
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Educating Andy: Mesopotamia

To start the second quarter off in a good way, I thought it would be a good idea to offer some extra credit if you would please help me educate my friend Andy, who is terribly inept when it comes to Mesopotamia knowledge. Luckily, we have been studying Mesopotamia for the last four weeks, so we have plenty of knowledge to share with him. I'm sure Andy is sitting in his dorm room right now at college with absolutely no idea what is going on. We might not be able to help him with his overall life, but at least we can teach him about Mesopotamia.

Task: To gain extra credit for Social Studies, educate Andy about Mesopotamia by telling him 5 things about this ancient world. In order to get the extra credit, you must have your comment posted by Midnight on Thursday. Also, to gain extra credit, you MUST tell him 5 things in a list format. (use 1. 2. etc.)

Good Luck and Thank you for helping me out.


  1. 1.mesopotamia invented the wheel,money,writing system,irrigation. 2.they made many many rules like 127 or more.
    3.they have two rivers called tigres and urphraties. 4. mesopotamia means land between the rivers. 5.they urphraties flods and the tigres drains the flod.

  2. Well mesopotamia made up 4 inventoins there are the wheel irrigation money and wrighting.Mesopotamia is the first civilitzation the wold had ever seen.

  3. 1. mesopotamia was the first civilization ever.
    2.the name of the first if a book ever made was The Epic Of Gilgmesh.
    3. if a kid hit his father his hands would be cut off.
    4. the faboules four ( the four most inporant in ventions ever made) were irrigation, money, the wheel, and writing systems.
    5. some inportant people of mesopotamia are Gligamesh, sargon, ashurbanipal, and hammurabi.
    (sorry if this is to long)

  4. Hi Andy, its me again, Felicity. He is some things you need to know about Mesopotamia.

    1. Mesopotamia mean " land between the rivers"
    2. Mesopotamia has two rivers on either side of it: The Tigris and the Euphrates.
    3, There are four major inventions that you need to know that the Mesopotamians invented: money, writing, irrigation, and wheel.
    4. The people of Mesopotamia worshiped many gods, unlike us, we worship only one god.
    5. Hammurabi established the first set of laws.
    Thanks for letting me teach you some things about Mesopotamia!

  5. 1. The two main rivers of Mesopotamia are the Tigris and the Euphrates.
    2. The Mesopotamians invented four major inventions which are the wheel, irrigation, writing, and money.
    3. Gilgamesh is one of the gods that the mesopotamians belived in he had a goal in life and it was to try to live forever. But he didnt no how to so he went and asked a wiseman and the wiseman said if you can stay awake for 7 days you will live forever but Gilgamesh fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
    4. The word Mesopotamia actually means the land between the rivers.
    5. The word Fertile Cresent means a area of land shaped like a curve that contains very good land for farming.

  6. 1. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers.
    2. The two rivers that surround Mesopotamia are called Tigris and Euphrates.
    3. Hammurabi was the person who made the first laws.
    4. Gilgamesh was the main character of the first book ever.
    5. The fabulous four are the wheel, money, writing, and irragation.

  7. 1. Mesopotamia means land between two rivers.

    2. The Tigris and the Euphraties River are two rivers in Mesopotamia.

    3.The Arabian desert is south of Mesopotamia.

    4. The people of Mesopotamis were polytheistic which means that they belive in more than one god.

    5. The link between Heaven and earth to the people of Mesopotamia ia the God Ziggurat.

  8. Hi andy its me louis kramer if you remember me thats great but if you don't then thats ok. But now its time to get to the real thing here now i'm gonna tell you about mesopotamia First i'm gonna tell you about the fabulous four from mesopotamia
    and finally
    4. Gilgamesh!
    and now on to the real thing here here are some facts about Mesopotamia.
    They were the first on to develop irrigation but before they invened irrigation life was hard and they had to face flooding and when the river overflowed the water would come and wash away their crops and it was very hot there. But they had an idea to control how much water came
    and thats how much im gonna tell you so may the force be with you and plus Mr. Klumper calle you a dork

  9. 1. Hammurabi is the person who invented laws. The name of the law was code of Hammurabi.
    2.Gilgamesh was a person that watched his friend die. That made him want to live forever.
    3.polytheism is the believe of more than one god.
    4.Sargon was the king of Akkad witch was in mesopotamia.
    5.Ashurbanipal was the best known Assyrian king.

