Thursday, February 25, 2010

Student, Meet Your Greek God or Goddess

Yesterday in a thrilling selection process, each student was assigned a titan, olympian, or monster child. Today, on Water for Sixth Grade, you are going to get to know your new "friend." You will be giving a speech pretending to be your character from Greek Mythology in the coming week. Before you can give your speech, you need to learn about your character. We will be using this blog assignment to start to learn about your character. For this blog post, it will be similar to what did with the Nile River: have a conversation. You need to put on your "creativity" caps and pretend you are having a conversation with the character you selected. Pretend you are standing on the street, and all of a sudden up walks Zeus or Poseidon, or whoever you have selected. You are going to have a conversation with them. You will "talk" to your character as if you know nothing about them. Since you are going to pretend to be them for your speech, this is a great opportunity to talk to your character and learn about them. You need to format your conversation with quotation marks.

Task: You will have a pretend conversation with the character you selected. In the conversation, you will ask that character questions to learn about them for your speech. Use the websites I have posted for you to learn about your character. You must ask your character at least 5 questions for this conversation.

Points: 5 Points per question. Total of 25 points for this blog assignment.
DUE Date: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010


Andy H. 3 said...

Andy"Hey Medusa, I get to be you for a speech."
Medusa"How amazing, you must be very proud of your self."
Andy"Your ugly."
Medusa"Thank you."
Andy"I am very proud. I need to ask you some questions first. Did you get your head chopped off?"
Andy"Did a pegusas come out of your head?"
Andy"Well byyyyyyyyyyyyye

lincoln o 3rd said...

(lincoln)hey you are demeter,i have to do a speech on you. can I ask you some questions.
(demeter)sure whats your first question.
(lincoln) what are you the god of.
(demeter) I am the godess of agaculture.
(lincoln) whats your special powers.
(demerer)well I control the fertility of the earth also I geve life after death to those who learn my mysteries.
(lincoln)what is your symbol.
(demeter) my symbol is a ear of wheat and the horn of plenty (cornucopia)

dwight h pd3 said...

hi i'm dwight. woh are you?

I am hestia.
what are you the goddess of?

I am the goddess of home and homelife.

what is your symbol?

my symbol is the hearth. it holds the eternal flame.

What are you like as a person?

I am constant, calm, gentle, and supportive of the family and home.

do you have any childern?

no I had no childern.

are you Zeus's sister

yes i am i was the oldest daughter in the faml

Grace B 3 said...

G "Wow! Your are Rhea! Are you?
R "Yes I,m. Who are you?"
G " I'm Grace Bender." Is it ture that you gave birth to Zues?"
R "Yes I did."
G "How did you save him form your husband... What was his name?"
R "His name is Cronous and I saved him by replacing him with a rock when Cronous came to eat him."
G "You husband ate your childern?"
R "Yes but he spit them all up when my Zues gave him a poisoniuos drink and then He spit them all up and they were fully grown!"
G "Why did he eat the childern?"
R "He Whated to be in control! He killed his Fater, Fater Hevean."
G "Why?"
R "Because he wanted to be in control."

shelbyg3 said...

shelby= WOW it is you the lord of the under world Hades.
Hades= Yes it is me.
shelby= that is so cool im going to do a page on it has to be 30 seconds long .I have to read it in the front of the class.
hades= that is great.
shelby= do you have any tipe of pets also by name is shelby.
hades= well I have a cerberus.
shelby= what is that?
hades= that is a three-headed dog.

shely= k bye now.

jamie j pd3 said...

Jamie:"Ahtena what do you do you do?"
Athena:"I am the goddess of reason,intelligent activity,art and lierature."
Jamie:"What are your stregths?"
Athena:"They are rational,intelligent,a powerful defender in war but also a potent peacemaker."
Jamie:"Where were you born?"
Ahena:"Out of Zeuses forhead."
Jamie:"do you have children?"
Jamie:"Whats your symbol?"
Athena:"I am the owl for wisdom."
Jamie:"well bye."

morganj.3 said...

1.I am going to talk to hepaestus.... "Hi Hephaestus what are your powers?"
Hephaestus "Hi Morgan my powers are Fire and craft."
Mogan "oh thats really cool I wish I had those powers, why did you limp funny."
Hepaestus "I limped funny because I was born lame."
Morgan "Ok thats all for today bye!"
Hepeastus "Ok bye it was nice talking to you."

drewp3 said...

Me-Hi appolo how are you?
Apollo-good do you want ask me some question
Me-Sure, whar are you the god of?
Apollo-I am the god of the sun, and music
Me-what is your job?
Apollo-My job is to tow the sun accrost the sky every day.
Me-do you have any brothers or sisters
Apollo-yes one of my sisters is Artemis
Me-Ok good talking to ya see you later.

Joel K. 3rd pd. said...

Hi Poseidon, I heard you were greek god and I was wondering if I could ask a few questions.
ME: "What god are you?"
POSEIDON: "I am the God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes."
ME: I know that every god in greek mythology has a special power, what is yours?"
POSEIDON: "The three prong trident."
ME: "What are your strengthes?"
POSEIDON: "I am a creative god, and I designed all the creatures of the sea."
ME: "SWEET!!! Who are your parents?
POSEIDON: Kronos the god of time. and Rhea the goddess of the earth.
ME: "Who are your brothers and/or sisters?"
POSEIDON:"Zeus and Hades."
ME: "Well see you later I've got to go to my desk and start this awsome speech I'm going to make!"

Nicole Thomes said...

"Wow, it's Cronos! I have a speech about you next week do you thinkyou can answer some questions for me?" I said.
"I guess I have some time. What questions do you have for me?" said Cronos.
"Well, this might be alittle ackward but, why did you kill your father?" I said.
Cronos said,"Oh, no that's just fine I killed him because I wanted to be the ruler."

I said,"Oh, well, that's nice!"
Cronos said,"Well, enough on this topic do you have any more questions?"
I asked,"Yes,who are you married to?"
"Rhea," said Cronos.
"Okay, and how many childern do you have?" I asked.
"I have six chidren," said Cronos.
"How many of them did you eat?" I asked.
"Five all of the but Zeus." Cronos stated.
"Alright,and lastly where do you live?" I inquired.
"I was banished by Zeus so I live in Tartarus in the underworld."Cronos declared.
"Alright thats it. Thanks for talking to me!" I said with a goodbye.
He was gone then, back to the underworld.

dusty j p3 said...

me: hi do you have powers?
Aphrodite: Yes, I have a girdle which makes people fall in love.
me: What if your greatest feature?
Aphrodite: i im a eternally young woman with a beautiful body.
me:who did you marry?
Aphrodite: I married Helpaestus. Even though he was ugly, he truly loved me not just my beauty.
me: did u have any children?
aphrodite: yes his name is Eros. He is a Cupid-like figure.
me:what is ur weakneses?
Aphrodite: A bit stuck on myself, but with a perfect face and body, who can blame me?

Keaton said...

"Oh hi Bacchus well the speak of the devil im a lucky duck in social studies im going to be you and give a speach about you can you tell me some things about you?"

"Hello yes i can tell you about myself but call me by the name of Dionysus please"

"Sure Dionysus so i forgot what were you the god of?"

"Well I am the god of wine,agriculture,and fertility of nature."

"I just saying this out of nowhere but do you have a song?"

"Yes I do it's called dithyramb."

"Oh cool yeah I heard that your father is zeus is that true?"

"yes that is true."

"Oh yeah were you an olympian,a titan,or a monster child?"

"I was an olympian"

"thanks for telling me about your self bye"

ausin esser3 said...

me: hey arent you artemis? Artemis: yes i heard you have a speech about me on wednesday?
me: yes i do and i need to find some info about you could you tell me about your self?
Artemis: yes well what do you want to know i have eerything you want to know about me.
me: well who is you father and who is you mother?
my father is zues and my mother is Leto. do you have any more questions?
me: yes are you on zueses side or not?
Artemis yes zeus is very strong noo one will be able to ever deafeat him
me: bye
artemis:peace dog

KristaM.3 said...

