
Friday, September 27, 2013

Stone Age Test 2013: The Essay

Stone Age Test 2013 Essay:
Summarize the story “I Discover Fire.” 

For your essay, you need to summarize the story "I Discover Fire." Your summary should be between 5-6 sentences. Be sure to cover the main idea by discussing what Johnny's task is, how he figures out how to accomplish it and why it is helpful for the tribe. 


  1. Johnny has to help the tribe discover fire. Which will give them power. Johnny helps the tribe find a way to help the torches so they won't go out easily in damp weather. He shows them that the wood covered in pine resin will not go out easily. Then they use the torches covered in pine resin to hunt the elk. That was his main goal , help discover fire and get the gold coin.

  2. Johnny is with 5 Neanderthals and he needs to accomplish a task there. Their 1st hunt failed and Bunga and Dunga got killed by the Irish Elk. They went back to camp and Johnny figured out that pine resin burns. He showed Unga and Munga that it burned by holding it into the rain. Their 2nd try was successful because the fire didn't go out in the damp air. Then Johnny got his first gold coin.

  3. Johny was sen bak to the Stone Age to improve fire. They where hunting the Irish elk but their torches went out. Two people died. Then they fix a wound and throw the stick it cought a blaze and jonny show them it could stay light during the rain. They tried again at the Irish elk and they killed it. Jonny got his first golden coin.

  4. In this chapter Johnny is put into the Stone Age time period and has to help the Neanderthals discover fire and improve it. He meets a pack of Neanderthals that take him back to their camp and they go out to hunt. When they hunt they use torches to chase the Irish Elk off the cliff but that hunting trip didn't go good because the torches can't get wet. When they return to camp a Neanderthal treating a wound with pine resin which Johnny finds out with make the fire stay light. Then he shows the other Neadnerthals the torch with resin on it and they go out and have a successful hunting trip. When Johnny returns he finds a gold coin wait for him and that means off to a new Anicent World.

  5. Johnny's task in the story is to help the Neanderthals hunt the Irish elk. They decide to hunt it off the cliff but while they were hunting there torches went out so they did not scare the Irish elk. So while they were in the cave Johnny was finding a way to keep the torches from not burning out. And he did he used resin and it worked he was trying to show the Neanderthals and since he can't talk to them he had to show them and they were glad. He finally figured out how to accomplish the task. So they went out and hunted the beast and killed them. Yea! The torches with resine were helpful for the tribe because other wise they would not be able to hunt. So that is a short story of I Discover Fire and how Johnny completed his task of helping the Neanderthals.

  6. Johnny is starting his new quest and when he travels back to the Stone Age he has a feeling that he needs to help the tribe discover fire. When Johnny get there he has a hard time communicating with the tribe. When they go to hunt the Irish elk the torches that are used to scare the elk suddenly go out. Two members of the tribe got killed but Johnny new he had to finish his task. He saw one of the tribe members throw pine resin into the fire and it did not go out. Johnny picked up the stick and waved it around widely to show the tribe. The tribe found out and they were able to get their meal. Johnny new his task was completed he new that they were very happy for what Johnny had done, and what did you know there was the coin Johnny was looking for!

  7. Johnny's task was to discover fire. He went hunting with the group and there torches went out because of the damp air. They went back to camp and fixed there cuts. The raisin they used lit up very quickly so they took torches and lit them with that, they did not go out. They finally got an elk of the cliff and it died. Johnny got his gold coin and he went to his next destination.b

  8. The chapter I discover fire summery, goes like this..............

    Johnny hit the ground and got scabs and bruises. He found a Neanderthal village and they excepted him as friend. They went to the forest with torches and tried chasing an elk off the cliff. There torches went out because of the damp air and the elk went charging and killed two neanderthals. Him and one person left and they went back
    to camp the take care of there wounds. Then he discovers that pine resin burns and show everybody. They went back in the forest with more people and chase the elk off the cliff. He gets half of the elk. As he turns around he saw something shiny and found his first coin. Then he said to himself now I can leave.

  9. Johnny was out hunting and the elk turned around and hit some of the tribe members. And one guy got hit and had a cut and the girl was putting pine resin do on one of his cuts.then Johnny try's some of that stuff in the torch and he started waving the stick in the air to show the tribe. And on their second hunt they used the pine resin and they were successful.

  10. Johnny has to go to the Stone Age. He will have to discover fire. He's there and he meets this tribe. They were going to kill an Irish Elk. Then a lightning bolt struck a tree. They all saw the fire. Now they could hunt it. After that he found a golden coin and picked it up.

  11. In the story"I Discover Fire" Johnny must help the tribe of Neanderthals discover a better way to keep fire lasting. He must help the Neanderthals discover a better way to keep fire lasting so he can find his gold coin and go to the next task I a different ancient world. So when Johnny lands in the Stone Age he finds the tribe of Neanderthals and helps them chase the Irish elk of the cliff but when they get their their torches go out. So the Irish elk chases them back to camp and kills two of the tribe member and one of them gets hurt. So the lady of the tribe put something from a pine tree on the person who got hurt then throws it in the fire. So it burnt very long then Johnny takes it out and starts to wiggle it and and then it rains and it doesn't go out an the tribe members know what h means. So the make it then go chase the Irish elk of the cliff and eat his so after they kill the Irish elk Jhonny find the gold coin and succeeds.

  12. 1.So Johnny is in the portal.
    2.He was talking about how the last time he went there to people.
    3.Johnny said he would be more serious then last time because he wasn't serious last time he went there.
    4.He was looking around him and describing what he sees. He sees green grass and he also said it was dark.
    5.He ends up talking to a Neanderthal and teaching the Neanderthal stuff that hit doesn't know. He also discovers Cave Art
    6. Then after he's done he goes home.

  13. So he finds a tribe. Then he try's to hunt elk. Then he makes a fire. Then the fire went he told them to putt pine resin in it and the fire won't go out. They didn't believe him so he showed them. Then the tribe fuigerd out how to keep a fire going with it going out. So now they can hunt at night without the fire going out.

  14. Johnny was in sixth grade when he could travel back in time. When he was at the spring fling with Lydia he saw a portal in the air, he decided that he would go to the spring fling. That was a big mistake he made, because that was the last time he saw a portal. Through middle school and high school he could not time travel anymore. When he was at the zoo with his mother he saw 4 tigers, his mother saw only three. When Bhudda came and told him that he will go to all the Ancient Worlds one last time. To save the tiger he had killed before. Johnny agreed and went to Stone Age. His accomplish in the Stone Age to discover fire and show the Neanderthals how to use it. When he killed an Irish Elk he found a golden coin. He motioned to the Neaderthals that he has to leave, then he left to his next Ancient World.

