Task: Using your guided notes for your topic, tell me about your topic as if I know nothing about it. Act like I have no clue about pyramids and mummification and you are trying to teach me about them. Remember, your audience is not just 6th grade students at Brandon Valley. Your audience is far greater than that. Water for Sixth Grade is sweeping the World. There are people from all over the world reading your thoughts and ideas. Educate them on Egypt!
Good Luck.
Format: Paragraph-Style. Topic Sentence. Use your guided notes to tell me EVERYTHING about your topic.
Length: In order to complete this assignment for full credit (A), you need AT LEAST 300 words. If you are only able to come up with 200 words, you will earn a B, 100 hundred words will earn you a C. Anything less than 100 words is not acceptable.
School Points: 20
Life Points: 5,000
Worth: More than you know, but will soon realize as you navigate your way through the years of life.
DUE: November 25, 2008. 7:00 p.m.
I greatly appreciate your effort and enthusiasm about Egypt. It is just a joy coming to school everyday when students like you are here waiting with great attitudes about Social Studies. You make this the best job in the world.
Mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting, and it was very expensive. The Egyptians believed the body needed to be preserved so they could ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The king was mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife, where the king would need his body. The first step of mummification was for the messenger to announce the death. They would then bring the body into a certain type of tent so it could be embalmed. Since the Egyptians didn’t know what the brain was for, they removed it with a long rod from the nose. After they finished with that, they removed the organs by cutting a small slit in the side of the body. Removing the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines by hand. Then each organ was individually wrapped and placed in a canopic jar. They then cleansed the body but washing it out with oil, lotion, and preserving fluids and stuffed it with linen. To dry it out, the Egyptians placed the body on a slab and then covered it with natron and salt. They let it sit for forty days. The next step, which was very difficult, was wrapping the body- they used hundreds of yards of linens. But before they did this, they layed gold over the slit they made. Once everything was wrapped, they added a shroud to keep the wrappings together. To glue everything together they added ‘Mummia’. The Final Procession was when family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. People were often paid to cry at the funeral because Egyptians believed that the more people that cried, the more likely you were to make it into the afterlife. At the funeral, the priest would touch the parts of the face with special instruments so the mummy could use them in the afterlife. After this they weighed it’s heart and a feather, so they could tell if you would be granted immortality. If the feather was balanced with the heart, you would be immortal. But if your heart weighed more than the feather, you were doomed to a horrible fate. Mummification was a very long process that took a long time to finish. Egyptians believed it was important to mummify people so they could have a good chance of making to the afterlife.
I know nothing about Mummification or Pyramids. I look forward to you teaching me about them. They sound like interesting topics.
hey mr. klumper so i geuss im suposed to teach u about mummies. mummies are like dead people but the get rapped i these cloths and get thier organs taken out. that proses is mummification. thats when u dry out the to prevent it from rotting. when they mummified it was a very expesive thing to do. the king they mummified so that it could reconize his/heselr it the after life. there are seven steps for mummifacation. first is the annoucement of death. they would send a messenger out sidetto tell peole that some one had died. step two the embalming the body. body brought to embalming tent. step three the removal of brain. they would take a hook to get the brain out through the nose then they would take a iron round thing and swooosh it around. till it ran out the nose. step 4 romvalof iturnal organs. whish ment they removed the live, the lungs,thestoach, and the intestines. step 5 dring out the body. put on a slant board. put natron salt inthem to drie out any water. step 6 the wrapping of the body. they took lots and lots and lots of cloth and wrapped them. they had glue called mummia.. step 7 final procession. family and friends would walk through town on their way to the burial. people were also paid to cry to show the gods that they were well loved. they also had 2 rituals they per formed which one is where they touch every part on his face to make sure he gets all of his senses in the after life. number 2 they weighed their heart to see if they were doomed or the were ok to go joe. so thats all i no so far about mummies and mummifacation. p.s. im so glad we didnt have to watch that movie.
Hi my name is Sydney and I am going to tell you about the Pyramids.Giza is were eygpt is located.
Have you ever seen a picture of the Great Sphinx?The Great Sphinx is the largest single stone statue on the earth.The Sphinx has a head of a man and a body of a lion.The nickname is Guardian of the Giza Complex.The Sphinx is made out of limeston.
Now I am going to tell you about Pyramid of Menkaure.Menkaure is the smallist out of the three pyramids at Giza.The pyramid of Menkaure made out of limestone and granite.
Hello I am wondering if you known some thing about mummification, if so post back if not. Mummification is weaning a faro or someone he could afford it died. It was varying expensive so only about half did it.
How they would do it is not certain but the guess is that they would chant warring a robe. The slitter would mark then cut the skin to remove its organs.
To be continued.
Hello fellow bloggers the topic I’m going to be talking about is mummification because my name starts with M. So to get started I’ll talk about the steps of Mummification. Step 1 Announcement of Death witch means a messenger is sent to the streets to tell everyone who died. Step 2 Embalming the Body is when the body is taken to tents for embalming. Step 3 Removal of the Brain witch means taking the brain out because the Egyptians had no purpose for it also they thought it was a waste of space. They also had two Methods. Step 4 Removal of Internal Organs witch is the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines they pulled them out then wrapping them individually then putting hem in a Canopic Jar. Step 5 well I’m out of time I’ll be back with more { To be continued }.
IF You had no clue what a mummy was it is a boy or girl whogot get’s wrapped up so the body wouldn’t rote. Mummification was very expensive. That’s why usually only kings got mummified.if you are wondering why people get mummified most king and queens get mummified because they have enough money and because they don’t want king and queens to rote.So you want to know how to mummify first you send someone out to spred the word that someone is getting mummified. Then you embalm the body by bringing the body to special tents. After that comes the gross part removal of the brain the Egyptians didn’t know what the brain
If you hade a chose to learn about mummification or pyramid what would you chose I would chose mummification. Hear are some facts about mummification having you body mummified was very expensive, physical body needed to be preserved because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist.
Have you ever heard of Mummification? Mummification is simply drying out a dead body to prevent from rotting. Mummification was not only for pharaohs, but it was also for very wealthy people. It was very expensive so only those people could afford it.
Why do people have the need to mummify? Good question, the physical body needed to be preserved because the body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, & immortality could not exist. This would ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The king would be mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife. The king would also need to keep his body.
The process of mummification began with the “Announcement of death”, there would be a messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death. Next, “Embalming of the Body” would begin. The body would be taken to a special tent to begin embalming.
More to come!
Mummification- Drying out a dead body to prevent it from roting. very expensive.
Step #1- Announcment of death.
*Messenger was sent out into the streets.
Step #2- Embalming the body
*Dead body brought to specal tent.
mummifaction is a process in wicth you take sommone that is dead and wrap them up in a cloth. of course the dont wrap dead people up still today they did it along time ago in egypt. the first step in the mumifacation process. send a messaager out onto the street to anouce the death of sommon who died. If you wanted to be mummified it was very expensive.
STEP 2#= the second step was to embolm the body. the body was brought to a tent tobe embaled.
STEP 3#= the third step was to remove the brain they thougt the brain was a waste of space they either pullled the brain out with a long hook through the nose or the brain was slushed about inside the head and drained out the nose.
Step 4= the egytians then removed the internal organs they removed the liver lungs stomach and the intestines. ther method for doing this was to make a small slit in the stomach and someone reached in and took them out. every single organ was indivuly wraped and placed into a conopic jar. the body was then washed with oil,lotion and perserving fluid. then the body was stufed with straw to keep its shape.
to be contiued
hi, i will be talking about the process of mummification. the definniton of mummification is drying out dead body to perevent it from rotting. next I'll tell you the steps to mummification.
step 1 is called anosment of death. messenger is send out to announce the death.
step 2 is called imbolying the body. That is were the body is brought to a special tents for embaling.
Step 3 is called remoual.
Defititon of the mummification is:Drying out the body to prevent from rotting. In my opinion I thaugt that was kind of wierd, but cool in a way. Anyway having your body mummified was very expensive.
Why would they need to mummify? Physical body needed to be preserved because *body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist. Process of Mummifiction-step one: Anoucment of Death, *messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step two:Embalming the body, *Dead body brought to special tents for embalming. MORE TO COME!
Hey, I'm Jordan and I am going to tell you about mummification. The definition of mummification is: Drying out a dead body from preventing the body from rotting.
Having your body mummifies was very expensive. We needed to mummify because physical bodies needed to be preserved because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist. Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. King mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife. *the king would need his body.
Process of Mummification
Step 1. Announcement of death. *Messenger sent out to the streets to announce death
Step 2. Embalming the body. *Dead Body brought to special tents for embalming.
Step 3.Removal of brain. *Egyptians di not know the purpose of the brain
*The thought the brain was a waste of space
Method 1: Brain pulled out of the head throught the nose with a long hook.
Method 2: Brain mixed up with a wird and drained out the nose
Step 4. Removal of internal organs. *Liver *Lungs *Stomach *Intestines
Method" Small slir made on the left sid of the stomache. Person the reached in and pulled organs out. * Each organ individually wrapped. *Organ placed in canopic jar. Cleansing: Body washed with oil, lotion and preserving fluids. Body then stuffed with linen or straw to keep shape of a body.
Step 5:Drying out process
Method: Body placed on slab and covered with natron salt. *slab was at a slant so water could run out *This lasted 40 days
Step 6. Wrapping the body *Very difficult. *Gold piece placed on a slit * Hundreds of yards of linens
Method: *Everthing wrapped * shroud added at end to keep wrappings together. *Body the called mummia to glue everything together. *Placed in painted, decorated coffin.
Step 7. Final Procession * Family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. *People were paid to cry to show the gods the person was well loved. * More people the cried, the better his chances were of getting to after world.
Ritual #1: Opening of the mouth *Priests would touch the parts of the face with special instruments.
The topic I am going to tell about is mummification. The definition of mummification is drying a dead to prevent it from rotting. If you didn’t know this, there are 7 steps.
Having your body mummified was very expensive.
Ok step 1. Announcement of death
Step 2. Enabling the body
Step 3. Removal of brain
Step 4. Removal of internal organs
Step 5. Drying out process
Step 6. Wrapping the body
Step 7. Final Prosecion
Ritual 1 opening the mouth
Ritual 2 weighing of the heart. If the heart is balanced: soul granted immortally
If the heart is heavier: soul doomed to horrible fate.
Lets talk about the steps.
Step 1. messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
Step2. dead body brought to special tents for embalming.
Step3. Egyptians did not know purpose for the brain
They thought brain was a waste of space
Step4. each organ individually wrapped
Step5. slab was at a slant so water could run out
This lasted 40 days
What I have learned about the ancient pyramids is that there are four main pyramids. There is the great sphinx, pyramid of menkaure, pyramid of khafre, and the great pyramid. These four pyramids are all located at Giza. Giza is located in Egypt.
Here im going to tell you about the great sphinx. The sphinxes nickname is guardian of the Giza complex. It is also the largest single stone statue on earth. It is the body of a lion and a head of a man. It is made out of limestone.
Now im going to tell you about the pyramid of menkaure. This is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made of limestone and granet. What is unique about the is archeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid which was lost in the Mediterranean Sea.
more coming
Hello I'm going to talk to about mummification. You may be asking what does mummification mean. Well its simple it means drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. I bet you didn't know that having your body mummified is very expensive. Here's another question your proboly asking why the need to mummify? The physical body needed to be preserved. Do you want to know the process of mummification? If so here they are step 1. Announcement of death. A messenger is sent out to the streets to announce death. Step 2. Embalming the body. Dead body brought to special tents for embalming.
The pyramids are in what is called the Giza Complex. The four main things at Giza are the Sphinx, Pyramid of Mankaure, Pyramid of Khafre, and The Great Pyramid, home to Khufu’s mummy. A pyramid is a burial building for a king, passage ways that are secret lead to the king, false passages don’t. About 500 years after Khufu’s death tomb robbers invaded the pyramid. The kings were stripped of their values and some robbers even tore open the mummies which then decayed. The smallest of the three pyramids was once home to Menkaure’s mummy. Made out of limestone and granite like the other two were. What is unique about this pyramid is archaeologists found a beautiful coffin in the pyramid. Sadly, while was being shipped over water the boat it was on sunk.
Now it at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, so if you want to get out there some day and find it, be my guest! The Pyramid of Khafre is the 2nd largest of the three pyramids.
It appears to be larger because of its steep sides and its big ground area. The king’s chamber hold the king in the pyramid The inside of the pyramid has steep walkways, squished halls, and its kind of hot without ventilation.
Did you know that the word mummy comes from mummia which is a sticky substance used to hold the wrapping of mummy toghether. My topic is mummifaction. The defintion of mummifacation is " drying out a dead body to prevent rotting. Why did they mummify the body you ask. The egyptians belive that if you didnt the body,shadow,name,spirit,and immortality could not exist in the after life. The process is alittle wierd and gross but here is some stuff. Step #1. Announcement of the death. Thats where someone just tells the city that someone died. Step #2. Embaling the body, which is just getting the body ready for mummifacation. Step #3. This is when it gets gross. They remove the brain by a wire going up the nose. Or id that didnt work the would unbend a hanger and mix the brain until it came out as a liquid. Step #4. Removal of the organs. Again gross,but they cut open the stomache and take out the organs to put them in a canopic jar. The jar would go with the mummy in its tomb. Step #5. Wrapping the body. This step was very difficult because they wrapped everything from head to toe and that used hundreds of yards of linen. Step #7. The final procession. Family and friends would walk through town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry acually. They had rituals were #1 opening of the mouth. Preist would touch the parts of the facewith special tools. They did this because they wanted to
You may think mummies are gross and disgusting but they were a very important thing to ancient Egypt. Basically mummification is the drying out of a dead body to prevent it from rotting. It’s a lot more complicated than it sounds though.
The reason that the Ancient Egyptians used mummification is because without the physical body being preserved body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, and immortality could not exist. Therefore granting the body a safe passage into the afterlife. The king would be mummified so he could be recognized in the afterlife; the king would need his body.
The first step to mummification is the announcement of death, there was a messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step two was embalming the body. The body was brought to special tents for embalming. After embalming was step three. It was the removal of the brain. Egyptians didn’t know the purpose of the brain and thought it was a waste of space. How they removed the brain was they would take a hood shove it through the nostril and pull the brain out that way with the hook. If that didn’t work they would take a thin wire put that up the nostril and mix up the brain and let it drain out the nose. Step four was the removal of the organs. There were specific organs that they would remove such as the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. The method of doing that was a person with a job title “The slitter” would make a small slit on the left side of the stomach at which point someone would reach in and pull out the organs wrap them and then would be put in their own separate jar. These jars were called canopic jars. Step five was drying out the body. They would put it on a slab and cover it with natron salt. This lasted 40 days. Step six was wrapping the body. A gold piece would be placed on a slit. Then everything would be wrapped with linen shroud was then added to keep the wrappings together. The body was then covered with mummia to glue everything together. The body was then placed in a painted decorated coffin. The last and final step was the final procession. The family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. They would then do a series on rituals.
I am Tyler Limmer and I am here to tell you about mummificaction.
Mummification means drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.Having your body mummified was very expensive.First you have to
My last name is Wilde so I am going to tell you about mummification. The definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Some people think that being mummified is only for pharaohs and not just regular Egyptians. Actually anyone can be mummified all they need is enough money, but being mummified did not come cheap it was very expensive. Egyptians mummified so that they could have a safe passage to afterlife.
The process of mummification went like this.
Step 1.A messenger would run out in the streets and announce the death
Step 2.The body would be brought into special tents for embalming.
Step 3.The Egyptians would remove the brain in two methods.
Method 1: Brain pulled out of nose with a hook.
Method 2: Brain mixed up with a wire and then drained out the nose.
These bizarre methods are used because the Egyptians thought the brain was a waste of space and they did not know the purpose of the brain.
Step 4.The Egyptians would then the internal organs such as the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines.
Method: Small slit was made on the left side of stomach. The
Person then would reach in the stomach and pull the organs out. After that the organs were placed in canopic jars. The body then was washed out with oil and preserved fluids. Last, the body was stuffed with straw to keep the body’s shape.
