Good Day, Bloggers. As we continue down the path of becoming Master Bloggers and Master Thinkers, it is time to once again be rewarded for our hard work on the blog. You will recieve 20 points for this Post. Similar to the Stone Age, I want you to simply tell me what you know about Mesopotamia. Again, I will give you at least a C for telling me at least one thing. However, I know that you know more than one thing, so I look forward to reading about all your knowledge. Posting ten COMPLETE pieces of knowledge will earn you a 100%. It is very important that you state a complete piece of information. Each of your items that you list should tell me something about Mesopotamia.
*Example of a WEAK Posting: "Mesopotamians could farm."
*Example of a STRONG Posting: "Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food."
Also, when we have compiled our list of Mesopotamian knowledge, it will be a great review tool for other students in preparation for the Exam on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008.
FORMAT: Use complete sentences. (important when typing a complete piece of information)
Name Format: FirstName Period#lastName.
Worth: 20 Points
DUE: Tuesday, October 21st, Midnight.
In my opinion, you, the student, has done a very good job during the Mesopotamian Unit. I greatly appreciate the hard work at positive attitude in learning about Mesopotamia. You, the student, has worked very hard and it will show come test time. Thank You!
1. The Mesopotamians farmed enough food to create a food surplus, leadind to social division
2. King Hammurabi developed laws and because of laws Mesopotamia became more civilized.
3.In order for there to be enough food Mesopotamians made irragation to water there crops.
4. The Mesopotamians developed cunieform so that they could communicate with each other through writing.
5. Mesopotamias greater gods were: Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursay.
6. The Mesopotamians created the calander based apon the moon&stars-12 months & 30 days in each month.
7. Meopotamia is called the land between the rivers because the Tigris and Euphrates are on either side of Mesopotamia.
8. They wrote cunieform on clay tablets with reeds.
9. One of the problems Mesopotamia had was oversalting that ruined the crops
10. The greatest thind Meopotamians ever created was the wheel.
I have learned....
1.Early Mesopotamia had two major city states (Sumer & Akkad.)
2.The only difference between them are thier languages.
3. A large city state in Sumer is Uruk.
4.Mud brick walls surrounded the city for protection.
5. The link between Heaven & Earth is ziggerat
6. Gods & Godesses were responsible for the well being of the people.
7. their kings were chosen by gods.
8. Kingship can be passed from father to son.
9. Sumer was to the south & Akkad was to the north.
10. The similarities between the were they had farming, bussiness, & customs.
They used the two rivers by feeding the animals, help make a time system, & byover flowing.
They used the new writing system called cuneiform.
1.They use irragation.
2.Mesapotamia means land between two rinvers.
3.If you killed someone you would be put to death.
4.If you stole something from some one you would be put to death.
Cassidy 3Wethor
1. I know that the Mesopotamians used a ditch gate and a levee for irragation.
2.I know that the they created the wheel to move things from place to place.
3. They also had social divisions which means they had rich people,middle people,and poor people.
4.I also know that "Mesopotamia" means land between the rivers.
5. Mesopotamians could not survie without fresh water provided by the Tigris and Eurphrates.
6. They also invented their written language called Cuneiform.
7. The Mesopotamians came up with Hamurabi's Code.
8. They built huge Ziggurots to talk to the gods. They made them big to show the belived.
9. They painted the walls in their house white so that in the summer they would stay cool.
10. They had jobs such as farmers,fishers,preists,craftsmen, and pottery making people.
1.The first civilization develops in 3500 b.c.
more is coming
1.Mesopotamia means land between two rivers.
2.The two rivers that bordered Mesopotamia were the Tigris & Euphrates.
3.These to rivers would overflow once a year.
4.The overflow helped though because now there was goood land for farming.
5.Although the flooding was also bad because it oversalted the crops and made catastraphic flooding
1.Used Irrigation to water their crops, this made them better farmers. THis lead to surplus, which lead to SOCIAL DIVISION.
2. Mesopotamia built giant ziggurats to worship gods.
3. Mesopotamia depended on the TIGRIS & EUPHRATES for irrigation.
4. To control flooding, Mesopotamia built levies and gated ditches.
5.When snow caps melt off the mountains, The Tigris and Euphrates overflow.
6.They built a calender based off the moon and stars, they believed in astrology.
More is coming.
1 mesopotamia means land between two rivers
2 and those rivers are Tigris and the Euphrates
3 without the Tigris and the Euphrates mesopotamian's wouldn't have farming or irrigation
4 irrigation is how mesopotamia farmed they built these walls with a gate and they would lift the gate and let the water come in.
5 that's how they grew all of there crops and got there food.
6 they also built big kind of pyrmid shaped things called zigurats.
7 at the very top of the ziggurat is where the priest would be worshiping the gods
8 they also domesticated animals like sheep goats
1# mesopatimia had many many laws some of them sorta weird.
2# mesopatamia people built Ziggurats to honor there gods
3# mesopatmians used irragation to help them farm
4# mesopatamia means land between two rivers
5# the two rivers are the euprates and the tigres
6#mesopataimians believed in a lot of gods
7#mesopataimians found the fertil cresent
8# the land there was rich and fertil
9# there was two groups of people in mesopatamia farmers and herders
10# in mesopatamia gods chose the king
1.mesopotamia had 2 major city states
2.huge temples show religon to their society.
3.mesopotamis is inbetween tigris and eupheates (rivers)
4.mesopotamias big problem was that there was not enough rain.
5.they made ditches and door things to help them with irragation
1. Early Mesopotamia had two major city-states.
2.Sumer was in the south.
3.Akkad was in the north.
4.Sumer was more powerful between 3500-2330 b.c.
5.Large city-state in Sumer: Uruk
6.Link Between Heaven and Earth : Ziggurat
More comming
#1.Irrigation was something that mesopotamians couldn't live without.
#2.One of their very important inventions was the wheel, which helped them get things place to place.
#3.Mesoptotamians built huge ziggurats in honor of a certain god.
#4. The rooms in the ziggurat got smaller and smaller the higher up they went.
#5.A priest would speak for the gods by choosing the king.
#6.The town was divided by what the home owners did for a living.
#7.Peace and prosperity meant that the gods were pleased.
more too come
i Know that mesopotamia had less rain fall and it was hard to farm so they built water ways.
I also learned that civilization groups have complex and organized socioty.
THey built ziggerots so that the minister could talk to the gods
Mesopatamia means land between two rivers
THose rivers are Tiris and the Ephates
in the east the zagros
in the west they had deserts
the land was known as the fertile cresant
they raised sheep deer and goats
What I know about Mesopotamia....
#1. Mesopotamians were good at farming but were not ideal for it.
#2. They could irrigate water for farming, drinking...they relied on irrigation.
#3. Had lands of rich and fertil soil.
#4.Mesopotama is land between the rivers.
#5.Had not enough RAIN to farm.
#6.They used straw and mud for bricks.
#7.There methods enproved.
#8.Popultion grew.
#9.Had gods.
#10.Had low rain fall.
Mesopotamia Posting 1
1.Meospotamia had city-states {Sumer Akkad}.
2.War often happened between Sumer and Akkad.
