Just want to post a random comment? Just want to tell me something or talk about something? Well, now you have that chance. I would like to introduce the WSG Message Board. There are many posts on this blog, but sometimes, you might just want to tell me something totally unrelated to the posts I have up. Where do you post questions or comments? Right here, at the WSG Message Board. On the WSG Message Board, it is just a discussion of whatever happens to be on my mind or on your mind! I will be checking this post a lot and posting many comments as well, so check it out and get involved! You can respond to what I say and to what each other says. Let the messaging begin...
1 – 200 of 379 Newer› Newest»Welcome to the new WSG Message Board! I hope you will join me in discussion and conversation. Here is your spot to post comments about anything. To start, let's talk about school. Think about this question...What would you change about school if YOU were in charge? Let's hear your ideas...
i would make school go from 9:00 to 12:00. And the drinking fountians had ay flavor you want in them.
At least put in one recess.
And did u know that i broke the girls 100 meter dash.
School would start at 12:00 in the afternoon and end at 4:30PM and we would only have school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Paige from perid 6
I would change that instead of going to school at 8:10 to 3:18 go to school at 10:00 to 5:00.
Wow. I just got done finishing the movie on 9-11. I didn't know how sad it was until a few minutes ago. We should have really comfy chairs to sit on in class that we can drive around. :)
hey want to talk to anybody so ya
yesterday,my brother sister and i went swimming at my aunts hotel We also had a fire and roasted marshmallows. She came to visit from England. She and my uncle came on Aug. 21st and they left today.
STUDENTS!!! Love the message board action. Nice work. good ideas on how to change school, though if we only went to school on tuesdays and thursday, i think you would get bored the other days. I think we should do school uniforms. what do you think?
Arianna: yes, i heard you are very fast. I want to race you. ha.
Hannah: the swim party sounds fun. especially the bonefire with smores. I wish i would have been invited. ha.
It was Arianna I'll tell you one thing, the smore's make you sick after a while, and mine got a little burnt because i started it on fire.
MR.Klumper school uniforms what are you thinking!!!!!!
From Hannah BULATAO
1. i love smores and i love it when the marshmellows get burnt.
2. school uniforms would rock! we could all wear sweater vests and ties everyday. it would look so cool.
This is my first time ever to the Water for 6th graders blog and I must say, I would love to be back in 6th grade. This blog has so much information that thinking back, probably could have made my 6th grade social studies class much much more informational. This blog has information about not only what's going on in your classroom, but around the world as well. That is a great way to expand the children's knowledge beyond the material taught in the class. I couldn't think of just one thing I like about this blog, but some of my favorites are the flash cards (wish I would have had those available when I was a 6th grader) and all of the extras below label cloud. All in all, I'm very impressed with what I see in this blog. It gives me a lot of great ideas for my future in teaching.
As far as the question concerning school and uniforms. I LOVED wearing uniforms in school, it saved my parents a lot of money of different outfits because as most girls know, you just can't wear something more than once! :) It also eliminated a lot of jealousy and popularity problems. (Again, concerning girls) It was just great waking up 30 minutes before school and knowing exactly what I was going to wear.
Also, I think the length of school days have nothing to do the amount of information the students learn. I believe that every student hates how long school days last because the teachers don't make learning fun. If the teachers make learning fun and interesting for the students, time flies! Something for School administration and teachers to keep working on :)
Thanks for letting me get involved in this fabulous blog! Happy rest of the week all!
Oh and I would love to read students responses to my uniform and length of school opinions!
The message board is rockin'!! we got students posting, we have teachers posting (ME) and we even have friendly birds posting. It's great. nice work. This message board might even replace facebook in popularity at some point in this school year. YEAH!!! anyway, the friendly little bird that posted has some good things to say, especially about school uniforms. i find it interesting that this person had uniforms and loved it. On behalf of myself and all my wonderful students, i would like to thank the friendly little bird for all their nice compliments about our website.
i like rocky road ice cream in a waffle cone. just thought you should know. what do you like?
my fav. food is saled the reason why because it it heathy for u and u can get it almost any were.my desert is vinila icecream whats your fav. food or deserts?