I am walking up to Hera .... "Hey Hera!"
Hera:Hi there .....
Me:I have some questions about you because in S.S. I had to pic a person and i picked you !
Hera: O.. thats why you came up to me and started talking .
Me: Yep .. thats why.
Me: I have a couple of questions about you. Is that ok because I dont want to take up your time.
Hera: O.. no thats just fine.
Me: Thats great!!
Me:1.Are you the queen of anything or....
Hera: Yes infact I am the Queen of the Olympians because since Zeus is my husband I have part of the Olympians.
Me: Interesting ....
Me:2.Why do you hate Heracles so much?
Hera:I hate him because he is the son of my husband ,Zeus. I tried to send snakes to his crib when he was still an infant but it didnt work as I planned.
Me: O... I see.
Hera: Yes.
Me:Well I better get back to class , I also have to finish other things. I was VERY nice talking to you , have a nice day!
Hera: Thsnk you for talking to me , bye-bye.

tristonb3 said...

Hi, I'm Triston> What's your name?
I am Zeus.
What are you the god of?
I I'm the god of the sky.
What is your symbol?
It's the thunderbolt.
Are you very powerful?
Yes, I am thew supreme god. I am all-powerful.
How strong are you?
I'm vary strong.
Do you have any favret children?
Yes,my faveret child is Hercules.

Drew l3 said...

Hi Ares i am learning about you and can you tell me a little about you?
Ares:yes i can.

Drew:witch god are you?

Ares:I am the god of war my symbol is my all mighty spear, i am also decisive,determined and fearless.

Drew:sweet do u have any weakkesses?

Ares:yes i do sadly my weakensses is that i am impulsove bloodthirsty and raring for a fight regardless of the consequences.

Drew: ok and what is your basic story?

Ares:I had no wife and my main love is war.

Drew:ok thank you for your help i am going to going have a great speech now bye.


jacobC3 said...

Hi im jacob what are you?
Well im pegases a mythical winged hourse.
Wow where were you born?
I was made from the blood of madusas slivered head.
Eww how killed her?
What do you do?
My job is to cary zueses lightning bolts made from the cyclopses.
Who is your brother?

Pete S 3 said...

Pete:"Hi Persephone". Persephone:"Hi". Pete:"I'm doing a speech about you in social studies." Persephone: Cool do you need help because I could. Pete cool beans. So what is your symbol? Persephone: It is the pomegranate. Pete:Ok were you ever married? Persephone: Yes I was mariied to Hades and I ended up spending 1/3 of the year with my mom Demeter, my husband slash uncle Hades and then the rest with Zues.

dillon A. 3rd said...

Dillon: Hi Aphrodite Im doing a report on you for school, can you help me?

Aphrodite: sure I will help you with your report. What do you want to d know.

Dillon: How were you born?

Aphodite: Well, there are two differt storys about how I was born. The first is that I was the daughter of Zeus Dione.


Sommer West 3 said...

"Who are you?" I said.
"I am Promotheus," The man said
"Aren't you that one Greek god that people believe in? I asked
"Your are correct. I am one of the Titans and I am also the wisest Titan. said Promotheus, I am known as the protector of man."
Then I asked," Didn't you have a father? I thought every one had a father or mother."
"Yes,said Promotheus, I do have a father. His name is Iapetus."
"Did you have any special power? I said, All of the Titans had special powers didn't they?"
"My special power was I could foretell the future, said Promotheus, my name even means forethought."
"Did you have any brothers that were gods, I asked?
"One of my brothers was Zues. He was the ruler of all gods. I fought on his side against Cronus," siad Promotheus.

Braeden A. 3 said...

Me: Hey aren't you Hermes?

Hermes: Yes, I heard you are going to be me at your speech on Wednesday.

Me: Ya, but the thing is, I don't know much about you. So do you think you could tell me some important facts about you.

Hermes: Uh hu, I was the cleverest of the Olympian gods, and the messenger to all the other gods. I am the son of Zeus and Maia. I am the fastest of all gods. I wear winged sandals, a winged hat, and I carry a magic wand. I am the god of thieves and commerce. I am the guide for the dead to go to the underworld.

Elizabeth S.pd,3 said...

Elizabeth:Hi Cerberus i'm doing a speach about you can you tell me about yourself?

Cerberus:Well i'm the three headed dog with a dragon tail and I gard the underworld.

Elizabeth:How do you gard the underworld?

Cerberus:Well you let people come in and don't let them come out.

Elizabeth:Interesting who made you?

Cerberus:Well, i'm the last work of heracles.

Elizabeth:who is heracles

Cerberus: he is the god of the underwrold.

tyeschaefers said...

O hi Athenia
hi Tye
so Athenia what is your simbol
an owl
what did your sheld resembol
Medusa's head
thats kinda creepy did you have a mother
sadly no
what is your greatest strength
i am a good fighter in war

kayne period 4 said...


"Hi cyclops" I said.
"Hello puny earthling",The Cyclops said.
"Do you have any weapons?" I asked.
"Yes I have a spikey club I use to smash stuff", He replied.
"Why do you have one eye?", I asked.
"I don`t know", he said thoughtfully.
"maybe its to give sand a less acuracy to get in my eye",He said.
"why are you so big?"I asked.
"because I was born a monster child" He replied.
"what is a monster child?",I asked.
"A monster child is a person who was and will alaws be hated and ugly",he said sadfully.
"Ok we can stop the interveiw."

Willpd.4 said...

Will:Do you have any brothers Poseidon?
Poseidon: Yes, my brothers are Zeus and Hades.
Will:Who is your father?
Poseidon:My father is Cronus.
Will:Who did you marry?
Poseidon:I married Amphitrite.
Will:What weapon did you have?
Poseidon:I have a trident.
Will:What are you the god of?
Poseidon:I am the god of the sea.

Jordan D said...

hi im cerberus how are you.good i need you to anser a queston were you the three headed dog.? Yes i am is that all you wanted? No i need to know a few more things. k.
dont you have a dragon tail that guards the entranch to the underworld? Yes thats me if theres any thing elde you need to know just ask me. k i need to ask you another you let the dead enter but not come back out? Yes thats wat we do do you have a problem with that? no. K just checking. one more question. K wat is it. was fetching you the last labor of Heracles?

Carissa Helgeson Pd.4 said...

Me:Hey Atlas, hows it going?

Atlas: Hi its going prety good.

Me: I have a fwe questions for you if you don't mind?

Atlas: Sure what are they.

Me: Who was your father?

Atlas: My father is Iapetus.

Me: Oh thats cool. What happen to you and your brothers.

Atlas: Well,unlike my brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus, I fought with the other Titans supporting Cronus against Zeus.

Me:COOL! did you lead a battle?

Atlas:Cronus's advance age Atlas lead the Titan's in the battle.

Me:Then what happen?

Atlas: AS a reault he was singled out by zeuse for a special punishment and made to hold up the world on his back.

Me: Thats really cool.

Atlas:Ya, I better get going.

Me:Ok have a nice day.

Atlas:Thanks you to bye.


Robin V. pd 4. said...

Me: Hi Hera,hows it going?
Hera: It's good.
Me: I have a question, who were you maried to?
Hera: I am maried to Zuess.
Me: Oh, that is cool;Where were you born?
Hera:I was born in Samos,in a large sanctuary.
Me: Awesome, but why did you torture Herkules so much?
Hera: I did beacuse I didnt want a kid that wasnt my own to be the king of olympians when Zues died so i sent snakes to his crib to torture him.
Me: Thanks for the information, but who was the mother of Herkules, and how many other realationships did Zues have that you knew about?
Hera: Herkules's mother was a mortal woman named Alkmene, and he had many other girlfriends but I took terrible revenge on them all.
Me: Cool, but I have one more tiny question were you realated to Zues at all or did you just meet him and get maried?
Hera: I was realated to Zues, he was my brother, but I still loved him.
Me: Thankyou so much for your time Hera but sadly I have to go home so I will talk to you later,bye.

Unknown said...

A: "Hi Medusa how are you?"
M: " I am fine how are you?"
A: " Good do yo mind if I ask some questions?"
M: " Not at all what are your questions?
A: "Who are your parents?"
M: "My parents are Phorkys and Keto."
A: "Also how did you get snakes as hair and so ugly?"
M "Good question well I wanted to see the sun so I asked Athena but she said no and I got angry and said that she wouldent let me go because she was jelouus of my beauty than Athena got angry and turned me into an ugly person."
A: "Do you realy turn peoples eyes into stone?"
M: "Yes that was another part of the curse that Athena put on me."
A: "Well I have got to get going I enjoyed talking to you I hope we can do this again."
M: "Me to bye."
A: "bye."

levis p4 said...

hi there ares how are you. im mad nether of my parents like me. oh thats to bad who are your parents are zeus and hera. thats cool. no its not they hate me. oh yeah what are you tha god of. im the god of war. no way thats like totaly sweet. so how are you with the ladys well I had some afairs with aphrote.oh snap! did you get caught. yes I was publically ridiculed it was aweful. ok well last question what is your animal. my animal is the dog. alright then ares see ya. who and by the way me and hades(aka dante) ate gonna try and kill zeus, oh good luck with that.