3.In Mesopotamia Sumer was more powerful between 3500-2330bc.
4.In Mesopotamia the link between heaven and earth was a ziggurat.
5.Irrigation was important in Mesopotamia.
6. Canals were used yo move water to fields.
1the mesopotamians built ziggurats to show a link between heaven and earth. the summer the mesopotamians whould paint there mud houses white so the hosues were cooler.
3.early mesopotamians had two city-states and these were the sumer and akkad.
4.the first people to develop was in 3500 bc.
5.things that mesopotamians farmed were barley,wheat,millet,garlic,onions,lettuce,and apples.
6.animals that were first domesticated were goats,cattle,and sheep.
7.some more examples of city states were uruk,kish,lagash,nippur,umma,ur.
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food.
2.Mesopotamian writing is called "Caneiform", it is used to tell you how to write words.
3.To write "Caneiform" they used reeds.
4.Evently "Caneiform" didnt work because it was to complex for them.
5.The most important law for them is The Code Of Hammurabia which has some wierd laws in it.
6.A canal Maintenance was so important cause if some-one didnt watch for what was coming it could destroy a years crops in a moment.
7.If someone killed a person the conseqese was DEATH.
8.If someone broke somebody's limb however, the just got fined.
9.Mesopatima means land between the rivers, it got that name because Mesopatima IS between two rivers.
10.Because of there fresh source of water....they got really rich and fertile land and crops for food.
1. early Mesopatamia had 2 major city states sumer and akkad
2. sumer was in the south and akkad was in the north
3. some similarities between the two were farming business and customs
4. A difference between the two was language
5. war often between the twao because of water and land
6. the link between heaven and earth was a ziggurat for Mesopatamians
7. huge temples show importance of religion to society
8. society means organized community with rules and traditions
9. polytheism means belief in many gods
10. peace/prosperity meant gods were pleased
1:Mesopotaimians found a fertile land which they called the Fertile Cresent.
2:The environment of the Fertile Cresent is habitat for deer,goat, and sheep.
3:Further suth of the Fertile Cresent is habitat for Lion, Wild boar, and Oxen.
4:East of the Fertile Cresent is the Zagras Mountains.
5:West of the Fertile Cresent is Desserts.
6:Surrounding Mesopotamia are to rivers called the Tigriss and the Euphrates.
7:For this reason Mesopotamia's nickname is The Land Between The Rivers.
8:The climate of North Mespotamia is not ideal for farming.
9:The biggest problem of North Mesopotamia is there was that they got hardly an rain.
10: Now Mosopotamians were great problem solvers they figured out the sulution which was to move south.
1. The first civilization developed around 3,500 B.C.
2. The civilization had the following, their own customs, food supply, social divisions, government, religion, technology.
3. These civilizations started in SouthWestern Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf.
4. The lands that they settled on had rich and fertil soil.
5. The animals that were further South in the Gasslands were Lions, Wild Boars, and the Ox.
6. Mesopotamia was located between two river, the Tigris and Euphrates.
7. The people of Mesopotamia were very good promblem solver they practicly had only two resources water ad soil.
8. The big problem was they didn't get enough rain for their crops.
9. Then they figured out a solution irragation, that leasing to surplus.
10. Early Mesopatamia had two major city states they were, Sumer was South and Akkad was North.
mesopotaina used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmmers
they belived in many gods
they worked hard to please the gods
they tried cuniform but it was tooooooooooooooo complex
to be continued
1. Mesopatamians used irrigation to water thier crops,thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a food surplus.
2. Mesopatamians built zigguarats believing that they would be conected to the heavens.
3. Mesopatamians had many gods for the things they thought were important.
4. Mesopatamians lived in a place called the fertile creasent becuase it was good land for farming.
5. Mesopatamians invented the wheel becuase it was easier to move than a sled.
6. Mesopatamians had very goory laws that involved death that is called Hammurabi's code.
*Will Be Continued*
1.mespotaimeans were good faemers because they lived in a river valley 2.they also made locks and canals also leveys so they can get the water to were they want it 3.they liked to eat dates barley weat rice garlic and many others 4.the way mespotamians travled was by river 5. sumar akkad were to early parts of mapotaimia 6.the simularities were farming busnis customs to be cotinued hopfully!!!
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food.
2.Mesopotamians had strange laws like "Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth"
3.There were different levels on a ziggurat,but at the very top was the prist who would talk to the gods or as they called it heaven to earth.
4.There had never been laws untill a new king desided to make some for punishment.
5.Mesopotamia had two major city-states,Sumer that was in the south and Akkad that was in the north.
more is coming soon
Mesopotamia is actually a period of time that happened a long time ago, but is now called Iraq. 2. They invented the wheel so they could take action for what they need for their cars or for their transportation. 3. They needed water for their crops thus what happened to that was called surplus food is what its called. 4. The Mesopotamians got really good at farming as they caught on it. 5. The people controlled the flooding by building dithches between the waterways. 6. To be continued........................
1. Mesopotamians were good farmers because theyhad irrigation.
2. Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers.
3. The two rivers Mesopotamia was between were the Tigris and the Euphrates.
4. The mesopotamians invented four important things in our life; money, writing, wheel, and irrigation.
5. Mesopotamians believed in alot of Gods.
6. In mesopotamia they built a lot of building called Ziggorots.
7. They had crazy laws like Eye for an Eye, or Tooth for a tooth.
8. They lived in a place they called the Fertile Crecsent.
9. They farmed a lot of things, such as; barley, millet, wheat, dates, onions, garlic, lettuce, and apples.
10. Their mane transportation method was by boat in the rivers.
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food. 2.thus by painting there house white they kept them cool. 3.they beleived in four gods the gods of water,wind,heaven and last the mother of gods and goddeses Anu, Enlil, Enki and innursag. to be continued
1. Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food.
2. Thus by panting there houses white they kept there houses cooler year long.
3. They belived in for main gods or godesses: 1.Anu the god of heaven 2.Enlig the god of wind 3. Enkig god of water 4. last but not least Ninnursag the mother of gods and godesess
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food.
2.Mesopotamia means lands between two rivers.
3.The two rivers name's are the Tigris and the Euphrates.
4.Mesopatamians fame up with cuneiform.
5.Mesopotamians believed in many gods and godess.
6.Mesopotamians invented the wheel so that they could move heavy objects.
7.Mesopotamians made the ziggurot for the gods and goddess.
More to come
1.The major god-goddesses were Anu god of heaven, Enlil god of wind, Enki god of water, Ninhursag mother of gods. 2. When there was not enough rain they moved south. 3. 7,000 b.c. people arrived in the fertile cresent, 3,500 b.c. first civilized in fertile cresent, and at that time city states of mesopotamia rose. 4. Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabing them to be great farmers and build up to surplus of food. 5. As more people arrived, villages turned into city-states. examples:Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Nippur, Umma, Ur. 6. Baically two groups of people farmers and herders. examples of things they farmed:barely, millet, wheat, dates, onions, lettuce, apples. examples of animals they herded: goats, sheep, cattle. more is on the way.
1.Mwsopotamisns used irrigation to water their crops,thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food.
2.the environment of the fertile crescent:Near the mediterranean sea--Forests:habitat for deer,sheep,and goats.
