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Start Ancient Greece, Please
Welcome to Ancient Greece. To start this unit, we are going to do something a little bit different on this blog. It is basically an online version of the Library Book Fact Search assignment that we do from time to time to begin Units. To help us start thinking about Ancient Greece and to help us get in the "Greek" frame of mind, we are going to be taking a look at some Greece websites. The websites will be listed on the side under "Greece Links." The instructions are vague, but simple: Look at the websites I have listed for you and post a comment telling me 2 things you have learned about Ancient Greece. That is all that is required of you. My thought is that with vague instructions, it will allow you to have a bit more freedom with this assignment.
DUE: Tuesday, February 16, 2010. 10:00 p.m.
Points: 10
1. The ancient greeks built great temples and sanctuaries to their gods.
2. The king of all the gods was Zeus.
1. Three major ancient historians include Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon.
2. We know about Greek because they left temples, sculpture, pottery, artifacts and other archaeological findings.
1.Ancient Greek art is mainly in 5forms architecture,sculpture,painting,pai-nted pottery,and music2.Acropolis in greek means High City
the three ancient greece historians is the herdodotus,thucydides, and the xenophon.
the history of greece is tracked back to the stone age hunters
1. The Greeks invented atheletic contests and held them in honnor of their gods.
2. The ancient olympics seem to have begun in the early 700 BC in honnor of Zeus.
One thing I learned was the olympics started in the early 700bc.
Another thing I learned was that slavery was a central feature
I learned that athletes used to use a piece of lead or iron to help propel them forward in the long jump. The Greeks also invented the gyro, which is one of my favorite foods. Although traditionally made from lamb, I learned that Nick's Gyros in Sioux Falls actually uses beef.
1.The Greeks eat wine ,bread,and the hunt there food sometimes.2.Greece is much harder place to live than Egypt ,because the soil is not as good and there is not always enough water to grow plants for food.
#1. festivals where a very important part of life in ancient Greece, and were a central part of worshipping the gods. They usually included a procession and a sacrifice.
#2. Actors wore costume which was different for each of the three types of play. This actor wears a costume suited to performing a comedy. The costume is padded to make the character look comic and clumsy. During the performance of tragedies, actors wore long, traditional robes.
I learned that Zeus was the king of all gods and goddesses and that the gods lived on Mt. Olympus
The 2 titains are athena and zeus.
The name of one myth charater is Jason.
1.For Greeks one way to get on the good side of the gods was to exercise, to eat right, to oil your skin, to dreate a beautiful body that the gods would love.
2.According to Greeks , Hercules was the son of a woman names Alcmene and the got Zeus.
The olympics started around 700 B.C
No women were not allowed to watch and only Greek nationals were allowed to participate.
1.They had slaves to do the chores around the house.
2. At funerals the women washed the dead body, wrapped it in cloth and decorated it with flowers and herbs.
The Sparta had many people who were poets and craftsmen producing beautiful objects.
The Ancient Greeks held festivals in honor of their gods. The festivals would include processions, sports, sacrifices and competitions.
#1 The history of Greece can be trased back to the stone age hunters. Later came farmers and the civilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings.
#2 The Greeks invented athetic contests and held them in honor of their gods.
#1Athens was one of the most important and powerful cities in Greece.
#2 Festives were a central part of worshipping gods.
1. the persian and greek war was in the 5th century,bc.
2. darius was defeated at the battie of marathon.
1. Acropolis means high city in Greek.
2.The Athenian Acropolis is home to one of the most famous buildings in the world: the Parthenon.
#1 Ancient Greece was where they had a bunch of olympians.
#2 They had slaves to do the chores, like modern day maides.
One thing I learned is that the god of all gods is zeus and that he is very powerful.
Anther thing I learned is that the greeks had festivals in the honer of their god.
1 Women and children were not allowed to vote.
2 Athens was one of the most important and powerful cities in Greece.
#1.The ancient greek built great temples sanctuaries to their gods.
#2.They have slaves to do the chores.
1. They started athletic games as a sport.
2. They don't know if there was an actiwal trogen horse.
1.Ancient Greece people didn't have to sew there cloths.
2.They also worshiped many gods.
the greeks belived in zuse
the greeks belived in ares
#1. The five main forms of greec art are; architecture, sculpture, painting painted pottery, and music.
#2. There was never enough fresh water in Ancient Greece.
