
Monday, November 4, 2013

Conquering Ancient Egypt Together

Egypt is a place of many different topics. It is a place where intrigue and mystique reach an all-time high, especially compared to our two previous units: Stone Age and Mesopotamia. True, those places were important for the development of mankind, but Ancient Egypt fascinates people to this day. It is a place where the seemingly impossible occurred. Its where the pyramids were built, where mummification was performed, where the Nile was used. It is a place that we need to conquer, and to do that, we are going to work together. Your task for this blog post is to help your social studies class "piece" together ancient Egypt. To try to conquer ancient Egypt by yourself would be too daunting, but together, we can achieve our goal. At the conclusion of this activity, we will have produced a great document of ancient Egypt knowledge. You will be able to read other comments to learn more about the other topics.
You will be given a number in class. Use that number to figure out what topic you are responsible for with the "assignments link."

Research: In your notebook, research your topic. Use the websites we have gathered to help you find the information you need. Write down information in your notes, then post concise  well-written comment on the blog.
Resources: Use the two websites in the "Egypt Unit Resources" to help you learn about your topic.
Details: Your comment needs to be 1 paragraph (5 sentences). Your comment needs to start out with this: "My topic is ..............." Then you proceed by telling us stuff about it.


  1. Gods and Goddesses would help out the world and would protect simple things like animals and important things like humans. The gods would either bring the flood every year or do something great for the people of Egypt. They also would protect anything the people asked to help protect. The people thought it was right to worship these gods because they helped them with many things and helped protect them with everything. That is why the people worshiped the gods and asked for help, and in return the gods would help them people of Egypt.

  2. The three kingdoms of Ancient Egypt were The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom. The Old Kingdom was when the Pharaohs had lots of power they were known as the Gods on Earth. The Middle Kingdom was the golden age it had trading, arts and literature flourished. The New Kingdom was when they expanded and became a world power. They were the three kingdoms of ancient Egypt.

  3. My topic is Kush and Nubia
    Kush also called Nubia - the land of gold was located on the Nile River to the south of ancient Egypt.

    Each village worked together as a unit for the village. There was a division of labor. For the common people in ancient Kush, daily life was village life.

    they worshiped the same gods as did the ancient Egyptians, with a few extra throw in like the three-headed Lion God. They mummified their dead.

    Although they were two different kingdoms, Egypt and Kush were linked by the Nile River, by a shared past, and by the economics of the day.

    Trade was very important to Kush. They established flourishing ports on the Red Sea. They tried to work out trade agreements with Egypt that would allow them free access to the Mediterranean via the Nile River.

  4. Mummification was very important. They would take the brain out of the nose with a special stick. They would make a hole on the left side of their waist. The they would take all the major organs. But before all of that they would announce their death.
    All the organs would be put in canopic jars.

  5. my topic is the three kingdoms. The three kingdoms were the old kingdom middle kingdom and the new kingdom. They each represented Egypt's power of that time. In each time the pharaohs were buried in different places. They were buried in 1 pyramids 2 hidden tombs and 3 the valley of the kings where they were all buried together.

  6. my topic is the three kingdoms. The three kingdoms were the old kingdom middle kingdom and the new kingdom. They each represented Egypt's power of that time. In each time the pharaohs were buried in different places. They were buried in 1 pyramids 2 hidden tombs and 3 the valley of the kings where they were all buried together.

  7. Over 5,000 years ago Egyptians wrote downs certain things down using a picture writing as communication called hieroglyphics. People who actually did the writing were called scribes. Egyptians wrote absolutely everything down. Hieroglyphics were very pretty, although to make them, it took time to write in pictures.The new scribes did not study the old language, they could write much more rapidly with some of the new scripts they created

  8. The Ancient Egyptians we'rent in love with death, but life. They were very hard workers and saved time for their family. If they couldn't have a child they would have to adopt one. Children were taught to be kind and honest, to respect their family, to help with the family business. They also believed in "Ma'at"- order and justice

  9. Emily Mangmoradeth pd3November 4, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    Pharaohs are the ruler in the upper and lower Egypt.He owned all the land and made laws and collected taxes. They also went to war and their houses were threatened by people. Pharaohs won the battle. Pharaoh's are the most powerful people.

  10. my topic is the Nile River
    the Nile river is located in Africa, the river flows through nine countries.the Nile has 2 city's near the banks of the Nile luxor and cairo.The lengnth of the river is 4132 miles long and also grows payrus near the banks of the nile.Around 40 million of the poulation live near the delta 1787 the famous rosetta stone was found in the river/delta.

  11. My Topic is Pharaohs. A Pharaoh is the most powerful person in Ancient Egypt. The pharaoh is the religious leader and the politic leader.The Pharaohs hold the tittles 'Lord of the two lands'and'high priest of every temple'. The pharaoh was the leader of the upper Egypt and lower Egypt.The pharaoh owned all of the land,made laws,collected taxes,and defended Egypt against foreigners.

  12. Daily life in Egypt
    If you where a kid you had to tote how to be nice. If you had a kid you were fine. But if you did not have a kid you had to adope a kid .Also you had to hunt and fish. You also enjoy sailing ,and music.

  13. the kingdom of kush also called nubia -the land of gold. the kingdom of kush/nubia: 3800 BCE to 1400 CE. the nile river was home to Egypt and kush. kush and nubia industries were farming, mining, trading, defense (army). there crops were sweet patios, beans, rice, onions and more.

  14. my topic is the pyramids. there are about 80 pyramids, only 3 of them are well preserved. they are in Giza. the best know is the "Great Pyramid". above the king chambers there where five rought chambers.

  15. The Egyptians were very smart people. They came up with a way to tell time by looking at the sun at day and measuring water in a bowl at night. They had to build massive pyramids for Pharohs. Underground, they had to build many passages too. They hadto do mummificationThis wasa hard proscess.

  16. My topic is pyramids. The Ancient Egyptians bult pyramids as tombs for pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were bured in pyramids of many diffrent shapes and sizes through out time. There are about eighty pyramids today from Egypt. The most well known of these pyramids was bult for the pharaoh Khufu.

  17. over 5000 years ago the Ancient Egyptians wrote things down using picture writing called hieroglyphics the people who did the actual writing were called scribes. Hundreds of years later archaeologist discovered beautiful hieroglyphics writing on the walls of Ancient Egyptians pyramids and tombs they knew hieroglyphics had meanings. today the rossetta store is on display for everyone to see currently it makes its home in the famous British Museum in London

    In ancient Egypt children were the heart of the family. If a couple could not have a child they adopted a child.Children were taught to be kind and honest to respect their parents to help with the family business and to care for the elder members of their family. They spent a lifetime trying to be fair and just at all times.


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