Guidance today. Good stuff. Pay attention.
I wish i had an enormous steak sitting in front of me right now.
I did my first triatolon bout 1 year ago and i got 17 out of seventy-five people.
And my fav food is ribs. they r tasty
i thought it would be cool to let you know that my mom and dad own a candy store down town sioux falls. sorry i didint tell you about in the first or second week of school.
My favorite food would be DEER JERKEY by the way im eating some right now so gooooooooooooooood...
I love it when the message board gets comments. Good job!
Arianna: great job with the triathlon. what were the distances? i did two triathlons last summer, but couldn't do any this summer due to my serious leg injury. they are a blast though.
Deer jerky is delicious. I wish i had some right now. Although, did just get done eating steak. Yum.
Gracie!! that's awesome. i will have to go check it out. Thanks for telling me about it. What's it called?
I have a friend in Minnesota and she starts school at 8: 20 and gets out at 3:08!
P.S. Mr. Klumper- Sweater vests?! Really? I'm sorry but sweater vest are not cool.
Sydney!! Great to see you on the message board. good job. however....i must disagree with you. Sweater vests are the coolest. I can't wait until it gets cold out so then i can rock the sweater vest everyday. its very stylish.
i hope you all aren't nervous about going to the Stone Age tomorrow. YOU will ENTER the stone age.
Coolest stone age animal is.....
what up(:
Do we have a test tomorrow in spelling/vocab over the 30 words?
did you have my sister keonni funches
Did I tell you that my birthday is like 3 days before
Christmas and I get double the present and money.
And I was brought home in a stocking and I still have it.
P.S. Sweater vest really gross, I would like the way we have now.
I ran my first triathalon 2 summers ago. Ive ran 1 more since then. Im going to the holiday in on Saturday. Mr. Klumper, did u know that we moved last summer? Or that we got a new puppy onthe way back from Pierre after the Hershey track meet?
hey did you have my sister keonni funches
the coolest stone age is probally the Sabre Tooth Tiger.
I love saying thinks randomly so this is perfect for me. gotta go I have to do HOMEWORK.
good luck wit the sweater vest action mr. klumper
WHY IS IT SO COLD?????????????????
The message board is at 37 comments. That's sweet. Hopefully we can hit 100, or maybe 1,000, or even 1 million!!! Busy night for me. Soccer, Soccer, eating a giant steak, then homework help.
Friday, we see if Johnny can conquer the stone age and discover fire....
Natalie: yes, we have a test in Vocabulary class. 20 questions. The workbook is also due. I hope you get this before you go to sleep.
Natalie: yes, we have a test in Vocabulary class. 20 questions. The workbook is also due. I hope you get this before you go to sleep.
Johnny, yes, i did have her. She is a very nice person and she did great at the wax museum.
Courtney-that's great about your triathlon. How long were the distances? I can't wait for next summer to do them again.
Elizabeth-brought home in a stocking? interesting. So you dont' think it's annoying that your birthday is so close to christmas?
keep the random comments coming! It's interesting to read.
by the way, sydnEE, you think sweater vests are cool, you just don't want to admit it. ha.
Mr.K We won our football game 8 to 7. It was such a close game
um idk know for sure what the distances where but i will figure that out today hopefully.
And have you gine on Corkskrew at valley fair.
Its really fun
O ya also did You know that im goin to a vikings game on this sunday.
plus its really cold out. AND I REALLY LIKE IT. Espacially for soccer
I play alot of Sports Soccer/ Softball/ Flag football/track/basketball/swim/bike/run/skiing and i tried volley ball adn tennis they arnt my favorite things too do but at least they are fun!!!!!!!!!!
eatin some yogart. tonight we are going to sell my brothers bed. my dad got home early today because he had to pick up my brother early from cross country.
hy mr.klumper when are we going to pick are people for the wax musium.
