
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Menagerie of Memories

click the picture to make it larger
I do not have a classroom anymore. Instead, I have a cubicle at the headquarters of the Sioux Falls school district. One thing I really liked to do is make my classroom unique, an extension of myself. I liked decorating it in a cool way and making it a place where kids felt a strong creative vibe. I loved my room last year with the my throne desk, nintendo controller back wall, and Mario scene. So without a classroom, I decide that I better try to apply the same concept to my cubicle. Even though I will not be in my cubicle much, I still want it to show who I am, a place that reminds me of the past and future. 
So, I brought with me some artifacts that have great meaning in my life. The picture above shows what artifacts made the cut and joined me in Sioux Falls. Can you figure out what the artifacts are? Some are school related, some are life related. But all of them mean a great deal to me. You could call them my favorite things, actually. It's my Menagerie of Memories. And I would like to show it to  you. 
Perhaps I'll post the answers soon..

-Dan Klumper


So this morning, everybody at my house woke up, ate breakfast, and then went off to school. Well, everyone except me. It's weird that I am at my house right now and not at the Middle School, or the Intermediate school since that's where I would have gone had I stayed in Brandon. I dropped Olivia off at the middle school and felt a pang of sadness because I was dropping her off, but not going in with her. I think the sadness came from the fact that I got to spend so much time with her last year at school and now I no longer have that. Pulling through the middle school parking lot made me think about last year and how much I enjoyed teaching and getting to know everyone. It made me think about all the years that I taught there and all the great memories and great kids. So yeah, it was weird. Enjoy your day at school! There's nothing quite like the first day of school. It's truly a unique phenomenon that is not understood by outsiders.  Work hard and do your best. Be respectful and be confident. That's all anyone asks.
To a great year!
-Dan Klumper

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Future of Water for Sixth Grade

My new iPhone case. Sweet huh? 
Students, teachers, parents, visitors, aliens, and anyone else, hello! Greetings from the Water for Sixth Grade Headquarters. With all the changes over the course of the last few months, some may be wondering what the future holds for Water for Sixth Grade. That would be a great question. I am here to answer that. I started "WSG" 8 years ago with the hope of creating an online presence for my students. A place they can access anytime to find helpful things such as information, assignments, due dates, reminders, review tools, review games, fun stuff, goofy stuff, serious stuff, etc.  I wanted to have the online communication tool because in our world, we have the ability to communicate like never before. So we must use the tools to our advantage! WSG has been visited over 660,000 times in it's history. It has been used by teachers and students all over the USA and beyond.  It has become a high quality resource for any student and/or teacher interacting with the Ancient World. I am no longer teaching Ancient Civilization so I will not be in need of this site for that purpose. However, I do not want all the hard work to build this site to go to waste, so I am going to keep Water for Sixth Grade in play, but change it's purpose slightly. The angle I am taking with WSG moving forward is a link between me and my former students, who I care about so deeply. I will post from time to time to give updates on what I've been up to in my new job and just the happenings of my life. Since it is a blog, visitors can of course comment, so I would love to hear from you from time to time!

I hope all is well. The new school year is upon us which means loads of potential before you. Embrace the challenge of a new school year and the opportunity to improve as a person. Keep the curiosity to learn alive and always do your best.

Keep in touch!
-Dan Klumper
WSG CEO and President

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Farewell, my students...

You and my desk are my two favorite things. :) 
Students, a letter to you. Please read. 

Welcome to the Realm...

Take a trip down memory lane and watch the game trailers for all six "Realms" we played this year. 

Hazerstros: The Realm of Dragons (Final Results)


Hazerstros: The Realm of Dragons came to an epic conclusion with the Battle of Agincourt and the insanity that played out in that battle. Check out the final results of Hazerstros and the Overall Champion of the Realm. 

Will Johnny save the Tiger? Ancient Quest ends....