Dante G. said...

Hi there Hades how are you.Nothin much sitting in my super huge pile of gold.Cool are you rich?Yes! I am the god of wealth? Amazing i got a question for you?Whats that?Are you the ruler of anything? yes im lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead.?Amazing heres another question dont you have a doglike pet? yes its a Cerberus.WOW i heard its a 3headed dog with an awsome nickname (Hell Hound)! yup anyother questions?yes i heard u have a helmet that makes you invisible? yupdue to the precious metals mined from the earth. He has a helmet that makes him invisable.Yup i do but i rarely leave the underworld.Thanx so much thats all i had to say.ok see ya.Oh have u found out that me an Aris (levi)were gonna team up to kill zuse .

McKenzie G PD 4 said...

Mckenzie and Aphrodite

Mckenzie: Hey Aphrodite! How are you doing?
Aphrodite: Hello I am doing very well thank you!
McKenzie: In class we have been talking about Greek mythology and I was wondering what you are the god of?
Aphrodite: I am the the god of love, desire, and beauty.
McKenzie: That's really cool! Did you have any kids?
Aphrodite: Yes, I have a son named Aros. He is the god of love but isn't an olympian god.
McKenzie: Do you have any famous stories?
Aphrodite: I do actually, there is one about the time when Paris, the prince of troy, was going to decide who was the most beautiful goddess was. It was between me, Hera, and Athena. All three of us bried him with different things. In the end, Paris chose me.
McKenzie: That is a really cool story! Well I better get going. It was nice meeting you!
Aphrodite: It was nice meeting you too!

Kirstyn P. pd.4 said...

K:"Hey aren't you Persephone?"
P:"Yes I am, why?"
K:"Do you have time to answer and questions?"
P:"Yes I do."
K:"My first question is are you a goddess of spring time?"
P:"Yes I am!"
K:"My second question is what is your symbol since you are a goddess?"
P:"My symbol is the sprouting seeds of springtime."
K:"Thats cool. Are you known for anything else?"
P:"I was also known as Kore, the Maiden."
K:"Oh, did you ever get married?"
P:"Yes, well he abducted me and I became his wife then I became the Queen of the underworld.
K:"Oh, that must have been scary but I have two more questions, who was your mom and dad and did you have any kids?"
P:"My parents are Zeus and Demeter, and I raised Aphrodite's only son, Adonis."
K:"Oh, well thanks for answering some questions."
P:"Your welcome and I hope we can talk some other time."
K:"Ya same here talk to you later bye."

Kasara P 4th prd said...

Kasara talks to Oceanus

Kasara: Hey Oceanus! How's a going?
Oceanus: It's going ok.
K: Thats good... Well I have been wondering... What are you the god of?
O:After the Olympians took over he became the god of oceans, rivers, and water.
K: Oh, did you ever get married?
O: Yes, Tethys was my wife. She was also my sister.
K: How many kids did you have?
O: We had Nymphs, 3000 rivers, and seas.
K: Wow! Where you against Zeus like the other titans?
O: No, I was the only one that was not in war with him.
K: Oh, and what did you look like?
O: I had bull-horns with a tale of a fish in place of my legs.
K:I see. What was you symbol?
O:My symbol is the ocean.
K: Well sorry I got to go. It was nice meeting you, bye!

Truan Litt PD 4 said...

Truan: Hi Chiron what were you known for?
Chiron: I was known for my exceptional goodness and wisdom.
Truan: That is so cool. Were their immortal centaur?
Chiron: I was the only immortal centaur.
Truan: Hey wasnt there a big fight between Heracles and the Centaurs?
Chiron: Yes but I did not take part in it.

Truan: Did you get hurt by Heracles?
Chiron: Yes I did.

angel navarrete said...

angel: AHHHHHH!!!!! UGLY! ohh sorry you scared me haha

Zeus: What are you talking about? Im hot=)

Zeus: im the god of lighning!

angel: Im an angel.
Angel: Whats Your wifes name?

zeus:um.. Why?

Angel: just wondering
zeus: My sister.
Angel: whos your sister?

Zeus: Hera. She hides such beauty behind a mask, for she has the most beautiful of eyes.

amy vardsveen 4 period said...

Me"could I ask you some questions?"
Demeter"Ask away!"
Me"ok,so what are you the godess of?"
Demeter"I am the godess of corn, grain,and the harvest."
me"ok,how many children do you have, and what are their names?"
Demeter"I have one dauther named Persphone."
Me"waht is you weekness?"
Demeter"My dauther is my weekness, and only and idiot would steal her from me, like Hades!"
Me"scarry I wouldn't want to be Hades!"
Demeter"no you wouldn't!"
Me back to the questions,who's the father of Persephone?"
Demeter"Zeus is the father."
Me"what are your symbols?"
Demeter"my symbols are an ear of wheat and the Horn of Plenty."
Me"ok,waht are your strengths?"
Demeter"well i control the fertility of the earth sense i am a goddess of Agriculture,and I give life after death the those who learn my mysteries."
Me"awsome well thats all i needed to know thanks bye"

Chase k said...

Hey hermes wasup.
So tell me about yourself.
Well,I am Zeus messenger,Zeus is also my father.
oh cool!
I am the fastest of all gods.
I like your sandals and your hat.ara those wings on them?
hey do you like boxing and do you play music
well I invented boxing and the musical scale . I also protect the olive trees and guide the dead to the underworld.
so nice to see you

Emily L 4 said...

I will be having my conversation with Rhea.
ME:So,Rhea are you a god,goddess, titan,or a monster child?
RHEA:I am a Titan.
ME:Do you have a husband,if so what does he do?
RHEA:My husband is a Titan named Cronus,he ate all of our children except Zeus, who I saved by giving Cronus a rock instead. Later on Zeus grew up and defeted his father and got his siblings back.
ME:Who are your children?
RHEA:Zeus god of all gods, Hades god of the underworld,Posiedon god of the sea, ME: I WILL CONTINUE THIS LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taylor Fjerestad pd.4 said...

Prometheus are you actully the wisest of the Titans?

Yes, I am.

That is pretty cool that you're the wisest of the Titans.

Are you are you Zues's Brother.

Yes, I am.

Did you die be a bird geting eaten alive.


Brayton E. said...

ME:"Hi pegisus."
PEGaSUS:"Hi what is your name?"
ME:"Brayton I would ask you your name but I know your name. So can I ask you a few queston?"
PEGASUS:"Sure what?"
ME:"Well like, how were you born?"
PEGASUS:"Well I was born a little different then the rest...I was born out of Mebusa's head that was cut off by Perseus.
ME:"Wow, you were wright, that is different!
PEGASUS:"I know.
ME:"So what else can you tell me about yourself?

Adriana P said...

Q:Hesita what were you the goddess of?
A:i was the godess of hearth,home and family.

Q:Hestia were you one of the twelve supereme gods on Moutnt Olympus.
A: Yes Adriana I was but I grew tired of the petty intrugues and wrangling that went on betwenn the Olympians.So i gave up my position to Dionysus, the god of wine.

Q:Hetsia what does your power hold?
A:Well, Adriana It holds continually-burining flame.

Q:Hestia who were your parents?
A: My dad was Cronus and my mom was Rhea.

Q:Hestia did you have any Brothers And sisters?
A: yes, siblings were Zues,Hades,Poseidon,Demeter,andHera

riley b p .4 said...

Hi heracles
Hi Riley

Riley why do youi get in trouble?
Hercles i had a bad temper.

who is your father zeus


who is your mother

a random girl off the street

how did you die
i got killed by dionoyus

JamesB. Pd.8 said...

