Sixth Graders, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Water for Sixth Grade. This year you will have a blog experience like never before. You will soon come to realize that blogging and this blog in particular, can greatly enhance your learning. Water for Sixth Grade can provide ample opportunities and choices for you to be the best student you can be. This blog will allow ALL of us to share our ideas. We will be able to help each other, learn from each other, and experience Ancient Civilization together. On this blog, I will post pictures, videos, discussion topics, homework assignments, study guides, and anything else I want. With Water for Sixth Grade, there is no limit. You may or may not be familiar with blogging. It is actually quite simple. It will take very little time at all to become a Master Blogger. Basic blogging is this: I post something on the blog, and you respond to it by posting your comments. Yes, you will be posting your thoughts and ideas on the internet and Yes, the internet is used in over 200 countries world wide. By the way, to give you an idea of what type of audience you are dealing with on Water for Sixth Grade, last year this blog was visited by people in over 120 countries. Last year, Water for Sixth Grade had people blog from Turkey, Great Britain, Scotland, Egypt, and Russia. Water for Sixth Grade had over 30,000 hits last year alone. This website you are dealing with is not just some low level thing. It is a big deal. It is a big deal because of you, the student, and your ability to post ideas and thoughts that are provacative. Our goal this year is to beat the number of countries that visited last year. Our goal this year is to become the best students we can be. Water for Sixth Grade will help that goal. Once again, Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade.
hey mr.klumper...hope you have a good year!
hey mr klumper!! hope you and your students have a good year just like last year!!
Thes stone age was years and years ago and cave men were alive then! :)
i loved his class. you will be surprised at how fun he is. watch out for the 1000 word essay though!!
I love the stone age because it is cool, and it has cavemen. I find learning about the cavemen and cave art is very interesting to talk about and see movies about them hunting because it is very long long time ago.
blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog hey hahaha
i am board yay
hey mr.klumper i loved your class last year and i hope your students this year do to
i love your blog mr.klumper your amazing
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