
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ancient Chinese Inventions In Action!

Chinese Inventions In Action from Dan Klumper on Vimeo.

Check out some of the ancient Chinese inventions in action! There were lots of things invented in the ancient times of China. Let's share a little bit about our chosen inventions and why they are important!
Student Task: Share what your invention is, what it does, and why it's important! Great opportunity to go for the WSG badge


  1. mine is the coffin, mine is good becaus eu can buried the dead so they dont rott in the ground. It protect teh body for after life;)

  2. Invention: Kite
    It flys how it flys is by the wind pushing its sail
    Its important because what would you do if your a kid and you are bored...... Fly a Kite!

  3. My invention is silk it is important because it was the most common thing traded in the silk road.

  4. siemogrsph, It helps detect earthquakes, it is important because it told them a head of time so they could get to safety

  5. My Invention is gunpowder.
    I think this is most important because
    it was used in many things like fireworks,bombs, and early guns.

  6. My invention is the printer. The printer prints things on paper so you don't have to write anything!!!! I think this is very important because then people would have to write everything! They would have to write things, by hand, from books to magazines, and to copied papers of homework.

  7. My invention is the Seismograph, it senses when an earthquake is coming.


  8. My invention is the abacus. It is the most important because it was used as a calculating tool before numbers.

  9. My invention is the compass, it is important because it helps you find your way so you don't get lost. It tells you witch way is north.


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