorite teacher so far but im not so sure mr.klumper seems preety nice to.
Task # 2: My summer was really fun i went swimming a lot and went to visit my grandma and just hangin out with my friends makes me feel like i had a great summer
task #1: My fifth grade year was pretty fun because i alwayed hung out with my friends. My teacher was really nice because he gave us jolly ranchers, and some other stuff too. When we wrote in journals, we got to listen to music all the time. i also liked fifth grade because most of the people in my class were really nice. some people got to bring their pets into class and we got to pet them.
Task 1#: 5th grade was awesomeamd i say awesome and epic alot. Most of us joined band last year and most of us stayed this year. I Think that I might switch to
Bassoon. I'm REALLY excited about!!
Mr. Carroll was alot of fun to...
The Talent show thing was really weird. I didn;t like it fvery mush and Mr. Sullianson didn't like it either. Bye.
Task #1: My fifth grade year was great because my teacher was the best teacher i ever had this is why. My teacher was funny and he was good at teaching Social Studies and he would always tape someones leg to a chair. He would also do alot more things but there's too much about my fifth grade teacher I can tell you about. I also like fifth grade because all of the people in my class were really nice. In my fifth grade year we got a dog for about a month or two and her name was Frassy. I also liked fifth grade becasue i was in student council and there were very fun meetings.
task #1: 5th Grade was an interesing year. That year with Mrs. Oshiem we sold trees and weirdly it was prety fun. Mrs. Oshiems room is right next to Mr. Carols so during the year we always had fun and bugged each other alot. Halloween night we figured we could freak Mr. Carol out so, we (TOP SECERET)teepeeed his house and man was that a blast! The next day Mr.Carol might have new something but we didn't tell a soul.
task 1 5th grade was good. It is sad leaving all the good teachers there. All the little kids looking up to us. Us being there roll model for them.It felt good.
Task 2 my summer was great.
Task#1 My fith grade year was awesome. My teachers were, homeroom Mr.Carroll :)(turnhead left),my science teacher was Mr.Metzger :), and Mrs.Oshiem :).
Task #1 Fith grade was fun. My teacher was Mrs.Klumper she took us ourside for subjects. She was good at helping me when i was behind in class. I had lots a friends. At the end of the year me and my friends got a peace of paper and rote each others phone numbers so we can call them this summer.
Task 1. If fifth grade my teacher was Mr.Peters and i went to Fred Assam Elementry. At the end of the year when we were at fifth grade feild day I beat the record for the softball throw and i threw it 124.6 ft.
Task 1: my fifth grade was fun because we got to start band and all my friends were in band with me. my class used to be 26 and when we went to band it was like 8.
task #1:
For fifth grade my teacher was Mr.Woodle.I was a fun grade because i went to the new school Fred Assam.In social studies we did alot of history on favorite subject last year was science because i had a nice teacher(Mr.Peters) and we did alot of reports.I really enjoyed fifth grade.
task #2
My summer was really fun.i went to the wiconsin dells and
Task 1: Fifth grade was so much fun! I really loved the teachers, they were great. My favorite subjects were reading and social studies. We went a field trip to the bowling alley and I had a blast, expecially bowling with my friends. I really did enjoy the lunches, my favorite was Itailian Dunkers.Fifth grade was awsome!
Task 2:This summer was absolutly great, I did so much fun stuff! My family and I went to Montana and I loved it!!
Task#1:My 5th grade year was fun and exiting first I made 1 new friend and a friend from another school that I met. My teacher was Mr.Carroll one of the best teachers in the school also taught the easyest subject S.S.
task#1: I went to 5th grade at valley springs and mrs. strand was my teacher. Once she trow away are SS test so we dident have to do them. We all got 100%! It was cool it was my first year at valley and i like it. I got good grads and got a certificate sighed by the president. Talking about presidents i was the president of Valley Spings.
Task 1: we learned how to divide we had lots of fun.I met lots of new people.for holoween i dressed as a hoboo.
Task #1: Fifth grade was the best year of school I've had so far yet. I liked all of the teachers in fifth grade also. I've started to like school ever since.