Will Johnny receive a warm embrace
or get shredded to pieces?
Johnny has navigated his way through eight treacherous ancient worlds. He has done amazing things like discover fire, invent farming, mummify a pharaoh, travel the Silk Road, build a city, climb Mt. Olympus, conquer the Colosseum and save Europe by stopping the Black Death. Johnny has succeeded in each of his eight tasks, he has his eight golden coins. But the question still hovers above Johnny's head, the question of..."What happens now?" In chapter 10 and the Epilogue, we see the dramatic conclusion to Ancient Quest and discover once and for all if Johnny completes his Ancient Quest, or not. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Battle of Agincourt!

Battle of Agincourt Champions!
Period 3: Dragonstone
Period 4: Winterfell
Period 6: Havenhall
Period 8: Newcastle
Period 9: Highgarden

Monday, May 11, 2015

Agincourt is Coming...

agincourt.pngWe are only two days away from the Battle of Agincourt. Is your army ready? Have you built up your empire to herculean strengths, strong enough to challenge the other House's of the Realm? Whispers of clanging steel and thundering hooves are becoming louder and louder as the days tick by, steam rolling towards our final epic battle. Prepare for Agincourt by clicking the links below! Knowledge is power. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Manor System

A huge part of the life style of the Medieval Times involved the Manor system. It was a way of organizing agricultural labor. Within the Manor, there was pretty much everything you needed. In the video, you will see me build the Manor system to show you what was all included. Your task, for Friday, is to be able to recreate the manor system and show me you understand what it is. Good Luck!

This is Feudalism

See Feudalism come alive inside my garage! Me, along with three helpers, have decided to provide you with a visual of the Feudalism pyramid. Watch as the four levels (king, noble, knight, peasant) come alive and share with you who they are and what they do. Also, learn how each level is connected to the others. 
X-Quest: Answer the questions after watching the video:
1. List the four levels of Feudalism in order starting from the TOP
2. Explain what each level does
3. Explain how each level helps or is connected to the other levels. 

Good Luck! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hazerstros Task: Ancient Quest "I Stop the Black Death"

Johnny Rawten needs 8 coins to complete his Ancient Quest. He has 7, which means he is in his last ancient world. In the Medieval Times, Johnny will either earn his 8 and final coin or die. He has past through and conquered the Stone Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome. He is so close to the end, he can taste it. The Medieval Times is a place he has been before, as a 6th grader. That time, Johnny came face to face with death, deep in the dungeon of a castle. Now, Johnny is back in the Medieval Times and will face death again, and lots of it. This brutal world has been made even more brutal with a disease so treacherous entire towns are disappearing. A question for Johnny continues to linger, "What does he do if he does in fact gain all 8 coins?" The unknown makes him shudder...

Read: Chapter 9: "I Stop the Black Death"

Map of the Realm Winners

Period 3: Highgarden 
Period 4: Sunspear 
Period 6: Stormly 
Period 8: Newcastle
Period 9: Highgarden

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wax Museum 2015 is Over.

The single most talked about day of the year has come and gone. The Wax Museum is over and let me just say, you all totally rocked our big night. I had a blast walking around, seeing your props/costumes/scenes and watching you perform. I am extremely proud of you and extremely thankful to be your teacher. There was magic in the air last night. I could feel it. The school came alive like never before and that is because of you. Your effort, hardwork, creativity, and courage create a night like no other in Brandon Valley Middle School. I was constantly stopped by people telling me how great you all were doing. The one hour and thirty minutes seemed to go by in a blink. I wanted it to keep going because there was so much to do and look at! It was one of my most favorite moments as a teacher and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You left a huge mark on this school and the Wax Museum event. You created an experience not soon forgotten by all who witnessed. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Big Night has Arrived...

April 21st, 2015 has arrived. The day we have been talking about the most since last October is finally here, which means it is time to experience the past like never before. With the giant Wax Museum Cube hanging from the rafters, we know this is our night to perform and honor the memory of our character. Be confident. Be enthusiastic. Be alive. You only get one shot at this night, so make it a memory, make it a moment you can take with you all the days of your life. 

Wax Museum 2015 is here.....

