
Friday, October 21, 2011

Hammurabi's Code: Fair or Cruel?

We have discussed Hammurabi's Code in class. We talked about the need for laws, what it would be like in our world without laws and the type of laws Hammurabi came up with. While listening to some of the laws, you probably thought one of two things: 1. it's fair or 2. its cruel. Well, for today's blog post, you will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on whether you think Hammurabi's Code was fair or too cruel. A link is attached that will give you a brief overview of Hammurabi's Code and give you some examples of a few laws. The link will also give you reasons for both sides of the argument. Hammurabi brought order and stability to the lawless people of Mesopotamia, but was it too cruel? Let the debate begin...

Task: After reading through the link, post a comment on whether you think Hammurabi's Code is fair or too cruel. Make sure you explain why you believe the way you do. Do NOT simply say, "I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel because it's not fair." You need to share specific reasons that support your beliefs. MINIMUM of 5 sentences. Anything shorter than this would not do a good job explaining your beliefs.

In-Class blogging.


  1. I think it is unfair because these are not resenible laws. they should not be as searver.

  2. I think that hammurabis rules are cruel. You should be able to play dominoes on sunday in alabama.Women should be able to wear pants in arizona.

  3. I think that his code is unfair, because you should not be put to death for a simple crime that happens pretty much every day now.

  4. i think hammurabis codes were to cruel because just if someone makes a simple mistake he will be put to death or he/she will get hurt in some way that should not happen that way

  5. Task#1: Cruel because if you get cot for robery you would be put to death and if a consrrctor is makeing your house he hast to pay for the walls to be secure.

  6. Cruel because you should be able to make some mistakes in life everybody does almost all of some do make mistakes once in a lifetime.

  7. I think it was cruel,because if i blamed something on someone.Me or that person would be hurt or killed to death.I wonder how many people have died when they didnt do anything...

  8. Task #1 Cruel because it is unfair like if u thought someone did something and they didnt you would be put to death. Also If a son strikes his father, the son's hand will be cut off.

  9. I think that you should not be put to death at all if you kill someone you should be put to death but if you say someone did something and they did not do it you should just have to say your sorry not be put to death

  10. I think it was too cruel. why i think that is because if you just accuse someone of doing something they will be put to death! Like sometimes i accuse my sister a lot i would be put to death for that??? thats not right..... Also if you hit your father your hands will be cut off!

  11. I think that hammurabi's code was clule but some of the laws made sence. like if a judge did something wrong they wouldnt judge anyomre. Then some of them are crule like if a son stricks his father his hands get cut off now thats just crule.

  12. i think it is cruel because if a son hits his dad then he will get his hand chopped off! we should just get punished for it.

  13. I think Hammurabis code is cruel because if you strike a man at a higher rank you would get whipped 60 times in pubic!! If you comit a crime you would be put to death too! Your hands will be cut off if you hit you father!

  14. I think hammurabi code is not fair because he would put somebody to death and if there they in the unitied states they would just pay a fine

  15. I think hammurabi code is not fair because he would put somebody to death and if there they in the unitied states they would just pay a fine

  16. I think it is CRUEL,comepared to are laws.Now I get it if you your father u be i trouble but u sould NOT whip anyone.

  17. I believe Hammurabi's rule are a litte creul because if the son hit the dad before it the dad hit him for no good reason then he should have the right to smack him back. On the other hand I see were he is going because he doesnt want to have a bad town he wants everyone being good should have a good life.

  18. I think Hammurabi's code is some what fair, but mostly cruel because most of the pumishment is either death or physical touching.

  19. I belive that some of Hummurabi's laws are cruel because you make a mistake or you do somthing wrong and you get killed. In some ways they are fair it depends on what he or she did.

  20. I think his rules are too cruel cause if a son hits his dad his hands shall be cut off and thats why it's to cruel also.If somebody acedntly commits a crime he shall be put to death.Another reason why is cause if you commit a robbery you shall be put to death,and thats a little harsh.Last if a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times and that would hurt.

  21. I think that the rules were unfair because the punish ment does not fit the crime.

  22. I think his rules are very cruel because is a son hit his father his hands had to be cut off.And if a judge makes an erroe though his own fault when trying a cause he must be carged.