Step 5.The body would be dried out and covered with natron salt. This lasted for 40 days.
Step 6.The Egyptians would wrap the body which was very difficult. Then a gold piece was placed on the slit. Body then was covered with “mummia” which was a very sticky glue.
LAST STEP.Family and friends walk through town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry so the gods would know that the person was well loved.
P.S MR. Klumper ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Well first of all Mummification means, “dring out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. If you had the money then you could get mummified….but if not then your body had to just rot. For the Egyptians they “NEEDED” to get theirselves mummified so they could have a afterlife. The process is very long but you need to do it in order to do it right…1st the announcement of death is sent out by a messenger to the streets to tell people…2nd embalming the body which is the bodies brought to a tent….3rd comes the removal of the brain…they removed it because the Egyptians didn’t know the meaning for it and thought it was a waste of space…so they either removed with a hook…or mixed the brain up and poured it out…4th the removal of internal organs…they had to remove the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines…they did that by making a small slit on the left side of the stomache. Then a person stuck their hand in and pulled then out…then each organ was individually wrapped in canopic jars…then they washed the body with oil, lotion and preserved fluids and stuffed their stomach with linen or straw to keep the shape…5th is the drying out process….the body was placed on a slab and covered with natron salt…and kept laying there for 40 days….6th wrapping the body…this was VERY DIFFICULT….a gold piece placed on a slit then hundreds of yards of linen were wrapped…..body then covered with “Mummia” to glue the linen together….the body was placed in a painted, decorated coffin…7th “last” Final Procession….people were paid to cry to show the gods the person was well loved…the more people that cried, the better his chances were of getting to the after world...that’s all I know about the “Mummification Process”…if you want to learn more look at other posts!!!
Mumificasian is a very long proses but fear no moreI wialedll tell you all of what you need to do.first a messanger will anounec the death .then they would take them to a spiecial tent were he will get imbaled .then they would take out the brain by stuff a hook up the nose and pull out the brain if that didnt work they would put a wire in his nose swish it around and empty it out.then they take out a number a diferant organs. a slitter would ten get pelted with stones .the would be placed in conopic jars .the body would also be washed with oil lotion and perserving flooids.then they would begin the drying out process it would be placed in natron salt this would for forty days . then they would wrap the body very diffucult then gold peice was plced on slit it would take a yards of linen every thing was wrapped they would put on shrouds to help hold it to gether then mumia to glue it to gether .The final process was that family and friens would walk through town to there bareal people were also payed to cry so thet the gods wouldlikethem and think they were important and if you would ever want to make a mumy than just read this an you can see how to.
The pryamids are what protected Parohs from robbers.Today there are 3 standing pryamids Menkaure,khafre,and the great pryamid of khufu.Garding them is the Great Spinhx it has the head of a man but a body of a lion.But lets talk about the inside of the pyramids there is a grand gallery,gueens chamber, kings chamber,and the subterrainian chamber.The grand gallery was used for fooling robbers if they ever got in like making them into going to a tunnel that has a dead end but then right when they turn around a rock whould gaurd their exit.then theres the queens chamber was obviously where the queen whould be it also whould have traps like the grand gallery but the robbers still found ways to get past these traps.Then theres the kings chamber but it was very difficult to get into because the workers had stones to use as steps but they pushed these away so that it whouldnt be possible to get to the king but the workers had a secret exit which they used to gte out of the pryamid.then theres the subterrainian chamber but i dont know very much about it but im guessing that it had traps but it said that it had gold or somthing.now that you know whats on the inside lest talk about the struggle to build these giants.lets talk about the great pryamid of khufu this one had eahc block weigh 2 tons!and it nearly took 20 years to build it with over 200,000 workers to build it! they eastimated that there is 2 million blocks to it and that the great pryamid weighs over 4 million tons!lets tlak about the second largest pryamid or the pryamid of khafre.it is second largest but it looks as if its the largest becasue of its steep sides and higher ground each of its blocks weighs 2.5 tons and whats cool about this one is its limestone one the tip of it is still there! well thats all of the prymids well wait theres the smallest and this one is the pryamid of menkaure its was made out of limestone and granite and archiologists found a beatiful sacofogis but lost it at the medterrINIAN sea.well thats all i know so far about pyramids but it i get anymore info ill tell you.
Pyramids are really cool things and have really cool facts about them. There are 3 pyramids at Giza. There are the pyramid of Menkaure, Khafre and the great pyramid. First I am going to talk about the pyramid of Menkaure. it is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of Limestone and Granite. An archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. It was lost in the Mediterranian Sea. The next one I am going to talk about is the pyramid of Khafre. It is the second largest pyramid at Giza. It apears larger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs 2.5 tons. It still remains with some of its smoot Limestone casing. Last but not least I am going to talk about the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. it was the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. to build a pyramid it took roughly a twent year period. Each block weighed roughly two tons. Thats a four million ton pyramid or eight billion pounds. IT took over two million blocks.
I am here to take you into deep reading here today you will learn about mummification we are not exactly sure this is the truth but it is what we have to beleive in for now. The pyramid was only built for one purpose to pretect the mummy of the pharoh but it isnt just as easy as that it didnt just protect them just like that there were robbers back then just as there is now the egyptians had to put many traps up but sometimes that is not enough some of the mummies have been stloen like pharoh khufu had the biggest pyramid of them all and yet explorers have never found the mummy people beleive that a robber found a way in and stole the body of khufu. Now on to a different subject how do mummified the people it is actually kinda sick but if you like gross stuff like me you will even love the thought of mummification they have to cut out the organs pull the brain out and stuff him with linen and straw way your heart with a feather and if they are even immortality if not horibble fate awaits you in the afterlife speaking of afterlife they do this process so that the gods reconize you when you die and when people bring that persob to the burial spot the family pay people to cry so that the gods think that the person was well respected and loved and that person then will have a better chance to get into the afterlife
Pyramids were very big buildings that held pharoahs sometimes they would have traps to keep out robbers. Pyramids didn't only hold pharoahs though they also held family. Their were many pyramids but these were the main ones, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of Khafre, and pyramid of Khufu. There were many rooms in the pyramids there was the Grand Gallery, Queens chamber, Kings chamber, and Subterain chamber, there were many passageways to get robbers confused in the pyramids also. The pyramid of Menkaure was the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza, the pyramid was made out of limestone and granite. The unigue thing about this pyramid is that Archeologist found a sarcophagus and it was lost in the MEditerranean Sea. The pyramid of Khafre was the 2nd largest of the three pyramids of Giza, but it appears to be the biggest because of it's steep sides and higher ground. Each block ways 2.5 tons! The unique thing about this pyramid is that it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top of the pyramid. The Great Pyramid is also called the pyramid of Khufu. The pyramid of Khufu was the world's tallest pyramid in the world for 1,270 years. The area of the great pyramid had three small pyramids for his three wives and small tombs for his nobles. The Great Pyramid was biult around 4,500 years ago if you think about it thats along time ago and it is still standing! They used around 100,000 men to build the pyramids! And of course the pyramid was built to keep thieves out. They also placed mummies in the pyramids. The performed many rituals in the pyramid so the dead person could get to the after life. The pyramids were the one of the first stone buildings ever to be made. I think these facts are interesting and i hope you do to.
All the things I am going to tell you are about the pyramids of Giza. Across the street from the pyramids are Pizza Hut and KFC cool huh!!! But now down to business there are 3 pyramids there, the pyramid of Menkaure , the pyramid of Khafre, and the Great pyramid.
to be continued
What is a pyramid? Good question. A pyramid is a stone building used to store mummies. The great pyramid is the Pyramid of Kupu. The pyramid of Kupu was the largest building for 1,270 years. It took roughly 20 years to build this pyramid. It took over 2,000,000 blocks to build it. Each block weighed roughly 2 tons. The final pyramid was 4 million tons! That equals 8,000,000,000 pounds! Each worker that worked on the pyramid was paid.
Enough about the great pyramid, more about what the pyramid was like inside. Each pyramid had lots of passage ways. They were enormous. In the pyramid their was a grand gallery, a queens chamber, a kings chamber, and a subterrule chamber.
Another pyramid was the pyramid of Khafre. Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids of Giza. Khafre appears to be large because it is so steep. The pyramid of Khafre also has high grounds. Each block in Khafre is 2.5 tons! The coolest thing about this pyramid is that it still has smooth limestone. The limestone only is on the top.
The pyramid o Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It was made of limestone and granite. The unique thing about this pyramid, when archaeologists found it, it had a beautiful sarcophagus in it. A sarcophagus is like a casket. The sad thing is when they were shipping it to America it fell in the Mediterranean Sea.
You are probably wondering what Giza is. Giza is located at a Necropolis
To be continued.
Mummification is drying out the body to preserve it from rotting . Any body could have there preserved (Mummified). The reason people felt need to get mummified when they were dead was they believed it would ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. Step one of mummification is the announcement of death. They did this by sending a messenger to the street and he would announce the death. Step two is embalming the body. The dead body was brought to special tents for embalming. Step three the removal of brain. This doesn’t sound normal does it but the reason for this is because the Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain (They thought it was useless). There were two methods to removing the brain. Method one the brain was pulled out of the head through the nose with a hook. Method two brain mixed up with a wire and drained out the nose (Reasons for this are the nostril is to small for the brain to be pulled out of). Step four is the removal of internal organs. These organs are the liver, lungs, stomach, and the intestines. The method of doing this is a person called a slitter would cut a cut on the left side of the body and then a person would pull the organs out. Each organ was individually wrapped. The organs each were put in separate canopic jars. Then the body was cleansed by being washed with oil, lotion and preserving fluids. Body was then stuffed with linen, straw or both to keep the body’s shape. Step five is the drying out process. The method for this is the body would be placed on a slab covered covered with Natron Salt. The slab was at a slant so the water could run out this lasted 40 days.
Will be back
Have you ever thought about the pyramids of Egypt? If you have I’m going to tell you about them. In Egypt there are three pyramids of Giza, 1 is the pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest pyramid of the three pyramids in Giza. The pyramid is made out of limestone and granite. One interesting that I found out about the pyramid is that archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. The archaeologist tried to take it back with him but a storm hit and the sarcophagus fell overboard and is now lost in the Merrtrainan sea. The next pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre. The pyramid of Khafre is the 2nd largest pyramid of Giza, but appears to be the largest because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs 2.5 tons and is unique because it still has some of its smooth limestone casting at the top. The last pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. The pyramid of Khufu was the tallest building for 1,270 years. In the area of the pyramid people made 3 small pyramids for Khufu’s wives and small tombs for his nobles. In the town of the workers there was a cemetery, bakery, factory, and a copper melting complex.
More to come
Mummification is the process of drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified was a very expensive thing to do, and any one could do it if they could afford it. Why the need to mummify a dead body? Because the physical body needed to be preserved because: body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, and immortality could not exist. This also helped ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. Kings were mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife.
Process of mummification:
Step 1: The first step of mummification is telling everyone that the person is died. To tell everyone, a messenger is sent to town to tell everyone.
Step 2: The second step of mummification is embalming the body. The died body is brought to a special tent for the embalming.
Step 3: The third step of mummification is the removal of the brain. To remove the brain, Egyptians could use two different methods. The first method to removeing the brain is by using a hook and sticking it up their nose and attaching it to the brain, then pull it out. The second method is to take a long wire and stick it up the nose and turn the brain into a liquid. Then they would tip the body over and it would come out of the nose.
To be continued
I’m going to tell you about interesting things and these things are pyramids. Giza is located in Egypt. Four main things located in Egypt are the great Sphinx. Three pyramids called pyramid of Khufu, Menkare, and Khafre. Pizza Hut and KFC are acyually across the street from the Giza Necropolis. The great Sphinx’s nickname is the Guardian of the Giza complex. It is the single most largest single stone complex on Earth. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man it is made out of limestone. The pyramid of Khafre is the smallest of the three pyramids in Giza. Like the Great Sphinx it is made out of limestone and granite. The pyramid is unique because of its beautiful sarcophagus. The mummie was lost in the Mediterranean Sea they have never found it since. If you could find it you would get paid billions of dollars. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid located at Giza. It appears larger because of ite steep sides and higher ground. Each brick weighs 2.5 tons. It is unique because it still has some limestone casing at the top. The great pyramid the pyramid of Khufu. The worlds tallest building for one thousand two hundred fifty years. It has three smaller pyramids for wives and small tombs for nobles. It had a town for workers witch included cemetery, bakery, factory, and a copper melting complex. Materials and workforce roughly twenty years. The workers were paid. The pyramid had over two million blocks it was a four million ton pyramid.
Mummification was one of the ways Egyptians thought that the dead could get into the after life. The process of mummification was very hard. First they had to lay out the dead body onto a table. The second thing was they had to chant sacred verses to get the body into the after life. Third thing was that they had to take a hook or a straitened hanger and took a stone and shoved it up their nose until they reached the brain then they stirred up the brain until it was liquid and then let the brain pour out of the nose. Fourth thing was they took a slitter and cut open the stomach and took out all of the organs like the heart, liver, intestines, and the lungs. ………….to be continued.
I am doing mummifiation. There are many steps and processes to mummifing dead people.First of all mummifaction means Drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.But not only kings and pharohs got to be mummified. Lets say you were a farmer in Egypt, you could still be mummified it would just cost a lot of money. But why would you be mummified instaed of just being burried? Wel the Egyptians believed that your Physicl body needs to be preserved so your body, shadow, name, spirit, and immortality could exist and the king Anubus would recognize you. Therefore he would let you into the after life. They also believed it would ensure a safe passage to the after life.
Now to mummify a dead body seven steps and two rituals. The first step would be for some one to go out in the streets and telleveyone that you had died.Taht is probaly the most easy step in the process!But the next step would be embalming the body. We still do this today. Incase your wondering embalming means to bring them to a special tent. Step 3 is a very disgusting process, you have to take out the brain! The Egyptians did not know what the brain was for. They thought it was just a waste of space. They would remove it in two differnt ways... they would remove the brain with a long hook... or they would stir up the brein into liquidand let it drain out. The next step would be removing the organs. A person called a slitter would come and slit open thhe body. Then they would remove the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Each organ was placed in its own jar called a canopic jar. After that the would stuff you with straw or linen so you looked the same and Anubus would recognize you. Step 5 lasted a total of 40 days! This step was called the dring out process. The would place you on a slab and cover you with natrod salt.Step 6 was rapping the body...First they would place apiece of gold to cover your slit. This was very difficult and they rappedit with hundreds of yards of linen... to be continued...maybe
mummication is a dead body to prevent from rotting. Some images for you enjoy maybe sort of. having your body mummified was very expensive. Physica body needed to be preserved because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, importantly could not exist. Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. King was mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife(the king would need his body. Step one, announcements of death (messenger was sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step two ( dead body
brought to tents for embalming. The removal of the brain (egyptinos did not know the purpose of the. They thought the brain was a waste of space. The first method is the brain was pulled out of the head through the nose with a long hook. The second method organs ( liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Organs are then placed in their own canopic jar. Cleansing : body on slab and covered with nator salt. Slab was at a slant so water could not run out. Step five is wrapping the body is very difficult. A gold piece placed on a slit a hundred of yards of linens method. Step seven is final procession part.
There are three Great Pyramids of Giza. Giza is a Necropolis there is four main things located in Giza one is the Great Sphinx the second thing is the pyramid of Menkaure the third thing is the pyramid of Krafre the fourth thing is the pyramid of Khufu. Across the street from Giza Necropolis is a kfc and a pizza hut.Did you know that the Great Sphinx nickname is the Guardian of Giza complex. The Great Sphinx is the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has a body of a lion a head of man and it is made out of limestone. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of limestone and Granite. Archaeologist found it unique. The pharaoh of the pyramid of Menkaure was lost in the Mediterranean Sea. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid of Giza. It appears larger because its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs two point five tons. This pyramid is unique because there still remains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top. The Great pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu it was the worlds tallest building for one thousand two hundred and seventy years. There are two areas of the great pyramid one is three smaller pyramids for his wife’s and the other one is the small tombs for his nobles.