Monday, April 13, 2015

Hazerstros: Realm of Dragons

We have finally arrived at the last world. It is the Medieval Times. We will be traveling back in time to a magical, mystical world called Hazerstros: The Realm of Dragons. Here, you and your House members must work hard to build your army, for the epic grand finale will bring us all to the field of battle, One question boom in the darkness: Who will control the Dragon? 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Blueman is Stranded on an Island

What weird stuff is Blueman up to now? As he and Mustache find themselves stranded on an island, the topic of ancient Rome might come up.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ancient Quest Ch. 8: "I Conquer the Colosseum"

Johnny has 6 coins but the deal with Buddha calls for 8 coins, so Johnny still has some work to do. Johnny has entered ancient Rome in search for his 7th golden coin. This is the ancient world that everything began for Johnny back when he was a 6th grader and time traveling all over the place. It is ancient Rome where Johnny found himself in the Colosseum, face to face with a tiger and only one option to survive. On that day, Johnny took the sword in his hands and thrust it up into the chest cavity of the tiger, killing it. He had no choice. He had to do it or he surely would not have walked out of the Colosseum. It is that moment in the Colosseum that led Johnny back to the ancient worlds on a quest like no other. Six years later, Johnny is back in the Colosseum, with one goal: Conquer the Colosseum and earn his 7th coin. What will happen to Johnny? Will he survive? How will he conquer the Colosseum? What will he face? Danger and intrigue await. Time to read about Johnny's adventure in ancient Rome.
Read: Ancient Quest Chapter 8 "I Conquer the Colosseum" 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ancient Rome Detective

In "Ancient Rome: You Are There" your goal was to survive the day. Now, you are back in ancient Rome but you have a different objective: to become an ancient Rome detective and solve these clues. It is your job to identify the 10 suspects and bring them to justice. These people/things have been out pillaging the country side, so it is your job to find them to stop their destruction. Follow the instructions on the Rome Detective PowerPoint. You will record your findings in your work packet. Good Luck, detective. 
Extend the Learning: Once you have figured out all of the 10 suspects, select ONE of them and write a 4-5 sentence paragraph, providing more detail/explanation of that topic. This brief research project is a Common Core State Standard. You will post a comment.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gladiator's of Ancient Rome

You will be gathering information to make a Gladiator "Trading Card." Your task in the computer lab is to complete all four steps below. 

1. Name of Gladiator Popular Roman Names
2. Type of Gladiator. You must pick a gladiator and write down 3 facts about that type of gladiator. ("Type of Gladiator" is on the right column on the research link below)
3. Favorite weapon. Select one or two weapons that your gladiator uses and describe what they are. (Type of weapons link is on the left column called "gladiator weapons")
4. Armor: select TWO pieces of armor your gladiator wears. (armor link is on the left column and is called "Roman Gladiator armor.")

DUE DATE: Gladiator card DUE Thursday, April 2nd
Points: 40 (20 for front, 20 for back)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ancient Rome: "You Are There"

You are about to enter Ancient Rome. What better way to get introduced to Rome than by time traveling back to this ancient world and seeing it for yourself! You have one goal: survive. You will be faced with many options and decisions. Read through the scenarios carefully, put deep thought into what you decide, for you and you alone with face the consequences! Do you have the stamina and courage to survive one day in Ancient Rome? 
 Once you click the link with your mouse, you will be transported back in time to a place of glorious wonderment. A place of many, many amazing things. I will not say what those amazing things are, however, because I am not going to give you even one clue! The adventure is up to you. The decisions are yours to make. The fate is yours to have. You are in ancient Rome. I bid you good luck, my honorable and courageous young warrior.  
Task #1: Play the game "Ancient Rome: You Are There" and fill out your score sheet. COMPLETE SENTENCES!!
Task #2: Post a comment explaining 5 things you learned about Ancient Rome by playing the game.  COMPLETE SENTENCES.

DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 31st. Midnight. 
Points: 40 points. (20 for game sheet, 20 for blog post)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Blueman Goes to a Restaurant

Students, can you find the ancient Greece facts hidden within the nonesense of the Blueman and his arch nemesis, Mustache? Blueman is an odd fellow who doesn't like people much, especially Mustache. However, besides being obsessed with Mustache's mustache, he does throw out a few helpful words now and then. Good Luck! Task: Post a comment with all the ancient Greece facts from the Blueman comic. Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wax Museum 2015 "Program Cover Contest"

The Wax Museum Program is a very important item to the big night. It helps the audience find who they are looking for, and also lets people know who is all in our Wax Museum. One of the first things the people will see when they enter the Wax Museum is the cover of the Program, so we need to have a good one! If you think you can design a great Wax Museum program cover, please submit an entry. Click above for details. 
Thank you. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

WSG Live! Ancient Greece

Olympus: The Realm of Freedom has been a blockbuster world. It all ends on Wednesday. Who will be left standing with the Sceptre of Olympus? To prepare for your final task (test), let's do some review together! WSG Live! is back on Water for Sixth Grade because the technical difficulties have been fixed.  
Click "comments" and start commenting! 

TIME: 7:00-7:30

See you there! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

2015 Olympic Results

The 2015 Olympic Games have come to a close. Here are the results from our Epic day. Congrats to the winners and to the non-winners, thank you for your efforts. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Olympic Week is Here!

Our Olympic Week is upon us. I wish you good luck. The Olympics began in ancient Greece. So today, we will bring them into action in our Realm. Our Olympics will have a little bit of a different feel to it, as we will change the "games" a bit and add an academic side to the competition. Our week begins with preparation. Thursday: opening ceremonies. Friday: The Games. 
You have a chance to earn "Olympic Points" throughout the week, in hopes of improving your City-State's chances of winning. 

Olympic Week Project/Olympic Points

Submit Olympic online project here. 
Enter "Olympics" for the "what project" box. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Join the Realm of Olympus Social Network!

Join the Realm of Olympus Social Network! With this new power, we can communicate and interact. We can bring the Realm outside of the walls of the classroom and create a more dynamic learning environment! In this virtual Realm, we can share what we know, what we've been working on and lots of ideas! I would really like you to join, which is pretty easy. There are a few options for joining. Details Below.
How to Join the Olympus Realm "Celly":
Option 1: Click on "web" on the above image. It will ask you to sign up for an account. Just use your google account.
 Option 2: Click on this Link to Sign up. Use your google account to create your free account.

 You will have to verify your email address to get fully registered. (Free, of course).

Once registered, you must "join" our Celly. In the box to join a celly, enter @olympusrealm

Monday, March 2, 2015

Democracy In Action: The Issues and Match-Ups

Use this Powerpoint to remind yourself what your issue is and what side of the issue you are one. Use the internet to research your side of the issue. Take notes on your notebook paper. Your goal is to gather evidence or facts or arguements that show/prove your side of the issue is the best one to vote for.

Democracy Overview Notes

Use this powerpoint to complete your Democracy Notes in your work packet.

Act of Service: Pay it Forward

It is time to give back. Just think about all the help you have given throughout your short time on this Earth? I am sending you out on a mission. A mission to complete 5 Acts of Service in one week (7 days). It is time to look outward, rather than inward. It is time to be self-LESS, rather than selfish. An Act of Service is something you do to help others WITHOUT being asked or told. Seek out ways to help and give back. Anticipate what needs to be done around the house. Be aware of opportunities to help. These Acts of Service do not need to be only at your home. They can happen anywhere. Just make sure you get a signature from the person you helped for verification. 

Act of Service Badge: If all members of your City-State complete their Acts of Service (5), then you will earn the prestigious Act of Service Badge. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Interview with a Mythology Character

You have all selected a character from Greek Mythology. Before you "become" that character and practice your speech giving skills, you are going to interview the character you selected. This is going to be an informative interview. You are pretending that you are interviewing your character in front of a large audience who came to listen and learn about the character. You will be asking the character questions, but it is okay for the character to ask you questions, if you want. The interview needs to be written like a dialogue, with quotation marks and correct punctuation. Also, make sure you show who is talking. Below, is an example for you to use as a guide.
Task: Write an interview dialogue between you and your Greek Mythology character. In the interview, your character needs to share at LEAST 3 things about themselves. Make sure you have your character introduce themselves so the reader knows who is talking. The name does NOT count as one of the three facts. 

