
Friday, September 27, 2013

Introducing the one and only "Blueman"

I would like you to meet the Blueman. He is an awkward, crabby, not so smart friend of mine. He has a lot of problems with his "Frenemy" (friend/enemy) Mustache. These two guys always seem to be arguing about something. Blueman, though he doesn't know it, helps us learn about a variety of things when it comes to the ancient world. Can you pick out the Stone Age information from this comic? Enjoy getting to know the Blueman, but be careful, don't get on his bad side!


  1. Mustach doesn't have a beard ( look at him)

  2. Oh and obviously he's a nerd not a Neanderthal blue an is the neanderthal

  3. There was whole bunch of Neanderthals and they were hunting the Irish elk off the cliff for food.there was a water fall there an they tried to keep the torches on but the damp wind blew them out so they were ruining as fast as they could but to of they Neanderthals got hurt so the girl got pine resin and put it on them so where they got hurt would go away so the girl puts the stick with pine resin on it and Johnny saw that it stared on fire so he showed them that its on fire

  4. The chapter starts by Johnny entering the Stone Age. When he gets up he sees a fire in the distance. When he arrives at the fire, he finds that some Neanderthals are having a delicious meal of raw meat. Then they go out to hunt more elk. They find a herd of 4 elk and start to hunt them with torches. When they get to the cliff their torches go out and the elk start to chase them and they kill two tribe members in their revenge. When they are back at camp one of the woman throws a stick with pine resin on it and it ignites with flames immediately. Johnny sees this and tries to tell the others but they did not understand him, but they did when he went out with the torch in the rain. The Neanderthals saw this and quickly started their next hunt. While on the hunt, they chase the same elk as before right off the cliff so they were successful in the hunt and Johnny found his gold coin in a bush on the way back so his time was over in the Stone Age.

  5. Johnny raw ton wakes up in thee wilderness all alone and lyes there for a little bit. So then he finds a tribe of Neanderthals. And finds them tearing apart and eating an animal. S he hunts with the tribe and they find what there looking for a Irish Elk but there torches go out to guys get killed they go back manga uses pine resin throws it in the fire it starts to rain it is still lit waves it in there face they understand he gets his coin.

  6. Johnny rawten has a task in the Stone Age. That task is he needs to improve the use of fire. Johnny meets the tribe he will be spending all his time with until he completes his task. Johnny goes out on his first hunt with the tribe. They are hunting Irish elk the method is to chase the elk off the cliff with torches the problem is that the torches go out early. Ad the elk do not get killed Johnny needs to find out a way to stop it and keep the fire going until the kill (s) are made. So the tribe along tribe along with Johnny are walking through the forest and they find the elk and the chase is on the tribe needs to do this quickly before the torches go out but it is to late the fire disappears and the only thing those giant elk were afraid of was that fire and it was gone. The tribe was in BIG trouble. The hunters soon became the hunted. The elk were a lot faster than the tribe two of the members were killed one got split through the chest and the other was thrown to his death. Soon the elk turned back and left. Johnny and one of the members of the tribe had very bad foot scraps and cuts. The member of the tribe had a big gash in his left bicep the women of the tribe put pine resin on a stick and closed the gash then she threw the stick in the fire. It was instantly aflame. That was it! Johnny found what keeps the fire going. PINE RESIN! Johnny waved the stick in the rain to show the tribe what he had dicovered his task was complete.

  7. Johnny's task in the Stone Age is to discover fire. He needs to improve it. First he finds himself watching Neanderthals ripping raw flesh off of animals. When they are. Done , sense they eat so much food, it Was time to hunt for the Irish elk. When they found the elk they tried to chase it off the cliff but that failed because the torches went out in the damp air. They started running back and two Neanderthals died. Another Neanderthal used pine resin to close the wounds. Johnny then discovered that resin would help torches stay lit while hunting the elk in the damp air while it was raining. He couldn't communicate with them so he figured if he waved it in the rain to show them it would stay lit they could go hunt again and that's just what they did. After that Johnny found the golden coin inside of a bush.


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