  23. I think it is both because Hammurabi did bring justice but also killed innocent people

  24. I think they were cruel because they killed alot of people.

  25. I think they were cruel because they killed alot of people.

  26. I think Hammurabi's Code is a little cruel. The law that if a son strikes his father, his hands will be cut off, is so mean! That kid now doesn't have the abuility to write, defend himself, and hold anything. People need their hands! The other laws are perfect examples of this too.

  27. i think its cruel because they got Called for violent punishments and often death, for nonviolent crimes.

  28. I think hammurabis laws are too cruel. First all of the punishments are way too harsh.I mean if you slap someone older than you that shouldn't meen you get your hands cut off.I n usa if you slap someone older than you they problably just yell at you.that is why i think it is cruel.

  29. the only one i thougt was fair was #233 the rest was unreasonable

  30. Task 1: I think his code is cruel because you have to jump in the river if some one says you stole something. Also your hand gets cut of if you strike your father. Then if you get caught in robbery you shall be put to death. If you hit some one older then you you shall be whipped 60 times in public. If you build a house for some one and it starts to fall you must use your own labor and money to fix it.

  31. I think it is cruel, because of what they did.
    Law 3: If someone falsey accuses someone else of certain crimes, then he shall be put to death.

    Really, you have to put
    that guy who accused someone wrong has to be put to death, that is so dumb, maybe they should've that the guy explain why he thought he was the guy to blame. And then have the other guy that was accused to explain that he didn't do it.

    That is why I think it is cruel!
    (p.s) I think so of the laws are just plain dumb.

  32. I am in the middle leaning twords crule because the people will not learning anything if thay are not puished hashly but thare not normly around to long after the punishment. so I would have to so fair.

  33. I think Hammurabi's Laws are more cruel then fair. Like the one "If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public." Is way more then cruel. Then the one "If a son strikes his father then his hands should be cut off." Is just as cruel as the first one I said.

  34. I think that the laws under "fair" are fair and the ones under "cruel" are cruel. Law 195 doesnt really sound cruel at first, but then when you think about it, then it makes sense.

  35. I think that most of his laws are cruel and unjust but a couple of them are kind of ok. Like law 233 if a person builds a house and the walls fall he has to fix them with his own money i think thats kind of fair because it was his fault in the first place.But many many of them are cruel like Law 3 if someone falsely accuses someone else they get put to i think there for the most part cruel.

  36. I think that Hammurabi's Code is way too cruel. It is very cruel because he gave very violent punishments. Another reason is that Hammurabi always chose different punishments for each person. Also, whenever somebody was accused of doing something wrong, he wouldn't even allow them to give him an explanation! Hammurabi made a law that said if a son strikes his father, the son's hand shall be cut of! Now...THAT IS CRUEL!!!

  37. I think Hammurabi's code is cruel. First of all i dont think it would be fair if someone accuses someone else for a crime then they get put to death. Someone could say or accuse someone for something that they didnt do and they would get put to death. Also if a boy strikes his dad his hands have to get cut off. I don think that his hands should get cut off maybe something less harmful and hands you need for important things. If someone got caught with robbery they should not put them to death maybe jail or where ever they took people back then.

  38. I dont like any of the laws that have them be put to death, they are such small crimes.I agree with all the fair laws are great,but I wolud never write laws like that or any laws at all for that matter.

  39. I think that some of his laws are cruel and some are kinna fair. One of the ones that I think is cruel is if a son strikes his father he gets his hands cut off. I think that that is cruel because it is something small but cutting off someones hands is harsh because yah i know that smacking someone in the face is not nice but that does not give the other person the right to cut off the other persons hands.One of the fair ones is law 233 on how if a constuctor messes up on a house he has to pay to fix it. some are good rules and some really aren't but thats just how it works.

  40. It think Hammurabi's Code is crule. minnor crimes are punisable by death. higher rank shave more p ower overlower rankked people. If a KID hits his dad hishands get cut off a KID! If someone is wrong about a crime its punisable by death. Someways of solving crimes uses physical technques. Like see who can swim in the rivir the longest.

  41. It think Hammurabi's Code is crule. minnor crimes are punisable by death. higher rank shave more p ower overlower rankked people. If a KID hits his dad hishands get cut off a KID! If someone is wrong about a crime its punisable by death. Someways of solving crimes uses physical technques. Like see who can swim in the rivir the longest.

  42. I think they were very cruel.becuase he was not thinking if he where in that postion in life. Cause say he had falseliy acussed a man of robbing him. Now if you were defindinkg your life and you struck someone in the higer ranking it,s not fair for you to be whipped and there could have been differnt laws such as ten day sentence to jail but being whipped in puplic sixty times is injustice. But now listin im not saying it was right but if you murderd a person I would sayt that being whipped sixty times is fair but in all they where verdy cruel an unfair plus injustice laws.

