
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wax Museum 2015 is Over.

The single most talked about day of the year has come and gone. The Wax Museum is over and let me just say, you all totally rocked our big night. I had a blast walking around, seeing your props/costumes/scenes and watching you perform. I am extremely proud of you and extremely thankful to be your teacher. There was magic in the air last night. I could feel it. The school came alive like never before and that is because of you. Your effort, hardwork, creativity, and courage create a night like no other in Brandon Valley Middle School. I was constantly stopped by people telling me how great you all were doing. The one hour and thirty minutes seemed to go by in a blink. I wanted it to keep going because there was so much to do and look at! It was one of my most favorite moments as a teacher and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You left a huge mark on this school and the Wax Museum event. You created an experience not soon forgotten by all who witnessed. 

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