Me:Hi, how are you Zeus?
Me:Why are you so excited?
Zeus:Because I just killed my father and im now the ruler of all the Olypian gods.
Me:Aren't you the god of the sky to?
Zeus:Yep I sure am.
Me:Do you use a weapon in war?
Zeus:I use the thunderbolt.
Me:Anything that you would like to share with me?
Zeus:Oh, Im married to Hera.
Me:Cool! So this is my last question.
Zeus: OK.
Me:What was your fathers name?
Me: Thank you and see you on Wednesday in S.S.

JamesB. Pd.8 said...

Me:Hi, how are you Zeus?
Me:Why are you so excited?
Zeus:Because I just killed my father and im now the ruler of all the Olypian gods.
Me:Aren't you the god of the sky to?
Zeus:Yep I sure am.
Me:Do you use a weapon in war?
Zeus:I use the thunderbolt.
Me:Anything that you would like to share with me?
Zeus:Oh, Im married to Hera.
Me:Cool! So this is my last question.
Zeus: OK.
Me:What was your fathers name?
Me: Thank you and see you on Wednesday in S.S.

Mady S. pd.8 said...

Me: Hey... is that who i think it is?..omg it is! its Rhea! hey rhea over here i know you but i dont know if you know me!...
Rhea:Ummmmm?... hi whats up?
Me: oh nothing much but i have to tell you something! Did you that you saved your son from being eatin by you husband!...he was Crazy! Im just surprised he didnt eat you!
Rhea: well i did know that becuase i gave baby zues to a bird that took him to and island to be rased there so he WOUNDNT be eatin!...Oh and yah i did take some of his blanket and wrapped a rock in it and what do you know that dumby fell for it!.
Me: WOW you were a great mother!
Rhea: Yah i guess i was but it was soooo gross to see my husband eat my kid!...
Me:The wierd thing is that you married your brother....thats something i wuld never do!
Rhea:Yah i was forced to do that ....he is something different for sure!
Me: well i got to go! So i guess i'll never see you agaian....Bye nice talking to you!
Rhea: Yah i guess i wont ever see you again so BYE!

austin h. pd. 8 said...

Me: Hi god whats your name?

Ares: Hi Austin I'm Ares.

Me: what are you the god of Ares?

Ares: I am the god of war Austin.

Me: Do you like being the god of war?

Ares: Yes I like to be the god of war.

Me:Are you a wimp Ares?

Ares: Yes,I am a big wimpy baby but, I am still the god of war

Me: Do you live on Mount ollimpus?

Ares: Yes I do.

Me: well, bye,Ares.

Kayla Tibke Pd.8 said...

Me: oh, hey athea.
Athena: Uh, do I know you?
Me:I don't you?
Athena: Maybe.
Me: Well your about to find out..I'm Kayla
Athena: Nice to meet you.
Me: yeah, so can i ask you some questions?
Athena: yes, you may.
Me. okay, uhm, What kind of goddess are you?
Athena: oh, yes I am a goddess of reason, intelligent activity, art, and literature.
Me: thats cool. Okay so...Who's daughter are you?
Athena: I am Daughter of Zeus.
Me: sweet. How did you become what you are today?
Athena: Actually it's quite interesting... so it seems that my father (Zeus) had a terrible headache and nobody would help so somebody came and cut open his forehead and out popped me in a full suit of armor!
Me:Wow! ...thats....weird!...anyways,
Did you use any weapons?
Athena: yes, i actually did. I was my fathers favorite child so he let me use his weapons .. even including his lightning bolt!
Me:wow ! i wish i had a lightning bolt so i could zap people if they were mean!
Me: yeah, so anyways again..What is your favorite city?
Athena: oh, that would be Athens
Me: Cool. Do you have any pets?
Athena: Oh, yes in fact i have an owl! Actualy it is also my symbol!
Me: that's cool.
Athena:Yes, quite so
Me: Well that is all i need. Thank you.
Athena: anytime.
Me:uh yeah
-*athena waves*-

Taylor T Pd.8 said...

Me:Hermes who was your father?
Hermes: My father was Zeus.
Me:Did you ever invent anything?
Hermes:Yes, actually I invented a lot of things including boxing,the musical scale, and weights and measurements and many more things.
Me: Wow thats a lot of inventions!
Me:Is it true that you are the fastest god?
Hermes: Yes actually I was the fastest god.
Me:Were you also the god of thieves?
Hermes: yes I was the god of thieves.
Me:Were you also the peson who was the one who guided people to the underworld?
Hermes:Yes I was that also.
Hermes: Sorry i gotta go now I have a message to run for Zeus see you later!

Alex J pd 8 said...

Me:Hello Aphrodite I am writing a speech on you so can i ask you some questions??
Aphrodite: sure what do you need to ask?
Me: well who are you married to?
Aphrodite: I am married to Hephaestus.
Me: thank you.. What is your apperance like?
Aphrodite: gorgeous, perfect, eternally young women with a beautiful body.
Me: Thank you.. Who were your parents??
Aphrodite: Zues and Dione.
Me: Thank you.. What are some of your weaknesses??
Aphrodite: a bit stuck on herself, but with a perfect face and a body, who can blame me.
Me: Thank you.. Where did you come from??
Aphrodite: I came from foam of the waves of the sea.
Me: Thank you that is all i need from you have nice day i will see you later!

Kennedy j. said...

Me: hello,who where you married to anyone?

Hephaetus:Her name was aphrodite.

Me:Oh.Did you guys have children?

Hephaetus:No, i had no children.

Me:Do you have a father?

Hephaetus:some say that I had no father and that my mom would just take care of me.

Me:oh, who are your parents?

Hephaerus:My mothers name is hera and my fathers name is zeus.

Me:ok,well thats all that I got for you today it was nice talking to you have a great day.

Hephaetus:You too.

Amber Thompson pd.8 said...

Me. Oh i'm sorry I ran in to you I in such a hurry today.

Artemis. " Thats okay I'm fine"

Me, " Hey I know you but I can't remember whats your name is"

Artemis. "Well my name is Artemis".

Me. " I know who you, are you a godness".

Artemis." Yes i'm a goddnes and I love being one".

Me. "what were you the goddnes of"?

Artemis. " I'm the goddnes of hunting,moon, and beauty and the evironment".

Me. cool, Who was your dad"?

Artemis. " My father is Zeus and I had a twin Brother named Apollo, and my mother name is Leto

Me. " Is anything scared of you and why?"

Artemis." Yes all wild animals are scared of me, especially the deer they run every time I just walk by them".

Me, "Wow thankyou for telling me about your life, well I have to go now, Bye Artemis

Artemis.' Bye have a good day

Eric hanson prd. 9 said...

Hi, I'm Eric, And here is my weird story.
One day i was walking to my freind's house. His name is Cole. As i got to the middle of Lakota Ave., and there was a weird figure, It was wearing only a part skirt thing in the middle of winter. and there was a fire behind her. And she had cooking utensils with her. Then I started to realize, thats the god im having about on wed, Hestia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And she doesnt even excist!!!!!!
so i though this was my perfect chance to get some information about hestia. I started the conversation by saing "Hi Hestia!"
And then she said "Hi young child named eric, aka music master"
I thought, She knows my name, and my ability to play music, AWSOME!
"could i ask a couple questions about you, i have a speach about you"
"so, i hear your a good cook, what do you like to cook?"
"Well, Eric, My favirute thing to cook was bread, i am the best cook!"
"Thats cool! What is the sacred fire, i here your the god of the sacred fire."
" It was known as the holy fire"
"what was your job"
"I was to cook food for my family like zues"
"Thank you very mutch, i hope to see you again,this info will be very helpfull for my speach, thank you"

Alexis W. 8th period said...

Me: Hey, Medusa how've you been
Medusa: Good
Me: That's good. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about you?
Medusa: sure go ahead ask me anythimg about me!
Me: Ok who were your parents?
Medusa: My parents were Phorkys and Keto.
Me: Who were they?
Medusa: they were the children of Gaia(Earth) and Okeanos(Ocean). Me: Oh. Did u have any brothers or sisters?
Medusa: Yes. their names are Sthenno and Euryale.
Me: cool are there any other interesting things about yourself?
Medusa: I wanted to visit the sun. So i asked goddess Athena for permission to visit the South. But Athena refused to let me go. So i got all mad and i told her she wasnt letting me go because she was jealous of how beautiful i was, so she got mas and set a spell on me that made my hair turn to snakes and so ugly that if anyone looked in my eyes their eyes would turn to stone.
Me: wow thats a cool story, well i guess not for you though.well thats all the time we have so thanks for talking to me.
Medusa:oh your welcome and remember dont look me in the eyes.
Me: Ok well i hoped u enjoyed me talking to Medusa!!!!!