3.The first civilization develops in 3500 b.c..
4.The plain bordered by to rivers:the tigris and Euphrates.
5.One of the problems of mesopatamia is low rain fall.
6.There solution to there problem was irrigation.
7.Another problem was constructing buildings. to be continued....
Answers: 1.What Irrigation was and how it was used.
2.That Mesopotamia meant the land between the rivers, and thatit is now present day Iraq.
well,outta time! More to come!
the things that i know about mesopotamia is that
1 they belived in many gods.
2 they worked hard to please the gods.
3 they built ziggurats. (temples)
4 they got really good at farming.
5 mesopotamia is known as the land between the rivers.
6 mesopotamias rivers are called the tigris and the euphrates.
to be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, thus enabling them to be great farmers and build up a surplus of food
2.These civilizations started in southern aisa between the mederation, persion, and the fertal creasent...
3.That the two rivers are the tigrus and the eufraties...
4.They had to cut reeds from marshy areas and built huts..
5.They grew barly, dates, millet, onions, garlic, lettuce, and apples....
6.They move south 5000bc farners from northern fertial creasent move south.....
to be contunied..............
1.mesopotamians used irragation to water crops
2.they also made ziggurats to show importance to the gods
3.they created cuineaform a type of complicated language
4.they had wars about land and rivers
5.the link between heaven and earth was the ziggurat
6.they believed in 5 different gods
7.there kings were chosen by the gods
8.they made gods happy by burning incences and offerind food and drinks
9.there transpirtation was the river and they created the wheel
10.they had two major rivers the Tigris and the Eurphrates
they invented the weel that help us today. there will be more.
#1 The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.
#2 The mesopotamias farmed in the fertile cresent.
#3 Northern mesopotamia was NOT ideal for farming.
#4 Animals that were herded are goats, sheep, and cattle.
#5 New settlers arrived from North west ans west part of the fertile cresent.
#6 Central: Plain by 2 rivers Tigris and euphrates.
#7 Temple priests worked to make gods happy by burned insense, and offered food/drink.
#8 Polytheisem means belief in many gods.
#9 Peace/prosperity meant that gods were very pleased.
#10 Gods and godesses were responsible for the well-being of the people and land.
1 The people in Mesopatamia invented many things that are still useful in thed world today like the wheel.
2 Two of the major rivers in Mesoptamia are Trigras and the Euphrates.
3 The laws they had were very harsh such as if you hit your father your hands would be cut off
4 The Mesopotamians worshiped many gods and there was a god for almost everything and they spent a lot of time trying to please them.
5 The people in Mesopatimia said that everything that happened good or bad was the falt of a god.
Her are some things I know about Mesopotamia:
1.The Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops.
2.The Mesopotamians farmed in the fertile crescent.
3.The wheel was used by Mesopotamians to move heavy objects.
4.Northern Mesopotamia was NOT ideal for farming, so the Mesopotamians moved south.
5.The Ziggurat, the building that would suppposedly get you to heaven, was the biggest building in the town.
6.The Tigris and Euphrates rivers were the method for transportation.
7.The Mesopotamians traded for things they lacked such as copper, stone, and wood.
8.The Mesopotamians believed in many gods and goddesses such as Anv,Enlil,Enki, and Ninhursay.
9.Temple priest made gods happy by burning incense, or offered food/drink.
10.The class system for Sumer, a city/state in Mesopotamia, is Kings or Queens, wealthy business owners,(Landowners, Goverment Officials)Artisans and Farmers, and Slaves.
1. Mesopotamia means land bettwean two rivers.
2. The mesopontamians used the two rivers, the Tigris and the Eupharaties for irrigation for there crops.
3. The mesopotamians built ziggarats to conect with the heavens.
4. They were the first people to domesticate animals and plants.
5. Those plants were rice, barly, and wheat.
6. The first domesticated animals were sheep, goats, and cattle.
7. The first civilization developed in 3,500 b.c. in Southwest Asia.
To be continude
*Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rives, shich they used to irragate their crops.
*That the most famous law was made up there; The Code of Hammarabi.
*Their connecton between Heaven and Earth was the Ziggurat, which they worshipped highly.
*Mesopotamians developed the first ever system of writing; cuneiform, a very complex system, so complex it is not used today.
Early Mesopotamia had two major city-states.
Sumer was in the south and Akkad was in the north.
The similarities between the two city-states are farming, bisiness,costoms.
The difference between Sumer and Akkad is language.
War often between Sumer and Akkad is water and land.
1. The land Mesopotamians farmed on was named the Fertile Cresent because of it's rich and fertile soil.
2. Mesopotamia means the "land between the rivers," the rivers being the Tigris and the Euphrates.
3. Northern Mesopotamia wasn't good for farming because of it's small yearly rainfall, causing the people to move south for more ideal farming land.
4. The rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, are a permanent source of fresh water, essential for human development.
5. The people of Mesopotamia were good problem solvers, solving their problem of contructing buildings by cutting reeds from marshy areas and using mud and straw to make bricks.
6. Mesopotamians used to river as a source of transportation, riding downstream with the items.
7. City-states formed as more people arrived, places such as Unuk, Kish, Nippur, and Ur are City-states
(to be continued)
1.Polytheism is the belief in many gods.2.The kings are chosen by gods.
3.The priest worked to make the gods happy by burning incence also offering foods and drinks.
Mesopotamia was located betwen the Tigris and Euphrates. They worshipet in huge buildings called Ziggurat. Iragation was a huge part of there society. Mesopatamia are the first people ever who developed a system of writing. LOOK FOR MORE.
#1. Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops.
#2.New settlers arrived from north west and west part of the fertile cresent.
#3.The transportain methods that they had was on the rivers.
#4.Central:Plain bordered by 2 rivers the Tirgris and the Euphrates.
#5.Traders used boats to trade on the river.
#6.The people of people of mesopotamia used trading to get things they lacked such as copper,stone,and wood.
#7.The gateway to the wider world was the Persian Gulf.
#8.A way to spread Mesopotamian culture to other parts of the world and to bring other cultures into mesopotamia.
#9.Between two rivers is called Mesopotamia.
#10.Animals that were herded were goats,sheep,and cattle.
1.The famous mesopotamians law was the code of hamerobie.
2.If a person mudered or stole something that person would die.
3.The canal maintenance was so important because flooding could destroy all the crops.
4.If somebody broke somebodies limb they would have to pay a fine.
5.The mathimatical system was based on the number 60.
6.Their writing system was cuneiform.
7.Cuneiform did not work because it was to complicated.
8.Mesopotamians wrote with reeds.
9.The two rivers are the tigris and the euphrates.
10.Irrigation would affect the mesopotamians with food surplus.
* Mesopotamians built Ziggurats to reach the heavans.
* Mesopotamia is diverse because of it's fertle cresent.
* The Tigris and the Euphrates border Mesopotamia
* In Mesopotamia if the poked someones eye out they would get theirs poked out.
* In Mesopotamia if someone accused someone of something the person who got accused would have to jump into a river, if they came out unharmed the person who accused him/her would be put to death, and if they did not survive then the person who accused him/her would have nothing done to them.