Hi my name is Shawn and I will be telling you about The Great Sphinx Egypt and this is what you need to know there is a place called Giza and there are four main things the pyramid of Menkaure the smallest pyramid of the three pyramids it is made of limestone and granite. The pyramid of Khafre second largest of the three at Giza it appears larger because of its steep sides and higher ground. The Great Pyramid of Khufu the world’s tallest buildings for almost 1,270 years.
Hi im in mr klumpers 4th period class and I ,ant to tell you some things about mummification. First of I’ll tell you the prosess of mummification. The first thing they do is they chant tings out to the after life. Ok now they start the mummification process the first step ins called “announcement of death and how they do that is by having a sent messenger go out on to the streets and accounce the death of that person and did you know that the people that were related to that person would pay the people to cry when they walk down the streets to put them in the little chamber. The second step was called embalming the body and what would they do well they would brought the dead body to special tents for embalming.the third step would be removal of the brain, and Egyptians did not know why the brain was there anyway so they took it out so here are some things they would do to take the brain out they are the brain was pulled out by of the head throught the nose with a long hook or they would mix the brain up with a wire and than would drain it out the nose by tipping the dead body over and if you ask me that is so gross.and more is commimg
Hi I’m Emma and I’m going to tell you more about the pyramids of ancient Egypt. First off let’s travel to the great town of Giza home of the Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafer, and my personal favorite The Great Pyramid. Now we all know that Egypt has changed over the couple of millenniums the ancient Egyptians have been gone for instance now there’s a KFC and a Pizza Hut across the street from the pyramids! Let’s start talking about the Great Sphinx, the nickname for the sphinx is guardian of Giza, and another thing, the sphinx is a single stone statue that means its one big block of rock! Moving on let’s go to the pyramid of Menkaure. Now the pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest pyramid in Giza. It’s unique because inside archeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus which they lost in the Mediterranean Sea (cluts os). Now let’s move on to the Pyramid of Khafre. Khafre is the second largest pyramid in Giza. It appears bigger because of its steeper sides and high ground. Finally let’s move on to THE GREAT PYRAMID dun dun dun. The great pyramid is actually called the pyramid of Khufu. It was the tallest building in the world for 1,270 years that’s along time! See you next time on Water For Sixth Grade!
To Be Continued
Mummification was a process of drying out a body and preserving it very nicely. It would supposedly send you to the afterlife. The pyramids were built for protecting the mummy. Supposedly if you wanted to go to the afterlife, you would have to be Mummified. If you wanted to be mummified if you were not a pharoh, you could still be mummified,but you would have to pay a lot of money. The mummificaton process is unknown, but we have an idea of what it was like from Greek tourist who observed the process. if he got it right, it would have been like this: STEP 1: a messenger was sent out to the streets to announce the death. (sort of like the obichuaries today).
STEP 2: body embalmed.
STEP 3: removal of brain. step 1: brain pulled out of nose with hooked stick. step 2: if hook was too big,or the nose was too small, they would stick a stick in and turn it into liquid, and drain it out through the nose hole. (they thought the brain was a waste of space.)
STEP 4: removal of internal organs lungs, liver, stomach, and the intestines were reomoved to preserve the body they were then put in canopic jars and buried with the mummy. well,got ot go! more to come
I am going to teach you about some very interesting pyramids. One of the pyramids is the great pyramid of Menkaure, It is one of the pyramids at Giza. One thing about it is that it is the smallest pyramid out of the 3 pyramids at Giza. Also it is made out of limestone and granite. One thing that is unique about it is that archeologists found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. Another one of the pyramids is the pyramid of Khafre. It is the second largest of the three pyramids at Giza. This pyramid appears bigger than it is because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each of Khafre’s blocks weigh about 2.5 tons. One thing that is unique about is that it still remains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top. The great pyramid is another thing I have to teach you. The great pyramid Is the pyramid of Khufu. Worlds tallest building for over 1,270 years. The area of this pyramid is the 3 pyramids for his wives and 3 small tombs for his nobles. It took roughly twenty years to build. The workers were paid. There were also two million blocks for this pyramid. Each block weighed roughly two tons. All together the pyramid weighed four million tons(that is 8,000,000,000). Inside the great pyramid there is brand gallery, kings chamber, quenns chamber and a subtereen chamber. These pyramids weren’t just for the looks. They held the kings and queens of Egypt. Pharaos were mostly the ones living in these great pyramids. The Egyptian people also had tools to measure the blocks. There is still more to come....
I think that ancient Egypt is very interesting and I want to talk to you about mummification. Mummification is the process when a pharaoh or rich person died or people had money to be mummified it was very expensive. Mummification meant drying out the body. The people thought mummification was important because they would need there body in the after life and they would have to know what there body looked like to find it. The first step of mummification was to announce the death of whomever died and people would get paid to cry for the person who died so the gods knew he or she was important and people loved him or her so he would give them a good life. Step two in the process was embalming the body. Step three they would remove the brain they thought that the brain was a waste of space and they didn’t know what it was used for. So they pulled the brain out through their nose with a long hook or they would take a wire and stir the brain until it became liquid then they would pour it out through the nose. Step four was to remove the internal organs they would remove the liver, lungs, stomache, and intestines. They made a small slit in the person then the person that made the slit would get beat with rocks for doing it. Each organ was individually wrapped and put in canopic jars. Step six was to wrap the body they would put a piece of gold on the slit to help the person in the after life. The first ritual was to open the person’s mouth so they could eat in the after life. Ritual two was way different they would weigh the person’s heart against a feather and if it was balanced it would mean you would be granted immortality if it was heavier than the feather your soul would be doomed to a horrible fate. Step seven was the final procession the persons family and friends would walk through the town on the way to the burial where the person would be buried. Rich people and pharaohs would probably have been buriend in tombs or pyramids where they would be safe from tomb robbers so they wouldn’t steal the precise artifacts that the rich and pharaohs had with them. I think that ancient Egypt is very interesting.
Have you ever heard of mummification? Most of you have probably heard of mummies though. Mummification is just how mummies become mummies. Did you know that the Egyptians thought? That the brain was unimportant! They thought that the brain was just a waste of space. This is how mummification starts, well you all know that some one has to die after that happens a person nowdays would be known as the news boy would go around town telling every one that the person had died. Then a priest would take himself and some other people to a secret place and start the mummification process. The priest weres a special mask of the god that was going to help the people in the after life and while this process is taking place the people would start chanting secret verses. First the people would remove the brain through the nose! They would insert a hook through nose and pull the brain out. (gross) Then one of the people would draw a line on the side of the dead persons stomach then one of the people would cut it open with a sharp rock. Then all the rest of the people would through pebbles at that person because they did there job! Then they would take the inside out! Will continue
Ok since you know nothing about mummification I am going to tell you a little bit about it… Mummification is very cool. The definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. When you want to have your body mummified it is very expensive so some people don’t get mummified. The physical body needed to be preserved because the body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist. So the people could see where they were going to cut the body to get the organs, out they used a red pen/paint to show where they were going to do that. In order to cut open the dead body they had to use a slitter. The slitter would cut open the body to get out all of the organs. After the Egyptians cut open the stomach they would get pelted with stones. When the Ancient Egyptians did this their god named Anubis wore a Jack head. Before the Egyptians cut open and started on the dead body they would cover the dead body in natron salt for 40 days. After those 40 days the people would start on the dead body. After they are done with the dead body they wrap it like a mummy and then keep it like that for awhile and then when they think its done they come back and they unwrap the mummy and when they unwrap the mummy it looks nothing like a human dead body. All you can see on the mummies skin is nothing actually, you can see its ribs and bones, eyes kind of and also you can see the nose and lips. You can only see the outline though. After they unwrap the mummy the amulets protect it. The Great Pyramid was used to stop the grave robbers from coming into the pyramid and getting the mummy.
Well that’s all I am going to tell you Bye Bye…!!!
It took Ancient Egyptians twenty years to build the pyramid of Khufu or The Great Pyramid. This pyramid is not just the tallest pyramid in the world it is also worlds tallest building for 1270years which is a very long time. Around the area of The Great Pyramid King Khufu has three smaller pyramids for his three wives and small tombs for his nobles. Another interesting fact is The Great Pyramid is made up of more than two-million blocks. Each block weighed about two tons; this pyramid also weighs four million tons (8,000,000,000 pounds). Inside this pyramid are four rooms the grand gallery, king’s chamber, queen’s chamber, and the subteran chamber. Now you will be learning about the pyramid of Khafre. This pyramid is the second largest pyramid of the three at Giza. This pyramid appears bigger because it has steep sides and higher ground. This pyramid’s blocks weigh 2.5 tons just a little bit more then the great pyramid. The unique thing about this pyramid is that it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top of the pyramid. You have learned about The Great Pyramid and the pyramid of Khafre now you will learn about the pyramid of Menkaure. Out of the three pyramids at Giza this is the smallest one. This pyramid is made out of limestone and granite. The unique thing about this pyramid is that archeologist’s found a beautiful sarcoughagus in the pyramid somewhere. Then a little while after they found this artifact it got lost in the Mediterranean Sea. More to come.
Have you ever studied pyramids before? I have and I’m going to tell you about it. These pyramids are located in Egypt. The first pyramid that I’m going to tell you about is The Great Sphinx. It is also nicknamed Guardian of the Giza Complex. It is the largest single stone statue on Earth. Isn’t that AMAZING? The Great Sphinx has a body of a lion and the head of a man. Weird I know. Also it is made out of limestone. The next pyramid I’m going to talk about is the Pyramid of Menkaure. This pyramid is the smallest pyramid out of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. T he most unique thing about this pyramid is that archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid which is found in the Mediterranean Sea. The next pyramid is a kind of odd one.
To be continued.
First I would like to tell you a thing or two. The great sphinx its nick name is guardian of the Giza complete. Now something about the Giza. It is located in Egypt the biggest pyramid is Khufu. It was the biggest building in the world for 1,270 years. It has about 2 million blocks. And each block weighs about 2 tons that is 4,000 pounds. Now the smallest pyramid is Menkaure. It was made out of lime stone and granite. And a pyramid weighs 4 million tons per pyramid. That is 8,000,000,000 pounds. And the 2 largest pyramids is khafre. more to cume
The people in Ancient Egypt knew to do many great things but one of the greatest things is the wonderful pyramids. The people made only about 80 total pyramids but that’s because they took a very, very long time to make. Three of the greatest pyramids are the Pyramid of Menkaure. It is the smallest of the three Giza pyramids. It’s made of lime stone and granite. Inside of it archaeologists had found a beautiful sarcophagus in side of it. On its journey back it was lost or dropped in the Med. Sea.
The second pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre. It is the second largest of the three pyramids of Giza. It appears to be the biggest of them all because of its steep sides and is built on higher ground. Each bock (the pyramids were made from blocks that averaged anywhere to from the size of a refrigerator to the size of a truck) weighs almost 2.5 tons!
Another thing that is cool about it is that some of the smooth limestone casting that was on the top of the limestone is still at the top of it.
More to come …….
Ancient egipt pyrimids are realy amazing . these pyrimeds took years to build and tons of stone . the pyrimids took hundreds of men when they where building it . inside these pyrimids there are tombs and gold and tunnels and shafts. These pyrimids were built to store the dead body of the pharoe and his riches and sometimes even his servents . the servents would haft to seal the pyramid tomb so if anyone would try to go in it the couldn’t see the door to the tomb. They would alsow put the quween in her own separate tomb . there is alsow something called a subterane chamber that was under the ground. That was used to get robbers lost if they try to rob something . but the workers that built the pyrimids were not slaves . they were actually paid quite a bit. Most workers would only where sandles or go bare footwhin they would build the pyrimids because it was so hot . most pyrimids had rouphly 8billion blocks and the pyrimeds weghed a staggering 4million tons . they would also put granite on the side of the walls to make it look smooth and shiny.. butt the strange thing is that there is a KfC right across the street from the giza nacroplas.
What I was kinda was thinking is that how would they make the blocks . they do that by using a big chunk of rock and hitting it on the rock and then eventually it would make a block for the pyrimed. The pyrimeds were very big and they would make them with care but the pyrimids were peeled out from the granite shell.
Have you heard of the Ancient Epypt pyramids before. I ask because I’m going to tell you a little about it . One thing is that the Great Shpinx’s nickname is The Guardian of the Giza Complex. It is the largest side stone statue on earth and it has a body of lion and a head of a man which I think is a little weird. Next place is the Pyramid of Menkaure. It is the smallest of the three main pyramids also It’s made out of lime stone and granite. Another unique fact is that the reason why it’s famous is it has a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid that got lost in the Mediterranean Sea which I think is still lost today. Next more to come.
Mummification, or preventing a body to rot by drying it out, has seven steps. The first step is to make an announcement of the death, like we do today with obituaries. A messenger is sent out to the streets to make the announcement. Then the second step begins. The body is brought to special tents for embalming. Embalming a body means to mummify it. Step three is the removal of the brain. The method used for doing so was either to pull it out through the nose by a hook, or to mix it up with a wire and drain it through the nose. The ancient Egyptians thought that the brain as a waste of space, but they didn’t know the purpose of it. Step four is similar to step three only you are removing the internal organs instead. To do this, a small slit is made on the left side of the stomach. Once removed, each organ as individually wrapped and then placed in canopic jars. The body is washed with oil, lotion, and preserving fluids. It is then stuffed with linen or straw. Now on to step five, this is the drying out process. The body is placed on a slab and covered with natron salt. The slab was a slant so the fluids could run out. This lasted 40 days. Step 6 was wrapping the body. It was very difficult and had to be done in a certain way. This process used hundreds of yards of linens. The method was everything would be wrapped, shroud was added at the end to keep the wrapping together. Body was then covered with “mummia” to glue everything together. The body as then placed in a painted, decorated coffin. Now for the last step, family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry to show the importance of the person to gods. The more people that cried, the better their chances were of getting to the afterlife.
Pyramids are very tall and triangular. Giza is a pyramid and is located in Egypt. There are four main things located in Giza one is the Sphinx second is the pyramid of Menkaure third is the pyramid of Khafre last is the pyramid of Khufu. A cool fact is across from Giza Necropolis is a KFC and a Pizza Hut.
The Great Sphinx had a nickname called Guardian of the Giza Complex. The Great Sphinx was the largest single stone statue on earth. The Great Sphinx is a body of a lion and a head of a man. The Great Sphinx was made out of limestone.
Pyramid of Menkaure was the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. Menkaure was made out of limestone and granite. A cool fact about Menkaure is that archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. The menkaure got lost in the Mediteranean sea.
more to come...........
Arrrrhg! Many people believe that mummies are dead bodies that can still move. No. Not at all. Mummies are really just dead bodies of pharaohs, queens, and lords. The process of mummification begins with the announcentment of death. A messanger is sent out to the streets to to announce the death. Next, is the process of embalming. The body is brought to a special tent where they begin the process of embalming. Then is the removal of the brain. Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain, so they thought it was a waste of space. There were two methods of removing the brain. Method 1: The brain was pulled out through the nose with a long hook. Method 2: The brain was mixed up with a wire and drained out through the nose. Fourth, was the removel of the internal organs. They would remove the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines through a slit on the left side of the stomach, and place them in canopic jars. The body was then cleansed with oil, lotion, preserving fluids, and stuffed with cloth and straw. Fith, was the process of drying the body. They would cover the body with natron salt and placed on a slab at a slant so the water would run out. This would last thirty-five to fourty days. Sixth, the body was wrapped with linen. Then the body was covered with mummia. Fianally, it was the final procession. People would walk through the town and were paid to cry. Ridiculass.
Ha Mr.Klumper you said you wonted to learn about Pyramids. So I’m going to tell you about them.
Pyramids in Egypt are in a Necropolis. Necropolis means large cemetery or during place.
More to come
The Egyptians had much different burial places for their rulers than us, they had pyramids. The most interesting group of pyramids is in Giza, Egypt. There are three main pyramids, the pyramids of the pharaohs, and there are pyramids for the pharaohs’ wives, of which are much smaller.