Hannah P period 8 said...

Me:Hello my name is Hannah I am so glad that you are here Hyperion. I have to do a speech about you in a week. So do you mind if I ask you some questions?

Hyperion:Of course it is.

Me:Great thanks it is a great honor! Ok to start what are you the god of?

Hyperion:I am the god of light.

Me:Nice, who is your father and mother?

Hyperion:They are Uranus and Gaia.

Me:Ok do you have a child?

Hyperion:Yes, I have three Helios the sun, Selene the moon, and Eos the dawn.

Me:Interesting so I heard that sometimes the sun is used with your name itself, is that true and do you know?

Hyperion:Yes, it is true it, sort of makes me glad.

Me:Wow thats would be nice to think you are that popular. Ok that is all I have for you, and thank you so much it was a great honor as I said before bye!

Anonymous said...

Me: Oh sorry I didn't mean to, wait your Posidon.
Poseidon: I am so you've noticed.
Me: I am doing a report on you. Tell me about your self.
Me: What God are you?
Poseidon: Well I am the God of Sea and the protector of all waters.
Me: Oh I didn't know that.
Me: So whats your weapon?
Poseidon: My weapon is a tiident, wich can shake the Earth, and shatter any object.
Me: Oh my gosh! Thats amazing.
Poseidon: Yah it is.
Me: what place are you in for the God or Godesses rankings?
Poseidon: I am only second to Zeus in power amongst the Gods.
Me: This is some good information about your self.
Me: Was there a Godesses that you liked or still like?
Poseidon: Yes, the most beautiful Godesses that I like is Demeter.
Me: Was there a way that you tried to impress her?
Poseidon: I tried to impress her by making her the most beautiful animal on Earth.
Me: What animal is that?
Poseidon: That animal is the horse. Not only a horse but the very FIRST horse on Earth.
Me: Wow that wsa an amazing inteview thank you so much!
Poseidon your welcome.

Antonio E 8 said...

Tony: I will never get this done. I have to get 5 facts about apollo in 1 hour!
Tony: HUHHHHH :(
Tony: uu
Apollo: what are you doing in the halls.
Tony: u u um um mum mum.
Apollo: what is that in your hand.
Tony: UM umu umumu umumu. O what!
Apollo: I said, what is in your hand.
Tony: o i have to ask you 5 Q, iguess it's my lucky day. You don,t mind do you.
Apollo: of course not shall you begain.
Tony: ok #1

braydenbuller said...

Me:Hey Oceanus.
Oceanus:Who are you?
Me:I was just wondering who was your dad?
Oceanus:My dad is Uranus.
Me:next question,What are you like?
Oceanus:Well i can float on water.
Me:Sweet I wish Icould do that to get out Of the House at night that way I would'nt be so loud.
Oceanus:Your funny.
Me:How many kids did you have?
Oceanus:I had four kids.
Me:WOW I would'nt ever have that many.

madisonpd8 said...

"Hi my name is Madison what is yours".

"I am Pegasus".

"What are you"?

"I am a wing horse".

Paige M.8pd said...

Me:Hey how are you doing,Hades?


Me:oh ok.....Do you have reletives?

Hades:Yes here are just a few..My mom is Reah and my dad is Chronos.My brother is Zeus and Poesidon. That is just a few.

Me: I see. Where do you come from?

Hades: Do you not know me???I am Hades the Greek god of wealth,I am also the underlord,ruling over the dead.

Me:Okay,are you nice or...what.

Hades: i am terrible.I am very greedy.

Me: oh,do you have anything special.

Hades: i will have you know, i have a special helmet that makes me dissapear.

Me: ok,are you married?

Hades: Yes to the lovley,Persephone.But i aubducted her.

Me:i see.Do you ever talk to anyone eles?

Hades: no i don't even leave the underworld.I don't let my subjects out either.I only welcome Erinnyes.

Me: ok.thanks bye.


Sabrina S. pd.8 said...

ME:Hey, Prometheus, what does your name mean?
HIM: My name means "forethought".
ME:So, you're smart?
HIM:Yes,actually I am called the wisest Titan.
ME:Do you have any other nicknames?
HIM:Yes, I am also called the protector and benifactor of mankind.
ME:Why were you called that?
HIM:I am called that because I gave mankind a lot of gifts including fire and animals.
ME:Did you save any of the animals because I know they were eaten back then as well as now.
HIM:I couldn't save them from being eaten, but I did trick Zues into allowing mankind to keep the best part of animals and the gods would get the worst part of them.
ME:Ok, I know what Zues did to Atlas after he tried to overpower him.So, what was your punishment?
HIM:My punishment was, I got tied to a rock with an eagle tearing at my liver.
ME:That must have hurt.
HIM:Yes it did until Hercules eventually rescued me. Thank goodness for that too, other wise I would have had to agree to disclose to Zues.

Grace G. said...

Me: Hello who are you?

Hera: Hi my name is Hera I am a greek goddess.

Me: Awesome are you married and if so to who?

Hera: Yes i am married and to Zeus the top god.

Me: So what do you look like?

Hera: Well I'm known to be a very young beautiful woman, said to be the most beautiful of all goddesses, even beating out Aphrodite.

Me: Well you must be very pretty then. What is you weakness?

Hera: My husband because he is not very faithful.

Emily Rief pd.8 said...

ME: Hey, dionysus what a coinsisdence to see you here! Do you mind answering a few questions for social studies?
Dionysus: sure wadya' got?
ME: Well what type of god are you?
Dionysus: I'm the god of fertility and wine.
ME: cool. now who's your father?
Dionysus: I am the son of Zeus.
ME: I heard you got caught by pirates, tell me how you escaped.
Dionysus: They tried sailing away but I made it so vines held their ship. So they jumped overboard but I turned them into dolfins.
ME: Ok I've also heard you got insualted by a King . So you kept him in a cave but then Zeus killed him because he didn't like that. Who was that King?
Dionysus: Well you've heard right the king was Lycurgus.

Emily Rief pd.8 said...

ME: Hey, dionysus what a coinsisdence to see you here! Do you mind answering a few questions for social studies?
Dionysus: sure wadya' got?
ME: Well what type of god are you?
Dionysus: I'm the god of fertility and wine.
ME: cool. now who's your father?
Dionysus: I am the son of Zeus.
ME: I heard you got caught by pirates, tell me how you escaped.
Dionysus: They tried sailing away but I made it so vines held their ship. So they jumped overboard but I turned them into dolfins.
ME: Ok I've also heard you got insualted by a King . So you kept him in a cave but then Zeus killed him because he didn't like that. Who was that King?
Dionysus: Well you've heard right the king was Lycurgus.

Jason V.16 said...

Me: Aww man, I've gotta do a speech but I can't find any information!

Demeter: Hi. I heard you about your problem. I can help you for a little bit.

Me: Wow, covienent. So What god are you?

D: I'm the god of agriculture

Jared R. pd. 8 said...

ME:Hi Persephone.


ME:Who are your parents?

PERSEPHONE:My parents are Zeus and Demeter.

ME:What are you the goddess of?

PERSEPHONE:I'm the goddess of springtime.

ME:Did you marry a god?

PERSEPHONE:I was captured by Hades, and he made me his wife.

ME:How did your parents feel about that?

PERSEPHONE:My mother, Demeter, set a curse on the land until I was released.

ME:Were you released from Hades?

PERSEPHONE:Zeus made a deal i spend some time with Hades and some time with Demeter.

Jake Hupke PD.8 said...

Me:What the heck is that?
Centaur:Sorry, I am Centaur.
Me:Ok, but what are you doing here?
Centaur:I am an old monster child!I have lived here longer than anyone can count.
Me:ok,I am still confused why are you here?
Centaur:I am here because my father and brothers bring pain to the world.
Centaur:Hello, I am a monster I was born crazy and wild I am known lustfulness and drunkeness.
Me:but why? again I just sayed why are you evil and mad and who are you mad at?
Centaur:Me and my family are mad at Zeus and his family I am mad that they are great gods!
Me:So why do you have to bring pain to the world?
Centaur:Its my job i wish i could just be normal everyone has a dream but it cant jsut come true like that you have to fight for it and if you dont then you wont get what you want!
Me:OK! the for the last time I still dont get why you are mad at other good gods like Zeus?
Centaur:We just dont get along!
Me:Ok,know I get it!
and the centaur galuped away.