Are you writing a new book about Johnny Rawten?
i think it is fare to tell you that i just took my dog outside and he went #1 and #2.ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
Hey everyone, im bored on friday night... Wow cant belive it... Mr Klumper: my mom played the game and almost got them all wrong HaHaHa
are the lynx winning or loosing
are the lynx winning or loosing
Mr. Klumper, i went to see what people said on the just tell me something and i couldnt find mine that i posted. do you know why???
Im going to watch my brothers football game at the high school gonna be cold!!!!
Im going to watch my brothers football game at the high school gonna be cold!!!!
Hey Mr. klumpER for the record i do not think sweater vests are so dont keep assuming that i think they are!
from sydnEE
Fresman team just lost by one point. Bummer!
great job by the Varsity Lynx last night beating Mitchell. Big win.
I watched the freshman football game this morning and it was a little cold and a major bummer that they lost. Natalie, you should have said Hi to me since i was there too! ha.
Not sure why you can't see your comment grace. i will see if i can figure it out...
I am off to a wedding. Have a great day.
Message board is approaching 100 comments...I can't wait until we hit 1,000. I think we can do it this year.
Sweater Vest.
My brother ran in a cross country meet this morning and he got 6th place out of 45 people.
Really Mr.Klumper, enough with the sweater vests they are out of style! :)
Message board lookers: please get your Bonus Questions posted for the "You Are There" assignment. Easy 10 points!!!
Recess and schoo, goes from 10:00-4
At Braeden Sornsen's football game last night, some guy got knoked out and he injured his nek so they had to call an ambulance. it was crazy
sweater vest = weird
are we doing the wax museum
hey to bad vikings lost but i think im gonna go for the steelers for the year they are pretty goooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!
all the sudden it is hot out whats with that?
wow. busy night for me, which explains the delay on the message board. after school: coach 8th grade football team for two games. Then home to help Olivia with homework, then help Isabel with home, then ate 2 hotpockets, now finally able to blog.
Arianna-you are really rockin' the message board. good work. but Steelers? Really?? My team this year is the Detroit lions.
Johnny: yes, we are doing the Wax Museum. It will begin in October.
Mckenzie: i'm glad its hot outside.
sweater vest=rockin style.
Mr. Klumper: nobody wears sweater vests anymore no offense....
S.S is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tacos pie
My Dad did once (to be funny though)
I'll give u 100 study hall cash if u were a sweater vest this year Mr.K
Well their one of my friends in7th grade favorites team so im gonna go for them and i like them they are mye seconed favorite team
I totally agree with you Alexis. If we had to i bet kids would boycot them!!! Yeah i am pretty disappointed in the Vikings too.
That is so true Alexis!!
Do we have to read the early farmers article and answer the questions or are we doing that tommorow?
Hey Natalie. you do not need to read the Lesson 2 Article. We will work on that tomorrow in class. Good question, thanks for asking!
hahaha. ok, rees, deal. honestly, i wear sweater vests at least twice a week in the winter. so thanks for the easy opportunity to make money. now, the question is, how much do i have to pay you for you to wear a sweater vest? I think you and lucas should both wear one to school...you could earn a lot of study hall bucks for that...
mr klumper wats ur favorite sport?????????????????
I need more sleep in the morning.
School should go from 4-5
Mr. Klumper on the sheet for guided notes you put 3,490,000 but on the blog post you put 4,490,000. Witch one is it?
I like ICE CREAM/cookie dough
Cant wait for this year i wish it went slower.
you actually wear those things?? (no offense) i cant wait to see it Mr. Klumper!!!
Hey Mr.Klumper I couldnt find my comment so i just posted another one!
Nice sweatervest deal
Wow, alot of people talk here!!
- 9Thuha H
Noah, the correct answer is: 3,490,000. sorry about the type-o.
p.s.: rocky road in a waffle cone beats anything hands down.
