Good Luck!
Friday, January 31, 2014
China Article: Great Wall of China
Period 3 Only: Read these two articles and answer the questions in a comment box once you have completed the Ancient China Test.
1. How long is the Great Wall of China?
2. Why was the Great Wall built?
3. What two dynasties get credit for building the Great Wall?
4. What types of people worked on the Great Wall?
5. According to scientists, about how many people died while working on the Great Wall?
6. What materials were used in building the Great Wall?
7. Besides the wall, what other types of things were included in the Great Wall?
1. Who was the Terra Cotta Warriors built for?
2. About how many Terra Cotta warriors were built?
3. Why did Shi Huangdi build such a large tomb with such a large Army?
4. Describe what the Terra Cotta soldiers looked like.
5. Besides the soldiers, what other items were in the tomb?
6. What was the condition of the soldiers when they were found?
7. What were the soldiers made out of?
1. How long is the Great Wall of China?
2. Why was the Great Wall built?
3. What two dynasties get credit for building the Great Wall?
4. What types of people worked on the Great Wall?
5. According to scientists, about how many people died while working on the Great Wall?
6. What materials were used in building the Great Wall?
7. Besides the wall, what other types of things were included in the Great Wall?
2. About how many Terra Cotta warriors were built?
3. Why did Shi Huangdi build such a large tomb with such a large Army?
4. Describe what the Terra Cotta soldiers looked like.
5. Besides the soldiers, what other items were in the tomb?
6. What was the condition of the soldiers when they were found?
7. What were the soldiers made out of?
In-Class Blogging. Not Homework.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Ancient China Study Guide
Here is your Ancient China Study Guide. Use it to review the topics on the test and use the review games. In order to be good at anything, you must put in some extra time to prepare. An NFL football player did NOT just go to the scheduled team practices, they put in time on their own lifting weights, running, etc. If you want to do really well on the test, you have to put in some extra time studying the material.
Test: Friday, January 31st. 100 points.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Mr. Klumper is a Ninja Warrior
Finally, here is the proof that I am, in fact, a ninja warrior. I am going to demonstrate for you eight weapons of the ancient Chinese warrior. Fist, rake, chain, chopsticks, throwing stars, throwing knives, staff, and the grand finale, the sword. Please, please, please. I beg of you. Do not try this at home. I am a trained warrior professional who has gone threw many, many, many hours of intense training of both the mind and body. I have gone to the ends of the earth to study the ways of the ancient Chinese warrior and have brought back knowledge and skill that I will share with you now. However, despite my extreme ability with these weapons, please do not be scared of me. I am still your nice, kind, supportive teacher who uses his abilities for good. Enjoy the video.
video by klumper,
white shirt production
Monday, January 27, 2014
Dynasties of China Online Practice
Click the Link below to practice your China Dynasty knowledge. This link will give you a variety of questions that deal with the first four dynasties of China: Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. This would be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of and get ready for the test on Friday. You can take the practice challenge without having an account, but if you sign up for a free account, you will be able to keep track of you statistics and see your improvement as you get better. Use this tool!!! It took me 14 hours to make this for you, so please use it! Thank you.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Mouse War 2014: The Battle of Sink Cabinet
It is a difficult task to concentrate on your job throughout the week when your mind is many miles away. Sure, I may seem okay, but that is just a mask because my true thoughts this week were at home, on the battle field, to the war raging in the kitchen. Mouse War 2014 threatened to tear down the very core and beliefs of our home and what it stands for. As the mouse ran amuck throughout our house each day, the very fabric of our lives was beginning to pull, tear. With each passing day and empty trap, our hopes and dreams were beginning to splinter, teetering on the verge of irreparable. The discovery of the mouse happened Monday with the revelation of tiny mouse droppings under the kitchen sink. That discovery set in motion one of the most fierce and bitter battles the world has ever seen. It made the Battle of the Bulge look like a joyous family gathering in the meadow. Immediately upon discovery, I rallied the troops and placed four traps strategically throughout the kitchen. I was determined, focused. I laced each trap with peanut butter, thinking surely that feisty little bugger would not be able to resist the succulent taste of the creamy Jif. I awoke the first morning excited to end the battle after just one night. However, that sneaky little devil had made his way around to all four traps and licked every one clean. As I slept that night, dreaming of the common core, Google drive and sunsets, that mouse helped himself to quite the midnight snack. Undeterred, I retrieved each of the four traps and loaded them again with peanut butter. The next morning, I again sprang out of bed to see if the mouse had raised the white flag and again I saw nothing but four sparkling clean traps. Not a speck of peanut butter in sight. I could almost hear the laughter booming from wherever that mouse was hiding, deep within the cabinets. That taunting just fueled my inner drive to not give up and keep fighting, no matter the cost. During the evening, it seemed as if my eye would constantly catch a shadow darting across the floor or peaking out from a corner. I would snap my head around and but nothing. For my next plan of action, I decided to abandon the peanut butter method and go a different route. With "Safe and Sound" by Capital Cities blaring in my headphones, I jammed a piece of cheese into each trap and placed them in position. On the morning of the fourth day of the war, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, on the verge of losing hope and motivation. A man can only be pushed so far before he breaks. The first trap I checked, nothing. The cheese had been swiped during the night. Dejected, I checked the second trap and again, found it empty. No cheese. As my eyes began to moisten and the real possibility of defeat looming above my head, I checked the third trap and there it was. A sight like no other. A magical moment that Hollywood itself could not recreate. The mouse had been caught! The wire bar had snapped down, breaking his neck instantly, ending the long and grueling war. I sat on my kitchen floor, looking at the fallen mouse, with his eyes bugging out of his head and just reflected on all that had happened during the week. The pain, the suffering, the fear. It was a moment etched in the timeline of my life that will not easily be forgotten. I feel like now that I have won the Mouse War 2014, I can do anything.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Ancient Chinese Inventions
Ancient China is famous for inventing many things. Every day, you use something that was invented in ancient China. Don't believe me? Well, watch this video and see some of the many ancient Chinese Inventions. As you watch the video, ask yourself: What inventions do I use? What inventions do I use the most? Do I know what that is? Think about the major impact the inventions of ancient China has had on our culture here in Brandon, SD. Imagine taking away all the inventions from the video. What would life be like?
video by klumper,
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Lone Survivor: An Epic Experience
(L to R): Murphy, Luttrell, Axelson, Dietz |
Friday, January 10, 2014
The Wondrous Pizza Bagel
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
Water for Sixth Grade in 2014: Honoring the Troops
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