  43. task 1:I thought that it was more cruel because it doesn't make sense that you would get your hands cut off when you strike your father. I mean it shouldn't even be that cruel. I think it is cruel that you would get whipped 60 times for striking a person higher in rank. Wow that's pretty cool. Those are my reasons.

  44. I think it is Cruel because if you accuse someone for doing something and your wrong i dont think you should be put to death.

  45. I think it is Crual, because you should not be whipped 60 times in public if a man strikes a man of a higher rank.

  46. I thought it was to cruel because the people didnt desrve to die if they robbed a bank.

  47. I think it's cruel because a lot of the punishments do not fit the crimes

  48. i think hamurabis code is very unfair because you wouldnt whip your son 60 times because he hit someone of a higher rank. but it is kinda fair when you build a house you would have to re build it thats my comment.

  49. I think that his laws were cruel. I don't think that he should be so cruel that if a son hit his dad that his hands would be cut off. If we had that law now, boxing, wrestling, and even football would not be sports today, and we would have a lot of boys with no hands. Also, when being caught in the act of robbery. I think that death is a little too harsh. The robber should have time in his life to change and live the right way.

  50. I think its Cruel because I know that when people do bad things they should get punished.but I dont think they need to be put to death or have thier hand cut off! :)

  51. I think some are cruel but some not I think if a kid strikes his father he should only be punished by a spanken not both hands cut off I think some are way to cruel then they should be.

  52. i think its cruel beause i already know that people are sometimes bad and should be punished. they shouldnt be killed though unless they killed or injured someone.

  53. creul because u should not to put to death for what u do every day

  54. I think its cruel because if people do somthing wrong they probably need to be punched or go to jail but i dont think they should get put to death for that.Or have their hand cut off and get whipped 60 times in public.

  55. I think it is cruel because if you slap your dad you will be killed. If you slap someone they get to slap you back. if you throw a rock at someone they can throw it back at you. If you brake something of theres you get to brake something of yours.

  56. I think his laws were to cruel. they wrer to cruel because if a judge made a bad diccision or judgment he must step down from being a judge and pay a fine. Then if someone falsely accuses someone else of a certain crime they will be put to death! I think they are cruel because they are to strict and should be more leeneant. those are all the reasons why i think they are to cruel.

  57. I think his laws were to cruel. they wrer to cruel because if a judge made a bad diccision or judgment he must step down from being a judge and pay a fine. Then if someone falsely accuses someone else of a certain crime they will be put to death! I think they are cruel because they are to strict and should be more leeneant. those are all the reasons why i think they are to cruel.

  58. Task #1: I think that the rules are cruel because its not nessasary to kill someone. Exspecilty for doing things that isnt that bad. Its like for stepping on someones foot there foot gets cut off. Thats way I think the rules are cruel.

  59. I think Hammurabi's code is unfair because you shouldnt be put to death for something so little. It should be that you have to make up for it, pay a fine, or go to jail for a certain amount of years. Hammurabi killed to many of his people for little things. This is why i think Hammurabi's code is unfair.

  60. I think his rules are cruel. They should not be put to death they should be punished in a different way. law 195 if a son strikes his son he should not get his hands off.It would hurt and they wouldnt be able to do anything.And if somebody robed a bank the should not be put to death.

  61. I thick thare are cruel because what if you where telling the truth and that person floated and you had to die for it but where telling the truth

  62. I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel. Because just because a judge gets the case wrong doesn't mean that he still isn't good at his job. If a boy strikes his father the boy shouldn't get his hands cut off it should be more like doing community service. Also if someone strikes a man that someone will be whipped in public 60 times now I think the person should at leas be in jail. Finally if a contrector fails to build walls on a house and it falls down it would not be fair to use the money that he or she had worked hard for to just waste it and build it again only hoping it will stay up.

  63. I think it is cruel because for a punishment it is death for crime. In the usa thay jost go to jail

  64. I think that is fair in one way but then again it is not that fair. If he got really mad at his father. and dident mean to and then got his hand choped off. Why wouldent they just say that if you do it again. you would have to face some consacwences. Then he could get his hand choped off. because that would be more hen one time. That is more fair. and i also think that the things they have for far is far. because they are really fair

  65. I think the laws in Mesopotamia are too cruel.First of all, all of those laws on the CRUEL list, require death.Also, they don't allow the DEFENDERS to speak for themselves.