DUE DATE: Sunday, March 1st. 10:30 pm.
Water for Sixth Grade badge. 
Me: "Hi! What's your name?"
Artemis: "Hello sir. My name is Artemis."
Me: "Wow! That's a cool name. My name is Dan."
Artemis: "Wow, that's a plain name."
Me: "That's not very nice. Plus, it has three versions: Dan, Danny, and Daniel. So there."
Artemis: "Whatever."
Me: "Why do you have that silver bow?"
Artemis: "Well, I am the goddess of the hunt and moon. So I take my special bow with me at all times."
Me: "It kinda looks like the silver bow Katniss Everdeen uses in the Hunger Games."
Artemis: "Katniss who?"
Me: "Katniss Everdeen. From Hunger Games. She's way cooler than you."
(Artemis draws back an arrow with bow right at me)
Me: "Hey now!!! Wait!!! What are you doing???"
(Artemis pulls back arrow further...)
Me: "Okay, okay!! Stop!! You are cooler than Katniss! Way cooler!!"
Artemis: "That's what I thought, you weak mortal."
Me: "So, do you have any siblings?"
Artemis: "Yes, I actually have a twin. His name is Apollo."

Me: "Why do you have a picture of a Christmas tree on your shirt?"
Artemis: "It's called a Cyprus tree, you maniac, and it's my symbol."
Me: "Oh, that's cool. Good for you. Well, I gotta go. Bye."
Artemis: "Ok. Whatever. Bye."
(As I'm running away): Me: "Katniss is actually cooler!!!!!"
(Artemis zings an arrow at me and barely misses. Yikes!)

Water for Sixth Grade Badge: All members of your city state complete this blog post, you will earn the Water for Sixth Grade badge. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ancient Quest Chapter 7: "I Climb Mt. Olympus"

Johnny is back! He has finished his break and is now on to his next ancient world: Ancient Greece. The big question, as always, for Johnny is: What will happen to him? The title is "I Climb Mt. Olympus" so we all know he will traveling up the mountain, but what will he encounter? What mythical creatures and obstacles will he face? Will he survive the mountain or will his ancient quest come to an end? It is time to read and find out Johnny's fate in ancient Greece.....

Read: Chapter 7: I Climb Mt. Olympus

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Picture Timeline of Greece

Many significant things happened in Ancient Greece. We are going to dive into the timeline of this ancient world and begin to understand what all went on in this world. Below you will find a link to the ancient Greece timeline. Some things on that timeline are more important than others. It is your job to determine what you think are the most important events and create a timeline to show that. Remember, BC counts DOWN from left to right on the timeline line. 
Events: Choose 5 events from the ancient Greece timeline that you think are the most important events of ancient Greece. Also, think about those items and if they have had an impact on our world today. If so, then I would say they are quite important. 
Timeline: Draw a timeline on your poster paper. A solid, straight, black line going from left to right. Place your five items on the timeline. Be sure to include the year it took place. 
Picture: On your timeline, for each event that you show, include a sketch/picture that represents something about that event. This image will help us remember the events. 
Explanation: On the back of your poster, list each of the five events you chose and provide a 3-4 sentence paragraph on why you chose each event. In other words, explain why you think that event is important enough to be included on your timeline. You may have to do a little researching to help you with this part. 

DUE DATE: February 26th, 2015. In class. Skyward Assignment. 
Points: 50. (10 points per event)

Olympus: Realm of Freedom

Do you have what it takes to climb to the top of Mount Olympus? Can you navigate your way through the dangers and obstacles that lurk in the shadows? Zeus has disappeared, leaving Mt. Olympus vulnerable. Climb to the top, raise the Septre of Olympus, and claim your glory.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Results of Zhuzai

Click to see the results of 
Zhuzai: The Realm of the Great Wall.

Thank you for all your hard work. 

On to Greece!

Monday, February 16, 2015

What it looks like...