* Mesopotamia, means land between two rivers.
* Mesopotamia worshipt in huge buildings called Ziggurats
* The Hammerabies code was invented in Mesopotamia.
* Every year or so the Euphrates would over flow to bring fertle land and they would divert the water that overflowed into the Tigris wich would irrogate the land.
6.The Mesopotamians invented writing because of entries of goods for the local government.
7.The Mesopotamians writing system was called Cuniform.
8.The most famous Mesopotamian law was code of Hamarabi.
9.If someone murdered or stole something was sentenced to death.
10.Canal maintenance was very importannt because the flooding could destroy the harvest.
1.Civilization started in West Asia between the Mediterranean Seaand the Persian Gulf.
2.Mesopotamia's nickname is land between two rivers.
3.The two groups in Mesopotamia are farmers and herders.
4.Farmers had a very sophisticated and advanced farming system.
5.Improved farming lead to surplus,
which was a major step toward Rise of Civilization in Southern Mesopotamia.
6.The people of Mesopotamia used trading to get things they lacked in.
7.Because of surplus food, not everyone needed to farm.
8.A City-State is an individual unit, complete with it's own form of government and traditions.
8.The Gateway to the wider world was the Persian Gulf.
9.People of Mesopotamia would trade their services for fod.
10.Mesopotamia is a region, which means there is no one single power controlling all of it.
The villages grew to such a high population it turned into a city-state. The link between Heaven and Earth is called the Ziggurat. The largest city in Sumer is Uruk. If you are Polytheism you believe in many gods. They used mud and straw to make there bricks. They were very good problem solvers. There two main resources were water and soil.
Sorry I forgot to put be cotinued on my last page!
1 mesopotamia meand land beetween two rivers
2 and those two rivers are Tigris and the Euphrates
3 those theo rivers are very imprtant because they provided fresh water.
4 and the two rivers also helped them with something called irrigation irrigation is where they have these gates and these passageways so when they opened the gate water would come rite in and give there crops fresh water
5 but there was a bad side sometimes the river would flood and the crops would die from too much salt.
6 mesopotamian's built these big kind of like pyrmids but they were different they were cauld zigfurats or known as the passageway to the gods that they worshipted.
7 ziggurats also since they were so big they were a sogn of there religion
8 meopotammian's also domesticated animals like goats sheep horses
9 mesopotama people also believed in many gods
10 they were very nice people but every now and then they would foght forl land
2.3 jobs people had in Mesopotamia are Potters,Farmers,and Slaves.
3.Transportation Method is the river.
4.As more people arrived,Villages turned into City-states.
more coming
i know that they invented the wheel, irragration, money and writting. They used irragration with watering there crops and got more food. used the wheel to take the food to other people. Money to buy the food if you have another job. whritting was used to show what people had and how to add and other stuff
1. Mesopotamia invented many firsts for the world that we still use today.
2.Mesopotamia invented the first written langauge.
3.Mesopotamia invented the wheel
4. Mesopotamians used irragation for their crops.
5. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers
6. The most known code used in Mesopotamia of laws is Hammurabi's code
7. mesopotamia discovered math
8.Their worship buildings were called Ziggurats
9.Mesopotamia is Present day Iraq
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops.
2.Mesopotamians were groups of people who have a complex society.
3.Mesopotamians useddates, unions,garlic,lettus,apples to make their meals.
4.Mesopotamians ate surplus food in the winter when they couldn't farm.
5.Mesopotamians usedpainted white bricks in their houses to keep them coll in the summer.
6.Mesopotamians usedmud brick walls to protect the city form invaders.
7.Mesopotamians used large irrigated fields that surrounded their city-states to farm.
8.Mesopotamians usedhuge temples to show the importants of religion in society.
9.Mesopotamians used polytheism or the worship of many gods in their religion.
10.Mesopotamians used kings to rule thier city-states the kings were chosen by the gods.
-Mesopotamians used irrigation to water their crops, which led them to be great farmers.
-They invented the first form of writing, Cuneiform.
-The order of which the classes were ordered in Sumer is listed below.
2.Wealthy business owners
-Goverment Officials
-Temple priets worked hard to make gods happy by burning incense and offered foof and drinks.
-Gods chose the kings.
-Ziggarts were the space between heaven and earth.
What I already know about Mesopatamia is that irrigation was good for their crops because it helped them farm better.
2.The Mesapatamians would trade services for food not money. This way they had more to eat.
3.The town was located between two rivers the tigris and Eupharetes. These rivers were very resourceful.
4.They moved south so crops could grow.
5. The Mesapatamians were good problem solvers.
6.Their two main resources were water and soil.
7.To make bricks, they used mud and straw.
8. Their were two groups of people-farmers and herders
9.The animals they herded were goats,cattle, amd sheep.
10.They did not have to farm anymore because of surplus food.
the wheel is iportant
1.Mesopatamians were very good at farming because of irrigation...
2.The code of Hummarabi has some fair laws and some brutal laws, such as "an eye for an eye" that seriously is an awkward and brutal law.
3.they invented irrigation and had a good irrigation system because of th rivers.
4.msopotamia means 'LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS'.
5.the rivers surrounding mesopatamia are the tigris and the euprates river(s)
6.mesopatamia had strange places called city states and they had their own government and such.
their will be more later or ill write more later or such....
Things I know about Mespotamia:
1 Mespotamians depended on the Tigris and the Uphrates rivers.
2 Mespptamians had a surplus of food because they were really well farmers.
3 They hunted their own food and didnt have slaves do it for them.
4 They build ziggurats because they bilived in gods.
5 They are more advanced than the stone age.
6 They had rich and fertle soil.
7 Their land is nicknamed the fertle cresent.
8 Mespotamia means the land between the rivers.
9 Mespotamians transportation system is the river.
10 Their tools are inproving very slowly.
1. they have there own writting system.
2. they made food surplus in mesopitamia.
3.they made the first wheel.
4. the tigres and the erufrateys provided irrigation for mespitamia.
5. they bilte ziggurats for prest to live in so they could be as close to the god as they could.
6. to be countinued
Mesopotamians used the water from the Tigris and the Euphrates to irrigate their farmlands. They built a building called a ziggurat that was used for worshiping their gods. The Mesopotamians were the first people to create a written language. The northern part of Mesopotamia had animals such as: deer, sheep, and goats. The farther south you went you would find lions, wildpigs, and oxen.......... to be continued
one of the things i know about mesopotamia is that they had invented the wheel to help move heavy boulders and other uses such as collecting crops.
another thing is that if you stole or murderd someone you could be punished by death.
mesopotamia had also invented irragation to help there plants grow but it also went wrong because there was salt in the river and that was not good for plants.
also if you broke some ones limb you could become a slave to work on the fields
mesopotamia had also made zigurate
for the connection for hevan and earth and they made it so tall to show it's importants.
mesopotamia had also had suplusn food so they didn't need to grow as much.
Things I know about Mesopotamia....
1. They used irrigation to help farm and get enough water to the plants.
2.The mesopotamians used wheels made with four simple steps, even though wheels are much more modern today.
3.mesopotamia means the land between two rivers.
4.the two rivers that provided the mesopotamians irrigation system was the tigris and the euphrates.