Task #2 My summer was awesome, I went fishing. I cought about 10 Bullheads on 1 minnow head! I also played baseball and got 4th. I also went to work with my mom and made around $57.50. Inother words I had a great summer
This summer I didn't do much and here is why. when I was in 5th grade at the end of the year we had a end of the year party. At the party I went on a motor scooter and on that motor scooter my foot hit a rock and all the doctors said that nothing was wrong with my foot. Then they said I had to be on cruches so I was on cruches for a month. Then the sweling never went down so I went to my sixth doctors apointment. After the apointment they said I would be put in a boot and would have to get an MRI. When I went to the MRI I was prety scared but I fel asleep during it so nothing to worry about. Then when the MRI was done they were stuck on the idea that my keylees tenden was torn but luckly it wasn't. And that is why I didn't do alot this summer.
HI Mr.Klumper I need to talk to you, do we have a quiz or test on friday because that's what it said on the lesoon plans!!Is it garded can you talk to period 3 tommorro if it's graded or not???!!....... What would it be over we just started school we don't even have a textbook please tell period 3 tommorro in class. And thank you for publishing my task 1 and 2 that we did in the computer class yesterday!!Katelyn Nissen period 3.
Task #1: answers...
Task#2: answers.......
Task #1 My fifth grade year I had Mrs. Oshiem as a teacher. It was fun beacause only Mrs.Oshiem class got to sell trees to kids around Robert Bennis. It was also fun beacuse we got to go too the bolwing alley for making your AR goal. I learned a lot of new things that year too. My favorite thing about fifth grade is getting a award for having a good grades and getting a good score on the Dakota Step Test.
Task #2 For my summer I mostly went to Wild Water West. I did a camp called Camp Teepee Tonka and that was for two weeks of my summer and it was a lot of fun. We rode horses, skits, sleep overs, and learned how to shoot a arrow. But most of my summer I was at my house playing with my kitten.
Task #1:I had Mr. Stroh as my teacher. I made some really awesome friends. I loved math Mr.Stroh made it exciting. He would let us listen to music when we did journals and sometimes some of my favorite songs came on. I liked going to the track meet and the field trip to a movie.
Task #2:I went to Boston, Massachusetts this summer. It was so much fun I went to Plymouth, Cape Cod and did a LOT of shopping. I went to my Grandparents cabin and went fishing. We caught alot, and the rest of the time I was out hanging with my friends!! I was so excited for Middle School!!! = )
Task #1: I loved fifth grade my teacher was Mrs.Lubinus. She was a great teacher and she had a lot of fun things to do in her class. My favorite part about 5th grade was there was bearly no homework you go to see all your friends all the time and there was a lot of cool things to do.
Task #2: What I loved about summer was that you could go swimming. What I did this summer is go swimming go to parks and stay home playing outside with my brother and go shopping. What i wanted to happen this summer is that i could of went to friends houses and went swimming more and that it wasnt really hot! Something else I di this summer is that I went to camp at lake shetek in minnesota and that was really fun cause i got to see friendsthere i saw there last year i went there.
Task #1:
I found fifth grade one of the most enhjoyable years I'd ever had. We did plenty of fun field trips and I especially enjoyed it when we got ice-cream from DQ :).
The assignments weren't as challenging as I would have liked them to be, but, oh well, easier for me! The day we came to the middle school kind of intimidated me, but I'm fine now (Luckily)! All of my teachers were nice and lunch was astounding! I almost miss fifth grade...
Task #2:
My summer was one of the best I can remember. For my B-day my little brother, dad, and I went to the Mall of America.
I had a lot of fun going out and playing golf games and hanging out with my friends. We did a lot of swimming during the nicer days. Just wished it hadn't rained so much. Otherwise, I had an amazing summer, and I can't wait until the next one!
Task #1: My fith grade year was great. We got to watch alot of movies and we had many parties. During the school year we followed the Iditorod. It is a dog sled race in Alaska. Then after that at the end of the year we had our own Iditorod race! We had four dogs pulling the sled. And one musher that sat on the sled. It was a blast! Fith grade was perfect.
Task #2: This summer I played baseball every weekend. When baseball was over we had a family reion. The reion was at yankton at a camp ground. We went boating every day with all my cousins. I also visited my grandma and grandma a couple of times. And thats pretty much my summer!
Task #1:In my fith grade year I went to Valley Springs Elem. My teacher was Mrs.Strand. I remeber going on lots of fun field trips with her. She let us have parties for AR and they were really fun.She gave us lots of fun assignments.
Task #2: During the summer I went to Wold Water West. I had my birhtday party the day before and then I took my friends with me. We went to my grandma and grandpas. I got to go and stay with my aunt from Wisconsin for two weeks. I got to see myold friends there and we had alot of fun.