  15. In " I Discover Fire", Johnny was out hunting with the Neanderthals when their torches went out from the damp air. Johnny and the Neanderthals were chasing the Irish Elk off of the " a " cliff. When Johnny was around the fire with the Neanderthals, it was raining out and Johnny was having a hard time trying to communicate with the Neanderthals. Johnny had a fire going and the Neanderthals didn't understand how the fire was still " alive" or still going when it was raining. Johnny was showing them that the pine resin was keeping the fire going. He showed the Neanderthals, by having a little bit of the pine resin on fire trying to get them to understand that that's how the fire was still going.

  16. Johnny needs to help discover fire for the Neanderthals.He needs to help them to chase a Irish elk of a cliff. But he can't because the torch goes out .So they go back to camp and they patch there wounds with pine resine so munga throws the pine resine in the fire and it ignites with flame so Johnny picks it up and it won't go out! The pine resine keeps it a flame so they go on a hunt and kill the Irish elk by chasing it off the cliff. That's is we're Johnny finds his gold coin in the elk.

  17. Jonny landed in the Stone Age then he found a group of Neanderthals. Then he decided that he would join there group. Next he helped them hunt but it failed and two of the cavemen died and another got a big gash in his side so they held it with a branch with pine reson on it. Then he discovered that reson burns good and that is how he helped them kill a Irish Elk.

  18. Johnny arrives stone as he is getting up he realizes he has to help the Neanderthals discover fire he goes around looking for them.Reminding himself to complete this task to get his gold coin and a step closer to saving the tiger he finds the Neanderthals and they go hunting for Elk. As they are running towards the Elk with their torches ( the air is damp)the fire goes out and the Elk start chasing them.... 2 members of the tribe die as Munga is healing Ungas wound with resin from a tree as she throws it into the fire Johnny realizes this is how he will help them discover fire. Johnny tries to communicate with them but it does work so as is starts to rain he lit a torch (with resin on it) and stood in the rain that was when they figured it out. They returned to the forest and set off running cause they found the elk because the fire did not go out they chased the elk off the cliff and celebrated. While walking home Johnny found his gold coin and returned home.

  19. Jonny went to the Stone Age. He meets Neanderthals. The Neanderthals and jonny go hunting for Irish Elk. They can't find any Irish elk so they go hunting for bison. Then jonny try's to show the neandertals how to make fire. Jonny shows the neandertals that pine resien makes the fire bigger.

  20. Johnny's task is to discover fire. So he goes on a hunt with the tribe but he realizes that the fire goes out in damp weather so they run away from the Irish Elk. One of the Neanderthals was hurt so another Neanderthal helped the first one out by using resin then when their done they throw the stick of resin in the fire and it catches on fire right away. Johnny now realizes that resin catches on fire quickly and stays on fire for a long time. Johnny shows the Neanderthals the stick covered in resin. They didn't get it at first but then they slowly caught on. Now they know that when they put resin on a stick it stays on fire longer and in damp weather.

  21. Johnny finds himself in a forest and looks for the Neanderthals he's supposed to help. He finds a tribe with 5 Neanderthals. They were about to go on a hunt. He went and met them. The leader of their tribe was named Unga. They walked around and looked for fire for their torches and a tree got struck by lightning. They took the coals and looked around for an Irish Elk. They found one and suddenly started chasing it until they got it to the edge of a cliff. Then their torches went out and the elk trampled 2 of the tribe members. The rest of the tribe went back to the camp. The girl, Munga sealed Unga's wound with pine resin and some of it fell in the fire and ignited. Then Johnny got an idea and put pine resin Ina torch and lit it. After many attempts, he shows the Neanderthal and they hunted an elk. In the dead elk, Johnny found the coin he was supposed to find.

  22. I discover fire is a great book and I am going to tell you what it is about. Johnny goes in the portly then falls on to a bush of shrubs he gets some scrapes but he is ok. Then some Neanderthals nod and grunt excepeting him into there group. Then as they walk as quiet as a mouse except Johnny they see an Irish elk, so the start there torches and chase after the elk but then there torches run out and they all run back but Dunga got lifted up with horns then swung across the land as they run away without some members of the tribe. Johnny goes to a place and realizes pine resin helps fire. So he waves it in the rain and shows them and they get the elk.

  23. So pretty much he finds out what is obj. Is to discover fire. He helps the cavemen by hunting Irish Elk. But they were not successful. He saw that pin resin was very flammable and stayed on fire it the rain. They went on another hunt for Irish elk and were successful with there new source of fire.

  24. Joney finds out a way to keep the fire lit.

  25. Joney finds out a way to keep the fire lit.

  26. 1. Johnny is brought into the Stone Age, and finds his tribe.
    2. The tribe went on a hunt for some Irish Elk, and their torches went out, two Neanderthals died.
    3. Johnny showed the Neanderthals that the torches wouldn't go out if you put pine resin on them.
    4. The tribe went on a hunt again, this time with the pine resin torches.
    5. The hunt was successful, and Johnny got his golden coin and moved to the next ancient world.

  27. In I discover fire Johnny's goal is to survive and to complete all of the tasks. He hasty get 8 gold coins in order for him to complete this journey. While he is in the Stone Age Johnny discovers at night while the fire is lit that the pine cone resin will keep the fire lit . He picks up the stick out of the fire and gets up and waves it back and forth outside while Its ringing. This means that when they are killing the Irish Elk by the waterfall it will now stay lit with the misting water. So he has now discovered fire and it changes life forever.

  28. so a short summary of I discover fire.

    Johny is place in the Stone Age , his mission is to keep fire going to help the Neanderthals. Johny and the Tibet are going to go hunt the great Irish elk. but there torches keep ging out and they need them to hunt the Irish elk. When they get back to the tribe Johny notices that pine risin keeps fire going even in the rain. So this hut they put pine risin on all of the torches and they became successesful.

    The end.

  29. Johnny has to save a tiger. If he does not save the tiger he will be stuck in what ever time he is in. The first time he is going to is the Stone Age . The Stone Age is we're the Neanderthals and the cro-magnans lived. The animals that were their were the saber tooth tiger, manatha, Irish Elk, and the sloth. Jhonny is able to get out of the Stone Age.

  30. Johnny starts his very first task in the Stone Age. Once he knows where his is, he knows he has to discover fire and improve it. After Johnny walks a few feet, he find Neanderthals. The Neanderthals let Johnny in the group and the big hunt. Once they find the Irish elk, they start running to the elk with fire. After they chase the elk for a while, they get it to a cliff but the torches go out. The Neanderthals and Johnny start running and two Neanderthals die. Once they back to camp the lady gets some pine resin to heal a wound. After she done with the resin she throws it in the fire and it lights! Johnny saw it and tried to explained it but they didn't understand,so he went out in the rain and the Neanderthal saw and try another hunt and it was a success since It stayed lit in the damp air.

  31. Johnny has to save a tiger. If he does not save the tiger he will be stuck in what ever time he is in. The first time he is going to is the Stone Age . The Stone Age is we're the Neanderthals and the cro-magnans lived. The animals that were their were the saber tooth tiger, manatha, Irish Elk, and the sloth. Jhonny is able to get out of the Stone Age.