The first one is the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. An interesting fact about the pyramid is that a beautiful sarcophagus, where the body was placed after mummification, was found in it, but it was dropped into the Mediterranean.
The next pyramid is the Pyramid of Khafre. This pyramid appears to be larger than the others, but it is actually only the second largest. Its steep sides and higher ground make it seem larger. The blocks used to make it were about two and a half tons. Uniquely, when the Egyptians took the smooth limestone casing off the pyramids for other uses, they left the top of the casing on this pyramid.
The final pyramid I am going to talk about is the Pyramid of Khufu, or better known as, the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid was the world’s tallest building for a whopping 1,270 years. The area of the pyramid consists of three small pyramids for Khufu’s wives and small tombs for his nobles. The town for the workers included a cemetery, a bakery, a factory and a copper melting complex. The Great Pyramid took roughly a 20 year period to build. The people working on it were paid to place over two million blocks. Each block weighed about two tons.
More to come
So what exactly is mummification? Do you know? Well I do. Mummification is the process of drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. It’s not all that easy as you may think, having your body is very expensive. The physical boy is needed to be preserved cause the body, shadow, personality, immorality could not exist. You obviously need a safe passage to afterlife. The king was mummified so his spirit would be able to find him in the afterlife.
The first step to being mummified is announcing the death by a messenger.
Do you know what the second step is? No guesses? The second step is embalming the body. The body was brought to a special tent for embalming the body.
As you may think the third step is unbelievable and also disgusting is was very true. The third step was removing the brain. The Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain and thought it was a waist of space. The first method of doing this process was sticking a long hook through the nose. The second method was stirring the brain the a wire and draining it out of your nose. Does’nt it sound painful!?
more to come
Hi, I am here to teach you about mummification. In the pyramids of Egypt, mummies are hidden there from grave robbers. Even though none of the mummies have been found that were in there we found other mummies outside of the pyramids of Egypt. We found over 100,000 mummies outside of the pyramids.
During their rituals the priest would where a jackle head of Anubus. Then he would put a mark of paint on the stomach to show where the slitter would slit. By the way Anubus is the mummification god of Egypt. After the slitter slit the body he would get rocks thrown at him for punishment of slitting the body. They put the mark on the body to show were the internal organs would be removed at.
After they made the slit, they would take out the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines. They took the brain out too because they thaught it was a waist of space. They covered the body with natron salt to dry out the body. That process took 35-40 days to dry out.
I have one 180 words
Since my last name starts with an E I get to write about the pyramids. The first thing you must know is that the pyramids are huge. The biggest structures on earth for 1,270 years and get this they weigh 8,000,000,000 pounds. 2.5 tons per block that is a lot. There are 4 chambers in the pyramids. The grand gallery the kings chamber the queens chamber and the subterrane chamber. That is a lot of rooms even for such a big structure. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of all the pyramids, and is made out of limestone and granite. The archeologists that found it also found its beautiful sarcophagus. But sadly the boat that was carrying it was lost in the Mediterranean Sea after a storm. The Pyramid of Khufu was the biggest pyramid of them all. It had over 2 million blocks from top to bottom. It took roughly 20 years to build. The final pyramid is the Pyramid of Khafre. The second largest pyramid of them all. But it is the only pyramid that still has some of its limestone casing at the top. The kings could build small pyramids for there wives if they wished. Usually they had about three small pyramids. To be continude
Have you ever heard of Pyramids well I am going to talk to you about some very interesting Pyramids. The first do you know where Giza is located if you don’t then I will tell you that is it located in Egypt. The three things that are located at Giza are Sphinx, Pyramids of Menkaure, Pyramids of Khafre, and Pyramids of Khufu. Did you know that across the street are KFC and Pizza Hut? The Guardian of the Giza Complex is the nickname for The Great Sphinx. Also The Great Sphinx is the largest Single Stone Statue on Earth. Its has a body of a lion and a head of a man and it is made out of limestone. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. The Pyramid of Menkaure is also made out of Limestone but also Granite. It is unique because archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the Pyramid. It was lost in the Mediterranean Sea. The Pyramid of Khafre is the 2nd largest of the three Pyramids at Giza. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs 2.5 tons. It is unique because it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top. The Great Pyramid is the Pyramid of Khufu. It is the world’s tallest building for 1,270 years. Areas of the Great Pyramid are 3 small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his Nobles. Town for workers included cemetery, bakery, factory, and copper melting complex. Materials and Workforce roughly 20 years. Workers were paid. Over 2 million blocks and each block weighed roughly 2 tons. Four million ton pyramids. Inside The Great Pyramid is the Grand Gallery, Kings Chamber, Queens Chamber, and Subterrance Chamber.
The four main rooms in a temple are Grand Gallery, Queen's Chamber, King's Chamber, and Subterrain Chamber. Inside a pyramid looks rocky very mazeful and has lots of rooms. I think pyramids are very interesting and hope you enjoyed my article
Did you know that the Great Sphinx is the protector of Giza? Well it is and its nickname is The Guardian of the Giza Complex. This statue is the largest single stone statue on earth. The Great Sphinx has a body of a lion and a head of a man. This statue is also made out of limestone. You have heard about the four main things of Giza Necropolis so I will tell you a little bit about Giza Necropolis. When you go to Giza Necropolis if you stand on a pyramid across the street you will see Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Pizza Hut. Are you wondering what Giza is and where it is located? Well I will tell you that answer. Giza is located in Egypt and a Necropolis is a large cemetery or a burying place. I hope you learned a lot about ancient Egyptian pyramids and what’s around them.
[Part two of my posting]
Step 5 Drying out the body Methods: body placed on slab and covered with Natal Salt lasted 40 days. Right now I’m thinking I would never get mummified! Step 6 wrapping the body. Wrapping the body was very difficult also there was a gold piece on a slit with hundreds of yards of linens then covered in mamma to glue every thing together then placed in a painted coffin. Step 7 Final Procession Family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. Did you know people were paid to cry to how the gods the person was well loved because people that cried , the better his chances were of getting to after world. Now about the Rituals the first opening of the mouth the second weighing of the heart. These are some facts did you know it was VERY expensive to get mummified. The reason why they needed to mummified to be preserved. Those are my facts about mummification. Off of the mummification guided notes work sheet. See you later!!!!!!
Hi Mr.Klumper I will tell you some facts about mummification. First of all the definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to protect it from rotting. Having your body mummified was very expensive. So you ask why the need to Mummify? Well the physical body needed to be preserved. It would also ensure a safe passage to the after life. A king would be mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife. The process of mummification has taken us on a wild ride because this secret has only supposedly been seen once so it has taken us a lot of experimenting and its still possible were not even right. Here is what we know or at least think it is: step 1 announcement of the death a messenger would be sent out to announce the death. Step 2 embalming of the body the dead body would be brought to a special tent for embalming. Step 3 removal of the brain since they did not know the purpose of the brain they thought it was a waste of space. Step 4 removal of internal organs liver, lungs ect. Step 5 the drying out process this lasted 40 days. Step 6 unwraping of the body this task was very difficult. Step 7 the final process is basically the burial. I hope you learned something about mummification.
pyramids are the grave for the pharoe the pyramids was ment to protect the pharoah of egypt the egyptions who built thhe pyramids had creat it so that GRAVE ROBERS could not get to the fortune of the pyramids. pyramids were the tallest stone structures of all time some were for the pharoes wives and others were for kings and queens. they were also for nobbles but they were small tombs
the workers were paid lots of money to help build the pyramids. each block of the pyramids rouflly weighed over 2 tonns togerther most pyramids would weigh at least four million tons. like the great the pyramid kufu it is the tallist stonestructure of all timefor more than one thousand two hundread and seventy years. by it was the three queens pyramids it had some tobs that were verey small for the nobbles. then there was the pyramid menkure the smallest of the three it was made out of limestone and granet. then theres the second biggest pyramid khafre it appears bigger because of it's steep sides
to be continued
Do you know anything about the Pyramids? First thing is they are located in Giza which is located next to the Nile River. Giza is a necropolis. A necropolis is a large cemetery or burying place. There are 4 main things located at Giza. Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafre and Pyramid of Khufu. The Great Sphinx which is nicknamed the guardian of the giza complex is the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man. It is made out of limestone. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It is made out of limestone and granite. It is unique because an archaeologist found a sarcophagus in the Pyramid. The pyramid is lost in the Mediterranean Sea. The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids at Giza. It appears bigger than it seems because of its steep and higher ground. Each block of the Pyramid weighs 2.5 tons. Khafre is unique because it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top. The great pyramid is called the great pyramid of Khufu. The great pyramid of Khufu has been the world’s tallest building for 1,270 years.
Khufu has three small pyramids for wives and has tombs for novels. The town for workers included a cemetery, a bakery, a factory, and a copper melting complex. The workers had a rough twenty year pyramid, even though they were paid. There were over two million blocks and each block weighed two tons. Guess how many blocks were on the great pyramid? 4 million blocks. That equals 8 million pounds. There were a lot of rooms in the Great Pyramid, but the most important were the grand gallery, the quenn’s chamber, the king’s chamber, and the subterranean chamber. You will never guess what’s across the street from the Giza necropolis. KFC and Pizza Hut, two of my favorite places to eat. All in all the pyramids were one of the most important things for the Egyptians.
Here are some cool facts about the pyramids. the nickname of the pyramid is guardian of the Giza complet.Its the largest single stone statue on earth.The body of a line and the head of a man. Its made out of limestone. The smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. Its made out of limestone and granite. Archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid.It gos to the Mediterianean sea. The largest of the three pyramids of Giza.
Mr.Klumper I am going to tell you about pyramids.
The great sphinx
Nickname: guardian of the Giza complex
having your body mummified was very expensive. why the need to mummified? # 1. physical body needed to be preserved because: body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immportality could not exis. # 2. ensure a safe passage.
to be continued
Pyramids, ever heard of them if not keep reading.. Ok well there are three main pyramids located in the Giza Necropolis, in Egypt. Also located in Giza is the Great Sphinx, which I will talk about later. These structures were built to be a burial for their pharaoh, at the time. The pyramids were made to keep greedy grave robbers away from the mummy and his or her treasure. They were built very complex as so the robbers would not succeed.
The first pyramid I’ll talk about is the pyramid of Menkaure, the smallest of the three pyramids. The structure is built of limestone and granite. It is unique not because of the person inside but the thing they were buried in. An archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. But on there was home the ship sank and it was lost in the Mediterranean Sea for all eternity.
Now I will talk about the Sphinx, it was nicknamed the guardian of the Giza complex. It is the largest single stone statue on earth; it has the body of a lion and the head of a man. Made out of limestone it has to be pretty strong.
The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. The blocks each weigh 2.5 tons! This pyramid still retains some of its limestone casing at the top.
Look for more!!!!!!
I am going to tell you about Egypt's mummification process. Mummification is the process of drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified is very expensive though. The king’s body has to be mummified because when you go to the after life they thought they had to recognize you and that is when it comes in use. They place your organs in a canopic jar and place it in the tomb. They thought there was no use for the brain so they pulled it out with a medal bar through the nose. Wrapping the body is very difficult, it takes hundreds of yards of linen. Shroud is added at the end to keep the wrapping together. The body is covered in mummia to glue everything together. Then they are placed in a decorated coffin or casket. Family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry to show the gods the person was well loved. The more people that cried the better the person’s chance was to go to the after life. Priests would touch parts of the face with special instruments. Without this process, dead person would not be able to see, hear, eat, or move. Then they were put in the chamber with canopic jars, belongings, and the book of the dead. The heart was taken out of the body and weighed against the feather of truth. If balanced soul granted immortality, if heavier soul was doomed to horrible fate. This ritual is called weighing of the heart. That is the basic steps of Egypt’s mummification process.
Mummification is drying out of the dead body and it is very expensive! They believed that they needed to preserve the physical body. One of the reason they mummified the king is to have the spirit recognize them in the afterlife. They also thought they needed a safe path to the afterlife. Here is the process of the mummification. The first step of mummification is the announcement of death where a messenger is sent out to the streets to tell everyone about the death. The next step is to embalm the body. This is when they send the body to a special tent. Once he is there the first thing they do is remove the brain. They do this first because they think the brain is a waste of space. There was two ways they could do this; the first was to stick a big hook up the nose and ripped it out. The second is a little better all they did was used a wire to stir the brain up and let it drain out. Step three was to remove the organs. The main ones removed were liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. The way they got these out was to make a small slit by the red line drawn by one person; then the slitter got pelted with rocks because they cut the body. They reached in and they ripped the organs and stuff out. Each one was individually wrapped and placed in a canopic jar. The body was stuffed with linen and straw, after being washed with oil. Next they dried out the body on a slab at a slant, covered in salt. This took 40 days. The next step is wrapping which was very difficult. They placed gold over the cut to say sorry to the gods. They used hundreds of yards of linen. they covered the whole thing with mummia. Finally they went through the streets and people were paid to cry. That is how they mummified people!!!!!!!
and i'm john i'm doing pyramids. There are a lot of pyramids in the world, but there are only three at Giza the three are....... Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of khafre, and the great pyramid of khuf. Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest pyramid at Giza it is amde out of limestone and Granite. It is very unique becouse a aechaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the phramis, but they say it is cursed becouse it was lost in the Mediterranean Sea. The pyramis of Khafre is the 2nd largest of the three pyramids at Giza appears as though it is the biggest becouse of it's steep sides and higher ground. All the blocks weighed about 2.5 tons. It s also unique but not becouse they found something in the pyramid, but becouse it's smooth limestone caseing at the top of it becouse all the other pyramid got it tooken off. The great pyramid of khufu is the biggest of the three pyramids at Giza it is the world's tallest building for 1,270 years after it was built. The king of the great pyramid had two other small pyramids by him for his wives (thse pyramids do not count for the three of pyramids at Giza). It also had pyramids by him for his nobles. It took 20 years to build this huge pyramid. The workers who built it were paid very good to build it. There was over 2 million blocks stack to make it. The pyramid weighed 4 million tons that is 8,000,000,000 pounds. In the pyramid was 4 rooms: Grand Gallery, queen's chamber, King's chamber and supternane chamber. Acrosed the pyramids was KFC and Pizza hut lol :). There are a lot of other pyramids other then this these are just the pyramids of Giza were also the Great Spginx nickname is Guardion of the Giza compley . It is the largest single stoone statue on earth even still today!! it has a body of a loin head of a man made out of limestone. A lot of people says it is haunted, but i think it is just part of there imaganation..
Pyramids. The Egyptian pyramids have had a thousand visitors a day, although the visitors might not know about it, well that much about it anyways. The pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid that is known to us, sometimes they call it the great pyramid. If you go to the pyramids you will find every single one empty. It is empty because there were robbers who most likely stole the gold and the mummy. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of them all and like the others is made out of limestone and granite. Archeologists found a beautiful sarcophagus in this certain pyramid and while transporting it fell into the sea, the Mediterranean Sea to be exact.
The sphinx is very unique too, because it is supposed to be a lion with the head of a man like a lion-man typish thing. It is the largest stone statue in the world! It is made out of limestone and is the guardian of the giza complex.
The giza complex is the area that the sphinx, the pyramid of Menakaure, the pyramid of Khufu and the pyramid of Khafre. Another name for it is the giza necropolis. Across from the giza necropolis is pizza hut and Kentucky fried chicken or kfc.
To be continued………… 213 words I have 87 words left!!!!
Mummification is a hard process. The definition of mummification is drawing out a dead body to prevent rotting. Having your body mummified was very expensive.
Process of Mummification
1. Announcement of Death
2. Embalming the Brain
3. Removal of the Brain
4. Removal of the Organs
5. Drying out process
6. Wrapping the Body
7. Final Procession
1. Opening of the mouth
2. Weighing of the brain
The whole process takes about 2 months. While they were preserving the mummy the priests would have to wear Jackal Heads that represented the god of mummification, Anubis. The slitter would make the incision and then get pelted with rocks. For forty days the mummies were covered in natron salt. The mummies were put in the pyramids to protect the mummy of the pharaoh. During the mummification sacred verses were chanted to assist in the journey to the next world.
