
Friday, October 12, 2012

White Shirt Production: Fabulous Four

The Fabulous Four of Mesopotamia from Dan Klumper on Vimeo.
Mesopotamia, being the first civilization of the world, had the unique opportunity to invent many things. A lot of "firsts" occurred in Mesopotamia, which you will see in this third White Shirt Production called: "The Fabulous Four." What you will be watching is NOT how the inventions actually came to be, but, it will show you how important each one is. All four inventions of the Fabulous Four are used everyday in our world. For this video, you have 3 tasks. See below.
Task #1: Which of the four inventions do you think is the MOST important in our world?
Sign comments with: class period, first name, last initial (ex: 3Dan K.)
In-Class Blogging.


  1. Money writing wheel irrigation

  2. I think it is irragition. Because of the crops today

  3. Irrigation, because if we didn't then we might not have enough food

  4. the wheel because thats how they made cars.

  5. in our world i think the most important things in wheel because its how we get around

  6. money and clothes food and water

  7. i think that irragation is the most important because the water is what keeps the crops alive so we can eat food and not die

  8. mony so we can by stuff.

  9. Wheels is what i think the most important invention is because we still use those every single day with cars carts at the store and lots of other things too.

  10. I think that it is irrigation because they haved to control there crops. And we would have nothing to eat but meat. And we would probly would get tired of that.

  11. irrigation is because it gives us food to live.

  12. I think it is irrigation.
    Because it water the grass,and crops. Without that we would not have plants or animals to eat.

  13. writing because you have to talk to someone about something. Writing is also important because you cant say send a letter ot text to someone.

  14. I think that money is the most improtant because then you wouldnt be able to buy anything.

  15. I think that the weel was the most importent invention because without weels we wouldent beable to move from place to place.

  16. irrigation, wheel, money, written language

  17. i think the most important is irragation because we hardly get any water for are plants

  18. i think writing is the most important because with out it we wouldnt be able to communicate

  19. i think the writing was the most important because if they could write, then we could figure out some how what they were saying and we can learn about the past.

  20. I think the wheel was the most important because people couldn't travel ANYWHERE whithout it. (Unless you walk)

  21. i think that the writing system is most important so tha t we can go to school and for colledge and applications

  22. writing because its important, its important because you use it in every day life you cat go with out writing you have to learn some time

  23. i think the most inportant invention was to make money because everybody uses it everyday like giving the casier money or them giving us the money back.

  24. wheel
    because people yose it to move on land every day to get from place to place

  25. i think the most important invention today is. Money$$ cause we need it now more than ever.

  26. I think that the wheel is the most imrotant invetsion because we us it ever day and with out it we couldent go any were.

  27. 4Tellinghuisen EthanOctober 12, 2012 at 10:55 AM

    I think the wheel is the most important, because we use it every day and without that we would not be able to go to the places that we go with wheels.

  28. I think the most important would either be writing or the wheel, but i think its the wheel. why i tink its the wheel is because we have to travel to different places and go to work on time. If we didnt have it we would have to walk and we would be late and if we had to travel on a plane but on a plane they have wheels so we would still have to walk and be pooped out.

  29. i think money was the greatest invention because with money we can buy a wheel and writing and we have money to buy the new way to irragate crops and plants

  30. money because i love money =^-^=

  31. money would be an important thing meso. invented because with out money you would have nothing the poor would steal from the rich and rich would be poor. Everone would go hungry and die of starvation, so money is very important.

  32. I think the writing was the most important beacuse without it, it would be alot harder to communicate with other people like family and friends :)

  33. i think the wheel because you use them all the time right now im on wheels and cars have them bikes have themand they make the ride go faster and a lot smoother

  34. I think the money is important because you can have all of your supplies and the house payment. All of the things that deel with money is very important other whise you will be living on the side of the street.

  35. i think money is the most important because if we didnt have money it would be hard to trade things because we would disagree about what to trade. and with money its easier and we use it every day.

  36. I think wheels are the most important of the fabulious four because the wheels are used everywhere, it's used to move cars wagons and all that wich helped transportation and wheels also work as gears like in a swivle chair there's probably a gear in there that allows it to swivel. Wheels also today go into shoes. Those are some of the reasons why I think wheels are the best of the fabulous four and that they are used the most.

  37. I think the wheel is the most important because we wouldn't have cars, carts, or wagons.

  38. I think the wheel is the most important because we wouldn't have cars, carts, or wagons.

  39. I think money is the most inmportant without money nobody could buy stuff or sell it it would have to be all trading!!! Or it could be the wheel because we would have to walk on foot or ride a horse.

  40. I think that the wheel was the most important invention in our world.

  41. I like the money the best.Because I love money.

  42. I think it would be the wheel because I think the wheel makes things a lot easier.

  43. i think it would be the the money bacause without money we wouldn't be able to by food and pay to go school.

  44. I think water is the most important invention in todays world because we couldnt live without it AT ALL.

  45. U think the wheel because it made things go a lot faster and made traveling easy.

  46. Money,because if we didn't have money today how would the world go round. but then again if we didnt have money there would be less crime and people wouldnt fight as much for money.

  47. i think irragation because if we didnt have that water controlled crops and foods couldnt be made and then what would we do......the world may never now.....or so we think?

  48. I think money because it's used every day in our world you you can use it to buy tires and food.

  49. money becuase it is what you get food from/make building/ water/ engery gas fuel.