Seth Meyers 9 said...

me: whats your name?
ares: my name is ares.
Me: what arre you the god of?
Ares: I'm the god of war.
Me: where do you live?
Ares: I live on Mount Olympus.
Me: Who are your parents?
Ares: Zeus and Hera are my parents.
Me:Whats your symbol?
Ares: the spear!

madison mogck 9th period said...

Medusa - Mwahahahahaha........ i warned you once..... do i have to do it again.....
Madison - No.... i just wanted to know some things about you.....
Medusa - o i thought you were that lady from the library telling me i had to turn in my book.........
Madison - Ok?????
Medusa - umm anyways what do you want to know????
Medusa - yeah i know i was coursed..... would you like to know my story??
Madison - sure but dont get too close that one looks like it is going to bite me...
Medusa - hahahahaha.... he will only bite if you are that lady from the library.......ok now madison my story goes like this......once upon a time i lived happily ever after in the north.... but there was no sun and really wanted to see it. so i asked goddes athena if i could and she said NO!!! i was sosososososo mad so i started txting my girlfriends and i said omg omg omg goddess athena wont let me see the sun!!! and they said omg omg omg wow what NOT a goddes...... and i was like yeah i know i know....
Madison - yeah yeah get on with it!!
Medusa - o anyways... so goddes athena heard about it and she cursed me forever......
Madison - good story bye

Makayla Peterson pd. 9 said...

Me: hey Hermes.Can I ask you some questions?
Hermes: Sure!
Me: Who are you the son of?
Hermes: I am the son of Zeus and Maia.
Me: Say are you the fastest of the gods?
Hermes: Why yes I am!
Me: Oh thats really cool!What did you where?
Hermes: I wore winged sandals, a winged hat, and I carry a magic wond.
Me: Oh thats interesting. What are you the god of?
Hermes: I am the god of thieves and commerce.
Me: cool. Who are you the guide of?
Hermes: I am the god for the dead to go to the underworld.
Me: Oh cool and it was really interesting talking to you. Bye Hermes!
Hermes:Bye Makayla!

Kelli Hoeke pd.9 said...

Me: "Hey Rhea ,can I ask you some questions for a class assignment."
Rhea: "Sure."
Me: "Alright, Do you have any children?"
Rhea: "Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus.
Me: " Interesting. Do you have a symbol?"
Rhea: "Yes, in fact I do it may be shown holding a wrapped stone, or seated in a throne on in a chariot and lions may be in attendance with me."
Me: "Cool. Do you have parents?
Rhea: "Yes.Their names are Gaia and Ouranos."
Me: Great! Do you have any weaknesses?"
Rhea: "Yes I do it was when Cronus was eating my children for far too long."
Me: "Disterbing but ok. What is your appearance?"
Rhea: " I'm a beautiful, motherly woman."
Me: "O.K. Were you married?"
Rhea: " Yes to a man named Cronus."
Me: " interesting. Well, That's all I have to ask you BYE!!"
Rhea: "BYE!!"

austinpulsepd9 said...

hi austin pulse my name is centaur.
o hello centaur are you like half man half horse?
yes i am thank you for noticing man.
next question please how many kids do you have?
i have 250 boys one named randy. I'm known for lustfulness.
o that is alot of kids
what do you do in a average day?
i help zeus and get drunk and chase women all day amd night
o that is straigh
how do you know chiron?
o he is my brother.
he is very wise like me.
what makes him so special?
he was a powerful god. He tutored

CortneyB. 9th P.D. said...

Me:Hey Cerberus!
C: Hey!
Me: Tell me a little bit about your self?
C: I am a 3 headed dog.
C: Yep
Me;That is a weird tail you have.
C: yep it is it is a dragon tail.
Me; wow
Me;What is your symbol?
me; Who were your parents?
c;Father Heaven and mother earth
me;Are you a monster child.
C:yes i am, i aloud the dead in but not out..
Me;Wow well better let you go talk to you later Cerberus!!!!
C; yep bye

Bailey Durfee pd. 9 said...

me- oh hey demeter
Demeter- um..hey do i know you from somewhere you look very familiar
me-ya remember we met at the one place
Demeter- oh ya now i remember
me- so would you mind if i asked you a few questions
Demeter- not at all go ahead.
me- what where you the goddess of.
demeter- well i was the goddes of harvesting, grain, and agriculter. many farmers would try to please me so that i would give them a good farming season.
me- and did you often?
demeter- yes. infact i was known to the most generious of the olympian gods/ goddesses. i also controlled the seasons.
me- well thanks for answering my questions
demeter- yup, i will talk to you next time.

Kyle H. said...

Me: Hello Apollo.
Apollo: Well hello.
Me: Can I ask you a few quistions.
Apollo: Why yes you can.
Me: Who do you desend from.
Apollo: Well my mother and father where Zeus and Leto. Also I have a twin sister named Artemis.
Me: Thats cool..... What are you the god of.
Apollo: I am the god of music, healing,light, and I can not tell a lie.
Me: That stinks that you cant lie! What do you do in a day.
Apollo: I hook up my chariot to for horses and I drive my the sun acrost the sky.
Me: Wow, thats amazing.

Katie W. pd9 said...

Me: Hi, Prometheus, my name is Katie
P: nice to meet you
Me: so do you mind if i ask a few questions
P: ask away
Me: so, i hear that you were the smartest of the titans....
Me: and when the battle came around you switched sides...
P: yes
Me: to join the gods...
P: are you going to ask any questions?
Me: oh all right, so if you were the smartest of the titans why did you join the opposite side?
P: well, it was obvious who was going to win; Kronos against Zeus
Me: so after Zeus won what did you decide to do?
P: i was appointed the tedious task of assisting human kind, and therefore I helped you by tricking Zeus and giving you one of the most important tools; fire
Me: yeah, I heard you had some serious consequeces
P: well, Zues, who gets mad anytime he doesn't get his way, decided my punishment would be for me to be chained to a rock and have an eagle eat my liver
Me: wow, Zues must have been pretty mad
P: of course he was
Me:how did you free yourself
P: actually, since i was chained to the rock i couldn't free myself so Perseus came along and saved me
Me: thanks for your time
Prometheus: see you again later

zack b. said...

me: whats up cyclops dude?
cyclops: um... nothing.
me: can i ask you a few puestions?
cyclops: um... sure.
me: so what are you known for?
cyclops: um... we are one eyed monsters um...
me: what else?
cyclops: the most famous cyclops is a guy i think you have heard of Polyphemus.

Ande M Pd9 said...

Me:Are you Hera?
Hera: Of corse I am!
Me:Can I ask you a few questions?
Me: So who are you anyway?
Hera: I am the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
Me:Wow that's impressive, did you do anything else?
Hela: Well, I'm Zeus's wife and that makes me the queen of the Olympians.
Me:Impressive. Who are your parents and siblings?
Hela:My parents are Cronos and Rhea, and my siblings are Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Hades, and Pesidan.

Calvin C. pd 9 said...



Me:You look familiar do I know you?

Hades:Probly my name is Hades what is yours.

Me:OMG!!!! I AM TALKING TO A GOD!!!! and I am Calvin, what are you the god of?

Hades:I am the god of The Underworld.

Me:Cool are you in a realationship?

Hades:Yes, I am married to Demeter the godess of agriculture.

Me: Who is your father?

Hades:Kronos..... but he ate me when I was born. ):

Me:That sucks....I hear you rarely leave the underworld. Is that true?


Me:Oh. So you are one of the big 3 right?

Hades:Yes well i gotta go bye.

Me: bye.

Tyler Hintz pd. 9 said...

Me:Hello, Hercules.
Hercules:Well if it isnt Tyler Hintz?
Me:How do you know me?
Hercules:People talk about all the time on Mt.Olympus!
Me:And why it that?
Hercules:Because people say your have really nice and soft hair.
Hercules:Yeah and as I can see its true.

tate watson:) said...

Me:hi everyone and my name is Tate oh look who's here its Zeus hey how are you doing?

Zeus:Im doing great.

Me:so I hear that your the GOD of lightning?

Zeus: Yep thats right and I have a pal that brings them to me.

Me: hermes.

