
Monday, March 2, 2015

Act of Service: Pay it Forward

It is time to give back. Just think about all the help you have given throughout your short time on this Earth? I am sending you out on a mission. A mission to complete 5 Acts of Service in one week (7 days). It is time to look outward, rather than inward. It is time to be self-LESS, rather than selfish. An Act of Service is something you do to help others WITHOUT being asked or told. Seek out ways to help and give back. Anticipate what needs to be done around the house. Be aware of opportunities to help. These Acts of Service do not need to be only at your home. They can happen anywhere. Just make sure you get a signature from the person you helped for verification. 

Act of Service Badge: If all members of your City-State complete their Acts of Service (5), then you will earn the prestigious Act of Service Badge. 

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