
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Adventures of Meso Larry

In the Mesopotamia Unit, there are a some words that I want you to know. These words, 11 of them in all, are important words to understanding Mesopotamia. For this unit, to help us find the definitions, I created a new social studies character named "Meso Larry" (Mesopotamia Vocabulary, get it?) Meso Larry is a down and out, 62 year-old social studies super hero who is depressed and overshadowed by the popular Blueman and Johnny Rawten. Meso Larry longs for a chance to prove himself worthy and to show everyone that he can do just as much as Blueman and Johnny. Fortunately for Meso Larry, his chance is coming.... 
Task: With the story, write down the definitions to each Vocabulary word in your Mesopotamia Work Packet. 
Read: The Adventures of Meso Larry

DUE for 10 completion points on Friday, October 12th in class. 


  1. kaitlinSorensen LAST YEAROctober 9, 2012 at 9:26 PM

    hey mr. klumper its kaitlin :)

  2. A good chant but he got to see what he gots to be good.

  3. I really like the story!!!!! I want to read it angain and again and again!!!

  4. Sorry I left my packet at home so I will try this for my points
    I typed these out so Im not Copy and pasting
    civilization: a group of people in an organized society
    Mesopotamia: Land between 2 rivers
    polytheism: belief in more than 1 god it goes with zugirat (I spelt it wrong) if not :/
    Zugirat: temple used to worship
    Cuneiform: First system of writing
    Code of Hammurabi: set of laws from king Hammurabi
    Irrigation: Controls how much water a farmers crop gets
    Fertile Crescent: Crescent shaped area good for farmng
    Hanging Gardens: Built by King Nebuchadnezzar (used goggle chromes spell check)
    city state: a unit complete with a government and unique traditions

    Sorry if I caused a hassle I left my 3-ring at school

  5. i liked the story it was pretty cool btw Mr. klumper is my favorite teacher ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also im gonna me 12 the same month mr. klumoers birthday is


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