  32. Johnny's first stop is the Stone Age. He finds a group of Neanderthals and knows that they are the ones he needs to help. The go hunting, but they do not succeed because their torches go out in the damp air. Johnny then realizes what his task is. He needs to improve fire for them. When Munga throws a torch with pine resin in the fire, that is when he sees it. The resin is still on fire. He takes it out in the rain to show them, and soon they understand. They have a successful hunt. Johnny finds his golden in the bushes.

  33. In the chapter I discover fire, jhoney has to find fire and improve it. He finds fire from a tree split down the middle. From a lightning strike. He tri to pick I up but burns his hand. The Neanderthals pick some of it up and brings it back to camp. Johnny finds pine resin and puts it by the fire after they struggled to keep there torches lit during the hunt. Then they went hunting again with the pine resin and were succcful in the hunt.

  34. Johnny was second guessing hisself if he could ever figure a way to communicate with them and if he could ever discover fire. Johnny found this stuff from a pine tree that was called resin and Munga would use it to glue the injury together. After Munga was done gluing the injury together she threw the stick in the fire. When the stick reached the bottom of the fire it started to on burn on the tip where the resin was, so Johnny grabbed the stick and realized he completed his task.

  35. They find otzi in the ice that is why they call him otzi the ice man.The neandal tred to get food to eat but their touches went out . So next time they used pine rence . They failed at getting the Irish elk .Because the touches went out and did not scare the elk. And one of the nandal got stepped on by the elk.

  36. Jonnys problem is: when they are hunting in the rain the fire in there touches go. So jonny finds a way to keep the fire going . Jonny grabs the stick the stick that Munga used to use as glue (and was actually)pine risin on it jonny realizes that is is staying lit!!! So then Jonny grabs the stick takes it into the rain and it still stays lit!!!So jonny try's to tell the Neanderthals that the stick is staying lit in the rain and the they finally get it.. They are so proud of jonny. And now that is how they hunt in the rain. And Jonny has finished his task.

  37. Johnny's task was in the Stone Age and his task was to help the Neanderthals hunting go well by making fire that dose not go out. While they were hunting he saw a tree that got split in half by a lightning bolt and there was a little piece of pine resin on a stick on fire. Then he brought it back to camp and showed every body that it did not go out. Then hunting was a success and he went to the next place.

  38. In the chapter "I Discover Fire" Jonney is presented with a task of showing the Neanderthals fire and how to improve fire. So they are walking to find some Irish Elks and a lightning strike hits a tree and the tribe goes to the tree and they find ambers for torches. Then they go to a cliff to kill the Irish Elk and there is a waterfall by it so there torches go out. the Irish Elk come running at them and Unga and Dunga got pierced by the Irish Elk's horns. They go back to camp and Jonney puts pine resin on the stick and drops it in the fire and it catches on fire super fast. Then the tribe puts pine resin on their torches. They go back to where the Irish Elks were and the successfully chased the Irish Elk off the cliff and Jonney got his 1/8 tokens for improving and discovering fire.

  39. Jonny will need to find golden coins in the Stone Age, ancient china, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. He want to do that because he feels guilty for killing the tiger in 6th grade. He has to compleat a certain task to get the gold coin. First he went to the Stone Age and he had to "discover fire". Jonny helped the neatherthals(people of the Stone Age) try to find stuff for the torches. Once he found the right one (pine resin) they ran the Irish elk of the cliff and the coin in a pile of bones.

  40. Johnny went through the portal and landed in some thorns and he sees the tribe. Then a tree gets struck by lightning. He tries to pick up the ash but it is to hot. Then they go hunting for some Irish elk. They chase the elk but their torches go out so they run from the elk. They get badly hurt and heal the scrapes with pine resin It stars on fire easy and Johnny picks up the stick that is on fire. He shows them that it starts on fire easy and compleats his task.

  41. Johnny goes in a portal at the zoo and he appears in the Stone Age!.He met a Neanderthal and went to his tribe they lit a torch and gave it to him then they went out hunting for the irish elk but when they got a lot of Irish elk gathered by a cliff there torches went out!.The Neanderthals and Johnny were now the hunted and 2 of the men got trampled and killed by the Irish elk .When munga -one of the Neanderthal's p.s a girl . Used some pine resin to heal a cut and when she was done using the stick with the pine resin on it she threw it. I to the fire and then Johnny took it out got munga s attention and they too saw that the fire was staying lit in the rain ! So they went hunting again and this time they got a lot of the Irish elk so they went back and they ate.

    Johnny went to the Stone Age to find the golden coin and the tiger he killed on 6th grade.

    THE END!

  42. In the chapter "I discover fire" Jonney help's Unga and Dunga get the tribe some fresh meat by helping them kill the Irish Elk. The first time they fail and Unga and dunga get hurt because the Irish elk hit them. But when they come back Uga tells Jonney to come with her. Jonney goes with her she show's him pine resin Jonney said it looked like syrup he would put on hi waffles but it had a bad taste to it. Munga said she puts it on wounds to heal the wound. They were siting in there hut and Munga threw the stick with pine resin on it in to the fire and it started on fire. Jonney tried to tell the other Neanderthals but they never caught on but Jonney sold up and waved in the air and also in the rain then they caught on. So they go at it again with the Irish elk and all of the elk fall off the cliff.

  43. 1)Johnny and the Neanderthals are getting to know each other.
    2)They decide to go hunting, so they do.
    3)Before they go hunting they have to light their torches then they can go.
    4)… when they come upon a Irish elk they run after it, then when their next to a cliff they wave their torches.
    5) Then their torches went out.
    6) At this point the elk are chasing then and 2 of the Neanderthals die. :'(
    7) when they head back munga heals unga with pine resin and when she's done she through it in the fire and the pine resin started on fir right away so Johnny tried to tell them but of course they didn't understand him.
    8) S he went outside with the pine risin on fire and waved it around, then they understood that was their problem.
    9) They lit their torches and chased the elk off the cliff so they were successful and Johnny got coin

  44. First he landed in the Stone Age.then he met the tribe and leader. They asked him to join them on the hunt. The strategy was chase the elk of a cliff and let gravity take over. The torches went out in the damp air so the elk chased them away and killed two of them. The elder was injured when they sew up the wound using pine resin she threw the stick in the fire. That is when Johnny saw it managed to show them, the next hunt was successful with resin, he found the coin in the brush by him.

  45. Johnny enters the Stone Age with a task. He soon figures out that the Neanderthals have problems hunting. Johnny then knew that his task was he had to help them improve the fire for torches that were used for hunting. Johnny notices when someone throws a stick of resin in a fire it immediately gos up in flames. Then he explained to the Neanderthals as best as he could that the resin could help them. The next hunt and all the following hunts were successful due to Johnny helping them. Johnny spots his gold Stone Age coin and completed his task.