5.The climat of North Mesopotamia is not ideal for farming.
to be continued
Things I know about Mesopotamia....
1. They used irrigation to help farm and get enough water to the plants.
2.The mesopotamians used wheels made with four simple steps, even though wheels are much more modern today.
3.mesopotamia means the land between two rivers.
4.the two rivers that provided the mesopotamians irrigation system was the tigris and the euphrates.
5.The climat of North Mesopotamia is not ideal for farming.
to be continued
1. I know that mesopotamia means land between two rivers.(tigris and Euphrates)
2. Mesopotamians used irragation to water their crops thus enabaling them to be great farmers and build a great food surplus.
3.the hammurabi code is made up of many rules such as eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth.
4. king nebachadnezzer took over most of babylonia but hten died and lost lots of the land because they got atacked.
5. They had to watch the river before theybuilt dams that had walls that went up and down.
Some of the things I know about Mesopotamia are, Mesopotamia means land between two rivers. Also the Mesipotamians figured out how to get water to crops that needed water, by using irrigation, which lead to surplus food. And surplus food lead to social divisons. After they had their social divisions they had a society. They also belived in many gods which is called Polytheism.
The Mesopotamians built a ziggurat, which was their link between Heaven and Earth. But they had a major problem with flooding, which was they didnt know when the floods would come. And then oversalting happened.
1.I know that mesopotamia means land between to rivers.
2.I know that they have a writting system.
3.The rivers are named the tigris and the euphraties.
4.The ziggurat is the biggest building in mesopotamia.
5.They made the first wheel.
6.They paint there houses white to keep them cool.
7.King are chosen by gods.
8.sumer was in the south.
9.akkad was in the north.
10.War is often between sumer and akkad.
1.I know that mesopotamians could by using irraation from the Tigres and the Euphrates.2.the scale of importance went like this:Kings,priests,wealthy buisness men,and thenpoor people.3.Hamurrabi's code was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.4.they had an issue of not enough rain fall.5.the link between heaven and earth was a ZIGGURAT.6.the 4 main gods were ANU,ENLIL,WATER,ANDNINHURASAGE.7.the king passes his crown down to his son.8.kings were chosen by gods.9.polytheism is belief in many gods10.divine kingship is divine to rule.
1.i know that the word Mesopetamia means the land between the rivers.I also know that in there villages they had a pyramid type thing that was called a ziggurat and was used for having connection with the gods, and I know that they were so good at farming that most people did not have to farm.
1. I know that the Mesopaotamians used irrigation to become amazing farmers.
2. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, like Anu, Enlil, and Enki.
3. Mesopotamians used ziggurats to link Earth and heaven.
4. Because Mesopotamians became really good farmers, they did not all have to farm anymore. Instaed, they could work at other things, like being a member of the government.
5. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers.
6. The people of Mesopotamia used trading to get things they lacked such as copper, stone, and wood.
7. The people of Mesopotamia also used the rivers to trade, using boats.
8. The two rivers that surrounded Mesopotamia are the Tigris and the Euphrates.
9. Mesopotamia was nicknamed the fertile crecent because it had such fertile land.
10. And finally, the people of early Mesopotamia used Cuneiform to communicate and keep track of things, such as inventorie. But eventually no one used it anymore, because it was to complicated.
Things I Know About Mesopotamia
1.Mesopotamians used irrigation to help them farm, therefore they had good crops to eat.
2.Mesopotamians invented the very first way of written language called Cunieform.
3.Mesopotamians built their ziggurats really tall, thinking this way they could get closer to the gods.
4.Mesopotamia means "land between rivers."
5.Mesopotamia was bordered by two rivers: the Tigirs, and the Euphrates.
6.The people of Babylon lived by a set of rules called"Hammurabi's Code."
7.The land of Mesopotamia is also called the Fertile Crescent, because the soil is rich and fertile.
8.The people of Babylon were ranked by classes, such as kings, and peasents.
9.Early Mesopotamia had two major city-states:Sumer, and Akkad.
10.Sumer and Akkad often had war over land and water.
1. I know that Hamerobi was a mighty ruler, because he was very clever.
2. I know that hamerobi's men would dam the rivers, and after a while they would relese the water and flood the city-state.
3.I know that Mesopotamia means ( the land between the rivers.)
4. I know that the rivers that bordered Mesopotamia were the Tigris and the Euphrates.
5. I also know that ziggerates were what the Mesopotamians thought were the key to heaven.
6. I know that Mesopotamians were phototheismists, which means they worship more then one god.
7. I know that their gods chose their kings of the city-state.
8. I know that scribes are really important people in Mesopotamia.
9. I know that their priests were right behind the kings in the popularity chart in Mesopotamia.
10. I know that Mesopotamians invented the wheel, irrigation, and mud bricks for stone buildings.
This si what I know about Mesopatamia:
1.Mesopatamians built ziggurats as there religius places. These were built as tall as possible to be closer to heaven.
2.Mesopatamians Invented Irragation to help with theyr farming.
3.Mesopatamians also invented money and the wheel.
4.The most famous Mesopatamian Laws were found in the Code Of Hamorabi.
5.Mesopatamins invented, and used, a written language known as Cueniform.
6. The downfall of Mesopatamia was caused because the oversating problem was never solved as well as constant warfare talking it's toll on the city-states.
7.Mesopatamians traded by seting the taded itam in a boat and floating it down the river.
8.Mesopatamians painted there houses white to keep the inside cool.
9.Meospatamians were polytheic, meaning they beleived in many gods
10.KIngs were chosen by "Gods" and announces at the ziggurat by the preist.
1.Mesopotamia means land between to rivers I learned about that in voacbuly I think i spelled vocab wrong?
2.The mesoptamians built the ziggrut (a very high building or pyrimed) so that the pereast could be closer to the gods and talk to them easyer and to show people how much religen was to them.
3.The Tigris and the Euphaties are the two rivers where Mesopotamia was located It is now laocated in Irracte if thats how u spell it ?
4.The preast was a very important person because he or she made the gods happy by burning insents and laying out food for them I dontreally know why they would lay out food for them thowe
5.The Mosopotamians came up with irragation but had problems with the rivers over flowing so they made theses little square areas where they would fram and a little gates so they could controll how much water was put in the little square areas.
6.Mesopotamians were Polytheism witch ment they belived in many gods like god of wind god of water and so on.
to be contunued ok
1. Mesopotamia means land between two rivers.
2. The Mesopotamians herded animals such as sheep,cattle, and goats. 3. The zigguraut was built high because the people wanted other people to know how important relion was to them. 4. The preist job was to make the gods happy by burning incents. 5. They were polytheism wich means belief in many gods. 6. Mesopotamia is located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. 7. Nothern Mesopotamia was not ideal for farming because of little rain fall. 8. Irrigation made Mesopotamians good farmers. 9. To make bricks they used mud and straw. 10. They also first invented the wheel .
#1 Mesopatamia was between the tigris and euphrates rivers.
2#Mesopatamia was linked to the heavens by th ziggurots.
3#The four major gods and goddeses were,Anu god of heaven,Enlil god of wind,Enki god of water, and ninhursag mother of the gods.