  50. I think wheels because we use wheels to travel places.Like a car has wheels.

  51. Ithink that money is the best because I LOVE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is super bhelpful in paying for stuff

  52. I link it is money because it helps things alot easeir now than back then and money is the most imortant today in my opinion it is used more than the wheel,iragation,and write i know it is used alot but not as much as money.

  53. I think the most important invention is mony becuse without mony we will be stuck trading evry thing we own.

  54. money are goverment would fall apart without it.

  55. money because evry thing cost money.

  56. I think the wheel, because you can't walk far places and plus if the weathers bad you can't walk. So I think the wheel is most important.

  57. I think irragation is the most important because if we did not have irrigation then right now all the crops would be dead and then all the animals would die and then we would die

  58. writing becouse we will know more about the ancient worlds then we really don't need to look at artifacts that much

  59. I think money is te most inportant, because we use it every day, proubly the most. We use it to pay taxes, to buy items,and most inportant food or water

  60. I think that the wheel was the best one out of the fabulous four. Just think, we use wheels everyday of our life. Riding the bus, riding in a car of truck, wagons.
    But they are all good and cool inventions!

  61. money becaues you can bystuff

  62. I think the best part is when you were playing with the barbie dolls.

  63. i think the best one was the writing so we now noo how to read

  64. I think irrigation is so you can live.

  65. Awesome video and i love that barbie scene! i think that writing would be the most important cause then you can actually comunicate together

  66. I think irragation is the most importrant because we can grow crops better.

  67. I think the most important invention from the fabulous 4 is the irrigation.

  68. I think the most important part was the writing because if we didn't have writing we would probably be alot more stupid. The internet would be nothing and you wouldn't be able to know my thoughts.

  69. Irregation because without it they wouldn't have food and stuff like that.

  70. I think money was the most important invention because without we would use the barder system

  71. I think irragition is important beacuse it is important to have food and crops for food so you do not starve to death.

  72. I think the wheel. It helps us get places faster.

  73. Irragation.Because it deals with us staying alive with growing plants and food for us to stay alive.

  74. I think irrigation was the most important because if they did bot have irrigation thier plants would die and they would have no food except for meat.(then they would be a neanderthal. :P )

  75. Wheel becauses it moves place faster

  76. irregation because we need food from plants/crops

  77. I think that the wheel is the most important of the inventions because if we didn't have money we could just trade things to get new items hbut if whee didn't have the wheel we would't have any way of tranportation.

  78. The car, Microsoft, Apple

  79. I think the most importantone is Money. Becoas you cant go someware with out it.

  80. writing.becuase if there were no people to write back then we would not know like the war or the letters and we would not have books.

  81. i think the wheel is more imporant of the inventions because we wouldn`t be able to travel

  82. I think it is irragation couse if we dident have crops or food we wouldent be living and the crops need water.

  83. the writing because it teaches about how there writing looked

  84. I think the weel is the most important because it made so they could get around fro one place to anothert

  85. wheel it makes moveing easer than carring.

  86. I think its the wheel because we wouldnt beable to drive anything

  87. money no money no life

  88. the wheel because we need it for cars and other vihicles

  89. I think writing is the most important task. I think that because if we didnt have writing we it probably would be hard to do symbols

  90. I think money is the most important because its the only way besides trading to get what we need or want.

  91. I thinnk that the wrighting is the most important in our world because with out wrightingg it would be hard to do homework.

  92. I think that the best invention is writing beacuse
    instead of yelling at someone from faraway you can send them a letter or note. Also you can communicate with people from different contries or states. and not use symbles

  93. The invention that I think is most important is the writen language because without it I wouldn't be writing what I'm writing down RIGHT NOW.

  94. I think money is the most important invention for our world because you can't get anything without money.

  95. I think irrigation is the most important one. I think it's the most important one because if we didn't control how much water our crops got they could get old, withered, rotten, and eventually die. How would we survive with out the important essentials we eat?

  96. I think that the most important thing was the wheel because without it we would not be able to tarvle very far and we would have to walk eveywhere we go.

  97. I think Irrigation because it grows crops and food for it. If I could I would choose all of them, but I think Irrigation is the most important. You could make trees for shade also.

  98. I think the wheel is most important because without it we would not be able to have transportation. So it would take forever to get to Another state or country. Thats why I think the wheel.

  99. I think the writing was the most efective. After all, without writing there would be no books, no numbers, and no letters. Thats why I think writing effected Mesopotamia inventions more.

  100. I think money is the most important because if everthing today was free we would be running out of stuff and if we run out that means we all perish and what would we eat if there is no food.

  101. I think that irrigation is the most important becouse with out water than we would not have the food that we have today. For example we would not havse corn, wheat, fruit and veggies. thats why i think irrigation is the most important thing that they invented.

  102. I think that the irrigation was the most inportant invention out of all of them. The reason why i think would be because the stuff they grow on farms is alot of the stuff we eat every day.

  103. I think The Writing would be most important. Becuase being able to talk would be nice. Also its a big leap from grunts and nods to a full fledge language!

  104. I think irrigation was the most important, because if we didn't have that there wouldn't have weelthy plants and fruits to eat and we would possibly die.

  105. My opinion is that the irigation the reason is they would never have gotten all the food. If they didnt get the food they would die and\or never get all the trading profits since they couldnt trade in mespotamia.However they were all important discoveries.

  106. Irrigation, because all things need water to survive.


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