  46. Well when Johnny was first there he fell in some bushes, and that was not really good. Then he met his group again, amd the went hunting. They chased the Irish Elk with torches. Just when they were about to kill it, the torches went out. Then the Irish Elk chased them killing 2 of them. So Munga (the healer). Was putting pine resin on a wound. The she threw the stick with resin on it in to the fire, it lit instantly. Then Johnny picked the stick up and showed the Neanderthals.

  47. Jonnys task in the Stone Age was to discover and improve fire. Jonny gets back to the camp and Munga was helping another Neanderthal .Then Munga threw the stick with resin on it into the fire and it lit up emidiatly . Then Jonny started going crazy vand waving his arms around and screaming. All the Neanderthalsthought he was going crazy. Then it started raining and he ran outside and held the stick up and the fire didn't go out. Then all the Neanderthals got what he was trying to tell them. Then he went tworads where he landed to get in the Stone Age that's where he got his gold coin.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............

  48. As soon as Johny went through the portal he knew that he was in the Stone Age. H e had a hunch that the first task was to discover fire so he went to look for a tribe. When he found one they were leaving to go hunting so he followed them.The tribe was hunting an Irish elk. They did that by chasing them off a cliff with torches.When they went to chase it off the cliff their torches went out in the damp air.That made it so the elk wasn't afraid anymore and it attacked.The tribe returned to the village with no meet and wounded men.Johnny learned that they used pine resin to close the wounds like glue. When they were don they would throw the stick into the fire.Johnny suddenly discovers the the resin fuels the fire so he grabs the stick.He tries to show the tribe but they'd couldn't understand.They finally understood when Johnny went out into the rain with the torch and it stayed lit.Then when they went hunting again they caught the elk and they fell off the cliff.Then Johnny sees a coin on the ground and he realizes he fined the first task and went off to a new ancient world.

  49. The chapter in Ancient Quest that we were reading I Discover Fire was about Jonny's task in the Stone Age. When Jonny arrived he saw a tribe and joined them. Later on they go hunting for Irish elk. When they found some they chased them towards a cliff with torches. The torches went out because the damp air and they were chased by the elk. Two of the tribe members were killed by the beast and the rest were injured. When they were all healed up one of the tribe members Munga threw a stick with pine resin in the fire and Johnny showed them that it won't go out. They went on the hunt again and succeed. When they got back Johnny found the coin for that age.

  50. In the chapter I Discover Fire there were some crazy and weird things that happened. The most important part of the story was was when Johnny helped the tribe figure out how to keep fire burning when they were in a damp area. This was a very helpful thing for the tribe because now when they hunt the can more than likely succeed every time. Now you know Johnny's task is to help them discover the torches to stay lit when in damp area. The golden coin appeared then he was gone like a flash.

  51. They discovered pine reason so that the fire wouldn't go out. Without pine reason the fire always went out because of the damp are so they would put the reason on the torches so they would stay lit and it would be easier for them to hunt the Irish elk. When he got the scroll he was supposed to teach the Neanderthals how to hunt.


  52. Johnny arrives at the Stone Age and immediately he sees a Neanderthal tribe. The tribe is getting ready for a hunt. Johnny comes with and chases the Irish elk to a cliff. The elk stops at the edge and right as they were ready to chase them off their torches blew out. Now the elk are no longer afraid so they chase them and kill two tribe members. When they get back they try closing someone's wound and when they're done they toss it in the fire. This is we're Johnny realizes that the pine resin is highly flammable. Johnny explains this to the tribe with all sorts of different motions, but they understand. The tribe and Johnny go and collect a bunch of pine resin. Then they get ready to hunt. They find the same elk and chase it off the cliff. The hunt was successful and Johnny gets his coin.

  53. Jonny has a task to survive the Stone Age.He finds his self by a lot of trees.He goes in them and fond him self near some neanderals and they saw him too. So they all walk to the neanderals camp site.On the way there a lighting hit a tree.Chollect the burned up bark for toches. Now ther at thier camp site.

  54. Johnny has to go to the Stone Age and complete a special task. So when he gets there he finds a group of Neanderthals.They take him hunting for Irish elk,but at the last second the torches go out.They get chased by a elk and two of them die. They get back and Johnny notices that pine resin is flammable .He shows them by waving the burning stick in the rain. He gets his coin and moves on to mestpataimia.

  55. Johnny has to go to the Stone Age and complete a special task. So when he gets there he finds a group of Neanderthals.They take him hunting for Irish elk,but at the last second the torches go out.They get chased by a elk and two of them die. They get back and Johnny notices that pine resin is flammable .He shows them by waving the burning stick in the rain. He gets his coin and moves on to mestpataimia.

  56. Johnny had just reached the Stone Age and was trying to figure out what he would have to accomplish while he was there. He Heard some grunting noises and was wondering what it was until he walked toward the grunting noise and saw tons of Neanderthals all grunting/talking to each other and were getting ready for a hunt. He didn't know how to ask them if he could go along with them on the hunt, so he just started grunting randomly and they understood and said yes. On their hunt it went so well untill there torches went out because of the damp air, so the Irish elk they were hunting started coming after them and killed two men and hurt others. Munga put pine risen on the cut of someone with a stick and through it in the fire and the stick started on fire right away. Johnny took the stick and started waveing it in the air and then went outside where it was raining and the torch kept on burning, they figured out what he was saying. Later, he found the gold coins and was off.

  57. Kobi terpstra period 6September 27, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    When Johnny first gets to the Stone Age he falls in a bush that has thorns. He decides he needs to go find a tribe and he does. They decide to go hunt Irish elk. They are going to chase them off a cliff. Their torches go out and two of them die. So the woman is healing them and uses pine resin. She throws the stick in the fire that she was using for the pine resin. The fire flares way up. Johnny notices this and tries to show them but they don't understand. So Johnny goes out in the pouring rain and the fire still burns. So they try it out on the next hunt and the torches don't go out and they succeed. Johnny finds the coin in a bush and advances to the next time period.

  58. In the story "I discover fire" Johnny has to discover and improve fire. How he does this is he sees the pine resin get thrown in the fire. Then he realizes that the fire gets bigger. He tries to tell the Neanderthals this but they can't understand him. He gets frustrated and he finds another way to show them. He grabs the fire with pine resin on it and goes into the rain waving around the torch.

  59. Jonny was beamed into the Stone Age, so he could save the tiger he killed in 6th grade or he would be stuck in the Stone Age forever. Then Jonny found the Neanderthals. He had a hard time communicating with them because they did not speak any English. Then a tree was struck with lighting, and hot bark fell of of it. The Neanderthals picked it up and used it to light torches. Jonny and the Neanderthals went hunting with the torches. They tried to chase these big animals known as the Irish Elk off the cliff with the torches but did not succeed, because the torches went out in the damp air. Jonny and the Neanderthals turned back, then Jonny discovered fire with pine resin.