Zeus: No

M:oooooh its the pegeses.

Zeus: yekp thats right.

Me:Whats your simbol?

Zeus: its the lightning bolt.

Me:Oh thats cool.

Zeus:yep well do you have More qeustions?

Me: well I think thats it.

Zeus:ok cool I better get back to mount olimpus.

Me:evey give him a hand Adiance: applese.

Sheila Coyle 9th pd. :0 said...

Me: Hello, my name is Sheila.

Aphrodite: Hello.

Me: May I ask you some questions?

Aphrodite: Sure whats your first question?

Me: OK are you a goddess or a monster?

Aphrodite: I am a goddess.

Me: What are you the goddess of?

Aphrodite: I am the goddess of love and beauty.

Me: WOW!!!! Do you like being a goddess?

Aphrodite: Yes sometimes.

Me: Did you ever think of yourself as nice?

Aphrodite: Yes.

Me: Where Do you like better here or Greece?

Aphrodite: Here definetly!!

Me: I gotta go!

Both: OK BYE!!!!!!!!! :)

Alana Callahan 9th pd said...

Me: Hey, aren't you Hestia?
Hestia: Yes. I am; and you are?
Me: My name is Alana. Could I ask you a few questions? I'm giving a speach in school about you.
Hestia: That would be interesting. Yes, you may. What would you like to ask first?
Me: Well, weren't you one of the children of Rhea eaten by Cronos?
Hestia: Yes. It was quite odd growing up inside my own father.
Me: Yeah; it must have been! OK. So, what are you the goddess of?
Hestia: I am the goddess of the hearth; or rather the fire burning in it some say.
Me: OK. Interesting. Do you have a symbol? If you do, what is it?
Hestia: Yes, I do. It is a heart with a tamed fire burning in it.
Me: Wow, that would be a cool site to see! Are you really a virgon forever?
Hestia: Yes, I am.
Me: OK. Final question. Are you able to maintain being a virgon?
Hestia: Yes, so far.
Me: OK Thank you!
Hestia: Thank you for the survey.
Me: Bye.
Hestia: Goodbye.

Lexie G 9th pd said...

Lexie- " Hi Athena"
Athena- " Do I know you"
Lexie- " No i don't think so "
Athena- " Oh ok so what would you like to know "
Lexie- " I just wanted to know some stuff about you"
Athena- " Ok so lets get started well first I was born from my fathers forhead fully grown"
Lexie- " Ya keep going"
Athena- " My symbol is the owl, signifying watchfulness and wisdom; the aegis is the small sheild showing the snaky head of Medusa"
Lexie- " Cool anything else"
Athena- " My strengths are rational, intelligent, a powerful defender in war but also a potent peacemaker
Lexie- " Keep going
Athena- " My weaknesses are reason rules me; i am not usually emotional or compassionate but I do have my favorites, such as the beleaguered hero Odysseus"
Lexie- " Anymore"
Athena- " I also left out some other stuff like my Roman name is Minerva"

justyna eberle said...

me, hello hyperion my name is justyna may i ask you some quetions?

hyperion, yes you may ask me questions i would like that!

me, ok well 1. who are u the fatheter of?

hyperion, well im the father of the sun, the moon and th dawn.

me, thats really kewl and 2.who are you the sun of?

hyperion, i am the sun of gaeA.

me, that kewl ok now #3. who are u married to?

hyperion, i am married to my sister Theia.

me, oh i see. umm ok going on to #4 do you have any kids?

hyperion, yes actualy i have three.

me, kewl what are there names?

hyperion, well one is helius,(the sun),selene,(the moon(),and the last one is Eos (th dawn)

me, that must be really kewl.. ok and my last quetion is are you a titin?

hyperion, yes, yes i am actualy i am the titain of LIGHT!!!!

me, thats awsome. umm well unfortaly it is time to go so it was really nice talking to you im sorry i have to go, good bye.

hyperion.. well it was nice talking to you too., good bye

Truan Litt PD4 said...

Truan: Who were you the son of?
Chiron: My father is the titan Kronos.
Truan: ok see you later.

Ande M Pd9 said...

Me:You married your own brother?
Hera:Yes it wasn't so weird back then.
Me: Did you have a symbol or anything like that?
Hera:Yes, my symbol is the peacock.
Me: I heard you are good with magic.
Hera: Yes I can change my form. I turn into a bird alot of times.
Me: Thanks for your time.

morganR pd8 said...

Hi my name is Morgan whats your name?
Im Cronus father of the Gods.

who are your parents Cronus?

Well my mother name is Gaea and my father name is Uranus?

Who your children Cronus?

my children are Zens Hera Poseidon Hades Hestia Demeter Chiron Kouretes.

who is your wife?

My wife is Rhea.

Where did you live?

I live on earth.

What is your symbol?

It is sickle.

Why did you eat your children?

I didnt want my kids to get stonger.

madisonwojopd8 said...

Pegasus:I'am a wing horse.
Madison:That cool!
pegasus:I Know I fly through the night.
Madison:What are you doing?
Pegasus:I'am fling.
Madison:That is cool I wish that I could do that.
Pegasus:I know all my friends wish they could do this.
Madison: nice talking to you.

Elise Oren pd.9 said...

ME: Hi Dionysus!
D: Umm...... hi have we met before???
ME: Oh sorry I forgot to intoduce myself. My name is Elise.
D: Hello Elise.
ME:I have a few questions for you because I have to give a speech on you for Social Studies.
D: Oh okay what questions do you have???
ME: Who are your parents?
D: My father is Zeus. My mother is Semele.
ME: Is it true you are the only god to have a mortal mother?
D: Yes, that is true.
ME: Did you ever have to save your mother?
D: Yes I had to save her from the underworld.
ME: Did you ever have any special powers?
D: Yes I granted King Midas the power to turn whatever he wanted to gold with a touch of his finger.
ME: Was Zeus still with Hera when he was with your mother?
D: Yes, acctually Hera killed my mother so my father had to stich me to his thigh until I was ready to be born.
ME: GROSS!!!! Did Hera ever try to kill you?
D: Tried and, succeded. You see Hera arranged for the titans to kill me. They ripped me to sreads.
ME: But your still alive.
D: You didn't let me finish. GOSH! ME: Sorry, sorry, please continue.
D: Thank you. Luckily Rhea was kind enough to bring me back to life.
ME: So maybe it's time to ask, what are you the god of?
D: Well I'm the god of wine.
ME: Okay cool. So what's your symbol?
D: My symobl is usally a grape vine or a wine bottle.....
D: That's my father I best get going before he gets angry.
ME: He's not angry right now?
D: Oh No when he's angry he'll send you to the underworld for a millenia.
ME: Oh well ok bye Dionysus!!!!
D: Bye.....
D: I'M COMING DAD!!!!! shesh.....
Zeus: I HEARD THAT!!!!
ME: Bye Dionysus see ya later!!!!
D: See ya!!!!
(Dionysus walk up clouds shaped like stairs up to Mt. Olypus.)

taylor p.8 said...

"Hey Heracles how are ya?"

"I'm good how are you?"

"Well i'm good now becuse I have to do a speech about you!"

"Oh that is awsome. So do you want to interveiw me?"

"Yes so who was your dad?"

"My dad was Zeus."

"Ok umm how strong are you?"

"Very very strong you know I was stronger then many gods"

"Was it ture that you were the last mortal son of Zeus?"


"And what was your symbol?"

"Oh a wooden club"

"Awsome thats all I need thanks for your time"

"Any time"

Braeden A. said...

I invented the lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy, weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics, and the care of olive trees.

Me: Wow! All of that stuff is amazing.

Hermes: I know.

Tate 9th pd :D said...

Me:hello my name is Tate
Me:may I ask you some questions
Zeus:sure ask how many you want
Me:whats your symbol?
Zeus:its the lighting bolt
Me:WOW thats really cool
Zeus:I know
Me:my 2 questions is are you the god of lightning?
Zeus:yes and its my power too
Me:whats your dads name?
Me:oh dident he eat your brothers an sisters?
Zeus:yes actrully he did but I saved them.
Zeus:I had give my dad some poisin
Me:are you a monster or a God?
Zeus:Im a god baby.
Me:what are you the god of?
Zeus:Im the god of all gods
Me:were do you like better here or on mt. Olimpus?
Zeus:defenetly here its so cool
Me:did you like your father
Zeus:no he's the worst
Me:well I gess I have to wrap things up
Zeus:alrety then
Both:bye see ya.

