This will be a new experience for you on Water for Sixth Grade. An experience, I believe, you will find very beneficial. Using your guided notes, notes for videos, ABC book, etc., you will be coming up with "test questions" for ancient Greece. Each student must post 10 test questions dealing with Ancient Greece. The test questions can be multiple choice, short answer, or true false. Try to have a variety, though. Variety is good. For True/False questions, if you make a question that is false, you MUST explain why the question is false. Multiple Choice questions must have at least 3 choices. Do NOT have ten questions about what the gods and goddesses are. You must post both the question and the answer, of course. Number them, so I can quickly check how many question you have. This is graded. At the end of the day, this post will be the ultimate tool to help you study for the test AND help you with your Ancient Greece Board game we will be starting next week. I will pull questions from this post and insert them into the real ancient Greece Exam that you will take at the end of the Unit.
1. Who is the ruler of the gods?
Answer: Zeus
2. What is Democracy?
A. rule by one man
B. rule by the wealthy
C. rule by no one
D. rule by the people (Correct answer)
3. True or False. Greece had a major river
Point Total: 20
DUE Date: January 30th, 2009. 9:00 p.m.
I greatly appreciate your effort and enthusiasm so far during this unit. Keep up the hard work.