Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Silent Review Video Project: Ancient Greece
What is the Silent Review? It is a video that allows the viewer watch as questions are shown, then the answer. This is an interactive flashcard experience. Watch the video. Read the questions, say the answer. This is a great review tool. Watch the videos below. One from each class period.
Greek Mythology,
video by klumper
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
What is Democracy? The Results are in...

If you want to see how you stack up against the public, you can take the Democracy Questionnaire yourself and see how you do. Try to answer the questions without looking them up. Don't look at the answers until after you take the questionnaire.
What is Democracy? Questionnaire
Friday, February 24, 2012
A thought you should be thinking...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Greek Contributions/People
Use this Prezi to learn about some of the REAL people of ancient Greece. You will use this Prezi to help you complete the "real people" section for your board game. I did not make this Prezi, but simply found it and thought it was worthy of Water for Sixth Grade.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Greek Mythology Interview
TASK: Pretend you are interviewing your greek mythology character. You need to ask them AT LEAST five questions. THREE of those questions MUST be about information about your character. These interviews will help us learn even more about each other's characters.
DUE: In-Class blogging.
FOLLOW-UP: Once all interviews are posted, you will have to post a follow up comment about a classmate's interview in which you summarize what the interview was about.
These interviews will also help us post to our Wall-Wisher.
Me: Hi, what is your name?
Ares: My name is Ares.
Me: Cool. Do you do anything special?
Ares: HA! What kind of question is that? Of course!
Me: Well, what is it?
Ares: I should not even be talking to a meager mortal like yourself.
Me: Come on, just tell me what is so special about you.
Ares: I am the God of War!!!
Me: Not scared. I heard you were a coward.
Ares: How dare you say that! Take it back!!
Me: No.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
BlueMan Goes to a Restaurant
BlueMan is at a restaurant. He is excited about meeting his date there. However, Mustache shows up and wants to talk to BlueMan. In BlueMan's typical rude, annoying style, he and Mustache have a very weird, awkward conversation. Your job is to find the ancient Greece information. Included the BlueMan comic is the Olympics, Pericles, and the Spartans. Your job is to post a comment telling me what the comic says about Olympics, Pericles, and the Spartans. That's it. Just those three things.
Task: Post a comment telling me what the comic says about the Olympics, Pericles, and Sparta.
DUE: Wednesday. February 22nd. Midnight.
Points: 20 points
Monday, February 13, 2012
Democracy Movie Short
I need a name for this little guy. Any suggestions? Post a comment with what you think his name should be...
Friday, February 10, 2012
All in the Family: Greek Mythology
Today we begin learning about one of the most fascinating aspects of the ancient world: Greek Mythology. This very exciting, elaborate system of gods and goddesses in ancient Greece has intrigued people for centuries. Now, we will begin our study of it by first getting organized. Before we delve into the specific gods, goddesses, myths, monsters, and so on, let us first figure out how everything started. You will be creating a Greek Mythology Family tree with will show you how everything started. We have probably all heard of Zeus. But where did Zeus come from? What about Poseidon? Well, with this blog post and our Mythology family tree, we shall find the answers to those questions and more. This family tree will go into your Scrapbook, so make it look nice.
Okay, time for the details:
Greek Mythology: "How it all began." Use this short story to learn about how it all began in Greek Mythology.
Greek Mythology Family Tree Prezi: Use this to get an example of what the family tree should look like.
Task: Using the above links, create a Greek Mythology family tree on your poster paper. Use marker of any color and rulers to make nice, straight lines. Just write the names of the characters. However, for the Olympian gods/goddesses, you need to write their names AND draw/color their symbol, which is given to you in the article.
Greek Mythology,
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
White Shirt Production: What is Democracy?
In 2011, my student teacher and I went to the mall in Sioux Falls, SD to see what people knew about Democracy. After all, Democracy is the type of government we have in our country today, so you would think adults at least would know about our government and the leader of our government which is the president. What we discovered was very interesting. A lot of people refused to go on video because they did not know the answers. Many people could not figure out if certain people were presidents or not. It was very fun and enlightening talking to random strangers. We definitely got a lot of weird looks. Watch the video above to check out our day at the mall.
You will be doing something similar to this in 2012. However, you will not be video taping yourselves or asking strangers. We will be doing a project called, "Ask the Public: What is Democracy?" to find out what people really know about our government.
video by klumper,
white shirt production,
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Explore Ancient Greece at the British Museum
The picture above is the Parthenon, a temple built in Athens to honor the goddess Athena. What other interesting things are in store for this ancient world?
Using the British Museum website, browse around the site and post 5 things you learned from the site. You may only use the British Museum website.
Task: Use the British Museum website to post a comment with 5 things you learned about ancient Greece. You must use complete sentences.
Points: 25 (5 points for each complete sentence)
DUE Date: Friday, February 10th, 2012. 5:00 p.m.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Be Number One...
Watch this video and then read what I have written below.
As the weekend of the Super Bowl approaches, lets think a little bit about this game. To me, it is more than a game, it is an event that crowns one team CHAMPION of the NFL, the best team in the world. The winner, whether its the Patriots or Giants, will be Number One. Let's turn this event around and look at ourselves. What can you do to be Number One? What can you do to be a Number One student? Son? Daughter? Brother? Sister? What can you do to be a Number One Person? That is the question that you need to ask yourself. Is it turning in your homework? Is it helping out around the house? Is it respecting your classmates? Is it being Nice? Is it sitting by joining someone who is sitting alone at lunch? I think it is all of those things, and more. To be a Number One person, I don't think it takes a huge amount of effort. It just takes focus and a conscious effort to be that Number One Person. Whether you are in school, at home, playing sports, or hanging with your friends, do the right thing. Make good choices. Excel at life. Be Number One.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
This is Ancient Greece...
Welcome to Ancient Greece. This video will give you a preview of what is coming your way. There will be a lot of information, but also a lot of action. In the Ancient Greece unit, we will talk about Greek Mythology, which as been made famous through the countless books, movies, and video games that have been made. Ancient Greece, the first unit of the "Big 3." Let it begin...
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