4#The two major city states were akkad in the north, and summer in the south.
#5They made there temples big to show importance in religion to society.
6#Peace and prosperity ment that thee gods were pleased.
7#The first civilization in mesopatamia started in 3500bc.
to be continued
1.Mesopotamia's people were good at farming because of irrgation, we nkow that because they had to make some of the people stop farming.
there will be more
1.Mesopotamia there were very good at farming because they invented irragation.
2.They inevented alot of stuff to help them like the wheel.
3.They had social division.
4.They had organzied and complex people.
5.They had the first writing system.
6.They had fertile and rich soil.
7.They had there own goverment.
8.They growed stuff like oions.
look for more
1.Mesopotamia means: Land between the rivers.
2.Mesopotamia are between the Tigris and Euphaties.
3.They built a Zigerot to speak to their Gods.
4.They came up with a way to use irrigation they made little gates and put them up and let water from the rivers run throught when they needed watering.
5.The Mesopotamians had a king to direct them around.
6.Mesopotamians had a way of writeing they used Cuniform but ran into truble later on because nobody could learn or understand Cuniform.
7.Mesoptamia had really good farming ground because on the fertil soil.
1.Mesopotamias used irrigation to get water to crops and to a place that does not usally get water.
2.They invented the wheel which they used to take items to different places.It was alot faster than dragging or carring.
3.The first thing Mesopotamias got really good at was farming so not everyone had to farm.
4.The calendar they used was based on the stars.
5.A big problem for the Mesopotamias is that they never know when the Tigras and the Euphrates river would flood the land.
6.Mesopotamia is the land between two riers
To be continued...
1.The lands in mesopatamia have rich fertil soil.
2.Somthing between two rivers is called mesopatamia.
3.The climat in northren mesopatima is not good farming
4.the reason the soil is so fertil is because the rivers over flowed often
1we all know that Mesopotamia is know as the land between the 2 rivers Tigris and Euphrates and they had very fertile grass for farming and so that is how they got social division.
2They farmed with tons of things and when the grass becane so fertile only a few people had to farm nd then gather and then they shared.
3They had built ziggarats to so they could get as close as possible to the heavens but dont get them confused with piramids they have more of a point on the top of them.
The people of mesopotamia used a method called irragation which mean to get water from place to place from like wells and otger rivers and lakes but today we get ours from the water pipes in the ground and ours is cleaner.
4The grass was so fertile in mesopotamia because before the were caveman that lived during the ice age and so when the ice bergs melted the grass was really fertile which made really good farming land.
5The people of mesopotamia either worshiped one or many gods s many of them involves like water wind fire tons of them for everything and worshipig many gods would be called polytheism which seems like a funny word.
6The society was organized with a communtity with rules and taditions.
7back then Summer were more rich and Akkad was not poor but becoming poor.
8war was often between Summer and Akkad becaus eof the land and water.
9They mad e the ziggarats were made of mud bricks.
10simalaraties were farming buisness and customs.
What I know about Mesopotamia. . .
1. Mesopotania was located in the Fertile Cresent (present day Iraq) between the Tigris and Euphraties Rivers.
2. The climate in Mesopotamia is NOT ideal for farming since Summers are long, hot, and dry; May-October NO rain; November-April rain comes as a downpour or a brief sprinkle
3. Since such bad land in the North the farmers move South in 5,000 b.c.
4. The Tigris and Euphraties Rivers provide a great source of fresh water and also overflow often and make land very fertile, but the problem there was there was very little rainfall so they created "irrigation" to help control how much and when the crops were watered.
5. Another problem they had but solved was they had trouble constructing buildings so they cut reeds from marshy areas to buikd huts. And then they used mud and straw to make bricks.
6. Basically there were 2 groups of people, farmers and herders; and things that were farmed were... barley, wheat, miller, dates, onions, garlic, apples, and lettuce; and things that were herded were goats, cattle, and sheep.
7. As farming improved people thrived and population grew; and then new settlers arrived from the West and Northwest part of Mesopotamia.
8. As people arrived Villages turned into City-States... Such as
9. Since surplus food, not everyone needed to farm; so people could do other jobs such as Government, Religious Leader, Artisians, and Craftspeople.
10. The people of Mesopotamia traded to get the goods they lacked such as... copper, stone, and wood; by using boats on the river.
And thats what I know about Mesopotamia!!! byeeeeee
1.I know that Mesoptamia was the first thing they got really good at was farming.
2.The food grows so well in mesoptamia because of the fertale soil rivervalley.
3. the people control the flooding by leaves ans gated ditches.
1. Meopotamia had the first writing system which is cunieform and to some people they just see it as squigly lines.
2. Early Mesopotamia has two major cities-states which are Sumer and Akkad.
3. Mesopotamia farmed many different crops such as barley,millet,wheat,dates,onions, garlic,lettuce, and apples.
4.they herded animals such as goats, cattle, and sheep.
5.The way they transportaded was by river.
6. They had other cities-states like Uruk,Kish,Lagash,Nipper,Umma, and Ur.
7. People had jobs like they could go into goverment, a religious leader, artistans, and a crafts person.
8. Traders too used boats to trade on the river.
9. Mesopotamias problem was they didnt get enough rain so they created irrigation.
10. Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers. Which is Tigris and Eurphrates.
1.I know that the Mespotamians used irragation to water their plants that made them great farmers.
2.In Southern Mesopotamia some of the animals that were down there were lions pigs and goats.
3.The things that were farmed were barley wheat millet dates onions garlic lettuce and apples this was another reason they became great farmers.
4.Since they were in between two river their main transportation was boat.
5. As the farming methods improved people thrived and the population grew.
6. New settlers arrived from the NorthWest and west part of the Fertile Crescent.
to be continued
6 there was a creasant of fertile land in Mesopatomia therefore called the Fertile Creasant
7 They invented the first writing system called Cunieform
8 Two major cities in Mesopatiama are Sumer and Uruk.
9 In Mesopatiaima Sumer is in the south and Urauk is in the north
10 Mesopotamians build a very large building called a Ziggurat which was supposed to connect thier heaven and earth the reason it was so large is because they wanted people to know how importent thier religon was to them; Ziggurats were often the biggest buildings in a village.
This is my second comment
8. First people to invent laws for there city-states. (Hamarabie code)
9. They invented the first form of writen language. (cuneiform)
10. They invented the wheel for easy transportation.
5.In the West their are deserts.
6.In the East their are Zaros Mountains.
7.Basically Two groups of people are farmers and herders.
8.People would trade their services for food.
9.In 7000 b.c. people arrive in the Fertile Crescent.
10.Traders used boats to trade on the river.
This is what I know about Mesopotamian. First, I know that they didn't have any problem with food. I also know that they did have a problem with flooding, and also if you did something bad you could be put to death! They were the first ones to invent the writting systems,langueges, gods, and a well! Plus they were the first to invent a way to prevent flooding and they found a way to use the land that had to much salt; they just put the types of plants that liked the saltey land and they also kept rotating the crops.
7.In Mesopotamia they invented the wheel with has carried on all the way through to 2008.
8.The first animals that were hearded were goats cattle and sheepthat is another thing that we still do today.
