
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade

Water for Sixth Grade is a Three Headed Monster: Thinking, Reading, Writing. Water for Sixth Grade is your most important site for 6th grade social studies. Not facebook, not youtube, not poptropica and not google. It is Water for Sixth Grade (WSG). I created this site four years ago and it has continued to grow and improve since. It has become a very powerful and helpful website for my social studies students. This website will help you to create, share, review, learn, interact and improve your computer skills. This site will contain everything we do in class such as assignments, activities, and review tools. Miss something becuase you were gone from school? Find it on WSG. Went to fast in class? Use WSG to get caught up. You will all become Water for Sixth Grade experts soon, but before that can happen, we need to learn all about it. 
**Click HERE for some WSG Statistics
**Click HERE for your Task List 
**Click HERE for examples of WSG activities
**Click HERE for the Ancient World Highlights Prezi 
**Click HERE for YouTube video on how to use WSG
**Click HERE for Prezi on how to use WSG

Practice Post Writing Prompt:
1. Where did you go to Elementary school? 
2. Who was your favorite elementary teacher? Why? 
3. What is the thing you will remember MOST from elementary school? 
4. What was the #1 highlight of your summer?


  1. middle school is not as hard as I thought

  2. Izzy gets mad is sooooo funny!!!!


Sign your name: (class period) (group name) (First name)
Thank you.