Favorite sports: hmmm...that is a difficult one. I love football, but i don't ever get to play it anymore. I really like basketball as well and with that sport, i can still play it. My favorite sporting event is triathlons. I can't wait for next summer when i can start doing them again when i'm not injured. i think everybody should do the Iron Kids Triathlon at augie next summer. it's a rockin' event.
hey Mr. Klumper. If you could go back in the past, where would you go and what would you do? Now, if you could go to the future, where would you go and what would you do?
Hey Mr. Klumper you got to give me some WR tips in football love to no some new ones.
I <3 BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah what karrisa said nice sweater vest deal
My favorite sport is basketball!I think they should make water B ball a official sport
good to see the activity on the message board once again! Just got done with an 8th grade football game. Two big wins.
Cole: Yes, i will give you some WR tips. come talk to me at school.
Felicity: great question...I think i would travel back in time to ancient Egypt and watch the Pyramids being built. I think it would be fascinating to see how they built them. Into the future? I would stay here and see what Brandon is like in the future.
Basketball is a good sport. That's cool that its your favorite, Mcclane.
Do we have to do the sketch of the video and do the how otzi died? I just wanted to make sure didnt no for sure
I just got home from brookings. At the meet there was about 77 contestants and my brother got 4th!!!! There was about 12 schools there.
chicken rrruuuullllleeeessss mr klumper wats ur fav color
do u coach 8th grade football mr klumper?
Hey mr.klumper for our cave art assignment should i color it in brown and tan or in color?
Hey mr.klumper for our cave art assignment should i color it in brown and tan or in color?
soccer game today!! we won 5-2!! i had so much fun!!
you would have to pay luke and i 50,000 study hall bucks each if we ware one to school.
p.s. my fave sport is football whats yours?
Rees, once you and lucas see how awesome my sweater vests are, you will beg your parets to take you shopping.
i like football alot. probably my fav sport.
Yes, i coach 8th grade football.
busy day: shingling from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. then ate an entire chicken by myself with potatoe salad and sprite. but the best part?? i get to do it again tomorrow. i'm so lucky.
Prepare yourself for "Educating Andy" on Monday. He's not very bright....It is our job to educate him.
Mckenzie: i would use color. Afterall, we do have color in our world right? :)
yes we do.
Soccer rulz!!!
WOW did not even feel like we had a weekend idk why????????
i love myself
also p.s
see you at school peeps espicially one person but i am not going to say their name
Hey Mr. Klumper. If you could go any where in the world, where wounld you go
Seth you are funny!!!!!!
Go swish!!!!!!!!!!!! BASKETBALL RULES
Is "Educating Andy" Homework Mr.Klumper!!!
I have a soccer game on Thursday at Brandon at 6:30.For anyone want to come to it!!
p.s. Good Luck on the football game on Thursday!! i might be there.
p.s. again Soccer Rulz!!!!
Grace, good luck on the soccer game. I hope you win.
I can't wait for my race against Arianna! Perhaps we will do that during homeroom sometime soon since everybody in class thinks I will lose.... ha.
I have a football game on Thursday at 6:00!!!
p.s. I think Ariana will win.
Mr. Klumper what is the goal for amount of posts on the message board?
Where do you find the vocab terms on the blog? By the way guys vote for the Cro-Magnon because were beast!
Never mind Mr. Klumper I found the vocab words.
I love camping, fishing, shooting fire, and football.
i am play basketball i hope i am on the a or b or c team. if i am on c team i am going to be mad if i am on the c team i want to be on the a team. i start the season in november i am playing for the yforce.
on planet earth school uniforms are a no-no!ps i like courtneys idea of the comfy moving chairs now those chairs are a yes-yes on earth
hey mr klumper...mrs ericcson was talking to us in science, and she said if anyone was ever talking while she was talking, she would make them race her in hurdles...weird...i wonder if shes that good!probably!haha!!she said she is really good!is she fast???
hey mr. klumper you better get training for the big race against arianna. and btw your are not very nice to andy. no wonder hes clueless when you keep putting him down and telling him hes not smart
ps i play in yforce too
mr.klumper when are we going to get our shirts.
guesse what my BIGGEST peppiev is when someone says seen instead of saw
i just did edjucating andy im board but i should probly go to bed goodnight
Mines Football to you should were a pink and orenge sweater vest you whould so cool (not really) ha. I am going out for football next year and i hope i make A what division do you think I will make???????????????