  10. Hey Andy I'm going to teach you about Mesopotamia.
    1. The land they moved to was called the fertile crescent.
    2. the land was not very good for farming until the Mesopotamian"s invented irrigation.
    3. the biggest city in Mesopotamia is Ur.
    4. fertile crescent means land between the rivers.
    5. the set of laws were established by Hammurabi himself.

  11. (1) One thing i am going to be telling you Andy is that mesopotamia means the land between the rivers.
    (2) Another thing i would like to share with you is that mesopotamia is located between the ehouphrates river and the Tigris river
    (3) also that the word specialization means getting really good at one thing.
    9$0 In mesopotamia, kings were chosen by gods.
    (4) the Lydians were the ones who invented the first coins.
    (5) The last thing i am going to be saying to you andy is that the Lydians were the ones who invented the first coins

  12. #1 polytheism the worship of many gods.

    #2 Mesopotamia means the land between the rivers.

    #3 Gilgamesh friend dies and he travels to the end of the world to try to live forever,his task is to stay awake for 7 days but he fails and does not live forever.

    #4 Irrigation is how people and farmers control how much they water their crops.+

    #5Monotheism the worship of only one god

  13. 1:They in vented the first set of laws.
    2:They invented irrigation wich helped them sevre the harsh weather.
    3:They also inveted a vital tool to transportaion the wheel.
    4:Mesopatamia had also been the first civilaztion.
    5:Plus they wrought the first book (The epic of gigamish)

  14. 1. They worshipped multiple gods in places called ziggurats.
    2. The four major invention were money,writing,irrigation, and the wheel.
    3. The four major people of Mesopotamia were Asherbanipal, Gilgamesh, Sasher, and Hammurabi.
    4. They wrote the first book"epic of gilgamesh"
    5. The two rivers that bordered Mesopotamia were The Tigris and The Euphrates.

  15. 1.wheel is helps to move heve objecks

    2 money we buys things with it

    3 writing heips us messege people

    4 and the best invenction of all time is irrigatoin it helps water crops in harsh wether

    5 peoplegot punish hard like death or banish

  16. 1.ziggurat is a wirship place.
    2. caneuform wedge shaped writing.
    3.montheism wirship 1 god!
    4. city state comunity.
    5.mesopotamia is the frist civilization.

  17. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers

    The two rivers are called Tigris and the Euphrates

    Cuneiform was the first form of writing

    The Epic of Gilgamesh was the first book ever

    Mesopotamia was the first civilization

  18. 1. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers
    2. Mesopotamia invented the wheel, monney. irrigation. and writing
    3.A fertile cresent land is good for farming
    4.their writing system was called cuneiform
    5.the two major city-states were sumer and akkad

  19. In Mesopotamia the people invented so many things we use today. They had the first writing system called Cuneiform, but it had many problems. The writing was much too complex, so only very few could understand it and be able to read. The only people that could write were specially trained scribes. Instead of using paper which wasn't invented they wrote on clay tablets that later would dry in the hot desert sun.

    They also had the first money. Money was invented by the Lydians, who made coins. With money, people could now buy and sell things without trading.

    Mesopotamia probably wouldn't be so advanced without the wheel, which was and everyday tool that they needed to pull things from one place to another. When people farmed, they could tie their oxen or cattle to a plow, and then with the wheel they could plow the much, much faster. People would also use carts with wheels to bring things here and there to sell or trade them.

    Irrigation was in my opinion the most important because without it, life would be much harder for the people Mesopotamia and even for us. Irrigation is a water system that moves water from one place to another. They would dig large trenches from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the farming lands. This is how they managed to grow so many crops in the desert where the only water sources the rivers that weren't easily controlled in the flooding season.

    Mesopotamia had still many more inventions besides the ones I listed above, which are often called the Fabulous Four. Things they invented were sailboats and even worship temples called ziggarat. Laws are also an invention of the ancient civilization. The first set of laws was the code of Hammurabi. Some think it was too cruel, and some think it was completely fair.

  20. Mesopotamia has a river called tigers? My schools team name is the tigers!! yeahhh!!
    Whats this about a fertile crescent? is that like the bread that you can get? like the one you can use for sandwiches that are supper good!
    So i know monotheism mean 1 god? do you think they had the kissing disease though? (mono)??? lol
    Well most the stuff you guys taught me I had never heard before its pretty awesome, kind sounds like gibberish though... meow... cya 7th graders!!!


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