Here is what my knee looks like. They inserted a scope into two holes and a larger scope into a third hole. The incision below my knee cap is where they went in to cut out a piece of my hamstring and make a new ACL. It's still a little swollen...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Knee Brace

In case you thought I didn't actually have surgery and just wanted a little time off....Proof!!
I miss you all. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Zhuzai:Realm of the Great Wall

Good luck to you all! I know you will do great. Have confidence that you can rock this test. 
My surgery went well, but I miss you all deeply. I havn't been able to do much since my surgery. Basically just laying around, thinking up stuff for the world of ancient Greece. I have a giant brace on my knee which locks it in place so it doesn't bend. 
I heard the inventions speeches went pretty well. I am bummed I didn't get to hear you make the case for why yours was the best. Keep working hard and above all, be respectful to Mrs. Weise. 
The Results from Zhuzai will not be announced until I return because I want to share them in person, so unfortunately, you will have to wait a bit. However, the teachers will be voting for the Nintendo badge tomorrow, so good luck to you in your quest for that badge. It could be you! 

Take care until we meet again,
-Mr. Klumper
Keeper of the Realm

Monday, February 2, 2015

What will Andy See on the Great Wall?

Andy is back! He is going to walk the entire Great Wall of China and we get to go along! I wonder what he will see and do while he travels the Great Wall. I wonder if it will be easy, or hard, or dangerous? I wonder if Johnny will get attacked? Do you think he will make it to the end of the Great Wall? 

Student Task: Research/discover information/facts about the Great Wall of China. Here are two websites that can get you started. Feel free to search other sites on your own. I want you to find out as much of the Great Wall as you can. Some things to search for: length, what types of people worked on the Great Wall, what type of materials, why it was built, what dynasty/emperor connected all the walls to make one solid wall, the story about the Dragon and the Great Wall, uses of the Great Wall, etc.... 
Ducksters: Great Wall of China
Mr. Donn's Great Wall of China

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Silk Road: Student Scenarios!

Here is your chance to affect the game, to alter the course of history forever! Part of the final phase of the Silk Road game is "Student Scenarios" in which I let you write a scenario and submit it to the realm. I will then draw three student scenarios to read off before our Final Scenario. Be fun, creative, witty, but also be realistic. You have heard/read many of mine, so you kinda know how they should sound. For example, do NOT do this: "As you are traveling, you find 100 spools of silk on the road." or "If you  have at least one weapon, +1,000 points."

Details: Write a scenario. The most points that can be won or lost is 20. You can also write a spools of silk scenario. You can write a scenario that is only good, or one that is only bad. But remember, you will do this scenario as well. 

Silk Road: Student Choice

Don't be nervous!! Trust your instincts. 
You have some choice in the matter! After Dun Fong, you will choose 10 scenarios as you continue down the Silk Road. What will happen to you? I guess your fate now lies in your hands....

Silk Road Student Choice Tool

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Want some Silk Road Secrets??? You're Welcome. :)

Can you crush the "Great Wall" and find the secrets? 

How dedicated are you to beating the Silk Road Game? Well, this will test your dedication and determination (and ability to withstand extreme frustration). Good Luck :) 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dynasty Review!

Prepare yourself! Enter the dynasty review and see how many points you can rack up. Remember, there's a dynasty info link on the Home of the Realm. Your goal is to be able to score 1,000 points on this game by yourself. We will use the "comments" as our leaderboard for this game. Post a comment with your name and score so we can see how we stack up against each other! 
Student Task: Play the Dynasty Review and post your score (if you want). Good Luck! You can post as many of your scores as you want, but will only get credit for one comment for the WSG Badge.

WSG Badge opportunity

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Silk Road Animation

Check out this animated map of the Silk Road and perhaps gain some insight as to what will happen to you along the way. Are you prepared? Hope so. Good Luck!
Follow our little traveler along the Silk Road route in this short animation. You will see that he will have to face and conquer many obstacles along the way, such as snakes, mountains and deserts, among many other things. If you are nervous about the Silk Road adventure, you should be. If you are not nervous about the Silk Road adventure, you should be. This is not just any ordinary trip. This is the most intense definition of the word "difficult." I hope you bring your A game on Thursday because you will need it, that and some luck. Here's a thought, if you hand me a piece of paper with all the things the little guy passes along the way in the animated map, you will receive ten free points when the game begins on Thursday. It's hard to earn points so take advantage of this golden opportunity!!! Are you good at hunting for clues and secrets? Well, if you are reading this, you at least have found one secret. Just think, this is one of many, many secrets and words of wisdom sprinkled throughout this website. You better put your detective hat on and grab a magnifying glass because you need to discover the truth!
Student Task for WSG Badge
-post a comment stating which obstacle will be the most dangerous and difficult and why for you when you travel the Silk Road. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Ancient Quest: "I Travel the Silk Road"

