
Friday, October 31, 2014

Mesopotamia Events: A World Without them......

Mesopotamia was the first civilization of the world. Because of this, they had the opportunity to invent or start many important things, things that we use all the time in our world. Many of the inventions or discoveries are things we use everyday and don't even realize that those things came from Mesopotamia. For this blog assignment, I want you to think about a world without Mesopotamia inventions. To help you get started, I will give you some of the main inventions from Mesopotamia that are most commonly used in our world. Think about a world without these things. What would it be like? 
Student Task: Thoroughly describe the world without these 6 items. How would things be different? What would be different? How would we make up for not having these things?

Blackout: November 7th. 

WSG Badge post


  1. Law: The world would be in chaos with stealing and killing.
    Writing: We wouldn't have proper history or be able to communicate secretly and over long distances.
    Wheel: Crops would rot before use and things would not be transported fast or safely.
    Money: I think the world would be a better place without money and be back to good old trading.
    Books: Information would be harder to store.
    Bricks: Many strong and important buildings are made out of bricks.

  2. I think it would be crazy without law. It would be bad there would be a lot of killing. Without writing we wouldn't be able to communicate and wouldn't be able to record anything.
    Without the wheel it would be bad because you couldn't travel and you would have to stay in one spot. Without money it wouldn't be as bad as some of the others. But it wouldn't be good. But you could trade. Without books you wouldn't know what happened in the past. Also you couldn't record anything. And lastly bricks without bricks you would have no shelter. Without shelter it would be bad because when you had storms. Where would you go?

  3. Laws- Without laws there would be violence and crimes. And there would be no punishment.

    Wrighting- Without wrighting there would be no knowledge and school wouldn't be existing.

    Wheel- without the wheel we wouldn't get to places as faster for example it would take 15 min. with a wheel to get to the mall but without the wheel it could take days.

    Money- without money people would have to trade to get stuff.

    Books- without books there would be no way of keeping thinks safe or written down. For example if you had a contract and you shook hands that means nothing cause they could lie and say I didn't shake hands. But if you had a contract with their signature they couldn't disagree with that.

    Bricks- Without bricks people could have become extinct because where would they get shelter from. And they need to have somewhere to keep their belongings. So all are stuff could get destroyed if we didn't have bricks.

  4. 4AbbyFinch SandsquallNovember 3, 2014 at 8:53 PM

    If we didnt have laws peoople would all be crazy and doing anything they wanted. That would be bad because then people would be killed or injured. WIthout writing I would not be able to type right now. WE would not be able to have the school we have now and the homework we have now. It would be terrible because we couldnt write letters or anything like that... Without the wheel life would be crazy and slow because we wouldnt have cars and airplanes. We would have to either walk or ride a horse to wherever we need to go. If we did not have money we wouldnt be able to buy things. We would have to trade. I mean, trading isnt that bad but money, I think, is easier because you can buuy things. Books are very important so we can document things and learn from them in school or our everyday jobs. Bricks are quite important because they are used for buiding houses. Houses give us protection, storage, and a place of comfort.

  5. if we had no laws, writing, wheel ,money ,books ,and no bricks how would the world today be like

  6. I think that the world would be different by a lot, if we didn't have laws. We would all be crazy. Nobody would have a sense of direction. We would be out of control. we could inforce some territories, but they wouldn't be as effective. The world would be different without writing because that's what we read! It's all over the place and that's sort of what we depend on. Some people may think that writings not important, but what would you learn from? Think about it. We could replace them with a different type of symbol writing, but that would be harder to understand. The world without a wheel would be a crazy place to be. We would have to walk everywhere. If we wanted to get to the store across the street, you would have to walk. Your life would be very tiring without the wheel. We could replace it with, well, nothing really... so if we didn't have wheels, we would be out of luck. The world would be different without money because we would have trouble buying things.We would ave to trade some things, and that would be very hard. We could easily go to the store and buy something now, right? Money makes it easier to survive. we could try to trade, or even use coco beans or something, but again it wouldn't be as effective. Books are important in our life because they educate us. They help us learn, grow, and to get us through life. Without books we would all be crazy! we all use instructions right? where would you be without them? you would be lost, and so would our world. We don't really have anything that could replace books except for just plain writing. Bricks are important because we can build houses with them. they provide protection that other materials never gave us. without bricks we would be forced into living in non-durable homes . We need homes to survive right? Also, we need to protect other things like food and clothes. without bricks, we wouldn't be able to have a great and organized civilization. We would probably have to use mud or something to replace it, but it wouldn't give us the protection needed.

