We would like to welcome our new friends from Russia to Water for Sixth Grade. We are very excited to learn about Russia and experience communication with students living in Russia first hand. The goal of International Connection is to bring the world into our classroom. There is no better tool to make that happen than the Internet. With the Internet, our huge, wonderful world shrinks to allow us to travel around the world without actually buying a plane ticket. Learning about other countries by reading books--boring; learning about other countries by talking to students living there--exciting. We are very thankful that you agreed to share with us. We hope that we will have a chance to share with you what our lives are like here in South Dakota, USA.
To post your comments, simply click on "comments" below. A pop-up window will appear with a box to type in. Simply type your answers or whatever you would like to say and then click the box next to "name" Type your first name only and leave the URL BLANK. Just your first name will do. Then click the "publish" button and your comment will be sent to us. Thank you again.
1. What is a typical school day like in Russia? (how many classes do you have, do you switch teachers, what types of classes do you have, etc. Anything about your school day.)
2. What do you do for fun in your free time?
3. What type of food do you eat? What are popular foods in your country?
4. What is the weather like in Russia?
5. What type of clothing do you wear?
6. What Holidays do you celebrate?
7. Share anything else about your country that you want. Please tell us more about Russia. Things that may simple and uninteresting to you, will be fascinating to us.