If Johnny wants to complete his task in Ancient China and make it out alive, he will have to conquer many dangerous obstacles in ancient China. A place he has never been before, ancient China and the Silk Road will throw dangers at him relentlessly. Testing him like never before. So, will Johnny make it to the end of the Silk Road? Let's find out...
Read: "I Travel the Silk Road"

Student Task: Post 5 things you learned about the Silk Road from this chapter. 
WSG Badge

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ancient Chinese Inventions In Action!

Chinese Inventions In Action from Dan Klumper on Vimeo.

Check out some of the ancient Chinese inventions in action! There were lots of things invented in the ancient times of China. Let's share a little bit about our chosen inventions and why they are important!
Student Task: Share what your invention is, what it does, and why it's important! Great opportunity to go for the WSG badge

Acupuncture Day in the Realm!

Check out some photos of our day in the Realm when our special guest Nancy and Dr. Mel came in to show ancient healing techniques from the Far East. The Tibetan Singing Bowl and Acupuncture!
Great to have them. It was a blast!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Confucius says...

Confucius wasn't just known for his crazy eyebrows, he was also known for his wisdom and truths. Confucius was a man who developed a philospher based on moral and responsbility. He taught peace and respect. His teachings, though unpopular at first, became widely studied throughout ancient China. He influenced many Chinese emperors and dynasties. Some dynasties, however, did not agree with the teachings of Confucius. The Qin dynasty, for example, punished anyone who read, taught, or shared confucianism. When the Han dynasty took control of China, they brought back the teachings of Confucius. I think it is wise and enlightening to be familiar with some of the teachings of Confucius. 

Task: Post a comment with ONE of Confucius' sayings. Make sure you use quotes so we know you are quoting him. Then, provide a little reflection on what that saying means to you. 
WSG Badge

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A call for the Dynasties of Zhuzai

Hello students of the Realm. I am officially putting out a call for all Dynasties to share a little bit about themselves. Please share something that you think is important or unique about your Dynasty. One comment per person. Make sure it is a piece of information, not an opinion. Complete sentences. 
Post at least 3 important facts/unique things about your dynasty from your document. 
Be sure to say what your Dynasty is, otherwise it will not count! 
Good Luck!

Monday, January 12, 2015

TED Talk-Dynasties of ancient China

Welcome to the TED badge. A "TED Talk" is a short talk/presentation given by someone who is trying to spread a new idea or information. TED talks are highly engaging and informative. TED Talks do not have a lot of text on the screen during the presentation, mainly pictures that help reinforce what the person is saying. For the Realm, you and your dynasty members will be giving a TED talk in which you will share about your Dynasty and your Honorary Member. This is your chance at the TED Badge. 

TED Talk Topic: Dynasty and Honorary Member
Date: Friday, January 16th
Time Limit: 3:00-3:30 in order to earn the badge 
Tool: PowerPoint in Google Drive. 
PowerPoint: Mainly images to support what you are talking about. One or two word phrases are ok. 
Members: All must speak/share about the topic
Work Time: Monday-discuss/prep.  Tuesday: Computers for PPT

Friday, January 9, 2015

Zhuzai: Realm of the Great Wall

The time as come for us to travel to the 4th "world" of our ancient adventure. Enter the Realm of Zhuzai and experience ancient China like never before. Beware, the dangerous Ninja lurks in the shadows, with his razor sharp kitana sword, waiting, waiting. Prepare for the most challenging escapade of your life when you travel down the famous Silk Road. Does your dynasty have what it takes to withstand the pressure and rule the Realm? The Realm of the Great Wall beckons you to enter...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015