P.S. Cant wait till 8th grade football.
Glad to see the message board is still getting used. I can't wait for the WSG Live Session tonight. Stay tuned for the time slot.
Rees, 8th grade football will be great. I am looking forward to it.
Sydnee, I am totally ready for the race with arianna. I have been practicing.
Orange sweater vest will be worn in December. Too warm out right now. I know you are jealous Rees.
T-shirts should be in next week, hopefully. I can't wait to see all the shirts walking the halls of BVMS.
Big day of school today: Looping competition and more GLogging. Get ready.
ya its going to eb sweet Mr. K
P.S. Not jealous
Ugh. Mr. Klumper I wont be able to do the wsg live tonite cuz i have a soccer game at 8 in sf!!!!!!!!!
it stinks
we won are football game last sunday 12-0. i hit some one hard
Hello Mr.Klumper this is jacob bentson from last year pick on seth short he will get scared and i want him to be scared ok hehehehehehe
Cant wait for the live session!!!!
mr.Klumper i bet ur goona looose BIG time wen u race me at least i hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ME
where is the stone age at Mr. Klumper
what was 8ths time????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
im going to the game tonight. i hope they win but im not sure because thier not having a great season.
that was really fun last night but it was really hard to keep up.
hi Mr. Klumper what do like to do most on the weekeds
Mr. Klumper, my game was good the score was 0 to 0. at the very end we almost scored like 5 times!! but the team had a good goalie.
hey mr klumper what are you doing today? Im going to my moms friends wedding...r u still shingling that one house?and by the way...is mrs ericcson good at hurdles?????
the lynx had a great game last night the score was 30 to 0. i spay painted some shoes today. it was a lot of fun. going to go get a bannana.
I am bored.
sorry you to hear you are bored, Sydnee but i have good news for you: Another week of school is about to begin!!! Yea! wow, that weekend was way too long.
Mr. Klumper, I have asked two questions, and you have not answered them.
Did i miss alot today?
will we get our shirts this week?????????????
Hi Felicity, sorry it has taken me so long to answer your questions. Here are my answers:
Anywhere in the world: I would choose Coronado Beach to watch the Navy SEALs train.
I like to read, hang out with my kids and blog (of course) on the weekends.
what would be your answers to the same questions??
Anywhere in the world: Germany because that is where most of my family comes from. As for the weekends I like to read, play with my dog, and do the things that are on the schedule.
ahh so long since my apperence on here. I have a football game on monday at 7:30 against the other brandon team(alex's team):)
Another soccer game tonight!!! Hopefully after the game my team will still be undeafeted!! :)
Hi Mr. Klumper. What is your favorite thing about teaching? Why do you like the Navy Seals so much.
what i like to do on the weekends are, wake up early, watch tv, play on the coputer, eat, and run or bike.
anywhere,huh? Rome yeah Rome i kill (not really) to see the Colasiem.
Favorite things to do :Hang with friends,playing computer games,reading,and baking sweets.
I Want to babysit for you!!!!!!!!!!! with tessa, megan, or hannah
Good to see everyone on the WSG Message Board. My daughters and I just got done eating at HuHot. wow, very good but now very full. i probably shouldn't have gone back for that 7th plate full. :)
Rylie, maybe sometime soon. not sure what our plans are this weekend.
Good luck on the games that are going on for soccer and football.
Felicity: Best thing about teaching is BY FAR getting to know all my students. I think i have the coolest students in the world.
I think the Navy SEALs rock because of what they go through (voluntarily) to become a SEAL. It's amazing what they put themselves through and what they do for our country. Simply amazing.
hey i just go thome from soccer practice and i got hit by the ball a lot!
cool. Have you picked a title for your book, or have you have some ones that will be good for the book
Hey. Mr. Klumper, what do you like most about the ancient world? Why won't you tell us if Andy is really a college student. How can you remember all of your students names?