  66. Hammurabi's code is to cruel. his code is to cruel because if you hit your father toaday nothing super bad happens. Aonther reason the laws are cruel is if you commit a crime toaday you go to jail for 1 year. If you committed a crime in mesopotamia you were killed. One last cruel rule of the code is if someone strikes a man of higher rank,then he shall whipped 60 times in public.

  67. I thinks most of Hammurabi's laws were cruel. There were a few that were fair such as law number five if a judge makes a false by his own fault during a case he must pay a fine and never judge agin. A few other fair ones are law number two hundred thirty three if a house buileder builds your house and the walls come down he has too pay for it with his own money. Law number twenty two if someone robs somewhere and gets caught they will be put to deth. Some cruel examples are law number three if you falsly accuses someone you will be put too death. law three hundred two hundred and two if someone hits someone else higer then them they will be whipped sixty times in public. The last example is law one hundred ninty nine if a boy hits his dad his hands will be cut off.

  68. I thinks most of Hammurabi's laws were cruel. There were a few that were fair such as law number five if a judge makes a false by his own fault during a case he must pay a fine and never judge agin. A few other fair ones are law number two hundred thirty three if a house buileder builds your house and the walls come down he has too pay for it with his own money. Law number twenty two if someone robs somewhere and gets caught they will be put to deth. Some cruel examples are law number three if you falsly accuses someone you will be put too death. law three hundred two hundred and two if someone hits someone else higer then them they will be whipped sixty times in public. The last example is law one hundred ninty nine if a boy hits his dad his hands will be cut off.

  69. I think Hammurabi's code some what fair, but mostly cruel because most of the punishments are physical beating. So there for I think Hammurabi's code is cruel.

  70. I think that Hammuribi's laws are fair because their doing some thing wrong and if some one gets put to death it teackes other people not to do bad things so it would be a nice place with nice people.

  71. I think that the laws Hammurabi made are cruel because if someone steals or lies to someone it is not fair to put them to death. Also because for tiny things like that there should be a smaller punishment.

  72. I think his laws were cruel because he had mostly death penalties for some laws that shouldn't even be laws.

  73. Well, some of the laws are awful cruel and some are very fair. I do agree that some were very violent and unfair, like when you try to claim an item and if you can't prove that it is yours you are put to death. My thought on some of the harsh punishments are that wouldn't that stop crime in comminties? If the people knew of the horrible fates that would await them if the commited crimes would they do them? I do think that te priciple "an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth" is kinda fair though, because if someone did something evil, I think that they desirve it to be done to them. Hammurabi based his laws on that, so I say fair, but please don't think of me as a cruel person.

  74. I think the rules are too cruel because a lot of them involve death. Like when a son strikes his father he should be punished somehow but cutting off a hand?! thats cruel!!! another example is if you steal you are put to death. i agree stealing is REALLY bad but maybe a person could come up with a better punishment so that the person would learn form their wrongdoing but still get to live to right their mistakes!!! the only reason i think the laws are good is that after 1 or 2 peopple die from doing the wrong thing the people would probably start listening to the laws. but i still think the laws are TOTALLY too cruel.

  75. I think they are fair. Really feir if you consider this is hummanitys firts shot at laws.Sure punniment is uasly death,but i bet how ever was at the wrong end of the crime thought they were fair. JUST DONT DO BAD STUFF PEOPLE!!!!! (only one that seems wayyy too cruel is son striking father= no hands)

  76. I think hammurabis laws are horrible i mean come on. You did a nonviolent crime and your getting sent to prison like how a person now a days does for murder.Different punishments wow thats sad. His law code thingy or what ever is cruel I think!!!

  77. I think Hammurabi's code is too cruel. I think it is to cruel because it is like you are getting revenge. If someting accidentiley happens they shouldn't have to suffer it to. If you make one little mistake you shouldn't get fired from your job, it's like if you got a question wrong on an assignment you would get kicked out of school. If you thought someone took something of yours and they didn't would you want to be put to death? That is why I don't think it is fair.

  78. I think it is not far to people in messopotamia becuase you should not get your hands cut off if you strike at your father. I think you should get a spankin or go to time out if you do that.

