Well, we have made it through our first week of middle school. Good job. I think the week has gone by very fast. I also think that I am a very lucky teacher. Through these five days, I am beginning to see very clearly that I have a bunch of great students. I get the impression that you are all here to learn, to work hard, and to do a good job. After this first week, I am excited to continue the school year and get into some actual learning. Don't get my wrong, we learned stuff this week like how to blog, how to Prezi, how to behave and how things work in my class. I have also taught you a few things about myself. Now, as we move forward, we will begin to learn "stuff" about the Ancient World. Once we get to our ancient civilizations, the good stuff begins. But as I sit here on the Friday of our first week, I am curious. How has the week gone for you? How are you doing? My main concern I have at all times is how the student is doing. I want to make sure I do whatever I can to make this a good, safe place for you. So, with that said, I want to hear from you. Let's practice commenting some more, but this time, it's practicing on your own...(Your task is below)
Tell me about your week by completing the following tasks:
Task #1: How did your first week go overall? (scale of 1-10 could be used here and explanation)
Task #2: Did anything surprise you about your first week of middle school?
Task #3: Are you still having trouble with something at middle school?
Task #4: What is something that is really going well for you at middle school.
I will NOT be posting these comments. I will be the only one that ever reads them, so don't be afraid to share what you are thinking. Again, this is a very safe forum for you to share with me how you are feeling. I am interested!
REMEMBER: sign your comment: (class period number) First Name Last Intitial.
For example, if I were in 3rd period, I would sign: "3 Dan K."