1. Apollo is the god of the sun and potery.
2.Poseidon is the brother of Zeus.
I learned that they held the olympics in honour of their gods and that ancient Greece can be traced back to the stone age
#1. The likely date of the Trojan War was in 1250 b.c.
#2. IN 508 b.c. Democracy was introduced in Anthens.
1. Greese has more than 1,400 islands.
2. Greese had alot of goods and gosesses
1.The greek built great temples to worship there gods and godesses.
2.The things that happend in ancient Greece along time ago still affect us today such as Hippocrates who looked for ways to cure illness and diese as we still are today.
I learned that "economy" is a Greek word and that many Greeks were sailors.
1. Athena is goddess of wisdom
2. They made sacrifices to please their gods
1.I learned that at war they just sent off their best fighters instead of having a big war.
2.i also larned that the name of the thing the can turn you to stone by just looking at you, is Mebusa.
Kasara P.
1. The greeks were the first ones to start the Olimpic games.
2. They polytheistic.... They believed in many gods.
1:India has mild winters and long, hot and dry summers.
2:Zeus was the king of all gods and goddesses.
1.helios is the sun god
2.posiden id the god of the sea
1.There are 12 different gods.
2.They made sacrifices to the gods
1. The king of all gods and godesses was Zeus.
2.Sparta was ruled by two kings and a Council of Elders.
I learned that the king of all gods and goddesses was Zues. I also learned that the Greece people ivented the olypics and held them in honor of their gods.
1 Greece is it is locataed east of italy.
2Athans was the most important powerful city in Ancient,Greece
one god name is athena.
posiden is the god of the sea.
1. Greece is different no major river.
2. Mountains divided Greece into many different regions.
#1. I learned that women were not allowed to watch the olympics
#2 zeus is the god of lightning and of all gods
1.Greece has no major river.
2.Zeus is the god of lighting and all of the gods.
1.The Greeks founded the olmpics.
2. Zeus was the king of all of the gods and godesses.
one of the gods name is Athena.
Helios is the sun god
1.the parthinon
is in greeec
1.zeus is a god
Zeus is a god that is in control over all the other gods.
Greece is alot of islands and not just like the U.S.
i learned greek people relie on the sea they also have no major river.
1. the king of all gods was Zues
2.greace has alot of islands and not anything like the U.S.A
#1- I know that there is a LOT!!! of gods. I think 23
#2- I know they cellebat the Olmimpics.
#1: Zues was the king of all the gods!!
#1: Greece was No major river!!
1.The king of all gods and godesses is Zeus.
2.the godesses of beauty is Athena.
3.Oceanus is the god of the ocean. 4.Greece has no major river.
Sorry this is late i forgot about it i will do something for you.
#1. Zues was the king of all the gods.
#2. Greace help the olympic games every four years.
#3. Greace had no major rivers.
#4. Greace had amny gods and godesses.
#1. Greece has no major river.
#2. Zeus is the all time god. He controlls lightning.
1.A famous god in acient greece was zues he had the power of weather and lightning
2.greece had the olympics and the famous sport in the olympics was running
1. Posiden, Zues, and Hades are all brothers
2.The Peloponnesian war Weakened all of Greece
I learned that Athena came out of Zeus's forehead fully grown and in armor.
I also learned that a Pegasus came out of Medusa's head when Perseus cut her head off.
I leared that zeus defeated the titans with other gods.
I also learned that there were two kinds of children monster children and god children.
1. I learned on this web site that there are two types of children titan chidren and monster children.
2. I also learned that zeus was the only child to not go in side his own dad's stomach.
3.I also learned that zeus is the ruler of all gods and godesses.
Bailey Durfee
fact #1. Deter was the goddess of farming.
Fact #2. there was no major river in greece
Fact #3. most people lived on the coast
1.Zeus is the ruler of all gods.
2.And there is no major river.
1.It is very mountionous and has alot of wild life.
2.The earliest bulding that were built in greece in the new stone age.
1.Zeus is the god of all gods.
2.The Olympics were created in Geece to honor the gods.
I learned that Greece depends on the sea and that people spent most of their time outside.
1. the Olympics honor the gods
2. ares is the god of war
1. Greeks worshiped many gods and goddesses.
2. Olympics were held every 4 years in honor of Zues.
1. Hera was the wife of Zeus.
2. Zeus is the god of all gods.
hades is the god of war
Zues is the ruler of all gods
Zues and Cerberus
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