Welcome to Mesopotamia. We have arrived at our first ancient civilization of the school year. You may be thinking: "What? We just finished the Stone Age." Well, you are right, we did just finish the Stone Age. However, you would be wrong in thinking that the Stone Age is a civilization. The people of the Stone Age were not civilized. The one and only goal in life was to wake up each morning and survive the day. The people of Mesopotamia are different, however. The people of Mesopotamia formed cities, they invented things, they made advancements that would have a ripple effect all the way to 2009. Mesopotamia is the first civilization of the world. To start our Unit, I would like each of you to visit one or two or all of the websites I have listed on the right of this blog under "Mesopotamia Links." After visiting the site, please tell me what site you visited and what you found. You could comment about something you learned from the site, or something you found interesting from the site, or something you have a question about from the site. You may visit all the sites or you can just pick one. The goal is to start introducing ourselves to the Mesopotamia material.
Task: Visit the websites under "Mesopotamia Links." Post a comment about something you have learned or something you found interesting.
DUE Date: October 9th, 2009. 10:30 p.m.
On this site I read a story on how the Earth supposably was created. It was interesting because on of the Gods made the Earth with a dead Godess.He also sent some Gods and Godesess to go live on Earth.
Mesopotamia History Link 101 I thought it was interesting that salt was in the soil in Mesopotamia. This made farming more difficult.
Site Mesopotamia for kids. learned that the begining cultivation of wild wia and barly. Domestication of dogs, and sheep.
Site Mesopotamia Crystal links. learned that the capital of early mesopotamia civiliation was UR or Uruk.
I visited Messpotamia Crystal Links and Mr.Donn's Mesopotamia. I learned that the mesopotamia people belived that Gods and Godesses were in charge of everthing. I also learned the Mesopotamia means fertile cresent. Thank You!!!!
i learned that the were stong believers in gods and godesess.
THE BRITISH MUSEUM:The people of Mesopatamia belived that their world was controlled by Gods and goddesses, demons and monsters. Mesopotamia had a system where they traded with neighbouring countries in order to acquire the recources they needed to live.
There is a very extensive site of Babylon from 580 A.D. In Mesopotamia Women's rights were not the same as men's. Mesopotamia means " The land between the rivers.
HEy Mr. Klumper it is me EMILY HARRIS just thought i would stop by the blog and see how things are going. I see you are still absest with it. Things are going great in 7th grade. I'll keep you poste on how things are going. Tell your classes hi for me. See you around.
Emily Harris!!!
(P.s. you are a blog freak.)
I went on the British Museum-Mesopotamia. I read about how Mesopotamia really means "between the rivers". They are Tigris and Euphrates. The land is made up in hills and plains. I big part in their religeon was gods and goddesses, demons and mosters. My computer would not alow me to play the games but im sure they were fun. I learned alot from this website.
I learned that the people of mesopotamia invented ways to write and communicate.I found it at http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/writing/home_set.html
I went to British Museum-Mesopotamia. And found out that Mesopotamia means land between to rivers. Also that the rivers surrounding it are the Tigris and the Euphrates. Another fact in their culture is they were in to beileving gods and godesses and also demons and monsters. One of the demons was the bull man. Above the waist he was a man but below the waist he was bull he also had the ears and horns of a bull. Also the word Mesopotamia is a organ a Greek name. The kings and queens from Mesopotamia lived in ziggurats. Also the Mesopotamians were Jewish and they invented books and wheels.
I went on the British Museum-Mesopotamia. I learned that Assyria is a special place in Mesopotamia that they demonstrated the wealth and achievements of the Assyrian empire in the first millennium B.C. It's also a place where the king took care of the business of the empire, received foreign visitors and performed religious rituals.
I thought it was interesting that the Hanging Gardens were built for a lovesick queen.
This is Grace bender and I sure hope i'm doing this right.
I leard that they lought that their world was by god, godesses, demons, and monsters. i also learned that they lought each city was proteted by there specail god.they built tempels in the middle of their city for them to live in. I thought that was kind of weird.
OK time to read my book. have a good night and see you tomarro! :)
i went to the history 101 website i thought it was pretty awsome beacuse of the learing project
I learned that the irrigation system is attested already in very ancient times, the earliest around 6000 BCE. Through a system of dikes, dams and canals the precipitation in the mountainous region in the north is used in the south. This required a high level of organization of the society and collective efforts for the construction, maintenance, supervision and adjustments of the irrigation network. Over-irrigation and limited drainage gradually brackished the fields, often causing ecological crisis. Together with the change of river flow, it stimulates throughout the Mesopotamian history the foundation of new settlements and cities.Our knowledge about the history of irrigation networks is limited by the difficulty of dating most of the water works.
Mr. Donn's Mesopotamia
One thing that I found was that they belived in many many gods. They thought anything and everything that happened to them (good or bad) was the result of the gods.
Early civilizations first developed in Mesopotamia over six thousand years ago. Much of Mesopotamian history lay buried beneath the sand and soil for thousands of years. In the past two hundred years, people have begun to excavate objects and buildings which reveal the ancient history of this region.
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