
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Zhuzai:Realm of the Great Wall

Good luck to you all! I know you will do great. Have confidence that you can rock this test. 
My surgery went well, but I miss you all deeply. I havn't been able to do much since my surgery. Basically just laying around, thinking up stuff for the world of ancient Greece. I have a giant brace on my knee which locks it in place so it doesn't bend. 
I heard the inventions speeches went pretty well. I am bummed I didn't get to hear you make the case for why yours was the best. Keep working hard and above all, be respectful to Mrs. Weise. 
The Results from Zhuzai will not be announced until I return because I want to share them in person, so unfortunately, you will have to wait a bit. However, the teachers will be voting for the Nintendo badge tomorrow, so good luck to you in your quest for that badge. It could be you! 

Take care until we meet again,
-Mr. Klumper
Keeper of the Realm

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