Mr. Klumper why do you like sweater vests??? I mean arent they kinda weird. Oh yeah by the way my soccer team is still undeafeted!!!
Can we all have a live chat on the message board about anything?Like on Friday?Please Please Please Please with rocky road in a waffle cone with a cosmic brownie on top!!!!!!!!??please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait to see who wins the book title thing. hope its me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......
sweater veasts are strange...mr klumper you should wear one and btw mrs erickkson is REALLLY good at hurdles!!!
What was your idea mackenzie?
i had a lot of ideas. i just wanted to win with one of them. but im so glad hannah won. she is a good friend of mine.
mr klumper can we type the assignment
Hey Mr. Klumper whatis your favorite sport?
hey mr.kumper on wordel how do you get the word to be bigger than the rest?
I'm trying to make a wordle but i don't no how to do you no how to?
im soooooooo bored like always i never really get to do anything sigh i just hope we win our football game against the other brandon team football is fun
today was one of my brother's last cross country meets. he ran in a varsity race(a harder race than he usually runs in). he did really well and got about 41st place out of 71 runners. and 8 schools.
i am board but not tired. i dont have anything to do.
Hello people. Sorry about my delay, but i've been busy (as always) I see there are a few questions, so here are the answers:
Arianna: yes, you can definately type your assignment.
Mackenzie and Natalie: i'm glad to see you are making a wordle. here's how to do it: go to www.wordle.net and click "create" you should then get a box to type in. just type as many words about the stone age as possible. The more the better, definitely. if you want to make certain words bigger than the rest like i did on my back wall, you need to type the words you want bigger multiple times. The size of the word depends on how many of those words are in the wordle, so just repeat the words you want to be bigger. after you get done typing all the words, you click the button and then have a chance to customize the color and appearance.
can't wait to see them! good luck.
Ancient Quest is done.
O ya Mr klumper ummm guess wat my soccer team is still undeafeated. And we just won agian.
im mad becausewe lost ourgame now we are in the losers bracket so we play in dome on 23rd
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! we get our T-shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bryce, sorry to hear about the loss. My team lost tonight too. It's a bummer. Just keep trying your hardest.
T-Shirts: In my room. You will get them on wednesday.
Hey Mr. Klumper my birthday is coming up soon!! It's October 22nd!! Hey i wasgone today so do i gget the t-shirt tomorrow??
Hey Grace. Yes, i passed out the shirts today and Yes, you will get yours tomorrow.
see ya then.
Mr.klumper, if you could eat anything in the world for the rest of ur life wut would it be !!??
Hmmm...interesting question Katilin. Probably gushers.
Mr. Klumper what is your favorite lunch at school??
Social Studies is fun!!!!!!!! Oh and Mr. Klumper i finished the Mesopotamia scavenger!!!!! One other thing how is your day going???
hey mr klumper can u see if i did the comment for the scavenger hunt i forgot if i did
hey whats up Mr. Klumper i have a game nov 1 it is going to be fun?
Lots of people are getting their comment posted for the Ultimate Mesopotamia Scavenger hunt. That makes me very happy. The rest will do it tomorrow during school.
Johnny: good luck in your game. Are you going to slam dunk it?
Sydnee: yes, i got your comment for the scavenger hunt post. good job.
Mason: love the enthusiasm about social studies. my favorite school lunch is for sure Mini-corn dogs and chicken nuggets. yum.
Do you have an artery clogger alot?? ( i probably spelled artery wrong)
what is suppose to be on the title page for the "Ask the Public"
Hey Mr. Klumper just got done with basketball practice, and before that I was at my grandparents pheasant hunting, and got a bunch of scratches on my right ankle. By the way, look over everything I posted, and you will see you have not answered some questions I have ask you. See you tomorrow!
Mr. Klumper what is Mesopotamia mean??
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