
Friday, October 31, 2014

Hammurabi's Code: Fair or Cruel?

We have discussed Hammurabi's Code in class. We talked about the need for laws, what it would be like in our world without laws and the type of laws Hammurabi came up with. While listening to some of the laws, you probably thought one of two things: 1. it's fair or 2. its cruel. Well, for today's blog post, you will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on whether you think Hammurabi's Code was fair or too cruel. A link is attached that will give you a brief overview of Hammurabi's Code and give you some examples of a few laws. The link will also give you reasons for both sides of the argument. Hammurabi brought order and stability to the lawless people of Mesopotamia, but was it too cruel? Let the debate begin...

Student Task: After reading through the link, post a comment on whether you think Hammurabi's Code is fair or too cruel. Make sure you explain why you believe the way you do. Do NOT simply say, "I think Hammurabi's Code is too cruel because it's not fair." You need to share specific reasons that support your beliefs.


  1. I think some of his laws are overly cruel, because the one about the son is make the rest of their life harder. Also the law about the act of robbery is overly cruel even though it stops thieves from becoming more in number death is a bit of a over punishment (jail would be a better choice).

  2. Some are really cruel like cut off sons hands, why wouldn't you just put them in prison.

  3. I think that the Code Of Hammurabi is cruel, because they should get a chance to explain if they were getting accused. Like law 195, the son should get to explain why he stroked his father before he gets his hand chopped off.

  4. I think that his laws are too cruel. Manly because if I where to hit my dad my hand would be cut off.

  5. I cant believe there were 282 laws in the code of Hammurabi some of the laws that Mesopotamia has we have in the U.S

  6. I think that Hammurabi's code is fair and cruel. But if I had to chooses one, I would say that they were,overall, pretty fair. I would say that because they made actual sense. If they didn't make sense, then they would more than likely be cruel. It's not as if the code showed violence in every law. When they did, they would make sense. At least a little bit. :}

  7. 6Warhammer Adrian schobyNovember 5, 2014 at 12:47 PM

    I think the code of hammeurabi is cruel because just because you make a mast ale doesn't mean you shall be fired from your job.

  8. 3HamHam Carson JohnkeNovember 5, 2014 at 7:14 PM

    I think Hammurabi s code is fair and cruel because it did create a much more complex society and it made people not to do bad stuff like stealing.But its cruel because just because you hit your father dosnt mean you should get your hands cut off.Also if you hit an elder you shouldn't be whipped in front of public.

  9. too cruel because they get suverly punished for the littlest things. plus there are more cruel laws than fair

  10. I think Hammarib's code is cruel because cutting a kids hands off for hitting his dad! REALLY! I also think it is cruel because if you rob something you should be punished but not killed!

  11. Calista 6Heatlock ThompsonNovember 5, 2014 at 8:34 PM

    I honestly think that out of the laws given, most of them were fair. Others, went a little too far. Laws: 195,202, and 5 were the ones that I thought were a little too harsh. Of course a child should be punished for shrinking his/her parent, but not as harsh as cutting their hands off. The rest of the laws I thought were pretty fair though.

  12. Brooklyn 3 CoiningtonNovember 6, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    The code of Hammurabi was cruel more than good because instead of making a jail they kill everybody for doing a bad disetion once.

  13. I think some of them are cruel like the being able to beat your wife, but other are just strange like not being able to throw a bad pickle into the streets.


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