
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to the Ancient Civilization Experience

August 20th, 2012: the first day of middle school. For 45 minutes each day, you will be with me, Mr. Klumper, in social studies. In 6th grade, we learn about the Ancient World. I am willing to bet that most of you do not know that much about the ancient world. Well, that shall change. I was never that interested in ancient civilizations. That is, until I started learning about them. I think it is so fascinating to learn about the ancient past. To see where this world came from, to discover new and exciting things about past cultures. So many crazy and unbelievable things happened in the ancient world and I can not wait to share them with you. So, for 45 minutes per day, for 174 days, we will be experienceing the ancient world together. Learning from one another, sharing with one another. Here are the 8 ancient worlds we will be learning about: (in this order) Stone Age, Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the Medieval Times. We will be learning about the ancient world in a variety of ways: Water for Sixth Grade, BlueMan, Johnny Rawten, Ancient Quest, projects, simulations, reading, writing, speaking, creating and a LOT of technology. 
To go along with our ancient civilization learning, we will also be doing the Wax Museum. This will be the fourth year in which the Wax Museum has taken place at BVMS and I am excited to see what we come up with. This will be the one lasting memory you will have of your time in middle school. You will never, ever forget the Wax Museum. 
Finally, I say Welcome! I am looking forward to getting to know you and helping you reach your full potential. 
-Mr. Klumper
Water for Sixth Grade President


  1. Type in this box....

  2. Mr.Klumper are us 7th graders alowwwed to comment on wsg?

  3. That sounds fun and very fun.


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