
Monday, January 19, 2015

Confucius says...

Confucius wasn't just known for his crazy eyebrows, he was also known for his wisdom and truths. Confucius was a man who developed a philospher based on moral and responsbility. He taught peace and respect. His teachings, though unpopular at first, became widely studied throughout ancient China. He influenced many Chinese emperors and dynasties. Some dynasties, however, did not agree with the teachings of Confucius. The Qin dynasty, for example, punished anyone who read, taught, or shared confucianism. When the Han dynasty took control of China, they brought back the teachings of Confucius. I think it is wise and enlightening to be familiar with some of the teachings of Confucius. 

Task: Post a comment with ONE of Confucius' sayings. Make sure you use quotes so we know you are quoting him. Then, provide a little reflection on what that saying means to you. 
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  1. "If you enjoy what you do, you will never have to work another day" - Confuscious

    If I do my chores happily, it won't seem like work.

  2. The more man meditates upon thoughts,the better will be his world and the world at large-CONFUCIUS

    the more people think about there actions the better the world will be

  3. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

    - Confucius

  4. " The goal is not to never fall down, it is always when you get up after falling". - Confucius. This means to me that when I fall Down I should always net back thinking that the goal is still going.

  5. I chose the saying "A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step" -Confucius

    It is special to me because even if your goal is far all you have to do is take the first step towards to start your journey that lies ahead.

  6. I hear and I forget, I see and i remember, I do and I understand confucius!!!!!!!!!its important to me bc i live by this ayingg

  7. Wheresoever you go, go with your heart. -Confucius. What does it mean to me is that if you are going to do something go with all your heart.

  8. wheresoever you go go with all your heart

    I think this means follow your heart

    3 ming emily

  9. " Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall." -Confucius

    I think that this saying means that being perfect is not whats important. But when we fall, and pick ourselves up, we feel glory.It is saying that we can fall, but need to get up.

  10. "If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." -Confucius

    I like this because it shows how being happy changes your perspective.

  11. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a singles step" -Confucius

    It means to me that a huge journey begins only one step so no mater what it takes small steps.


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