  60. This is when Johnny falls out of the portal and meets the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals go on a hunt they start chasing the Irish elk of the cliff but just as they do that the torches burn out and two Neanderthals get hurt. The Neanderthals head back to camp then Johnny shows the Neanderthals the pine raisin. Then Johnny stands out in the rain to show the Neanderthals that the torch stays lit. The Neanderthals go on another hunt with the pine raisin on there torches they chase the elk a second time this time the torches don't go out the hunt is a success.

  61. First Johnny falls into another world and realizes it is the Stone Age. When he gets there he realizes that he is there to help the Neathanderals improve the way they use fire. He can't communicate the best with them so he has some trouble along the way. When they go hunting Johnny decides he wants to go with, they find an Irish Elk and start to chase it, but when they get to the cliff the torches slowly start to go out, when they do the Irish Elk start to chase them and 2 tribe members have been killed. When they get back Munga ( the girl Neathanderal ) patches their wounds by sticking it together with Pine Resin. She throws the stick with resin on it in the fire and the resin burns , Johnny grabs the stick in the fire and aves it around trying to show them what he realized and they don't get it so he runs out in the rain and the fire does not go out. The tribe realizes that Pine Resin could change their lives forever. They lather all the torches with resin and light them on fire. The tribe finds another Irish Elk and succeeds the hunt and has a feast for their achievement. After they go back Johnny finds his first golden coin. He conquered the Stone Age.

  62. Johnny has to save the tiger by getting eight golden coins. His first task is to improve and discover fire. When the neanderthals chase the Irish elk, the torches go out and the animals attack them. Johnny realizes that pine resin keeps the fire from going out in the damp air. He completes the task and moves on to his next world.

  63. There was a kid named Johnny Rotten. Here was a time traveler was WAS! In sixth grade he was going to a dance with a girl he liked. On his way in he saw a portal so he had to choose go to the dance with the girl he liked or go on a life life basking adventure so he choose. To go to the dance ever since that day he had never ever seen a portle . Now he is in the eighth grade and he still has not seen a portle his mom came in and said do you want to go to the zoo with me. He said no so his mom said I'm not going to leave you alone in tell you go with me some were ok. Do you want to go to the zoo with me mom for the one millonth time NO! So he disided to go but just for ten minutes no longer. Ok so they went to the zoo but the only thing that was cool was the tigers but they weren't doing any thing but one tiger was prancing around.

  64. Johnny goes to the Stone Age.He has a task he must do which is he needs to find a way to keep fire from going out in damp air.First he finds the Neanderthals.Then their is lightning and it stuck a near by tree and it burned it.One of the Neanderthals picked some of the burning peace of tree. Then they wheat back to the site got some wood and tied it together and put the cole in the tied up sticks then the fire started.

  65. Johnny landed in the Stone Age, he is trying to complete a task he dose not know. Johnny sees a group of Neanderthals and joins them. The Neanderthals were getting their torches ready for a hunt. So they begin to run after the Irish Elk until it stopped at the edge of the cliff. Suddenly all the torches started to go out. The Irish Elk had rage in his eyes, now the hunters were the hunted. So they ran as fast as they could away from the angry beast, but it kept on closing the gap between us. Luckily only two got killed by the beast, Johnny thought maybe my task is to help them improve their fire. All of a sudden Johnny is back at camp with the group and he sees them use pine resin and throw it in the fire he sees that it instantly sets on fire. He showed the group that it stays lit in the rain. So they go out on another hunt but this time the group was out for revenge so they chase the Elk to edge of the again were the fire didn't go out so the hunt was successful. They now have the secret to hunting that would help them hunt animals big or small.

  66. Johnny was at the spring fling with his girlfriend when the portal opened out of know where. He had to choose between the dance or the portal, but he chose he knew it would be his only chance to go to the dance with the girl of his dreams, so he chose the dance instead of the portal. After that he never saw the portal again.
    Then I think the day after that his mom came into his and said" Do you want to go to the zoo" and Johnny said"no".
    Then his mom said I will bother every 5 minutes of the weekend and he said"fine but only 10 minutes when they got there Johnny wanted to see the lions so they did and once they got to the loins Johnny saw 5 lions even though there was 4 lions.

  67. Johnny has a task in the Stone Age. Once he gets there he knew his task was to discover fire. So he goes to a tribe of Neanderthals and helps them kill some Irish elk. They would chase the Irish elk off the cliff. Well their first hunt didn't go so well, when they were at the cliff of a waterfall their torches went out. Johnny and the rest of the tribe started running away, two of the Neanderthals got killed but the Irish elk let the rest go. When they got back to the site they built a fire. One of the Neanderthals threw a piece of wood in the fire and the fire got even bigger but they didn't seem to notice. So Johnny grabbed the stick and waved it in the air like crazy. They still didn't notice but it started to rain so Johnny had an idea he stood in the rain waving the stick and pointing at the pine resin and they finally understood. On their 2nd hunt they killed a few Irish elk and had a big feast. Johnny Gould his coin and vanished.

  68. Johnny gets to his first world by going through a portal and falling on a bush into the stone age.He sees a tribe of Neanderthals and decides to stay with them for his journey.When he approaches the tribe they are eating an animal.once they notice him they stop for a second and one of them nodes at him accepting him.Once they are done eating they head back to the village.When they get there Johnny notices a woman and a child.The child's a was about 9and the woman was in her 20s.there were three other men .the older boys had to go out and hunt for the rest of the tribe. They grabbed torches and headed out to hunt an Irish elk .once they found the Irish elk they started chasing it but once they got close to the waterfall their torches went out and so the Irish elk started casing them.the elk killed two men and Johnny and the rest of the tribe made it back to the village. They started a fire and munga was trying to close a gash on one of the men shoulder with pine resin .When she was done with the stick she threw it into the fire and it ignited in flames .Johny noticed that and picked the stick up and tried to show Munga and the men. They didn't realize it so when it started raining Johnny stood out in the rain and they finally realized it .The next day the covered the torches in resin and cased all the elk off of the cliff.

  69. johnny's task is to show them how to make fire last he saw unga through the pine resin in the fire on the stick and the whole fire went higher so he toke it out and just the pine resin was burning so he new that it would last through a lot of things he put it in the rain it still did not go out and the damp air did not put the fire out to so he new that he had accomplished his task by helping the make fire last longer and it helps the tribe to chase the elk off the cliff so when they are running the fire does not go out and it will help them see better because the damp are wont make it go out.

