Get ready for the never before used "Ancient Rome Blog Book." As we launch this new product on WSG, prepare yourself for some intense learning via the blog. With this blog book, you will use Water for Sixth Grade to fill it out. The blog book does not require you to post comments, but to use the posts or whatever is loaded on to the blog to complete the activity. In your blog book, you will be covering many different topics. Each topic will be labeled. We will insert the topics as we go throughout the unit. You will be expected to get this blog book completed essentially outside of social studies, though from time to time, we will have "blog book catch-up days" in which we will be in the lab and you will have a chance to get caught up. If you ever miss blog book posts on WSG, simply look in the label cloud for "blog book" and you will find all the posts that are tied to your blog book. Finally, this is going to be a very valuable resource as we go through the Rome Unit, so be sure to do a good job, which I know you will.
Good Luck and as always, thanks for being such rockin' students.