9.The first civilization developed in 3500 b.c. the East of Mesopotamia are the Zagros Mountains and to the wests were deserts.
I. Mesopamians used irrigation to water there crops, thus enbaling them to become great farmers
II. The Mesopotamians were the first people to use written language to speak and write
III. The first civilization developed in 3500 B.C.
IV. Civilizations started in southwestern Asia between th emediteranian seaand the Persain sea
V. mesopatamia is called the land between two rivers called the tigris and euphrates also it was nicnamed the fertile cresent.
VI.I also learned that the mesopatamians invented the wheel and how to control water with canals and leves called irigation.
VII. The first to domestacate animals and plants the first plants to be domestacated were
barley, rice, and wheat the first animals to be domestacated were dogs, cows, and goats.
1.Things that they farmed were barley, millet, wheat,
dates, onions, garlic, lettuce, and apples.
2.As more people arrived,villages turned into City-States examples of City-States are Uruk, Kish, Lgash, Nippur, Umma, and Ur.
3.Traders used boats to trade on the river.
4.Similarities between Sumer and Akkad are farming, business, and customs.
5.Difference between Sumer and Akkad is the type of language they speak.
6.War often between Sumer and Akkad was for land and water.
7.Link between Heaven and Earth is called the Zigerot.
8.Sumer class system went King to wealthy people to farmers to slaves.
9.Religion and Government closely linked by kings being chosen by gods.
10.Peace/Prosperity meant gods were happy.
7.Polytheism: Belief in many gods.
8.Peace/Prosperity meant gods were pleased.
9."Divine Kingship" means divine right to rule.
10.Kingship can be passed from father to son.
Hey Mr. Klumper this is Sam S you know who i am. Well cool blog I like it well goodby
Mesopotamia was split into to mane groops Assyria to the north and babylonia to the south.
to be continued
They built zigerots to worship there gods/godeses.
The people first arived in the fertal crecint in 7,000 b.c. but the first civelisation didn't start until 3,500 b.c..
Traters tradid in boats on the river.
Mesopotamia was inbetween the tigeris and the uphutes.
Used mud and sraw to make bricks.
Cut reeds from marshy arias and built bricks
They had many city states like uruk and nupar
they were polytheist meaning they had more than one god.
1.mesopotamians cared deeply about there religion and practiced it daily.
2.Hammurabi's code had very cruel laws.
3.The way they wrote was called cuneiform and was very difficult
4.The way they got the water to the crops was very unique and clever
5.They had different gods for different things
6.They made the first currency
7.they lived in between two rivers (tigris and euprates) called the fertile crescent.
8.tehy built there houses out of mud and straw.
9.there were two groups of people herders and farmers.
10.they had a highly developed farming technique(s)
The written form thry write in is called Cuniform.
Mesopotamia had problems with the rivers over flowing into the fields.
They had to wait for the water to soak into the ground before they could start to farm.
The first dimesticated plant are rice, wheat, and barley.
City-States in Sumer hve 50,000 people living there.
A mudbrick wall surrounded the whole city.
Thier houses were painted white to keep them cool.
The Ziggurat link between Heaven and Earth.
Anu was the god of Heaven.Enlil was the god of wind.Enki was the god of water.Ninhursag was the mother of gods.
6.they went on a scale from kings to priests to buisness man.
7. in babylonia they had advancements in math such as place value astronomy and figuring out when eclipse would happen
8. Abraham had a covenant with god to worship only one god and that god would protect abraham and his people known as hebrews.
9. moses parents thought moses was going to be killed after they moved toegypt where they were forced into slavery so they sent moses down the river where he got picked upby a lady then he became prince he figured out he was a hebrew to and admitted that so god told moses to led them out of slavery.
10.King david united hebrew people and then formed isreal, then when soloman died the kingdom spit into two parts isreal and judah later to be conquered.
7. The meopotamians made the written language cuneiform, but the written language wasnt that succsesful because it was to diffrucle for most people to understand and if they did want to learn the written langauge cuneiform they would have to study it or go to school for 12 years.
8.Before ther meopotamians made the WHEEL they had to use logs to roll there heavy idems.
and thats what i know about the mesopotamians or mesoptamia
1. they had good irregation because they got alot of rain so the crops could grow.2. Mesopotamians were the first to make clay to write to anybody.3. They all had farming to do so they had to all take care of there animals.4. Mesopotamians were surrounded by water they had two rivers the tigris and the euphrates.5. They were the first to make the laws such as the ten commandments.6. When they grow cops they have surplus that is used to make food.7. They also had a king named hammerabi who made the code of hammerabi.8. In mesopotamians times they always had floods because of to much salt.9. If they murdered someone they would be exacuded for murdering them.10. They solved the problem of flooding when they put a big wall where the water was and if they needed water theyed open the gate.
#1 I know the first civilization developed in 3500 b.c., civilizations have thier own custom, own food supply, and socil divisons.
#2 The people in Mesopotamia were seperated into to groups: Farmers and Herders.
#3 In Mesopotamia the between Heaven and Earth was a huge building called a Ziggurat.
#4 A place called Summer was south of Mesopotamia in Summer they had things called city-states.
#5 People in city-staes could range up to 50,000 people.
#6 They would build mud brick walls to surround the city they did this for protection.
#7 Irragation led to a large amounts of surplus food wich meant thatnot as many people had to farm anymore and could learn other things.
#8 Mesopotamia means land between two rivers those rivers are the Tigris and the Euphrates.
#9 In Mesopotamia someone who murdered a person or stole something would be putt to death.
#10 In Mesopotamia they had a writing system called cunieiiform.
jacob 3larson
Mesopotamia means land betwen the rivers. The rivers that it is betwen are the Tigerus and the ufades.
8. In 3500 b.c., the first civiklizations develop, with thier own customs, food supply, government,religion, social divisions, and technology.
9. Mesopotamia was located in present day Iraq, Jprdan, Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.
10. East of the Fertile Cresent were the Zagros Mountains, West was deserts, and the central area was bordered by the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.
#8 in mesopitmia the person by the river watching it and if it over flowed they would be put in prison
#9 there wa a law in mesopitmia is that if you killed someone you would get you limb cut off
#10 learning about mesopitmia maked me think if people in mesoptamia did not make the stuff back then ij wonder what it would be like now
The following items are what I know about Mesopotamia:
1. The Hammurabi Code has 282 laws and means an "eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth". Moses 10 commandment are a much better way to live by.
2. The Lydians invented the first coin, which means we can shop.
3. The Phoenicians invented the moderan alphabet, which is wonderful, so we can spell and enjoy reading today.
4. The Mesopotamia people hunted and gathered food before learning to farm, which led to surplus food to barter for good they needed (copper, wood, stone).
5. The Cuneiform is a way of writing in Mesopotamia time and it started out as a "star" or symbols representing words. It took 12 years to learn.
6. People who wrote down important information were called scribs. This was important in planning the for the future.
7. The Mesopotamia calendar was based on moon and stars, since they used illustrations instead of words.
8. The Mesopotamians built levies and gated ditches to help control flooding. Today, we still use levies to hold back water in the coastal regions (they never knew when a flood would come or not).
