
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to the World of Mesopotamia. Today, you will be traveling around the Fertile Crescent, or Mesopotamia, to learn about this wondrous place. Your travel tool today is a Prezi, posted above. You need to click through the Prezi and complete the tasks in your NOTEBOOK. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT lose your notebook sheets because the information gained from this project will be valuable for other projects and for the test. It is stuff you need to know about this ancient civilization. All work today will be done in your notebook. Label your notebook section: "Mesopotamia Scavenger Hunt Prezi" and in your notebook, be sure to label each section. Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES so you can use this information later without having the Prezi.
Your final task for this blog post, which will come after you complete the Prezi, will be to post a COMMENT right here telling me about five things you learned throughout the "adventure."
You will use these sites during the Prezi:
So, in summary:
1. Go through the Prezi with your Notebook.
2. Post a comment of 1 paragraph (five sentences) of things you learned.

In-Class activity: Information gathering


  1. People built their homes out o sun-dried rock. They invented a system of mathematics based on the number 60. People cooked and slept in their roofs when weather permitted. Boys were the only ones who could go to school, and if they didn't do a good job they usually got whipped. Two important inventions they made were the wheel and the sailboat.

  2. the wheel because it helps us move around

  3. That poor people had smaller homes and richer people had bigger homes. There were four classes in mesopotamia landowners, government officals, artisans, and farmers. Sumer had kings who ruled. Mesopotamia was in the middle of the Tigris river and the Euphates. they made money.

  4. I think the water is for to water the plants and the eye is for looking and the dots was th number 6 and that is basically how they lived.

  5. I learned that in mesopotamia the rich lived in large homes and the poor lived in small homes. No one lived in a hut. Only boys went to school, they were whipped if they did an imperfect job. I also learned that Assyrians believed in after life. Lastley I learned that mesopotamia means land between 2 rivers.

  6. I learned that Mesopotamia is in between two rivers. Those rivers names are "The Tigris River and The Euphates River". I also learned that Mesopotamia means "Land Between Two Rivers". The two types of government were "Sumerial Laws" and "Bablonian Laws". I also learned that only boys went to school but if they didn't do a PERFECT job the would be punished by being wipped multiple times.

  7. UR was the biggest city of mesopotamia.Assyria distroyd Babloyn and then rebuilt it because of the god Marduk.All houses were 3 stories high.Boys were only alound to go to school and got whipped if the home work wasn't perfect.Ninhsang was the mother of the gods.

  8. nobody lives in huts they are 4 types of classes priests upper class lower class and slaves only boys went to school


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