Elizabeth S. pd.3 said...

Elizabeth:Cool, In greek mythology i know there are Titan children,monster children,and the olympianswitch catogory do fit into?

Cerberus:i fit into the monster children catogory.

Elizabeth last question, who do tou listen to?

Cerberus:I only lisen to Hedes or his wife Persepone.

Elizabeth: Thanks for helping me.

Cerberus: Happy to help.

Dawson K 9 said...

me hey dude..wo is that you Hephaestus.
Hephaestus yes..i am Hephaestus who are you?
me i am dawson and i am doing a report on you may i ask you some questions?
Hephaestus go ahead.
me what kind of god are you?
Hephaestus i am anolympian god.
me cool wat are you the god of?
Hephaestus i am the god of fireand forge.
me AWSOME how are you special?
Hephaestus i am special because i limp because i am the only god who is physically ugly and lame.
me oo. who are your parents?
Hephaestus my parents are zues and hera but people sometimes just say hera.
me that is cool1 more question..who is your wife?
Hephaestus my wife is the most beautiful goddess...her name is Aphrodite and her roman name is vulcan.
me thanksfor helping me out!
Hephaestus no problem!it was fun!

Pere 3 S said...

continued:Pete:Do you have any names you're known by? Persephone:Yes people called me Kore, the maiden and the maiden of the beautiful ankles. Pete: weird but ok, thanks for the iformation. Persephone:No problem.

Logan Bruce said...

Hi cerberus.
How are you.
Tell us about you.
Im a three headed dog with a dragon tail.I gaurd the path to the under world alllowin the dead to pass but never leave. Feathing me was onl of the last of the 11 labors of Hercules. I was Hades watch dog. I have venmeois saliva. I was known as the demon of the pit and another name i cant say. Some of the gods were afraid of me.

Hannah Paauw said...

Me:o my gosh is it really you are you Pegasus?
P:do you know any other winged horses
Me:This is so cool guese what?
Me:I have to do a speech on you
P:that is cool do you need to know anything?
Me:Yea that would be awesome
P:before you say anything I only have time for five questins if you go quick
Me:thats okay my first qustin is who are your parents?
P:My parents are Posiden and Mudusa
M:Speeking of that did you have a special way of being born?
P:yes when Mudusa's head was cut off I sprang from the blood of her pregnant body
Me:thats interesting so did you have any siblings?
P:I did his name was Chrysaor but he wasn't a horse he was a giant and he was born moments after me
Me:wow i'v never heard of him well do you have any strenths?
P:yea I can fly
Me:well do you have any weaknesses?
P:yes my weakness is I can be captured and ridden?
Me:do you have any symbols?
P:yes my wings are my symbols oh its getting late i have to go I hope I helped
Me:you helped a lot hope to see you later bye

gianapardee 9th pd. said...

GIana:"Hi Persephone"
Persephone:"Hi Giana how are you"
Giana:"good, can i ask you some questions"
Persephone:"yes you can, what are the questions"
Giana:"well the first one is do you have a father?"
Persephone:" yes my fathers name is Zeus"
Giana:"oh i have heard of him before.....did you ever get married to any body?"
Persephone:"yes, i got married to hades"
Giana:"oh are you the queen of any thing"
Persephone:"yes i am the queen of the underworld for six monthes of each year"Giana:" you have a symbol"
Persephone:"yes i symbolize the sprouting seeds of spring time"
Giana:" you have any kids"
Persephone:"no but i raised Aphrodite's chiled Adonis"
Giana:"well thats all the time i have because i have to go have supper with my famile see you later bey"
Persephone:"bey see you later"

collin.h8p.d said...

Collin:" Hi, I am Collin. Who are you?"

Atlas: " I am Atlas"

Collin: " So Atlas, what do you have to do with Greek mythology?"

Atlas: " I supported Cronus in his war against Zeus."

Collin: "oh thats cool"

Atlas: " But I was punished because I lost and I have to hold the world on my back ."

Collin: "That's awful who are your brothers?"

Atlas: "Prometheus and Epimetheus."

Collin:" We;; it was nice to meet you bye."

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just came across your site and I think it is much better than my teachers' blogs. LOL! I am a sixth grade student in Kuwait and noticed we are studying approximately the same things as you at the same time. We didn't do some things yet, because in February, we had to study Kuwait (Ministry of Education requierment). Post Script: I am a boy!!

Moira ML pd9 said...

Me-"Hi Artemis"
Artemis- "Do I know you"?
me- "No I don't think so"
Artemis- " Then how do you know me?"
Me- "I have to do a speech on you and I just wanted to ask you some questions."
Artemis-" K now who are you again"
Me- "Oh ya sorry I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Moira.
Artemis Hi Moira; k now what would you like to ask me"
Me-"Who is your mom and dad?"
Artemis-"My mom is Leto And my dad is Zeus"
me- " K next question What are you the goddess of?"
Artemis-" I am the Goddess of hunting, archery, childbirth, and wildlife."
Me-"Cool So what other siblings do you have?"
Artemis-" I have one twin brother; his name is Apollo we are known as the light twins."
Me-"Where were you born?"
Artemis-"I was born on the island of Delos"
Me-"Cool K now last question What are some of your symbols?"
Artemis-"My bow and My hounds are my symbols"
Me-" Thanx see you later"
Artemis-" Yup See you later"

Conner Rowbotham said...

Conner: Hi Hyperion
Hyperion:hey Conner
Conner: how do you know my name?
Hyperion:People talk about you a lot.
Conner:Cool. Who talks about me.
Hyperion:mostly Hercules
Conner:Sweet. so what do you do.
Hyperion:Well im known to be the power of light. He who goes before the sun is what they call me.

Conner:cool. You married?


Conner: Cool. to who?

Hyperion: my sister Tia.

Conner:sweet. you in any sports.

Hyperion: We dont do sports up here but I heard of them though. Are you?

Conner: Ya wrestling, football, golf, and im joining cross country.


Conner:ya. Sorry, Ive got to go. see ya.

Hyperion:See ya. Nice talking to you.

conner:you too.

Isaiah B pd9 said...

me:why are you here arnt you supposed to be holding up the earth!

Atlas: I got releved yesterday

Me Why did you have to hold up the earth?

Atlas I led the titans against Zues

me do you have a symbol?

Atlas No i'm not important enough

Me see you

Atlas later

madisonwpd8 said...

1.Jupiter was the god of sky.
2.Juno was jupiter wife
3.Remus and Romulus were brothers.
4.The very early Roman wore toga.
5.Gladiators fought in a Colosseum.

Aaron B. ;^) said...

Me: Hey, Hercules. How have you been doing? Can you help me with my speech?

Hercules: I'm fine.

Me: So, what are you famous for in Greece?

Hercules: I'm very strong!!!!!!!!!!

Me: OK. What is your favorite God/Goddess?

Hercules: I don’t know, 'cause I'm almost one.

Me: Why where you almost one?

Hercules: Well, I was born, right, well, some devils attacked, and I fell from Mt. Olympus and some people found me and I was raised like a regular human.

Me: Hey!!!!!!! I'm not a regular human!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody is!!!

Hercules: Well then. I guess I won't help you.

Me: Fine, I'm sorry, gosh! Anyway, why are you so strong?

Hercules: I dunno.

Me: Alright thanks. Bye.

Hercules: Allright. Peace!!!

Dylan said...


Me:So Achilies what do you do?

Achilies: well Dylan i am the best warrior ever.

Me: Are you strong?

Ac: well I don't want to gloat but yeah im pretty strong it's for the ladies and im awesome.

Me: Who do you fight for?

Ac: I fight for Greece.

Me: Do you enjoy fighting?

Ac: well I think sometimes they should give me a brake.

Me:oh, Achilies can you tell us what is the only way the kill you?

Ac: the only way to lkill me is by striking me in the Achilies Tendon.

Me:well thank you for answering those questions bye.


kyleighs 3 said...

me: Hey hyperion i have a few questions for you, may i ask some?

Hyperion:sure, whats your first question?

me: where you a titan or a god?

Hyperion: I was a titan :)

me: What where you the titan of?

Hyperion: i was the titan god of light.

me: ok thank you, those are all my questions so thank you for answering, bye.

Hyperion:Bye :)