9. The Fertile Crescent was named that because the land was fertile and rich. People could farm better crops there.
10. Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers, which was great for irrigation, because they could control how much water the crops would get. Again helping to get surplus food.
I really enjoyed this unit.
7. the summar was more powerful between summer and akkad.
8. huge temples show importance of a religion to socity.
9. the four major gods/godnests were anu:god of heaven, enlil:god of wind ,enki:god of water,and ninhursag: mother of all gods.
10. empire is a large terriorty controlled by one person.
2.The firtile crescent was named after the shape and rich.
3.Mesopotamia means the land between the two rivers, the two rivers are called tigris and the euphrateswitch were good for farming.
4.They made ways to hold the water back from a flood,and made ways to let water in when needed.
5.cuneiform was a way of writing and to keep track of things sutch as animals crops and when it will flood next time.
6.irrgation was the magor way to get water from one place from another.
7.war often between Sumer and Akkad over water and land.
8.there will be more
1. I know that they invented the frist written language, called cuiform.
2. The cuiform was written on cly and when they where done they set the cly out in the sun so it would harden.
3. They invented calenders, so that they could see when the rivers where going to over flow.
4. I know the Mesopotamia means "land between the rivers".
5. Mesopotamia is located between two rivers called "Euphrates and the Tirges".
6.The first thing that Mesopotamians where good at was irrigation {farming} so if they where good at irrigation {faming} that must mean they where not that sciney.
7. The reasion that the ziggerate was that so they could pray and be closer to the gods.
8. The way that thare houses were set up was like this... prease and people who worked for the king they had 2 store houses they where cloesd to the ziggerate,than it was gardners and then slaves they both had 1 store houses
"Mesopotamia" means land between the rivers. The punishment in Mesopotamia for stealing something from a person is death. The Mesopotamians built their temples called the ziggurate big so that the priest could be closer to God and to show how important religion was to them. I also know that monotheism means the belief in one God. The Mesopotamians invented the wheel to help them haul crops from one place to another. And that cunieform means wedged shaped writing.
Sorry mr.klumper, i accidentally spelled my first name wrong. you would be surprised that actully happens to me alot.
some day i will learn to spell my name
7. Mesopotamia beleived n POLYTHEISM - belief in many gods.
8. Mesopotamia beleived ziggurats were the link between heaven and earth.
9. The three major things in Mesopotamia were
10.Dynasty: ruling family.
Hi Mr.Klumper I am anonymous said after Makanzie 3Marso.
Sydney Blair
6.some examples of other city-states
all this city-states have different units, withs its own form of government and traditions
7.Sumer and Akkad had similarities in
but war was often between the two over water and land
8.Sumer was more powerful between the two between 3500-2330 b.c.
9.The largest city-state in sumer was Uruk and all the houses were painted white to keep them cool.
10.The advancements of Sumer was
which made them successful
7.Civilizations are groups of people who have a complex and organized society - own customs - own food supply - social divisions - own government - own religion - technology. 8. Because of surplus food people could do other jobs like: government, religious leader, artisans, craftspeople. 9. The people of Mesopotamia used trading to get things they lacked of like: copper stone wood. 10. Sumer was in the south Akkad was in the north similarities farming, business, customs differences between the two languadge war often between Sumer and Akkad water land.
1. If a person who murders someone or steals something the punishment is being put to death.
2. The people would irrigate all over Mesopotamia by routing the river.
3. The Mesopotamians invented the wheel to help move heavy objects like a load of bricks.
4. It took the Mesopotamians 12 years to learn how to write quneiform their language.
5. The Mesopotamians best stories were about Gods.
6. The four major Gods in Mesopotamia are Anu God of Heaven, Enlil God of Wind, Enki God of Water,and Ninihursag Mother of Gods.
7. The two major rivers in Mesopotamia are the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.
8. In Mesopotamia the 2 main natural resources were water and soil this made it easier to be great farmers.
9. The Mesopotamians made bricks out of mud and straw to build houses.
10. In Mesopotamia the animals they herded were goats, cattle, and sheep.
irrgation was a big way to get watter from place to place
messopotaima means land between 2 rivers
the lidians invented the first coin
the phonicens invented the first modren alphabet
the mesopotaima people hunted and gather before they learned to farm
huge ziggurats simbol that they had great religon to their gods
war began with sumer&akkad over water
mesopotaima's written languge was pictures but it got to hard to understand so they changed it to cuniform
1.huge temples show importance of a religion to socity.
2.The Hammurabi Code has 282 laws and means an "eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth".3. People in city-staes could range up to 50,000 people4.In Mesopotamia someone who murdered a person or stole something would be putt to babylonia they had advancements in math such as place value astronomy and figuring out when eclipse would happen
6.Moses 10 commandment are a much better way to live by.3.
to be continued
7..They would build mud brick walls to surround the city they did this for protection.
8.King david united hebrew people and then formed isreal, then when soloman died the kingdom spit into two parts isreal and judah later to be conquered. 9.The Cuneiform is a way of writing in Mesopotamia time and it took 12 years to learn. 10.they were polytheist meaning they had more than one god.
7. I know that the messopatamians invented the wheel, math, written language, and irrigation.
4.Polytheism is the belief in many gods. 5. The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.
6.The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops. 7.The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.8.The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.9.The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.10.The Mesopotamia used irrigation to water their crops.
7.two major city-states of Mesopotamia are Sumer and Akkad.
8.Sumer and Akkad fought over water and land.
9.Enlil, Anu, Ninhurag, and Enki are 4 major gods/goddess
10.mesopotamia is the first civilization
VII.Summer and akkad often fought over land and water
VIII. society is an organized group of people
IV. Polytheism is the belef in many gods
X. Dinisty is a ruling family
they made ways to keep the water from flooding
cuniform is a way to write
war often started between summer and akkad
irrigation is a major way to get water from one place to another
the fertil crecent is named after its sape and rich
they used a stiles to write on clay tablets
clay tablets were able to stay for a long time
mesopotaima is a land between two rivers
the lidians invented the first coin
#8.Ziggurats were considered the link between heaven and Earth
#9.They invented the first form of writing. (cuneiform)
#10. It was between two rivers called the Tigris and Euprhates
3: That the Mesopotamians invented the first written language cuneiform.
4: That the Mesopotamians were the fi civilization.
5: That the Mesopotamians invented the wheel.
6: That the Mesopotamians moved south to find more rainfall.
7: That the Tigris and the Euphrates are the rivers that supported Mesopotamia
8: That the Mesopotamians made rafts and floated items down the river.
9: That Surplus means extra not military supplies.
10: What a ziggurat is and some of the names of the gods.
*Mesopotamians had better ways to adapt to life than neanderthals; which caused them to have extra time to create other things like written language, wheel, Ziggurats, and coins.
*Mesopotamians had a new way of to compete: war, which often broke out for land or water.
*Mesopotamians built levees and dri ditches to help them irragate their crops.
*In Assyria, war was highly established as a way to solve problems.
*Mesopotamia held the longest time of civelization to last, so far.
8.they had 4 major gods/gogges
9.they used 2 rivers Tigris and Euphrates for irrgation.
10.the first civilization was Mesopotamia.
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