  79. I think Hammurabi's laws are cruel beacuse if a lilttle boy is just playing aorund with his dad and acadently hits him he shouldnt have his hands cut off. And if you steel something you shouldnt be put to death you should have a different ponishment and learn from his or hers mastake. Also its cruel because if a judge makes one little he should take a couple of days of then go back to work and not be a judge anymore. If someone is caught in a robbery he should be put in jail not put to death

  80. I tink its too cruel because people get their stuff but they don't want it. when you go shoping and the kids want something it's proally not fair they gedt things.

  81. I think thaat i mostly both. But it could be a little more cruel so im going to go with cruel. why, becuase if most times people are put to doeath wont there siciety get smaller and most times is somehing painful or taking away what people want o do in life. If someone told me i could never do what i want in life cuase i did it wrong i would be very disipointed. And plus they dont realy care what somepeople think and i think that isnt fair. And i nebodycares people would want to leave to a different places. And if poeple get theres hands cut off they wont be very much help. Thats what i think.

  82. I think thaat i mostly both. But it could be a little more cruel so im going to go with cruel. why, becuase if most times people are put to doeath wont there siciety get smaller and most times is somehing painful or taking away what people want o do in life. If someone told me i could never do what i want in life cuase i did it wrong i would be very disipointed. And plus they dont realy care what somepeople think and i think that isnt fair. And i nebodycares people would want to leave to a different places. And if poeple get theres hands cut off they wont be very much help. Thats what i think.

  83. cruel because they get killed or get fired.

  84. Hammurabi is somewhat fair and somewhat crual.becaus hes not fair cause he kills so many people. but hes fair if a pour purson house brackes some one else hast to fisk it.

  85. i think its crul becouse he does somthing bad to them.i mean come on puting peaple to death. ya they did somthing wrong. but that doesn't mean that they sould be punished to death. thats my word and im sticking to it.

  86. I think that his laws are unfair. they are unfair because they are sentancesed to deth for things we do every day. like faulsly accusing (lieing). I mean it is pretty bad but it dosen't mean death. so I think that his laws unfair.

  87. I think Hammurabis code is cruel.Because they do not fit the punishment.For example if a son strikes his father the son's hands shall be cut off. and that does not fit the crime.That he kills people if they due a little thing like rob someone as to in our world if you rob someone you go to jail.

  88. i think its fair if a judge makes nen error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine be removed from ever judjing again.i also think its cruel if a son strikes his father hell get his hands cut off.

  89. i think its fair if a judge makes nen error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine be removed from ever judjing again.i also think its cruel if a son strikes his father hell get his hands cut off.

  90. i think its fair if a judge makes nen error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine be removed from ever judjing again.i also think its cruel if a son strikes his father hell get his hands cut off.

  91. i think its fair if a judge makes nen error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine be removed from ever judjing again.i also think its cruel if a son strikes his father hell get his hands cut off.

  92. I think Hammurabi's laws were unfair. They were very unfair and extremely violent. If someone was caught stealing a piece of bubble gum they should NOT be put to death. His laws caused people to live in fear. It probably increased the deathrate in Mesopotamia.

  93. cruel becouse if someone falsely accuses someone else of certain crimes then he shall be put to death.

  94. I think the laws are highly unfair to the people. They often said to kill someone for commiting a small crime. Even if a son would strike his father playfully his own hands would be removed. What if a duaghter stuck at her dad or a son at his mom? These law are unfair and cruel.

  95. I think it was cruel because there was often death and violent punishments for unviolent crimes.

  96. I think that the laws that were set were cruel because people shouldn't have to die for simple crimes such as stealing things they should just spen some time in jail to think about what they did not just automayically die and hands and tounges should not be cut off people need then for certain crimes.

  97. I think that his laws were cruel becasue if you accuse someone then you will be put to death but what if you actually did think they did it so you accused them? and if a boy strikes his father I think that he should just get yelled at not have his hands cut off.

  98. I think that his laws were cruel becasue if you accuse someone then you will be put to death but what if you actually did think they did it so you accused them? and if a boy strikes his father I think that he should just get yelled at not have his hands cut off.

  99. I think its cruel because if son ftrikes his father the sons hands are to be cut off that is just unfair i would never wantmy hand to be cutt off scary. And if someone strikes a man of higher rank then he shall be wipped 60 times that is just cruel. You could give him a punisment but be wipped thats not fair.