  70. Johnny gets dropped in the Stone Age. After that he sees Neanderthals on a hunt. They chase a Irish elk until it goes near a waterfall. Then their torches go ou and the Irish elk kills Bunga & Dunga. On the way back from the unsuccessful hunt Johnny finds pine resin. He demonstrates to the Neanderthals how to use it and make fire better. Later they kill the Irish elk and Johnny gets his gold coin

  71. In the chapter I discover fire, Johnny's task is to help the Neanderthals discover fire. At first he has no clue how to do this task but later on we does accomplish this task. First he and the Neanderthals go and try to hunt the Irish elk, they do this by chasing them off the cliff with fire but the Neanderthals torches keep going out because of the damp air by the waterfall. The torches once again went out so the neanderthals and Johnny had nothing to defend themselves with so the Irish elk started coming after the Neanderthals. Two of them died but all the rest go back to safety. Johnny is still trying to figure out how to keep the fire going. While he is thinking one one the Neanderthals got some pine resin on a stick and threw it in the fire thinking it wou,d just start on fire the usual way. It's stick caught on fire like the blink of an eye though, Johnny took the stick out if the fire and waved the stick around, the fire didn't go out so he went in the rain and tried it out but against the fire didn't go out. Johnny showed the Neanderthals the fire and they went to try it with the Irish elk and sure enough it worked. Johnny got his gold coin and went on to the next world.

  72. Here is Johnny's goal.His goal is to help the Neanderthals to Improve fire so they can hunt elk for food.The way the first hunt goes is BAD.Two members of the group die.The way he discovers fire is when Munga throws the stick in the fire.Thats what's Johnny's goal was.


  73. When Johnny gets to the stone age, he meets the Neanderthals almost right away. He sees that they are beating on an animal and are eating its meat. When the Neanderthals and Johnny go hunting, their torches go out due you the damp air, as they are near a waterfall. When the torches go out, the Irish elk are no longer scared of them and start to chase them, killing two of the men from their tribe. As they eat the meat. The woman of the tried is fixing up the wounds on the men. Johnny has noticed that she is using pine resin. When she threw the stick with pine resin into the fire the flame went up immediately. Do to further observeing, he realizes that it is the resin making the fire last, and go up in flame. He tries telling them about it but gets frustrated and outbursts on them. After calming down, he then explains threw grunts and waves, how to keep the fire going. After he has done so, he then gets taken back from the portal and on to his next adventure.

  74. Johnny is on tahe stone Age. He needs to figureerib õlut his task. He finds a Tribe and Theybwelcome him in. They go hunting But there torches go out in tahe damp Air. He finds out that pine resin burns for a long time

  75. Johnny's first task is to help the Neanderthals discover and improve the fire they use to hunt the elk. When they go hunting for the elk the fire went out and the elk were chasing them. Dunga and Bunga got killed by the elk and Johnny was so grossed out! When they got back to the tribe Munga put some Pine Resin on Unga's big gash and then threw the stick with the resin on it into the fire and it lit up really fast. That's when Johnny knew that the pine resin was the key to keep the fire going. Johnny was so flustered when he didn't know how to explain to them that it was the pine resin that was the key to keep the fire to last longer! He waved it in the rain to show that it was the resin and then the Neanderthals knew and they were so happy, and then he knew it was time to go to his next task and suddenly a golden coin pooped out of nowhere

  76. Johnny goes to the Stone Age. He goes on a hunt for an Irish elk with the Neanderthals. They use their torches to chase him off the cliff, but the torches go out. Then the Irish elk starts chasing them, and two people die. The girl uses pine resin to help an injury from the hunt. When she throws it in the fire it catches on fire quick. Johnny sees it and takes another stick thing with pine resin. He lights it up and later waves in the air in the rain. The Neanderthals recognize the fire and are astonished. They try it out on a hunt and it works! They also got an Irish elk. After the hunt, he gets a gold coin.

  77. Johnny a needs to help the cavemen with how to keep fire going. They go into the wilderness and they fight the Irish elk. Their torches go out and they have to run. Two cavemen die by the Irish elk. They take them to their hut and put pine resin on the wounds. When they throw the stick with the resin on it Johnny realises that the stick lights on fire automatically. He shows them that it will work and that is how you get the fire to stay lit.

  78. Jonny lands on some thorny bushes when he arrived in the Stone Age.He found a tribe that was smashing a animal.Then he met the rest of the group.The men wet to go kill a Giant Irish Elk with torches.The fire went out when the were at the water fall.The elk chased them and killed 2 members of the tribe.Then Munga throws the pine resin on the stick and it starts burning.They chase the Irish Elk with the torches and they jump of a cliff.Jonny collected his first coin in the bushes.

  79. Johnny is transported to the Stone Age and finds a tribe gathered around a large beast. Once he joins them he goes back to their camp then goes on a hunt with them. Johnny's task is to help the tribe discover fire and improve it. They go on two hunts, on the first hunt the torches go out and the Irish elk kills two of the tribe members. When they get back to the camp one of the tribe members seals one of the wounds with pine resin. She throws the stick In the fire and it bursts into flames. Also Johnny sees this and holds it out in the rain for all of the people in the tribe to see. On the second hunt they put the pine resin on their torches and kill the beast. Them Johnny finds a gold coin under a bush. Johnny finished his task.

  80. When going to the tiger place at the zoo, Johnny finds Budda, and a portal appears! He goes in, and finds himself in the Stone Age. After being there a while, he and some Neanderthals go on a hunt for some Irish elk, but then the fires go out. :(. They return to camp, and two Neanderthals deaded, and the leader is hurt. The healer, Munga, heals him with pine resin and throws it into a fire, and it engulfs in flame instantly. Johnny freaks out and proves to the that fire lit it on fire. They chased the elk off a cliff, and Johnny finds the token. The end!

  81. Johnny had a task to discover fire, find the first gold, and save the tiger. His first stop was the Stone Age. He went to go find the tribe. When he found the tribe they went hunting. They found a tree that got struck by lighting then the light there torches. When they found the Irish Elk they started chasing it. When they got to the edge of the cliff the miost air burned out the torches. Two men died while they were running away. Johnny was in the shelter when a Neanderthal threw a stick that had sap on it it lite right up. Johnny knew sticks were not suppose to light up that fast. He picked up the the stick and tried to burn it out, but it wouldn't so he showed the tribe. When they went hunting again and when they got to the falls the torches did not burn out. They chased the Irish Elk off the cliff then Johnny found his first gold coin.

  82. Johnny had a task to discover fire, find the first gold, and save the tiger. His first stop was the Stone Age. He went to go find the tribe. When he found the tribe they went hunting. They found a tree that got struck by lighting then the light there torches. When they found the Irish Elk they started chasing it. When they got to the edge of the cliff the miost air burned out the torches. Two men died while they were running away. Johnny was in the shelter when a Neanderthal threw a stick that had sap on it it lite right up. Johnny knew sticks were not suppose to light up that fast. He picked up the the stick and tried to burn it out, but it wouldn't so he showed the tribe. When they went hunting again and when they got to the falls the torches did not burn out. They chased the Irish Elk off the cliff then Johnny found his first gold coin.

  83. I Discover Fire is about Johnny traveling back into the Stone Age. He meets up with a tribe and goes out hunting with the fire. The hunt wasn't successful and two others died. When they got to camp one of them helped the other heel with risen holding the skin together and when she was done she threw the stick in the fire. Johnny saw that it started a fire really fast. He shows the tribe and they gathered a lot of risen and lit it on fire and went after the hunt and cornered the Irish Elk and it was successful and got to eat that night.