Task #1 My fifth grade year was fun. My teacher was Mr. Mashlan. I liked the track and field day, But i stink at running! I liked my class last year too. My favorite thing about school last year was lunch!
Task #2 My summer was awesome!
I liked summer because i got to do alot of fun things. My softball team won the state tournament so we got to go to topeka kansas for nationals! I also liked summer because i got to go to the lake! The lake is really fun!
Task #1: My fith gade year was great. My teacher was Mrs. Lubinus. It was really fun because almost all my friends were in my class. My favorite subject was Math. I also liked P.E. Last year was really fun.
Task #2: In the summer I played softball on the Stingers. We went on a mini vacation to Omaha with my friend. We went to the Omaha Zoo. After the Zoo we went to The Cheescake Factory and the Cheesecake was AMAZING! We also went to my Cabin on Lake Hendricks. We fished of the dock, Tubed, Water Skied, and swam of the dock. It was a lot of fun. The summer went by so fast!
Task #1 In my fifth grade year, my teacher was Mr. Carroll. My class went on two field trips. We went to the bowling alley and the movie theater. We also went to the fifth grade field day and Robert Bennis field day. At the end of the year the principal gave out some awards. That was part of my fifth grade year.
Task #2 Over the summer I took many vacations. I went to San Diego, California. My family stayed there for ten days. We also took a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. I went to Valley Fair twice, once with my church and once with my aunt.
Task #1My fith grade year was great with Mrs. osheim. We watched plenty of movies and played games. the running competion was really fun so was the AR parties.
Task #2
My summer was great i played on a Triple A (AAA) hockey team so i was really busy with sports. I had a lot a freinds to hang out with. I also went to Valley Fair and Duluth.
Task 1.My teacher was Mrs.Klumper. I had a lot of fun.The year was really short in my opinion.On the last week of school we went to tennesse.My friend James went to Fred Assem along with a few others.
Task 2 In tenesse we had a lot of fun. we also got to see civil war sites. tey were really awsome and they had replicas of cannons all over.I have a creek by my house and I went fishing alot.
task #1 My 5th grade was very fun. We had track and field day. My teacher Mrs. Klumper was very nice. We played kick ball for are A.R party. Mr. mashlan's class won the kickball game.
task #2 This summer was very fun . I went to camp tepeetonka. it was very boring. I went swimming at the pool. I watched the bast softball team. I played soccer.
My 5th grade year was great and fun we had fun feild trips and stuff but my favorit part wasthe track and feild day my class got first in the tug of war the 4 by 100 and the mob realay it was fun
My summer was fun but i had football and i was hard but this week we have a game so it is wereth it beacaus i get to hit some 1 hard
Task #1: My fith grade year was fun I had Mr. mashlan. We did not switch class so it's different. I was in band for the the first part of the year and then i quit. There were a lot of friends in my class. for our last A.R. party we had friesies and played kick ball.
task #2: my summer was mostly all softball we went to Mitchell, topeka Kansas, lakeville, and stayed in brandon. i watched my brother play baseball and my sister play softball also and now she is playing fall ball. my mom brother and I went to hot dog days in luvern they had dog races, dog buty padgent, danceing, and free hot dogs. In softball we got first in state, Mitchell, and luege we got second in the early bird. My sister had nationals in st.pual and that was kinda like a vacation for me for her it was softball.
Task #1: My 5th grade teacher was Mrs. Lubinus she was the BOMB!! I made some new friends hung out with old friends, I had a Blast!! We went on a field trip to the movie theater to watch the movie How to Train Your Dragon in 3D, the effects were so real. I recomennd that movie I'd watch it again and again! We also had 5th grade field day which was so fun all the 5th graders from all schools went head to head in compition! We also had a field day on th last day of school awesome! We watched alot of movies at tthe end of the year! You could say I loved my %th grade year!
Task #2: This summer I played alot of softball it was my first year in tourneament team and we were really good! Our team waqs the Brandon Blast we made it all the way to Topeka Kansas!! It was SUPER HOT there, YUCK! This summer I also got to go to the sioux empire fair. This year my friend got me into going on new rides as in: Zero Gravity, and many more! Also I hung out with my friends. Ihad a great time this summer!!!!!
task 1 My fith grade year we went on feild trips. We went to fith grade feild day i enter the 100 dach came in 9th place. I learn alot of math reading and english. I was in band i played the trumped and then i quite. I was in the 400 dash in the fith grade feild day.