  100. I think that Hammurabi's laws were to cruel. Why would you hve to get your hand cut off for hitting someone who can take it? And in our world if you got caught in robbery you have to be put in jail. In Hammurabi's laws you would be put to death. And you don't get whipped in public today but you did for striking someone of a higher rank in Hammurabi's laws.

  101. cruel: If someone falsly accuses someone else of certain crimes, then shal be put to death.

  102. I think crule would win. They just go alittle to far with the hand cutting off thing. The other things are not as bad but still bad. law 202 shouldnt be a law just if you hit someone higher in rank doesnt mean you should be wipped that many times in public. Law 3 is not as bad as law 202 ND 195. i think that is an ok law. laww 22 shouldnt be one either. i mean serioulsy just put them in jail for along time.

  103. I think Hammurabi's laws are to cruel. I think they are to cruel because nobody should be put to death for doing something that wasn't so bad! Also it is cruel because let's say somebody robbed something they shouldn't be put to death they should go to jail for alot of years. Third if someone strikes a man higher rank, he/she shouldn't be whipped in public, they should just get a fine. That is what I believe.

  104. I think it to cruel because if a kid hits his dad cut his hand off. If a guy is falsely accused he shall be put to death. That is just not right. If someone hits someone higher in rank he shall be whipped 60 times in public.

  105. I think that it is cruel because just say for example if i hit you i dont think my hands should be choped off. I think mabey instead that a getting a talking to would be more fair. Also it is cruel that if someone robbed someone they should go to jail. Cause if i was in mesopotamia and i robbed someone i would rather go to jail. I think getting killed for robery is to harsh.

  106. cruel because it is to strict and causes more deaths and the popullation gos down also I dont like people dieing. thats why I think its cruel. one last thing the laws hammbri made are breaking the laws today. the laws in some places are wierd to but it just messedl up and it is dumd for a kid to get thrown into a fire because thier doing a good deed.

  107. i think it was cruel because it seems that if u do some thing wrong you get punished or death. I think thatbhe should make the laws less cruel for people woudnt get scared if they did something wrong or not.

  108. I say that Hammurabis laws were too cruel because for any wrong doing you either end up getting exicuted or you lose your job or your money.

  109. I think that it was cruel because if a son strikes his father, the sons hands will be cut off. I also think that it is cruel because if someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be wipped 60 times in public.... i think that, that is really cruel because if you did that now a days you would just get yelled at or in big trouble. I also think that it is cruel because if someone is caught in the act of robbery, then he shall be put to death!

  110. I think Hammurabi's code is cruel because I think his laws were way too weird. For example, if someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 timesd in public.

  111. I belive that the Hammurabi code is creul. Ithink it is cruel because they are just to out ragous. They are also out ragous because there so many of them that there have to be more outragous ones than normal ones. Another reason the codeis out ragous is mecause there are so many laws that the population will go down. The last reason that the code is outragous is that the police aernt going to be able to keep up with all the crime.

  112. I think that the laws are cruel. They are cruel because if you accuse someone you get put to death. I think that nothing should happen if you accuse someone because what if you actually thought it was them? you would get put to death and that would not be good. I think that its cruel because if a boy strikes his father his hands will be cut off. I think that the boy who did that should just get yelled at by his dad. I think it is cruel because if a man strikes another man then he will get whipped 60 times in public. I think he should just get a fine or go to jail for a little bit but not get whipped.

  113. I think its not fair if a son hits there father that there hands get cut off. What if there dad was abusive and its only way to protect themselves. They could be just playing. I dont know why there father gets to hit them. Dome dads hit there sons becuase they like to.I cant imagine having that ruke now.

  114. I think that the laws were cruel because if a son strikes his father then his hand shall be cut off. 2. If someone falsley accuses someone else of certian crimes, then he shall die. 3. If someone is caught robbing, he shall be put to death. 4. If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public.

  115. I think it's cruel because it is not reasonable for people to get their hand cut off if the strike their father. I also think it's unreasonable because if we hit or punch a person we get whipped 60 times in public whips are for pigs. I also think it's unfair to the people in Mesopotamia beacaus if I were to strije my dad across the face yay I would get in trouble but i wouldn't get my hands cut off.

  116. i think hammurabi's code is cruel because some of the punishments are way to cruel. like if a son stikes his father, his hands has to be cut off. they shouldint cut off his hands. they should just explain to him not to hit his father. or they could let the father hit him back, and it would be fair.

  117. I think thare crule because sombody shouldent die because he falsty acused sombody.


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