  84. Jonny Rawten's task was to help improve fire. He had to try to figure out how to keep the fire going on the torch. He went on the first hunt with the tribe, and they were so close to chasing the Irish Elk off the cliff but the torch ran out in the damp air. The Irish Elk weren't scare of the them anymore so the big creatures stared to chase them though the woods, but in the end of that hunt 2 people got killed by the big creature. There were sitting by the fire and Munga threw a stick in the fire and Jonny noticed that the stick lit on fire instantly and sticks don't lit on fire like that. Then he grabbed the stick and he noticed there was pine resin on the stick and that's what made it lit on fire so fast. He stared yelling at the Neanderthals they didn't understand so he started waving it in the rain to show that the pine resin makes the fire stay on fire. Then they knew that they had to go on another hunt, so they found the same Irish Elk and started chasing him off the cliff and finally there hunt was completed and Jonny completed his task.

  85. My summary is this. Johnny and the group go hunting for Irish elk. They get it to the cliff when their fire goes out. Then bunga and ungainly died. Then Johnny showed them to use pine resin on their torches. Then they do it and kill the elk. The end

  86. Jhonny lands in the Stone Age and discovers that he has to teach the Neanderthals how to make lasting fire. So when he meets them they go on there first hunt and they have torches and are chasing the Irish elk and then the their torches go out and the elk chase them and kill two of the members. Now when they get back to there resting spot jhonny sees munga putting pine resin on ungas arm and then jhonny puts some pine resin on a torch and takes it outside and then they find out the fire doesn't go out so they go chase the Irish elk again and kill it and jhonny gets his gold coin.

  87. Johnny teleports to the Stone Age where he meets a friendly tribe. He follows the tribe back to their camp where they are getting ready to go hunting. They make some torches and head out into the woods where they fine a Irish elk they start to chase the elk near a water fall but the damp air puts out the torches. The Irish elk now furious attack them and kills two members of the tribe. The reaming cave men and Johnny he'd back to the camp where a female caveman patches them up. Johnny discovers that if you put resin on a stick then burn it you make fire that will last a long time and not go out in damp air. He shows the cavemen by standing in rain that fire doesn't go out then decide to try to go hunting again. They he'd to we're the Irish elk was then start to chase it near the waterfall. This time the torches did not go out and then chase the Irish elk of a cliff.

  88. Johnny fell into a bush.when he got up he saw a bunch of Neaderthals by a fire.he tried communicating with them. Then Johnny heard a big boom a tree just got struck by lightning and exploded in to millions of pieces.He picked it up but itburned his hands.Then the neaderthals picked it up and started to walk. Johnny thought they were going to hunt a deer. But instead it was a started raining and the torches went out. The elk charged for them and killed 2.Then Johnny saw pine resin on a stick and put it in the fire.It instantly went on fire.So Johnny held it in the rain it wouldn't burn out so the went to hunt the elk again and won

  89. He go to the Stone Age because he needs to save the tiger. When he get there the are eating meat. They go back to there camp and are getting ready to hunt the Irish elk. They found one and start to chase it off the cliff but then there fire is gone. So they run back and two people die. They go back to there camp and there is a fire then he realizes that the pine resion lights it really fast and doesn't go out. He goes out into the rain and shows them that that is the solution.

  90. He found a group of Neanderthals and they were surrounded the animal. They went back and on they're way back a tree got struck by lighting and gathered little pieces. They got back and hunted again this time for elk. They got to the edge of the edge cliff and torches went out. Their wre only two that got injured. The second time they went hunting this time with pine resin cause it can with stand rain they wre successful and he found his coin.

  91. He goes though the portal and gets hurt. He finds the tripe and meets them. They go hunting for a Irish elk. They find some of them and try to chaise them. But there torches go out and 2 Neanderthals get killed. Back at the tribe Jonny sees that the pine resine on the stick won't go out. He picks up the stick and waves it in the rain to show the Neanderthals. They go hunting agin and kill the elk and Jonny gets the coin.

  92. Johnny teleports to the Stone Age, once when he gets there he was in a Thorn bush. He sees a tribe and slowly approaches it, they were devouring a beast and Johnny was kind of disgusted because it was raw meat. Later on the tribe of neanderthals brought him back to camp, on the way lighting struck a tree and the Neanderthals jumped out of their wits. The names of the family that brought him to the camp was Munga, Bunga, Unga, Dunga, and there is one more I forgot the name of. Sooner or later they went hunting again because they saw a Irish Elk and lit torches and chased after it. They reached an opening and the air was damp and moist. Their torches started to go out and the elks eyes glared in fury and chased after them. Safely two of the Neanderthals died. When they got back to camp Johnny found pine resin and lit it on fire. It lit up right away, he was in shock he tried to show the Neanderthals but they couldn't understand so he waved it around and waved it in the rain and they finally understood. They lit their torches one last. Time and chased the elk. They reached the cliff again damp and moist air again. They were nervous. They srang Forward and the elk ran off and died. On there way back Johnny saw something in the bushes, it was a golden coin his first golden coin.

  93. Johnny is trying to to a task. He is supost to try to discover fire and get a gold coin to save the tiger.While on the hunt the fire goes out and two people get killed and johnny gets hurt in the leg.After they are done fixing up Johnnys leg the girl throws the stick with the pine reson in the fire and it started on fire right away. So he quickly grabbed it out and he accomplished his task. It even stayed lit in the pouring rain. Then Johnny found his gold coin in a bush and completed his task!

  94. Johnny rottenens task is to survive ,get 6 coins, and help improve fire. The first chapter is about Johnny going to the zoo. A the zoo he sees a tiger that turns human and starts talking to him. Chapter two is about him going to the Stone Age. O yeah I forgot the dance in the first chapter. This girl Finley likes Johnny so they go to the dance together but he sees a portle open up but he goas to the dance. Back to chapter two. He has to improve fire. So he sees this ladey throw a stick in the fire and it ingnights instantly.mso she shoas them the pine resean and that's how. So he pics up the stick and starts waving it around in the air and it won't go out. So now they can have secsesful hunts.

  95. Johnny rottenens task is to survive ,get 6 coins, and help improve fire. The first chapter is about Johnny going to the zoo. A the zoo he sees a tiger that turns human and starts talking to him. Chapter two is about him going to the Stone Age. O yeah I forgot the dance in the first chapter. This girl Finley likes Johnny so they go to the dance together but he sees a portle open up but he goas to the dance. Back to chapter two. He has to improve fire. So he sees this ladey throw a stick in the fire and it ingnights instantly.mso she shoas them the pine resean and that's how. So he pics up the stick and starts waving it around in the air and it won't go out. So now they can have secsesful hunts.