To be continued………………………….
Hello are you ready to learn about pyramids maybe not but there are some really sweet facts. The Great Pyramid is the biggest pyramid ever built in egypt. I think it would really hard to build a pyramid in the burning hot sun. I would get alot of allowance if i bult a pyramid. Khafre is the second of the three pyramids at Giza. It also appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs about 2.5 tons. Khafre still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top. The Great Pyramid is the pyramid Khufu. Its the worlds tallest building for 1270 years. It would have three smaller pyramids for wives and small tombs for his noble. Town for workers included cematry,bakery,factory,and copper melting.
What I know about pyramids in ancient Egypt is , three pyramids and one Spinx are located in Giza. Giza is located near the Nile River and that it is a necropolis (a large cemetery.) The pyramids that are located in Giza are… Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu. Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids and is made out of limestone and granite. Archaeologists found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. But then lost in the Mediterranean Sea . The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid in Giza. It appears the largest because of it’s steep sides and higher ground. Khafre is the only pyramid left in Giza that still has some of it’s limestone casing at the top. The third pyramid is The Great Pyramid is also the pyramid of Khufu. It was the world’s largest building for 1,270 years. The Great Pyramid has three smaller pyramids for his three wives. And tombs for his nobles. The other thing in Giza is the Sphinx, it’s nick name is the Guardian of the Giza complex. The Sphinx is the largest single stone statue on Earth. With the body of a lion and the head of a man the Sphinx is made entirely of limestone. look for more
Have you ever heard of mummification ill tell you how they do it and all the rest of the stuff they use. First being mummified is very exspensive. Wht they do is they put a hook up your notrall and wiggle your brain out and if that doesn’t work they slide a wire that wiggles in ur brain and it comes out likedybstance and then they move ur body so you lay on your stomach and your brain comes out like a gunky likuid.
After their done with that they cut your stomach open and pull all of your intestines out and your stomach and your lungs and your liver. When there done with that they put your brains in a jar. They have this sand called nutrian sand and they out your lungs liver and stomach and intestines in a bowl with the sand over the body stuff and let it sit for fourdy days and they also put sand in the body so that drys to and that also sits for 40 days. After all that is done and ur bodys dry they brush the sand off and wrap the body they use a very strong glue to keep the wrapping on the body. Then they put it in the casket and they have a funral for the mummie and they actuely pay people to cry at the funeral. The people that cut the body and took all the stuff out get rocks thrown at them for a punishment.they weigh the heart also to make sure its healthy. They keep the jar with the body for the afrter life.
Mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified was very expensive. Physical body needed to be preserved because the body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist and Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. King mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife. Announcement of death and embalming the body. Removal of the brain and the Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain, they thought the brain was a waste of space. The brain was pulled out of the head through the nose with a long hook or if that didn’t work they would mix the brain up with wires and drain it out of the nose.
Have you ever heard of mummification ill tell you how they do it and all the rest of the stuff they use. First being mummified is very exspensive. Wht they do is they put a hook up your notrall and wiggle your brain out and if that doesn’t work they slide a wire that wiggles in ur brain and it comes out likedybstance and then they move ur body so you lay on your stomach and your brain comes out like a gunky likuid.
After their done with that they cut your stomach open and pull all of your intestines out and your stomach and your lungs and your liver. When there done with that they put your brains in a jar. They have this sand called nutrian sand and they out your lungs liver and stomach and intestines in a bowl with the sand over the body stuff and let it sit for fourdy days and they also put sand in the body so that drys to and that also sits for 40 days. After all that is done and ur bodys dry they brush the sand off and wrap the body they use a very strong glue to keep the wrapping on the body. Then they put it in the casket and they have a funral for the mummie and they actuely pay people to cry at the funeral. The people that cut the body and took all the stuff out get rocks thrown at them for a punishment.they weigh the heart also to make sure its healthy. They keep the jar with the body for the afrter life.
This is what I know about the pyramids. Giza is located in Egypt and they called necropolis a large cemetery. The 4 most important things that are located at Giza are sphinx, pyramid of menkaure, pyramid of khfre and pyramid of Khufu. I think this is funny, do you know what you would find across the street from the pyramids a KFC and a pizza hut. The nick name of the great sphinx is the guardian of the Giza complex. It is also the largest single stone statue on earth. The great sphinx has the head of a lion and a body of a man. It is made out of limestone.
The pyramid of menkure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out limestone and granite. This pyramid is unique arcyologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in this pyramid but it got lost in the Mediterranean Sea.
The pyramid of khafre is the second largest of the three. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block eights about 2.5 tons. This pyramid also has something unique about it, it still has a lime stone covering
hi mr. klumper I am going to talk about mummifaction.
anocment of dead embalming the body removal of brain thay thought the brain was a waste of space removol of internal organs liver lung intesines stomich orgen then placed in conapic jar drying out body coverd in salt wraping body hunderd of years of linens everything wrapped shoud added at end to kep wrapping to gether mummia.
The definanition to mummification is :drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting.They dried the body out by putting Natron Salt inside the body because the salt absorbs the stuff inside the body and dries up the body. The physical body needed to be preserved.that would ensure a safe after life for he or she.the king needed his body so the gods in the after life could recognize him.Proccess of mummification is1. announce the death of who died.2.embalming the dead body.3.removal of the brain.they thought the brain was a waste of space.brain was pulled out of head with a hook out of the nose.then if the process I just showed you did not work for instance maybe the nostrals were to small they would mix the rain up with a wire and it would be drained out with a tube.4.removal of internal organs.(liver , lungs,stomach,and the intestines.method small slit made on the left side of the stomach.person then reached into the body and pulled out the organs.each organ then individually wrapped and placed in there very own jar.cleansing.body then washed with oil ,lotion and preserving fluids.body then stuffed with linen or straw to keep the shape of the body.5.dry of the body.very very very difficult.method body placed on slab and natron salt put in and then the body dries all up.slab placed with a slant so the fluids would drip or run out of the dead guys body.6. wrapping the body.very very very difficult.gold piece placed on slit so the gods would not be mad for the people doing work on a dead person.the process to about hundreds of yards to wrap a full mummie.everything must be wrapped in linen for the process to be fully done.shroud added to keep wrapping together .body thn covered in mummia to glue everything together
It’s as if people know Egypt by the pyramids. Well I’m here to tell you about the pyramids. Did you know the pyramids are the only meant to protect the pharaoh? There are three many pyramids at a place called Giza. Giza is a necropolis or big cemetery. Can you believe that there is a KFC right across the street? There is also a Pizza Hut. There is also a stone block that was carved into a sphinx. A sphinx is a lion with a head of a man. The sphinx was meant to pyramids. On to the pyramid of Menkaure!!!
It is the smallest of the pyramids and is made of lime stone and granite inside was an unique sarcophagus that went down with a boat in the Medetarian Sea. On to the pyramid of Khafre!!!!! The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three. It appears bigger because of its steep side and higher ground. Each of its blocks weighs 2.5 tons. Some of its smooth limestone casing still remains. To be continued
Good evening or morning. I’m going to tell you about pyramids. Pyramids are really amazing. One of the smallest pyramids is the pyramid of Menkaure. What makes it unique is that they found a sarcoficus, but they lost it in the Mediterranean Sea. The, oops, more to come.
I am here today to talk about mummification. Mummification is a strange process. When the pharaoh died his body would be taken to the embalmment tent on top of a mountain and here it begins… first they would stick a metal hook in the nose and get the brain out. Then the slitter would make an incision and he would be pelted with rocks. Then a man wearing a jackal mask would take the organs out and put them in jars. Then they would cover the body in salt to stop the decay.
Then he would be taken to the pyramid and put in a extremely decorative coffin. Then the workers would seal the pyramid shut, with all of then in side. But they toke a secret passage out. They thought it would stay shut, they were wrong not one of the pyramids have hardily any artifacts. All mummies were surprisingly intake. Imagine the scientists’ face when he saw the mummies face.
Mummification is the process of drying a dead body to keep it from rotting and also the Egyptians beleived it sent the body to meet it's soul in the afterlife. Having your body mummified was extremly expensive. When mummified the physical body was needed to be preserved for the afterlife. Mummification would also ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The king's body had to be preserved so the spirit would regoznize him in the afterlife and also he would need his body. The process of mummification was done in highly important steps. The first step to mummification was the Announcement of Death, where the messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step two was Embalming the Body, where the body was brought to special tents where it was embalmed. The third and probably the grossest step was the Removal of the Brain, where they either pulled the brain out through the nose with a hook or mixed it up with a wire and let it run out of the nose because they didn't know what it was used for and they thought it was a waste of space. Ran out of time..... To Be Continued!!!!
Today I am going to tell you about the pyramids of Egypt. The pyramids are located in a Giza necropolis. A necropolis is a large cemetery. Giza has 4 main things located in it and they are, the Great Sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of Khafic, and pyramid of Khufu. KFC and Pizza Hut are across the street from the Giza necropolis.
The Great Sphinx is the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has the body of a lion and the head of man. Guardian of Giza Complex is the Great Sphinx nickname. Lastly The Great Sphinx is made out of limestone.
The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. It is unique because archeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. Which was lost in the Mediterranean sea. To be continued…
Egypt thats where Giza is located and thats where the Sphinx and the Pyramids are located. The Great Sphinx, the pyramid of Khufu, Menkaure, and Khafre are in Giza. Oh I forgot to eat before I started reading well thats okay lets walk across the street would you like Pizza Hut or KFC. That’s right because right across the street from Giza are those restaurants.
The Great Sphinx’s nickname was the guardian of the Giza complex. It is the largest single stone statue on Earth and no they don’t have one on any other planet.
To be continued!!!!
Giza is a name that brings the image of pyramids to our mind. Now I’ll tell you more about Giza and all that is there. Giza is located in Egypt. Giza holds a necropolis, or large cemetery. Across the street from the necropolis is KFC and a Pizza Hut. Now dead things and tasty lunches aside, on of the four main structures in Giza is the great sphinx, which I will now tell you a little about. The great sphinx is Nicknamed ‘The Guardian of Giza Complex’. The great sphinx also holds the world record of largest single stone learned some structure, carved by ancient Egyptians. The great sphinx has a strange, distinctive, look because of the fact it has the body of a lion, and the head of a man. The great sphinx is made of lime stone, the same material as the three pyramids also located in Giza. Those are some of the facts about the great sphinx, one of the main structures in Giza. Another of the four main structures in Giza is the pyramid of Menkaure. Now we are talking about classic Egypt, the pyramids. Although Menkaure is the smallest pyramid of the great pyramids, I feel safe to say it was the most unique. Why? Because archeologists found a solid gold sarcoughogus in side, But the sarcoughogus was then proceeded to be lost is the Mediterranean Sea. Like the great sphinx, the pyramid is made of lime stone, also granite is found on the pyramid. I hope you have after reading this.
Hi I am going to tell you about the pyramids and alittle about the sphinx. There are three pyramids Menkaure the smallest Khafre the more unique one if you ask me and the tallest Khufu and there is the Great Sphinx also know as the Guardian Of The Giza Complex now that you know the names of the pyramids here are some facts did you know that there is a KFC and a Pizza Hut across from the pyramids and the Sphinx is the largest single stone statue how cool is that and it could take roughly 20years to build wow thats along time and if you would take all the bricks from the great pyramid it would go to the moon that alot of bricks about 2 million bricks the pyrmids and is about 8 billion tons
look for more
I know some stuff about mummification that I would like to share with you; first off not everyone was mummified. The reason for that was because it was very expensive and took a very long time so the priest probably take his time to mummify someone unless he was being paid, hey sounds like people today. So you’re probably thinking why did they mummify pharaohs and those other people? Well they did it to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The king was about the only person who was mummified they did this so the gods would recognize him in the afterlife. So now I’m going to tell you about the process of mummification. Step #1, the announcement of death the town messenger was sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step #2, embalming the body the dead body was brought to special tents for embalming because it smelt so bad. Step #3, Removal of the brain Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain they thought that it was a waste of space. Method #1, brain pulled out of the head through the nose with a long hook. Method #2, Brain mixed up with a wire and drained put through the nose.
TO BE CONTIUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I am going to talk about pyramids. The first pyramid I am going to talk about is Giza. Giza is located in Egypt. Giza Necropolis has 4 main Places located in Egypt. Those places are THE GREAT SPHINX, THE PYRAMID OF MENKURE, THE PYRAMID OF KHUFU, and THE PYRAMID OF KHAFRE. Next I am going to talk about THE GREAT SPHINX... TO BE CONTINUED!!!
My topic is mummification because Mr.Klumper said so. Mummification is a really cool subject that I’m going to talk about, so here I go. Mummification means to dry out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Why is the need to mummify because of the physical body needed to be preserved because body, shadow, name, sprit, personality and, immortality could not exist. Mummification ensured a safe passage to the after life. Kings were mostly mummified so that there spirit would be recognized in the after life. The presses of mummification was to first enounce the death. A messenger was sent to the streets to announce the death. Second was to embalmment the body. That means the dead body was sent to a special tent for that presses. Third was the removal of the brain. To be continued…………
My topic is pyramids because Mr. Klumper said so. Pyramids are really tall pointy buildings where dead people rest. They are also known as tombs. Pyramids start getting built when pharaohs are born the people keep building the pyramid until the pharaoh dies. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest pyramid in Giza. Pyrmaids are normally made out of Granit and limestone. The second largest pyramid in Giza is the pyramid of Khafre. Khafre appears bigger because it is steeper than normal. The sides are also higher on the ground. To be continued
Pyramids, probably the first thing people think of when they think of Egypt. Before I tell you about the pyramids I want to tell you about the sphinx. The Sphinx’s nickname is guardian of the Giza complex. It is the largest single stone structure on Earth. The Sphinx was created by putting together the body of a lion and the head of a man. It was made out of limestone.
Now we move onto the pyramids. I’ll start with the smallest pyramid, the pyramid of Menkaure. The thing that makes this one unique is that the archaeologist found the sarcophagus of the king, but later dropped it in the Mediterranean Sea. This one was made of granite and limestone.
The second largest is the pyramid of Khafre . TO BE CONTINUED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Giza was located in Egypt. A large cemetery or burying place called Necropolis. Four main things located at Giza were sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of Khufu. Across the street from Giza Necropolis were KFC and Pizza Hut. The Great Sphinx nickname was Guardian of the Giza Complex. The largest single stone statue on earth. Body of a lion, head of man, made out of lime stone.
Pyramid of Menkaure…to be continued….
The definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent the body from roting. To have your body mummified it was very expensive. You needed to mummify your body because your body, shadow, name, spirit, persinality, and immortality could not exist in the after life. You are insured when you go to the after life once you are mummified. The king was mummified, so when he went to the after life the spirit would recognize him. The first step to mummification is the anouncement of the person's death. In this step there is a messenger that is sent out to rome the streets and tell people about the person's death. The second step is the embalming of the body. In this step the body is brought to an embalming tent on top of a really big hill. The third step step is the removing of the brain. The eygiptions were really smart, but they had no use for the brain,so they through it out. They thought that the brain was a watse of good space. The next step is the removel of the orgeons. In this step a priest draws a line above the body's abnadom. Next a person called a slitter cuts on the line. Next the slitter is pelted with rocks for messing with the body. The next thing they do is reach in and grab the organs and place them in jars called conopic jars were they will wrap and place the canopic jars in the tomb.
242 words to be continued.
