Hello Bloggers. Water for Sixth Grade is making its glorious return to the spotlight. Now that we have completed all eight of our "major" units, we are going to take this opportunity to share what we have learned in Social Studies. But wait, we are not going simply use Social Studies, you can share what you have learned in ANY class this year. But wait even more, for this post, you can also share anything about this entire year that happened at Middle School besides what you learned in class. Maybe you want to talk about how you felt on the first day, or spring fling, or the Wax Museum, or how you have changed throughout this year, etc. This may seem like a lot of material to cover, but you will need a lot in order to 'win' this challenge. This is the 1,000 word challenge. The challenge is quite simple: post a 1,000 word comment. How much is a 1,000 word comment? It's basically one page, single spaced, 12 point font on Microsoft Word. If you reach 1,000 words, you will not only earn an "A" for this assignment, you will also earn the title of Master Blogger. WSG is ready to take your comments and continue to share your ideas and knowledge with the rest of the world. I look forward to seeing you attempt this challenge. I am also looking forward to seeing you pass this challenge.
If you are not up to the 1,000 word challenge, perhaps you would like to do the 500 word challenge, in which case you would recieve a "B." Still too many words? Your third option would be the 250 word challenge which would earn you a "C." You may not go any lower than 250 words to gain points.
Task: Post a comment about everything/anything you have learned in 6th Grade.
Format: 1,000 words=A 500 words=B 250 words=C Below 250 words: Zero
Points: A=50 points B=43 points C=38 points
DUE Date: May 21th, 2010. Midnight.