  96. Johnny rottenens task is to survive ,get 6 coins, and help improve fire. The first chapter is about Johnny going to the zoo. A the zoo he sees a tiger that turns human and starts talking to him. Chapter two is about him going to the Stone Age. O yeah I forgot the dance in the first chapter. This girl Finley likes Johnny so they go to the dance together but he sees a portle open up but he goas to the dance. Back to chapter two. He has to improve fire. So he sees this ladey throw a stick in the fire and it ingnights instantly.mso she shoas them the pine resean and that's how. So he pics up the stick and starts waving it around in the air and it won't go out. So now they can have secsesful hunts.

  97. Johnny goes into the portal and enters the Stone Age. He lands in a bush and hits his leg but he is ok. He finds a tribe of Neanderthals and they are eating the raw flesh of some kind of animal. They nod and grunt when they see Johnny which is kind if an acceptance. They go back to the tribe and are getting ready for a big hunt. They light their torches and go. Johnny and the tribe start running. Then they stop. They see a giant beast with antlers that are 10 feet wide. They chase the elk to a cliff and are about to get the kill. But their torches go out and the elk is mad . One Neanderthal says an English word: they do but they aren't fast enough. Two of the Neanderthals were killed. Once they are back to the tribe a girl Neanderthal patches up some wounds with something sticky. Johnny thinks it is syrup and licks it. It's not syrup. Once the girl is done with the stick she throws it into the fire and it immediately ignites. Johnny takes the burning stick out of the fire and starts waving it around and it doesn't go out the Neanderthals don't understand what he is trying to explain so Johnny goes out into the rain and waves it around and it doesn't go out. Now the Neanderthals understand and they go out on another hunt. This time it is successful. When they are going back Johnny finds his golden coin and completed the task.

  98. Johnny falls from the portal into a bush of thorns and berries. He finds a tribe of Neanderthals and they all go on a hunt for Irish elk, they would try to chase them off of a cliff. There torches burn out when they get to the falls and run for there lives while two members get killed.they go back to camp and the female patches them up, she throws a stick with un needed pine resin on it into the fire and it imidiatly ignited. Johnny notices that it sets on fire more quickly with the resin on it, so he tries to tell the Neanderthals but they don't understand. He runs out in the rain and starts waving it around like a crazy person to try to get them to understand. They finally understand and he finds his gold coin the next morning.

  99. Jonny goes back to the Stone Age to help the Neanderthals discover fire and improve how they use it. When jonny gets there he looks for a Neanderthals. He finds a group huddled around something. They go out hunting for Irish elk with torches. The torches go out when they get to the cliff. The Irish elk chase them and kills two Neanderthals. Munga uses pine resin to close the gash on Ungas arm. It gets thrown into the fire and immediately starts on fire. Jonny waves it around. They went on a second hunt and it was successful. Jonny got his golden coin.

  100. I discover fire is about Jonny went through a portal and he hit the ground hard. He found a tribe and they were eating a animal raw. It got dark and when they were walking home a lightning bolt hit a tree and there was red pieces of wood on the ground. They brought them to there home and went out for a hunt cause the rest of the tribe still had to eat. When they cornerd the Irish elk there torches went out because of the damp air. Two people died and the rest were skrached up. The girl that was healing the people through a pine resin stick into the fire and it caught on fire quickly. Jonny got it out of the fire and went out side with it and it didn't go out. They went on the hunt again and got the same animal but there torches didn't go out so the animal jumped off the cliff.

  101. I discover fire is about jonny discovering fire . He finds a Tibe and he has no way to talk to them because all they do is shack their head and groan .but he goes on a hunt with the tribe they fail the first time because the fire went out. They ran because the elk where not scared any more . So they ran and one of the tribe member get killed and one is injured . So they go back and the woman help him . The pine resin she used work . We were galed around the fire when she puts the pine resin stick in the fire and the fire gets bigger so He try to talk to the tribe and they can't understand him . Then its start to rain and the fire on the stick does not go out. and that how he discover fire

  102. First Johnny is sent in to the Stone Age. Then he finds a Neanderthal tribe eating an animal viciously. He quickly joins the group and their camp. A couple hours after they are done eating the tribe leader decides that they are going to go hunting. One person in the tribe goes and gets hot ashes from a tree that was struck by lightning. That member of the group comes back and everyone else gets a torch. They light it on fire with the hot ashes. Then they start running very fast, long, and silent so the Giant Irish Elk doesn't hear them. Soon after they find a Giant Irish Elk and begin chasing after it. Then when they get to the cliff the torches go out. Now the hunters have become the hunted. The leader says run and they all take off very quick. Two of the members of the tribe have been killed by the Giant Irish Elk. When they get to camp no one cares that anyone has died. Some have been injured so one goes by a tree and gets pine resin from a tree. When that person is done she puts the stick with resin on it in the fire. Johnny noticed that the resin caught on fire very quickly. He wants to tell the others but he can't. Then he takes two of the tribe members and waves the stick very quickly. They don't notice anything and he even tells them in English but they don't understand. So then he goes out in the pouring rain and waves the stick very quickly. Then they notice and they are very surprised. The next morning they all go hunting again and they find another Giant Irish Elk. This time they use the resin for their torches. They begin chasing it down and when the get to the cliff they're nervous the torches are gonna go out. Finally the elk falls off the cliff and they people at the bottom get it. When Johnny is walking he sees something in the bush its the golden coin. Johnny has completed his task and is gonna move on to another ancient world.

  103. He needs to know how to keep the fire going in damp air Johnny discovers pine resin is a insta fuel for fire and when it was raining he waved it outside of the tent trying to convince 2 Neanderthals they seen what he meant when on the 2nd day of the hunt it was a success

  104. He needs to know how to keep the fire going in damp air Johnny discovers pine resin is a insta fuel for fire and when it was raining he waved it outside of the tent trying to convince 2 Neanderthals they seen what he meant when on the 2nd day of the hunt it was a success

  105. I Discover Fire is about a boy named Jonny that went back to the Stone Age to complete a special task to save the tiger.When he got there he saw a big gathering around a giant uncooked bison.When he walked in to the circle the Neanderthals gave him a grunt and a head nod.wich meant that they accepted him into their group.They decided to go hunting ,but there fire went out the first time and two Neanderthals died . When he saw the girl Neanderthal use what's called pine resin to heal the wounds Jonny found out that it would keep the fire going.

  106. Jonny landed on thorns then he found neandthals and the grunted and noded so he went with them and then the heard a loud crash and we picked up bark and stared walking again then they go hunting and then a Irish elk and killed them and one was healing the other and tour the stick with pine resent on it and would not go out then they killed Irish elk and jonny got a coin

  107. jhonnies task was to help the neanderthals discover and use the fire. Jhonny go dropped down into the stone age when he was there he found a group of neanderthals. They were just getting ready to go hunting when jhonny came. Then all of a sudden a sudden burst of lightning hit a tree and they found a stick on fire. Then they used it to light torches and they went hunting. They found some Irish elk and started to chase after them they got to a cliff and there torches went out. When they got back to camp they had to guyes dead and a few ingerd. Them when they were fixing up the people the women threw the stick coverd in reasin and it instantly burnt that is how they figured out!!!!!!!!


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