
Monday, October 24, 2011

Wax Museum: It Begins...

Faithful WSG bloggers, I would like to introduce to you a project like no other you will complete during your time in the Middle School. It is called the "Wax Museum: People of the Past" and it will happen on April 24th, 2012. This is the Wax Museum's third year, and its going to be bigger and better than ever due in large part to you, the student, who actually makes this project what it is. With this project, not only will your life change, but the lives of the people you will affect in April. There are many reasons for this project: researching, writing, reading, speaking, performing, and making a difference. You will select a famous person of the past, research them, write a paper about them, and then become that person in April for our Wax Museum Performance. During the big night, you will be positioned throughout the school and give a speech whenever someone walks up to you and drop coins in your bucket. You will never give your speech in front of a huge crowd. But, you will give your speech multiple times in front of smaller crowds of about 4-5 people. What happens to the coins dropped in your bucket? It is all gathered together and donated to a charity that we choose in class. Last year, it was the Make-A-Wish with a grand total of $4,200. The big night is in April, but time will go by fast, so make sure you are working hard on this project. It will be a night you will never forget. Trust me. Check the "Wax Museum" link above for all your Wax Museum information and announcements.


  1. Yes! I can't wait for the Wax Musuem. You guys are going to love this project!

  2. I cant wait!! So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. The NBA needs to come up with a decision.

  3. right now i am starting my research on my wax figure!!!

  4. I'm starting y research pretty soon. My person will be easy to find info on.

  5. Matt Munson (seventh grade)October 28, 2011 at 10:26 PM

    its hard to believe that happened earlier this year.


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