Task #1 Curtis Tupy Period 4
What i like about Fifth Grade is that you get fre time on computers. I also like that you get to go outside for reading when it's nice out. We went on lots of field trips. My favorite field trip was when we got to go to Carousel Skate.
Thats what I like About Fifth Grade.
Task #2 Curtis Tupy Period 4
What i like about summer is that I got some new games. One of those games that I got is Rock Band 2. During the summer I Went outside a lot. I also played Rock Band 2 a lot. I am looking Forward to getting my new game DC Universe Online.
And thats what I did in my summer.
Task number one.
In my fith grade year we did alot of fun things. My teacher was Mrs Lubinus. She was a good teacher who is now teaching at Fred Assem. At the end of the year we were givin out awards I won the presidental award for getting a 3.5to 4.0 average and thats why I won it. I had a good year that year and i hope any fith grader will to.
Task two.
This summer was a usual one. I had sleep overs. MY favorite part of summer is fishing. Falls park is a pretty good to fish. My dad and I were fishing up there with jigs in a calm spot, he just put his jig into the water two seconds later he caught an eighteen inch wallye. I just caought a bass a sunny and a catfish. Well thats my summer.
Task #1: In my fifth grade year we played lots of games and had a field day with the entire 5th grade at the high school. We also had a surprise party for our teacher. (Mr. Mulhair) We brought cake, ice cream, and balloons. it wasn't extravagent but it didn't have to be our class was just funny in general! We ended up having TONS of fun!
Task #2: My summer break started early, Yes I had to leave on the 2nd to the last day of school to go to my cousins graduation in Norman, OK. Sad that I missed the last couple of days but my cousin was happy I came so we had fun. In July we had our family reunion in Wimbledon, ND, then I stayed in North Dakota by myself with my grandpa. When I was up there we went to Medora, ND, to see the Medora Musical. It was AWESOME!! Also during my summer I went to Valley Fair. It was SO much fun!! I went on the Wild Thing, The Corkscrew, The High Roller, Renegade, Mad Mouse, The Wave, and MUCH MUCH more! On the wild thing I was so scared, in the end I ended up going on it 3 times! Wow!
Task #1 Victoria braley p4
Last year I whent to Eugen fild in soux falls. My teacher was Mrs.Pliska She has two kids both girls there names are Cloe and Clare they are soooo cute. Ever year my school we put on a play this year it was Beuty And The Beast I played the wordrob. my frend Raeann was a sillygirl.
task number one in fifth grade i had a blast. My teacher was realy nice and fun. recces is still the best thing because we played football.It was more fun then previous years because I had more friends.overall it was the best year ever.
task number two During the summer I played football and basketball. I also went to oskosh wesconsin for ten days to see there big air show
task #1 I had mr mashlan for a teacher he was veary funny. and he was fun he played silentball and he played kickball with us it was fun. But he was very strict you better of got your homework done or there were consiqensis. and so that was my fith grade teacher
task#2my summer
Hey I miss ya this is bose. all the 7 grade teachers aren't exciting of alive or fun. except skibsted. the rest of the teachers don't have fun they just give you the homework say bye and they can't wait to get out of the school day. no offense but hey there boring. 6 grade was the best years of my life. even though that was only one year. I really miss you guys. I got to go or i'll get in trouble bye MR.MULHAIR. I already got in trouble by him this week thats enough for me. Bye you rock :)
hey klump, i am in the computer lab and i am really bord so i came on the awsomest blog. but i got bord of scrolling up and so now i am comenting and (kyle was the anonymous blogger and if that was spelled wrong seth told me how to spell it.) well i have to fix my hair so bye!!!
-DURF =)
task 1:my 5th grade was awsome because we got to play more games to play like dodge ball,jail break, kickball,and matball. my teacher was mr.stroh we played a lot of games like silent ball,and sparkle.
task2: ya i had a lot of fun i went to wild water west for the first time. i went fishing a lot of time's to
my summer was awesome because i got to go to hawii and arizona because my grandma and grandpa line in arizona and hawii we got to go there for 10 days because we fot o new puppy mr. klumper i forgot to add that in my other one
I had such a awesome summer probably my best one yet this summer will be better because i am going to make it better every year i also loved hangingg out with my friends all summer long i also went to wild water west so many times
Hey mr. klumper i hope you have a great weekend i am at my grandma and my grandps house and i finally can watch all of the viedos YAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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