Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Winter Vacation is Upon Us

-Mr. Klumper
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Ancient Quest Giveaway
Google Tricks
Want to see some fun Google tricks? Check out this video for a few examples. Fun for the whole family.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
WSG Live!: Ancient China

I hope to see you there!
WSG Live! Ancient China: Wednesday: 8:00--8:30 p.m.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Student Created Study Guide: Ancient China
For our student created study guide, I want you to use the following notes/topics:
1. China Vocab Packet
2. Land of Differences
3. Great Wall of China
4. Dynasties of China
5. Map of China
6. Silk Road
With these topics, you need to post ONE question from EACH topic, which equals 6 TOTAL questions.
Question type: you can use multiple choice, short answer, and true/false. Use a variety of question types. If you use multiple choice, the choices need to be labeled A, B, C, D and they need to make sense.
Student Follow-Up
Today after school through Wednesday night, you need to look at the long list of questions and select ONE classmate to respond to with the answers to their questions.
Follow-Up Example:
"Dear ________,
1. (answer)
2. (answer)
and so on....
Questions in class blogging.
Follow-up outside of school.
in class blogging,
Shi Huangdi: Insane Monster or Progressive Visionary?

Shi Huangid: Insane Monster or Progressive Visionary?
Task: Use the link above to help you decide what you think about Shi Huangdi. The link will provide you both sides of the arguement, and its up to you to decide what is more important. In your comment, I want you to state in ALL CAPS your decision. "Hero" or "Villain" Then, explain your position in 3-4 sentences. Do NOT just say "I think he is a villian cause he did bad stuff." Give me specifics. Think about your response and give me a good, well thought out answer.
In-Class Blogging.
in class blogging,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
WSG Giveaway: Bracelets from China!

All you have to do is be one of the first 9 students to translate the word above and post a comment of the CORRECT word in English.
Use this link to help you translate: Chinese Translation
Silk Road: Student Scenarios

Task: Create your own scenarios for the Silk Road game. If you are lucky, I just might pick yours!
DUE: Friday before school.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Silk Road Adventure Begins!
Twitter Alert! I will be at my daughters music concert tonight twitting helpful tips or clues on how to win the silk road game. So tune it, because those tweets will soon vanish, like your chances of winning if you don't see them.
Good Luck on the Silk Road Adventure. Be Confident. I hope you all survive. (but I doubt you will.)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Website Launch: Accept the Quest

Today, I am launching my new website that is devoted to "Ancient Quest." This is a website that I built to inform others about this book and the opportunity to implement it in their classroom. I thought perhaps others would like to use it in their 6th grade classroom. I feel that it is a good supplemental reading item in any ancient civilization class. This website provides many things that enables people to get a good idea of what "Ancient Quest" is all about. On the site, people will find a synopsis of the book, brief summary of all the chapters, a "look inside" to get an example of what its like, and a description of how the book aligns to 6th grade standards. The website address is:
Accept the Quest now....
ancient quest,
Greek Mythology,
Middle Ages,
Stone age
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I Travel the Silk Road

Johnny has discovered fire, invented farming, and mummified the Pharaoh Khufu. Now, he travels to the far east in search of his 4th golden coin. In this world, Johnny will travel the 4,000 mile Silk Road, desperately trying to reach the end for that is where the golden coin awaits. This task will prove to be the most daunting yet, with dangers around every corner from nature and his own friends.
Read: 5. I Travel the Silk Road
Questions for I Travel the Silk Road
ancient quest,
silk road,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
A Video from Assisi, Italy...
I am excited, once again, to post a video from our friends in Italy. Check out what they tell us about school uniforms. Also, a couple other teachers have joined in. Students, look closely because during the video, if you look at the smartboard behind the students, you will see Water for Sixth Grade. Post a comment if you want. We will be making another video to send them soon.
beyond classroom,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Welcome to Ancient China
Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.
Ladies and gentleman, I would like to welcome you to ancient China. For this ancient world, we will be traveling to the far East, in search of knowledge about many different topics. We will learn about the landscape of China, the Dynasties that shaped this great civilization, inventions that still impact our world today, and finally the Silk Road, a journey that will test you physically and mentally. This three week unit will go fast, so buckle up and get focused.
Task: To start the ancient China Unit, I would like you to explore the Internet for ancient China information. I have provided a list of links for you to use on the side of WSG. Browse through one site or all the sites. It is up to you. Post a comment telling me something you learned about ancient China from the sites I've provided. Good Luck.
DUE: Friday, December 9th, 2011. Midnight.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Italy Beyond the Classroom: Q and A

Hello, again, to our friends in Assisi, Italy. We enjoyed the video and seeing what our new friends look like. We hope you enjoyed ours. We hope to trade more videos and pictures in the near future. Since the last time we corresponded, we have thought up some questions that we would like to ask you. Being that most of us will never get to Italy, this is our chance to talk to people living in Italy and learn about what life is like there. We study Ancient Rome in March, so this is also a good opportunity to get started with that. If you would be able to answer some of our questions, that would be awesome. We are anxiously awaiting your replies so we can learn about your country. Thank you very much. We all appreciate it a lot. Post your comments on this blog post.
What are some common foods in Italy ?
What is the most popular sport inItaly ?
What is the most popular sport in
What do you do for fun when you are not in school?
Do you play video games? What games do you like to play? Are the video games in English?
What are some popular Christmas traditions in
What are some popular tv shows and movies?
What is school like in
What holiday’s do you celebrate?
What is the weather like? Does it snow?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about? (
Thank you again for participating!!!
Transition Day: Scrapbook Design Studio

This day has finally arrived. It is the Transition Day for our Scrapbooking the Ancient World Project. So far, the folders have offered their services as our temporary scrapbooks. We all had our fingers crossed that I would win the grant for the binders. Luckily, I won the grant so we are now able to retire the folders and transition to the binders. Today, for our transition day, our goal is to get all of our scrapbook materials out of our folders and into our binders. However, that is not our main goal. Our main goal today is to design our covers for the binders. We will be using the computer which will allow us to design a sharp looking cover, something you can be proud of. We need to take advantage of our computer day today being that we don't get them very often. So, work hard and concentrate to get your cover done before class is over. Once your cover is done, then you can work on getting everything transferred to the binders, complete requirements, etc. To help you with your cover design, I have provided a link for you. Follow this link VERY CLOSELY because there are some very important things on it that you need to be aware of.
Use this Link: Cover Design Studio
ancient quest,
I series,
in class blogging,
Johnny Rawten,
Middle Ages,
Stone age,
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