My topic is mummification. The definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Mummification was very expensive. The reason the ancient Egyptians made mummies is because with out your physical body, you don’t have a shadow, name, spirit, and personality, which the Egyptians believed were needed for you to be granted with immortality. Mummification happens in seven steps. The first step is the announcement of death. In this process, a messenger was sent out to the streets to announce the death. The second step was the embalming of the body. The dead body was brought to special tents for the embalming. Step three was the removal of the brain. The Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain. The thought the brain was a waste of space. They had two methods to take out the brain. Their first method was to pull the brain out of the head through the nose with a long hook. Their second method was to push a wire into the nose and up into the brain. They would mix the brain up with the wire and the brain became a liquid, which then drained out the nose. Step four was the removal of the internal organs. The ancient Egyptians removed the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Their method was a small slit made on the left side of the stomach. A person reached in and pulled the organs out. Each organ was then individually wrapped. The wrapped organs were placed in canopic jars. The body was then washed with oil, lotion, and preserving fluids. The body was also stuffed with linen or straw to keep the shape of the body. The fifth step was the process of drying the body out. Their method was to place the body on a slab and cover it with Natron salt. The slab was at a slant so that the water could run out. This drying our lasted 40 days.
I know you only have to have three hundred words but...
...to be continued...
Hello! I’m going to tell you a little bit about the pyramids of ancient Egypt and the Great Sphinx. First of all, these things (sphinx, pyramid) are located at Giza, which is in Egypt. The pyramids are in what is called a necropolis, or a large cemetery or burial place. The four main things located at Giza are the Sphinx, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Khufu, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. Right across the street from the Giza Necropolis (in modern day Egypt) is Pizza Hut and KFC. I’ll talk about the Great Sphinx first. The Great Sphinx’s nickname is “Guardian of the Giza complex”. It is also the largest single stone statue on Earth. The Great Sphinx has the body of a lion, and the head of a man. This structure was made out of limestone. Now I will tell you about the Pyramid of Menkaure. Menkaure’s pyramid is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. A unique thing about this pyramid is that archaeologists found a beautiful sarcophagus in this pyramid. Sadly, it got lost in the Mediterranean Sea. I’ll talk about the Pyramid of Khafre now. This pyramid is the second largest of the three pyramids at Giza. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and it was also built on higher ground than the other pyramids. Each block to build the pyramid weighs about 2.5 tons. Something unique about this pyramid is that at the top, some of the pyramids smooth limestone casing is still at the top. Now I will tell you about the Pyramid of Khufu. This was the Great Pyramid, the biggest one. It was the world’s tallest building for 1,270 years. In the area of the Great Pyramid lies three small pyramids for his wives, and small tombs for his nobles. I’ll tell you a little bit about the building process. It took roughly 20 years, over 2 million blocks, each block weighing about 2 tons each to build the Great Pyramid. This is just a little fact for you: pyramids have been a world wonder pretty much ever since they where discovered.
of Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids.
I am here to teach you about the pyramids of Egypt. The three main pyramids in Egypt are at a place called Giza. The four main monuments at Giza though are the Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Khufu. One of the most interesting and unknown things about Giza is that right across the street from it they have a KFC and a Pizza Hut.
The Great Sphinx’s nickname is the guardian of the Giza complex. It is also the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man. It is made out of limestone.
The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It is made out of limestone and granite. A unique thing about Menkaure is that archaeologists found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. They lost the sarcophagus in the Medittearanean Sea.
The Pyramid
Part two to Brendan’s report.
The Pyramid of Khafre appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs two and a half tons. One unique thing about The Pyramid of Khafre is that it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top.
The Great Pyramid is also known as the pyramid of Khufu. The Great Pyramid is also the tallest building for one thousand two hundred and seventy years. In the area of the Great Pyramid there are three small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles. Town for workers included cemetery and bakery. Materials and workforce, roughly twenty year period. The workers were paid. There are over Twenty million blocks. Each block weighed roughly two tons. That means the pyramid was four million tons (8,000,000,000 pounds).
Archaeologist found a beatiful sarcophagus in the Pyramid of menkaure.Then it got lost in the meditranian sea when stolen.
Have you ever heard about Pryamid of Khafre.Now Khafre is the second largest of the three Pyramids at Giza.Appears larger because of its step sides and high ground.I bet you did not know that each block wieghs 2.5 tons.
Some of the smooth limestone casing is still at the top of the Pyramid of Khafre.
I am going to tell you about the bigest pyramid out of the three pyramids at Giza.This amazing pyramid is called The Great Pyramid.The Great Pyramid is the Pyramid of Khufu.This is the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years.Materals and workforce took 20 year period and wokers were paid.This took over 20 millon blocks to make.Each block weighes roughly two tons.Now the Pyramid of Khufu weighs 4 millon tons (8,000,000,000 pounds.)
each block weighed roughly 2 tons heavy going on to my favorte Khafre it appears bigger then it is because of steep sides and higher ground each block weighed about 2.5 tons its unique because of the smooth limestone chasing at the top I think that is cool and now let me tell you about the Menkaure the smallest of all made out of limestone and granite thats all i know about that pyramid bye
If I am correct,7 lines would be 100 words,and I got 22 or 23 lines. so, 7 x 3 is 21 so I believe I am done. Mr. Klumper, please tell me on Monday if I need ton type more than this: also, they would have the slitter cut along a line. since he had to defile the body, he was pelted with stones. Poor guy. well, somebody's got to do it. (But it would not be me!):) If I am done, (Which I proabably am now if I was not.):) I think you all know the rest. Great comments, everybody!! Keep up the great work! BYE!!!!!
Eh, what the heck, I am addicted to this blogging stuff!!!!! well, I may as well finish up. Who's with me?
STEP 5: Body dried out by being placed on slab and covered with natron salt, so body would not rot. Thet then let sit for 40 days.
STEP 6: Body wrapped with hundreds of yards of linen (NOT TOILET PAPER!!!! That was not around yet!!!!) to preserve it. Then a shroud was added at end to hold wrapping together while a glue substance called Mummia kept it on. This would also preserve the body.
STEP 7: Body was carried through the streets to the pyramid, and people lined up on the sides and were paid to cry by the pharoh's family to ensure an afterlife. The more people crying, the better.
The mummification process took 70 days.
Adding on
Before you take the people that are going to be a mummy to the temple you float them on a boat up the Nile river. All of the pharaohs were put in the big pyramids in Egypt. The pharaohs tomb were filled with their riches and were stolen by grave robbers. Every Egyptian could get mummified if they wanted to but it costs a lot. The people who cried for the person who died was paid because that told the gods that he/she was much cared for. So the gods would want to protect them so they could make it to the afterlife. They take the brain out threw the nose with a hook or stick a wire threw the nose and ster and the brain will come out as a liquid.
The pyramid of menkure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. Pyramids were important to the pharoh because if they didn't have pyramids they would have robbers stealing pharohs. They had secret ways out of the pyramid after they closed in the pharohs gallerey. The robbers always got trapped in the pyramids because of the boobey traps. They lost the sacofagus in the meditterainian sea. The pyramids took up to 20 years to build it. When you are on the pyramids you can see a KFC and you can see a pizza hut isn't that cool. Do you know how hard it would be to build the great pyramid it would be really hard to make every block almost even. The inside of a pyramid is like a maze you probaly won't survive. It is such a mystery how they could make it through the pyramid and know where everything is. They would have little pyramids for the queens those wouldn't take so long to build.
Process of mummification: Messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.2: Dead body brought to special tents for embalming.3: They thought the brain was a waste of space.They pulled it out with a long hook through the nose.Eeewww.4: They removed the internal organs by making a small slit on the left side of the stomache.then they had a person reach in and pull the organs.5: They dried out the body using natron salt.6: They wrapped the body with linen.7: Family and friends waled around town as people were paid to cry.Sad.
This pyramid appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each of Karfre’s blocks weighs 2.5 tons. The most unique thing about this pyramid is that it still has some of its limestone at its top.
The great pyramid is also referred to as the pyramid of Kufu. It is the largest of the three pyramids. The great pyramid was the tallest building in the world for 1,270 years.
The area of the great pyramid consists of 3 small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles. It took workers roughly 20 years to build the great pyramid. It took over 2 million blocks to build it and they weighed over 2 million tons. The rooms inside the great pyramid consist of the grant gallery, the queen’s camber, the king’s camber, and the subterane camber. The town for workers consisted of a cemetary,a bakery, a factory, and a copper. So now I hope you know a little bit more about the pyramids, and the Sphinx.
The last fact I want to share is that behind the pyramids and the Sphinx is a Pizza Hut and a KFC.
I am going to tell you about a lot of stuff about ancient Egypt. So the first thing I am going to tell you about is Giza Giza is located in Egypt. Another name for Giza is the Necropolis Necropolis stands for were people were burid . There are four main things located in Giza the first thing is spinks the second thing is the pyramid of Menare the third thing is the pyramid of Kharfe the fouth thing is the pyramid of Kufu. Across the street from Giza Necropolis is KFC and Pizza Hut. Now I am going to tell you about the great sphinxs. The sphinks are the largest single stone statu on earth it is a body of a lion and a head of a man made out of limestone. Now I am going to tell you about the pyramid of Menkaure, Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids of Giza it is made out of limestone and granite and then its was lost in the botton of the ocean. Now I am going to tell you about the pyramid of Khafre it is the second largest pyramid of giza and it appears bigger than it is beacuse of it’s sides and higher ground and each block weighs 25 tons... Now I am going to tell you about the great pyramid the great pyramid is the pyramid of Kufu..... Kufu is the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. There is areas to the great pyramid and they are 3 small pyramids for his wives and and small tombs for his nobles.
Mummification is the process of drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified was a very expensive thing to do, and anyone could do it if they could afford it. Why the need to mummify a dead body? Because the physical body needed to be preserved because: body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, and immortality could not exist. This also helped ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. Kings were mummified so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife.
Process of mummification:
Step 1: The first step of mummification is telling everyone that the person is died. To tell everyone, a messenger is sent to town to tell everyone.
Step 2: The second step of mummification is embalming the body. The died body is brought to a special tent for the embalming.
Step 3: The third step of mummification is the removal of the brain. To remove the brain, Egyptians could use two different methods. The first method to removing the brain is by using a hook and sticking it up their nose and attaching it to the brain, then pull it out. The second method is to take a long wire and stick it up the nose and turn the brain into a liquid. Then they would tip the body over and it would come out of the person’s nose. Step 4: The fourth step of mummification is the removal of the organs. The organs that the Egyptians would remove are the liver, the lungs, the stomach, and the intestines. To remove the organs they would make a small slit in the left side of the stomach. Then the person then went in and took the organs out. The organs are then placed in a special jar called a canopic jar. Then the body was stuffed with linen or straw to keep its body shape.
Mr.Klumper, I copied and pasted onto microsoft word and just kept typing so this blog has my first blog attached. Hannah
Ok, now I’ll tell you about step 4. Step 4 is called the Removal of Internal Organs. They remove the fouling liver lungs stomach intestines and I’ll tell you that’s really gross the method is you make a small slit on the left side of the stomach, than someone reaches into the body through the small cut and pulls the organs out. (Each organ is individually wrapped) the organ is placed in canopic jars. The body was washed out with oil, lotion and preserving fluids. After that the body was stuffed with straw or linen to keep the shape of the body.
Step 5 is called Drying Out Process. The method of this was they put the body on a slab and covered the body with natron salt. The slab was at a slant so the water could run out. This process lasted for 40 days.
Step 6 is called wrapping the body. This process was very difficult. A gold piece was placed on a slit. Hundreds of yards of linens were used to wrap the body. A shroud was added at the end to keep the wrappings together. The body was then covered with “mummia”, which was like a glue to hold everything together. The body was then placed in a painted and decorative coffin.
Step 7 was the final procession. In this step, family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. Like I previously said, people were paid to cry and show the gods the person was very well loved. The more people that cried when going down the streets, the better the dead persons chance was of getting to the after world.
Ritual #1: Opening of the Mouth. Priests would touch the parts of the face with some special instruments. Without this process, the dead person would not be able to see, hear, eat or move in the afterlife. In order to survive in the afterlife, this process is necessary. The body is then laid in the burial chambers along with his belongings, canopic jars and the book of the dead.
Ritual #2: Weighing of the Heart. In this process, the heart was taken out of the body and weighed against the feather of truth. If the weight was balanced, the soul would be granted immortality. If the heart was heavier, the soul was doomed into a horrible fate.
Thank you for reading by blog.
Ancient Egyptians prepared bodies for mummification so they would not rot, because they thought preserving the body would allow them to use it in the after life.
I previously desribed the first two steps of the burial process.
The third step was to remove the brain. Yuck! They did not know the purpose of the brain and thought it was a waste of space. There were two methods used to remove the brain. One method was to pull it out with hooks through the nose. Another method was to mix it up with a wire and drain it out the nose. Gross!
The fourth step was the removal of the internal organs. Internal organs would make a body rot quicker. They would remove the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Like surgery today, they would make a slit in the stomach and remove the organs. Each organ was individually wrapped and placed in a canopic jar to keep them preserved.
More steps included drying out the body by placing on a slanted table and covering with Natron salt. This took 40 days. After drying they wrapped the body with linen. Gold was placed on the slit used to remove the organs. Everything was covered with "mummia" to glue everything together. The coffin was painted and decorated.
The last step was the final procession, like a funeral service. Family and friends walked through the town to go to the burial. Some people were paid to cry to show the gods they were well loved. The more people that cried the more chance they had of getting into the after world.
the continued part
mumies were burried inside pyramids usally pharrohs were because there some of the only people that can acullay aford being mummfied but im sure that few other wealthy egyptians could afford it also. the wraps on the mummy perserved the body so say a mummie gets unwrapped after oh about 600 hundred years. the muummy will mabey have its actual hair and teeth on it.not
Not everyone was mummified because it was very expensive. a fact i have not mentioned yet is the egyptians believed when they mummified someone it would bring that person to his or her afterlife. the priest placed a amuelet on the mummies chest for good luck in the after life.
thats my way of telling you about mummification.
All the things I am going to tell you are about the many pyramids of Giza. Giza is to the southwest of Cairo, Egypt. But now down to business, there are 3 pyramids in Giza. The pyramid of Menkaure, the pyramid of Khafre, and the Great pyramid. The largest pyramid is the Great pyramid also known as Khufu and it is the world’s tallest building for 1,270 years. The pyramid has over 2million blocks and each block weighs roughly 2 tons so that means it is a 4 million ton pyramid (8,000,000,000 pounds). The pyramid has many rooms, the Grand Gallery, the Queens Chamber, the Kings Chamber, and the subterain underground chamber. The workers who built the building were paid, and were not slaves of the king. The pyramids have many different areas. There are 3 smaller pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles. The second biggest is the pyramid of Khafre. It appears to be larger because of its steep sides and it rest on higher ground each block weighs 2.5 tons. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest and is made out of limestone and granite. Archeologist have found sarcophagus at this site. Unfortunately it all lays at the bottom on the Mediterranean Sea now. The Great sphinx is the largest single stone statue. It has the head of a man and the body of a lion and it is made out of limestone. The great sphinx has a nickname called Guardian of Giza Complex. Did you know that the word Necropolis means a large cemetery or burial place? Across the street from the pyramids are many eating establishments like Pizza Hut and KFC, cool huh!!! Did you know that all the pyramids I just talked about are in Giza and Giza is located in Egypt
Were back, now we will be talking about the inner, outer, and how to build a pyramid now let’s begin follow me readers every where. First we will talk about the inner rooms and structures of the pyramid we will mainly be speaking about The Great Pyramid. The first room you go into is the Grand Gallery it was mostly used so then grave robbers would get trapped or confuse them. If you were to go straight down the shaft in front of the entrance you would find the queen’s chamber this is were you would normally find the queen’s sarcophagus. Now say you had gone straight you would have found the subterranean Chamber this is were they would fool tomb robbers they would usually make hundreds of these chambers just to keep the mummy of the king safe! If you would have looked up you would have seen a tunnel above you going diagonally up if you could get this far you would find the sarcophagus of the king! Now onto the outside of the pyramid this isn’t as fun but it is cool to see just how strong Egyptians were. There were over 2 million blocks and every block weighed roughly 2 tons. Each pyramid weighed 4 million pounds! Finally we will shortly touch on how they made the pyramids! First off the builders actually had there own town that contained its own cemetery, bakery, factory, and a copper melting complex! Final facts, builders of pyramids were hardly ever slaves but actually peasants that needed money.