  7. Adrian schoby 6warhammerNovember 5, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    law there would be little kid driving cars. Writing there would be now other way to reach people in Texas if you did not have a phone. Wheel because you would have no way of getting around with out a horse. Money I do not like personally but you would have to trade witch is good. Book would not have any way of knowing about Mesopotamia. Brick equals now shelter.

  8. Adrian schoby 6warhammerNovember 5, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    it shows money by trying to get something or like buying it. it shows wheel by being hard to move with out them. Irrigation by how it is hard to live with out water and plants. I love seeing 46 a pluses!

  9. without laws most of the population would have either went crazy stealing stuff or be dead. we couldnt have books or pass info without direct talking. how are we going to get around in cars without wheels. i dont want to be trading my stuff for food i would rather use money. without books we wouldnt be able to learn how to read and we wouldnt have any thing to read . I LOVE TO READ.without bricks we would have to cut down trees.

  10. without laws people just go and kill people or steal things. Thith out writing it would take longer to right or read a book and we would have no way to keep track of history. without the wheel it would take ploner to get to places. Without money it might be harder to get things. Without books we would have nothing to read about what happened in the past. Without bricks we would not have a very strong place to live in and it would probably be really cold in a mud house.

  11. Brooklyn 3 CoiningtonNovember 6, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    There would be a lot less obeying and everybody wold break rules without laws.
    Writing would be had without because we couldn't now anything about anything that happened in the past 1,000,000 years.
    The wheel is important because you cant travel places fast enough.
    Money is important because you only an trade and if you have nothing to trade then you couldn't get anything.
    Bricks are important because you don't have any protections from any predators.
    Books are important because you can learn anything without it.

  12. Without laws life wouldn't be safe because people could do anything to you or your surroundings.It would be different because you wouldnt no how to he safe.Writing is important so we can learn new things and communicate by sending letters.It would be way different because if there was no writing we couldnt read what we are typing or thinking. Wheel- Without the wheel life wouldnt be complete half the time we are driving somewhere it makes life way easier. It would be different because we would have to walk everywhere we go. Money- without money life wouldnt be able to live because we have to buy are things. Books- Books are important for education. without books we wouldnt be able to write or know how to read.Bricks- we usually use bricks for our house. Without bricks we would be cold and wouldnt have houses

  13. Without laws life wouldn't be safe because people could do anything to you or your surroundings.It would be different because you wouldnt no how to he safe.Writing is important so we can learn new things and communicate by sending letters.It would be way different because if there was no writing we couldnt read what we are typing or thinking. Wheel- Without the wheel life wouldnt be complete half the time we are driving somewhere it makes life way easier. It would be different because we would have to walk everywhere we go. Money- without money life wouldnt be able to live because we have to buy are things. Books- Books are important for education. without books we wouldnt be able to write or know how to read.Bricks- we usually use bricks for our house. Without bricks we would be cold and wouldnt have houses

  14. Without money we would not be able to buy anything. Without laws people would do whatever they wanted. Without writing we wouldn't be able to write books or the laws. Without the wheel we would have to walk everywhere and there would not be transportation. Without books we wouldn't have the books to learn things for school. Without bricks we wouldn't have any shelter

  15. Without laws there would be a lot more deaths and crimes, and eventually the human race would die out.
    Without the wheel there would be less travel and we might still be considered nomads because we'd have somewhere to go and get there in 15 times the time.
    Without writing it would be very hard to communicate and record stuff and eventually the human race will kill itself over forgotten debts.
    Without money we would try to trade stuff instead and we'd come to more disagreements and lose the human race.
    Without books we wouldn't have as small of libraries because every one book would be a pile of clay tablets
    Without bricks we wouldn't have had good houses, just tents and caves and wood, but we wouldn't be able to withstand weather.


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