
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Silk Road: Student Scenarios!

Here is your chance to affect the game, to alter the course of history forever! Part of the final phase of the Silk Road game is "Student Scenarios" in which I let you write a scenario and submit it to the realm. I will then draw three student scenarios to read off before our Final Scenario. Be fun, creative, witty, but also be realistic. You have heard/read many of mine, so you kinda know how they should sound. For example, do NOT do this: "As you are traveling, you find 100 spools of silk on the road." or "If you  have at least one weapon, +1,000 points."

Details: Write a scenario. The most points that can be won or lost is 20. You can also write a spools of silk scenario. You can write a scenario that is only good, or one that is only bad. But remember, you will do this scenario as well. 


  1. Silk worm finally produces silk add three silk spools if you dont have a silk worm subtract 5 pionts

  2. Desert= A snake steals your shoe, you can't get too close to it. If you have a staff, you can pull it away if not, you lose your shoe. -5 points if you lost your shoe (cross off extra shoes if you have them)
    Mountain=Your shoe gets stuck on a branch, need staff...etc
    Even land=same as desert

  3. it becomes dark and you need somewhere to sleep if you have a tent +15 IF NOT -10

  4. You get a chance to trad a michincken and dried fruit for 2 silk spools

  5. As your traveling bandits come along if you have a crossbow and 20 arrows you knock down half of them. And lose 2 spools of silk but if you also have a sword you don't lose anything.

  6. You come across a caravan who is willing to trade 1 piece of jade for 1 spool of silk.
    You have 1 piece of jade = 10points
    You don't have 1 piece of jade = -10points

  7. Option 1. At Dun Fong, they have an exclusive offer to trade 1. 3 millet for 1 spool of silk.2. 1 spice for 1 spool of silk.
    Option 2. Northern Route: A banded Krait is coming towards your camel. If you have a spear, you can kill the snake. If not, -10 points. Central Route: Your camel slips on the Qinling Mountain path and can save it if you have rope if not -10 points. Southern Route: Over the night, a robber stole a camel. To prevent this you would 1. not have a mattress, so you woke up easily, or 2. had a dog that alerted you.

  8. As you are traveling down the silk road you find 2 spools of silk

  9. a group of theives come running at you from behind and the only thing you have to defend your self is your staff. If you have a staff +10 if you don't they steel 1 spool of silk.-5

  10. As you are traveling you find another caravan with nobody with it. You take 1 piece of silk from them. Gain 1 piece of silk and 10 points.

  11. Central Route only: As you are traveling you get really cold and need flint to start a fire with firewood. NO flint -5 points flint and firewood +10 points.

  12. You see a snake approach your caravan. If you have a throwing star you can take it down +20, if not -20

  13. Thieves attack you from behind. If you have a sword you are able to defend yourself. As the thieves are running away they drop a piece of silk. If you do not have a sword lose 1 piece of silk. If you do gain 1 piece of silk and 10 points.

  14. As you are walking you get bitten and don"t know what bit you. You turn around and you see it was your camel.-10 points if no medicine +10 if medicine.

  15. As you are traveling your camel falls off a ledge and dies. If you have an extra camel gain 15 points if not lose 15 points.

  16. as your traveling a nasty looking bandit comes aat you. if you have a staff you can beat him senseless. As your searching him you find 1 ninja star and 1 spool of silk (only if you have staff)+10 no staff he steals 1 spool of silk and -5

  17. You come across a caravan they demand one of your camels. If You give them your camel cross it off. If you have shoes you run away 10 points.

  18. If you have 30 points or more, you get 5 spools of silk. If not minus 20 points.

  19. thieves approach your caravan if you are martial arts and higher you survive if not loose one silk

  20. You see thieves are coming to your caravan. If you have a sword or throwing stars +10 points if not -10 points.


Sign your name: (class period) (group name) (First name)
Thank you.