Why the need to mummify you say? The ancient Egyptians said that
the physical body needed to be preserved because if it did not happen
the body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immorality could not exist
It would ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. The King was mummified
so the spirit would recognize him in the afterlife (the king would need his body).
What would happen during the process of mummification
1. Messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death.
2. Dead body brought to special tents for embalming
To be continued…………..
Finishing My Comment
Step six is wrapping the body this process was very difficult. This step took hundreds of yards linen. Every thing was wrapped. Shroud was added at end to keep the wrappings together. Body was then covered with like glue like substance called mummia to keep everything together. Body was then placed in a colorfully painted coffin. Step seven final processions. During this process the family and friends of the mummy walkthrough town on there way to the burial. You may not believe this but during this process people were PAID to cry to show the gods the person was well loved. The more people that cried the better chances were of getting to the after life. There were two rituals ritual number one is what I will tell you about first. This ritual is the ritual of the opening of the mouth. Priests would touch the parts of the face with special tools. The purpose of this is the Egyptians believed without it the dead person would not be able to eat, see, hear, or move in the afterlife. Ritual number two is weighing the heart. The heart was taken out of the body and weighed against a feather. If balanced the soul was granted immortality. If heavier soul doomed to horrible fate. That is the full process of mummification.
The pyramids of today Ancient Egypt are way different from when they were back then. So today we are going to talk about past Egypt and present Egypt. At the Giza four main things are located there, Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Khufu. First we are going to talk about “The Great Sphinx.” The Nickname of this big statue is “Guardian of the Giza Complex.” This Statue is “Body of a lion“, “Head of a Man” and made of Limestone. This statue is known as the largest single stone statue on earth. A couple of questions I have thought about like why did they make these statues?
Next we are going to talk about the Pyramid of Menkaure and this pyramid is the smallest of the other three pyramids. Menkaure’s pyramid is made of limestone and granite. The unique thing about this pyramid is that the people found the Sarcophagus in it and after that it got lost in the Mediterranean Sea. This Pyramid and all of the others have the blocks that make them and each of the stones weigh about 2.5 tons.
We are now going to talk about the second pyramid and this one is the middle largest of the other ones and it Appears bigger because of it’s steep sides and higher ground. One of the Unique things about this pyramid is because still remains some of it’s smooth limestone casing at the top. This pyramid’s name is Khafre and it is a medium size.
Now we are going to talk about the Great Pyramid which is the pyramid of Khufu. This pyramid is the biggest of them all. This building is the world’s largest for over 1,270 years. Around this great pyramid is three other pyramids that are small and they were for his wives. Small tombs for his nobles. Town for workers included: cemetery, bakery, factory and copper melting complex. The rooms in this pyramid were the grand gallery the queen’s chamber the King’s chamber and subterain chamber. It took Roughly twenty years to build this one pyramid and if the king didn’t like it he would say build it bigger or taller or wider or what ever. Surprisingly the workers got paid they weren’t forced to work well they were but they said they would get paid and the king said if you build my pyramid I will pay you this. There was over two million blocks on the pyramid. Now that you have learned about the pyramids and the sphinx, what were your favorite parts to learn about.
The pyramid took roughtly 20 years to build and took over 2 million blocks. All the workers were paid to build the 4 million ton (8,000,000,000 pounds)pyramid. Inside the pyramid there was a grand gallery (the grand gallery was used to trap tomb robbers which did not work the tomb was still robbed.),next was the queen's chamber,then the king's chambrer, and then the subterrance chamber.Just think being your grave was a pyramid if you were a pharaoh and soon be robbed.
that should come to more then 300 words
As I said I’m back to talk about the pyramids of Egypt. This is one of my favorites, the base of the great pyramids is horizontal and flat to within 15mm. This is another fun one; there was an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers to help build the pyramids. Did you know that the pyramid of Khufu was not started by Khufu himself? The pyramid was started by Khufu’s father Snefru. Snefru was thought to be found in a sarcophagus and was sent to Brittan to be studied. But sadly when it got there all the remains were gone.
Back in Ancient Egypt times they had a system called mummification. This system was used on all of the Pharaohs and gods/goddesses and to the people who would pay the price to be mummified.
wait for more:)
A lot can be said about the pyramids but everything said is different, for example the grand gallery was a main hallway and in 1 of the pyramids the tomb lies beneath a shaft that the workers had an entirely different passage way to get out of it. The pyramid of khafre or the great pyramid was robbed and the mummy was stolen.as I sit here I wonder what ever happened to the mummies and what the great pyramids look like now……some say that if u rob a pyramid that you are cursed for life.
Ok here I am again so the third thing was the removal of the brain. Egyptians did not understand the purpose of the brain. They thought the brain was a waist of space.
One of there methods was they pulled the brain out of the head and through the nose with a long hook. There second method was mixing the brain up with wire and drain it out the nose. Step four was the removal of the internal organs which was the liver lungs stomach and intestines. There method for this was a small slit made on the left side of the stomach. Then a person would reach in the other person’s body or the dead body and pull out or grab out organs. Then they wrapped each organ individually. Then the organs were placed in a kind of jar they called canopic jar. For the cleansing of the body they would wash the body off with oil, lotion, and preservating fluids. Then the body was stuffed with linen or straw to keep the shape of the body. Step five was the drying out presses. There method was to place the body on a slab and cover it with natural salts. A slab was at a slant so water could run out. This lasted for about 40 days per person. to be continued ...........
The pyramids of today Ancient Egypt are way different from when they were back then. So today we are going to talk about past Egypt and present Egypt. At the Giza four main things are located there, Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Khufu. First we are going to talk about “The Great Sphinx.” The Nickname of this big statue is “Guardian of the Giza Complex.” This Statue is “Body of a lion“, “Head of a Man” and made of Limestone. This statue is known as the largest single stone statue on earth. A couple of questions I have thought about like why did they make these statues?
Next we are going to talk about the Pyramid of Menkaure and this pyramid is the smallest of the other three pyramids. Menkaure’s pyramid is made of limestone and granite. The unique thing about this pyramid is that the people found the Sarcophagus in it and after that it got lost in the Mediterranean Sea. This Pyramid and all of the others have the blocks that make them and each of the stones weigh about 2.5 tons.
We are now going to talk about the second pyramid and this one is the middle largest of the other ones and it Appears bigger because of it’s steep sides and higher ground. One of the Unique things about this pyramid is because still remains some of it’s smooth limestone casing at the top. This pyramid’s name is Khafre and it is a medium size.
Now we are going to talk about the Great Pyramid which is the pyramid of Khufu. This pyramid is the biggest of them all. This building is the world’s largest for over 1,270 years. Around this great pyramid is three other pyramids that are small and they were for his wives. Small tombs for his nobles. Town for workers included: cemetery, bakery, factory and copper melting complex. The rooms in this pyramid were the grand gallery the queen’s chamber the King’s chamber and subterain chamber. It took Roughly twenty years to build this one pyramid and if the king didn’t like it he would say build it bigger or taller or wider or what ever. Surprisingly the workers got paid they weren’t forced to work well they were but they said they would get paid and the king said if you build my pyramid I will pay you this. There was over two million blocks on the pyramid. Now that you have learned about the pyramids and the sphinx, what were your favorite parts to learn about.
Starting from the top.
The Egyptians had much different burial places for their rulers than us, they had pyramids. The most interesting group of pyramids is in Giza, Egypt. There are three main pyramids, the pyramids of the pharaohs, and there are pyramids for the pharaohs’ wives, of which are much smaller.
The first one is the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. An interesting fact about the pyramid is that a beautiful sarcophagus, where the body was placed after mummification, was found in it, but it was dropped into the Mediterranean.
The next pyramid is the Pyramid of Khafre. This pyramid appears to be larger than the others, but it is actually only the second largest. Its steep sides and higher ground make it seem larger. The blocks used to make it were about two and a half tons. Uniquely, when the Egyptians took the smooth limestone casing off the pyramids for other uses, they left the top of the casing on this pyramid.
The final pyramid I am going to talk about is the Pyramid of Khufu, or better known as, the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid was the world’s tallest building for a whopping 1,270 years. The area of the pyramid consists of three small pyramids for Khufu’s wives and small tombs for his nobles. The town for the workers included a cemetery, a bakery, a factory and a copper melting complex. The Great Pyramid took roughly a 20 year period to build. The people working on it were paid to place over two million blocks. Each block weighed about two tons. The Great pyramid weighs 4 million tons! That's 8,000,000,000 pounds! I hope you enjoyed reading about the pyramids of Giza.
Continued form earlier... The 4th step to mummification is the Removal of the Internal Organs, where someone removes the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. They remove those organs by making a small slit on the left side of the stomach and then a person reached in and pulled the organs out. Each organ was individually wrapped and placed in a Canopic Jar. Then the body was washed out with oil, lotion, and preserving fluids. The fifth step is the drying up process, where they place the body on a slab and cover it with natron salt and tilted the slab so water could run out. This process of drying the body out took about forty days. The 6th step Wrapping up the body which was extremely difficult. A gold piece was placed on a slit and then they used hundreds of yards of linens to wrap everything on the body. And then at the end they wrap the body with a shroud to keep the wrapping they put on previously together. After the shroud they glued everything together with a very sticky, glue like substance they called "Mummia" and then the body was placed in a beautifully painted and decorated coffin where the person would spend the rest of his life. Mummification is really interesting and at times a little disgusting but know you know a little more about it..... byeeeeeeeee
Continued.......................... Archaeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in one of the pyramids but then lost it in the Medertaraineron Sea. The nickname of the great sphinx is ‘the guardian of the Giza complex’. The sphinx is the largest single stone statue on earth. It has a lion as its body and human head as a head. The sphinx is made out of limestone. Giza is located in Egypt. The four main things about Giza are the pyramid of Menkaure the pyramid of Kufre the pyramid of Khfuf and lastly the great sphinx. Did you know that the workers that built the pyramids or tombs were actually paid to build them! All the rooms in the great pyramid were the grand gallery, queen’s chamber, king’s chamber, and the subterain chamber. Sometimes the people that built the pyramids would try to trick grave robbers by making a room that looked like the kings chamber but wasn’t and they set a trap in there. The traps never seemed to work because the pyramids were all ways robed. The day of the burial the family would pay people to cry to make the person look like they were important so the gods would help the person that died in the after life. The gods were very important to the people. They had a lot of gods.
the reason for mummafying was to keep the body from rotting.to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.kings mummafied so spirit would reconize him in the afterlife.the kings were places inside the pyramids.they wrap there dead with linen. they take out all the organs including the heart and put them into canopic jars.they did not know what the brain was used for so they put a wire up the nose and sqaushed it up. then they tilted them back and drained it out of the head.the pharoas usually had tombs for there wives and nobles.having your body mummafied was very expensive.the procces of mummafacation is first a messanger was sent out to announce the death. second the dead body was sent to a special tent for embalming.then the egyptions removed the brain. fourth is the removal of the internal organs. and next the body is placed on a slab and coverd with natron salt for 40 days. next they wrapped the body. Lastly people were payed to cry. the more people crying the better.ritual number 1 is the opening of the mouth. ritual number 2 is the weighing of the heart against the feather of truth.
Mummifaction is the ancient ritual the ancient egyptians used to preserve the dead, and it was expensive.Usaully the mummifacation process was preformed on pharoahs, queens, the pharoahs family, and the pharoahs advisors.
The first step was the announcement of death: a messenger was sent out to prepare everyone for the mourning and funeral.
The second step was the Embalming of the body:the body was brought to a special tent for embalming.
The third step was the removal of the brain:The ancient Egyptians didn't know what the brain was for so they removed it using a long hook. Then they swirled up the brain until it was a liquid. After that they turned the body over and let the liquid brain drain out through the nose.
The fourth step was the removel of the internal organs:the Egyptains removed the stomach, liver, lungs, and the intestines. The Egyptains left the heart in as they thought it was necissary for the journey to the "after life".
The fifth step was the drying out process:the embalmers completly covered the body in natron salt for 40 days, which made the mummies what they look like today, plus the body got thinner and darker.
The sixth step was the wrapping of the body:this step was very diffucult as the embalmers had to wrap each finger and layer carefully so that the dead person would be protected in the "after life" Plus there was many amulets and charms that were placed in between layers.
The seventh and final step was the final procession: the family walked through the streets with the body carrying it to the final resting place. People in ancient times were paid to cry so that the gods would beleive the dead person was a better person when they were alive.
That is mostly all I know about mummifacation.
what i know about the process of mummification is that they have to remove the internal organs well before that they have to make a slite little cut in their abdamen and then take out the interal organs then pour the salt over them and let them sit for 35 to 40 days and then they will put a peice of gold over the cut so that the inside dont get infected then they wrap the mummy in yards and yards of linen then they set the mummy in the tomb and then put the top of the tomb on and that is the end of the mummification process.
It’s as if people know Egypt by the pyramids. Well I’m here to tell you about the pyramids. Did you know the pyramids are the only meant to protect the pharaoh? There are three many pyramids at a place called Giza. Giza is a necropolis or big cemetery. Can you believe that there is a KFC right across the street? There is also a Pizza Hut. There is also a stone block that was carved into a sphinx. A sphinx is a lion with a head of a man. The sphinx was meant to pyramids. On to the pyramid of Menkaure!!!
It is the smallest of the pyramids and is made of lime stone and granite inside was an unique sarcophagus that went down with a boat in the Medetarian Sea. On to the pyramid of Khafre!!!!! The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three. It appears bigger because of its steep side and higher ground. Each of its blocks weighs 2.5 tons. Some of its smooth limestone casing still remains. To be continued.
Continued. The Great Pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. It was the tallest building for 1270 years. In the pyramid there are his 3 wives tombs and tombs for his nobles. There was even a town built for the paid farmers that built the pyramid. In the town there was a workers cemetery, a bakery, a factory, and a copper melting complex. It took 20 years to build. And there was over 2 million blocks used in the making of the pyramid. And each block weighed roughly 2 tons, so that would equal 8,000,000,000 pounds. Inside the pyramid these are the rooms we visited the Grand Gallery, the Queens chamber, the Kings Chamber, and finally the Subterranean Chamber. The inside of the great pyramid is all smooth, cut, yellowish stone. I’m Jake Donahoe and I just told you about the pyramids at Giza.
Hi, this is Ted I am going to tell you a little about ancient Egypt and mummification. Ancient Egypt is all about pyramids and mummification, I am going to talk about pyramids today. There are three main pyramids in Ancient Egypt, and there in Giza, Egypt. The first main pyramid is the pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It is made out of Limestone and Granite. There was something in there called a sarcophagus, but when they found it they were bringing it back and it sunk into the Mediterranean.
The next pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre, the pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids. The stone blocks to make it were weighed about two and a half tons, that's 2,500 pounds per stone block. Uniquely when the Egyptians took the smooth limestone casing off the pyramid, they would leave the top part off, because they couldn’t reach it.
The third and final pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. This pyramid is the largest out of the three pyramids of Giza. This pyramid has actually been the tallest pyramid for around 1,200 years. The area of the pyramid has three smaller pyramids, one for the wives and for his nobles. The pyramid of Khufu was a rough 20 year period to build it. The people were paid to place over two million blocks on the pyramid, for that many blocks to weigh two and a half tons, that’s about 8,000,000,000 pounds for one single pyramid! The town for the workers had a bakery, a cemetery, a factory, and a copper melting complex.
I hope you enjoyed my explanation about pyramids.
So i am supposed to teach u about mummies huh? well mummies are dead people that get their organs removed and then get dried out then rapped up in banage type things. when they used to mummify people and animals it was very expensive. they were mummified to ensure a safe and reliable trip to the afterlife. i think people even do it today! oh! i forgot that they pull the brain out by sticking a big giant hook up their nose and than ulling it out, or moving the hook around untill the brain is like liquid and than tipping the body over and letting the brain pore out or something like that
Giza: Giza is located bye the Nile River. There is 4 main things located in Giza, the Sphinx, Pyramid of Menkaure, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Khufu {The Great Pyramid}. Giza is located across the street from KFC and Pizza Hut, so when you are going to look at the pyramids and the sphinx, you can grab a bite to eat also.
The Great Sphinx: The Great Sphinx’s nickname is, The Guardian of the Giza complex. The Sphinx is the largest single stone statue on Earth. Its shape is the body of a lion and the head of a man, this statue is made out of limestone.
Pyramid of Menkaure: This pyramid is the smallest pyramid out of the three of them in Giza. The pharaoh that used to live in this pyramid is named Mycerinus, the reason I am saying used to is because his mummy was lost in the Mediterranean Sea, so if you find his body you will never have to work another day in your life because you will be very very rich {according to Mr. Klumper.}
Pyramid of Khafre: Khafre is the 2nd biggest pyramid out of the three of them in Giza. Each block weighs 2.5 tons {4,000 pounds}. This pyramid is unique because it still has its limestone on the top.
The Great Pyramid: This pyramid is named Khufu. Khufu is the biggest pyramid of them all. This pyramid has been the words tallest building for 1,270 years. Pyramid Khufu has three small pyramids for his wives. It took about 20 years to make his pyramid. Some people thought that the workers where not paid but they where paid. This pyramid is 4 million tons {8,000,000,000 pounds.}There are 4 rooms in Khufu and the are: Grand gallery, Sumber chamber, Queen’s chamber, King’s chamber.
Mummification is drying out the body to prevent it from rotting. Having your body mummified was very expensive. Physical body needed to be preserved because body, shadow, name, spirit, personality, immortality could not exist. Ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. King mummified so the spirits would recognize him in the afterlife. The process of mummification has seven steps. Step one is Announce of death. The messenger sent out to the streets to announce the death. Step two is Embalming the body. The dead body brought to special tents for embalming. Step three is Removal of the brain. Egyptians did not know the purpose of the brain. They thought the brain was a waste of space. The brain was pulled out of the head through the nose with a long hook. The brain was mixed up with a wire and drained out the nose. Step four is The removal of the internal organs like the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Small slits made on the left side of the stomach. The person then reached in and pulled out the organs. Each organ individually wrapped. Organs then placed in canonic jars. Body washed with oil, lotion and preserving fluids. Body then stuffed with linen or straw to keep shape of the body. Step five is Drying out process. The body placed on slab and covered with natural salt. Slab was at a slant so the water could come out. This process took 40 days. Step six is Wrapping the body was very difficult. The gold pieces were placed on a slit. They had hundreds of yards of the linen. They wrapped everything. The body was then covered with mummia to glue everything together. Then they placed the mummy in a painted, decorated coffin. The seventh step is the final procession. The family and friends would walk through the town on their way to the burial. They would pay people to cry to show the gods the person was well loved.
continued...............What is a pyramid? Good question. A pyramid is a stone building used to store mummies. The great pyramid is the Pyramid of Kupu. The pyramid of Kupu was the largest building for 1,270 years. It took roughly 20 years to build this pyramid. It took over 2,000,000 blocks to build it. Each block weighed roughly 2 tons. The final pyramid was 4 million tons! That equals 8,000,000,000 pounds! Each worker that worked on the pyramid was paid. Enough about the great pyramid, more about what the pyramid was like inside. Each pyramid had lots of passage ways. They were enormous. In the pyramid their was a grand gallery, a queens chamber, a kings chamber, and a subterrule chamber. Another pyramid was the pyramid of Khafre. Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids of Giza. Khafre appears to be large because it is so steep. The pyramid of Khafre also has high grounds. Each block in Khafre is 2.5 tons! The coolest thing about this pyramid is that it still has smooth limestone. The limestone only is on the top. The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It was made of limestone and granite. The unique thing about this pyramid, when archaeologists found it, it had a beautiful sarcophagus in it. A sarcophagus is like a casket. The sad thing is when they were shipping it to America it fell in the Mediterranean Sea. You are probably wondering what Giza is. Giza is located at a Necropolis. A necropolis is pretty much a cemetery. A very large, important cemetery. Another form of a pyramid is a sphinx. A sphinx is like a cat. The most famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx. Its nick name is the Guardian of Giza Complex. It is the largest single stone statue on earth. It has the body of a lion and a head of a man. It like a pyramid is made of limestone. I hope you learned a lot from this blog.
the Giza is located in Egypt. a necropolis is at Giza it is a larde cemetary or burying place.
the four main things located at Giza is number one Sphinx, number two Pyramid of Menkaure, number three Pyramid of Khuru, and number four Pyramid of Khafre. if you stand in front of the Giza Necropolis you will see a KFC and a Pizza Hut.
The Great Sphinx has the nickname of The Gardian of the Giza Complex Its the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has the haed of a lion and a body of a man. The great Sphinx is made of all limestone.
Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids at giza. the menkuare is made out of limestone and granite. the reason menkaure is unique is that archaeologist found a bueatiful sarcophague in the pyramid and the sarcophague was lost in the medtirrerian sea.
pyramid of Khafre is the second largest of the three pyramids at giza. khafer appears to be bigger because of it's steep sides and high ground. Each of the blocks weighs: 2.5 tons. its unique because it still has some of the smooth limestone casing at the top.
The great Pyramid is the pyramid of Khuru and is the world's tallest building for 1,270 years.
the area of Great Pyramid: 3 small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles. The towns workers included cemetary, bakery, factory, and copper melting complex.here are the materials and workforce. roughly 20 years workers were piad. over 2 million blocks each block weighed roughly 2 tons. over 4 millionton pyramid is the same as [8,000,000,000 pounds] the rooms inside the Great Pyramid Grand gallery, Kings chamber, Queens chamber,and Substerane chamber.
The Great Pyramid’s of Egypt are located in Giza. Egpyt is located in Africa. The main artifacts in Giza consist of the Sphinx (this looks like the head of a man and the body of a lion) and is the single largest stone statue on Earth and it is made out of limestone, the pyramid of Menkaure, the pyramid of Khaffre, and the pyramid of Khufu. The smallest of the pyramids at Giza is the pyramid of Menkaure. Menkaure was made of limestone and granite and what is so unique is that it contained a sarcophagus that was sadly lost in the Mediterranean Sea. The second largest pyramid in Giza is the Pyramid of Khafre. It also appears to be the biggest because of it ‘s steep sides. Each block that made up the Pyramid of Khafre, weighed two and half tons. The unique property of the Pyramid of Khafre is that the it still retains smooth limestone casings at the top. The Great Pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu, it was the words tallest building for 1,270 years. The Great Pyramid took roughly twenty years to build. The unusual fact is that the workers were paid for building The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid took over two million blocks to make this great and powerful pyramid. The blocks that make up the Great Pyramid weigh over two tons each and that is a four million ton pyramid and eight billion pounds. The Great Pyramid contains many rooms. The rooms were the grand gallery, queens chamber, kings chamber and the subterranean chamber. Outside the area of the Great Pyramid consists of three small pyramids for wives and also small tombs for his nobles men. The Great Pyramids of Giza are also one of the seven greatest wonders of the world.
Today I want to talk to you about 4 main things located in Giza. These are the great sphinx, Menkaure, The great pyramid, and khafre pyramids. Across the street from the Giza necropolis there is a KFC and Pizza hut. First I will talk about the great sphinx. A nick name for the great sphinx is the guardian of the Giza complex. It is the largest single stone statue in the world it also has the body of a lion and a head of a man. The great sphinx is made of limestone. Next I will talk about the pyramid of menkaure witch is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. It is made out of granite and limestone. One unique thing about this pyramid is that the archeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus then lost it in the Mediterranean sea. Now I will talk to you about the pyramid of Khafre witch is the 2nd tallest pyramid. This pyramid appers bigger than it is becase of steep sides and higher ground. The blocks for the pyramid weighs two and a half tons. Some of the smooth limestone casing still remains on the top of the pyramid. Last but not least I will tell you about the great pyramid was the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. The great pyramid’s real name is khufu. in this pyramid there was three smaller pyramids built inside for his three wives and one for his nobles. The workers on this pyramid had there own town witch included a cemetery, bakery, factory, and a copper melting complex. All of these workers were paid. It took about 20 years to to build this pyramid. It took 20 million 2 ton blocks to make the great pyramid these are some of the rooms in the pyramid :grand gallery, queens chamber, kings camber, and the subteran chamber.
My last name is Roe so I am going to tell you about mummification. The definition of mummification is drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting. Some people think that being mummified is only for pharaohs and not just regular Egyptians. Actually anyone can be mummified all they need is enough money, but being mummified did not come cheap it was very expensive. Egyptians mummified so that they could have a safe passage to afterlife.
The process of mummification went like this.
Step 1.A messenger would run out in the streets and announce the death
Step 2.The body would be brought into special tents for embalming.
Step 3.The Egyptians would remove the brain in two methods.
Method 1: Brain pulled out of nose with a hook.
Method 2: Brain mixed up with a wire and then drained out the nose.
These bizarre methods are used because the Egyptians thought the brain was a waste of space and they did not know the purpose of the brain.
Step 4.The Egyptians would then the internal organs such as the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines.
Method: Small slit was made on the left side of stomach. The
Person then would reach in the stomach and pull the organs out. After that the organs were placed in canopic jars. The body then was washed out with oil and preserved fluids. Last, the body was stuffed with straw to keep the body’s shape.
Step 5.The body would be dried out and covered with natron salt. This lasted for 40 days.
Step 6.The Egyptians would wrap the body which was very difficult. Then a gold piece was placed on the slit. Body then was covered with “mummia” which was a very sticky glue.
LAST STEP.Family and friends walk through town on their way to the burial. People were paid to cry so the gods would know that the person is well loved.
Dear Mr.Klumper,
The first thing I will be talking about is the great sphinx. It's nickname is the Gardian of Giza. It's the largest single stone statue on Earth.it's a body of a lion a head of a man. Finnaly, it is made out of limestone.
The next thing I will be talking about is the pyrmid of Menkaure. It is the smallest of the three pyrmids at Giza. It is made out of limestone and granit. It's unique because it still has some of it's limesstone at the top. King Menkaure was saddly lost in the midditreanien sea.
The last thing I will be talking about is the pyrimid of Khafre. It is the second largest of the three pyramids at Giza. It appears bigger because of it's steep sides and higher ground. Lastly, but amasingly each block weighs 2.5 tones
This is what I know about pyramids
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Giza is located in Egypt. Four main things located at Giza were sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of Khufu. Today, across the street from Giza Necropolis were KFC and Pizza Hut. The Great Sphinx nickname was Guardian of the Giza Complex. The largest single stone statue on earth. It has a body of a lion, and head of man, made out of lime stone.
Pyramid of Menkaure…to be continued….
The pyramids are either formed with large steps going all the way to the top or are a smooth surface. There are four sides. Pyramids were used to put corpses inside. They are also to store and protect the mummy of the pharoah. Necropolis is a large cemetery or burying place. All the pyramid workers were slaves. Limestone and granite materials were used to make the pyramids.
Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. One interesting fact is that an archaeologist found a beautiful Sarcophagus in the pyramid. Now it is in the bottom of the Mediteranian Sea.
Pyramid of Khafre was the second largest of the three pyramids at Giza. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighs about 2.5 tons. It’s unique because it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top.
The great pyramid is the Pyramid of Khufu. It was the world’s tallest building for about 1,270. Area around this great pyramid has three small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles. Also in that area are towns for workers including a cemetery, bakery, factory, and copper melting complex. The work lasted roughly twenty years to build it and workers were paid. There are over two million blocks. Each block weighed roughly two tons. The total weight of this great pyramind is four million tons or 8,000,000,000 pounds. The rooms we enter in the Great Pyramid were Grand Gallery, Queens Chamber, Kings Chamber, and Subterranean Chamber. Inside the pyramid, the rooms appear empty to make the burglars think there is nothing in there. They wanted find the treasures inside.
.......Pyramid of Khafre was the second largest of the three pyramids. Appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block weighed two point five tons! A cool fact is that it still retains some of its smooth lime stone casing at the top.
The Great Pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. It was the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years. In the area of the Great Pyramid was three small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles.
The town for workers included a cemetery, bakery, factory, and a copper metal complex. Materials and workforce. Roughly twenty years. Workers were paid and there was over two million blocks! Each block weighed roughly two tons and there ware four million per Pyramid (8,000,000,000 pounds.)
Inside The Great Pyramid these are all the rooms. First was the Grand Gallery. Second was the Kings Chamber. Third was the Queens Chamber. Lastly was the Subterranean Chamber.
I hope you learned a lot from this information!
sorry I left this so long Mr. Klumper but here goes!
Step 6 was the wrapping of the body. the body was wrapped in linen strips and glued together with something called mummia. Then they wrapped the whole thing in a shroud. Step 7 was the Final Procession. Here they would take the mummy to its tomb or burial place or whatever. then they would perform something called the opening of the mouth and the weighing of the heart.
And those are the steps of mummification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Egypt is where Giza is located and where the Sphinx and the Pyramids are located. The Great Sphinx, the Pyramid of Khufu, Menkaure, and Khafre are in Giza. If you forgot to eat before visiting the pyramids, well that’s okay because if you walk across the street there is a Pizza Hut and KFC. You heard me right; there is a Pizza Hut and KFC across from the Giza Complex.
The Great Sphinx’s nickname was the “Guardian of the Giza Complex.” It is the largest single stone statue on Earth and no they don’t have one on any other planet. What’s interesting about the sphinx is that it has a body of a lion and a head of a person. Another thing is that it is made out of limestone.
The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three pyramids. It is similar to the Sphinx because it is made out of limestone and granite. Something unique about it is that an archeologist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. The terrible thing about the sarcophagus is while the boat was taking it to a museum it sunk and is now lost in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramids of the three. Some people think that it is bigger than the Great Pyramid. Well it is smaller, but it appears bigger because it has steep sides and it is on higher ground. Each block of it weighs two and a half tons. What is interesting is it still has some of its limestone left on the top of it.
The Great Pyramid is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu. It was the world’s tallest building for one thousand two hundred and seventy years. The workers were paid to take twenty years of their life to build this incredible structure. The pyramid had over two million two ton blocks which made this building weigh four million ton. Inside the great pyramid are many rooms that are actually made of dirt.
Now that you have read this article I hope you have learned a little more information about the Giza Complex.
the pyramid took 20 years to build thats a pharohs life! pyramids were made out of limestone. we dont have anything fancy like that. sure we have places to burie dead people but the egyptions have pyramids.theres also small pyramids for pharohs wives right next to them!
and those are some things i know about pyramids.
Part two of my blog!!!!!
The Great Pyramid, the biggest of the three pyramids at Giza. This pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu, it was also the world’s tallest building for over 1,270 years! The area of this great pyramid is 3 small tombs for his wives, and three small tombs for his nobles.
The workers of this structure of course needed a whole little town to use while they were building. This town included a cemetery, bakery, factory, and copper melting. These workers were so special they got paid!
It took over 2 million blocks to build the Great Pyramid. And each block weighed roughly 2 tons, which makes it a 4 million ton pyramid!
The pyramid of Khafe was the second largest of the three pyramids. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground. Each block on the pyramid of Khafre weighs 2.5 tons. The pyramid of Khafe is so unique was it still remains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top.
The great pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. It has been the world’s tallest building for 1,270 years. The great pyramid of Khufu has three small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles.
The town workers included cemetery, bakery, factory, and copper melting complex. Workers where paid to work on the pyramids. It took roughly 20 year period and there was over two million blocks. The pyramid was four million tons or 8,000,000,000 pounds. Inside the great pyramid there is a grand gallery, queen’s chamber, king’s chamber, and sub terrain chamber. That is some information about the three pyramids and the sphinx.
hi my name is alisha elznic and im going to tell you about pyrimids. there are many pyrimids like the pyrimid of menkaure, pryamid of khafre, and the graet pryamid. there is a lot of pyramids but these pryamids are just some of the most common pyramids.
the pyramid of menkaure is one of the smallest of the three pyramids at giza. it is also made out of limstone and granet here some things about the pryamid of khfre, is that each of the blocks on the pyramid of khafre weigh about 2.5 tons, wow i wonder how much the pyramid of khafre weighed.
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